You could've just asked me, Astarion | Sewer Party - Baldur's Gate 3 Meme

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ah a friendly face at last are you going to the party as well a GI in my Armory I don't think so clear [Music] off I don't know if I should say it's very exclusive I'll go on then I'll tell you it's an underground party at a place called The Palace my date's supposed to to meet me here but there's no sign of him you haven't seen him have you pale skinny extremely piercing eyes looks a bit like your friend here oh dear I assure you it's not it's funny he was ever so Keen for me to come he didn't seem the typ to cancel only that it was him and a few of his closest friends said he couldn't wait to introduce me to them how often does a man say that to a girl he's only met once he was so enthusiastic I don't understand why he hasn't shown up a vampire no he wasn't was he but then why am I still here he could have had me by the neck anytime he liked mother may I I'm positively starved he did seem quite interested in my collar bones I thought that was just his thing if you catch my drift oh I'd imagine so there's no way he'd leave someone as appetizing as you alone you know what I might give this party a Miss plenty more fish in the chanthar as they say if you see him don't tell him I was here just tell him I um I wasn't ready to be in a relationship I'm sure he'll [Music] understand what's some [Music] there no choice but to keep [Music] going God you're beautiful I was so hoping you'd say that until later then us I still love the sound of that how could I say no I do rather like that you know
Channel: Pikajulie Art
Views: 21,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldursgate3, memes, meme, comedy, funny, game, gameplay, gaming, astarion, playthrough
Id: eHIGXJfkk0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 43sec (223 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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