I Built a Perfectly Invisible Maze to Troll my Friends!

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what's up guys my name is khan and we're back today with more multiplayer scrap mechanic and today we're back visiting the maze challenge and i felt a really sick maze this time we did spend some time building the mazes before just so we didn't have to wait for each other to finish and i built a wicked invisible maze and then of course we're gonna challenge these two clouds to see who can do it the fastest each of you can take a step up the platform and stand in front of the red door oh it's glass just a freaking glass maze man you may notice that there are green arrows flipping around at the end there where oh yeah and yeah so your goal is to get through that green door you can see it right at the end and um those green arrows actually tell you how to get there but they won't tell you how to get there until you flip the three switches that you see hidden throughout the maze in front of you all right here we go in three two one go okay we're just obviously just go straight for the green door right like is that not wait wait a minute wait a minute oh there is oh this sucks so much you can't see i purposely made it look like the three the green door is very accessible from the start but you know they know the thing with scrap mechanic where like when you look through glass the other glass becomes invisible that's such a i can't even see like where you get like i can't even see the hallways that you guys are in it just looks like you guys are just in open space and what it didn't even look like i don't understand what that switch does i'm seeing like okay are these just more of what i know what i feel like last time i did a maze challenge my entire comment section got really mad at me for not doing the maze trick so i'm going to do the maze trick here we go all right the maze i don't know it's definitely not going to work with this maze yeah i know because if you have any internal walls that have like a an oval with an internal wall doing the maze trick you'll get stuck on that uh it's not even that there's internal walls but there's there's a yeah there's a second floor yeah there's a second floor so there's ups and downs as well oh i found the center i'll tell you that much wait oh what i thought i was gonna get the switch there no way clearly it's up here this is oh no i feel like i was here before wasn't i i can't tell this trick anyway just because nothing people can't get mad at me like i'm trying the maze trick yeah okay it is definitely extremely disorienting with the uh the no okay here we go i didn't come up this way that's a different way down interesting oh khan got a switch apparently yeah i got one switch right away but like i don't know oh no i'm stuck in a loop see the maze trick take it and the mace trick giveth and yeah see it doesn't work i was following all the right walls but it doesn't work that way people think it i'm gonna bring one thing to your attention um the colors of the switches there's the pink one there's a blue one and there's a yellow one and that finally leads to the green one at the end i'm just gonna bring that just gonna bring that up just in case that sounds oh okay for you guys i feel like this would have been hard if it was a single level let alone two minutes oh moonbow got one i got one is this there are three switches there are there are three switches that uh that lead you to the final switch which is the last one oh at the door okay let's see that's the loop the final switch just opens the door like it's just right at the door oh i see okay i understand yeah it's the exit i went up oh that's back to here oh back to sleep oh man the visuals are so up this way all right well you've both gotten which is what is technically the first switch that i'm yeah i kind of went past that switch there's like no there's nothing that like opens up or anything it's just a lot of details nope yep there's no moving other than the arrows there's this is one of those mazes that small children would cry that they did wait what all right i'm gonna oh did you find another one i did but like i don't the arrows are still going nuts there's a yep uh you need you need to get all three all three of the uh the switches and then that unlocks the uh the final thing i will give you a hint that uh sometimes it is i mean it might be hard now but sometimes resetting yourself at the beginning could could be useful it's a useful trick is it yep there may be uh there may be other hands that you guys have not figured out yet okay oh no i'm in a loop again i think i haven't gone oh that's interesting hmm something's interesting for khan here i know i thought something was interesting too but i'm just going into the loop again it's not interesting at all yeah you know i gotta most of the time of building this maze was spent making all of the non-correct pathways as confusing i love that i love i love how you really try to make it as confusing as possible it's great like an invisible like well not even invisible a glass maze wasn't hard enough right yeah i'm gonna give you guys a major hint here since you've both gotten uh one or two switches oh wait did khan get off no he got two uh if you go back to the beginning there were arrows at the opening and they will give you further hints uh if you've gotten the appropriate switch oh i see his arrows are going to line up and be like go this way this way this way this way this way this way this way the pink switch will activate a hint to the next switch but um mumbo's finding out uh it was a little bit of an incomplete hint just uh some of that that's not quite where i'm supposed to be right now yeah you're going to may have noticed that the last the last hint was a little bit wobbly it wasn't exactly active oh wait did cotton made it what no i i activated the green switch there's like a hole in the wall here oh you're not supposed to be a hole i'll turn that off was there not supposed like i did that when i was testing the ending i had to reach it from the outside and i totally forgot to fill it back in that's my bad oh okay well there's a hole there so i made it false wind but i think i'm gonna make it yeah we got here right wait this one's like wiggle i think it's supposed to chill i'm close i can feel it yeah mumbo's looking at the hints to try to get to the next switch oops oh oh is cotton close oh yeah oh yeah let's go i didn't even do all the hits oh no way i was close all right shut up shut up alrighty gents if i can have your attention oh hello one person you might have to use your lift uh get up onto the blue platform one on each side of where i am yeah one on each side there you go get on it okay all right we got some rules please no jumping uh no jumping from pillar to pillar you can run but sometimes if you run and you get on top of one of those white pillars like you know don't don't run don't don't do that get off the pillar um and then you have to make it to the green platform on the other side okay without the alarm going off the alarm if you do set off the alarm the two green buttons behind you will reset the alarm oh okay do not use your spud gun to shoot the green buttons from a distance you have to come back and press the green button uh other than that you can use you know your your uh your paint tool if you really feel like it that's the only tool i think that's applied everything in the in the maze is unpainted so you could use your paint tool because otherwise like good luck memory would be a little bit interesting yeah so that's pretty much it you gotta get from one end to the other without the alarm going off so if you're standing on the green platform and the alarm sets off all the lights as well as a very wonderful sound so as long as you can uh you know get to the other end without setting up the alarm that's it good luck all right you guys ready i'm gonna do it first try first try right now okay go for it all right three two one go good first try both of you perfect first chart okay okay not that one oh my oh second try okay all right there we go okay oh oh dang it this is gonna be annoying it's gonna be so annoying so i did i did the math it's like 200 something individual lines in between all the different pillars yeah let me just go this way no it's interesting you guys are going to be that way going about a different a different uh method here is there multiple paths no there's only one path to the end but there's like obviously lots of dead ends stuff like that you're normal are there multiple starting paths of course what kind of a maze do you think this is no this might not even be right oh my god that's crazy wait that me i'm scared now too then yeah that's not good oh my goodness okay that means anything now all right there we go maybe i i don't know maybe i should have been marking the where the walls are too i don't know ah i i don't know i don't know how to i don't know how to do this wait what that's not it oh booboo made a mistake uh oh i made a mistake well i mean isn't that like the default of this yeah well he made he marked an area that's not uh that wasn't uh oh okay i'm like how do you not like i thought it was i did not make a mistake no way okay i gotta keep checking if that's my alarm going off i know if they were two different sounds it might be a little easier why i made this i made it once and duplicated it yeah that's my my bad i should have oh wait what i just accidentally set off the alarm oh that was you oh i thought that was me i think i got it right then yeah just check the red lights if your red lights are off you're still going oh true true that's right there all the red lights yeah remember that okay no no okay scrap man's like further ahead but i don't know if that really matters he's closer to the green or not but like yeah but like i could have just been on the wrong path from the beginning and who even knows right all right straight didn't work okay okay [Music] remember once you set off your alarm too it really doesn't matter how you like you don't have to run back you can run straight back straight back anyways you want to it's not like the alarm is going to turn off again once again oh no oh no oh no you find a dead end scrubbing yeah i'm gonna die wow that sucks khan do you remember the path mentally like can you kind of like to an extent yeah i remember no way i feel like i've tried did i i can't i don't know if that's a dead end or not i got to pay attention now all right i'm switching up my strategy here i just realized i should i didn't i because when i originally made this um it's actually customizable you can i can upload this the workshop which i will do and people could change the path themselves so when i made it i drew out the whole maze and then underneath you can customize it to change what the path is and then i deleted all my paint so i should have kept a version with my paint to show what the path was no way but i'll have to i'll have to do that whatever you guys will eventually figure that out i still don't know back all right i feel like if i started right or not i could like a starting path could just be a straight up dead end right away that is a dead end yeah i've switched my strategy from marking the path to marking dead ends to marking walls you mean yeah marking walls yeah all right i guess that's a good idea my original my original thought when i when i built this was to mark walls that's how i you know i thought it was easier and then once the walls have fallen into place okay all right so there's that now this is a wall all right i'm just gonna this is probably i need to start somewhere else probably but i don't want to do that just yet okay what about this way dang this is such trial and error this is so tedious okay um well yeah this is all just dead end all right the world's worst i'm just i'm working my way back to where i started just finding all of the dead ends world's worst security system yep uh this is an honor security system yeah please please just don't go to the end sir if you if you trip the alarm please leave yeah please leave whoops okay oh no it's happening i thought i was i thought i already cleared this spot i thought i cleared that spot apparently no no yeah i think it was what that one yeah it was that one yeah yeah yeah well it's official i've just worked my way all the way back to my starting point with what with barriers all the way up so you were on a dead end the whole time that's yeah that's it the whole time from the beginning at least that's what it looks like yep that's all dead ends all right time to find a brand new starting point all right this one let's do oh we do starting point oh no yep all right uh this one no at least now i know which ones aren't going to be a starting point this one oh my god scraphead yeah i fight i yeah yeah scrap okay huh are you sure everything in that is a dead end scrambling ah this one isn't a dead end okay all right hold on it's just like i don't know man i don't know okay i feel like okay all right i don't know i don't know what i feel like right so then i'm gonna put one of those like spongebob three hours later and then i know right all right there we go all right so i maybe i do have the right starting point but i just took the wrong path that also happened to be an opening all right that way this way wait what didn't i go both ways oh both both of these ways are open paths what yeah that's a maze man there's t intersections why not yeah all right not a single pass like i need to start marking out the path well there's like one path to the end for sure but it's gonna have you know branches off of it and et cetera et cetera right like it's you know it oh yeah of course i'm going back to my oh my god i've i've had like this many successes right in a row [Music] oh my goodness i'm just getting success after success no not me watch it's actually like broken maybe oh my goodness i know like i just haven't hit a wall in so long what's going on i don't think it's broken okay ah i'm hitting all the walls for you i'm so nervous oh my goodness well obviously unless it was a dead end oh definitely not broken one all right it's not broken all right there we go wow scrap man's using like multiple colors to draw his very easy to follow his train of thought boomos is i'm very confused about what his trade of thought is wait yeah how did i trigger one just then i was following you oh i didn't go through the original pathway okay okay is this just a quick dead end or not scrap man's got a pretty long path going here i don't know if it's uh right or not but he's got a long path really yeah he's he's like halfway i think i'm on to something i'm seeing the logic here i mean assuming that there was any logic um all right here we go there's lots of logic you can pull your connect tool it won't even give it away it won't even give it away it doesn't help you at all i did the whole thing with like a sensor below each wall so i put a block below the maze and that says if this is a wall or not all right we're making our customize it making my way downtown rubo's on the entire opposite side of the maze from you scrabby this is very interesting you guys are a completely different area not rain oh i feel like i might be onto something uh oh well it has to be that way then i just have to go back right no okay all right here we go okay nice so this way yes no okay i think i'm on i i feel like i'm on the main path this would be the most convoluted dead end otherwise there are some pretty convoluted dead ends in this i'm not going to lie this is the way yeah i got to admit maze building the dead ends take way more time yeah yeah for sure like i built this whole maze relatively quickly just because the the mechanism is relatively simple you just got to repeat it a bunch and then once it was built actually drawing the maze itself yeah was like filling in all the empty space yeah this is so time consuming like for this you have to go underneath and set each individual sensor to whether or not you want it to be considered a wall or not very time consuming got lucky there ah okay all right so that was no all right interesting i feel like i'm so close how close do you feel mumbo like only halfway if i'm being honest okay i feel definitely more than halfway oh all right let's still make it some progress it's true dang it no run run run run run scrap scraphan's pretty close like i mean he's like in the second row from the end but like whether or not that's actually the right row yeah that you know can't say anything but okay you never know i guess you never really know imagine if i said [Music] that's why you just shoot at all the lights and turn off that way like oh i did it man there's no lights here we go okay all right all right let's see if i was khan and i was gonna choose a direction no this last spot you get in his brain i would definitely go this direction dang it this is better if this is a dead end if this one over here is a dead end i'm going to kill you yeah but you still have a lot of other like there's still a ton of other branch paths off of that line that you haven't checked i mean you could really oh that's true that's true yeah you could you could be all over the place mumbo is uh still moving making progress okay well please please don't give me the alarm not really i feel like i might have hit a dead end here hey let me go over here and like please no scrambling's on the last row and he keeps getting triggered by like the last the last line of sensors that it could possibly be so he's on the green but the alarm was off that's crazy there's no way that going in this direction will do anything i'm just putting a dead end right here because all of this conflicts with the previous path anyway all right nope okay just trying okay all right where where where didn't i go i guess this way ah okay i think i found the new path yeah all right i'm back to like a little bit more than halfway done no i'm trying new things again i don't know i feel like i might have found it i'll give you a hint this that is the correct starting entrance the one you're on is it really yeah yeah hey hey con can i get a hint is this the correct starting yeah that's the correct starting entrance too scrap man good good it wasn't this whole time i would have no there's two there's two starting edges you guys are both on the right one so that's that's what all [Music] right just because you are taking quite a while you aren't very good i mean it's like literally trial and error it is or just like pure insane skill skill yeah luck luck skill skill yeah there's no such thing as luck oh no i haven't i haven't upped my luck skill very much exactly you got to increase your character's luck stats yeah i feel like it's a skill you have to practice it no practice your luck [Music] okay all right scrap man's uh wait that was no no not it okay wait no no so we're gonna go left another dead end okay no oh my goodness gotta be this way then no what there's still more places you can go scratch [Music] like it was hard enough just finding the path like let alone having you know dead end paths that could also trigger right right yeah like if there was just one pathway through with just all walls on either side well think about it if you eventually just check all 200 individual walls you'll figure out everything yeah okay so this is like entirely no way what entirely dead end over here oh okay oh here all right i gotta check out that one i think that's a dead end there all right let's see go back this way and go this way scrap and found a new a new path oh wow got a new path that's not that had a 50-50 chance there didn't choose the right one mumbo you painting all in green is the most confusing thing to me i can't tell if you're talking walls you're talking past pathways it's all pathways but you're walking through a wall to get oh no you're not no see yeah oh that's because i i'm feeling good about this i am feeling pain i am feeling good about this now all right got a 33 chance here dang it man my god [Music] okay scrap man's just he's just sprinting now look at him go look at him motor through all those all right with that dang it [Laughter] i have one more path left on this uh on this data how could that not be it there he goes subscribers definitely got more drawn out than moonboy yeah yeah i would i can't wait to see mumbo's pat like drawn out yeah i'm done i just feel like i've hit all nothing but dead if i was khan i would go this way oh no i did yes i would keep going this way i'll probably go all the way to the end to be honest [Music] this might be it this could be the last turn right here it could be here i don't know [Music] is scrap man going to get it i actually don't remember if that's exactly what it is i kind of like roughly know where the path is but yeah i don't know all right all right here it is i just got to do do the scrap mechanic rain call and that's going to help all right [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it could be this it could be either of these two still it could be either one of these two still that's so great you're just giving bubo more and more time to catch up here all right describing hand of god just did not favor me okay boss had to be that way all right it's this one no it's good it better be this last one otherwise this whole new path was a dead end getting in the brain oh nope i'm getting there i'm getting there i think the moonbow is actually no okay all right it has to be this it has to be this please oh no okay okay it just goes back this way and then it goes over there that's all it does that's all it does i'm still on the right path i just it's not quite as simple as i was hoping nope okay i guess that's it you could have finished it right there kahn you could have finished it right there a lot of places all right all right so now i go this way okay yeah i'm still i'm still confident this is the right direction i have to go this way just just end it just just end this now end it right now oh [Music] do you want some directions to to ease your agony i want to say yep maybe okay what all right start at the beginning here mumbo go in the path you've been going yeah go go there yeah go there go right right go down what do you mean down there go straight like this yeah go up up up again up again go left left and then again again left okay yeah up up right right up up left i was not going to find this anymore let me tell you that still go yeah and then down oh my god you got it you're kidding me that was awesome i was right at the end and then i had to go away from the end yeah i purposely put that little snakey at the end because i think people wow there you go good job that was a good maze oops i set the alarm off all right mom over here come on all zelda stuff like this so this is a gyroscopic cube that uh has a maze on every face all right so uh the best way to explain it is i'll get you guys to each go to your own cube and on the left side of each cube on the other side there yeah i can't go to the left side there go up those chairs and then go into that red chair and go up on top and then delete that red chair get rid of that chair okay um and then get in the hole you're gonna see an opening there there's a hole okay don't touch anything just go in the hole okay oh yeah go in the hole oh no and then get into the seat oh my god the cube okay you steer the ball around a cube so i would suggest 90 field of view and zoom out completely so you can see the entire field oh yeah that's better oh that's right get the full field of view and you're gonna see the entire cube so obviously you can see the ball there up on the top of the cube that's uh mounted right yep yeah if you look at the top in that red square so directly underneath on the bottom face of the cube is a green square if you look underneath the bottom so your goal is to go from that red square to the green square first one there is the winner okay here we go in three two one release the ball okay oh that's that way there you go and so now get used to your controls and start moving that ball through the cube sometimes scrap mechanic physics are bad yeah i try this is on simple physics one right now and is it really oh wow yeah we're on simple physics right now hey there oh scrap man is all right strategizing a little bit i will say that every single cube face has one exit right i didn't make multiple exits from each surface yeah you basically have to do each cube face once i was looking at exactly what i tried to i didn't i didn't want you guys having to like go totally dead end on like three phases are awkward for me the up and down left and right are like not they're the opposite of what i would expect oh because you have like your weird key bindings yeah mine are set into one and two three and four and five and six progress i actually have numbers one through seven on my mouse and i'm literally just using my thumb on my you're just using your mouse that's so cool to do this i don't know i don't know man i wasn't aware of the i forgot about the custom control but it should be pretty intuitive okay come on just sometimes the ball doesn't roll as much as you think it will and then yeah it's it's a heavy metal it's made of steel interesting all right okay right down this way these are children's mazes these are mazes for five-year-olds ah yeah it's like the control wait how do i tell you yeah i turned five next week so like this is way too good you're gonna kill it there's a whole nother separate aspect of control here okay yes there is three full sets of control for the gyroscope all right we're going this way now there you go oh how do i now how do i get this nope no you'll find the button just find the button yeah one of the boxes there it is wouldn't it be cool if we could label buttons and like i would have loaded that yeah that would have been pretty cool okay i'm here now and i gotta get it all right now wait no no stop ball stop stop i don't want you to keep how do i there you go it'll get ingrained in your memory all right so to get off of this looks like there's one path off okay come on come on [Laughter] oh you guys are actually really close just saying you guys are pretty close don't tell me that now i'm panicking you know okay i don't panic though there's nothing to go okay okay i don't i gotta get down this little pathway it's gonna be so annoying um sometimes flattening your cube yeah that's what i'm working on right now and start from a new perspective on this way okay no yeah go with that wait how do i tilt it in that direction oh yes i guess moving here no come on come on ball go the controls all change once you switch faces true okay okay and now i gotta go there you go uh oh i see okay i gotta go that way all right all right come on nice and gentle be in control hold on here we go come on ball planning here is good too sometimes the ball doesn't like it gets stuck like it just did there and oh it actually this is actually okay all right all right i got this it's actually okay now it's not there you go no no no it's not yeah but sometimes you know what i mean it gets stuck wait okay where am i what am i doing uh tilt it nope that way yeah yeah that was a sneaky one wasn't that just over there the old flipper yeah all right all right oh no i think i'm on the final face am i no no you're not i'm not oh my god they get a little tougher though they get a little bit tougher as they go on no no no not that way go down nope this way oh there you go no wrong way oh the bat stopped waiting whoa no oh no stop oh no oh all right okay hold on hold on there you go there you go just take control exactly there you go oh all right now which way he's done he's making little micro movements and he's no doing things no it's gonna be so close all right okay here there i got this now there it is right yeah once you once you realize no no no no no no wrong path oh well get there khan with the big drop in now i'm on the final face right yes that looks like the final face to me yes it does oh man he's one whole face ahead of me i don't see the ground yet oh i am they're making a good time if you can like just dial it in you know i know right if these controllers are so counter-intuitive to me sometimes this way there you go there you go scrap man yeah oh man this last part oh whoops all right okay okay kahn is navigating doing good things here no no no no no go that way there you go perfect no wrong path again i don't know what the tilt is i like this one of those puzzles with the balls and the holes but like yeah full axis exactly this one is the full cube and yeah there are no holes yeah i debated putting some like worm holes in it and stuff from one side of the cube to the other but you made holes that like reset you back to the start oh that would be it would have been oh my goodness don't go that way okay yes i just need to get this to man i keep pressing all the wrong things oh that's the direction oh yeah the big i love how you're like the big flip over yeah you want to make sure it makes it right like it doesn't definitely oh my goodness i've missed this one little pathway like three times you need to line this up you just gotta get yeah exactly just move the ball like just a centimeter there we go let's go get in there get rid of the green let's go with the green you got it all right please please please don't keep going don't you just just that's so cool okay there we go oh yes it is if you point the green face to the top con you can just drop out the bottom and drive it home get in there there you go there you go perfect nice that took me longer than i was hoping it would hey you did pretty good yeah i thought i spent more time analyzing the path than i should have because i didn't realize how easy it was to actually kind of just look at it as you're going i tried to balance a little bit of both of it but i mean that's the that's the beauty of a maze that you can see from the sky right yep this was actually a skill based maze this was a skill one yeah some hands-on motor skills well congratulations khan you are the winner good job [Music] since we didn't follow the script this week though i'd like to donate one of my wins to moonbow so everybody wins naked six hours writing a script each time if we're not actually gonna follow it you know i just don't we're creative writers yeah exactly have any other ideas on stuff you'd like to see in multiplayer monday the maze thing was a pretty popular one so if you guys still want to see more maybe we'll do more later who knows who knows all right new basement different types of mazes we can the maze has to be built all right well we'll see you guys next video bye [Music] you
Channel: kAN Gaming
Views: 249,769
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kan gaming, scrap mechanic, scrap mechanic troll, scrap mechanic trolling, trolling friends, troll friend, trolling friend challenge, scrap mechanic maze, troll maze
Id: j5I2SWsHDY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 15sec (2235 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2022
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