How To One Trick Hwei To Diamond

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hello everyone I'm the noodle and I'm going to tell you how I made H from Silver to Diamond I'll be going into detail on every aspect of playing H including how his abilities work matchups runes so on and so forth if you make it through the whole video and want to see more content like this then hit that like And subscribe and check out my other videos now before I get into the details I'm going to give a little backstory as to how I got here since this video is going to be long I'll have time stamps for every segment so you can skip ahead of this to the actual gameplay guides if you don't want hear about the lp gains and whatnot so in season 13 I was an ADC Main and a midlaner secondary as many of you probably know the ranked system was God awful last year especially after the introduction of emerald with people like myself experiencing LP gains as low as 14 per win and as high as 31 per loss despite having a 60% win rate after reaching Emerald 1 with 98 LP and proceeding to get demoted in the next few matches I decided to hang it up until next season where Riot had promised to fix the lp system to avoid things like this in the future fast forward to season 14 where Riot functionally buried the role of ADC under a mountain of items for every other class I was having no luck in my matches playing ADC and decided to do pickup way as a mid lane main instead following that my MMR tanked so hard that I was right back to losing 30 LP per loss and said screw it and went to an alternate account so that's where I started a main on a fresh account in silver one silver and gold were easy to climb through since I was wi streaking and getting an average 27 LP per win this stayed relative ly true throughout platinum as well and my LP gains didn't change much until I got into Emerald where it slowly dwindled down to about 22 LP per wi despite having a 63% win rate if you've never played an emerald ELO then let me tell you it is the worst experience of my life there's a strange threshold in Emerald where the players are either punching above their weight and should probably be in Diamond while other players are literally worse than iron both mechanically and mentally I played probably over 10 games in Emerald one alone before getting promoted just going up and down and it was the most frustrating experience you get people flaming inting dodging and asking for surrenders before they even make it to Lane my advice for getting out of emerald is to focus on your mental there's a lot of players that are obviously good enough to be higher than their rank but often get held back by their mindset whether it's because they surrender too often or tilt too easily because of little things like losing first blood if you're playing ranked for multiple hours straight then having these players on your team can get to you and even make you play worse Without You realizing it the best thing you can do is ignore them and play to the best of your abil if you know that chat makes you angry or throws you off your game then turn it off trust me it will make your life way better and unless you're playing the role of team leader and trying to make call outs then you really don't need to have it on another thing that affects so many players is the FF mentality and whether you like it or not if surrendering is ever an option to you then you're part of the problem if you go into a game where you only have a 30% chance of winning then you still have a chance where if you decide to surrender then obviously your chances of winning go straight to zero if you want to win more games then don't ever make make surrendering an option for yourself no matter how bad it looks too many players think that being 0 and3 by 10 minutes is a guaranteed loss but comeback potential in league is probably the highest it's ever been so even if the chances of winning are low it's still better than zero I know from my experience climbing that nobody wants to be wrong and admitting that you're wrong can be extremely hard when you're having a bad game I'm not afraid to admit that I have fallen into that mentality before and ended up winning a lot of games that I had originally tried to surrender and once you experience that your whole outlook on games will change so from one very frustrated player to another if you stop trying to surrender then you will win more games moving into pregame Lobby there's a heap of obstacles to get over dodging is one of the biggest issues that you'll see when trying to queue up I know there's a lot of debate to be had about dodging but in my opinion there are only a couple reasons I think are acceptable first reason is if your house is on fire and you need to go take care of it or something like that an emergency second reason is trolls popular streamer ASAP has been the Pioneer for the anti culture and God bless his soul for it I think he's made a huge impact on a lot of players for the better but there is one statement of his that I can't quite agree with he mentioned that dodging a game because you have someone threatening to run it down or make a troll pick isn't good because they get away with it instead of being forced to play the match and get punished for it however in my experience I have tested this many times and have been forced to play out these games and not even in the game where I had a twitch jungle with no Smite literally running it down mid he did not get punished despite being reported for it so in my opin opinion if you have someone on your team that is almost certainly going to lose your game on purpose and you don't feel like losing the lp then by all means Dodge on the other hand let's talk about one of the biggest reasons you shouldn't Dodge a game bad matchups I understand that sometimes you get counterpicked and that makes your lane hard but it's these matchups that have the most to learn from especially as a one trick only playing matchups that favor your Champion is good for winning more games but in the long term you'll never grow as a player if you don't learn the hard ones you only have one ban and no matter how wisely you use you're going to play against Champions you don't want to even if it means you might lose with that said let's start talking about way himself and how and why I chose to main him as a player I always look for a champion that is able to have a high impact on their game even if they're not super fed most of that impact comes from high utility for example my main ADC in season 13 was jyn since he has the potential to do a ton of damage but even when put behind he still brings a lot to the table with his traps longrange CC and a really strong team fight ultimate Quay is similar in the sense where he effectively has nine different options for his basic abilities while also having the potential to do a ton of damage this array of options includes higher damage wave clear Shields movement speed different CC options so on and so forth so let's run down these abilities really quick ha's passive is pretty simple and allows him to trade in Lane since his early game damage is pretty low I'll put the cards on screen for all the abilities but basically hitting a champion with two different spells in a short amount of time will cause a burst of damage in an area beneath them after a short delay this becomes pretty trivial late game and is essentially just bonus damage in most fights but it's pretty crucial that you utilize this during laning phase in order to have successful trades I'll come back to this after we talk about the rest of his abilities when I actually go over Lane for clarity sake I will be referring to each ability and its options as Q 1 through three W 1 through 3 and e 1 through 3 and for all intents and purposes you should Max Q E then W while obviously putting points into your ultimate at 6 11 and 16 as for which ability to take first and second during laning phase I'll get to that as well well in a minute q1 is a StraightLine skill shot that does damage in an area after hitting a unit or after reaching its maximum range this is a huge asset for farm and trading in Lane since it has pretty decent size and damage so it's hard to miss Q2 is an AOE with a massive range that brings down a bolt of damage after a brief delay this ability has really good execute potential because it does bonus percent Health damage the lower the target is and also does bonus damage if the target is isolated or immobilized so it's basically worthless unless you can meet those requirements and does basically no damage to anyone with full health Q3 is a straight line that creates a rift underneath the area uh slowly doing damage over time and slowing any Targets on it this is your bread and butter for wave clear Wave Control and Zoning honestly it does okay damage but only if the target stays on it for the full duration and clearing waves with it early is pretty slow the best aspect of this is influencing where your laner has to position and slowing the wave down before it crashes to your turret W1 lays down a path in a straight line that grants movement speed to any Allied champion that pass over it this ability is really good for a lot of things and anytime you're moving around the map is a great time to use it it helps you get back to Lane faster roam faster reposition and so on and so forth W2 will probably be your least used spell it lays down a circle on the ground that grants whe and is allies a shield that will increase in strength over time The Shield is stronger for H and weaker for allies and since it doesn't Grant a flat Shield immediately and has to be used over time it's really hard to use effectively and not to mention the shield strength isn't too great anyways regardless it still comes in clutch in certain situations and can help your team out during fights or objectives W3 grants way three circles or something for 9 seconds these can be consumed to deal bonus damage and refund some Mana through Auto attacks or abilities this ability is god tier the small amount of Mana you get back lets him stay in Lane longer while also doing bonus damage since he has some severe mana and damage issues early game I also want to mention that these orbs Grant bonus damage to your passive as well meaning that you can detonate all three of them with q auto and then a passive burst to follow and I will show you guys how to do that when I start talking about laning E1 is a straight line nuke that fears and grounds the first Target hit for about 1 second it doesn't come out very fast and is only really reliable on a Target that's already CCD or directly on top of you it doesn't come out very fast and is only really reliable on a Target that's already CCD or directly on top of you E2 sends out an eye to the Target location and after a brief delay will launch itself at the nearest enemy Champion within the area rooting and revealing them the bolt can be blocked by other Champions as well as minions so throwing it in the middle of a minion wave won't yield good results it is however extremely good for zoning or catching out slower targets E3 is an AOE jaw that pulls targets towards the center of it after a very short delay it has pretty good size and comes out fast enough that it's hard to dodge so it's definitely your most reliable CC that and it's extremely good for clearing waves anytime you select a category of spells to choose from whether it's qw or E you can cancel out of them by pressing R to return to your normal ability layout if you're not familiar with h and haven't played him a lot he has a bunch of bugs right now that I don't know if will ever get fixed there is one that I'll try to find some footage of where his abilities overlay incorrectly and it looks like you can cancel your abilities and you just end up Ting instead I'll put that on screen if I find it finally ha's ultimate is spiraling despair a StraightLine skill shot that latches onto the first enemy hit gradually increasing slow strength and size eventually doing a big burst of damage to anyone in the area this ability can be really strong since the slow nearly reaches the effectiveness of a route towards the end can have a huge impact on team fight however this ability is slow as hell you will Almost Never Land this on a Target unless their crowd controlled beforehand or channeling that and it has a pretty long cooldown so you have to be really careful with how you use it moving on to runes and then I'll talk about laning after that there's a bunch of different runes you can take on way and most of the time they're going to be pretty effective no matter what but you really need to focus on absolutely maximizing his potential my simple answer is to take Arcane Comet or summon area and flex your secondary page I've played around with just about every combination of runes I could think of and this is what I've found works the best and I'll explain why the first two setups I ran looked something like these dark Harvest seemed like a really obvious choice for him since it makes executing enemies with his Q2 way more effective especially when running cigra secondary the major downside to this setup is that while you're able to easily execute enemies below a certain threshold you are very incapable of doing legitimate damage to anyone above that threshold and since the setup relies heavily on doing damage it means that Running Man growth and ramping damage on your secondary page just proves to be less effective I think this page is extremely fun in certain cases but overall is not reliable looking over at First Strike I see some of these same issues qu having a ton of built-in utility means that forcing yourself to spec into the inspiration page is kind of a mute point granted there are aspects of this that do help him like the bonus damage potions and whatnot but it feels a lot more like a bandage to some of his issues rather than a buff and with how slowest spells come out in certain fights it leaves First Strike very limited in its effect iess just to make this point more clear here's an example H excels at making short burst trades in Lane in order to whittle down his opponent to a point where he's able to catch them off guard and execute them most likely with his Q2 whether it's via crowd controlling them with e or his ult problem with first strike is that you can't always anticipate and use its cool down properly especially since Mages have a hard time getting all their spells off in a short time while effectively Landing them which means you can easily burn it on accident just by poking as for the gold gain by the damage dealt it's pretty meh early game damage really isn't high enough for this to matter and it only really starts to make a difference if you're really fed and by that point you've probably snowballed enough that you don't need the gold as much back to the Rune pages that do actually work well and consistently the and all be all here is Arcane Comet it works well since it boost Way's early game poke because his damage is relatively low and makes it easier to whittle down people without expending as much Mana that and the cooldown refund on Landing other abilities really helps him out the alternative to this is summon Airy for a similar reason summon ay can be strong because it has a very short cool down and is guaranteed to land on any kind of damage you use the consistency is what you're really looking for here but the trade-off is doing a little less damage than you would with Arcane Comet as for the rest of the page I always go Mana flow band to help cope with his Mana issues Transcendence so you can effectively spam artillery especially lay game with absolute Focus as an alternative depending on matchups and finally Scorch for a little more of that guaranteed damage as for secondary runes you have a lot of options my go-to is precision with presence of mind to help out with Mana and Lane and gr for that sweet sweet execute damage these really function as a steroid to what he's already doing instead of opting for more utility and missing out on damage another option is domination with ghost poro to help avoid ganks and you're relatively immobile in cheap shot or ultimate Hunter cheap shot helps you get that poke damage after you land some form of your e but can be inconsistent while ultimate Hunter helps out your ult coold down especially when combined with malignants which makes team fighting really strong but again this means you're opting for more utility stats instead of damage so I would consider the team comps before taking this and for the last of the secondaries I would take resolve in matchups that are typically very one-sided and have high burst like nefi Echo syndra and Ari there are of course others but I'll talk about matchups in a little bit since whe has a fairly weak early game and is prone to burst trades I usually take bone plating and either overgrowth or unflinching overgrowth is great for late game against burst Champions while unflinching is kind of just stronger for early game if you're laner or enemy jungler has a hard CC so most of the time I would just take overgrowth as for shards you should almost always run double adaptive damage and health in summary your primary Rune page should almost look like one of these and in these matchups your secondary page should look something like this and speaking of matchups let's take a look at some of them qu is somewhere between a control Mage and an artillery Mage since some of his strongest spells have a large AOE with strong effects or have high range and high damage this means that his biggest downsides are having low Mobility long cooldowns on his stronger spells and a low maximum health because of that some of his worst matchups are against Champions with High burst and Mobility so let's go down the list at the top are the worst of the worst and at the bottom are the not so worst of the worst for pretty obvious reasons at the top are Zed nefy Fizz Ekko and Ari I feel like I really don't have to say much about Zed he should be your perab ban if you m way as he is the veritable bane of your existence and will win Lane nine times out of 10 he has too much burst on too little cooldown with extreme mobility and can freely Roam and punish other lanes nafiri is fairly similar and has an insane early game Advantage with too many options to avoid your important CC abilities as well as having high burst damage that and her dogs interfere with you Landing your spells effectively especially your Q2 the dogs alone can basically win the lane for her all on their own Fizz and Ekko are pretty much in the same boat with high Mobility burst and roaming potential they will win almost every early game trade and have strong options to avoid your CC Ari is a special case where she basically doubles as a mid-range Caster meaning she's hard to trade with early game and as soon as she hits level six she can decisively win any engage using her ult especially when paired with m meaning she can ult almost every time she returns to lane or RS on the lower half of bad matchups we have syndra Yasuo axan and Zoe cnra is one of my least favorite lanes because no matter how well you play the matchup you will get outscaled and end up trading kills even when you're ahead her Q combo has too much range and damage without giving enough time to trade back she can effectively trade kills with you so long as she has ult and her damage comes out a lot faster than whes Yasuo is more or less a skill-based matchup where he will always be extremely frustrating to l against but someone who is very good at him will usually win his e makes it easy to dodge most of who's abilities that and his wind wall can effectively shut you out of an entire team fight oxan and other DPS type Champions are always bad since they have constant pressure and will always win long-term trades especially early game Zoe has short cooldowns mobility and easy damage that makes leaning against her difficult where she's hard to punish most of this stems from her being able to reposition at a moment's notice with her alt and land her cues anytime she feels like it moving on to ha's better matchups at the top are the easiest Champions to play against and on the bottom are some of the more or less neutral matchups we have aurelian soul Gallo Oriana azir and zerth aelian soul is by far the easiest matchup because he has to stand still to channel his Q giving you a free Q2 on him and his e basically telegraphs where he's going making it very easy to land your CC on him Gallo is usually a problem for Mages of a similar caliber but H has decently ranged spells and Landing your E1 on Gallo is almost guaranteed when he tries to dash on you Oriana has decent zoning potential but her range is far too short to avoid your poke making it easy to stay away from her for the more neutral matchups azir isn't too much of a problem and can usually be countered pretty easily since he has to be in range of his soldiers and stand still to Auto attack making it very easy for you to Lander spells however he does have decent trade potential and at level six you have to be extremely careful with your positioning or he can catch you out with his alt finally we have zerth poking zerth with Q2 is pretty easy since he slows himself down when charging q and is forced to commit to it that and his other spells force him to stop momentarily to cast him or entirely during his alt the downside of this Lane is that his poke is very long range and can go through your wave meaning you have to be very good at dodging and positioning as to not get whittel down all right that's enough of scripted me I'm going to let unscripted me take over for a little bit to talk about laning and gameplay hello it's me unscripted noodle I'm here to talk about laning and Combos and how to use your abilities first thing I want to talk about is your W3 this ability is going to be your and all Beall for getting your Mana back poking and just kind of staying in Lane I think the best thing to note about this ability is that it's very easy to use in the sense that you can put it up before you start casting spells so you can put it up do your QQ Auto attack E3 whatever whatever you want to do but another thing to note about this is that this ability can be cast during uh one of your other spells while it's flying in the air so if you wanted to do a q1 on somebody you could W3 right afterwards and it'll take up that dot while it's flying through the air I would say for the most part the only time you're really going to use that mechanic is if you're going to CU two somebody from far away and it gives you ample time to put it up and you're not going to mess up and recast a different spell instead uh so usually 90% of the time if it is already up I would put it up before you decide to cast any of your other spells as I also mentioned before your W3 does affect your passive as well so that short burst trade that I was talking about where you can effectively get all three of those marks off with just two spells is to have them up throw an auto attack or your q1 or whatever other ability first and it'll detonate all three of your marks getting the maximum amount of damage and the Mana back you can do them by putting them up queuing first and then Auto attacking and then getting the mark that's going to be your bread andb butter trade for early game uh especially if you take W2 as for which abilities to take in what order you're always going to take your Q first and then after that you going to take take your e if you're up against somebody like fizz Eko or Airy somebody who's going to try to jump on you and in some cases people like Ari so you can Zone them off of you while you're hold your wave back from the turret um in cases where you have the advantage against other mid-range casters you want to take your W so you can get that Mana back and shove in if you need to here I want to show you a big reason that taking your Q first is really important other than it just being good damage and a low cooldown as soon as the game starts you want to run all the way up here through your mid uh don't take mid lane CU you don't want your laner to see you and come up right into this Bush and just wait right around here at about 1 minute and 20 seconds you can Q2 this bush up here and you will either see your Arcane Comet or summon Ary go off and you'll get this little status above your bar and you know that somebody's there if somebody isn't there then you should walk all the way up here and put a warding trinket right on the enemy jungler uh Raptors this early vision is kind of just an andal be all for most midlaners and is super super crucial to tell where the enemy jungler is all right so back to combo and which ones you're going to use the most obviously your goal is to get your passive op as much as possible especially early game since it doesn't cost you anything and it is just bonus damage obviously your easiest way of doing that is going to be against some Champions that don't have as much of an advantage against you where you can walk up and auto attack them with your orbs even if you do multiple in a row it won't detonate your passive but as long as one of those is an ability of some sort you will always get your passive off uh most of the time you want to go with stuff that is almost guaranteed to land that's why your E3 is really good for it cuz it goes through minions and everything and sometimes your Q3 so some of your best paired abilities together if you're looking for peel and somebody is directly on top of you that is one of the few situations you'll actually use E1 otherwise this ability is incredibly slow so you have to be really careful how you use it it takes a very long time to travel and it's not that big it's a decent size most of the time you're going to use it when the right on top of you which gives you a perfect opportunity to E1 and q1 right after and walk away that's going to give you your full passive trade and that's going to get them off of you for a moment in some cases depending on the matchup it may be good to E1 them and then throw your Rift down because it stems from wherever you are and if they're chasing you to your turret they will have to walk all the way on it and be slowed the whole time and you're going to have the advantage cuz you're safer here but in most cases if you're just trying to get away I wouldn't even take the time to Q one afterwards one of your most effective and useful trading options is to put down your Q3 your big rift in the middle of the wave making it look like you're trying to clear it out and then E3 them into it which I failed to do this is really hard for them to dodge and it's going to pull them directly into the rift it's going to take damage from both of those as well as your passive obviously if you can you want your W3 up first and that's going to give you all three of your marks detonated and it's going to do a lot of damage to them as for utilizing your Q2 obviously this spell does absolutely no damage to anybody that's full health and will only really be effective if they are isolated crowd controlled like a hard CC not a slow or if they are already below the threshold the best ways you're going to use this is on Champions that are much much slower and are liking to position away from their minions where you can land it but most of the time you're going to land it with your E2 this spell has a long enough route duration and a decent enough range that you can get your Q2 off from wherever you are most of the time it's not going to be super effective but when people are running around the map mid to late game and aren't really paying attention you can usually throw your e two around and somebody will accidentally walk into it giving you a bunch of free damage if not a full-on kill one of your most used combos for your Q2 as well is going to be paired with your ultimate since this thing basically gets to the strength of a rout while they're walking around they're going to be forced to slow down a whole lot and right at the end of it you should get a guaranteed Q2 on them because they can barely move unless they have flash another way to use your Al that you might be able to land it and it's not always effective is to use your E3 and pull them towards the center of it and then you can throw your ultimate directly after and since they get slowed by the E3 they are most likely to get hit by it kind of like that it catches people off guard a lot but it's not the most effective obviously if you can try to land your E1 or your E2 on them before landing your ult because it's guaranteed that way um but sometimes when they're positioned up against a wall or something it can land pretty well if you do it right when you're in team fights you mostly want to throw your spells that you know will land like your q1 if you're trying to peel for for your teammates like your carry or something and you're not super fed uh make sure they get right on top of them before you land your E1 or they've exhausted whatever Mobility they have otherwise if you're looking to Zone people out and cut off choke points your Q3 is a massive tool for that and a lot of times when you're in tight spaces like dragon or Baron pit you can throw it down and pull a lot of people into it to get a ton of damage with your passive since it marks everybody your E3 is going to be your bread and butter for team fights a lot of the time cuz you'll usually get at least two or three people with it this also pairs really well with your E3 and your ult because it's going to pull a lot of people to the same spot and everybody's going to scatter meaning that if you throw your ult in any direction it will almost guaranteed to be land on somebody especially in situations like that where you're fighting for an objective if you do hit somebody important with that eyeball it is good to land your ult right on them afterwards so that can slow them down if not kill them before they're able to get in here and do anything meaningful well that's all I have to say without going super super in depth I will have full game plays with commentary at some point up to talk a little more about that but for now that's all I got so uh back to scripted noodle thank you unscripted me we are back to the script now to talk about builds I'm going to go down the list of his core items to break down when and why you should build them but really quickly let's go over Summoners and starting items you should always take Flash no matter what and second to that ghost or teleport in my experience I only ever take ghost but if you're less experienced and know your matchup will be hard then I would take teleport to soften the blow of being put behind behind ghost on the other hand is extremely good for his mobility and roaming making it easier to gank other lanes and repositioning quickly during a fight as for starting items you should always be taking Mana tier and Potions I don't ever take Dorn's ring because it has short-term gains with no payoff meaning it gives no significant stats and doesn't build into anything taking tier first is important because it gives you some decent mana and allows you to start stacking early on so you don't struggle as much with ways OB scen Mana costs that then gives you the option to build into archangels first in case you're against any of these Champions all the bonus Mana also helps you shove out your lane more often meaning you can Roam and avoid fighting your laner or it can help negate some of their burst and keep you alive more often once it evolves into serap's Embrace if you're not against any of these Champions then you can usually build Archangel second or third the Premier Choice for your first item would have to be Shadow flame this gives you a ton of AP and really amps up your execute damage with your full combo the downside is that it doesn't offer anything for health or Mana so if you have a lane that swings in your favor then most of the time you should be building this first the torment is an optional item that grants health and helps out a little bit with wave clear but the biggest reason you'll ever build this is because the enemy team has a lot of Health stackers the percent Health bonus damage makes a massive difference and if there are at least two tanky people on the enemy team then you should absolutely have this usually this only needs to be your second or third item and is rarely a great option for your first unless you're leaning directly against a tank or some kind of scaling Health Mage like copia or Vladimir malignance is a really strong item right now due to its ultimate cooldown reduction and B bonus damage but on H it can be problematic H's Al is pretty strong and has a fairly long cool down but is extremely hard to land in a lot of situations meaning that malignants will often times be underutilized unless you're playing specifically for team fights it can be solid as a first item since it builds out of lost chapter which helps you retain Mana early game but should only ever be rushed if your laner or most of the enemy team is extremely immobile meaning you can land your ult more often other than that I really can't recommend it overall and you should usually be going for higher damage on your basic abilities moving towards mid to late game when you have your core items built you can usually decide what to go based on how the match plays out if you're extremely fed then you should be trying to get death cap where if you're behind and getting picked off easily then consider going zona's or banshees Veil once you hit Level 9 you should swap out for the blue trinket so you can Ward more safely and occasionally scry for a quick kill with Q2 as for boots you should only ever be going sorcerer shoes since there really isn't a good reason to go anything else I'll put some examples on screen right now to briefly show what your build path should look like in specific matchups situation so feel free to pause and read them at your own pace all right last but certainly not least let's talk about pocket picks as much as I would like to play whe and whe alone it simply isn't possible so it's important to have a few backup Champions that you are comfortable with my personal picks are Oriana Lux and Morana Oriana has always been one of my favorite Champions so this might be a little biased but she has a similar Z zoning and team fight play style and can have a massive impact on the outcome of your games if you get relatively good at her of course she has similar downsides to whe especially considering she doesn't have access to a hard CC before level six and even at that point her Al can be very hard to land and has a massive cooldown which can be slightly mitigated with malignants Lux I would say plays a little safer as an artillery Mage and has a pretty lame play style where all you have to do is ult your minion waves and push in your laner by late game you should have some decent farm and high damage allowing you to dish out ultimates every 20 seconds make hard for the enemy carries to position or just picking them off entirely and finally Morana is more or less of a situational pick but she essentially functions as an anti-mage with how easily she can push out waves and avoid CC with black shield while also having extremely strong pick potential she's not as strong of a pick against Assassins but fares well into wave pushers and hard CC Mages like anivia Lux and even way himself all right I'm going to do one final breakdown to summarize what your play style and match pacing should look like on H as a mid to long range control/ artillery Mage your goal is to play safe and scale to late game making full use of your strong CC and AOE during team fights early game is a struggle due to his relatively low damage and high Mana costs meaning you have to be very precise with how you use your spells in order to avoid hard engages from the enemy laner and jungler while maintaining good Farm despite these disadvantages whe excels at roaming for minor objectives and ganks you should always keep track of your junglers so you can follow them to help with void grubs or even look for a roam on other lanes these fights can help you snowball into mid game if you come out with kills assists or objectives since solo killing your laner isn't always an option mid toate game is where H really shines with his ability to dish out high damage from afar on relatively low cooldown especially in choke points where the enemy has a harder time avoiding your abilities even when underfed whe plays a huge role in team fights by controlling areas and even peeling for allies but still struggles with getting caught out by hard engagers one of the most crucial skills is knowing how to itemize properly allowing you to deal with different classes of Champions either by maximizing your own damage and utility or preventing the enemy from fully utilizing their own whether it's by denying healing with Grievous moons denying easy picks with banshees Veil or zonas or by playing a glass Cannon build and trading picks With the Enemy carries all in all your positioning and ability to land spells effectively and consistently at the right times is what's really going to make this Champion work that's all I have to say for now I hope you learned something and I hope to see you in the next one [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Noodle
Views: 13,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: league of legends, league, lol, league of legends hwei, lol hwei, league of legends guide, lol guide, league guide, diamond guide, diamond hwei, league of legends ranked, league ranked, lol ranked, Hwei main, hwei one trick, hwei otp, league one trick, league otp, ranked
Id: 9tFppW3pHUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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