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I know it's Wednesday night I saw y'all sitting on my buddy for a minute I almost got a puss paint job what we know how to braise that way through a we know how to put up Brandis own it [Music] come on come on come on come on oh I got it I got it I got it I got it I got it y'all can be seated cuz we're gonna get right into it ha ha ha Ted when you are bad to the bone and wait a minute wait a minute let's talk about the backup singer you're like me y'all gotta go home I passed her a majority black church I'm blacker than anybody in this church so I've learned this and I found myself you were hit the high note and I've been a yeah girl filling my toes that's the best musician on the planet the greatest singers our greatest volunteers I'm so honored y'all are so easy to Pastor can I tell you y'all are so easy to pastor y'all share me with the world you still come support even when I ain't here man it is like two years ago when God told me he said I'm gonna give you your mama daddy's Church I laughed oh you do not want me to pastor okay like I can evangelize and preach my butt off but I can't pastor and man when they called and said we're gonna give you the pass for the month now I'm really glad because from I think this point on 102.5 will start making people vote I'm so glad I don't have to get no votes this time you talk about rejection if your pastor wasn't a woman so how what an awesome honor it is just that I was the one that came to their mind you know what I'm saying I probably wouldn't have got if they'd known how far it was our people drive from Egypt man I used to sit out in that parking lot man every service and be like I hate this charge cuz it was out in the boondocks like what there's no malls out here there's no restaurants out here there's only cows and back then just a bunch of racist people white people and now man I'm so thankful because we have a revival going on here at Church of the harvest Fayetteville I've been so thankful man because we got something going on here and people drive an hour to and I'm just so thankful that whenever they said visitors stand up there was only three y'all showed out for your oh when I was looking so was going to sacrifice will get my panties and be Betty Crocker whatever happen I saw my pupils cuz I know y'all drive so thank you I want you to look at your neighbor right now and say hey baby you about to be you're about to come from overlooked to overbooked you're about to come out of secret you're about to come out of secret you're about to promise eyes on the situation you're about to come out [Music] I feel that in my bones you hear me I feel that down in my toes you hear me and it ain't for any of you that are sitting there going y'all go stay overlooked okay you go stay overlooked because God is a God that's over here reigning on people that are praising their way through you hear me you're about to go from over looked to over booked you've been thinking that God forgot about you and you are in a season of seclusion in a season of being hidden but what God was doing was he was preparing you for where he was taking you because when God comes on the scene you don't need nobody supporting you we God start to open it up the doors the lights just come on and there you are I've only been in full-time ministry for four years especially had my whole life thought I was very special for real VIP special and I used to get up and they say all the kids go to your special class and I get up like I was out drunk that night like I was VIP walking out there going to my little special ed class thinking I was special I remember in seventh grade this got this mean teacher that should have been the teacher and she said all the LD kids can get him go to their client Allison I just sat there like that in me I went for the VIP booth she goes Kim that she you and I said no ma'am I went for special she goes you are special your learning disability and at that very moment what the enemy was doing was he was trying to set me up to a place where I would never be where I am today at some point in your life the devil's been fighting you because you are strong and you thought you were weak but he's been saying I knew in 2018 you were going to be sitting in church of the harvest Fayetteville on a May in 2018 and you were going to decide to get up and begin to get your self unstuck you remember getting a prophesy yourself into a black then you begin to prophesied yourself into a blessing you begin when nobody else is looking at you and supporting you and everybody else around you skin your promotion that you should have got when you got all of these school although all these school loans you got so many school loans through you can't even pay them back cause you're overqualified could you put limit sort of limitless God and God is saying I've been preparing you honey where I'm taking you you're gonna have you're gonna have a paycheck coming from like you went to Harvard and you're just gonna be over here in Community College but by the time you get done I'm gonna have a job waiting on you I've been preparing that job while you've been over here working and Kohl's I've been preparing you I've been preparing you for the top god don't play when he sees your heart's ready it don't matter if they can preach circles around you then you got your anointing and the anointing on your life is produced by the seasons that you want to quit and don't when those seasons that people overlook you and when you walk into a church they just to look you up and down and you've been everybody else can is in there praying in you're like man I preach better them I pray better than them I sow better than them I cook better than them I sing better than them well I might being overlooked because God is preparing you in this season right here if you're if you're listen if your character can keep up with your purpose then one day he's gonna flip the lights on and shut up see god only writes bestsellers but when we start getting in the way of God that's when the best-selling situation begins to falter a little bit it's when we were in the bad chapters that we must keep trust in God he writes every chapter in our life but it's in those chapters that you don't understand it's in those chapters at night whenever you're seeing where you at Jesus you've been praised and you've been walking around your house we make me really coworker Promise Keeper we need your car keys we're taking your car back we're taking your house right now we're where you were gonna give you papers you were firing you up right at retirement we make miracle work prom is keeper ma'am you've got I'm telling you you got cancer in your whole body I need you to way make miracle worker promise keeper owed your bank accounts in the red right now and you're working two and three jobs and you think God forgot about you we make me Rico work I will praise You God I remember when I first started in ministry and still to this day even like I praise you some of the biggest churches I don't even know why they keep calling me and I walk in and they'll be ten thirty four thousand people I'm not one of the best preachers in the world but the one thing I told me was because I persevered and I made it through some things that the Church Road told me I wouldn't make it in and God said I am using you as an example of what grace looks like when karma should have taken you out grace two kids please walk up into these churches just shop and it's the funniest thing because Mark asked me a few months ago we were just sitting there and just shocked at all these places that I get to go and TV offers like crazy I'm like 45 y'all okay like I'm not a spring chicken and I'm just shocked they're like how they keep finding me and God's in its favor this is what favor looks like when you've passed the test and when everybody is sleeping on you I'm the guy that likes to bring you I see if it's not your job to wake up anybody sleeping on me baby it's God's because when he brings you out and this is what happens I remember when all of a sudden I came on the scene and people are like God where did you come from it was like overnight sensation I was like no honey it's been like 13 years of eating carpet praying my butt off praying when I didn't want to pray getting up and going to work at $9 an hour at Bloomingdales wishing to god I was dead half the days and I made it through something and through me going through that God it immediately took me from here to there it's called anointing I remember when I first started and even still when I walk into these big churches these conferences and I walk in there and I don't know about you but when you go to these conferences and you got these real howdy pastors you walk in there like I would rather put needles in my eyeballs and stand back there with those people what am I saying if you don't get to that place or you know who the God is on the inside of you where he's taken he was in front of presidents where he's taking you is in front of millionaires where he's taking you can't be a part of my church and not walking what I'm walking in you can't walk in my church and keep books on the inside of you that should be written you can't you can't be in my church baby and not walk in the same Authority and anointing and blessing and favor that I walk in because where your posture is it trickles all the way down you can't walk around here broken you can't walk around here pitiful you got to be powerful and I teach you every single week in this house you better know when you're at home how to begin to pray over you cuz I'm sleeping like a baby at four o'clock in the morning and all of a sudden a panic attack he's on your last year you better learn how to lay hands on yourself and prophesize Yosef you better start no weapon formed against me shall prosper we ain't scared of no ghosts up in here we scared of no ghosts we ain't scared of no Devils we scared of no bank bank of bankruptcies we scared we're not getting better not better we are allowing ourselves to testify through our storms I love sums 139 it's one of my favorites you can preach a whole message off this it says O Lord you have examined my heart and know everything about me you know when I sit down or I stand up you know my thoughts even when I'm far away you see me when I travel and when I rest at home you know everything I do you know what I'm going to say even before I say that's why you better keep your heart right ha ha people say Yogi's but God sees at heart you go before me and follow me you place your hand a blessing on my head Swami on the bars turki he right there uh-huh when you're home watching the movies you know you should meet watcher huh you wonder how come you can't get free cuz you got one foot in and one foot out you you're expecting a full time got on a part-time relationship you got to begin to say father hi surrender all withholding nothing we're holding nothing and mean it not just whenever you're good I mean every day even when I felt overlooked I know that I'm about to go from Overlook to overbooked I know God that right now you're preparing my character to keep up with my purpose so while I'm here I'm gonna begin to prepare for what you're taking me to and I know it ain't little because he says in Ephesians 3:20 he don't give you exceedingly abundantly more than you could ever ask or think he don't want you put button in a brokedown hooptie I'm just spin humble before the Lord no you're not he says exceedingly abundantly more than you could ever ask for think if you're tithing and doing what you're supposed to be doing and walking in your purpose then you should be walking the exceedingly abundantly in every area of your life because he loves you and because you got his DNA running all through you well Kim it's not like that right now I'm gonna tell you something for about six years it went like that my life either for six years I'd be driving to work you hay bag as I'd walk in to have to do cosmetics on people and I have to fill fill people's breath right here he didn't just listen you're not a Pentecostal I couldn't even I couldn't even put makeup on my daddy would not let me wear makeup and then I got a job in cosmetics at belt because it was the only thing a belt that would hire somebody it was a special ed with no college degree and I woke up in Iran how to feel that woman's breath and I would just think I wish I had a permanent marker to put her eyebrows all the way on top of her her life because I was so broken and so angry what did God do God said I'm taking you in the storms that you created and I'm gonna use the storm because you're already down on your behind anyway so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put you over here because I'm about to take you from broken to so what's gonna happen is I'm gonna get you with one person cuz right now you hate people Kimberly I'm about to put you or you got to talk to one person at a time and then all of a sudden when you got touched you with one then I'll go move you to another counter where you'll have six and then see what he does is he uses you and your most room down place that you've got yourself and he elevates you from there that becomes that becomes your college and you ain't got one student loan to pay back and I remember about that first week I walked in her name was Evelyn and I walked into that place making $9 an hour and man and they put me in a polyester maybe blue suit and I look horrible in navy blue and I walk up into that place and I start doing everyone's makeup and I'm thinking about putting her eyebrows all the way up on fleek see the reason I wear my glasses cuz my eyebrows are not on fleek it covers everything and they put me in cosmetics and all of a sudden I walk up in there and I'm doing her eye makeup and I'm just sitting there I just felt god you gotta talk your way through this Kimberly got a sink it to you making I don't know how to do nothing that style girl beautiful you don't even need no eyeliner you've got feather eyelashes to just float look how gorgeous her cheekbones are they just sitting up here and just you don't even need no blush look at your hands they are so beautiful all I got just with just a dab of liquid so I'm just a little girl she bought the lip gloss that next Friday she comes walking in I was like oh God you back it was always you hey back this is Oh Evelyn you didn't like your lipstick she said well Kim I got a proposition for you she said if you don't mind every single Friday I'm gonna come sit in your chair and I will commit to buy another lip gloss every single Friday because I've been stuck for 28 years I walked through a divorce and I've been stuck on silly on that silly man I've been going through the same therapist for the last ten years that woman ain't moved me one bit all she did is got me on some xanax where I just move and get fat she said last Friday when I was sitting in your chair she said I walked out of that store with my shoulders back for the first time in my life she said I walked home and open every blind in my house I put makeup on my face the next day all by myself I got myself dressed and all week long I've been a boss baby I've been oh I don't know what you did but you gave me my life back God spoke to me he said Kimberly if people would ever understand they're going through it for somebody else not even themselves they're waiting people out there waiting on your transformation and you ain't even gotta know how to do makeup open your mouth and begin to get yourself out of your own hell and begin to braise your way out of your own hell and every time you walk up into this church you begin to praise your way so big you make everybody uncomfortable you're gonna praise your way out quit going on social media and telling all your business and begin to get on your knees stop taking it to the throat phone and take it to the throne the Bible says that life and death and the power of your words a lot of your life looks the way it looks because of your words cuz you walked in here thinking you've been overlooked when in reality all that was happening was your future so bright you're not Kim I'm 68 years old I told me I was gonna have a husband nada now I can't even do that because I'm just drying up my fallopian tubes are just dry I ain't never gonna have no kids and now my boobs are down to my knees and I'm drooping everywhere ain't no man gonna ever want me and that's a lie from the pit of hell when Joel 2:25 said I'll give you back everything the devil stole and that don't mean he's gonna give you back what you lost he's gonna give you back better he's gonna listen we live in a place where God said I'm about to give you back restitution which is 7 times greater one thing that I've learned is you can't push and be quiet that's not the enemy meets you cuz in that season where you feel overlooked you better learn how to open your mouth and grunt that's how come in this church before we ever walk out of here I say let everybody in Fayetteville Georgia hear you scream as loud as you can get that roar out because something awakens when you start moving your limbs and you start but that's why you feel like your body raised a million pounds and you're going through depression and you can't pray because when you open your mouth and begin to say something even if said all even if he's his Jesus he starts shifting your trajectory so you haven't realized it but you've been a laborer in this room you've been in that season of Labor when I was going through my pregnancy and I went to Auburn classes and I thought man if I can grow a life what ten fingers ten toes a nose and I got the ability women we're strong that's how come we can change our world or break our world because we carry life that season I was like whole life I felt overlooked my brother was always right here my brother I love having him tonight pastors a great Church Fayetteville I mean in Jonesboro he always did everything right he didn't have to study for tests I would study an in bomb I don't know how I graduated I just learned how to talk my way out and I used to tell God God like I'm 36 years old I've lost everything back at my mom and daddy's house at 36 you should single some of the best platforms in America my mom sometimes gotta let you hit rock bottom if I know the rock is at the bottom cuz in that season see you ain't had no character how come you made so many bad turns it's why you kept getting those relationships with that trifling man and woman and you kept letting the devil's voice be louder than God's voice about you you cared more what people thought about you than what God knows about you and you got stuck silly everybody's sleeping over they don't even know you're there anymore they stop liking your statuses they stop sharing your stuff see when you hit rock bottom they just wrote you off oh and that was a plan from God because he said when I turned the lights on in your life you're gonna come back with new DNA new character you're gonna come out with fresh anointing when you come back I want to get all the glory for your story when you come back I want something to be all over you that you ain't scared to say what I tell you to say to breach what I'm gonna blow job I want you to breathe if you were to turn the lights on back then he would have given me probably just a little bit of something I'd been like ten armored bears couldn't touch me I'd have a cane and everything I probably had a bigger we've flown behind my head and my body on cinch with the big old space you wouldn't been able to tell me nothing let's see what I did in that season when I was at my mom and daddys I started taking them layers off I started moving I started letting people talk about me and now let God defend me I didn't have no black back no more I didn't get on there talking about other people I just loved them anyway and at night when my heart would be hurting I just be late ends up myself saying god let me see me the way you see me God get my heart right give my heart ready for the purpose that you're taking me to I don't ever want to be at that place where I feel better than anybody else I want to be serving most of all I want to serve I go in that toilet while I go there what no toilet paper you know what I'm gonna do a change in the toilet paper for you because I don't want you to have to go find the toilet paper I want to do it for you because I'm first you're sure you get to that place guys got an anointing on your life look in your character keep up with your purpose you thought he forgot about you but he's just getting you prepared I know you've been working hard he's the Kim you're gonna go write some books I said have you seen my facebook statuses I don't even know why millions of people follow me cuz you've got to read it five time to see what I'm trying to say cuz ain't no punctuation [Music] he said I said start writing a book nobody he said I said write it because one ounce of obedience will do more for you than all the prayer in the world in that season where I was overlooked I was ready I was getting my tools in order so that when I went on the road my product would sell as much as my honorarium what I would go over there to the t-shirt shop sock shopping Griffin and I would buy all kinds of t-shirts for a dollar ninety nine and then I'd go and I'd get me some glitter and I would go to the Atlanta market I would get them to make me a dollar ninety-nine Concord Helen high hills and I'd go home after I got home from bloomingdales working my tail off working on my ministry I was in my bedroom iron-on decals sending out orders every week I wasn't waiting for somebody to come do it for me I was preparing for where God was taking I know it's hard but I really wanted you to understand something four years ago and four years later I've got two bestsellers just sided with charisma I'll have my first published book [Applause] I preach all over the world my husband asked me about two weeks ago about a month ago cuz we're both just shocked like nobody can do this being a woman Thou Art Loosed couldn't have done this for me there's oh my god because God's showing up in this season where literally people are gonna stand with her mouth and shock at you because he's wanting them to see he's a good good father that's who he is nobody can do it but him when the world gave up on you he put his hand on you cuz he's a girl good father he said Kimberly what's the one place that you think that would be a shock if they ever called you and I just thought maybe because I was too black for them so I said Jetson Franklin did you know they called me a week later can you come preach at the main campus you're walking into a season where God begins to do what you say he just told me to tell you he just told me to tell you you better stop praying so small he just told me you better start he giving you what you want you better start believing a little bit bigger you better shut prophesied a little bit more you better stop now my next one is Hillsong in Australia I just stood right here he just told me to stay on your feet he just told me because we're about to praise ourselves into victory here's what he just told me he said tell them I'm giving them what they're asking for but you're putting the limits on a limitless God he said I need you to begin to be I'm talking y'all I don't hanging around with people that are too small for your circle if you're the smartest one in your circle you are - you're in the wrong circle you need to begin to start putting yourself even if you can't touch that person but you look at them and say I want to go where they're going begin to get yourself attacks somebody only done follow some people he says tell him you're praying too small I just heard him in this room - tell your people you're the praying too small I want you to go and I want you to get the most far-fetched prophetic thing that you can think of that you want God to do in your life the door maybe a place that you want to work maybe right now you're working over here at aviĆ³n water but you want to work over here and what's one what's a good water what's a good good good good water like like what Fiji that ain't better Navion is it you may be over here Waffle House she better start being over here at Houston's you better start praying maybe driving as you go Fiat hoopty right now you better start prophesied for a Mercedes I mean things it's your family ain't never touched you better start believing God you might have been married to bozo we begin to promise on your phones [Music] you better stop saddle it y'all ready y'all ready we're about to put a praise on it up in this house some of you have been on you some of you have settled some of you have been stuck you feel like a turtle stuck in peanut butter you better start this movement just within the plane [Music] [Applause] [Music] a lot is right for you [Music] I just heard God say I just heard God say some of you got confused you're going on in your mind you're confused about a situation and God said you are not confused you just won't be quiet I just heard the Lord say he go start speaking very loud and it's gonna be the first thing that comes to your heart he said some of you walked into this place tonight and said tell pastor Kim's gotta give me a word I need a word and I just heard the Lord say you know what you're supposed to do [Music] some of you don't feel qualified for what he told you you were supposed to do some of you scared because he's told you to do something that's way far out nobody and your family's ever done it Farfetch'd you're scared some of you sing I believe I can fly ha believe you are a chicken but your face about to be activated in this place and when I tell you you're about to get some phone calls what you know what the coolest thing ever is the coolest thing ever is when everybody talks about you in that season they've been talking about super head you've been crapped in their eyes oh you know how she is they're about to watch you from the balcony they about to watch as God moves you from here to here [Music] what that favor what that favor favor of your marriages favor of your heart [Music] one that's about to put your name on people's lives gods about to turn some lights on he's about to put your name you're about to become in people's dreams they're God's abundant put you in some places they're gonna see your face they never met you before because God always elevates through relationships [Music] he helps somebody to get you there he helps somebody else that's my son let me paint you alone with nobody you're messy and mean you know why cuz you need relationships to get you where you're going so I don't know what to about to let go of but all I heard the Lord says I'm about to put your name God started open up the door for me people started calling me and asked him if I come preach ah I'm at Bloomingdales putting eyelids on people they said can you come preach you know how they found me on Facebook on a video where I was sitting in my car with my car broke down and overheating hello awesome people some of your waist in the season the jury and God put you here and because you're mad that you're there you're missing out on it but right now we're about to have a shift you're about to see things differently you're about to understand why you had to lose everything you're about to understand why they had to leave your life you're about to understand why God didn't answer your prayer you're about to understand because your purpose and your gentlemen is about to collide we don't weapon or don't ready I want you to put a doodler because favor is your middle name [Music] season season season you better please I can't hear you I can't hear you coming out you're coming out [Music] when I count to three I want everybody in Fayetteville Georgia to be able to hear you just got your walking papers [Music] you've just got your praise papers you've got money in the count and it ain't there yet but it's coming yo ready he's healing two marriages by the time you get home there's gonna be a new spark there oh three I don't know what you gotta let go of tonight that thing that attacked you shop but it ain't really had to suck we're gonna braise we're going home and you're walking into your new capture a paper [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna give you a chance [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] y'all see that right there that's my conference just like y'all supposed to be tonight I want you to support Labor Day weekend okay y'all need to be volunteering and helping come get that free church to the hospital before I let you guys get out of here I want to take a quick moment to kind of recognize the moment that we're all here tonight to honor this phenomenal woman of God so on behalf of phrase 102 father myself I've got a little certificate here I want to read you guys talk and see what it says it says thank you for your outstanding excellence and pastoring God's people on behalf of pulpit live in praise one to five on this day Wednesday May 92018 we celebrate and honor you pastor Kimberly Jonz Poppaea [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Real Talk Kim
Views: 15,422
Rating: 4.8826981 out of 5
Id: Xa4NBoWfJvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 10sec (2350 seconds)
Published: Wed May 09 2018
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