Cool Cat Gets George Lucased

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if I were to sit down and hold up the DVD for this movie he would either laugh at its absurdity or grow extremely confused for the same reasons the cover is so amateurish you'd expect it to have been impossible for a human being to have legitimately put an ironic effort into making it but you'd be entirely wrong and the movie itself is equally incompetent meet kool Kat now ever since a few months ago when PewDiePie made a video discussing a cool cat himself has seen a huge boom in popularity to the point of reaching mainstream YouTube crowds so I'm sure most of you are at least somewhat familiar with what I'm talking about but if not it's an educational kid's movie that uses in the animal mascot as its protagonist to communicate basic morals a good comparison would be to barny the dinosaur like him and other children's mascots cool cat is used as a mouthpiece to give advice about certain subjects for the sake of teaching life lessons in this movie specifically these range from how to deal with cyberbullying what to do when you find a gun the importance of looking both ways before crossing the street and a variety of other things all bundled up into a movie known as cool cat saves the kids and accompanied by a series of books and shorts but because of the movies amateurish nature and lack of self-awareness throughout it became somewhat of a cult classic do the ironic enjoyment one could get from watching it akin to other movies such as the room or troll 2 which holds similar reputations but cool cat differs simply because of the creator himself Derek Savage or as he's known in the film daddy Derek this true Savage has a long history of directly respond to reviews of the cool cat movie as well as anything else he had a hand in making and usually this doesn't turn out well for him considering his urge to lash out at people Derek Savage is an interesting character and for the sake of understanding the movie itself it's important to understand the man behind it all in his interactions online for the sake of brevity I'm just gonna give an overview since it's not the main topic here but I'll leave links to other better videos in the matter if it interests you daddy Derek created cool cat saves the kids in 2015 and shortly after the movies trailer was discovered by the popular movie critic your movie sucks or Adam it was last year that my good friends at everything is terrible shared a link to the film's trailer on their Facebook page and as soon as I watched it all I could think was oh god I have to see this movie I discovered Coquette through the Facebook paid for everything is terrible which is a I guess company that takes a bunch of bad things mostly old VHS stuff from the 80s and 90s and kind of puts them out on the internet in funny edits most of the time to try and poke fun it just how how bad the content from 80s and 90s were or at least not like super popular content yeah they posted a link to the trailer for kool Kat saves the kids on their Facebook page and immediately I saw this and I was like okay I have to see this movie this looks hilarious and the trailer was very clearly edited by Derek Savage because the editing was hilarious Adam would go on to review the movie himself in February of 2015 and Derek Savage would respond quite well Derek's response was surprisingly positive to my review he left a comment saying thanks he very clearly understood all the promotion that this was giving him because people in my audience we're interested in watching this film and so they they bought it from him they bought the merch I plugged the merch because you know I I didn't want to take this thing that nobody had ever heard of and trash it and be super negative towards it like I was you know very critical of it but at the same time I was like hey buy the t-shirts you know support this film sort of thing and I think he appreciated that he did not like the paedophile comparisons that I made for obvious reasons I guess but yeah I was just joking anyway it's just there's some things in his film that are really really inappropriate and that's part of what makes it really funny is his lack of self-awareness in that sense and don't think I'm not aware that this is an easy target but I feel like I needed to even out my channel a little bit while I'm in the middle of analyzing an intelligent art film so here's a nice and healthy dose of stupid paint on someone's wall but even still Danny Derek was quite positive towards Adam and this led to a small friendship between the two for a short time they apparently spoke about some of Adam's critiques and felt that the movie should be re-edited to REM some of the issues hey guys just an update for the sake of keeping you informed as some of you have noticed the cool cat DVD that some of you have purchased off of Amazon isn't the exact same as what I reviewed it turns out that Daddy Derek more or less George Lucas his cool cat movie based on some of the arguments that I made in the film he considered a lot of the arguments to be legitimate and he made some changes to the film I haven't seen the edited version yet but I've heard that there's a now a shot of cool cat looking both ways before he crosses the street and that some of the weird editing mistakes have been faked Adam stated that the editing flaws and production problems and the ironic enjoyment but took issue with a few problems that came up in relation to the lessons the movie was trying to teach for instance it was pointed out a scene where cool cat and his friend received a text from a stranger the movie actually encouraged him to open it another seen the movie cool cat states to always look both ways before crossing the street and then fails to take his own advice in the very next scene in general most the serious talking points out him levied against the movie were four times when the movies intended lesson is undermined or communicated poorly while most the jokes done in Adams review were a technical flaws I strongly recommend you watch this review given how integral it is when talking about the cool cat movie as it is today plus it's just kind of a good video so you should probably watch it for that reason you know - at the time of its release cool cat reviews were scarce and the changes made to the recut to help alleviate the flaws of the original were done in direct response to Adams critique specifically what's important to note however is the Rika is the only available version and many people such as myself bought it without knowledge to Daddy Derek had essentially George Lucas his movie Adam specifically States in his update video that the original version will not be unavailable for those seeking to watch it ironically and will be auctioned off on eBay instead so the two can remain available to their separate audiences those being the children Derek intends to show the movie - for the sake of education and the cult movie fans seeking to watch it ironically so if you go on eBay there's now a DVD that says YMS review edition that is the original version that I reviewed anything else the George Lucas version however when you click on the eBay link for the original version that Adam puts in the description it shows that Derek has since stopped selling it and redirects to a separate movie which is ironically a third cut of the cool cut saves the Kids movie with even more adjustments than the recut yeah basically what I didn't know at the time but discovered later on is that cool cat saves the kids is basically just the other shorts that he had made stitched together with some footage in between to try and explain why you're moving from one scene to the next so he had shorts like cool cat finds a gun or cool cat in the hollywood parade or a cool cat stops bullying or whatever and through those shorts he was able to get people like vivica a fox and Erik Estrada involved because it's just you know a tiny short and they probably think okay this is good for my image it's like an anti-bullying message it's basically like a PSA but then he took that footage and then put them basically in a feature-length movie after the fact put them on the poster and used them to promote his film which is kind of funny and since my review he made other alternate versions of the same movie so when I'd criticize something like hey cool cat just said to look both ways before crossing the street and then he just darts across the street without looking maybe that's a bad idea because you're trying to teach kids a message so after my review he wound up changing the film to include a shot of cool cat quickly looking both ways before crossing the street he just edited another shot in there are other changes that were made some make more sense than others I don't remember exactly what each of these changes are but I mean there's several different versions at this point and now his his new cool cat the kids superhero thing is literally just the same movie again with like one new song and a bit of extra footage so it's really really confusing and kind of dishonest the way that he's trying to sell it as this whole new thing he is convinced that the only reason why cool cat saves the kids isn't on Netflix is just because it's not promoted enough like he thinks that the quality of the film is good enough to be a Netflix movie or to be something that a studio would pick up or get a theatrical release and so obviously he's going to continue trying new gimmicks superheroes are very popular right now so he throws in the word superhero like oh this is a kid superhero movie now it's marketable and obviously that didn't really happen the reason the original is no longer being sold is likely because the drama that occurred three months later when another reviewer known as I hate everything made his own review of the cool cat movie as well with a somewhat harsher tone given the hyperbolic nature of this channel so describing this thing is actually a lot more difficult than it sounds because nothing really happens it doesn't particularly have a traditional structure or any focus it's all really well it does claim to have a point but it's so hammered and on the nose about every subject it's trying to teach kids that it just kind of comes across like an insane fever dream parading as a kid safety movie up until this point most were under the impression that Derek Savage was a fairly understanding guy who was open to having his work criticized but what resulted from this told a different story and for all you people that see those BS reviews out there you know the ones I've shut down please don't judge all some you know some punk with a site he started issuing copyright strikes to both I hate everything and seemingly any other channel that made negative reviews of his movie claiming that these videos were infringing on his copyrighted property last week I took down several videos that were copyright infringing against my content I hate everything made videos discussing this and what resulted was died Erik becoming more vocal about the thoughts are going the negative attention his movie was receiving causing people to view him much differently than they originally had his image would only worsen when a series of emails were made public by I hate everything wearing he not only harassed ihe himself but also allegedly impersonated a law firm to take down more if I hit everything's videos when ihe wouldn't give in to his demands for cool cat related videos be removed to on lookers died Erik turned from a light-hearted but out of touch movie director with a respectful tolerance for criticism to an oversensitive trigger-happy maniac with a blatantly incorrect understanding of copyright law given the that Adams review stayed online during all of this most saw daddy Derek is abusing YouTube's copyright system - sounds criticism of reviews he personally didn't like and may have been giving Adam preferential treatment because his review was less overtly harsh it's it's really confusing why Derek tried to take down Alex's video form I hate everything at all because it was you know a lot of the same criticisms existed that were in my video it wasn't it wasn't so much more mean than mine perhaps he didn't plug his shirts or his DVD sales as much as me maybe that's the biggest reason why he didn't try to take down my review but yeah he acted very positively towards mine and inexplicably very negatively towards Alex's video and it's it's nobody really understands why because the man is very unpredictable and kind of makes up the logic of his own universe as he goes along kind of works backwards to just justify his actions and yeah he put me in a really uncomfortable situation because behind the scenes while Alex was dealing with his [ __ ] I was trying to get Derek to stop with the takedown notices and say hey can you just remove this because this is fair use right like you can't just decide that my video is okay cuz you like me and then copyright claim Alex's video and other people's just because you don't like them like when it's just as fair use you know I spent I spent a long time in email conversations with him basically explaining to him what the Streisand effect was giving him a lot of thorough detailed knowledge on fair use and why even if he doesn't like Alex's video Derek is in fact infringing upon Alex's copyright by attempting to take it down and Derek just wouldn't budge I sent I sent like two different emails that were ten paragraphs long each and Derek wouldn't listen and Derek uploads this video telling people like hey why are you giving me hey you should hate Alex from I hate everything this kid's a no-good Punk Adam supports me at just ask Adam from YMS he thinks I'm a good guy and I'm in the right I'm like I never said that like you can tell people that I'm supporting you in this what I'm not and I'm trying to get you to stop and for for him to release a video that is essentially putting putting me out there saying that I would support this very immoral very I guess illegal copyright takedown [ __ ] that he was doing it kind of hurts my image because my entire channel is using copyrighted footage to make my own fair use content and I would be a hypocrite if I stayed on his side with this as much as I wanted to to be in good contact with the guy and be on his good side I just couldn't do it especially after he brought me into it by putting my name in that video acting like I would support him on this although given the fact that abs review made a lot of subtextual jabs at Derek it's likely that his enjoyment of the reviews stemmed from his inability to see these jokes so when the harsh reviews became more direct about things his true feelings about criticism became more clear his online activities support this since it appears from how he acts online that he's under the impression that the fan base around kool Kat is out of genuine enjoyment for the movie as a kid safety film when in actuality most of his followers are cult movie fans who watched him for the ironic humor in his video dressing I hit everything specifically he even acknowledged his sales have gone up greatly since the reviews but still retains his negative stance on the ones he'd taken down okay but the thing is the reason why I know it I'd never hurt my brand and I'm not stating this I mean over the past week good lord of money I have sold more cool cat movies that I usually do in a month and a half period more cool cat t-shirts I had a place another order because I'm just selling out of everything but regardless of his worsening image to drama with I hate everything ended fairly quickly once Adam himself stepped in and made a video explaining the legality of reviews to Derek so in a calm and civilized manner without attacking your character I'm making this video to help you and everybody else understand exactly what fair use is when this video was released Derek Savage essentially cut all ties with Adam by blocking his Twitter account removing his cameo from one of Derek's upcoming films that Adam had offered to star in I wound up making my cool cat learns fair use video and I thought that I was very forgiving and understanding despite the career that I was making I thought that I was being very fair I wasn't overly mean but I was calling him out on his [ __ ] because he wouldn't budge and I tried to handle it behind the scenes he wouldn't allow it to happen and so I had to make my own opinion public because he threw me in there for no reason and after that point you know I I messaged him on Twitter being like okay well even if you disagree with me on this please at least articulate your disagreements and you know I'll listen to you and we can work something out but like this is not you know what you're doing is not okay and instead of responding like an adult and trying to come to any sort of understanding he'd blocked me on my Twitter and then over the course of the next several years found all five of my Twitter accounts and blocked them one by one when I've never interacted with him on any of those other Twitter accounts and he just keeps finding my other Twitter accounts almost like he's searching for them or something I don't understand it very childish very bizarre despite this however Derrick retracted his strikes from the channels he'd attacked and things settled fairly quickly died Derrick had some additional drama with other channels later on such as the odd ones out in monkey Jones which I'm pretty sure a decent chunk of you remember from a while back monkey Jones stops a school shooting is almost 100% a project fueled by pure spite by pure spite and hatred and a need for vengeance it all started when Derrick Savage the con artist behind the cool cat a film series announced a new short film called cool cat stops a school shooting then he announced he would be crowdfunding the project a 20 minute short film where cool cat his meme character from such hits as cool cat saves the kids and I think cool cat gets molested cool cat would evidently be stopping a school shooting and I thought it was the most wonderful idea and I wanted to be a part of the project so I made a video asking Derrick savage if monkey Jones could be in his short film as the school shooter and he agreed to the terms that my fans would help fund to the movie and and things were going great and we were pumping a [ __ ] ton of money into the project but the problem is I don't remember the exact number but he was expecting truly an astronomical amount of money for this 20 minutes short film I think it was it was like in the realm of fifteen to twenty thousand just something really [ __ ] absurd I should probably look up the exact number but it really doesn't matter because long story short he did not even come close to hitting this [ __ ] lehigh goal so this [ __ ] con artist decided instead to commit fraud by changing the Kickstarter three days before it ended there were thousands that I think we hit like $9,000 again I'll leave links to all this stuff but it's fairly disconnected from the subject matter at hand so what's the point in discussing it now today most of the effects from all this drama have faded away except for what became of the original cool cat saves the kids movie as a result as far as I know two cuts of the original movie exist excluding versions marketed as such there may be more but there's no way of knowing for sure since these two versions are impossible to distinguish when buying the film as of the drama ending the covers are identical and nothing on Derek's site mentions the recut making it necessary for someone to go through the changes made there are two cuts the first being the original cut that most the reviewed channels make videos about and the second being the George Lucas addition done as a response to their critiques in Adams video and given the fact that Derek Savage denounced Adam after the drama it's no surprise that he would be inclined to stop heating his request to keep the original version in circulation so by the end of it were left with a slightly altered cut that Derek Savage sells to this very day an original version has been officially taken off the public market and limited to the copies that already exist today as stated there are other versions of this movies such as cool cat kids superhero which is another recut but given the fact that it's marketed as a separate movie entirely it's not direct replacement for the original when I but cool cat saves the kids in 2018 I did so to watch it ironically with my friends on my 20th birthday and as sad as that may be what made it even sadder was the fact that half the iconic libads scenes were missing entirely because I bought the recut with no way of knowing the original version I've seen dissected interviews have been made completely unavailable but fortunately with the help of a friend was even more of a cult movie fanatic than me I managed to get a hold of the original version which most the reviews had showcased using VLC I was able to rip both cuts from the discs and put them side-by-side and editing software to examine the individual changes made so consider this an analysis of both versions to help determine whether or not the new version is worth buying with half it's funny moments lopped off and editing but also consider this a character study of a nun self-aware man trying to learn and grow from criticism for the first and seemingly only time in his career because since we have both versions of the movie as well as the review that prompted the changed we can pull back the curtains and attempt to understand died Eric's intentions from making the adjustments that he did so already less than a second in and it's apparent that things are different version two was given an anti-piracy warning ironic honestly given everything that's happened but this aside anyone who's familiar with this movie would spot some jarring changes to the film itself almost immediately the unaltered intro plays complete with the typo which would normally segue into a few establishing shots before entering the house and a prospective shot and the shadow of the cameraman being seen a point which was heavily ridiculed hey it's a suburban Los Angeles neighborhood might want to get your door checked somebody tell kool Kat there's a man that's trying to break into his house look I mean usually seeing like a shadow or reflection of the cameraman will be something for me to make fun of and while of course it is it's very shitty and lazy believe me when I say that this seems trivial in comparison to some of the events that are about to take place but in version 2 the perspective shot of the cameraman entering the house is cut to avoid showing the shadow then is blended together with fades and in order for this section to remain the same length in sync with the music properly the first establishing shot was extended a bit in YMS is video discussing the changes made in the movie he states the ironically bad moments would remain but likely due to further ridicule dad Eric would go back on his word and remove these as well as the movie progresses changes like this become common for instance cool cuts lying when Derek offers dance at the door form was changed from thanks my hands are full too thanks that's very nice of you I'll get a line which both Adam and I hate everything mocked in their reviews oh no they're not remember kids kool Kat says it's okay to be a lying little [ __ ] and leave [ __ ] life you're not doing anything in fact a lot of this movies lines are redubbed but even though I hadn't been watching both versions side by side the dubs would be obvious either way almost none of them sync properly and have drastically different audio qualities a few of them were done to amend lessons that would otherwise be bad for kids to hear and some were done for seemingly no reason at all in the case of the former when Maria gets a call from a stranger cool cuts line in version two has been changed discourage answering calls like this whereas in the original he encourages it it's not good to open a text from a stranger but I'm here so see what it says this is something YMS highlighted is the best example of poorly teaching lesson to the point of it actually putting kids at more of a risk are you sure that encouraging kids to open unsolicited texts from strangers is the best idea you know some creep might have sent them something really inappropriate don't leave our conversations open when you leave the computer oh that's a good idea just using my noodle I'll use this noodle so that you can use my other noodle like if you're going to incorporate modern technology into a film that's marketed towards children and also you're trying to teach them life lessons but in this same scene when getting a call from butch the boolean told he stinks like a dog his line was altered a bit from dogs are my friends to cats and dogs are my friends you might look like a cat these things like a dog dogs are my friends identify yourself you might look like a cat these things like a dog dogs are my friends identify yourself was this a change anyone asked for was there any confusion with the original version why seriously why was this change I can't even begin to guess what was going through die Derek's head in places like this it's unnecessary sounds jarring and fixes nothing like seriously come on the only other intentional audio changed in the movie is close to the end when butch the bully is arrested after having stolen candy and cool cat thanks the cop version to crudely cuts the guy's name out leading one to wonder if maybe this guy got some backlash for this you're very nice now I say this is the only intentional audio change because the rest of the movie is littered with faulty sound clips that weren't damaged before at some points the audio just cuts out entirely or the right and left audio channels get out of sync wow that's great to hear but hey buddy have a seat this was already a problem with the original but version 2 is far worse and when noticing the two cuts the movie together I also noticed that mama cats lines almost always fought a sync with how they were placed in the original even points in the movie where no other edits were made the lines are just in a slightly different spot for seemingly no reason now I have a theory as to why but if I'm right whoever edited this is more incompetent than even Derrick himself you see when making a movie or video of any kind video and audio is divided into layers that can be stacked in the case of audio there are usually layers decade to the original audio from the camera footage dubbed over lines background music and a lot more and if I had to take a guess I'd say that momma cats lines which were also dubbed in the original are in a layer close to the bottom and when whoever was editing this movie cut certain shots short and tried to close the empty space that was left behind he probably didn't scroll down far enough to grab momma cats lines when dragging all the clips and didn't move them which put them out of sync with the original footage if this is true it would also explain a lot of other slip-ups both audio and video related for instance there are several points the movie where a suspicious black line will appear off to one side of the frame for certain shots this is similar to when a movie is pillar-box but this line is way too thin and only on one side why I know is this I thought I'd accidentally move the clip in the editing software but turns out I didn't the original editor did some shots remove slightly out of frame by mistake in version 2 leaving a black line that goes away after a few shots again any decent or even mediocre editor would have noticed this and it's ironic because I found more errors like this than I did alterations that actually fix the movie so yes version 2 is even worse on a technical level than the original cut I will give them this the second cut successfully edit out errors that came up whenever they splice two shots together in case you weren't aware daddy Derek only has one cat suit so when cool Katniss mom are in the same shot together they have to combine two different shots which is usually obvious since you can see the borders between the two in the original and at one point they crop one too far to make room for momma cat and cut off cool cuts legs a bit but as far as I can tell all instances of this are fixed in version two but as stated a lot of these technical errors made the movie more ironically enjoyable but the new technical issues with the audio in particular just make the experience more painful especially when you're wearing headphones audio channels fall outta sync and if you're curious with the total death count for the best moments of this movie is post edit it's bad coal cats weird stomach rubbing was cut entirely after being made fun of subtly by multiple reviewers the guy seen walking backwards into his house in the background of the original was axed from the film and a lot of the unsubtle moans from the cameraman are gone too so that being said you might wonder that with everything that's been taken away has anything been added well a few things mostly innocuous they added a few previously unused shots in places where ever they shortened a clip that posed an issue like when the cameraman's breathing can be heard and they did a few bits to help improve the pacing just a bit cool cat now has a small scene establishing that he's gonna be entering the green screen room entering the parade clips of butch the bully watching TV or spliced in presumably this was in response to the widespread critique of the movie dropping Butch's plot during this segment but neither of these new scenes really add much to the movie in my opinion the film is still poorly paced and these additional Clips didn't change that even for the portion where they were included and that's about it there are a few minor changes like shot zoomed in some clips are cut shorter than they had been and the advertisement for cool cat books was removed at the end but this is where the changes end if I had to divvy it up I'd say about half the total changes made the movie whether unintentionally or not made it worse on a technical level but almost all the changes made hindered the ironic enjoyment in some manner and in a way this is what Derek wanted cool cat saves the kids is a movie created out of ineptitude by a man who went unquestioned by everyone or was surrounded by those who were equally incompetent the movie was never made to be viewed ironically and died derek has refused to accept that his audience enjoys it as such only in the past you years when being able to exploit this audience to fund more projects as Derek finally embracing it but regardless the original cool-cat film seems to be continuously changing with no end in sight but even after all I've said I would still encourage you to pick up a copy of this movie altered or not this movie is an ironic classic the changes made have definitely weighed down on the viewing experience especially for me when I watched it on my 20th birthday without knowing my favorite scenes were gone but that didn't mean it still wasn't enjoyable my friends and I still had a blast watching it because every second of this film has ironic value Derek Savage couldn't fix it with a million cuts because as a genuine film it's simply not fixable cool-cat may have saved the kids but daddy Derek can never save cool cut what makes cool cat so special is that it seems like Derek is never in on the joke somehow it seems like no matter how long this goes on he continues to have no sense of self-awareness to what he's actually making the the Twitter account for cool cat is one of the most hilarious things on the planet just scroll through those tweets because they are gold like it's the it's the gift that keeps on giving it never ends it never ends and it keep it's it's consistently and thoroughly entertaining you got Derek savages crime news video that he released talking about murder and rape on this this kid's channel this this channel that's supposedly for child audiences and then he makes his 4/20 awards and promotes that on his YouTube channel that's supposedly for children you know an awards ceremony about weed he tried to get cool cat and that and the actor that played cool cat was like oh no this is a children's character Derek and had to convince him out of it as amazing as that would be and now they're not on good terms anymore and there's this whole there's this whole thing you can watch on that the red suit interviews interviewed the guy who plays cool cat Jason Johnson it's the gift that keeps on giving it really is and now now he's making cool cat stops the school shooting apparently so that's I mean I I really hope it happens apparently it's happening he he it almost seemed like he was gonna back out of it but he's yeah he doesn't he doesn't understand why everything's funny and that's part of what makes it funny it's still genuine it's not trying to be hilarious and yet it is really really really funny yeah I support I support kool Kat I support the business I'll keep promoting it and buying the products even if even if the man's a man-child even if he is very immature and immoral and kind of scary at the same time but very entertaining so it's great [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 181,855
Rating: 4.8781128 out of 5
Keywords: Justjargon, just, jargon, comedy, funny, review, channel, youtube, drama, commentary, cool cat, cool cat saves the kids, derek savage, your movie sucks cool cat, yms interview, cool cat history, george lucas
Id: 3QzhxShQSVo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 13sec (1933 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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