Recurring Toilet Ring - Top 3 Solutions tested - Problem Solved

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a returning toilet bowl ring can be a real challenge this video is not about getting the ring off which we do it's about preventing the ring from returning so quickly and in some cases severely if you look online for a solution you get all kinds of different advice in this video we are taking a scientific approach by testing the top three recommended solutions in a side-by-side comparison to see which solution truly works best through this scientific approach we did find the answer stick around because I think the results just may surprise you so this is what we're dealing with this is a bi-weekly customer so two weeks ago we got the toilet ring completely gone but yet it did come back and I came back kind of severely so how we're going to do this is we're going to divide this toilet into four quadrants one quadrant of it we're going to clean like we normally do with a toilet brush a palate cleanser leave a little bit of bleach then we're going to take the remaining three quadrants and we're going to clean each one of those using the top three recommended solutions for getting our toilet ring and preventing them from coming back to the top recommended solutions the first and the most popular is the pumice stone the second solution is Lima way of course this is a spray and as it claims it destroys destroys lime and calcium and rust we'll find out soon enough and of course we are going to use latex gloves and then the last solution is bar keeper's friend it is a powdered cleanser it's a little expensive but it does a great job on porcelain and ceramic which of course is what I told it is and with this we'll use a blue sponge which is a little bit more abrasive than the light duty white sponge so the first thing we're going to do is to use the lava rock here the the pumice stone which if you feel it if you'd flip it you can hear you know it almost chimes like a bell but we're going to use it to pour the instruction which is to get it wet and then have you here listen to what it sounds like so there's no doubt as we speed this up a little bit that you can hear that scratching the porcelain now the instructions are but gets it wet it's it's not gonna scratch it but boy you can sure hear it scratching it and so that's the concern of using a pumice stone is that you do run the risk of scratching the ceramic which can lead to even more problems so you'll see here we're going to go ahead and get it all clean and then once we're clean you're gonna take a look and see it actually it actually wore it out it wore it down which is you know normal that's how it works so literally rubs it off so that's again you know the the most of the recommended solution if you do an internet search on that so you've seen we clean that one quadrant there so now we're going to use the Lima way and so to kind of keep it in scientific as possible we're going to protect the other areas from getting you know this solution on here so the first thing you're noticed is that even though we flush the toilet and turn the water off to keep that water down you can see Susan spread its slip and run off it's not staying on there very long so we're gonna use that blue scratchy it says not abrasive but you know I'm gonna be careful with it but we're gonna use that to get it off we're gonna spray some more solution on there because of coordinates not staying on there let it sit for a second course it's in fast motion so we let it set for you know a few seconds and then just continue to scrub that the the next solution is that bar keeper's friend and we reuse that same blue sponge and scrub it hard to get it off their price speeds up here just a little bit to kind of get through that you'll see that I'm really scrubbing hard we're not you know we're faking this thing so we're nurse cover it like we know this is gonna work get it all off right there just at the water line the last thing we're going to do is like we normal thing and toilet we're a use a little comment in the water and then we're going to spray a little beach just right there in the corner of that of that quadrant this is the standard way to clean a toilet a little bit of powder cleanser a little bit of bleach if you see mold in there so just a little bit over there and then really use our toilet brush to go ahead and scrub it just like we normally do just in that one area and then you'll see they were going to come back around here and I'm going to just clean the edge of that toilet just a little bit not I'm I didn't I told you just ask this more the the under the lip part to see now look it's completely clean in it so we got the toilet ring out which is really not what the primary task here is it's about preventing it from coming back okay so it's been two weeks since we cleaned the toilet with the goal is to remove that stubborn toilet bowl ring so the ring would not return as it has been for you know a long time you cleaned it it looks clean but that rain would come back fairly quickly and kind of harshly in about two weeks and so we conducted the experiment to see about what performed best to keep that ring from not coming back so which do you think worked better do you think the comet and the toilet brush which is kind of what we've been using and didn't satisfy that tap that that goal or do you think it was the line away and that do a better job in preventing the ring to come back or did the bar keeper's friend with you know a nice scrubby sponge and really scrub that thing hard to get away or kind of a more radical but the most commonly prescribed solution the pumice stone so which of those do you think prevented the ring to come back and the answer is none of them worked look at this two weeks later it came back mitt arguably maybe a little bit less but it's still there so so none of them worked and so my thought was well then what what's gone wrong here so my thought was well is the toilet bowl X is the ceramic pitted in other words has that water line on a 20 year old toilet which is what we're dealing with here that the ceramic has just eaten away or is there still build-up that's still left that stuff clings to so so that becomes the question in resolve the problem of it coming back and the only way to some of that problem is we have to really look closely to get down that really look closest so we're gonna take a real close look at that toilet ring to see what we're dealing with okay so so what we're gonna do here now is I'm gonna get really close to my magnifying glass and I'm gonna see what we're dealing with here seam seam I'm gonna get a look at it well then bring this back it doesn't look like it's pitted you know it looks like they're still built up there which is a surprise because especially when uses pumice bone stone here you know the thought that would have got that all off you know so so I know it's gonna be hard for you to see from this angle but I've been take some pictures of it and zooming in to give you guys an idea what we're dealing with here to see what what the solution could be so here are those pictures and you can see that it appears that it's just stained and that possibly the solution is is to is to scrub those stains off better to prevent it from coming back at all or at least not as harshly okay so now that we think that it's a buildup still that remains on there the next thing is you know what are we gonna do to get it off of there I don't think pumice stone is a good solution just because it's so abrasive you know the you know even though it seems to be kind of the most popular recommendation we've proven that it's really not totally a recommendation and some of the people that advise against the pumice stone it's because it does scratch it you can hear the beginning of the video you can hear it scratching and you're definitely taking some that porcelain off so I'm afraid if it didn't get off with that application which is you know fairly lengthy then we're going to run the risk of taking the porcelain off which can lead to you know you know probably permanently scarring and then that would definitely mold and stuff and and other stuff that's in the toilet would stick to that we don't want that so I think the solution is we simply need to scrub it longer harder and with something with a little bit more abrasive Ness to it so there's two solutions we're going to use today well you are going to go back to the bar keeper's friend more than comment we believe that this is probably a better solution not only does it policy but it's safer on porcelain and ceramic so we're gonna stick with that and we're going to divide this toilet into two sections we're gonna do this side with a green sponge now sponges come in multiple grades like sandpaper white is light duty and which should be the only thing you really use in the house the blue is this it says non scratch but it will scratch read the label read the fine print it will scratch soft plastic even the glass so you know it's usually used for pocket it pots and pans still so look at it says not safe on ceramic and glass and plastic so let's not use that let's go to this because this is a toilet it can take a little bit more so I've got this green sponge right here and then I've also got this solution which is used for scrubbing pots and pans this has got more of a brillo pad feel to it it feels different a little rougher I would suspect that this would would get out and get it off better than the other one but we're gonna continue the experiment by dividing in half we're going to use this one on the right hand side and this is I left the label on scotch brite have you do this is where you put your longest your dishwashing soap in there but we're not do that but I am gonna take that off there and you can see that I turned off the water and then I flushed the toilet to get the water down away from that water line but still having some water here that we can work with so I'm gonna bring a little bit of water back up here and what's gonna happen as soon as I start scrubbing here just like before yeah rings going to disappear but but that's not what we're trying to get it off we're trying to get the microscopic buildup that's still on there obviously by the pictures in by the definition that's coming back so quickly and we're going to scrub it and scrub it and scrub it and scrub it and scrub it and scrub it until it comes off so hopefully you'll get to board but may even speed this part up a little bit to get through it so here we go so I'm going to use a little bit more powder cleanser than you probably normally would use but I want to make sure that we have enough up there really tackle this you can see that I'm an ape I can't tell but I've really push it hard I'm scribbling with this much strength is like a mustard which is basically what I'm saying here and so I'm scrubbing it and scrubbing it really hard and you know you see that paste is staying up there for the most part to keep that that polishing agent that would hopefully get that really small microscopic stains to come off and that's why we think the Barkeeper's Friend which is not just a cleaner it's also a polisher that would help to get you know really every little bit of that off so on this side we're using that pot scrubber and then you'll see here on the other side we're going to use the green sponge which basically also you know green is a kind of a universal color for a certain grade of abrasiveness and so I don't know if there's much of a difference between the two but I think certainly with that handle you can get more leverage on the handle for sure than that sponge which is basically what I'm saying here and once again I'm really scrubbing hard you know to get that all off you know it looks clean I continue to keep scrubbing it and scrubbing it you know looks clean like a though but I'm you know scrubbing it and scrubbing and scrubbing it and scrubbing it to make sure we're getting all of that off or hopefully we're getting all of it off which is again kind what I continue to say here I'm still stopping it yeah and they weren't of course gonna flush it get it all out and guess what it looks clean just like it did before so let's wait you know a couple weeks to see what happens so it's been two weeks since we last cleaned the toilet ring area with a green sponge and powdered cleanser let's see how it looks it looks a lot better however you can still see the ring area so it didn't really accomplish the goal of you know preventing the entire ring from coming back but it sure looks a lot better than it has ever before so let's take a look once again to see how that ring looks so here's that toilet ring and it still looks bad even though it's better than it was before it still looks bad now if I'm a customer paying a professional maid service to clean my toilet I expect them to solve that problem so now take a look at this we haven't cleaned it's still dirty but you can now see it look see those little dots those little pinholes this toilet is pitted those are little hollow indentions where it's it's like a cavity in a tooth it is pitted and that's where everything is being caught and and and stays there and so that's the culprit so let's do this this let's go ahead and clean it and see if we can still see the pits that are that are causing this this ring from returning so quickly and so harshly so now we clean the toilet and from a naked eye you can see the toilet looks absolutely clean but let's take the picture of that toilet ring area now look you can still see those pits even though it looked clean to the naked eye look you can still see where stuff is collecting it's still in there that's what's causing the mold and stuff to grow back so quickly it's still there so the conclusion is that a toilet ring that keeps coming back and certainly ones that are a little more harshly coming back is probably caused by ceramic pitting found at the water line of older toilets pitting can be caused by hard water urine and other bodily wastes but the biggest culprit is father time if your toilet is 10 years or older you may already have some pitting the best way to tell is to take a picture at the water line and then zoom in just like I did so what do you do the answer is that you scrub the toilet line longer and harder with that powdered cleanser and with that more abrasive sponge or I'm going to turn off the water flush the water to get the water out of the way so you can really work right on that water line which can vary due through evaporation by as much as an inch this will help with the toilet ring not coming back as harshly but it may come back and probably would depend on how much pitting is going on within just a few weeks if this is your customer talk to your customer show them the pictures of the pitting and how you're treating it but that the ring will the ring will probably come back now toilet rings remember are more common during the hotter times of the year mold does not grow fast in cold weather or water so most toilet ring complaints come during the summertime and if you want to eliminate the problem the customer can buy a new toilet or clean the toilet more frequently I hope you enjoyed this video hit the like icon if you did and make sure to subscribe for more cleaning videos
Channel: Maid Training Academy
Views: 1,359,229
Rating: 4.5231671 out of 5
Keywords: recurring toilet ring, Toilet Ring, Cleaning Toilets, How to get toilet rings cleaned, how to clean, old toilet problems, Maid Training Academy, Home Cleaning, Pumice Stone, Bar Keepers Friend, Lime Away, Calcium Build Up on Toilets, Maid Training, Training for Maids
Id: tdfK4n8SgwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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