Congregation Ner Tamid Yom Kippur Morning Service 10-09-19

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if you've parked in front of Kohl's or CVS there's a great chance that your car will be towed so if you have parked there and I don't think anybody has cuz you all know better thank you so much I won't continue with that if you've noticed we have many exits here all of us they're all properly signed so if you look around take notice of where all the exits are only in case of emergency not to worry you will know where to go I appreciate that if you have a medical emergency and we know with everybody not eating or trying to fast that's a great possibility we do have a medical room and always in a Jewish facility it's got to be at least one doctor in the house so if you go to a room it says medical room it's just across from the social hall we'll be able to treat anything that you need if you feel light-headed your sugar maybe down maybe it got too high just let us know we'll attend to whatever needs to happen please turn off the ringers to your phones God always know he's always listening okay also another opportunity to let you know that we all we're updating all of our files and we know a lot of you have moved change cell phone numbers email addresses I know this is getting redundant but we want to be able to reach out to everybody so please contact someone in the office give us any of the updated information that you have we always are willing to know what's changed in your life name badges are another thing that's very important to all of us we like to address you by name not with oh I think I met you someplace please please let us know if you need a name badge call anybody in the office we'll have one done for you by the following Friday again thank you for being here and for those who are fasting it should be an easy fast and a very meaningful day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good morning everyone and good yontiff we turn in our mock sore and our prayer book to page 172 from Egypt you redeemed us out and I our God and from a world of slavery you saved us in times of hunger you fed us in times of Plenty you nourished us he turned our blight to blessing spared us from suffering and rescued us from the sword your mercy supports us in your love abides now as in the past never forsake us out and I our God and never turn away [Music] [Music] eternally present your name is hallowed on high and the psalmist saying rejoice or not and I you righteous that they are pride adorn You with praise we rise for the bar who 178 [Music] in this circle of community in this hour of striving for faith I believe in your majesty your guiding presence within me to you I turn on this day of the spirit seeking atonement long to hear your words I forgive baruk shame kavod makoto holy one of mine your towering strength reaches from heavens heights to the human heart holy one of mercy your forgiveness is profound it embraces all who turned to you holy one of Torah the secret to impart a radiant they reach her people your cherished ones blessed is God's glorious majesty Holy One a part of the heart you forgive us in our weakness you pardon us in our fear Holy One of strength we praise your powers the wonders of your creation and redemption Holy One of remembrance you remember us with love taking delight when we search our souls blessed is God's glorious Majesty together Holy One with the spirit and goodness Holy One of conscience you remove our wrongs and reveal the way of righteousness Holy One of existence your light is the glory of creation your mercy endures forever blessed is God's glorious Majesty baruch shem makuta in this circle of community in this hour of striving for faith I believe in your majesty your guiding presence within me to you I turn on this day of the spirit seeking atonement longing to hear your words I forgive in love you bring light to the earth and its creatures your goodness renews the creation each day infinite varied and rich are your works divine artists all of them wrought with wisdom the whole earth is teeming with life awestruck by the universe work of your hands but all life bless you praise you and celebrate the beauty of your lights [Music] 183 together you love us by helping us grow you give us torah matter for the soul upward every mitzvah invitation to climb we turn the page you are the one who unites all things who links life to life and a sacred change together the forest anchored in the soil breathe air into our lungs our faces are reflected in the creatures of Earth we carry the sea within us together all beings intertwine in you all are encompassed in I Akkad to say a hardest to know this truth to see the world whole humankind undivided we speak I don't know IIF God [Music] our praise to you odd and I you have singled out your people Israel with love let us rise we call forward our sheer heart group to lead us and a hosta [Music] listen Israel how denies our God Adonai is one blessed is God's glorious Majesty forever and ever please be seated Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I don't know 192 we read together true and steadfast is this teaching beloved and treasured a source of wonder a fount of goodness a thing of beauty in ours for all time and true it is the eternal God is our sovereign the rock of Jacob are protecting shield through all generations god named lives on God's throne stands firm God's Dominion prevails God's grandeur and faithfulness and doors through eternity God's words are precious they will live forever 195 we read responsively and they shall know that I ought and I am their God who brought them out of the land of Egypt that I might abide among them and their God you showed us your power to bring down the powerful uplift enslave transform the social order we carry the Exodus vision wherever we go lest we forget our sense of liberation lest we lose the joy or breathing free lest we grow indifferent and blind to others if we forget to bring you into the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we continue on 209 209 today we call it by its rightful name a day of dread no Ravi own unwelcome visitor or we want to live in a sunny world where God is love and all endings are happy but the drumbeat sounds in the words tumbled down and even the Angels tremble with fear for all things are judged all things will pass and life ends in a heartbeat and death knows our name at the start of the year and this season of truth comes the day of remembrance for all we forget in all we deny and we fall on our knees and the depths of our hearts but we know that the Bell Tolls for us the words are old and the language was theirs but the call is real and the message is ours take hold of your life while you still have the chance for your story will end and it might be this year in a way you don't know take hold of your life make things right while you can and don't miss the call of the day of dread our sovereign God a pardon and forgiveness that these words of sanctity ascend to you [Music] and so a great shofar will cry to kiya a still small voice will be heard angels in a world of fear and trembling will say behold the day of judgment for they too are judged in your eyes even they are not blameless together all who come into the world pass before you like sheep before their Shepherd as a shepherd considers the flock when it passes beneath the staff you count and consider every life you set downs you decide testa knee you inscribe judgments [Music] rosh hashanah it is written on yom kippur it is sealed [Music] [Music] how many shall pass on how many shall come to be who shall live and who shall die who shall see ripe age and who shall not [Music] [Music] [Music] who shall perish by fire and who by water who by sword and who by beast who by hunger and who by thirst [Music] [Music] who shall perish by earthquake and who by plague who by strangling and who by stoning who shall be secure and who shall be driven who shall be tranquil and who shall be troubled who shall be poor and who shall be rich who shall be humbled and who shall be exalted [Music] [Music] but repentance prayer and sadaqa temper judgments severe decree [Music] [Music] my repentance prayer and sadaqa temper judgments severe decree [Music] [Music] but repentance prayer and sadaqa temper judgments severe decree turn to page 218 let us rise [Music] haha [Music] [Music] [Music] the eternal shall reign for all time to God for all generations see own hallelujah we'll teach her greatness lador of adore from generation to generation into the end of time we shall affirm your holiness our God your praise shall ever be on our lips for your power is boundless sovereign and holy continue on page 226 please be seated oh the hen and so in your holiness give the righteous the gift of a vision bright with joy a world will evil has no voice in the rule of mal events will malevolent fades with like a wisp of smoke good people everywhere will celebrate the stunning side of arrogance gone from the earth you and you alone Aden I will reign over creation upon Mount Zion home of your presence and in Jerusalem the city set apart by you as the psalmist believed eternal shall reign for all time your God for all generations Zion hallelujah [Music] [Music] you are holy your name is all there is nothing divine the yong-joo as a prophet Isaiah taught the source of all mine is exalted through justice the god of holiness made holy through righteousness baruch ATA adonai hemella ha kadosh blessed are you ah deny our holy sovereign on me the continued praying silently at her own pace page 230 through page 246 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] page 246 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we continue on page 252 with avi no Mulkey no and then with the tourist service the honor of accompanying the our curtains Ravenna volcano ad and Bob Unger Lisa and mark cats Deborah and Mitch Cohen Marlin Tom Leticia for the honor of undressing the Torah at that point in the service when the tour has actually taken out come forward Norma and Jody Friedman and Andrea Harris Andrew mulaskey his wife arena the congregation please turn to page 252 and 80 Bob Lisa mark Deborah Mitch Marlin Tom come up at this time these rice 252 Aveeno Malkina schmuck aleinu avinu volcano Almighty and merciful hear our voice we know Malkina Kemal Elena viola leaned over top a novena volcano male they knew collied ever of a caravan of mail a new IV Neimark a new halt the onslaught of sickness violence and hunger renew mechanically called Sorum Osteen merely new Avinu mark a new code Vainio be safer if I intervene Rena Malkina Sade Shalini Shanah Tovah goodness Avena mark a new male add a new me beautifu Avinu mark a new but our hands overflow with your blessings venom of Navarre mccarran's she Pekka Avena machina let our eyes behold the down every time I've been in mark a new all to shave a new Raycom meal finesse huh Avinu mark a new we prayed do not turn us away from you with nothing veena Malkina bill Baraka meme fraud so net a venial mark a new I say Iman ulama on Shamika avinu mark a new act IV no monkey no sa Lamont I'm Lola manu machi no IV new mark a new a new on whom allah allah azza IV new mal que nous you alone are our sovereign levena machina buttocks are a sham I'm latina Avinu Molokini what the gates of heaven be opened to our prayer Lavinia volcanoes shemagh holy new house for our family new IV new mall can you hear our voice treat us with ten compassion veenu Malkina canaan of on a new chain Bonamassa assay monitored Aqaba acid machine avenue volcano almighty and merciful answer us with grace for our deeds or wanting save us through acts of justice and love [Music] it's 254 we call our torah honors Norma Jodi Andrea Andrew Arena come forward at this time at the reading of Torah be like prayer meditation to remind us what we strive for a chant that binds us to the chain of generations but the reading of Torah be like prayer a moment of purest solidarity with our people's hopes in history an invitation to affirm or dissent to challenge or believe to ask why or say Amen that the reading of Torah be like prayer flowing like waters that renew the spirit refreshing and sweet to nourish the soul that the reading of Torah be like prayer every word a blessing a conversation [Music] [Applause] [Music] I do [Music] [Music] No [Music] [Music] god [Music] the Torah portion for this morning is found on page 266 for those of you who come to my class on Shabbat morning 8:45 a.m. little plug you know that every word of Torah has a meaning every space has a meaning and even the selection when it comes to the holy days has a meaning so think about it every week you know we read from a different Torah portion but the hugging the holidays Chanukah and so forth all are associated with their own specific Torah readings for example on Rosh Hashanah we read from Bray sheet and we also the story of creation and we also read the story of the Akkad ah so on 266 one of the choices that we have in this mocks or is to read from Deuteronomy at M Mnet's are being you stand this day all of you in the presence of Adonai your God those words taken from the Torah portion they speak choose me choose me of all the words that they could have picked from the Torah they could have picked Abraham and who said he nanny Here I am but instead the rabbi's chose this portion you stand this day all of you in the presence of Otto now your God and then it goes on to a list or tribal heads elders officials and so forth that statement is very important for the High Holidays there are a number of prayers where we talked about I I am sorry but for the most part if you paid attention to the prayers it's in the first person plural we we stand before God we are sorry there is a notion that even as we come individually before God when we come especially at the High Holidays our mutual fate is tied one with the other every Jew responsible one for the other the sins of every Jew responsible one for the other and when we receive Torah that was a collective revelation so think back in time to Mount Sinai when revelation was given according to tradition it wasn't just those six hundred thousand plus Jews who were there at that time but all the souls that would live including those who would later embrace Judaism and become Jews by choice were considered to be spiritually at Mount Sinai to receive the law now we skip ahead to the the words on 267 verse 11 after going into here you are I'm reminding you you stand before God and if you mess up there's curses and if you do well there's blessings and it goes through these laws it says for this Mitzvah which I command you this day is neither beyond you nor far away it is not in heaven causing you to say who will go up to heaven on our behalf get it for us and let us hear it that we may do it not across the sea causing you to say we'll cross the sea on our behalf get it for us and let us hear it that we may do it know this is so very near to you that statement is so important because so often we talked to people who say you know I don't even know where to start it's too hard for me this statement in the Torah anticipated that don't think that all the rules are just in heaven they're very much here don't think that the knowledge is some secret knowledge it's right here go learn it study do what you can when I teach I often use the phrase not yet further a lot of people who say well do you keep kosher nothing no well do you go to synagogue well no and we'll go down the list of the things they don't do and I said rather than say I don't do this and I don't do that because pretty much then you have a religion that reflects negativity and the things that you don't do rather respond not yet because it leaves for you that opportunity of personal self growth are you the same Jew that you were in your childhood are you the same Jew that you were at your Bar Mitzvah when you first were married are you the same Jew today as you were last year hopefully the answer is no that there is growth there is change there is the Bill T within you to take this Torah and its words and its Commandments and let it speak to you to your heart as you are standing before the Lord your God today those of you who are here Arab Rosh Hashanah I remind you we talked about this declaration I am a Jew Dodd in which I challenged everyone to reflect upon what ties them to the Jewish people and when we think all is lost what's going to happen this next generation they don't do this they don't do that not yet not yet we have to not only have hope we have to have faith and so in 1927 when Edmund Edmund Flagg composed this poem I am a Jew and he went and said these are the reasons I am a Jew he was really writing a letter to his unborn grandson in which he said I don't know what will happen when you read this and are grown in 1960 perhaps all that you will care about is the motorcar well I'm thinking I don't know well you will think about perhaps you only care about is your computer and iPhone he was worried that technology would stray people from you know a belief in religion and yet here we are and when he wrote that we had the blessing of Israel we have a large number of Jews who do embrace Judaism and even as we worry we realize that the responsibility to stand before the Lord your God it comes not only at Yom Kippur but every day of our life so I challenge you I am a Jew daaad talk about it in your families if you so choose put it on the bulletin board that we have in the foyer a look at everyone's answers let's have a dialogue as a community what it means to stand before the Lord your God and say I am a Jew 266 we have the alley ode for this morning the first one will go to Sandy and Scott Stolberg a reader will be Olympia if the Torah readers could make their way up to the Bema that would be great there'll be Olympia and then Deborah nan and Ira Shana and Indiana and Randy go ahead and make your way up and just have a seat Tim Nitsa beam hi a la shi shi it's odd show me our second Aliyah Alan and very Schulman [Music] [Music] [Music] lyoha ever eat at an ILO haha who call at oh I share I don't know ILO haha Cora he team car hi y'all lemma on Hakeem oh haha [Music] I am lo lay on the who yella haha Elohim CarShare D Bella the cashier nice bah ha ha ha ha a [Music] [Music] third Illya will be David Wasserman a reader nan and I respect her [Music] on a fee rate in table the key that I share yes a name [Music] our fourth Aliyah Lynn and Gary Cantor or readers Shawna the hi-yah he Oh leg ha cold hot bar een la bruja the share the tighty Nitai Tea Leaf on there the harsh Amy photog and only Bob they're cold going he D ha ha I don't I hello hey I've time [Music] shared on okey [Music] the whole Lavazza huh bill Cole I was not sure ha our fifth Aliyah goes to Lexi and Sam Lionel Marla and Tom Leticia a reader is DN Emmer and Randy look macaws go I believe Sam's celebrated his 100th birthday this past April so we wish him again Mazel Tov and not yet those of you haven't had an alia yet all right there's time [Music] no their shove oughta know hello hey it should ha ha very come they're sure they keep it's ha ha Nico ha ha ha ha [Music] because a hush am I [Music] eloheynu melech ha'olam I shared my new Torah a new note in high for hog ball we call upon Jeremy Hutchings for redress in the Torah for an fine julienne Derek Fisher and Mark vine if you would come forward congregation please rise Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] after our portion the blessings on 275 275 the haftorah reading is 277 278 with the blessings before we got glory rosenberger Cheryl chin and Webb and Laurie Frankel and for the blessing after the haftorah we have contra Hutchings and the members of the shop atone who are present our readers are Shelley and George Laura Schara and Stewart bloomenfeld Dena and Allen man if you'd come forward Shelley George Sharna Stu our roof Fatah I don't know yellow hey new man la ma chere bahaar BBE tophi merits of a deep rahem honey marine best ha ha ha ha ha blow care butter aah move Michelle tow movies right Alamo movie be a Emmet [Music] fast I desire cry from the depth cry from the depths as God do not hold back lift up your voice like shofar tell my people their transgression and the house of Jacob their sin yes they seek me daily as though eager to learn my ways as if they were a nation that does what is right and has not abandoned God's law they ask of me the right way eager for God's nearness they say why do we fast and you do not see it we afflict ourselves did you not know it because even on your fast day you know think only of desire while oppressing all who work for you because your fasting is filled with strife and with calles first you strike now your fasting this day will not lift up your voice before heaven is this the fast desire is this the past I desire a day to afflict body and soul bowing your head like a reed covering yourself with sackcloth and ashes do you call this a fast a day worthy of the favour of odd and I is not this the fast I desire to break the bonds of injustice and remove the heavy yoke to let the oppressed go free and release all those enslaved is it not to share your bread with the hungry and to take the homeless poor into your home and never to neglect your own flesh and blood then shall your light burst forth like the dawn and your wounds shall quickly heal your righteous one leading the way before you the presence of out and I guarding you from behind then when you call out and I will answer and you will cry will respond I am here if you remove the chains of oppression then menacing hand the malicious word if you offer your compassion to the hungry and satisfy the suffering then shall your light shine through the darkness and your night become bright is doomed out and I will guide you always slake your thirst in parched places give strength to your bones you shall be like a well watered garden an unfailing spring from you they will rebuild ancient ruins lay foundations for ages to come and you shall be called the one who mends the breech and brings back the streets for dwelling if you cease to trample Shabbat stop pursuing your affairs on my holy day if you call Shabbat a delight the holy day of Aden I honored and if you honor God by not doing business or speaking of everyday matters then shall you take pure delight in auto nigh I will lift up your journey on earth to the highest of places and nourish you from the heritage of your father Jacob for thus Spoke Auto nigh but super cold I mean Sadiq the haha DRA hood ha el Hanuman ha Aamir they'll say hummed up their room Cayenne [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] accompanying our curtains as we return the Torah page 290 Terry and Gary Rosenberg Christine and Robyn the run page 290 let us all rise [Music] ha ha [Applause] [Music] page 292 we stand in humility conscious of our failings Shema : odd and I hear our call for you are close to the brokenhearted and you give strength to a suffering soul where that says the high and exalted one who lives forever whose name is holy to bring new life to despondent souls to restore and revive repentant hearts take words with you and return to God ask the eternal forgive what is wrong accept what is good we trust in your compassion for you know who we are Shema : oooh I don't I hear our call page 295 even rocks crack I tell you and not on account of age for years they lie on their backs in the cold and in the heat so many years it almost creates the impression of calm they don't move so the cracks can hide a kind of pride years pass over them as they wait whoever is going to shatter them hasn't come yet and so the moss flourishes the seaweed is cast about the sea bursts out and slides back and it seems the rocks are perfectly still til a little seal comes to rub against them comes and goes and suddenly the stone has an open wound I told you when rocks crack it happens by surprise not to mention people a God in God of all generations may our prayers reach her presence and when we turn to you do not be indifferent how deny we are arrogant and stubborn claiming to be blameless and free of sin and truth we have stumbled and strayed we have done wrong [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we continue reading pages 302 306 quietly at our own pace eh a ton of the fonder father or nurse who writes on page one of the FOA FOA deem 307 are the words of the V Dewey that we read together we confess our sins against the earth we commit ourselves to saving it we have assaulted our planet and we have blamed others for the spiraling in creation we amok cynically those who love creatures great and small we have neglected the environment most of all in places of poverty we have over polluted cities we have polluted fertile soil and freshwater springs we have questioned in danger we have ravaged the old-growth forest ecosystems created over centuries we have skew poison into the bloodstream of our land its rivers lakes and estuaries we have transformed dazzling beauty into industrial ugliness we have resources we have violated the commandment do not destroy the precious treasures or god-given gifts we have exploited the weakest and yet we [Music] this planet our sacred home [Music] [Music] [Music] the continued reading silently 308 to 310 [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] honey airbrush Hashanah I talked about the notion that we cannot be physically safe unless we are spiritually safe on Rosh Hashanah morning I talked about how our future cannot be secured if we don't secure a future with the next generation Abraham in Isaac's relationship and how it might mirror our own and last night I talked about stages in life and how as we age Judaism gives us a way to inform our lives it's not just about safety it's about living a life of values and how those values shape our lives our destiny and our very view of life itself and so tonight we continue this morning we continue that theme but in a different direction I'm going to talk a little bit about mmm perhaps how the sausage is made so they say some of the challenges to me as a rabbi as we face what I call the great existential threats to our people it was November 1st 2018 I was standing on the Bema at Temple Beth Shalom watching the fruits of much labor and bringing together our community for a vigil following the October 27th shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh what was to become known as the deadliest attack on the Jewish community in the United States leaving 11 people murdered in seven injured as president of the board of rabbis I had the responsibility to join with ADL in Jewish Nevada IAC in my colleagues all the synagogues in the community to create a community response to this despicable act of over 1,600 people gathered to find comfort express anger and to bring support to one another during this time of unease the cynic in me would ask why does it always take a tragedy to bring us together as a community but higher angels prevailed and I was touched deeply with the optimism of a community United as one singing and praying together from my vantage point on the Bema I was able to witness something else quite remarkable and for me what would become an iconic moment in the front were seated dignitaries of many faiths a lot of my friends who I've worked with for over 30 years it was heartwarming to see my friends Buddhist Christian Sikh Muslim it was great to feel their love and support but what was truly iconic was watching the head of the Israeli American Committee standing next to an imam singing the final song yes Rael hi the people of Israel live in Israeli a Muslim on this rail hi was that an awkward moment or was it fate what was even more ironic and profound was that the shooter Robert Bowers justified his actions because he blamed the Jews for the so-called sin of bringing Muslims to America prior to the shooting he wrote on social media open your eyes it's the filthy evil Jews bringing the filthy evil Muslims into the country that's what he wrote Bowers hated the Hebrew immigrant Aid Society highest a Jewish organization founded in the late 1800s to help resettle Jews fleeing the pogroms of Russia and Eastern Europe and today it continues its mission by rescuing Jews and non-jews who are fleeing persecution he wrote highest likes to bring invaders in that kill our people I can't sit by and watch my people get slaughtered screw the optics I'm going in Tree of Life synagogue had been one of over 270 synagogues around the country that hosted national refugees Shabbat the prior Sabbath that Sabbath American rabbis spoke on the most recurrent theme in the Bible do not oppress a stranger because you were strangers in the land of Egypt perhaps the fact that in Israeli and Muslim were standing together in a show of unity was more than awkward or ironic it was faith it has been shown many times hate knows no color or religion and there are moments when all of us have to stand as one for we are stronger together and yet it is not always easy to stand together with people of such diverse religious beliefs and political ideologies the stark truth is that all religions are not alike that there are many differences in beliefs in teachings there are deeply held core beliefs on such issues as abortion homosexuality immigration and the politics of the Middle East that do divide us however to be involved in the work of the Interfaith community means that we look not at what divides us but at what brings us together I can remember over the years how important this journey has been to making our overall community stronger simple things such as hosting the Interfaith forums or the Interfaith Thanksgiving service that I started years ago brings together people of so many different traditions for celebratory moments and opportunities to learn about who we are what our differences are an educational setting we learn from and about each other in calm times which allows us to be there for each other in darker moments I recall one very important moment in solidarity when our Muslim brothers and sisters found their mortuary burned down it just been completed and there was a fire arson perhaps a mishap perhaps all that I know was that suspicions were all over the place about what happened and they the Muslim community held a vigil and it was so important to them that I came and I spoke that was more important to them than all the leaders from their community that a Jewish rabbi as if there's any other kind came there and spoke from the heart and when I did that they were so so appreciative and that's the power of interfaith when I stood there and I said what happened here the burning down of this mortuary cannot take place we don't know but if it was an act of hate we must declare in solidarity not in our town not in our town not in any town there was not an awkward moment for me to stand there it was powerful and perhaps it was fate I can remember after the events of 9/11 when I knew that it was possible that Americans would turn against Muslims that we needed to stand in solidarity with those who also decried these evil acts I put together a vigil with one of my dear friends dr. Osama Heikal and later on I recall going on the John Ralston show with Imam Mujahid Ramadan in which I declared that Islam had been hijacked and Mujahid said I was wrong and then a year later and every year since he says you know what rabbi you were right my religion was hijacked what happened was deplorable despicable and not a reflection of my Muslim beliefs it was hijacked we have some deep soul-searching to do as a religious faith there have been other occasions when my involvement has not been so clear-cut in particular when it comes to CUFI Christians United for Israel for years I refused to go to their annual event in support of Israel to be honest I could not embrace the values of pastor Hagee the founder of the CUFI his views on so many things were antithetical to my own how could I attend I approached one of my colleagues who I respect said how could how can you go I just can't go and he gave me his rationale he said sandy you sit on an interfaith council with humanist and Wiccans and Christians and Buddhists and Muslims and so many other faiths surely you do not agree with them on a lot of things right and I said yeah you're right well so how is this different you're not supporting Hagee's agenda you are supporting one issue his unwavering support for Israel and it's as simple as that in America there are about 5 million Jews can we use the support of 40 million evangelical Christians when it comes to Israel and does it matter to me what the rationale is if this support is because they think it will bring about the second coming of the Messiah I say let's just support Israel and sometime in the future we'll find out who's right for me I love Israel and she needs all the friends she can get being involved in interfaith does force one to choose went across the line and when not to to organisations in particular cross the line in my mind black lives matter in the women's March in a perfect world their issues align with my own who isn't in support of civil rights for blacks who isn't concerned about police brutality and economic disparity and a whole host of issues impacting the black community likewise when it comes to the women's March who isn't concerned about how women are treated pay disparity sexual harassment lack of representation in so many industries these are my issues and yet both organizations decided to wade into the BDS movement and align themselves with those who are anti-semitic black lives matter has embraced a profoundly anti-israel manifesto accusing Israel of apartheid in genocide and both organizations have refused to disavow the anti-semitism of Louis Farrakhan the woman's March finally removed three of its founding and most prominent board members Linda Sarsour Tameka Mallory and Bob land the trouble was that they then invited Zafra bill boo who serves as the executive director of care in the Bay Area on to the board and eventually under protest bill boo was also removed we talked about anti-semitism on the right and we should the chant of neo-nazis in Charlottesville and Jews shall not replace us still brings chills but we must also be concerned about anti-semitism on the left actually I would prefer to utter my criticism in a more nuanced way we should be concerned about the rise of anti-semitism period wherever it is we should condemn it we should not allow the hate of anti-semitism to raise its ugly head not in my town not in our time not in any town but even this has led to some troubling results the so called weaponization of anti-semitism it is far too easy to target political opponents with the charge of anti-semitism for political gain and it is far too easy for proponents of hatred to deny the charges as political witch hunts and stunts we do not do either Israel or the lessons of the Holocaust any good when we misuse their symbolism with false metaphors and attempts to brand opponents with labels that may or may not add up not every act of evil is comparable to the evil of the Nazis not only do such inaccurate comparisons distort the lessons of the Holocaust but they create an outrage fatigue whereby everyone Tunes out and not every criticism of Israel is anti-semitic just ask the millions of Israelis or beating each other up in the last election there are some real concerns that I have legitimate concerns about how leaders talk about Israel how anti-semitic Tropes about the influence of the Jewish lobby and Jewish money and Jewish loyalty are brought into the arena these accusations may give some political leaders short term gain but they bring our community long-term pain these accusations have haunted us throughout history and have led to nothing but tragedy for our people the call cost the Holocaust has incredible lessons to teach us but not every despicable act is the same as the Nazis it's easy to get folks riled up but the cost is too obscure confuse and diminish the actual lessons of the Holocaust an essay by the editors of Jewish week expressed this thought more eloquently than I when they wrote anti-semitism is at once a unique cultural phenomenon and part of a much broader social disorder it is unique in its persistence over the centuries in its universality the virus erupts in diverse societies under diverse conditions and in its virulence but it is also intricately connected to a host of other forms of bigotry an environment that nurtures racism and xenophobia inevitably feeds anti-semitism as well a nervous American Jewish community with memories of the Holocaust still part of our emotional da and the shock of the pittsburgh murders fresh in our mind rightly demands at the charge of anti-semitism carries special weight but that special weight diminishes every time accusations become part of the bitter partisan mud flight fights that increasingly define our democratic system no I had a confirmation class a few years ago we were talking about the Holocaust and one of the kids disagreed with me that there was even a Holocaust rabbi how do you know it wasn't just fake news no one could possibly kill that many people it's not believable anyway the Jews they would have fought back where they should have fought back well there's a lot to unpack in that statement isn't there but that in itself is a whole nother sermon but here's my point when we lose faith in the press when we lose confidence in our institutions in synagogues being one of them and in our leaders and in each other because we view people in categories there won't be a table big enough or small enough that will allow us to sit together and that is not a world in which I want to live no I'm involved in interfaith work not because I agree with everyone at the table but I am involved because there are values and ideals that are both bigger than one religion and also upheld by more than one religion they can and do bring us together and the moments that this happened those are the moments that I strive for that I seek to create and embrace moments that I have lived for my entire adult life so when I recall that moment a year ago when we all feel the sanctuary at Temple Beth Shalom did I feel a sense of solidarity that there were sixteen hundred fellow Jews you betcha but did I feel a sense of strength knowing that the Interfaith community was there side by side you betcha I don't think it was coincidence or faith I think it was God's voice speaking all at once through each one of us a course of faith that for a moment rose above the din of fear and distrust I live for such moments yes I do and in the world in which too often hate and love are in competition one with the other I choose love I choose love I choose kamar hakima tava may we all be inscribed in the book of life for a good year of sweetness [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was beautiful I'm pleased to introduce members of our board of directors who are Bhima guests this morning Jolie Breslin ELISA nave Worth and Allen Shulman our trustees and our vice president of social action Cindy Jensen thank you for your service to our temple rabbi Axelrod and Cantor Hutchins thank you for such a gorgeous service for those beautiful melodies and such inspirational message to our accompanist in choir director Ricky Reinhart and the adult choir thank you for sharing your musical talents and making our service truly special you've really outdone yourselves this year and we appreciate it to our sound Tech's alex hill and trevor incent thank you for all your help with our sound and paul shannon for assisting with our video streaming this morning CMT has the best staff and volunteers and as usual they have put in so much work to our High Holidays thank you all for all the hard work you put in the tireless time that it put to this services together and also please take the time to read a thank you poster out in the main lobby there's plenty of things to do for the rest of the day around so we wanted to give you a little information on our schedule during the early afternoon break you're invited to learn about some congregational and engagement opportunities that'll take part immediately after the service concludes in debate - fela we'll be talking about family provost promise Nevadans for the common good and our friendly visitor program at 1:10 you can enjoy the blessed is the match in this faith - fela and we will also be unveiling the newly installed plaques in our King David memorial garden at 2:30 the healing service is at 3 o'clock followed by our afternoon service at 4 and yes Kerr starts at 5:30 followed by kneeling neela and hub and of course the next month is full of opportunities to be with your CNT family so make sure to block the family calendars when you get home later today Tuesday October 15th Hebrew school will be at the usual time followed by 6:00 p.m. we'll have the air of Sukkot potluck dinner in the Siq oats oh please RSVP via the link available on Facebook or the e blasts and sign up for your favorite dish Tuesday October 22nd at 6 p.m. we'll have a simcha Torah service and program with our favorite band the shaba tones I hope you all come celebrate with us we also have some upcoming fundraisers that we'd like to announce on Sunday January 26 the Justice Michael cherry takuna Lum luncheon honoring Jan Jones and then our May 2nd our Spring Gala when services conclude today please exit through the side doors which will take you through the King David memorial garden this area has been newly refurbished thanks to the generosity of King David Memorial Chapel and cemetery we are so appreciative for many years of friendship and support and we thank King David so very much we're also proud to have King David's general manager Jay poster as well as their family service director Cheryl Shen Webb as part of our community may you have an easy and meaningful fast good yontiff all right so we have a final song and following the final song don't forget go right to the bait - fela for volunteer opportunities don't cross the street - chicken shack I'm gonna be watching you alright you go there you're busted right there bait - fela for volunteer opportunities and the movie bless it is a match is about Hannah Sassenach so it's a remarkable story of courage and bravery - 30 memorial garden three o'clock right here for the healing service let's all rise for a young Tom C the final song 318 my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Congregation Ner Tamid Live
Views: 678
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: g163YL_jf3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 39sec (8079 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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