Kol Nidre | September 15, 2021

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[Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] well shalom and welcome to you all and uh wow i know that our fast has begun and it is in fact we are entering into our special konnidre yom kippur service how very special this is and i know it's going to be wow we're really really excited about this service even though it's uh it's a much more introspective and intense kind of a service but wow very powerful anointed by the rubak i think is going to touch you if you allow it to i'm rabbi kevin for those of you watching i know we have literally they're going to be probably by the time the week is done over a thousand folks watching online and so welcome to you bro welcome to yom kippur wow we're going to be talking really today one one of our rabbis on a rabbis forum on an email list serve that we have says wow messianic jewish believers really this is this is in many ways our holiday because yom kippur means day of atonement we're going to talk more about this today but wow the day of atonement you got to have atonement to have the day of atonement and we have atonement amen yeah so what a blessing that is get ready because it's not too long into the service where we have the konidrae chant which is incredible our cantorial corral is here and wow they're just going to really bless us i'm excited about it in addition to our musicians and our service leader is going to be opening us up with a word of prayer and getting our service started it's daniel ben david so daniel come on up and start us on our service shalom yeah i'm television welcome to congregation beth hilalitz and honored to have you here with us as we worship the lord on this airbyom kapoor konniger service and we especially welcome all our first-time guests and visitors and all of you who are watching vr our live stream you've picked an excellent service and such a meaningful time of year to join us thank you also for continuing to wear your mask over both your mouth and your nose and this would be a good point in the service to take out your cell phone and make sure it's in the silent or off position that would be much appreciated we like to start this wonderful night off right and dedicate this service to the lord so if you have any prayer requests this is also time we're going to lift that up let's go to the lord in prayer abba father lord we thank you for this most special day we thank you that we can enter boldly into your throne room father we thank you for this time of introspect introspection for meditation lord on what our position is relative to you lord that we are in need of atonement lord we are in need and of forgiveness for our sins or we thank you for this day that reminds us and that challenges us lord we dedicate this service to you let it magnify your name and your holy name alone we also lift up any prayer requests at this time lord we thank you for weaving these amazing stories in our lives and growing us to be more like you we thank you for this service we thank you for uh hearing all the cries of your people we bless you and we thank you to yeshua's name we pray amen amen this evening i'm of course assisted by our bethlehel cantorial chorale we'll begin our services with the beautiful ma tovo [Music] is is is is is [Music] and in thy great compassion [Music] i will come into thy house there i will bow [Music] there i will thy holyness o lord [Music] how lovely are your tents so jacob your dwelling places o israel o lord through your abundant loving kindness i will enter your house in awe i will bow down toward your holy sanctuary o lord i love the house where you dwell and the place where your glory resides i shall prostrate myself and bow bend the knee before the lord my maker as for me may my prayers to you o lord be at the right time o god in your abundant loving kindness answer me with the truth of your salvation i'd like to now call up our botsyan our daughter of zion gabriela hodea for the lighting of the candles along with the shahiki anu [Music] blessed are you lord our god ruler of the universe who has sanctified us with his commandments and commanded us to light the yom kippur candles [Music] [Music] on [Music] blessed are you lord our god ruler of the universe who has kept us alive sustained us and allowed us to reach this season todah but on the tenth day of this seventh month is the day of atonements it shall be for you a day of holy convocation and you shall humble yourself and bring a fire offering to the lord in no manner of work shall you do on this same day for it is a day of atonements to make atonement for you before the lord your god from leviticus 23 but if they confess their iniquity in that of their fathers in the treachery that they committed against me and how they walked contrary to me in return i walked contrary to them and brought them into the land of their enemies and if at that time their uncircumcised heart becomes humbled so that they accept the punishment for their iniquity then i will remember my covenant with jacob and also my covenant with isaac and my covenant with abraham and i will remember the land from leviticus 26. please join me where it says congregation together i am he who blots out your trespasses for my sake and i will not remember your sins cause me to remember let us enter into judgment together declare yourself that you may be justified from isaiah 43 for if the blood of bulls and goats and ashes of a red heifer sprinkling those that have been defiled sanctifies to the purity of the flesh so how much more then the blood of messiah who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to god will purify your conscience from dead works for the serving of the living god from hebrews 9. if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness amen from first john at this time i'd ask you all to please rise as we are going to have our stray tortoise come out for the col nijri chan our torah holders are gidon ben daniel mikhail ben david and benbow means all vows we are told in torah that breaking a vow is a serious transgression in deuteronomy 23 21-23 we read if you make a vow to the lord your god do not be slow to pay it for the lord your god will certainly demand it of you and you will be guilty of sin but if you refrain from making a vow you will not be guilty whatever your lips utter you must be sure to do because you made your vow freely to the lord your god with your own mouth but due to persecution our people were forced to make vows which we regret repent for and renounce with this conudre prayer [Music] [Music] is [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] chevy um me [Music] [Music] r [Music] all vows prohibitions oaths consecrations konam vows conus or equivalent terms that we may vow swear consecrate or prohibit upon ourselves from the last yom kippur until this yom kippur and from this yom kippur until next yom kippur may come upon us for good regarding them all we regret them henceforth they all will be permitted abandoned cancelled null and void without power and without standing our vows shall not be valid vows our prohibitions shall not be valid prohibitions and our oaths shall not be valid oaths amen at this time the torah scrolls will leave the room hamelech the king sitting on a throne high and lifted up [Music] blessed is the lord the blessed one for all eternity and you may be seated at this time and now we proclaim the kingship of god [Music] the lord is king the lord is king the lord was king and the lord shall be king forever and ever for the kingdom is the lord's he is the ruler among the nations from psalm 22 thus says the lord the king and redeemer of israel i am the first and i am the last there is no god but me from isaiah 44 who is this king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord triumphant in battle lift up your heads oh gates and lift up o everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory the lord of the armies he is the king of glory from psalm 24 king of the universe let your kingdom be established in us we acknowledge your rulership not only with our lips but also with our lives may we bend our will to conform to yours and may our hearts find a light in serving you may our every act proclaim the lord god of israel is king and his kingdom rules over all in exodus 34 the lord descended in the cloud on mount sinai and passed by the face of moses saying the lord the lord a merciful and gracious god slow to anger and mighty in goodness and truth keeping mercy unto the thousandth generation forgiving iniquity transgression and sin the pardon for our sins has been provided for us by the atoning work of the shed blood of our messiah yeshua now please rise as we worship god in song [Music] blessed are you o lord our [Music] blessed are you lord our god whose word brings on the evening [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] turning darkness into light arranging the stars [Music] is [Music] the same [Music] i don't know [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hear o israel the lord is our god the lord is one blessed be his glorious sovereign name forever and ever yeshua is the messiah he is lord of all and i'll continue now with the hebrew and then the english with the via hafta bahafta it's continuing with the english let's read this together and you shall love the lord your god with all your heart with all your soul and with all your might and let these words which i command you this day be upon your heart and you shall teach them diligently to your children and speak of them when you sit in your house when you walk by the way when you retire and when you arise and you shall bind them for a sign upon your hand and let them be frontlets between your eyes and you shall write them on the doorposts of your houses and upon your gates and from leviticus 19 18 the and you should love your neighbor as yourself you may be seated [Music] come on [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] there is [Music] who is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] lord who is like you know give thanks to the lord for he is good his love endures forever [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] give thanks here thanks give thanks give thanks to the lord he is [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah now i'll read susha reem lift up o gates in english lift up your heads o gates and be lifted up o everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle lift up your heads oh gates even lift up o everlasting doors and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory the lord of the armies he is the king of glory from psalm 24 now please rise and let's continue with the amidah which is the standing prayer and let us also turn east which is this way as all synagogues are built facing toward jerusalem for in ezekiel 43 it states that the glory of the lord will come from the eastern skies of jerusalem the crowd will chant the hebrew first and then will return to read the english [Music] hello [Music] me my [Music] are you lord our god and god of our fathers god of abraham god of isaac and god of jacob the great mighty and awesome god the most high god who bestows grace and creates all and remembers the devotion of the fathers and brings a redeemer to their children's children for his name's sake with love let's read this next part together zakhartanu you have remembered us unto life o king who delights in life and you have written us into the book of life for your sake o god of life we rejoice that our names are written in the lamb's book of life o king helper savior and shield blessed are you o lord shield of abraham now i'll read the might of god you o lord are mighty forever you raise the dead you are mighty to save you sustain the living with grace resurrect the dead with abundant mercy uphold the falling heal the sick set free those in bondage and keep faith with those that sleep in the dust who is like you master of mighty deeds and who can compare to you a king who causes death and restores life and makes salvation sprout and you are faithful to resurrect the dead blessed are you o lord who resurrects the dead you may now return to facing forward you are holy and awesome is your name and there is no god besides you as it is written the lord of hosts is exalted through justice the holy god is sanctified through righteousness blessed are you o lord the holy king [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] he is [Music] [Music] is he [Music] [Music] [Music] he is holy [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] and who is [Music] and who is and who is to come to come to [Music] [Music] hallelujah if you felt your spirit stirring there's a very good reason for that we read in revelation 4 that that's what's said by four living creatures day and night day and night so we got to participate in a little bit of heaven right there so very special wow we are now all going to read the ashamu together it's one of the most important parts of yom kippur we are taking responsibility for our sins please join along and thoughtfully consider our need for forgiveness let us read it slowly to consider this confession together we have trespassed we have dealt deceitfully we have stolen and we have slandered we have acted perversely we have done wrong we have acted presumptuously and we have been violent we have spoken lies we have counseled evil we have spoken falsely and we have blasphemed we have scoffed we have rebelled we have provoked and we have oppressed we have been stiff-necked we have corrupted we have gone astray and we have led others astray but if we confess our sins you are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness from first john 1 you may be seated and now for the beautiful avinu malcanome my [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] our father our king be merciful and answer us that we have no worthy deeds treat us charitably with love and kindness for you have saved us now i'll read the moad prayer which is a prayer for the appointed season our god and god of our fathers you have given us this day as a time to examine and judge ourselves and to look forward to messiah's return we remember yeshua our great high priest who brought his own precious blood the blood of atonement into your most holy place through his blood which cleanses us from sin we now have our consciences purified from guilt and condemnation and can serve you in love with pure devotion you will bring this age to a close with a shofar call heralding a new age then nations shall learn war no more the lion and the lamb shall lie down together in peace and your name shall be won over all the earth in that day israel shall be delivered and dwell in peace and all the nations shall come to your light the new jerusalem and the new temple will be established with priests and levites from among all peoples and from one new moon to another from one shabbat to another and from the appointed season of sukkot all flesh shall come to worship before you we dedicate ourselves to you today for your purposes as living sacrifices we consecrate ourselves to you and we seek your will wherever you want us to go we will go whatever you want us to do we will do and whatever you want us to say we will say if there's anything you want us to change show us and we will do it we seek you and desire your anointing your manifest presence that breaks every yoke let it rest upon us and we will be victorious amen please rise now for the kaddish [Music] of [Music] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] may his great name grow exalted and sanctified in the world that he created as he willed may his kingdom reign and his salvation sprout and may his anointed messiah draw near during your lifetime in your days and during the life of the whole house of israel even speedily and soon and say amen may his great name be blessed forever and to all eternity blessed praised and glorified exalted extolled and honored raised high and lifted up being the name of the holy one blessed is he exceedingly high beyond all blessings and songs praises and consolations that are uttered in the world and say amen may he who creates peace in his heights make peace upon us and upon all israel and say amen you may be seated this happens to be your first time here with us at congregation bethlehem well we sincerely welcome you if you didn't receive a visitors packet when you arrived during our offering time which is very soon you can make your way up to the front to either side to grab a visitor's packet which has a blue information card and some details about messianic judaism and about congregation bethlehel we ask you fill out that information card right now so you can be prepared to put it in the offering a little bit later in the service we'd love to stay in touch with you and tell you about all the exciting things and important meaningful holidays coming up here at beth hillel and also put your name on the name tag so we can greet you by name after the service and the pen is yours as a gift to keep if you're new to bethlehem and seeing our service for the first time online welcome there's information about our synagogue and messianic judaism on our website which is bethlehel.org we'd also love for you to send an email to info bethlehel.org with your name and address so we can also keep in touch with you about all the wonderful things happening here at the congregation whether you are visiting us virtually or here in person welcome you're now part of our mishpacha our family come as mishpochah leave his family welcome to the family of beth hilal here are some announcements college age join us for lunch this shabbat at 1 30 p.m it will be relaxing time to fellowship and of course eat see claire or alad for more details temple teens come to the cbh parking lot this saturday from 1 30 to 5 for a sukkot party we know it won't quite be sukkot yet but we will have an afternoon of fun that will get us ready for this awesome holiday please bring five dollars for lunch and an outdoor chair if you have one the vids can't wait to see you there we need some help this friday morning anytime after 9am to assist in building our congregational sukkah we'll also be working on it this monday after 9am if you can come for an hour or three we'd welcome you please let our facilities director jesus know that you're coming our sukkot service will be this monday september 20th at 7 30 pm come and celebrate with us masks will be required but we'll also be live streaming the service just like this one this is a special service and a biblically commanded shabbat it will also be very joyous so don't forget to bring your friends as well our annual sukkot family picnic will be on sunday september 26th from 2 p.m until 6 p.m at wills park in alpharetta bring your own picnic lunch for your family this will be fun for all ages and don't forget to bring your mitt come ready to cheer on friends and family in our congregational softball game enjoy games contests face painting free concessions and more it's outdoors so let's all get together simchat tour will be on monday september 25th 7th at 7 30 pm there will be special treats for kids so make sure to bring your whole family please put this date on your calendar rabbi all right and of course it is a biblically mandated shabbat today so it's just as legitimate for me to say to you shabbat shalom thank you so much daniel by the way when it comes to the congregational picnic and softball game our service leader today is our cleanup home run hitter no doubt daniel well i got to tell you this this service i have my announcements but man this service already has just been breathtaking it really has to hear the beautiful uh canter cantorial corral and and and and you get a sense of the of the significance and the weight of this holiday or this holy day i should say really and it's it's so meaningful uh and and rich and i hope you're being as touched as i am i've just had my eyes closed so much just listening to the beautiful music and such that my glasses fogged up i didn't even notice it our yom kippur service is tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock a.m again the service will be here in our community center masks required but we're going to live stream it as well so tomorrow morning of course our cantorial corral is going to be back they're going to be ministering our liturgy again tomorrow which is just absolutely beautiful please come invite a jewish friend and be moved by this appointed time it's a very special time uh of course yom kippur day itself is is a really a day of observances and so please come tomorrow morning it's a completely different message and and so it's going to be a different service different service leader the whole thing so really i want to encourage you to come tomorrow morning of course because it is a biblically mandated in fact it says specifically do no work so hopefully you all have the day off tomorrow of work and kids yes you get the day off of school tomorrow as well so says the rabbi actually so says somebody above my pay grade also tomorrow we're going to have our afternoon observances that's going to be really beautiful as well we're going to have our yitzker service tomorrow at 2 30 p.m uh we'll have praise worship and prayer straight from 3 to 6 30 p.m so the first of all the yisker service at 2 30 if you have a loved one that's passed uh and and you want to remember them even if it was years ago that we're wanting to remember come to our yisker service it's truly a beautiful service uh as as we remember our dear ones and then that the afternoon praise worship and prayer from three to six thirty is amazing it's three and a half hours all these are next door three and a half hours of just worship prayer praise reading of the word and and and you can come for the whole three and a half hours or you can come for an hour of it and then take off or you can come for two hours you know you can come late whatever it's just some time of great worship and i know obviously after the service you're not going to to oh charlie's because it's fast you understand you're fasting here you understand just want to make sure we're all clear on that sundown tonight to send down tomorrow of course is a biblically mandated fast but but nonetheless please come in the afternoon and enjoy our musicians have prepared hours of music tomorrow just to lift up the lord's name and it's one of these beautiful things you can just come and just relax in one of those pews and and just let the lord touch you one of the things i do sometimes just to lay down on one of those pews is to worship just to worship the lord it's just beautiful so in any case that's tomorrow three to six thirty also be reading the book of jonah which is uh traditional on yom kippur of course yom kippur in the book of jonah is a book of repentance repent is the story of of nineveh there finally tomorrow at 6 30 is our neil service at 6 30 in the synagogue building that's closing of the gates the final of the prayer services and of the services of yom kippur that's going to be a that's always an amazing service too because it's considered the most fervent uh in in devotion and repentance of the yom kippur services and yet there's also even within it even though it's intense there's a sense of of joy as it's coming to an end and we know our redemption we have our redemption in the messiah wow it's a great service it's 6 30 now these afternoon services are going to be next door in our synagogue building and they're not going to be streamed so sorry they're only going to be for in person so please come in person some people have asked us why are you not not streaming those uh because we've had some requests uh uh of course and uh and the the real honest answer is a logistic one we had to move our cameras into this building uh and had to totally reset them so that we could bring you tonight and tomorrow's service the call nigerian yom kippur and so there wouldn't be an opportunity to transfer those reset them the whole thing uh on the same day so it's it's a logistic uh issue uh and so in any case come tomorrow in person it's really gonna be a blessing again what do you have to do on yom kippur what is on your to-do list there shouldn't be anything on your to-do list except for things having to do with god uh and so please take this opportunity to worship with us and then of course our netilah service which is always amazing so i'm looking forward to that as well tomorrow it is so good to see all of you here today and of course all of you watching online literally all over the world got an email today from somebody who said rabbi i've not i've been watching since you started and i've never communicated to you until today and so i know a lot of people are watching and are in our part and of course we have a lot of our members who are still watching remotely as well and we just love our mishpacha both here and there so we welcome you all and may you be blessed shalom thank you rabbi did you know that in leviticus 16 god commands that a number of special offerings are to be made on yom kippur while the days of bringing livestock grain and oil to the temple have passed the commandment to bring a special offering to the lord on yom kippur is both scriptural and a sign of obedience we'd like to ask for you to consider being a blessing and doing a mitzvah on this holy day by making an extra contribution to our synagogue if you are a member please consider a special gift for this holy day if you're a guest we welcome your help so if you would like to bless us with a love offering we pray you are blessed in return for your generosity for those of you who are watching on the internet you can have your bank send a check through your online bill pay or you can mail your check to bethel which is 950 pine grove road roswell georgia 30075 finally you can also click the link below your screen in the description box to give you a credit card or simply hold up your smartphone camera toward the qr code on the screen to give online thank you so much for your faithfulness in just a moment our musicians will share a song to give you time to click the link and for those here to bring your offering unto the lord up to our offering boxes which are here up front i'll say the prayer over these tithes and especially yom kippur offerings avinu malcano our father our king lord we thank you so much for this time for this special service the special reminder and commandment to remember our position towards you lord we thank you so much for your forgiveness for your sacrifice to enable that forgiveness lord and we pray that this generosity back lord the giving to you what is already yours father lord would further your kingdom father more would know of you in your great deeds we lift up these these special offerings to you lord and pray blessings on those offering them it's in yeshua's name we pray amen and amen [Music] oh [Music] hear this promise of love [Music] i will make you a blessing so count the stars if you can [Music] you will be a great nation [Music] i will give you this land i will bring you back home oh my children you will no longer [Music] is nothing on earth that could take you away once i gather you under my wheels i will bring you all back home again though you've wandered like strangers to the end of the [Music] you a earth i will finish [Music] [Music] i will bring you back home i'll bring you back home for my children [Music] [Music] i will bring you [Music] every prophet and priests [Music] but don't fear oh my [Music] i will wash you with water [Music] though your sins were like scars [Music] i will never let go i will bring you back home i'll bring you back over my children [Music] there [Music] i is gather you under my wings i will bring you all back home i will bring you again [Music] [Music] i [Music] hallelujah [Applause] at this time we are going to have our twirl walk please rise when the tour scrolls enter the room i like to call forward our torah walkers yahushua ben aviguel rohi ben hadar dalin ben avraham and it came to pass whenever the ark went forward moses would say arise o lord and let your enemies be scattered may those who hate you flee from before you for from zion shall go forth the torah and the word of the lord out of jerusalem blessed be he who in holiness gave the torah to his people israel as the torah is processed today we'd ask you to raise your hand toward it but don't touch it so that we can keep everyone well for sukkot coming up gentlemen you may now walk the torah tote [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] oh foreign [Music] let's just sing this chorus together hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] we say [Music] [Applause] praise you lord gentlemen you may return the torah tote please remain standing until the torah scrolls exit and actually you can just remain standing in general we're just going to in just a moment dismiss our four to eight-year-olds they have their own class of course we have the nursery through the portal up there age zero to three but a four eight-year-olds we're going to dismiss in just a moment to their class and then we're going to have enter into one more worship song before we hear from the word of god if certainly if you need to sit you may do so uh but first we want to lift up our yeladim uh and and our country in general and so many things going on uh and of course even anti-semitism has reared its ugly ugly head just very very close to us here at bethlehem in north atlanta just this week and uh and so we know that that same evil spirit is still around today and so we need to ask the lord for his protection and for his provision and guidance amen so let's go to the lord in prayer shabbat shaman father in heaven humbly we come before you lord we pray for the protection of your people israel and lord we just ask for you to be with us lord even here in metro atlanta we ask you to touch the the jewish community of north georgia that you that you are with us uh god and that you touch us and guide us direct us lord in your paths thank you lord for our congregation for our kahila i pray god your touch on anybody who's infirmed i know we have a number of people who are ill right now lord i pray that you touch each and every one of them and all over who are who are not well and even others not within the congregation who are not well please touch them and heal them lord we ask for your healing touch thank you lord for our yeladim our children ask you to bless them to be with them thank you god so much for them the teachers and parents in the name of yeshua amen amen okay four to eight year olds you were dismissed and we're going to now take some time to worship the lord you just let the lord bless you here and then we're going to be hearing from the word next [Music] for the people who wandered in darkness have seen a great light a light that pierces the shadow of death [Music] oh unto us is a child born in the night this prince of peace whose ring shall have known [Music] [Music] shine for your life has come [Applause] and the glory of the lord [Music] is [Music] tenderly [Music] who comes [Music] before him [Music] for the glory of the lord shall hear you holy [Music] as the glory of the lord [Music] [Music] is peace [Music] the glory of the lord [Music] oh [Music] [Music] lift up your voices [Music] and the glory of the lord [Music] is [Music] for the people who wandered in darkness have seen a great light [Music] abba father we thank you so much for this time of drawing closer to you as you wrap us in your your arms lord we thank you so much for this embrace for this closeness for this anointing father we ask that you bless our rabbis he delivers these words from your word let no one leave here without first conforming more to the image of your son we bless you and we praise you and we thank you in yeshua's name amen and amen you may be seated okay thank you so much wow i'll tell you what i will uh put that i don't mean to compare all i got to say as well the ruach hakodesh is in this place that's the holy spirit of god wow very powerful very anointed worship and liturgy and man boy when you hear them do that that liturgy you can tell it's worship can't you you really can it just it sounds it man they they really oh what a blessing that is i luv love it thank you so much i can't tell you by the way how much work goes into these holiday services uh from tom bloodworth up there who keyed so much into our visuals to to uh because i and chris and the team who were and and also my daughter who's in the production room next door who are all working to to bring this stream to you right now uh to to all the musicians that have done so many there's there's i think we have a total of 15 services in 30 days during this season including fridays and saturdays of course i know nobody goes to necessarily all of them uh or at least not many of us but but the point is is that do you know how much work that is for for everybody to get ready for everything all of our all of our torah walkers uh and torah holders both today and for rosh hashanah and coming up sukkot and simchat how beautiful and how powerful and meaningful all the prep work that goes into it dara put so much time dear and i worked on the these scripts which had to be modified of course with everything going on uh our service leaders our our cantors so many people involved in these services and and uh our sound engineers man they've just been going non-stop i'm so grateful all of our visual team everybody's just been doing so much to to get ready for these services and they're so beautiful i hope that you're being touched by them can we just give god just a moment of praise for all these people [Applause] oh i'm pretty excited about that listen i've got a message for you today we're going to really we're going to do some digging here and and it's going to be uh it's going to build on itself this word so i hope that it speaks to you it's all about really this day that were that we've entered into now the sun has gone down it is yom kippur of course yom kippur yom kippur day of atonement day of atonement yom kippur it's interesting actually in the whenever it's listed in the scripture as a side note i mean this is a another message i've got ruminating for maybe a future year but it's it's always referred to as yom kippurim which a literal translation would really be day of atonements kippur which means atonement yom kippur i want you to follow me on this we're going to be walking through some scriptures and a little bit of a word study here and we're going to start digging into this i want you to to let the lord speak to you what he has for you today on this special day kippur which means atonement kippur literally means to cover something to cover something that is what kippur means but at its roots the root of kapoor is the word kofer ko fair meaning to replace one thing for another a ransom of sorts that is is the core and the foundation the roots of kipoor even the middle ages jewish sage nahmanadis the ramban says that the most fundamental meaning of kippur is co-fair or ransom replacement see i want you to understand to build this picture as we consider what today is yom kippur the day of atonement atonement kapoor meaning covering but at its root there there's really something that has to do with a ransom or a replacement there's a there's a day of of replacement that's at the foundation of what we have this is universally agreed to so very very interesting because you can't understand and i say this to you my brother or sister and we have plenty of people from a traditional jewish background here who've grown up with yom kippur but don't really know the meaning and the core of what it means and the foundation of it similarly we've got people from maybe a christian background and to you i would say you can't understand this completely you can't understand you can't fully understand the sacrifice of yeshua on the tree until you understand ko fair you can't understand fully what yeshua did unless you understand this it's ironic a little bit because as our israelis who were in the mishvak would probably tell you in israel akopha is known as a heretic that's another word for a heretic as a cofer why because the root is to cover up to cover up and it's felt that those who do not see the true god of israel are more or less covering up the truth but even within this my friends we see a substitution we see a replacement that's going on they are replacing the truth with their own morals and their own perspectives so there is a replacement going on even within this context of the word but the core of yom kippur the core if we're really being intellectually honest and looking at the word of god the core of yom kippur is to substitute to ransom to replace one thing for another that's the core of yom kippur now i'd like i'd like to talk to about this today on a multitude of levels if you've been part of beth hale long some of these things and especially initially some of these things you may and already know and have heard before but we're going to continue to dig deep and it's going to build on itself so that we can see some new insights as well first let's take a look at the original instructions for yom kippur itself this is a holy day that is prescribed in great detail in this in the torah it's interesting because i talked about gosh 10 days ago i can't believe it's been 10 days since rosh hashanah wow boy we had great rosh hashanah services if you if you're online and you've not watched our rosh hashanah services you need to click back over the next week or so and watch our rosh hashanah services they were wonderful but in any case we see here we have to understand the build here of what this principle means if you will yom kippur we have to understand what happens on yom kippur to understand the principle of what provides atonement because we have to understand this before we understand the fullness of yom kippur okay leviticus chapter 17. let's go there please most of you if you are part of this congregation should know leviticus 17 this is straight from the torah my jewish brother or sister says this verse 11 for the life of the creature is in the blood and i've given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your life for it is the blood that makes atonement because of the life did you hear that my friends this is key and i'm gonna start painting a picture for you as we've talked about co-fair as we've talked about this this kind of ransom substitute this replacement i want to start building a picture for you to help you understand in an even more grand way god's giant plan here blood makes atonement leviticus chapter 17 makes it unequivocally clear blood makes atonement why why does atonement have to be achieved through blood well blood only comes when there is death right and the cost of sin is is death if you were to go to a courtroom and say all rise don't rise by the way i was just a figure speech and the judge walks in and they says yes what is your crime well this person has sinned this person has done what is wrong i say okay how do we find the defendant we find the defendant guilty guilty is charged okay what is the penalty the penalty is death the penalty for sin is death well does that seem a little austere listen god is is holy we we sang it here today kadosh he is holy and certainly in heaven we know there's not going to be sin okay so what's the point that there's got to be a way to take this sin away from us and get it out of there right well the the penalty is death and so that's the cost is blood blood provides atonement and instead of the death of the individual an animal was substituted an animal's death was substituted was replaced okay if you will the animal replaced you instead of your death it's the animal's death that happens as a sacrifice for your sin as for the atonement you see this is a key principle in understanding atonement and this is literally all over the yom kippur ceremony itself that we read about in leviticus so let's let's now pick up the story of what happened specifically on yom kippur specifically on the day of atonement as we read in the tour leviticus chapter 16. the almost the whole chapter goes through exactly it's interesting rosh hashanah was was 10 days ago there's very little the bible the torah actually tells us about what to do on yom kippur it's it's it says it says it's important they're very few specific instructions man yom kippur has lots of instructions exactly what's supposed to happen man it's it's it's extensive and as you know and i'm going to just very briefly kind of touch on some of the elements but but so you understand because this principle is key in understanding everything on yom kippur two goats are selected for two different tasks okay so these two basically identical goats both of them in good shape two goats are selected for two different tasks then the high priest what would he do and i'm kind of summarizing here he would go into the holy of holies in the temple or the tabernacle he would go into the holy of holies first he would offer some incense before the lord which the whole cloud just kind of clouded up the whole holy of holies area there then he sprinkled some of the blood of a bull sacrifice on the mercy seat for his own sin and so basically he went into the holy of holies he brought this incense he sprinkled some blood on the on the mercy seat there part of the the the cover if you will of the ark of the covenant seven times from this bull sacrifice that that he had done in order to to cleanse himself for his own sins a sin offering for himself okay and then we then let's pick up the story in verse 15. what next then he is to slaughter the goat okay this is one of the two goats he is to slaughter the goat of the sin offering which is for the people bring its blood behind the curtain and do as it as he did with the blood of the bull sprinkle it upon the atonement cover and before the atonement cover okay so for one of the of the two goats he's he after he sacrifices that goat he brings that blood and this is the sin offering for the people for the nation of israel there is a replacement going on are you starting to catch it there's a replacement going on it's that goat instead of us then aaron deals with the other goat the live goat that's still waiting outside verse 21 of chapter 16 of leviticus leviticus 16 21 aaron shall just picture this y'all wow this is really a portrait of something more than just what it reads aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat and confess over it all the iniquities of banay israel the children of israel and all their transgressions all their sins he should place them on the head of the goat and send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a man who is in readiness the goats will carry all their iniquities by itself into a solitary land and needs to leave the goat in the in the wilderness wow and of course we know that the goat was actually let off of a cliff in the wilderness so that the iniquity could never come back and re-enter the camp so the key here is that the goats was our substitute now this makes sense right considering the whole core of yom kippur the iniquity that was think about this it's right here written in black and white the iniquity that was upon us was put upon the animals they bore the penalty they were the ransom or replacement for us wow the plot thickens doesn't it okay it's interesting because as i said earlier you really people do not understand the sacrifice of yeshua in its entirety unless you understand yom kippur there are so many inferences in the new covenant that you miss unless you understand yom kippur i'll give you a couple of examples matthew chapter 20. what does yeshua say about himself wow here's what he says in matthew 20 verse 28 yeshua says about himself just as the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many yeshua right there is saying that he came to give his life as a ransom for many a ransom remember that's a substitute a replacement a kippur a co-fair it's a ransom a replacement this this is all what this holy day is all about he was he was the jewish people that he would have been speaking to would have completely understood what he was referring to when he said a ransom you understand because it's the exact same root word as kapoor first timothy chapter 2 we see rabbi shaol here describing god in describing what yeshua did for us first timothy chapter 2 verse 4 says this talking about god he desires all men to be saved and come into the knowledge of the truth for there is one god and there is one mediator between god and men a human messiah yeshua who gave himself as a ransom for all the testimony at the proper time again this stuff would have been automatically intuitive to to to to the jewish people of the day they understand this as a yeshua gave himself as a ransom for all this is all over the new covenant these references these allusions to yom kippur that you don't really get unless you understand you won't get poor first peter chapter one speaks of a redemption that god and that yeshua brings for us a redemption that we are redeemed this is this is a a replacement a ransom also a substitute there is a redemption that happens because of yeshua hebrews chapter 9 please and if there was any question at all as to if yeshua represented the atonement all you got to look at is the book of hebrews boy i'd say what the book of hebrews is is chock full of a lot of references to yom kippur i know rabbi knows that it's so good to see rabbi e here again on yom kippur yes rabbi [Applause] someone online email me who's this e who's this e they don't know rabbi e stands for that's our short nickname we have for him in our congregation stands for emeritus he's our retired rabbi the founding rabbi of the congregation rabbi emeritus is here with us today yeshua replaced the animals therefore providing our atonement instead he is now our replacement it no longer is the animals you see this all has to do with yom kippur really understanding yom kippur totally it totally makes sense why yeshua came on this earth to start with it was all about yom kippur and my jewish brother or sister perhaps you're watching online stumbled upon this youtube video and and you just got to watching it and you don't even know why and maybe you're a bit skeptical and you've heard these things about these jewish people who believe that yeshua jesus is the messiah and you and you look with a jaundiced eye and and you're saying well i don't know about all this stuff boy it does make some sense but but i don't know about that unless you think my friend that this is a lest you think that this is a non-jewish christian concept let's look at an important prophecy of the messiah from the tanakh the traditional jewish scriptures i invite you to take a pop open right now your art scroll tanakh and take a look at this very verse in isaiah chapter 53 because it speaks of the messiah to come the whole chapter is pretty much all about the messiah and is all about yeshua and i want you to listen for in isaiah 53 listen for everything we've been talking about so far it becomes crystal clear i want you to listen for the replacements the substitutions because that's what kapoor is all about isaiah 53 we'll start in verse 4. we'll move around a little bit verse 4 says this the prophecy tanakh written many hundreds of years before yeshua ever came it's in all the traditional jewish scriptures okay isaiah 53 verse 4 says this but it's so clearly talking about the messiah surely he has borne our griefs and carried our pains yet we have seemed him stricken struck by god and afflicted but he was pierced because of our transgressions crushed because of our iniquities the chastisement for harsh peace our shalom was upon him and by his stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray each of us has turned to his own way so adonai has laid on him the iniquity of us all what does that sound like that sounds like exactly what we read about with the goat right verse 10. yet it pleased adonai to bruise him he caused him to suffer if he makes his soul a guilt offering he will see his offspring he will prolong his days and the will of adonai will succeed by his hand as a result of the anguish of his soul he will see it and be satisfied by his knowledge the righteous one always meaning the messiah my servant will will make many righteous and he will bear their iniquities therefore i will give him a portion among the great and he will divide the spoil with the mighty why because he poured out his soul unto death and he was counted with the transgressors for he bore the sins of many and interceded for the transgressors my goodness sometimes i've read that portion before to my jewish brothers or sisters and they think that i'm reading from the new covenant they say oh that's well and good i mean that sounds like a great story but that's the new covenant read me something from the traditional jewish scriptures no no it's not this is from isaiah yeshua yahoo a clear reference an unambiguous reference if you're being intellectually honest it's an unambiguous reference to yeshua but not just that it's an unambiguous reference to yeshua in relation to yom kippur and being that replacement our iniquity was placed on him like the goat this ransom this substitution there is a replacement that is going on friends this is very powerful it's the story of the salvation of the world but there's also a message within this for those of you who perhaps know this message well and are followers of yeshua because yes we know that the atonement is covered by the blood of the messiah that's just why he had to to die in that tree and why its blood had to be shed also by the way it is through him that we have the forgiveness of our sins and as it's oftentimes said and we're going to read it in hebrews 10 if you want to turn to it therefore we can go boldly into the holy of holies now there's no coincidence that the temple no longer exists and hasn't for two thousand years because yeshua has taken the place he has replaced the sacrifice therefore we can go boldly into the holy of holies it's true and well and good but we have to understand what this means for us believers i'm speaking to you now the author of hebrews is continuing to speak of messiah's sacrifice and how it affects us and says this in verse 19 therefore brothers and sisters we have boldness to enter into the holys by the blood of yeshua okay i just alluded to that is that we can go boldly into the holy of holies now why because we have the blood remember the high priest used to sprinkle the blood on the mercy see we have the blood now of our messiah's shoe and therefore we can go we can enter into the into the holies verse 26 i'm going to skip down because this is really important friends so if you have that atonement don't just sit back and say oh man well hey i got it made now made in the shade i can do whatever i want no verse 26 for if we keep on sinning willfully after we have received the knowledge of truth there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins but only a terrifying expectation of judgment and a fury of fire about to devour the enemies of god i said this is yom kippur too there has to be another replacement that goes on in our hearts there has to be another replacement that goes on in our hearts i'm speaking to you who are followers of yeshua perhaps for a long time even yom kippur is not merely a reminder that yeshua is our atonement it is surely that unquestionably but it's more than that because we because we are supposed to honor yom kippur forever remember in the torah daniel read a little bit earlier it said forever commemorate yom kippur right and god certainly knew that we would eventually have yeshua as our atonement so this can't be some empty ceremony no my friends for us in addition to it being a reminder about our need for the kippur that yeshua gives it's also a reminder for us that there needs to be a replacement a substitute going on in our lives as well within our hearts romans chapter 6 romans 6 bavakasha see understanding yom kippur and ransom and replacement totally makes romans chapter 6 come to life oh i just love it when the scriptures come to life it's powerful romans chapter 6 verse 1 what shall we say then are we to continue in sin so that grace may abound may never be how can we who died to sin still live in it or do you not know that all of us who were immersed into messiah yeshua were immersed into his death ah remember he took our place the penalty for our sin is death but he took our place but in romans 6 here we're seeing that we share in this death in a way verse 4 therefore we were buried together with him through immersion into death in order that just as the messiah was raised from the dead by the glory of the father so we too might walk in newness of life oh brothers and sisters this is the message of yom kippur beloved so when we accept yeshua we are saying we are saying that we are choosing to substitute our fleshly desires with god's moral code do you see the replacement that's happening we are choosing a replacement when we choose messiah we are replacing that which we might want with that that god wants we have a new life as the scripture says so and this also makes sense when yeshua forgave the sinful woman do you remember when yeshua forgave the sinful woman they were about ready to stone her to death and and and yeshua said wait wait a minute boys and and he did what he did in john chapter 8 it was very powerful when he gave his speech if you will and and then he talked to her what was the last thing he said to her the last thing he said to her was go and sin no more go and send no more yes she was not bound to the penalty of her sin but that's not where it ended that's where it begins this is what yom kippur is about go and send no more there's got to be part two of that equation of a replacement so when we think about yom kippur we are compelled to think about the fact that we should not be doing things that are contrary to the plan and the commandments of god that should be actively what we're thinking today that should be actively what we are reflecting upon hebrews tells us that if we continue to sin willfully after we've received his yom kippur atonement we miss the whole point of yom kippur you missed the whole point of yom kippur if we continue to do what we were doing before we missed the whole point of yeshua's sacrifice when we deserved death for our sins yeshua replaced us similarly in our lives we need to replace that which does not honor god with that which does honor god we need to make our own replacement or substitution within us as well are you really thinking about this are you considering this yom kippur is very special this is the deeper meaning for us who are followers of moshiach of yom kippur to really dig deep into there as to what belongs into what doesn't belong and there should be a replacement of sorts you see this is talking about a renewal of your mind you know how the scriptures talk about the fact that the fact that there should be a renewing of our mind a renewing of our mind meaning getting old stuff out and putting old bad stuff out and getting new good stuff in renewing the mind right renewing the mind getting the old dead cells out getting the new cells in we've got some people uh kaz up here as an i.t guy i mean any of you i.t people can understand you gotta sometimes it's it's it's purging that part of the disc so that you can put good code in getting out the old code taking out the viruses oh did i just say virus oh i'm sorry [Laughter] friends you got to replace that fleshly desire for a godly one instead of the bad habit that you have purpose to start a new one what does that look like it's a replacement a substitute replace that anger replace that pride replace that jealousy replace that lust replace that selfishness instead be more kind be more generous be more serving be more compassionate and considerate esteem others above yourselves you see how this works this is the point of yom kippur this my friends is why the vidui is so important on yom kippur yes even for us as believers remember when daniel led us reading the ashamu we have sinned and it was that horrific long that horrific list which tomorrow will be even longer by the way when you recount and receive those things to really think about them for romans 8 says that if we live according to the flesh we must die let us take time here on yom kippur to sincerely examine our own lives what is there that does not belong and what should we be doing that we are not doing so yes yeshua replaced us as a sacrifice but he did so so that we can make a replacement sacrifice of our own replacing our flesh with the spirit the ruach that is the fullness of yom kippur the title of my message is replacement let's bow our heads i want to ask if there's anybody here today who's never said a prayer to receive yeshua into your heart if you've never given your life to god how about today wow yom kippur would be special if there's anybody here who's never said a prayer to receive yeshua into your heart but you would like to say that prayer wherever you are just lift your hand and we'll have a simple prayer just wave your hand at me if you're here and you've never said the prayer to receive yeshua but today's your day you've had other opportunities but today's your day you're ready to make that commitment to follow yeshua is there anybody just wave your hand at me god bless you and if you're watching online too if you've never said that prayer to receive yeshua into your heart repeat the simple prayer after me say dear god i accept yeshua into my heart i believe he's risen against sitting at your right hand thank you oh god please forgive me my sins i'm sorry i'll live the rest of my days for you thank you for being my replacement substituting as an atonement for me in yeshua's name if you said that prayer for the first time please see us after the service or send us an email and let you know that you said that prayer to receive yeshua into your heart and lord please replace the stuff that does not belong burn off the dross within us lord god lord i pray for a replacement for us to be intentional those of us who follow you messiah lord let us be intentional lord god so that we would intentionally replace things that don't belong with things that do belong lord help us in that area in our lives god and then this yom kippur will be of great significance thank you lord for all these things we love you with all of our hearts bashem yeshua amen and amen thank you rabbi uh ask everyone to please rise as we continue with the elenu and vanemar [Music] she [Music] [Music] m [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] heart elenu it is incumbent on us to praise the master of all to ascribe greatness to the one who formed creation for he made us unlike the nations of the lands and has not placed us like the families of the earth he has not made our portion like theirs in our lot like all the multitudes and we bend the knee and bow and then arise before the king who reigns over kings the holy one blessed be he he stretches out heaven and forms earth's foundation and his seat of homage is in the heavens above and the domain of his might is in the most exalted heights he is our god there is none other true is our king there is none besides him as it is written in his torah and you shall know this day and take to your heart that the lord alone he is god in the heavens above and on the earth below there is none other than mr and it is said the lord shall be king over all the world on that day the lord will be one and his name one amen in number 622 the lord said to moses speak to aaron and his sons and tell them this is the way you are to bless the people of israel in this way they will put my name on the people of israel so that i will bless them please bow your heads and prepare to receive adonai's blessing the aaronic benediction [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you may the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace amen and amen thank you to each of you who have joined us for this heir of yom kippur don't forget tomorrow morning's yom kapoor service will be an entirely new service with an entirely new message from rabbi please invite a jewish friend to join us for our service in the morning live or online invite all your friends it's as easy as sharing a link to join our virtual service reminder to feel free to schmooze but please maintain social distancing without a physical greeting and keep your mask on until you've reached the outside we're now going to have a closing song the adono lom join us tomorrow morning at 11 a.m for that all new yom kippur morning service may you have a meaningful fast [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] shabbat shalom [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Beth Hallel
Views: 1,971
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: messianicjudaism, bethhallel, synagogue, congregation, messianic, roswell, atlanta, shabbat, kolnidre, yomkippur, highholidays
Id: pLeb-GlWmBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 49sec (7429 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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