Church Hurt // Search Me God

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you know what's so cool is i think that in fact i know that every single thing that we walk through in life is for a reason like like you you you gonna see the victory but the victory comes when you get deliverance over dignity that's a whole t-shirt deliverance over dignity like i would rather be delivered than have the clapback anointing anybody else like we we so good at clapping back at people we don't even know you know what i'm saying like i've been talking to y'all this whole month about you want to know who you are y'all want to know who you are look at the people that follow you now i got some ratchet people following me but we're going to righteous you know what i'm saying we got some we got some right or some ratchet but we we we own our way to righteous right because really hurt people hurt people but heal people heal people so we got to get to that place where i would rather have deliverance over dignity janet i would rather be able to not clap back and let my light be an example right why because every single thing that you go through you think nobody's watching you right you lost every anybody ever lost everything and had to start all over come on anybody i have it don't feel good you lose everything you got to move back in with your mom and dad anybody ever had a crash like a spiritual crash where you hit rock bottom anybody had to find out who the rock is at the bottom which is jesus everybody anybody ever had a leader that's been over them that hurt you deeply anybody come on anybody like somebody that was supposed to be jesus because they carried that mantle oh they had that title oh they had that title that title made them different do you know you can go on zoom and get you a title did you know you can be a doctor in 30 days we got more life coaches out there than i know we got life coaches that are literally their life is need coaching right but now because of this pandemic we've all discovered that we can all give information right and and and our lives look like kaka right and so we care more about our pocketbooks let me lie let me lie and say i'm a doctor and put a title in front of my name and get all of these people following me the the phony baloney me instead of just getting on my knees [Music] i surrender all to you everything [Music] i give to you on my ratchet all my hurt all my church hurt all my pain oh now i'm having to sit on the couch and eat all the haagen-dazs because i'm so heartbroken i've gained 90 000 pounds during the pandemic because i had nothing to do but stalk all those people that hurt me so instead of getting ourselves healed we are now going through life and repeating the cycles that we can't stand so today i want to talk to you in today's series third week of church hurt i'm gonna name it search me god search me god y'all when i started preaching i remember i was like man god i can't preach like i'm scared i was raised in a religion that said women couldn't preach and here i am getting the very first church i ever was going to preach in was when i was when i was 40 years old and it was a coget church and i saw the commercial come through and they had medina pullings and godzilla and he said just everybody on there was fire loud and fire and then they showed me god is going to heal your heart and what i wanted to do was become them right because i still didn't know who i was i was carrying all of this church hurt and so i began to look at all of the social media platforms and all the youtubes that i could and i began to say well this is working for them and this is working for them and this is working for them so let me become them and forget that the reason god still got me here is because i'm different so what we do is we allow the hurt from yesteryears from that person not giving you validation all of a sudden you become that woman that he left you for before we know it we all walking around with bbl's big booty trudies with skinny legs we all want what we can see on the outside fix now but we don't want to deal with what's going on the inside and now we've all been shut up in our houses for a year and now we've seen one hit wonders from tick tock that now they're getting to be famous so i'm gonna go spend 18 hours trying to do tick tocks and god is over here saying i need you to get delivered so you can find you because you are what i need now i don't need your brother i don't need your mama i don't need your bishop i need you that's why you've walked through hell some of you got mad in hell but really god used the hell to set you on fire today i want to talk to you about hypocrisy hypocrisy hypocrisy is what we do not what we wish we did hypocrisy is when your daddy tells you at seven years old you ain't never gonna amount to nothing thinking he was making you better but it made you worse and now you're going through life you don't even know who you are you've lost who god created you to be you don't even know what your favorite color is anymore you don't even know what your favorite food is anymore you won't even go back in church you know what corporate worship is important because this is an atmosphere of faith that's why you got to get in a church that's lit you got to get in a church with a whole bunch of crazy believe the crazier you worship the more i know you made it through something that should have taken you out i'm thankful that i didn't die covet i'm thankful i'm not laying up in a hospital on a ventilator i'm thankful i made it through that divorce i'm thankful i don't look like what i've been through [Music] i'm thankful who have i to turn into something i lived my whole life being a hypocrite [Music] i've been in churches with a whole bunch of hypocrites i quit going to church for a whole 10 years i didn't even realize that i was on preachers of atlanta it had been 10 years since my kids would walk in a church and i'm sitting there taping on on preachers of atlanta and they said just talk just talk and i looked at my kids and i said why don't you like going to church i raised you in church i was believing my own lies lincoln presley said what are you talking about we ain't been to church in 10 years i said no it's only been like two or three he said girl bye but the problem was i was believing my own lies because it's easier to lie to yourself than get to the bottom of yourself and i can tell you something it feels so good to finally say you ain't gonna make me mad you ain't gonna take me out i don't care what you say about me i don't care if you get on the top of the world trade center there ain't one but something like that and yell from the mountaintops who i am or who i used to be i refused to stay there i refuse to become a hypocrite trying to get people to like me that's where we're at today saints limitless this is where we're at it's at night getting in our bed and be able to sleep with peace in peace and not pieces when i wake up in the morning ain't no coffee no time okay letting a piece of coffee make you decide if you're gonna be nice or not driven by what's really i see you husbands looking at your wives you went yo listen to me hypocrisy comes the bible says it's a little foxes that spoil the vine when you got a sneak liquor at night to go to sleep i used to be her i would go literally say i'm gonna have me i would go preach lay hands on everything in the building three years ago and i'd go home get on my back porch say this is just my back porch ain't nobody here god was and and i ain't saying drinking's bad if you can do it it's your life i ain't gonna be in heaven saying little man let them in i just can't do it i would say i'm also the girl that will eat a whole pack of twizzlers every night if it's in my house i have a i have one of those personalities i would say i'm gonna have a glass of wine i drink the whole dog gone bottle and can't remember how i got in bed because there was things in me that i never dealt with until i hit rock bottom again how many have hit rock bottom more than once if you finally get it you ain't got to hit it again whenever you finally get to the end of yourself and don't care what they think about you and you finally get free and you're living with a with a right heart a right attitude you're spending time with god your life and your fruit will speak for itself i don't care what you say i'm looking at how you live [Music] and i ain't jesus i'm just saying you ain't gonna be hanging out with me cause i'm careful i work too hard on this character i'm careful who i even take pictures with okay if you messy you probably get no picture with me cause i don't want no sinner out there i'm out for the sin i ain't out for the church people i love the church people but i'm trying to get the church people so radical that we are we're starting fires all over the city not fires of religion not fires of hypocrisy but fires of this is how i live this is how i walk you can see me in every season and i'll still rise to the top that's how we start a revolution we start a revolution you want to start a revolution i don't know if i want to start a revolution i'm just trying to live no you got to start a revolution when you get to a place where you start being thankful for what god's brought you from i'm thankful i ain't on no ventilator i'm thankful that god didn't answer my prayer and heal that relationship i'm thankful that god let my son go to dui so he could get free i'm thankful you find the good in every bad that's ever happened i'm glad god let my church dissolve i'm glad god let me lose my job why because romans 8 28 said he's working all things together for my good [Applause] so i'm thankful see when you get thankful you won't be angry mama is online going crazy tell them to put some fire emojis my little mama's running running my page hypocrisy is the gap between what we show and who we are it's the difference in what we say and how we live it's the difference in our public persona and our private character i say it all the time you fall in love with their charisma but you gotta live with their character i'm 49 years old i think i've learned my lesson i need to see you in every season i need to see how you act when you get a paper cut i need to see how you act when they give you walking papers at your job you thought you would i need to see how you act when i say no i need to see [Applause] paul says in titus 1 16 it says they claim to know god but what but their actions deny him i'm confused how do you say you're saved and sanctified but yet your life stinketh how are you saying you work for jesus but you are always stirring conflict how are you calling yourself a christian but yet you're always stirring up racism and all this other stuff and anger and hate you can't be saved and racist i'm talking about everything i ain't just talking about racism i'm talking about racism with man woman i'm talking about racism or lgbtyqrw i'm talking about with everything i'm talking about how's your spirit if god went doc that's a horn and the sky parted see the problem is y'all we have a hard time forgetting what people did who are we y'all know what i'm talking about there's somebody from the past that was a troublemaker and now you see them 20 years later and you still see them as a troublemaker but god changed you god changed you god can't change them you know what my prayer is every day lord let me love like you period i pray for spiritual amnesia every day lord don't let me remember what they did i can pray for my ex i pray to god they get saved i pray to god that they do what's right why because i want them to go to heaven i don't want them to live by me but i want them to go to heaven actually i could even live by me as i i'm so free and i used to be so messy i was petty crocker i used to be judgmental i used to be a hypocrite until god let me get right where i judged see that's the problem y'all we sit and put a magnifying glass on people's sins while you doing the same thing yours just happened to stay a secret you going to judge her for getting pregnant at 16 and you've been having sex all this time oh but you ain't judged cause you're a doctor you're a pastor you're a bishop [Applause] you better shut your mouth you better get on your knees [Applause] my daddy used to put you in hell for everything you wore ankle straps you were going to hell women wore makeup you were going to hell women you know them elbows are so sexy don't make every man fall you put your elbows out they gonna make you go to hell but the men didn't have any rules and the men were living any old way in the pulpit so i got hurt and so i live my life ain't nobody gonna tell me nothing and look what it did to my life you gotta get to a place where you say god all of me loves all of you i want to be able to love everybody i don't care if they stinketh i don't care i want to be the one that when i walk in the public i don't need no fish on the back of my car you know that i'm jesus with skin on it that's how we all should live and i'm gonna tell you something if god has allowed you to walk through some things in your life that broke your heart see god doesn't cause the bad things to happen but he has to allow it look at job job was awesome job was awesome he lost everything his own wife said you should curse god and die the closest people in your life will be condoning your bad behavior you should never forgive gave you the counselor's phone number to call and go get therapy and the minute you get out of therapy they on that phone girl i told you i told you [Music] giving you a free pass to stay messy and god is over here saying no you're the common denominator in all of these situations and most of the time it comes because the enemy knows there's a call of god on your life and if you're in limitless or watching online there's a call of god on your life you could never come in contact with me ever two two that's me toot my own horn you can never come in contact with me if god didn't have incredible things for you to do in this world at a very fast rate because i believe what i've made it through i carry the oil and so when you come in that's why you got to be careful who you hang out with because it trickles from the top i always say this if the church is messy the pastor's messy the leadership's messy because it's a law withdrawal if your family's a wreck you can be the one to shift that thing and turn it into y'all god allows u-turns oh i'm getting less and less and less praises romans that's okay as long as it's probably just soaking it in i get it romans 2 1-16 i'm gonna go through this it says you may think you can condemn such people but you are just as bad and you have no excuse when you say they are wicked and should be punished you are condemning yourself for you who judge others do these very same things and we know that god in his justice will punish anyone who does such things since you judge others for doing these things why do you think you can avoid god's judgment when you do the same things don't you see how wonderfully kind tolerant and patient god is with you does this mean nothing to you can't you see that his kindness is intended to turn you from your sin but because you are stubborn and refuse to turn from your sin you are storing up terrible punishment for yourself i don't know about y'all but i don't i don't want to live like that sin will take you further than you want to go cost you more than you want to pay and keep you longer than you want to stay and i'm going to tell you something what's done in the dark will be come to light i'm not up here trying to get you scared because y'all can run run as far as you want but god's everywhere and i just know one thing man i used to be like i ain't never getting saved i can't imagine not nine on saturday night [Music] i love the induced flu i got a kick out of it i said hey never drinking again and then here i was going to three o'clock when i hang over left i forgot that's what we do but i had to get to a place where i dove all the way in where i didn't just do a little bit i just said god i don't like me anybody ever not liked you come on anybody like ever heard yourself talk and you're like good god shut up i that's me that i your husband then zoned you out like 10 years ago right and follow all of a sudden you hear yourself and you're like you just one phone call to another phone call to another phone call anybody will listen to you just gossip gossip gossip gossip gossip just makes you feel better you ain't got to do that just surrender and then you know what god does he takes you within it would take 17 years i didn't preach my very first sermon until i was 40 years old because i couldn't get out of my own way and now i'm 49 years old i went from can't buy cheese to my with my credit to be able to support everything here i only have to take a paycheck here why because when you get your heart right every single area of your life falls into place god can resurrect your marriage god can resurrect your children people hey your husband your wife your children don't care what you say they watch what you do they watch what you do they watch what you do if you're in leadership at your job or at church people are watching you and instead of trying to figure it out just get on your knees we don't pray anymore yo i've been in that place where i i'll be sitting there going lord i love you jesus i thank you i don't even know what else to say oh jesus [Music] siri play way maker waymaker miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness [Music] let me pull up real talk kim's app she's got some stuff i can play but see what's happening is we're so used to faking it never making it give me my bag give me my bag give me my bag now we got these emojis right we got all these emojis how many of y'all put this emoji on everything laugh out loud l-o-l you ain't no more laughs out loud laying in that bed la la laugh out loud i put life out loud behind everything just so you don't get offended i'll be getting into my staff tale and i'll put life out loud because instead of wanting to really get to the bottom y'all just stick with me i'm going somewhere with this i'm gonna have y'all flying out of here tonight you married couple's gonna be like hello [Music] is it me you're looking fun [Music] y'all gonna be so free man cause ain't nothing like getting out of the way right and then i did this then i went through life like this i went through life with these things i don't know why i didn't put this out y'all just bear with me just a second i had a whole closet full of days i went to nigeria one time and all of a sudden i became nigerian so i would wear these everywhere i went ain't it pretty you can't tell if i'm fat or skinny i can eat all the ho ho's i want i ain't got to have no discipline this is the same way with our spiritual walk yeah let me take a picture and you have it somebody sent this to me y'all go shopping at finica friend boutique ain't it gorgeous i used to live in these because instead of getting to the to the bottom of who i really was let me just cover it up then let me just laugh out loud and then let me just i'm gonna fake it and never make it let me just i don't know who i want to be today and now i got these filters i can have my moomoo on and then i can take this app and i can just pull it and before you know it i'm snatched in the mu you still can't see the fluff and the pumps because that app is hiding me it's lying that's why you get married and nobody knows who you really are and the next morning y'all both wake up and you're like y'all were so busy planning the wedding and i do you forgot till death do you part and so when it comes time to get into the end of ourselves the sin that at least the little the thief comes to steal kill and destroy so what he does is he uses the little foxes to spoil the vine so it's those areas that you never took care of it's that daddy issue you never took care of yo i had to get to the bottom of myself because i made some train wreck decisions god would show me red flags he would take the stop sign and slam it up against my face and i pick it up and carry it this is gonna be my testimony it wasn't supposed to be my testimony it's supposed to be a warning sign and then i would pray for god to change the red flags to green i'd be like god expose the things on the ends in my mood god exposed now this is really pretty if y'all wear mumu's rocket baby it ain't what you wear it's how you wear it oh i'm just saying i was using this for an example because i did it i went through my whole life putting masks clothing i remember when i went to the doctor about four months ago i had all of these mr chains mr t collection around my neck because when you're feeling bad about yourself you just add let me just keep adding i'm gonna just keep adding stuff so you never look down here oh you ain't gonna miss this and i got on that scale and he said well congratulations you're in the obese chart i'm on the ob shirt i said no it's the chains he said no ma'am he said it's not the chains he says what you putting in your mouth and i remember driving home and i was like god give me wisdom give me understand he said you pray for it every day he said but when you don't have your heart completely right i'm talking healing from your ex healing from your daddy healing from that church here y'all not going to church because people are hypocrites it's the biggest reason in america and not going to church because people are fat it's like not going to the gym because because people are hypocrites it's like not going to the gym because people are fat we got to go to church so that we can be the difference we got to get well so we can be contagious you ever met those people they know how to quote every scripture under the sun but they don't live none of it they can quote oh look i got it they can quote so many scriptures and don't live one deceived people left and right got thousands and millions of followers that mean more to them than living right and we don't realize that everywhere we walk when god gives you a platform every person that you lead astray is on your hands every person that's in your leadership every person that's under you every person that drinks the kool-aid that you're selling because you want to be known because you've never been known ever and finally social media has given you the validation being famous on social media is like being rich in monopoly money come on man how's your heart how's your heart man who are you mad at you gotta forgive chaos and confusion ain't a god so if you find yourself up one day and down one day y'all i finally had to get in the mirror i would pray literally this prayer about my ex kill him all of them kill him kill him with a train because i know if a train killed and benny hen couldn't bring him back to life and god was like girl you need to heal and then heal the parts of you that keep attracting that because i've been obviously you're the common denominator kim i was a common denominator and when i started getting myself right y'all just do it just do it if you've never believed anything that i've ever said in my life it feels so stinking good being blessed your kids are watching it doesn't mean that everyone's gonna forgive you your kids may still bring up stuff that you did in the past mine do every once in a while mine did it on national tv and it was the best thing that ever happened to me because it made me realize that there's no secrets in kim's life stop worrying about what people hear about you because god loves to use people with the worst past to create the best futures let me say that again god loves to use people with the worst past to create the best futures look at the woman at the well she probably told all of them too i don't need no man and kept waking up without them because she was carrying hurt hurt hurt and we never have a church that just allows you to walk in and it'd be a hospital you know what we think jj this is why you can't just be casting demons out of everybody you got to get them right so the demons stay out of them but this is where the church has gone wrong we're chasing prophets casting demons out they don't know do i burn sage or do i pray i just went to church and something happened on the floor and i'm scared to go back now you're burning sage all over your house and the demons are just running all throughout your house cause you got the windows down we're not teaching you who jesus says you are he says he says that i made you perfectly that i knew before you were ever even a thought in your mama's womb that you were going to be a bad birdie i knew that you were going to be messy in the middle in the front in the back i knew it that woman at the well jesus left everybody to go sit with her he's intentional and just maybe he's let you hit rock bottom he didn't heal that relationship he didn't heal your friendships maybe just maybe he did it because he knew and heard conversations they were having about you when you weren't in the room he knew they were drilling holes in a boat and you were sleeping next to him they weren't going to save you they weren't fighting for you and you've been mad all this time thinking it was your five finger forehead or your thick thighs he said no he said cause i know you're gonna sit in limitless church in september and you're gonna realize everything i went through was on purpose for this moment and i refuse to give up i refuse to stop fighting for my marriage i refuse to stop fighting for my kids i refuse to allow my past to be my present i refuse i refuse noah was told to go to nineveh he's like let him die let him die not on my watch he went the exact opposite you know what god did he said well go follow jonah he's gonna need transportation back where i told him to be in the first place god doesn't take his hands off you because of some mistakes so you stop taking your hands off of people because of mistakes now here's the thing sometimes people are toxic just because you got healed don't mean it well what would jesus do he'd keep him in the balcony he'd love him from a distance but that doesn't mean that you can't get your heart right you got to forgive your mama that didn't fight for you you got to forgive that x and the x and the x and the x and the x and the x that left you you were so afraid of them cheating and every one of them have cheated and now you think it's you or could it be that god knew you needed validation so bad that he said there's an area in you since i can't take you out i'm gonna wear you out that's what the enemy does because he's a punk all you got to do everybody stand on your feet all you got to do you say god any area on the inside of me that i find myself judgmental anybody got judgmental problems in here come on come on anybody judging people y'all used to be the biggest judger on the planet and i realized as i was judging people the skeletons in my closet were screaming we tend to oftentimes put rose-colored glasses on our stuff and big old binoculars on others it doesn't mean that you got to go hang with them but you do got to forgive them forgiveness isn't for you isn't for them it's for you well i can't forgive him they hurt me so bad they said they would never ever ever do this well in the meantime while they're out living their best lives because people that live in sin and don't give a crap about anything they ain't thinking about you this lady told me the other day she said kim we i've been divorced for 11 years and i think about him every day 11 years he doesn't got a whole family and you ain't even living your best life because anything that's not in your life today that walked out of your life was never supposed to be a part of your destiny [Applause] but see what was my friend doing what was she doing she was going through life thinking i deserve this because i can't keep him can't keep her he wasn't i wasn't worth fighting for my daddy didn't fight for me my ex didn't fight for me i could never make any woman happy i mean i bought her but villanciago gucci everything she still was misreading every guy so i'm just never gonna do this again i'm just and you're walking through life just oh just living so ugh and god is saying right this minute laugh out loud no more [Music] man i love y'all you're like yeah girl yeah i bet y'all thought i meant it because you saying don't don't don't live this way yeah i love you all but limitless is the best church ever if you're in this place today and you're like man i got some i got some junk in my trunk i can't stand christians when i walk in a church i get hives y'all a couple of weeks ago i went and i preached in a place and when i i preached there twice [Music] and if you're watching it ain't because of you it's because of some things i never dealt with and i walk into this place and my face just breaks out like y'all burning like i look like i had adult acne and i'm like man mama what in the world is this it happened to be the place i lived for 14 years where i did most of my nae nae as soon as i got on the plane to leave it left like even in the pictures you can see my skin and i'm on this plane and i'm talking to god and i'm like god because y'all the saint the sinner the preacher the deacon the doctor the phd i don't care how many degrees you got i don't care if you're mother mary we're all gonna go through things because it's the mind the mind is crazy man and then we got social media on top of it we get to see all these phony baloneys and filters and then we just compare our lives to it and i get on that plane i'm like god what is it every time i come to this city and god said there's some things you haven't forgiven yourself for i'm like i preached everywhere and i still he said yes he says so when you get back in an environment even in that city that city's where you're gonna set revival on fire but i can't do it because every time you go you're caught up in what's going on in the natural i go back next weekend and i'm gonna tell y'all something this time my face ain't gonna break out let me tell you why cause i got on my knees and i said god whatever it is in me that's causing me to put these walls up every time i come to this city god release it from me yo i didn't know what it was cause you can't pinpoint it because we're so good at hiding stuff we get busy with life that we don't really deal with stuff and it's the little foxes for the vine and if you get to that place where you're aware if you're in this place today and you're like i feel like i keep stopping myself i feel like there's some things that i need to release i mean i just feel like i can't fully go in with god because i'm afraid i got to get it all right before i come to god y'all you come to god so he can help you get it right in this church we love the hell out of you you get that the hell hell hell like the the bad we don't talk about you we don't turn you away because i realize that the people that made it through stuff that should have taken them out are the ones that are bosses for jesus and if you're in this room and you're like man i keep stopping right before i break through with my mind kim i feel like i'm in my own way i want you to lift your hand if you say i feel like i'm in my own way i feel like i'm in my own way i feel like i take 10 steps forward and 20 steps back come on it's okay i felt everybody lift your hand as high as you can why do i say do this well i don't want you to lift your hand for situations and and and testimonies like this because once you open your arms that person next to you knows then that person gets free because of you because in life we don't want to tell the real stuff right we want to hide behind the filters but what god is about to do in this room right now all online come on put the hand emojis up come on fire emojis come on come on say father no no no we ain't gonna do it like that y'all yell at johnny louder than that say father i release everything from the back of my mind from the front of my mind from my heart from anywhere in me that is sabotaging my future i release it let me forgive let me love god let me feel some of y'all can't feel you can't even cry you're so numb from the hurt and the pain it ain't fair what they did to you but you can't walk through life not living your life viva local because of somebody in your past [Music] say god i release it come on just talk to him god i release it i want to be i want to laugh more this week come on say it i want to laugh more this week i don't want to live from paycheck to paycheck because i'm critical i don't want to be sad because so and so ain't talking to me i just want to live god i want to lay my head down at night and i want to sleep i want to saw logs some of y'all need to snore good tonight your spouse is going to be like girl what happened you saw some laws last night it's because i got out of my own way you ain't gotta drink every night you ain't gotta have the ulcers some of y'all got 20 ulcers cause you fear what if something in my past gets exposed what if they tell on me what if what if they do who cares people that know you in the spirit know you [Music] so father set this church free set our own line free let us walk in you lord i just prophesy over this place and all online that god you're gonna have best sellers in this room we're gonna have wealthy millionaires in this room i'm telling y'all a critical spirit brings forth poverty a critical spirit your life looks like what you say and if you always say negative stuff that's what your life looks like but we ain't gonna be negative come on some of y'all need to shake it off shake off the negativity some of y'all need to go home and tell your spouse i'm sorry some of y'all need to do it right here baby i'm sorry you want to go home [Music] somebody need to forgive your ex cause god's got your boaz and you hold on to bozo [Music] god's got your ruth but you won't let go of delilah because you don't think you deserve good yes you do you don't just deserve good you deserve the best so father in this place we thank you heal our hearts god i pray right now for the phillips family that just lost their daddy lord i pray for people in this building that have lost people to coven i pray in this place god people that are lonely walking through divorce i thank you right now god for people that lost all their friends during the cove because they weren't essential that god you are equipping us and you're building us for more and more and more and god we're going to let go of the churcher we're going to let go of the daddy hurt we're going to let go of the mama hurt we're going to let go of the rejection of all forms and lord we are walking we're going to take up our mantle and we're going to walk i just send the spirit y'all like this y'all walking you're walking with the new glow you're walking with a new anointing you're walking with new favor you're walking with new peace you're walking with new joy you're walking in it you're walking at it in jesus name amen amen and amen i love y'all so much y'all be testified this week of how when you walked in a room everything shifted because you carry that oil baby that's why the enemy's been after you the enemy ain't been after you because you're weak he's after you because you're strong thieves don't rob empty balls you hear me now get up get up get your big old thick vibe and pull it if you got to but get up and start moving cause you bad to the bone and i love you i believe in you i am the president of your fan club and limitless is your escape and not your duty i love you you
Channel: Real Talk Kim
Views: 723
Rating: 4.9101124 out of 5
Id: pXKzmHc1kBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 50sec (2930 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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