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[Music] do [Music] so [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] welcome to park avenue synagogue welcome to those who are joining us in person welcome to those who are joining us through live stream wherever you are however you are watching us and celebrating shabbat with us it is so wonderful to be together it is a day of celebration it is a day of celebration for the phillips family dalia and ben as you will be called to the torah to celebrate your bar in bat mitzvah to jeff and to judy we wish you a masaltov to the entire family and friends who are here it's a day of celebration for us because we are back in the sanctuary with the baramba mitzvah families which we have not done in a long long time it's a day of celebration because there are officers on the bema which we haven't done in a very long time there are people in the sanctuary we are taking steps back to in-person worship it is also a day of memory it's a day when we remember those on 9 11 who perished that day it's a it's a beautiful day outside it's actually hauntingly familiar to what it felt like on that morning we will have more to say about that a little later many blessings uh to celebrate this morning many reasons to be joyous as we as we welcome shabbat we recognize that it is shabbat shava it is that shabbat between rosh hashanah and yom kippur the important work of self-reflection continues and we'll continue with that reflection with our blessings in the morning in our cdream page 103. if you are watching us virtually and you do not have a copy of the c door you can go to our website you can download rc door and you can follow along if you're able to please rise beer karashakar the blessings of the morning our job is to answer amen as the cantor says the blessings if you're able to please rise [Music] m [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign and you may be seated we continue with expressions of gratitude as we sing together on page 141 psalm 150 hallelujah [Music] [Music] my [Music] so far [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] benjamin and dalia i invite you to join us on the bma with your parents [Music] and make sure you have the sheet out with the talit ceremony ben and dahlia on this joyous day when we celebrate your transition into jewish adulthood we're proud to present you with this talit it's a sacred garment that jews around the world have worn for generations an ancient tradition kept alive through you wrapped in your tally may you feel the loving embrace of your family and friends your community and your people past present and future may you find comfort joy and inspiration as it is draped over your shoulders may you carry your tally with you wherever your path may lead a source of light and guidance on life's journey and when you gather the seat seat may you be reminded of the mitzvah and god's presence in your life everywhere and always amen ben and dalia you could recite the blessings over the talit [Music] eloheinu [Music] both of you you can give your your parents a hug and a kiss and jeff and judy you can take your seats and we will continue with barhu on page 149 if you're able to please rise [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you may be seated in this uh in this bracha before the shema which benadalia will lead us in in just a moment we we gather our tsiti as the blessing refers to the gathering of jews around the world into the city of jerusalem into the land of israel gathering is uh is important in our tradition right there's a rabbinic concept that uh that the the greater the number of voices the the greater the acclaim to god all right that god likes to hear lots of voices singing lots of voices praying lots of voices being together and it's worth noting that in this week's parasha it is the second to last commandment that we read about called hakkel hakeletam that you should gather the people the men and women the children the strangers in your community you should get them all together and you should celebrate the torah you should celebrate our tradition you should celebrate just being in the presence of one another and that is very much how we continue to feel right not just as we were gathering steam of returning to uh to in-person worship but even on the holidays when we saw increased numbers seeing people we haven't seen hearing people sing together watching people sway together those things our tradition tells us when they happen they don't just bring joy to us but the increase of people of voices actually brings glory to god vanendalio you'll lead us in the shema on page 155. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] dolly and ben beautifully done we continue with the words of the shema page in the hebrew or the english [Music] [Music] the cantor continues middle of page 158 the song of redemption the song of freedom without [Music] um [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you're able to please rise [Music] is [Music] we're on page 159 ben and dahlia will lead us in the amidah page 159. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] job we continue with the kadusha page 161. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] our silent meditations continue on page 162 through page 166 remembering the editions this morning for shabbat shava with the words on the page are the words in our hearts as you conclude you may be seated [Music] so [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] who we oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] is the lord [Music] is [Music] 167 [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] it's great to see everybody here welcome to park avenue synagogue if you're just joining us we were happy to be together for shabbat it's a beautiful shabbat benjamin and dalia we welcome you to the bhima as you celebrate becoming a bar in bat mitzvah this morning if you are just joining us for the first time again i'll remind you that you can download rc door if you are joining us virtually you can follow along uh as we as we call pages we are about to turn to the torah service we're on page 168 168 when the ark is opened i invite you all to please rise [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i [Music] we are servants of the holy one whom we revere and whose torah we revere at all times not on mortals do we rely but rather on the god of heaven the god of truth whose torah is truth whose prophets are truth and who abounds in deeds of goodness and truth it is in god that we put our trust and it is your holy and precious name that we utter praise may it be your will god that you open our hearts to your torah that you fulfill the desires of our hearts and the hearts of all your people israel for goodness for life and for peace amen [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Applause] [Music] you may be seated i always uh there's always a soft spot in my heart for the bar and mitzvahs who happen in early september which means that they have spent their summer reviewing and getting ready for their bar and bat mitzvah so uh dali and ben you guys are doing a great job and you've uh you've worked on leading us in worship you will read torah and haftarah for us you've also worked hard on speeches on on a devour terror so dolly i turn to you and invite you to share with us some words of teaching my torah portion this morning is baila and it talks about moses's last day on earth he was 120 years old and he knew he still had responsibilities to fulfill my actual responsibilities as a jew began when i turned 13. i am responsible to do good deeds to perform its vote unlike moses most people don't know when there's when their last day will be so we should look for ways to do good every day we are expected to follow jewish traditions and values every day and hopefully pass them on to the next generation even if we don't know when my grandma told me about hannah senis she was a young jewish poet who was born in hungary and europe in 1921 to a wealthy jewish family during world war ii it was not safe for any jews in europe the germans wanted to kill them all hannah managed to escape europe and was living safely in palestine but she felt it was her responsibility to somehow rescue members of her community including her mother who is still living in hungary she volunteered for a secret mission to parachute into yugoslavia sneak across the border into hungary and lead them and lead them to safety hannah was captured by the nazis during one of these missions she was executed by them but even though she was tortured by the nazis she never revealed the important military information the nazis wanted hannah knew the importance jews placed on life and tried to do as much as she could to save others even if it meant risking her own she was a martyr in the true heroine although ben and i are joyously celebrating our bene mitzva today september 11th is also a very somber day on september 11th 20 years ago terrorists hijacked four airplanes and deliberately crashed them to kill as many people as possible here in new york they crashed into both buildings of the world trade center thousands of people died within a matter of minutes the passengers and crew members on those planes try to call their families to say goodbye and tell them how much they love them the events of september 11th teaches that we should live each day as if it were our last every day is the right day to do good deeds on september 11th we saw many people who were like hannah cenas many police and firemen ran into the burning and collapsing buildings risking their own lives to do so many people trying to get out of the buildings stopped to help others who were having problems walking downstairs they were also martyrs and true heroes i want to thank everybody participating in my bat mitzvah today thanks to cancer schwartz kent cantor davis rabbi cosgrove rabbi zuckerman who helped me understand the medium my parsha thanks especially to debbie my tutor who taught me how to read it to my parents i want to say mom and dad thank you so so much for everything you do for me every day of my life i know planning and preparing for this day has been very challenging and uncertain because of changing status of the pandemic we are lucky to have our grandparents in our lives i know what a very special person grandpa david was i hope he will be proud of me grandpa phil we love to hear all the stories you tell about your childhood my grandmas are very special to me grandma annette we know we can always call on you for help when we need it we always have so much fun when we come to visit you in florida grandma judy thanks for taking care of ben and me when our parents were on vacation else and also for all you do with the grandkids ben and sam i am so lucky to have two awesome brothers in my life ben we share many things i'm really glad we can share this very important blessed day our lives thanks also to everyone who is sharing our special day with us including those who could not be here in person but are streaming the service from another location shabbat shalom dalia shabbat shalom and yashikawa beautiful message beautifully delivered and thank you we continue our return now into our tour reading parashat valle you can find that our reading on page 1173 i invite uh jeff phillips to come forward to read torah jeff karen and matthew isaacs and annette fisher will lead us in the blessings before and after via zarvaya gambio amen ha foreign is the second aliyah can be found on page 1173 it's chapter 31 of the book of deuteronomy verse 4. jeff you'll continue to read torah for us and we invite david and ellen and brian and daniela to join us in the blessings before and after this aliyah um oh man [Music] [Music] to those who had the second aliyah and and jeff yestercock to you arnie arnie jeff yoshiko to you for reading torah so beautifully we continue with our third aliyah you can find that on page 1174 it's deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 7. in this aliyah we will recognize and celebrate the smachot uh that the the joyous celebrations that are coming up this week arnie [Music] baruch i don't know i am veroclear uh [Music] [Music] arnie it's great to see you standing at the torah you will be celebrating a birthday is it this week or is it today today is your birthday so i want to wish you a happy birthday we've known each other a long time and uh it's great to celebrate with you here at park avenue all good things to come in in the in the coming year shabbat shalom we continue with the fourth aliyah you can find that on page 1174 uh it's chapter 31 verse 10 in this aliyah we will acknowledge the yard sites in the upcoming week if you have a yard site in the upcoming week i invite you to please rise and and and join ethan's voice in uh in the blessings before and after the torah elohim [Music] [Music] first of all sarah phillips joshua kohak to you little rabbinic prerogative you have a job reading torah here anytime you want so please you can come back any time ethan gallagher you join us this morning on the bma remembering your mother esther gallagher and we pray that her memory is always for a blessing we have some people in in the sanctuary who are observing yard sites and i just want to allow you to say the name out loud of the person you are remembering this morning okay anyone else remembering anyone this morning in the sanctuary i pray that their memories are always for a blessing in the coming week we recall with love and affection the yard sights of sylvia hochman alden vicky alpert florence erinstein morton baum manfred berman isla b burson rudolph cohen irene gradinger cohn ray cooper francis evans jesse fabian esther finger miriam fromberg charles of fraim goldman esther gallagher liba gopstein ada greenberg harvey guberman jack hirst helene baskin hoenig lewis honig hannah hope zoe jacobson benjamin jaffe joseph maxwell carp samuel klaus dorothy coven phyllis oppenheim kushner howard lakes alexander lepidus neil levin miriam levy gary lichtenstein lawrence lillian beatrice lindor selma london sylvia b lust bader adele mahler donald j malter irving mann norma markowitz audrey newworth faye nitzberg michael olewski david pearl lillian perlstein kermit perlmutter esther rabin harry rabinowitz mel rich joseph rosenstaff bernice sachs philip schafferman abraham scharf manas schwartz phyllis shapiro harry silvador siverdloff adolfo starosta jonathan stein richard stiefel rose strom edward wasserberger alona werdiger and jay lawrence werther we pray that all of their memories are always for a blessing we continue in our toe reading with the fifth aliyah you can find that aliyah on page 1175 it is the 31st chapter of the book of deuteronomy verse 14. arne irsner we call on you to read torah and we welcome up to the bhima judy sam uh and um philip uh will stand in his place for this aliyah please blessings before who is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ahu [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to those who recite the blessings for the fifth aliyah we turn now to the sixth aliyah you can find that on page 1177 it is chapter 31 verse 20 and we call to the torah parents of the benemits of judy and jeff yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo man [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to you for reading torah to uh judy and jeff mazeltov and yashira koch to you on this wonderful day in the life of your family we turn now to the seventh aliyah you can find that on page 11 78 it's chapter 31 uh verse 25 menachem rosenstaff we turn to you to lead us in the blessings before and after the aliyah [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mom it's great to see you i want to wish you a shabbat shalom a shanatova you join us on the seventh aliyah first we want to express gratitude to you and your family for endowing this shabbat shava and memory menachem of your parents joseph and hadassah we'll have a little more to say about them later but for now we remember them and uh we pray that their memories are always for a blessing to you and to your family shabbat shalom we pause for a moment in our toe reading to recognize that although we are filled with blessings in this sacred space we know that there are people who arrive here with prayers in their hearts for loved ones in need of healing a healing a body a healing a mind a healing of soul if you have such a person in your life and you would like them included in our prayers i invite you to please rise and to join our voices in a prayer for healing of misha barach [Music] [Music] [Music] me the one who blessed our mothers may the one who blessed our fathers hear our prayer hear our prayer hear our prayer hear our prayer and bless us as well a full and speedy recovery you may be seated so much as i said a moment ago uh to be grateful for seeing faces that we haven't seen in a long time being together to celebrate a bar mitzvah bar bat mitzvah in person which we haven't done in a long time so i want to flex that muscle canter of gratitude if you will and uh and to uh join our voices together in the if this is your first time back in the sanctuary uh in a long time i invite you to please rise if you are here to celebrate ben and dahlia i invite you to please rise and remain standing if uh if you are just enjoying a picture-perfect fall day on the upper east side of manhattan and you chose to celebrate shabbat together with us i invite you to please rise wherever you are watching us acknowledge the gifts of your life the gratitude that we feel please rise if you're able to and join our voices [Music] foreign [Music] ah [Music] thank you god for granting us life for sustaining us and allowing us to reach this moment together amane we continue please remain standing if you're able to see kadish [Music] hey [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it is my pleasure to call you to stand at the torah and to take your place as an adult a full participant in the community of israel our moft aliyah can be found on page 1178 deuteronomy chapter 31 verse 28 ben will lead us in the blessings and read from the torah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] last one [Music] i am [Music] and it is my pleasure my privilege to call dalia maya phillips devorah but yitzhak visima to the torah to take her place as a full participant in the community of israel dalia i invite you to lead us in the blessings before and after and to chant from the torah on page 1178. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mom uh [Music] my [Music] [Music] and jeff mazeltov if you're able to please rise as we lift the safer toe room [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you may be seated it is my pleasure ben to turn to you uh before uh you and dalia chant the haftarah i invite you to share with us your davar torah your your speech your words of teaching with the community ben my bar mitzvah torah portion is vayela the hebrew word for then he went out the parsha tells us about the last day of moses's life he actually passed away on the seventh of adar his 120th birthday but first he knew he had some responsibilities to complete he finished writing the torah and gave it to the levites he told them to put it in the ark of the covenant for safe keeping on the way to israel moses let the people know that they will read from this torah once every seven years on the festival of sukkot moses wanted to leave the people with specific instructions of what they must do on their journey to the promised land moses life was ending he was 120 and was too old to go with the people to the land of israel he was essentially passing on the responsibilities to traditions and mantle of leadership from one generation to the next to joshua at the age of 13 i realized that my responsibilities as a jew are really just beginning like moses i will be carrying on jewish traditions and one day passing them on to others who will be born after me i am excited about starting this new journey in my life as i become a bar mitzvah i am a big sports fan i admire the skills and actions of many athletes tall brody and american-born basketball star was selected in the first round of the nba draft to play with an american professional team which promised lots of fame however tall was more interested in representing israel he decided to play for mcabee tel aviv tall brodie became a leader of maccabee tel aviv and over the years he brought along some of his friends to join his israeli team in 1977 tom brody led mcabee tel aviv to the european championship title beating many of the world's best teams he even made aliyah and became a citizen of israel now tall brodie passes along the traditions of basketball to many young kids in israel i am very fortunate to have had so many role models in my life whom i can emulate i love my parents very much they have taken care of every need since the day i was born they demonstrate the jewish value of helping others on a daily basis professionally and personally i am so proud of them i hope i can make them proud of me and my achievements one day my grandparents are very special to me i am sorry i didn't get to know my grandpa david he passed away when i was a baby i know that people always look for him for help and advice people tell me i look very much like him and that we have many similar traits my mom became a lawyer just as he was i like to think he's with us today my grandpa phil is very kind and likes spending time with all his grandkids he tells us stories about growing up jewish in england during the war he also likes to make people better and i think because he is a doctor my dad wanted to be one too i love my two grandmas annette and judy and dolly already told you a lot about them i am so lucky to have a wonderful sister and brother i am also fortunate to have had so many wonderful teachers who have passed on their love of learning to me thank you debbie my tutor cantor schwartz and cantor davis as well as rabbis cosgrove and zuckerman for helping me prepare for today i would also like to thank all of you who have come to share in my bar mitzvah today shabbat shalom shabbat shalom ben yoshiko you're going to stay right there great speech well delivered love the history lesson on israeli basketball we we continue with the haftarah which dali and ben will chant for us it's the haftarah for the shabbat shiva you can find it in the in the homage on page 1236 and then it will jump to 12 39. ben and dahlia i invite you to to lead us in that haftarah eloheinum [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the family on this wonderful occasion i'm going to ask the two of you to just step back for one moment and i'm going to invite your brother sam to come forward and to lead us in the prayer for renewal on page 100 and seventy six page 177 excuse me prayer for the renewal of creation master of the universe whose hand is the breath of all life and the soul of every person grant us the gift of shabbat a day of rest from our all our labors with all of our senses may we perceive the glory of your works fill us with your goodness that we may attest to your great deeds strengthen us to become your faithful partners preserving the world for the sake of our future generations adonai our god and god of our ancestors may be your will to renew your blessing of the world in our day as you have done from the beginning of time samyash mazel tov to you uh we you can take a seat and judy and jeff i invite you to come forward with dahlia and ben as we will canton i will will bless our bene mitzvah [Music] yes is [Music] [Music] so [Music] dalian ben this morning is a sacred moment for you and your family and i want to wish you a masala tove but it is also a sacred moment for this community because in addition to celebrating a young man and a young woman entering adulthood in our tradition we also celebrate the return of our binet mitzvah to this sanctuary the first time we have done this since march of 2020 yes we have celebrated mitzvah as a community in fact both cantor schwartz and i virtually celebrated our own children becoming a bar in bat mitzvah but we are at our core an in-person business and it's nice to be speaking to you panim alpanim face to face and watching you both this morning it has been worth the wait i want to wish amazon tov to your parents to jeff and to judy jeff we had a moment after uh after rosh hashanah services where you just expressed to me the sheer joy of being in person and being able to celebrate your children's barmba mitzvah together in this sanctuary it's so nice to be with all of you today to your brother sam asaltov you both spoke so beautifully about your grandparents to annette and judy and philip you should always know such joy and nachos from your grandchildren and on this sacred day of transmission we remember your grandfather david a blessed memory and think about how proud he would be to see the young man and the young woman you have become ben i want to uh speak to you first uh parashat vayila contains the final commandment of the torah which is for every person to write their own copy of this scroll that you read from now that's not an easy thing to do it requires a lot of training it requires a lot of skill training and skill i suspect that at this point in your life you don't have i don't have so the rabbis say that you can fulfill this mitzvah by hiring some someone to write it for you by the way also not so easy because torahs you may not know are really expensive so what can we do well rather than write a torah we can actively acquire our own torah by internalizing jewish narratives like you have done values and wisdom yes values and traditions have been lovingly planted in you and your sister by your parents by the generations who preceded you but acquiring torah means you just don't passively inherit ben that which has come to you in the past it means you have to make time for your own study reflection and questioning and that's what becoming a bar mitzvah is all about it's the beginning of the process of writing your own torah and then the first chapters of this torah of your life well they give us a preview of what's to come you're blessed with a huge heart extending yourself to others you're fun you're funny as the camp doctor this summer told me that by the way is your father for those who don't know he was impressed with your maturity in your peer setting your mother commented to me how proud your grandfather would be how much you embody the very best of who he was people met him and loved him he was filled with kindness and compassion and these qualities ben they come alive and continue to live in you it's who you are you are a sacred link in a book that began years before you were born and it's a story that will continue to be written throughout your life dahlia we read in this week's torah portion this commandment that i'm prescribing to you today it's not mysterious it's not in heaven lo bashamayimhi it's not in heaven on its simplest level moshe is telling the people that torah is not out of reach for ordinary people like us anybody who wants to do it can acquire it in the words of the hasidic master menachem mendel of cuts also known as the kutskarebi it's not in the heavens the torah is not found among the heavenly jews those who seek to climb into the highest of the heavens the true test of the torah the katsuka rebbe was teaching us is that in our torah is not found only in our most spiritual and detached moments as vital as moments like for example becoming a bat mitzvah are the truest manifestations of torah are found in what we do day to day feeding people taking care of others refraining from gossip acting compassionately with those who are right in front of us now dalia you know this because this is how you walk through the world every day words like kindness compassionate considerate are the words that come to mind when i think of you you're always quick to acknowledge gratitude with a thank you and from an early age you have always looked out for the underdog embodying the idea of inclusiveness every day all day your teachers love you your counselors love you and now you can add your clergy to that list as well may you always remember that torah is not in heaven it is a sacred inheritance that you carry with you every day and it must be lived every day dalia and ben the challenge of these texts i shared applies to both of you spirituality cannot be separated from goodness and integrity nor does it depend on some complicated knowledge lo bashamayimi it's not in the heavens it's right here and it begins in our hearts and our mouths with an attitude towards your daily actions with the torah that we will acquire through the deeds of your lives and a resolve that you will take with you every day to strive for more holy living in all that you do i want to wish you both and your family amazal tov on this wonderful occasion amen god bless you and protect you may god show you favor and be gracious unto you may god show you kindness and grant you peace [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] the entire family you can take your seats before we we turn to the prayer for our country of course we acknowledge today as we have done earlier the commemoration of of 9 11 and remembering those who perished 20 years ago i want to uh thank you daron for sharing with us your reflections of rosh hashanah 20 years ago i know that rabbi cosgrove read from from those reflections last night it's it's a gift that you've given us a window in time that i suspect will be referred to and read on uh on 9 11 to come on rosh hashanah's to come when we think about una tanatoka if we think about this moment uh and just to to read the last two paragraphs that you shared daron to set the stage for the el male prayer the memorial prayer that we will make in just a moment in reflecting on the the moment of unotanatoka of 20 years ago where the firemen came into the lower level and the ark was closed they began to walk back slowly down the aisle the applause erupted people reached out to hug and kiss and the firemen and they cried from one corner of the room near where i was sitting and where the firemen were approaching i could hear a few voices beginning to sing god bless america soon over a thousand people were singing god bless america as the firemen wearing yarmulkes slowly made their way to the exit engulfed by gratitude affection and embraces and una tonatokev never to be forgotten may all their memories be for a blessing if you're able to rise i ask you to please do so as we remember those who perished on 9 11 with the el maleh with the memorial prayer [Music] hey [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] here [Music] [Music] hair [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] on [Applause] exalted compassionate god grant perfect peace in your sheltering presence among the holy and the pure whose radiance is like the heavens the souls of all those we have recalled today the men and women who perished 20 years ago on september 11th may their memory be a blessing may they rest in paradise master of mercy may they find eternal shelter beneath your sheltering wings and may their souls be bound up in the bond of life adonai is their portion may they rest in peace and let us say amen we remain standing if you're able to for a prayer for our country on page 177 followed by a prayer for the state of israel on 178 our god and god of our ancestors with mercy accept our prayer on behalf of our country and its government pour out your blessing upon this land upon its inhabitants upon its leaders its judges officers and officials who faithfully devote themselves the needs of the public help them understand the rules of justice you have decreed so that peace and security happiness and freedom will never depart from our land now deny god whose spirit is in all creatures we pray that your spirit be awakened within all the inhabitants of our land uproot from our hearts hatred and malice jealousy and strife plant love and companionship peace and friendship among the many peoples and faiths who dwell in our nation grant us the knowledge to judge justly the wisdom to act with compassion and the understanding and courage to root out poverty from our land may it be your will that our land be a blessing to all who dwell on earth and may you cause all peoples to dwell in friendship and freedom speedily fulfill the vision of your prophets nation shall not lift up sword against nation neither shall they learn war anymore for all of them from the least of them to the greatest shall know me and let us say amen page 178 prayer for the state of israel [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] is our holy land deliver them crown their efforts with triumph bless the lamb with peace and its inhabitants with lasting joy and let us say amen page 184 excuse me page 183 you hallelujah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've given you a precious inheritance to not forsake my teaching it's a tree of life for those who grasp it and all who hold on to it are blessed its ways are pleasant and all its paths are peace turn us toward you god and we will return to you make our days seem fresh as they once were [Music] [Music] even [Music] is [Music] the as the ark is closed you may be seated shabbat shalom the events of 911 the day itself and the days that followed well it feels like yesterday i remember reading the scene seemingly endless stories in the times of those who perished that day stories about their lives their loves their passions what was lost in an instant those stories returned to me as this week leading up to the 20 20th anniversary of that tragic day i found myself reading and watching stories about the unborn children to pregnant women who lost their husbands on 9 11 their children's fathers what has become of their lives in the last 20 years what are their loves what are their hopes what are their passions how have they survived this terrible loss in their lives rebuilding hope the children of 9 11 is a documentary that was released this past tuesday it's a film that focuses on how for young adults it focuses on their lives and how they've navigated their own lives after their fathers were killed while they were still in utero the new york post describes these four these four young adults ronald millam jr's mother was five months pregnant with him when his father died in the pentagon i don't feel the need for closure i wasn't there he says when things like this happen you lose a loved one you've got to carry on he says he's a student at the university of texas at san antonio studying biology alexis magala's mother was five months pregnant when her father stanley smagala jr climbing the staircase of the south tower when the building collapsed and killed him instantly he was 36 years old i think about those last few moments she says when he was running into the building knowing he'd probably never come out said alexa a sophomore at the university of central florida who's come to appreciate her dad's courage he's my hero she said makes me proud to be his daughter because i could never do anything as brave as that gabi jacob's dick was born six days after his father ariel perished in the towers his dad's death has left him with crippling anxiety but last year he summoned the courage to take the 47-second elevator ride up to the 172nd floor of one world trade center and from the skyscrapers observatory he gazed down at the 911 memorial and he found some peace and jamie gartenberg pila's mother was three months pregnant with her when her father james gartenberg died trapped behind a debris blocked fire escape on the 86th floor of the north tower losing my biological dad at a young age taught me to do everything you can she says help people always do the right thing and be brave after spending some time in israel nineteen-year-old jamie recently postponed her enrollment in the university of colorado and plans to join the israel defense forces how have they done it how do they do it how do any of us do it pick ourselves up carry on in the face of tragedy of trauma of painful loss in these days of all we are challenged to confront our own mortality to ask ourselves difficult questions about our lives our choices our past our present our future we recognize that we will all face hardships throughout the year and throughout our lives sometimes we see those moments coming other times they happen in an instant it can be the loss of a job it can be the sudden death of a loved one when we encounter these moments the question is what do we do next in her book option b cheryl sandberg along with adam grant writes about the sudden loss of her husband and the steps that she took to recover from this life-shattering experience she says in the book i thought resilience was the capacity to endure pain so i asked adam how i could figure out how much resilience i have he explained that the amount of resilience isn't fixed so i should be asking instead how do i become resilient resilience is the strength and speed of our response to tragedy she writes i read the stories of robert alexa gabby and jamie and i like you am moved by the resilience of these young adults we might look at what they have overcome in their lives and say i can't imagine sandberg writes that she used to say the same thing when people would return to work after the loss of a child or a cancer diagnosis but as she writes when i was on the other side my reply became i can't imagine either but i have no choice and neither do we on rosh hashanah it is written on yom kippur it is sealed who shall live who shall die who by fire who by water who by hunger who by thirst who by earthquake who by plague the unatanotoka of that centerpiece of the jewish literacy of the jewish liturgy excuse me is our yearly reminder how precious life is and that life can be taken from us in just a moment and given that awareness we are forced to confront the question that these young adults confronted and i suspect to con continue to confront every day of their lives given that knowledge how can we choose to make a life worth living our answer teshuva repentance the idea that we're not stuck in the same rut that we were last year we can transform our lives prayer the belief that we can join together in person in prayer wherever we are as a community to transcend life's isolation life's alienation and charity the belief that our acts of kindness have ripple effects around the world that we can touch the soul of another human being through the act of giving and in the process we can feel the presence of god in our lives and activate that presence out in the larger world we believe that through these three acts together ma of irene at gazera that they helped the hardship of the decree to pass recognize that this is different from the alternative version of this statement to shuvat that these three things nullify the decree that the rabbis couldn't accept the world doesn't operate through magic the decree can't simply be nullified but it's here in these hands that we have the power that we have the ability to make a choice to respond with those sacred acts and to build and create a life that's worth living that's the force that's the meaning of the unatana token every year we begin the new year with its message planted in us recognize recognizing that our lives in the coming year might be shattered but we must know that we can pick up the pieces no matter how broken and no matter how many as rabbi gordon tucker teaches the unatana toekev is an assurance to us of our ability to reconstruct ourselves precisely when our hearts our cores are broken and while we especially take note of this at this time of year let's recognize that the history of judaism is all about resilience time after time the jewish people have responded to trauma with creativity with innovation when the second temple was destroyed rabbinic judaism innovates radically to transform judaism from a religion that's centered on a specific place and mode of sacrifice to a portable religion that can be practiced anywhere a religion where we bring god close through study through prayer through acts of kindness when jews are expelled from spain in 1492 ending a long period of jewish life on the iberian peninsula jews responded by building up jewish mysticism and kabbalah in eastern europe khasidism emerges as a response to the oppression and pogroms the jews face there and in western europe in the aftermath of the enlightenment and emancipation and the challenges that it presents the jewish identity judaism again innovates and we see the emergence of the religious movements the birth of political zionism and eventually the creation of the state of israel this right here is the secret to jewish survival in crisis after crisis we have always found ways to cultivate resilience both as individuals and collectively as a nation and because of what today is and i don't just mean a day when we commemorate the events of 9 11 but it is shabbat a day as i mentioned earlier that's been endowed by the rosensath family in memory menachem of your parents of blessed memory and in that spirit i want to recall what is in my opinion one of the great examples of resilience and recreation in the history of our people so often when we teach about the showa we discuss the crimes of the nazis the collaborators the horrors of the camps maybe we speak about partisan fighters recently we've been speaking about women resistance fighters but rarely do we speak about the miraculous rebirth that took place in the displaced persons camps in the dp camps it was here that jews began to rehabilitate themselves it was here that jews began to take their destiny retake their destiny into their own hands it was here that jews began to feel human again jews may have been liberated from the camps by the allies but it was here in the dp camps that liberation in the truest sense that expansion of the self from a place of narrowness to a wide place of freedom here is where it happened marriages took place babies were born families were reconstituted schools were established governing structures were created as tovic schultz granoff points out the survivors did not depend on the u.s army or outside agencies to return to life they drew on the richness of jewish traditions yiddish culture music theater art journalistic skills and skills as organizers as administrators they boldly reached out to new people she writes and develop relationships they started small businesses new families they built communities they taught hebrew all within the confines of the dp camps it was an extraordinary moment of resilience and self-agency by holocaust survivors in the dp camps and this morning menachem we remember your parents joseph rosenschaft hadassah rosensoft who both played critical roles in these camps joseph was the chairman of the jewish committee of the bergen-belsen dp camp the central jewish committee in the british zone of germany hadassah was a member and later vice chair of the central committee of liberated jews an organization which represented jewish displaced persons in the american zone of the post-world war ii germany between 1945 and 1950. both of them when faced with their own roah zerah their own severe decree of the shoah with unlimited sources of strength and resilience over and over again they chose life menachem may their memories always be a blessing for you for your family and for the jewish people on this day of remembrance we remember those who lost their lives on 9 11. we pray that their souls their memories are always for a blessing to those who love them to know to those who knew them to those who continue to miss them and think about them each and every day and on these asari yamatuva these sacred days of judgment and mercy between rosh hashanah and yom kippur we remember the ways our ancestors have always been able to cultivate resilience and we continue to be inspired by the stories of those like the young adults who lost their fathers 20 years ago continue to recover and reimagine their lives in the aftermath of trauma in the coming year whatever challenges whatever setbacks whatever painful loss we might encounter may that be our story as well shabbat shalom may we all be written and inscribed in the book of life in the year to come we continue with khatsikh page 184. [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] m if you're able to please rise we begin the musa family together page 185 [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] um [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] page 187 [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] more [Music] i [Music] [Music] god foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] our silent meditations continue page 1 8 188 through 192 with the words on the page or the words on our hearts remembering the additions for shabbat shiva do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] um [Music] may the one who makes peace [Music] descend on us and the world will say our vain may the one who makes peace in the heavens descend on us [Music] who makes peace decide on us [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] may the one who makes peace [Music] [Music] [Music] is foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh we continue with ain't caligano page 204. [Music] [Applause] [Music] please rise elena page 205. [Music] every [Music] um [Music] [Music] m [Music] you may be seated i know that we're back in uh in the year in the cycle of banane mitzvah because my parsha is back i want to welcome into the zoom into the community aaron lightner and alice lochen aaron and alice you will be celebrating your binet mitzvah uh i would guess by virtue of you being here in about a year so to your parents to mimi and david and amy mark we want to wish all of you imazal tov shabbat shalom a shanatova and and we look forward to seeing you there you are we look forward to to seeing you throughout the year as you prepare for this this wonderful day shabbat shalom we we we turn now to mourner's kaddish before mourner's kaddish i want to acknowledge the passing this week in the community of hans de reuter hans is the brother of frucky noop de reuter and tafruki to the entire family we extend our condolences and prayers for comfort and pray that hansa's memory is always for a blessing i also i want to acknowledge uh another loss in the community you know for the past 18 months or so um the clergy have been spending a lot of time with uh with our tech team from redgate and redgate is family they're part of the park avenue synagogue family and today is a sad day for a member of that family today is leon goodman will be laid to rest leon is the father of justin goodman who who you may have seen before and you may not know but justin is part of the redgate team that makes sure that each and every week that we can be seen and we can herd justin to you and to your family we extend our condolences and we pray that your father's memory is always for a blessing if you are in a period of mourning observing a yard sight i invite you to please rise kadisha tome can be found on page 207 [Music] [Music] you may be seated shabbat shalom i want to welcome each and every one of you to park avenue synagogue those who are here in our sanctuary it is so good to be with you to those who are joining us to the live stream it's wonderful to be with you wherever you are in this country around the world we want to wish you a shabbat shalom and a shanatova to sidney lazar our cantoral intern i want to say yeshka to you and thank you for leading us so beautifully uh through our worship this morning cantor schwartz there you are over there i want to wish you wish about shalom and hashana tevan thank you for leading us this morning uh rabbi cosgrove is hanging out in the back it's great to see you rabbi i want to wish you a shabbat shalom to you and to your family shabbat shalom and shanatova as i mentioned at the beginning of the service we know we are slowly returning to normal because we have officers on the bhima mark first it's great to be with you shabbat shalom and shanatova and to our chairman mark becker it's great to sit next to you once again i want to wish you and your family a shabbat shalom and a sure everything runs so smoothly to the team of red gate that i mentioned before thank you for all you do to make sure that we can be seen and heard and david and low and the ensemble you can't see them but like the wind you know that they're here all right david shabbat shalom to you and to the ensemble and hashanatva and thank you for all you do each and every shabbat and throughout the holidays to make sure that our worship is so beautiful and uplifted a few announcements before we conclude pas connect it's our new streaming channel where you can watch all kinds of content clergy conversations musical selections story time for kids you can watch our service live streamed through pas connect download the app put it on your phone and watch us for example last night we had this amazing conversation between rabbi cosgrove and jennifer senior of the atlantic about a very powerful article she wrote i suspect rabbi that that will be up on the service soon right and if you did not watch that i commend that to you especially today as we remember 911 that content will be updated regularly so download watch there's always something new and we look forward to connecting through pas connect on sunday september 12th at one o'clock join dyenu new york jewish communities around the city at grand army plaza to advocate for climate legislation and recommit to turning the tide on climate change you can learn more on our website this monday september 13th at 11 a.m join the arts engagement committee for a photo walk explore basic camera controls and composition tips as we stroll and photograph together in central park you can register for that online and of course this coming is it tuesday night is cole nidre is that right tuesday night it's cole nidre wednesday night thank you another day to finish my sermons yeah so join us don't forget you need your tickets and check out the website for what's happening throughout the day on yom kippur with with the conversations that will take place and service times i want to say masalto to dalia and to ben you guys kicked us off back in the sanctuary what a great way to start mazel tov to you a job well done enjoy the afterglow here to jeff and to judy mazeltov to you and to your family it's so so nice so sweet to be together in person and to celebrate this wonderful milestone in your life uh dahlia and ben this is the reminder you're going to be joining us in just a moment for kidus and mozi i think that covers it for the announcements cantor rabbi we good all right what darcy stepped in i know uh darcy where are you darcy thank you for stepping in while while ross was up in the control room as always for making sure that run things run so smoothly we will conclude with adona alum followed by kidus and mozi on the bhima i wish you all a shabbat shalom a shanatova we should all be written and sealed in the book of life in the year ahead hadon alum [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign you're able to please rise dalian ben will lead us in kidus and mozi amen [Music] amen [Music] a happy and a healthy new year [Music] you
Channel: Park Avenue Synagogue
Views: 3,321
Rating: 4.9574466 out of 5
Id: iIBFM3mIV10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 156min 9sec (9369 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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