Ranking Every Yoshi's Crafted World Boss!

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[Music] after playing a beautiful game like yoshi's woolly world i was wondering where nintendo would go next with the yoshi series and turns out they decided to go with arts and crafts while yoshi's crafted world may not be as cute looking as wooly whirl the creativity is even better in this one with everything being made out of cardboard strings rubber bands and so much more crafted world changed the formula a little bit having more worlds and a couple less bosses but they're still pretty cool to fight today we shall rank all of the bosses in yoshi's crafted world from the worst to the best here we go so one of the recurring enemies in the yoshi series is my boy birth the bashful you know that dude that we keep getting naked in every single yoshi game well i'm glad to announce that yoshi's crafted world is not breaking the tradition because bert is back he's called birth the ball this time around and to be honest it kind of feels better in my opinion i mean look at it bert really is a beach ball in this game the fight takes place in a swimming pool and bert will use his trusty whistle to summon those penguin enemies that will try to push you off the platform thankfully you can use those penguins to attack bert and knock him on his back once that is done do a ground pun attack on his weak point to beat him some of his other attacks include throwing out beach balls at you and that's pretty neat and you know this fight wouldn't be complete without you making him completely naked at the end ah bird bird bird bird and here he goes deflating again poor dude [Music] you know how i praised yoshi's crafted world for having everything made out of cardboard and other art stuff well this might have gone too far with this next boss yark topus as you can see it's a basic octopus made out of paper moving around on his boat made out of cardboard defeating the dude is not very difficult as you just have to wait for one of those doors to open up and then throw an egg in his face there is an eggplant on your boat so running out of eggs is not even an option the only thing that will stand between you and victory is your topic's only attack spitting out those metallic spiky balls as you can see they come at you real slow so you have plenty of time to move and dodge them all three headshots and this dude is out of here and you'll be all good [Music] after going through a castle containing lots of cogs and gears you'll be thrilled to meet this next boss mr geary mr geary seriously and here i thought i wasn't very original naming my friends bloopy the blooper and bully the bullet bill mr geary is literally a gear with eyes and a mouth that is all sadly for this bust being a gear strongly limits your attack opportunities so all he does is move left and right no no no wait it also jumps in the air and shakes the ground making little shy guys fall from the sky well those shy guys will be the ones you want to use to defeat mr geary throw some eggs at the yellow paper things holding mr geary in place and after that is done it will just crash and fall to its doom goodbye giri the gear most of the bosses in yoshi games are usually defeated by throwing eggs at them so whenever a boss fight is actually different i can only praise it for its originality well here we go time to praise the tin can condor the next boss on the list this enemy flies in the sky attacking you with angry sharp spiky red envelopes of death and also has spiky balls that can crush you thankfully from time to time those little mouses will get out of those straws and start playing with magnets snag the magnet from their hands as this is the perfect weapon to defeat tin can his body is made out of metal so if you throw a magnet at it it's going to be super heavy on tim can and will make this bus fall down and reveal his weak point do your classic yoshi ground pun attack and you'll be able to inflict some damage dodge a few more spiky balls a couple more deadly envelopes and you'll be this boss in no time i have to admit that this next bus is really different from what this game series is usually all about the shogun's castle is a stage featuring those elevator platforms that you move up and down or left and right to proceed through the stage well once you go through the door and reach the shogun of skewers get ready to do the same thing this bus just waits in his safe room over there just waiting to be defeated but the real challenge is actually reaching that safe room you'll have to explore those elevator platforms and move them to eventually reach him and ground pound his head yup it is a puzzled boss fight interesting idea obviously just making your way to the bus would be far too easy so sometimes the background walls will flip over and reveal a very spiky side make sure to move out of the way before you get turned into a yoshi skewer though complete three different puzzles and this bus will be done [Music] all aboard the gator train this next bus is pretty interesting as it's literally a train with a face this face will try to eat you and will destroy the platforms you're standing on so be careful about that i'd say the real fun comes from the different boxes the train is carrying with it there's the shy guy boxes which contain little shy guys that will throw spiky metallic balls at you they'll also sometimes throw the cutest shy guy ever oh my gosh she's so cute there's also another box which contains flying fences that will come at you and will try to push you off the edge so you'll have to jump and dodge your way to safety the final box probably comes straight out of paper mario the origami king as it is a box containing tons of pencils that will fall on you and roll on the platforms dodge all of those scary things and then use some well-placed eggs to destroy the gator trains face and you'll be all good to go choo choo i'll love the gator train cause it's dead you know yoshi's crafted world wouldn't be complete if it didn't have a scary looking piranha plant fight introducing spike the piranha a giant piranha plant that will spit spiky fruits at you as well as little shy guys from time to time it will go hide in the background and will use his vines to throw even more dangerous things at you thankfully some pinata balls appear at the top of the screen from time to time and as you can see some of those contain shy guys and others contain spiky balls just wait for a spiky ball pinata to appear above the plant and then throw an egg to attack it and inflict some damage as it gets angrier spike's attacks will be more difficult to dodge so you'll really need to be careful at some points if you want to make it out alive dodge everything that this bus throws your way and aim for the correct pinata to win the fight [Music] after you beat yoshi's crafted world you'll be offered to spend some of your hard-earned flowers to get to a bonus world featuring very difficult stages and at the end of those stages awaits can make the evil witch as you can see the floor is now made out of donut platforms meaning they will fall down if you stand on them for too long so you'll need to be constantly moving and jumping around this bus is quite interesting as it is a more difficult version of a lot of previous bosses we've talked about today the first phase in kamik's fight is a tin can condor rematch except it's way faster and scarier looking after shooting an egg at kamik and ground pounding his butt you get a harder version of the gator train match with way bigger pencils and way more fences to dodge now including electric ones if you manage to survive this part you'll then be met with a giant version of kamek trying to attack you with fireworks and spiky cars for arms if you manage to beat this fight then you'll enter this giant yoshi robot thingy and will have to punch cars and planes back at a giant version of kamek this part is very tricky because you need to memorize the pattern of those cars and planes and hit them all there is no room for error as missing only one of those things means you have to start over once you finally get everything right you'll get to punch kamek for the last time and get that epic dub what a crazy boss fight [Music] well hey here we are back again at the top of the list with a creative baby bowser fight this bus fight is pretty interesting and there are multiple things that bowser will try to hit you with first off he has cars for arms now so that's pretty weird yeah you'll need to be using some eggs to break those cars and reveal the true baby bowser that's hiding in the robot thingy throw an egg at him and ground pound his belly to get to the second phase aka the super fast spinning plane attack of death whoa that's a little bit crazy now instead of cars for arms he has hammers and he also uses gears to attack you kinda like little versions of my boy mr geary use eggs to break the hammers and then to break bowser to get to the final phase now instead of cars or hammers for hands well they're now looking like this and bowser uses those sharp pencil ends thingies to try to attack you once more grab some shy guys break those hands to give him the final blow but if you think the fight is over well forget about it we're actually just getting started time to fight mega baby bowser a really big and scary looking version of bowser that spits giant fireballs at you and also throws stars from above to crush you oh oh he also has hammers to crush you to yeah he's all about crushing you thankfully you can steal those hammers with an egg throw and once the hammer is with you you can place it on those two side adapter thingies doing so will allow you to push the big red buttons over there and use those hammers to punch bowser and reduce his health points because yes the numbers on bowser's belly indicate how much health point he has i didn't know yoshi's crafted world was an rpg but okay i'm done with that you'll have to keep dodging fireballs and stars and keeps stealing more of his hand adapter thingies and you'll eventually punch him so much that she'll run out his health to zero and you'll be done with the fight once again yoshi's crafted world saved the best for last and that's pretty cool not gonna lie yo thanks a lot for watching this video my dudes i hope you enjoyed it and if you did make sure to subscribe and to turn on the notification bell to know when i post a new one you can also give this video a like and tap the cards on screen right now to watch another ranked video like this one i have made ranked videos on other yoshi games and they're appearing on screen right now so tap the cards you'll love them alright i'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Nicobbq
Views: 442,229
Rating: 4.8944921 out of 5
Keywords: Yoshi's Crafted World, Yoshi Crafted World, Yoshi Crafted, Crafted World, Yoshi Island, Yoshi, Ranking, Boss, Fights, Bosses, Enemies, Battles, Mario, Luigi, Kamek, Bowser, Burt the Ball, Nintendo Switch, Switch
Id: 5M55UzbtHBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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