We Built Water Cranes to Haul Sunken Treasure! - Scrap Mechanic Multiplayer Monday

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welcome ladies and gentlemen back to multiplayer monday and today we are going treasure hunting in the ocean yep you may notice if you look down if you look down below the surface oh what was just going after the treasure boom boy you got to use a crane you got to use a crate you can't lift it this is so heavy you're not going to have no way you're going to be able to lift this actually well i mean the water does make it a little bit less buoyant that's for sure i mean a little bit less heavy but no we're gonna have to build cranes in order to lift these things and you're gonna have to carry them back to your uh pen your i don't know is it a pen what do we call this it's a chest holding area yeah the chest holding facility the treasure very exciting facility so we're gonna have 10 minutes just 10 minutes to get as many chests as we want and there are a lot of chess if you just look underwater there's like there's got to be at least five down here so we should have a pretty good time trying to get a lot of treasure yeah if you can if you can even find them yeah good luck it's hidden treasure very hidden uh yeah so we're gonna have 15 minutes to build um no glitches uh you have to use obviously some type of crane mechanism to pick it up and you can once you bring it back to shore your crane has to be touching the shoreline then you can use your lift to carry the chest off of your boat or crane or whatever into your pen all right guys we got roughly 15 minutes on the clock maybe i don't know just just build a barge all right three two one go just do it do it build [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's see your treasure hunting train boats of all right sounds good i guess i'll just spawn it in the water here all right here we go this is so messy oh my god this is so messy number one why is this so big this looks like yours car you did you what yeah how big did you make yours mine is not this i thought mine was big but not anymore not this big no awesome it's quite nimble though look at this i can i can like really i can go quick though you know like i'm fast grab that grab that chest there bud grab this where is it i don't know one of those grab a chest okay show us okay yeah all right let's see here there's a chest right in front of me here okay so i'll just yeah this thing is so big [Music] okay no hold on here hold on uh we're gonna open up okay we're gonna drop it down okay oh my god we're gonna close it in oh uh oh are you close oh i think you're caught on the ground yeah you got some technical oh wait no but there we go oh whoa oh oh oh gonna get it you can lift it up and catch it there we go okay okay it's tricky it's tricky but so i grab it and then i can uh i can extend these all the way out to the front here like this okay drop it in that's sick and then i can just like bring this back in and uh and then just go for another one you know and just kind of keep on piling up the chest all right and then back interesting yeah your method isn't that much different than mine you just did it much bigger check this out too i even have these walking platforms on the side here so i can walk along the edge okay everything's accounted for um this is mine mine's a little bit smaller oh wait okay oh yeah that's the same idea wait you're you're your whole thing i'm stuck in your house jesus don't want to be pinned under water all right so anyway yeah i got my i have my seat um the whole the whole thing moves right just yes oh my god all the directional i got scraping as well yeah all the yeah that directions and the straping and then i don't oh i uh i need to find a chest i need to actually get rid of the hud to find a chest terrible so then i just go like this and then i deploy down oh there it goes and then i go forward oh you grab it the long way yeah well how else are you gonna grab this the short way i grab it anyway yeah i i have to grab mine the short way all right and then we do this and then i go like this oh oh i see how interesting i grab onto the the little handles yeah i actually grab it like a chest and then you pick yeah and then just like mumbo i have the the things little cargo area back a little cargo area just slide it into the back there and then i'm just going to drop it off oh yeah drop her down drop her in okay press it in and then grab another one and then grab another one that's that's it okay it's a little smaller than boom bows but same idea yeah same idea you got i can't believe you built like mumbo you built like an excavator it is so massive imagine just making a net and picking up all the chests yeah you know literally dredging this floor all right uh oh oh this one's pretty this is pretty this is relatively large yeah i mean yours just it just looks so massive like above the water mine has a large base yours has a large everything else yeah like what i just meant like but like look at what's above the water it's just not a lot of real estate above the water you know compared to your guys all right let's see uh so i got a chest over here pressure clamp them uh yep all right so i got this little strafing too i also i have this but um i don't think i need to use it because i can just do this wow so i i really don't which is just as easy yeah the fact that you're pressing where is the treasure chest oh there we go all right i guess i can um well that's fine i can just do this all right i do oh wrong button oh whoa got to clamp it first bring it up all right i'll wait for you guys wait for you guys to get up yeah and then i go ahead and push it forward yeah and then i can undo it and then if i want to push it forward more i could just you know give it a little bit of a nudge and then i can go back to another one yep and just just use your hammer yeah then i can go ahead and take it back to the show hey wait a minute where's the treasure chest i don't know what happened to it i feel like we're going to kill the frames yeah i am uh yes and their whole boats explode and all they can wait to yeah all right let's do this i'm excited all right guys we're gonna have 10 minutes to pick up our chest starting in three two one go okay all right i gotta remember how to even control everything which one let me take this one all right zoom out okay all right i feel like i should have i should have zoomed out a little bit with my field of view but all right yeah you think so it's so hard to see clamp that clamp it up we go oh scrapbook's already got one in too i'm not i'm not happy with that all right let's go ahead and get ourselves another chest i hope mine doesn't fall off as i'm like driving around here we go i don't [Music] got a system here it is very hard to spot them and then i have to like deploy my crane and still light it up after the fact like it's okay that's tough scrap man's oh my god i got two he's got two really oh he's looking up he's dredging he's just leaving hey that was my secret i wasn't going to let you guys know in the testing period um i have to go back to shore i think i do after three i think three is my limit did you drop one i thought it dropped one game no it got stuck in my crate all right i'm just gonna leave that there stuck like glitched into the crate here we go so it was it was caught on my crane i couldn't actually do it man that sucks i'm just gonna i can only carry three three seems to be my limit when it comes to how they're lining up okay mine just got glitched in the crane so i got i got shafted that was like unfortunate all right and one that sucks so much okay i think i got another one no i dropped here all right oh my goodness i have to change my field of view though i can hardly see the chests let's just go to 90 or 85 this should be better oh wow the weight i'm sinking with two of them are you ready you're sinking i'm going through the car that's actually kind of awesome [Music] oh your arms are freaking out oh no i'm pulling this one oh no i lost one i'm sinking with two that is kind of hilarious that's hilarious that's insane look at this one i'm getting i dropped her this i'm getting this one is this one you dropped no this one is the one something okay dude i dropped it because my stupid crane aren't glitching and then it unbleached and shot the chest off that was so it was so shenanigans okay wow that was ridiculous [Music] i'm feeling good about i like mine this is fun guys this is actually really funny like it's like my buoyancy is so perfect that i'm like floating underwater now if you uh if you're like as close to shore as you can you can unload though with your lift no i did that it's just like for some reason it wasn't letting like it wasn't floating back up to the surface i got three now scrap man's just got to screw up if he keeps going flawlessly we're basically just oh no no i almost dropped one i'm just going to keep that there head on back just drop them scrap man that's fine i'm good with not doing that oh no it's slowly moving back towards the hole as i go oh man this is unreal all right there we go i really thought i was going to be able to get more than like two you know before you sank yeah yeah i can only fit three but yeah three's my limit too i float like it's not i just run out of space so i don't know all right back up [Music] that's the loading up treasure there's an upside down trailer just over here somebody dropped this that might have been yeah that was going to probably be i think don't worry i'll i'll get it for you you're you're welcome you're welcome oh it barely fit on there i want to pick up another one but apparently that's a bad idea one at a time one at a time oh man having the chest on me affects my strafing isn't isn't symmetrical when the weights on your on my barge true true my chest kind of weighed out the back of my barge and not so much the front so i didn't really think that one through too well there we go perfect oh not that button oh come on how is it not grabbing oh god [Music] line up i am this is actually like the best mini game this is really fun it's actually the best it's so like i'm not saying much because i'm just trying to concentrate yeah it's like it's so fun it's so good oh i got on my seat accidentally um oh boy i gotta i gotta wait for mumbo it's getting laggy now mine are like it's getting laggy all of a sudden yeah i'm very concerned i'm just bringing it in here all right come on oh frames are dropping now oh boy i think we all have chests oh there we go it's coming back yeah yeah leave some space boys coming right in the middle leave the space all right we'll be good we'll be good lubo's boat is is half suffering um yeah it's quite sinky yeah it seems to sink a lot here we go look at this there we go all right back out to sea man how many do you have scrap man i don't know how many yeah i have not been counting no hey no don't touch them don't touch them he has a big county move oh really that's on you then if you're not i had 15. if i have any less than 15. wait you had i'm just saying in a high number just so i can blame you guys for taking them oh yeah he's got he's got a lot he's got more than i want to talk about [Music] i got a system now i'm feeling really good about like my controls i'm used to my controls and everything yeah that's not good i'm i'm like i'm pretty decent scrambling is just so fast because he just doesn't have to light it up as precisely he just grabs it wherever and boom yeah i just got to make sure i'm approaching it the long way as long as i'm approaching it the long way i'm good yeah i have to like but the strafing really helps to make sure that the uh well the straping helps for sure but i still have to line it up like perfectly with the handles you know i'm done all right you know what i'm gonna go i'm gonna attempt a fourth one for the first time i don't know if i'm i might push i might push one of my other ones off doing this but i just kind of want to see i feel like i'm getting better and better here i feel like i am too but there we go oh no no i knocked the chest over no stay up stab chest there's another check there is not a chest on the way back i'm gonna try something that's probably not gonna work here i don't know this one's sketchy it's not exactly held on properly oh like he falls as it comes out of the water oh god it's stuck in the thing again all right i got two now oh my goodness oh my goodness that might be me i i have five chests on me right now definitely i got one stuck in my crate armor again oh bring it back that's it's glitched in oh boy last time i lost it but this i think i'll keep it this time all right i am so happy with my creation right now oh it is so laggy can we just can we just like full out pirate scratch or shoot cannons at them at this point i think so hey hey hey hey hey are we allowed to play now oh boy i feel like putting all these chests close together is it's going to get increasingly more difficult like weld them or something but wow this might be a bit of a problem i'm trying to keep i'm trying to keep as much space between them as i can but i just have so many guys like it's so hard let's just start welding them just walked your chest all right weld them to the walls and stuff i'll i'll well i'll deal with mine you don't wait um where's my tools okay i just saw you look into my garage oh i'm i'm not stealing your chest wait i can't oh you got to weld them from the top yeah pretty much okay all right i've just welded all my chests i just fixed it i think yeah i think it was moving it was one of my chests oh all right yeah there we go all right good thoughts wow scrap man where am i going rich pirate i've been playing sea of thieves lately i just have all the practice you know oh yeah yeah it translates oh you're going after the oh okay okay i'm going after this one after this one how much time is left anyway um oh time's up literally right when you said that time is up i was like wait a minute why does it say zero all right count them all up six for mumbo oh my god just sail out to seas oh my god no it's so heavy i can't eat i can't i'm so happy oh no all right i'm going i'm going i'm going oh he's going after you guys oh no oh wow wait why is he after us wait i'm gonna see if i can grab them yes yeah they'll be here we go we're we're trolling for bots now here we go there you go just uh oh he's shooting i'm just gonna just gonna grab him right here and smash them with a hammer from our bows no yeah leave us some suggestions if you have any other ideas for future multiplayer mondays and we'll see you guys in the next video [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: ScrapMan
Views: 149,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrapman, scrap mechanic gameplay, scrap mechanic funny, scrap mechanic creations, scrap mechanic best builds, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic lets play, scrap mechanic game, best scrap mechanic creations, mechanic simulator, scrap mechanic challenge, physics sandbox games, sandbox building games, scrap mechanic destruction, scrap mechanic boat, scrap mechanic crane, scrap mechanic water, scrap mechanic water crane, sea crane, sunken treasure, treasure hunt
Id: g-pXqKZzqEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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