MASSIVE Changes Coming to ADC Items (25% Crit Items)

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I have been playing ad car since season 3 and after all these years with the terrible updates aim at making the support Ro more popular or whatever the reason may be this might be the first amazing update I have ever seen ADC is so back before I dive into the updates if it's your first time here my name is Rose Alon and I'm an AOS one Tri player I'll be discussing things about all the carries and focusing on a videos after that let's get started most significant change I have noticed is the 25% crit chance now every legendary cred item will grant you the 25% cred chance just like the ADC metal of the past champions like Draven and Caitlyn will Rush Infinity Edge once again even in this patch I was already prioritizing Infinity Edge as the first item for AOS but in the next patch he will become even more stronger I promis my viewers not to overhype and use the term broken but I'm telling you these changes are truly broken there are not only these massive updates there are also new items and removed items and runes I'll tell you the items and updates that I'm really interested and surprised about okay I'm starting with the attack speed items phantom dancer changes attack speed creat and most speed increase ad and passive remove be careful about this part ad remote cost reduced by 200 it's amazing I will explain rapid fire Cannon changes long SW and she charred replaced by Scott slingshot by the way Scott slingshot is a NE small compound I'll will show you guys a little later post reduced by 400 of course the CR chance increasing to 25% 80 removed the speed increased by 15% is amazing so next item static Shi metad do item that we used to build for a couple months crit chance removed well this basically makes this item not good anymore with the 8 car that I was talking about but anyways attack speed increased by 10% near passive killing enemies fires chain lightning to Deals 90 magic damage hits up to six additional targets 3 second cool down by the way on the bottom it says taked down damage is tripled and has no cool down other attack speed item that everybody was curious about the Run can changes well what's going to happen with this for AOS now is the all AOS is back we will all see this together but let me read it both replaced by Scott slingshot again our new friend here cost reduced by 200 no longer deals 30% on hit damage which we didn't like anyways because this was a never oned item for us ad ratio increased from 40% to 50% yeah I like it and of course the cre is getting to 25% this item didn't give ad anyway so they didn't need to remove it so what we can tell here is all the 80 from attack speed items removed this is the literally the thing that I talked in my last video about the secret build that nobody knows that I found Infinity start defensiveness or second item and then third item blood thirst or LD and after one week these updates are coming is literally the explanation of what I was doing like we're going to be having 25% crit Chase with these attack speed items depending on what ad8 car you will play for example if you're playing aidos well you can now build maybe Rons who knows I will probably go in with the Phantom deser still because yeah it doesn't give ad80 anymore it's terrible but it gives 60% attack speed also little later in the video I'll show you guys the new items that gives you massive 0 so this attack spe speed items are makes sense so let's move to the next parts now let's talk about some core items changes oh my God the lovely item clo replaced by pickaxe so we can understand it doesn't give you yeah it literally says crit chance is removed uh unfortunately this makes this item not good for the 80 car that I was talking about and exactly for opos but if you have like more than 60 or 80% Creed maybe we can get this as a defense like over heal days like maybe but we will talk about it life steal still is a good option but we will see 80 increased by 25 is actually crazy so this is definitely option now oh okay this is the part I was just talking about now convert excess life steal into 50 to 400 shield for 2 seconds instead of 80 above 70% Max Fe what does this mean this is literally all blood thirster but it doesn't give you crit it gives you more 80 so defensive item without crit I can I think we can build this later items wait a minute we have 25% crit Chase so we can literally beat this at four item because we will have 75% CR chance right holy sh okay anyways going with the next item Shield bow oh my God our best friend is not really useful anymore clo and V capter replaced by nonon quer which means it doesn't give life steal anymore crit chance increase 25 ad0 increase by five like sure why not but life steal remote guys I don't know what this item what do you think okay ense reever changes it's not about ailos but is an item that is real or may even Lucian or Draven likes chain replaced by BF SW Coast increased by 300 no longer has a Spell blade effect instead restore 15 plus 10% bonus 0 mana on hit yeah it sounds like AAL I mean crit chance increase to 25% ad and abil to Hast increase by five yeah Lucian Israel I think who will benefit from this all right tokat collector my favorite item that I'm not building anymore unfortunately pickax replaced by BF sword okay create chance increase to 25% we know ad increased by five sure liity reduced by one yeah I think on this item what we can think about is now like the other item changes just buffing this item because imagine you're building a heavy build let's say you're playing ailos and you want to do the burst build or whatever you start with infinity H and build the second or the opposite you just have 50% crit chance with collector against Swit people with infinity H extra damage infer one shot to five people instantly if you get that 50% lucky but you know Opus is so good at using so this is going to be a very big option what do you think please let me know in the comment section going to the next item uh qss this is how I translate it qss uh doesn't give you crit anymore okay let me read clog replaced by V captor cost increased by 300 cre chance remote now grants 10% Liv steal basically the life steal is back it's lovely but cren Chance removed makes me build this less but again remember it's 25% so three items will be enough to give you enough crit CH so you can always consider a Ford item without crit Chens you can choose Qs or blood thirster or whatever sounds so exciting going to the next item which is the greatest item ever made Infinity Edge cost increase by 100 who cares I mean I do but whatever crit chance increase by 25% yes but 80 is increased by 15 like holy I'm no comments on this this is amazing next item is ldr so we don't have the percentage Health damage anymore instead it gets some more armor pen ation so no matter how much Max HP your enemies have you'll still only penetrate that armor so if your enemies don't build armor but have a lot of Health B will be a better option okay this is the this is how it looks the sum of the items that we talked uh I didn't provide the stats but I just want to make sure that you saw the infinity H giving you 80 attack damage like two patches ago like infin was giving 40% Critical Strike damage now in one patch it get 10% and next p it gets 20 more 0 or 15 whatever and now every item gives you 25% crit chance so if the ad carry was like good now is is it broken or was it the ad car that terrible so it needed these Buffs comment section all right the item that we built for so long even when Gil of horse was a my I was building Kraken instead of e so this is the time that I will say goodbye to Kraken because it doesn't give you crit anymore can build this later when you have much crits but I think blood thirst or qes will be better option than this because we will already have enough damage okay let's come with the Bor updates 80 attack speed and life steal increased this is so good twitch Wayne what are you waiting for health damage reduced well there also some updates to the tank items or Bruiser items so this is I think regarding to death they want to be tanks strong they want to be 8 car stronger to deal with them there was some updat to the mage items too I didn't really check it out because I was too excited for this stuff so I just want to give you guys update I'm not sure which is the strongest or weakest yet so please let me know in the comment section what do you think again but uh next item okay I'm coming to the new items this item called yal wild arrows if I said it wrong I apologize but it gives you 6580 like okay and 20 create chest okay and now critical attack deal 21 plus 35% of your attack to be additional damage over 2 seconds what the hell is happening dude but phantom dancer doesn't give you ad anymore R yeah now we have this or blood thirst is crazy ad like guys am I just tripping like what is it okay this is very interesting one so your attack speed boosts will be upgraded to zapir after level 15 I mean since I'm playing AOS this is the only boost option that I had now it's having a update like this it's having a buff like this this is actually crazy and I think many of dat cares build this so like this is another edare buff okay this is other new item called No Worries flicker blade so this item gives you 40% attack speed 25% crit chance and seven move speed plus it's it's the replacement item of the maybe no very quick blades your attacks reduce your non-ultimate ability cool Downs by 15% of the remaining cool down so basically Ezreal thing loan thing Zer thing all right uh this these boots is also another interesting thing where it's like gin style at this point like mov movement speed reduced from 60 to 45 slow resist remote but Auto attacks Now Grant you 30 20 move speed for 2 seconds like at this point uh is it a buff or Nerf because you're losing some moment speed base moment speed but when you hit you have more moment speed so it's like a Jin hit and run Z hit and run like like whatever it's it's actually seems like a good usage above in my opinion but I might be wrong I'm really curious about this all right not all right ghost getting nerfed duration duration reduced from 15 seconds to 13 cool down increased to 210 to 240 well there was like lot of lot of positives about these name updates but this this this is understandable say small small Nerf uh it's fine barrier is getting buffed like I realized like lately nobody's even using barrier except me I think so Shield increase from 105 to 411 to 120 to 480 and duration is very little longer from 2 seconds to 2.5 hey this is this is the very important uh Summoner spell uh exha slow increase from 30% to 40% really good but cool down is getting from 210 to 240 seconds which is understandable I I I think I like it 40% is better we can just wait 30 seconds right I guess okay this is an interesting rework so the cut down Nea is deal 8% more damage to the Champions who have more than 60% Max HP like cuton before was doing damage then how much more max HP people have than you so basically as an aios I had so low of HP so I was doing so much more damage to the tanks but now doesn't matter who you are it's only about them them having having more than 60% HP so I don't know about that like I don't really like it so is this run that'ss please let me know in the comment section what you think because I have no idea I don't like it okay let's talk about these real quick predator and Lal Tempo are being removed so with these new attack speed items are coming they don't want them to be extra broken so I think this is why they're removing Leal Tempo and the part that interests me is the PTA I made a really long explanation about this and what I think but I was just about to post a video and I see they just bring the updates so this is how PTA and Ne Fleet fot workk is looking like I will talk about more when we find out more about these stuff I literally read everything like 20 minutes ago and I'm just making this video so again let me know in the comment section I just saw it but I couldn't find a picture but they removed over here which we were using but they added this nun well you will get heal when you kill an enemy which is interesting we will see together this is a massive update for not only ad cares but for everyone the entire meta is changing you can also go to this Twitter account and check all of the updates that they're doing I got all of these sources from there so they might update some of these stuff or add new stuff so this is what I have right now please let me know what do you think about these updates on the comment section let's talk about it I think I will still be going with the rose build which is infinity H fandom ler but who knows I'll make more videos when I come up with some stuff I'll see you guys tomorrow on theam stream for only aoso Challenger so take care love you I make gameplay videos guide videos for fun videos and legend videos like this make sure to subscribe and see you on the stream yeah so fair enemy
Channel: Rose Alune
Views: 8,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aphelios guide, aphelios lol, aphelios build, aphelios gameplay, aphelios adc, aphelios runes, aphelios season 14, how to play aphelios, challenger replays, lol montage s14, chinese adc lol, aphelios s14, aphelios challenger, rank 1 aphelios, aphelios lol montage, challenger journey, league of legends, gaming challenges, infinity edge, adc, aphelios rank 1, adc build, 14.10 updates, New adc update, ADC Items, new adc builds, Crit items, New meta, Marksman, ADC guide
Id: Wcdc01BS8iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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