Yossi Dina’s $675,000 FERRARI!!

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we're at our favorite store again we're here to see Josie Josie called me this morning and he said he's got another Ferrari for me to see I don't know if you guys saw the video with the f40 we came down to see the f40 it was a toy he assured me however this is a very special real Ferrari so let's go see what it is because I have no idea wouldn't tell me already because you like it's a man with your pens like that seriously you ever see a man what's wrong with its it's probably mean you know I'm leaving I mean I think if I want to get sanitation or love that it's beautiful maybe I should press like he'll have a feeling that ever Ari's not gonna be no I just I just did an introduction and I told everybody that you called me yeah you've got a very special Ferrari and amazing fun round and it's gonna be a toy is it real like this one for a dolt for somebody like you it's a real Ferrari the real one but I'm getting this like in few minutes he'd be like in in 10 minutes you promise yeah the guy says only will be he'll like it won't close you believe this Adam do you think it's only going I told the car went to his house yesterday you crazy I'm making a deal with him should we come back in 10 minutes no let me show you some stuff because I tell you what I have I was talking to Dominique we have about 10,000 pieces in the set 10,000 I want to get rid of that Sisley some stuff I put 10 years ago for a dollar or so it for 20 cent I told like I need money but I want to get rid of stuff sure I mean listen I mean YouTube this show brought a lot of people here I saw like close to like really we sold couple of hundred pieces really but because of that I'm going to do every week a YouTube channel for my company in a pager in no time I will have more people watching me and watching you and YouTube let's know in the comments yeah you're better looking at me but people don't look for you but before me you were better closing me share some stuff you go vegan I'll tell you what we got don't like what's it good pieces what's the odds on the Ferrari sure enough I just got this from one lady I just got this from one where's the cover the karela so what'd he say I $20 it's not here within 15 minutes I'll check the back but I think he's gonna come yeah we'll never come here again if it doesn't work I think it's gonna come well we got here somewhere else this is cool like it's a show card happy happy watch I think they call them happy watch floating diamonds in this case this is a funny only this watch this watch have to be together with a group what about this it's a BB Josie Bissett are here yet is the car here yet no the car it's not here it will be at 1 o clock 10 minutes you have no patient ah time it's all money you don't worry when I say something my ward it's really important good I'm the producer I'm a GE and the audience is very excited what does he go you know every day I get like stop people lost it in Japan and I started you know when I give people loan it's four formats if people don't pay for that in four months we own the pieces this why nobody can beat my pricey nobody people crazy they go by in a Jewish store a Harry Winston or Cartier when I sell it for 90 80 % you know this one it's not important but don't know what's it's nothing like what's nice yeah I mean it's like with people that have 150 it's probably worse about seven there eight hundred to make it I will sell it for 200 that's a good deal yeah good point yeah you can't say something you can't prove such a silly number up simply what to buy in is that what is this how is that is that what you do you sell it by the way really in homage to Torito concentrate here so you like let me show you is this what's this are you going big money now I'll do so like everyday piece it well please watch it's fifty sixteen it's a Patek Phillipe maybe the most complicated Patek in the world why you have a minute repeater you know two minute repeater yes you can hear it's a minute repeater it's a true beyond oh wow and it's a professional Canadore missing I pay for this ten years ago $500,000 really I really pay five hundred I bought it from a decorum option but I want to solid now have the paper everything and I will sell it for less money they need money now to buy some other way how much would you sell this crowd is for party close to 500 I will take over a little bit less but it's very rare than theta what's well it's only the one I seen with this face you don't see one yellow ball with this face I can give you one for 350 400 but the face make a big difference what should they make it like one of the kind it's a beautiful face amazing it's too small for my wrist but for a collector I think it's an amazing piece very nice I mean he wants of collector have it's more that don't can be you know today everybody like the big watches I get a couple I got a great deal Michael what are you wearing today I think I've seen this this is a brig a rose gold breguet and this is the cookie I'm gonna show you these but how much is it like 40,000 your best 45 well keep somebody know what's her reason for that that's really about 45,000 what do you pay for that 2025 know how much more okay I would not pay more in 15 to 20,000 for watch like where would you buy it for people to coming to me they need money for your porn yeah palm of people want to sell it to me will they call me when you buy these it nice because I'll liable for you you know what Dominique I got copper watches can you give it to me so this has an alarm in it oh yeah yeah you wanna see how it works yeah okay so this here there's a hand you see this lowly underneath and then you just turn it and set it to the time you want you see it moving let me do it again I think this we still I never used these function with some watches you know when people come to my store you know I put it here if they want too much money let me show you some real watches yes you see this one is just amazing demonstration hold of the maze hold on one second hold on this is the main and they press up so you said yes you see this one is a Patek Phillipe I ever watch like that this is very important watch the reason for this one it's 230,000 this is really the watches like you know paper everything it's a true beyond I am one I paid for my and Matt for my 165 it's a use what but I need to sell it this came out of fun you know show you so much it so much I will show this for 160 maybe a little bit less I like that no let me show you something couple thank you let me show you something you loved like this watch this let me pull up a chair and Beach which one do you like this one yes this is a roller it's a Cartier only one kind it's a skeleton it's a very rare I don't understand what have this watch but now you don't break it with the regular dial you don't have it's a couple hundred thousand dollar one okay that's way out of your league apparently I do Domenic this called a mystery watch yes this watch it's like over two or three hundred thousand or watch it's a very rare I don't think they make more in ten of them how much is it I need to get close to 120,000 but at a let me show you something watch you love cuz it's you kind of watch you like look you like but this hasn't happened this is a complicated maybe John Louis Vuitton retail I think I think it's 450 I think somebody told me they made only two of them it's a miniature picture to be on forget the watch beautiful okay give it to Bank on summer they want to get 135 it's a beautiful watch an amazing watch I like it I wouldn't worry but it is a beautiful no you wouldn't I will work because I love the Lupus it's different see I like to buy some I would wear something like I do you don't see it with anybody something nice is in this box come on come on see this watch it's pretty it's definitely pretty you know what's in here you don't have beauty about this watch it's a platinum Rolex it's the first time you've seen that in a tell you why a lot supposed to be only one watch in the world only one watch being made with this face they have this face with other watches but this patch particular platinum made only one only one homogeneous in again it was $400,000 but it's only one be made retail was I think thirty thousand it's sold in boutique in London but it's only one been made I see you have this in white gold have that but I have the paper for that it's mint it's a regional with a platinum it's only one been made like when you buy this watch nobody else have it you know like I like one of the client whose they have no price for that nobody can come to your cell is that I can get this for you to pay for 20 or 30 bits it's not existing silly is the heavy 120 it's melting prices so how much is this again she said 28 what's the gold weight 498 it's close to 1525 if somebody buy this way go let it go for 25 we both write a good deal good deal it's on the cover of those with Justin Bieber war yeah just leave it how much is a 200 and that's over 40 grams is it doesn't it's cool it's gold look like a diamond like diamond he look like in about 200 of them how much is it 2200 very nice yeah I could see you were a buncha together so here you go so I can maybe I'll show it off a little better this 100 each one look at that you can buy three for 2,600 and you look like a talent you don't need that the jury they look like a damaged me this one back so this is $1200 each yes you don't understand I get the way stop we shall go to a jewelry store and pay retail but people like to pay retail because they're getting in a beautiful parts so you give a box oh can you see this is my box here you see this watch this here you see this watch 1985 I have the paper patek philippe sold for eight hundred and fifty thousand eight hundred fifty retail Patek Phillipe original diamond well beautiful beautiful how much is this I will take 240 Tami Philippe cannot come a better watch but people will go to the store to paid hundred fifty thousand that's crazy totally crazy where's the Ferrari here's a cool part did we look at the chain I said it wouldn't be here in 10 minutes it was quite it was five to one old guy will be here it's 103 so in its late Michael you have two minutes and then I've won the bet Michael how much you want to bet I beat you now it will be here in three minutes three minutes yes alright okay three minutes I believe you I'm not gonna bet you because I know I know Yoshi he was losing part how much it's a we've done this come form a big cut me that big is a tiny wrist the veto is it's a big act already you know he's good-looking I asked him did not I ask him I told him I would give him over Rita if I can use his name and this is stuff too I cannot I'm sorry I can mold some tattoos lots of tattoos good movies don't don't talk so many don't guess nothing come on name to us it's important yeah that is a book that says penis that's way too big for him that's the story of people who have been dear customers that's here you wrote this see I tell you Dominic working for me like about 20 years and she's probably with her boyfriend in thinking about to me in the middle of the night and she's like what can I write about this what can I write about this naked boss so on page 23 is this naked picture of Josi I'd show you but we've learned yeah I blame my way of being single only reason I never got married to anybody because I have this woman that spoiled me I don't feel like I need anything daddy issues this way young girl heaving immunity upon my wife that's pretty funny right all right we're running yes he's here the car showed up apparently listen to people you think you know everything a big shot I love the compliment to a tiara it's in 1967 oh no it's very records I made only 600 of them $600 absolutely amazing let's see I thought it is a real one when you know that what Celine this is gorgeous it's a 12 cylinder this is awesome yeah made only 600 so how much is this car this guy you know I don't know exactly I believe it's worth a lot more because the guy wants a solid buddies asking 675,000 675 675 time maybe only like it's a very low mileage it's in excellent condition original color in everything [Music] [Music] it's his 1967 research egt see ya low mileage only six on have been made excellent condition how much and which is a customer asking for 675 lat it's beautiful you know I don't I don't personally class always you know I'm but somebody will let this off my driveway you know I didn't what do you think I like it I really know can I see it big steering wheel these pallets to offensively it's so complicated even got to even got an amazing fire extinguisher it's good let me let me the camera let me put that on camera that is incredible I'm going to let Adam do the beauty shots very cool and so you have this up for sale people want it you know I have a lot of car for sale I just got that yesterday 911 our Porsche it's only 900 carbine made people who's been over retail they guy pay four hundred fifty thousand in avid for sale 18 miles but people know I have customer to bring the oldest stuff you know if you need a loan on car you know I do loan on cause if your guy needs a hundreds of two or three hundred I will take this car look at the wheels I mean the whole thing's eats so let's go see this other stuff there you are thank you thank you very much that was by the way there really was amazing yeah how many great car I get really dad I told you I got this 911 Porsche writes new car in my garage never garage was about 40 car here look at one lady saw these cenotes come out at 40 cars we're gonna watch it and when one lady sold it to me he's about 40 50 thousand original diamond I would sell it for Kanye right in thousand dollar ten thousand you cannot find it cause the original diamond expensive it's expensive no sense in experts inexpensive you know you can write for $10,000 if you see blood on it from down the street I'm seriously look at a Bulgari $1,200 how much it's five six seven thousand retail shop art I will sell it for five thousand it's like a black diamond it's a cipher there is like epidemic I think it's like twenty thirty thousand or watch a crazy the retail psj $5,000 gold only gold it's a gold is $4,000 maybe well my thanks on it no there is a big you don't like it now somebody well I'd I told it be you know let's you know take a water actually it looks better on the wrist is in the bottle you know for something you need how much is something like 5,000 oh I think it's about working what's BBB what's it now the company get out of here you wouldn't know it looks like something youth where a child disgusting you know my partner cut damn it that think had a 20 carat gif I've you know why it what I have now I have a five color dvb-s one a Navy paid to point to like listen to me I believe a sheep a can I forget further funny huh do you funny no lucky every job as a producer because if it was not a producer you probably be on the street begging for money I started out but listen I really have a lot of damage ain't nobody can beat music what is this this it's yellow green fancy green yellow 17 carats huge it's beautiful how much is something like this okay but I am allowed that where's it going you see this is like a GPS one tank Hallett but I have a lot of damage with G a year what you cannot buy it anywhere else people go to a jewelry store they can every time at the want I've gotten to Europe idiot I'd be the biggest it's Tommy sure this one's really pretty great six Kyle 21 but listen Old Yeller yellow yellow [Music] it's a cult year nineteen twenty people love this kind of stuff it's hard equites 1922 I said how much is about fifty thousand for that 1555 oh if you have one for fifty not by a hundreds of them okay alright I'll keep an eye up thank you good keep an eye up I don't we'll be looking for these now search around maybe see the back it's beautiful here twenty in excellent could have stamped it's all numbers Cartier everything it's documented everything heavy show me some stuff maybe we have some stuff like you want like under 200 or 500 like if this is a 1500 I probably will sell it for 300 ah let me show you this right Dominick there actually tied with the correct prices and you can go to website wwe.com doing so many show with you I'm going to do every week by myself a sure what I will produce a new or my girl will produce in I beat you I will have more people follow will I be a guest absolutely sure you'll get a lot of views I have a question for you yeah I have a question for you so a video ago you gave out your cell phone number which I told you was a big mistake did your favorite he was you're not a problem yes a Shamir Texas like we're not look in the morning take that video down you know it's okay I mean the normal time but people come is like all over the world no but people smarter should know a late time what Stan what's one o'clock in the morning you said I call me any choice you have is a card right here I thought I thought I will have my wife on the for my future wife but here this under $1,000 give if speech it's a sign look at this beautiful thousand it's Italian what's it call me report okay that's beautiful and this is how much money Table seven $800 and seven others like Cavalli pieces do that just fall apart oh no it's too these are Mother's Day presents like under 300 how about that guys Oh Mother's Day is coming you know yes the people you really will love unconditional you should buy what is this for Mother's Day how much you paid that I feed that you know we'll sell it for $200 I was a paid oh wow that's that's very kind oh yeah $200 well I like that and you've got another one in all diamonds it's like it like I'm a slave in here right I will sell 50 they've rolled it down at more than 400 that's very very inexperienced estate they go to a retail store and buy this for seven eight hundred but on your website right son you know because I cannot make enough the program they are these now the pawn ones are just fresh so not yet but these all these trade items so why don't you be my suggestion in this a thousand bottle my suggestion is my suggestion I have a suggestion quiet why don't you put all of these things on your website and then you have a chance of selling over there plain thousand people it cost me more money to put it what I make into put this on the website I have about thousand pieces look in my website what's my website tell me do me do me communist name okay I mean we have some stuff but honestly I think people should come over here but they can look in my side you know maybe set one thing that you might think you something lives in Los Angeles but I mean call us we send you email I teach the next three months I want to sell at least 3,000 pieces we get this order Marty you cannot find him anywhere you go to market a lot of watches you don't see it anywhere you know something it's some stuff most of you start it's totally completed but there's some stuff I pay more because you cannot get it I think you know it's all depends which people buy damage-wise you cannot beat i know these little it's hard in the market I'm doing the Rito the miniature have mezcal Ebanks flushes it you have to wait five years if you ever get probably thousand dollars a little burger yes again thank you thank you for thank you you like you love day it's not my excitement like you love it you like baby almost done here for what - dun-dun-dun don't convertible dawn I'm dawn don't he - Doug's yes - does and also to Dawn's okay I have to I have to Olson if you want to bite metal so I don't need it's a different color black and black I'm good you're sure thank you thank you hit that subscribe button hit the bell I'm running away because if I don't say goodbye now [Music] wonderful [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 1,022,355
Rating: 4.7739816 out of 5
Keywords: wealth, wealthy, millionaire, billionaire, los angeles, beverly hills, rodeo drive, LA, supercar, supercars, ferrari, lamborghini, maserati, rolls royce, aston martin, bugatti, porsche, get rich, Business advice, hustle, earn money, luxury, luxury lifestyle, music, celebrity, yossi dina, classic car, vintage, car collector, ferrari 330 gtc, pawn stars, pawn, rolex, patek phillipe, AP, audemars piguet, louis vuitton, reality tv, producermichael, michael blakey, producer michael
Id: pHfC5AjcK4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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