How To Play APHELIOS That Wins Every Game | ULTIMATE APHELIOS GUIDE (Beginner & Advanced)

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[Music] shootout s [Music] hi moon cakes if you're new with the champion you're at the best place you could be I will show you guys how to play Affiliates in a true way we have five weapons and every different weapon has its unique power and you're able to hold two weapons in at one time every weapons ability that you cast will trigger your secondary weapon so I made the best weapon order that has the best dual weapons and the follow-up for triple weapon combos we will talk about them now let's start with the other most important things are your build runes and weapon order I'll start with the weapon order this is your main weapon order to come to this point you need to wait to open like this [Music] when you're at the end of the cycle you will use the weapon you had in your hand before it goes like this all day long I will not only talk about weapons I will explain weapon those strengths and weaknesses and how you should use them telegram is a sniper rifle you have the longest range it's safe as kale in French your ability will work the enemy when you use your mark it will cast your secondary weapon foreign [Music] this is the only weapon that doesn't triggers the secondary weapon but you can cast if there are multiple targets are marked to root multiple people Inferno in fact with the area of effect wave clear damage flamethrower your ability is the short range flame that can hit multiple enemies it will trigger your secondary for multiple targets your auto attacks are also area of effect true is the lifesteal and Mobility dagger your auto attacks will have extra sustain your ability gives you movement speed and attacking the enemies meanwhile you are moving it triggers your secondary weapon meanwhile you're moving and hitting them is the close range shuriken the closer you get to the enemy the more attacked speed you will have you can get more chakram sex while using your other weapon or using your ultimate you have to hit the enemy to refresh this text they will disappear if you don't hit that enemy your ability leaves a Sentry to the ground it will have the secondary weapon that you have in your hands before I explain the doors and combos let's talk about the ultimates however ultimate will leave mark on the enemies that you will hit it will trigger the secondary weapon again if you have multiple people marked watermarks will follow the Target that you will choose for the extra damage wherever the ultimate will just leave mark on the enemies you can root all of the tiger statue hits infernum ultimate we'll do area damage each enemy you hit will get an infinite water attack from a loon and those each Auto attack will land for AOE damage if they are close to each other damage will multiply foreign ultimate will lie still instantly more enemies you hit more health or extended Shield ultimate will give you a Christian stats first Target gives you five Stacks but extra ones are only plus one foreign loader we have specific doors after you fix your rotation you will always have the same doors between level 1 and 5 we will have the one time dose I will explain that them at the end let's start with the order doves there are two main dosing disorder this is one of them this is the strongest close range and the longest range Duos most efficient way to use cushion and ammo is here when you use your Sentry it will have caliber modes every Auto attack will Mark the enemy with every single Mark you will Auto attack them again and it will give you one Crush item stack this Auto attack might quit triggers PTA and triggers crack in passive tool just by using your Sentry will kill the enemy sometimes if the enemy gets hit by Mars they shall die because you will also have calibram in your hands after getting to one or two marks from Century you can cast your calibram Q Mark Auto attack and we have our ultimate next it will do an ultimate damage of Markland and another Auto attack the thing is placing your Sentry in the right place with the right movement please walk back after you leave your Sentry and the enemies will always sleep and walk into it or you can leave your Sentry to the bushes that enemies won't see you can always set this up before dragon or Baron they will just walk and instantly die after two or three marks and the other way to play this though is close range you can either use your Crescendo ultimate and Flash into the enemy or you can leave your Sentry and kite back and the moment the enemy engage Comes Close to You just walk into them and the fight will start when they already have lower HP and you have extra Stacks to finish that these tools have the longest arms like an octopus but on the basic side you can use your calorim kill to get ground marks on the enemies and loot them it will have your jungler or support the engaging fights or you can root the enemy with gravity first and hit even though it's a guaranteed head this is really simple but when ultimate comes online this is what makes it broken there is a common recall octopus combo you use your telegram tool and ultimate at the same time when you're Calvin into an ultimate glance you can get the Calvin Mark before the one from Ultimate lands and you can get your second caliber mod from the ultimate after this happens this will one shot people who are below when you are equal if you're on the lead just wanted the entire Health very long distance I call these two Midfield combos imagine you are very lazy would have super weapons in your hand you're very immobile and will stand still when you do the combos please walk with gravity almost always you will start everything with the gravity except multiple Target in Phenom kill and root them for your team engage other than that we always start with purple First Auto attack and root them another Auto attack with the infernum and infernum kills people just stand still and watch between 50 of their health in two seconds with PTF if you think you can kill them you can follow what with the ultimate and auto attack again very good playoff bursting but remember after use your download you only have your short range of attacks so it's really good for quick trades or finishing them at late game try to waste gravity this is the other main dose in the order it is very balanced and has almost everything Mobility lifesteal AOE damage Shield both triggers each other but about the combo try to start with infernium kill because if you topic 7 Q you will have the bait until 7 Q animation is over in some close files you will need to do the damage in the quickest way before they kill you but of course in Brave situations you can start with severum to catch them or kite Electra your ultimate can be survival but will be most likely in front of ultimate according back damage you can even watch out five people in a second also don't forget the broken shield from Overhill bloodthirster and severing for extra shield and yes when you're at Max Health 7 will give you extra shield too I wonder how I got this way [Music] this is the most simple but also broken door just use your serving Q to get stacked and auto attack them in close range with Christianity but do not forget to walk them between every Auto attack only focus how can I get stacks and how to get closer to them you also have ultimate to even have more stats trying not to use your Sentry on this one it makes a very small difference and you will use your crescent of Centrio calibram Christendom dose it's very important there so it will not try to waste animals with several Century only Auto attacks some people can Dash away or Flash away to ruin your plants like Caitlyn she will eat away and slow you and maybe finish you this is broken if you manage to stick to the enemy like a disgusting bug pin level one and three you will have a calorimet several you can also attack them with caliber Moto attacks with long range and poor trades try to start with samram q and whenever you get your mark just walk back your mark range is very long and by walking back enemies won't be able to hit you back the moment you use your marks swap your weapon to calibrom and use your kill you won't expect it because you're walking back and it will do amazing damage to get rid of PTA when you have low ammo with severum you will have a combo that we call perfect execution after you block them with severum it will send a gravity Mark to them because your new weapons after wasting several are calibrom and gravity after finding Perfect geometry and no minions are on the way root them and use your calibrom kill because of the route it will hit guarantee and there is another free market free auto they lose their entire Health in these very early levels and some people call Affiliates earliest week perfect execution the theme level 4 and 6 you will have crescendum and Inferno this is the moment you will destroy them one way too the more enemy Minions on your way equals more Stacks more Stacks equals easier data so if they are pushing use your infernum Q to minions and get as many steps as possible you can Flash him and kill them the infinity level was loved you could even get more Stacks with severum but be careful because sometimes you won't have that much time to set up risky but very useful combo everybody has been extra important notes always Auto attack before ability don't miss your marks choose the secret builds and runes And subscribe to Rose yeah software
Channel: Rose Alune
Views: 202,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphelios, Aphelios Montage, 200 Years, Strongest ADC, League Of Legends, Alune, Aphelios Pentakill, Aphelios Gameplay, Aphelios Tricks, Aphelios Tips, Aphelios Alune, Aphelios Plays, Aphelios 1v5, Aphelios Guide, 200 Years Champ, Aphelios one shot, Lunar Beast Aphelios, Infernum, Calibrum, Aphelios OTP, 200 years Aphelios, Alune Story, EDG Aphelios, New Aphelios Skin, Preseason, Tanks, ADC, New Season, Season 13, Ravenous Hydra, Bork, galeforce, kraken, PTA, Aphelios Builds, Build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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