Astarion learns to value Tav and himself (Act 1 - Act 2 - Act 3) | Baldur's Gate 3

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it's quite a sign the Stars I mean I could take or leave your chin I can see the stars from balis gate of course but not with such Clarity it got me thinking reflecting on what tomorrow might bring when we find the Druid will he know know how to bring the worm under control will this little adventure of ours be over good I don't want you to run off just yet you're quite the Ally after all traversing a verus surviving the crash surviving everything that's followed I'm not easily impressed by people but you're stronger than I gave you credit for you have your charms more than you think the smile on his pretty lips is a Touch Too composed a bit too perfect he may not mean a word he says of course terribly sorry I was just going anyway I need to clear my head I'm sure I'll see you when I get back sleep tied you know I feel a connection between us like we're two Souls walking the same path every step we walk Trails blood killing is an instinct for us I respect you for that how could I not we're both veritable Terrors on society but with all the effort we put into want and brutality don't you think that we could be more just think how many others are walking around infected with these parasites hundreds thousands and they're not just Goblin trash there are powerful people in the worm th whoever's waiting for us at moonrise Towers controls it all but if we can take that control from them imagine the power we will that's just the thing if we control the parasites then we can order them not to change us all the power with none of the tentacles I'm just saying there's an opportunity before us if we can control the tap holes we can keep ourselves safe and enjoy a little world domination on the side you can't tell me that doesn't sound fun do it's not often the universe hands you something like like this we be fools to squander it of course this all assumes we live long enough to find this uh moonrise but I'm feeling optimistic so we owe our lack of tentacles to one of the very creatures that kidnapped us and now it's offering us power if we're willing to evolve we both know what it is capable of but I'm not touching it if such power would please you darling I won't stop you but do be careful I want you to stay you that was before I knew the cost before I knew it meant transforming into some grotesque Beast I remember how it hurt when I turned into a vampire my body red and warped while I was utterly helpless the grip of death owned my heart as it beat its last I don't want to turn into anything else I can't do that again I can't watch my body be taken over it isn't about the pain it's about being beholden to the tpo's influence if we Master the tpol it would be different but right now that Mastery depends on an athid and it's GI yanki slave I'll happily murder my way to whatever powerful artifacts we can make use of point at the back and I'll stab just don't ask me to sacrifice my body it hasn't been mine for so [Music] long I had nothing for so long nothing not even my own body I will not give it up now it's mine again thank you I do rather like that you know
Channel: Pikajulie Art
Views: 3,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldursgate3, bg3, game, gaming, gameplay, astarion, romance, cutscene, playthrough
Id: Ftmy5HWC-bM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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