YMS Commentary: Catwoman

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hey guys and welcome to the very first YMS commentary track no it is not actually started yet this is just a little intro to help you get set up essentially what you're getting is an audio track that you can play along simultaneously to the actual film as much as I would love to show the whole film on this channel I would also love to not get sued so I'm leaving you responsible for finding your own copy of the film however that may be the commentary track will be playing within this video but there's also a link to an audio download minus this intro in the description and just like all my other content this is completely free and I really appreciate those of you helping out on patreon making this possible now the specific release we recorded over was the North American Blu-ray running at 24 frames per second but just in case you're experiencing any sync issues I'll be showing small amounts of footage at the beginning of the film and around each new blu-ray chapter for commentaries like this and ones being made in the future I'll likely be sticking to films that I have no intention on making YMS reviews of anyway or perhaps maybe even ones that I already have so whereas it would be complete waste of time to dedicate a YMS review to the room I might as well be recording a commentary track that being said that doesn't completely rule out the possibility of other videos being made on the same film let me know in the comments section if you want Mark to edit this commentary down into a shortened Adam and Merc Style video with footage from the actual film anyway I've got three actual reviews on the go right now so this is just something to TI you over until then thank you very much for your support and I hope you enjoy this very first YMS commentary of Catwoman [Music] if our singing is in sync with what's happening in the actual logo that means that you're in sync and that's uh that's how that that that uh that means that uh will be in sync with what's happening um so pictures just uh that ended right now there you go the Village Road show pictures and now the movie brother pictures presents I'm just going to narrate everything that's happening in the movie decided that I'm just going to describe the film and I'm going to provide I'm glad that you're watching can we introduce by the way no uh you guys might know me as Adam uh I'm Adam uh who else do we have here he it's me Mark English funny man next to H Berry hi it's me Scott Hansen funnier man next Mark English next to cat mummies cat mm found among the ruins oh there he is there's a boy it's a beautiful boy swear I saw a cool cat in there so if that was a cat mummy and yeah what like undertale has goat mmy um I'm out I'm out well we made we made it 30 seconds this cat looks so is incredibly photoshopped into every single [ __ ] photo and it's amazing amazing look at that remember Jonah Mark's cat new cat breed sold here it's the newest of the cat breeds that's just a that's a that's a Victoria era furry let's be real witches H they're just down if that's uh this is Mark's favorite movie by the way oh [ __ ] can I talk about how this is weird picture gen yeah that disturbs me um cat Colts okay uh this is genuinely my favorite movie of all time I know I say that not hyperbole oh my God he's just poor for like it's just the worst effects uh this is legitimately my favorite film of all time it's brings me so much joy and I love it unironically I like how some of the some of the uh images they show are literally so fast that you can't even see what's in them oh yeah very strange editing fast so Furious here we are well she's a furry at her her hair it's like Photoshop to be ears yeah that was weird um AB these are terrible photos the graphic designer is just like they got they want to get past these as fast as possible this is hilarious here's the problem the person who is a graphic designer is the director oh and someone else is a graphic designer oh thanks to Bob Kane and DC Comics D Mak the best movies Suicide Squad I would say this is probably a top three DC movie this is has to be the best if not uh Dark Knight I'm here ma it's me Ma um are they GNA show images of like Nazi Germany and the cats doing SE KY look how shitty that is it wouldn't feel out of place me a cat with P off you did it you magnificent bastard P off thank you P off uh one name directors always good yes yes oh oh oh shut is very poetic oh [ __ ] loving the cinematography already oh man wow you know what this looks like like it's worth a $100 million $100 million Us in 2004 they're not lying folks that's the budget remember that as you watch this movie Jesus yeah I love when you can tell that even the backgrounds that are supposed to look like a real building aren't real and it's just a green screen CG just cuz yeah just why not oh and he look like a man it's creme by coup cremes by coup that's why I'm not on Matt TV anymore yeah this cream is giving me headaches better keep creaming up oh the Frenchman where's NE Matrix was was he one of them dreadlock ghosts look at the girls in the photos I'm not sure that was taken by a real Sharon Stone Sharon Stone's only movie in the 2000s these great what like look reaction shots look at the look at the model photos and just try to try to compare that to anything you've seen in real life like what is this the one where she's just lifting her armpit look at that's hot on the right so people like seems very Forest something something to keep note of ooh very Quick Cuts yes how many you need to keep in mind how many cut while watching this it's like a drinking game how many camera angles how many Cuts cuts the editing in the camera work is [ __ ] amazing they have 12 cameras and they're going to use every single one of them yeah that's that's basically what I was saying in the Death Race 2 review with royal Renee it's like you film all these different shots and you're like I got to see it from every single angle and then when you're in the editing room it's like I want to keep all of them and you become a hoarder and you get emotionally attached you never want to let go and so you just use every single shot all my shots are my babies yeah hi Berry is dressed like garbage yeah I think they were trying to make her relatable yeah to garbage it's it's the old uh was that Rachel Lee Cook and she's all that like oh super hot girl but she's wearing glasses so she's a nerd it's what someone should be wearing if they're like super pregnant woof woof she Hy Berry is an an unpregnant woman in maternity clothes for some reason me neither I'm watching Catwoman with the two idiots crickets I mean pits off really has this guy directed any other movies like one and everything else he's done visual effects on oh Jesus but he's from a long line of successful one-name directors I mean PTO MCG so shees she Spielberg she does like graphic design for this company I've only ever seen this movie once it was a while back she does graphic design for a Cosmetics company question mark oh I'm so awkward and cut and midnight that's a reasonable deadline for work right yeah that's how work works well he's going to be awake for sure so given that I am a Vampire the standard deadline is midnight oh noisy neighbors oh jeez I hope they don't get theirs in about half an hour t- minus so noisy oh to kill my have you guys seening to sleep oh boy only only 20 hours till my deadline just like me walking's [Laughter] hard my giant [ __ ] lavish apartment I was going to say this is I was going to say I was going to say this is New York but it's not New York it's not anywhere it's certainly not Gotham no but it's it's a city yeah I don't know how you expect it's a very nice apartment it's like a $3 million apartment join the oh it's a Swede I wish I could rewind it cuz I swear her clock Did a stic New York thing but whatever maybe I'm wrong [ __ ] Charlie cman wrote Catwoman right oh Jesus I I hope he writes the new Catwoman it'd be his best work honestly he's looking for money because no one will fund his films because they're too good to make money so he might as well write Catwoman yep where want be friends Jesus oh he's he's actually talking he it's word is this like Salem in sa the teen start cracking wise slams it down what a w that this movie talk a turn o it it just winked right oh there's so much [ __ ] bird [ __ ] I know it's a metaphor heyer chi chi chi you're gonna make me come out there there has to be a better way to do this so she's wearing this for examp yesterday right is she just wearing the same clothes uh yes she is wearing the same exact same garbage maternity clothes as yesterday I never shower washed or changed clothes relatable if PS if you stand on an air conditioning unit it will fall and you will die yeah yeah she had super pars before she got bit by a cat so is that the cat I don't remember she was bitten by a radioactive cat and now she cat Powers get back to NYPD the movement on that shot somebody somebody operated like a crane for that [ __ ] and was zoomed in super far no keep keep your eyes on my wrist you're crazy lady patience Phillips the most famous Catwoman you know I would I would say like patience Phillips number one Selena Kyle number two uh I don't that's that's them that's all of them I I don't think you realize the subtlty of the metaphor behind wait wait wait wait wait how did he know exactly which room she was in how did he know exactly which room she was in h really well well cuz he Benjamin brand a longtime cop have you not watched Law and Order he knows the streets Adam he's about to get this girl on the sheets Adam it was a good guess oh uh graph graphic I saw a cat there was a cat graphic designer in the streets and a Catwoman in the sheets I told you there was a cat I told you there was a cat I told you there was a bird you're crazy that's cat yeah you're like a shed oh my job you know how like we all like everyone sort of has like some you're assaulting an officer everyone sort of has some like common Gap in knowledge something you've never come across maybe has never seen a cat before by the way like her door still works is that what what's hey dropped your La mic open but you you could have just called after her she was halfway down that staircase he's pocketing it he's a cop this is true he's a cop he's a dirty cop dirty cop so this is computer this these are computer buildings for no reason1 million matrix it's the same universe that's why the French oh is this a this a crossover it's a it's a shared Universe yes oh it it was enough to make her stutter Universe man I wish it was still Basic Instinct times this I'm eating chocolate but I'm not this is rape maybe she's born with are you also getting weird headaches like Alex B or is does Alex Borstein have an unrelated brain [Laughter] tumor nothing Personnel kid [ __ ] them I'm not talking directly at you but I am carrying big art pieces get rid of these throw them in the dumpster they're constantly updating their catalog with like the same photos there's got to be more they're always doing this [ __ ] it's no coincidence that guy in the beanie there is really cool by the way who's hanging out on the side he's got he looks like a dark souls character come to life God did he just call just Benjamin brat a man's sandwich yes yes he's a gay boy but I understand he's a gay boy but I have problems with the semantics of it like shouldn't a man sandwich be three people yes hey we're both wearing the same clothes as yesterday yeah yep all right was anybody keeping nose it's ironic if they're in the art industry they have to do something really different okay shut up actually this is AD lied I hope so no no it was it was mad lived ohot from Mad TV stop can't it would make a lot of sense in here the door how come I am an officer how come Catwoman is so mousy [ __ ] you calal down it's going to be this look at what she's drawing on her desk she just has like a heart yeah she's a professional oh wow he's cultured oh my God elegant but Whimsical look at like just the photos in the background they keep recycling the same [ __ ] over and over yeah again please if you're watching this keep note of the cuts and the angles many you counting your Cuts they they kept her blink and then cut back to him we need to see every character reaction at the same oh my God it's film making Masterpiece it's it's like it's like the director would have preferred having like four separate screens at the same time so that he would never have to cut away if you told me that none of these people were ever in the same room during the filming of this movie I would believe you that look does uh does any movie fail Ser like with you does any movie fail the Beck Dell test worse than this movie that's why I love this movie even more because it fails the test if these if no if if if she if if both if both Catwoman and the lady in pink have names and they talk to each other then that already passes the test like I'm not sure you understand what the test they're talking about a man a man a man yeah they have to yeah this is actually true they were talking about another man yeah that's the point like like all Alex Boron cares about is getting H Berry [ __ ] an artsy shot right here it's pretty good look at the time it is s key New York did you see the time moving in the back yes is that is is stica New York also in the shared Universe between this and the Matrix yes okay I'm just paying attention like till it hits it's going to go for the corner it's going to go for the corner go go go go go go go go oh [ __ ] God [ __ ] damn it so close it was close I know I'm with you it's actually amazing when it happens it's like an act of God it's an active dog cat cat in this case oh God stop they couldn't have a real moon or a real the ground maybe it was a promotional tie-in for the video game and they wanted to make it really similar they wanted to make it gam they wanted to make it as close is the movie based on the video game that's the vibe I'm getting gentlemen the best part is the best C GI has yet to show up and it is coming I swear to you it is amazing Mark's pre-c coming M hey the things do it midnight but we're totally [ __ ] closed jokes on you yeah that was a little I mean unreasonable my plan what are all these Cuts who's making these Cuts he's clearly in front of a green screen too it's way too obvious for a a [ __ ] 100 million I wonder if it was like multiple cameras filming pretty much the same shot just like slightly F you know slightly spaced away and they just cut between those like it wasn't even the same camera that's actually the Asian guy from [ __ ] X-Men Origins Wolverine that's Jet Lee yeah mark said so earnestly you looked at me it's like you're [ __ ] racist I don't like Scott and I can clearly tell that it's Jet Lee and you're just being a racist [ __ ] it's like somebody looking at you and be like there is a God it's like you were that Earnest about it hey Mark ugly that's worse oh gosh do you think uh burn victims watch this and are offended who's dead so who what who is he is he security was he on a lookout and he just didn't notice he didn't know a secret service I'm on my way like where were you when she walked in what were you doing so delivering this at midnight versus delivering this at 8:00 a.m. the next day why does it make a difference why couldn't this happen in the morning I don't have a gun and now they're trying to murder her for for doing her godamn job how does she have a shadow if she's like pressed up against something it doesn't make any sense like how did how did she have a shadow if she catw Women cast Shadows it doesn't make any goddamn sense they were clearly designing some sort of uh light oh oh yeah baby look at the [ __ ] the best part about this was that the room where they develop photos the best part about cutting that quickly is you can tell exactly what's going on yes oh it's her career slippery slope she gets back up down I get knocked down she wins an Oscar and a Razzy the same year it's both for this movie Poetic Justice she's in the poop tube K yeah I mean my dad says I can she's doing that movie where her son gets stolen twice oh I can't wait to see that actually is she doing The Fugitive right now like is there going to be a one armed man in a minute is tmy Lee Jones going to [Laughter] shoot I'm innocent I don't care I didn't kill my wife that sound effect when he opened that I swear it's been used a million times it's the V door sound effect oh my God uh 02 I believe hey h you're looking a little flushed oh uh uh could you imagine just pretending to be yeah running around the same like circle of pipes knock yourself into the wall a couple times a slow motion all the money is up on the screen this is better than the Dark Knight oh dark who you know if you're going to if you're going to like cut to the underwater shot even if you were doing it stereotypically like a cliche you'd have it the shot lasts for more than like a second you know as soon as it's underwater it would be so fitting just to have it like Adam there's no time for that you know if especially if you're going to do slow motion you know goodbye not just like there's alreadying [ __ ] about this look at him boy who's a good boy oh my God what is this Avatar who's a good cartoon Kitty oh no okay oh he's a good boy best best four Jesus okay strangely erotic best way of a superhero or super villain whatever origin story of receiving your powers is this she's about to get bit by a cat is it no no no even better I know I know she gets bit by a radioactive cat let she BEC spat just in case if this is your first time watching this and you're listening to you're here with us with the comment be prepared we' got you imagine us all cradling you in our Arms This is literally the greatest oh he brought he brought his friends I'm going to do some ASMR I'm just gonna I've got you arms cats are approaching cats are circling they they seem to be communicating with each other telepathically we all very proud of there's a gray one there's a tabby I think we got a Main [ __ ] in the back uh possibly a Norwegian Forest cat couple Persians couple himalayans you know I'm I'm a cool bus and I'll give you a Comes This is are you ready for this how how does she get the Lion King part three how does she get her powers how do you think how how do you think she's going to get them it's going to [ __ ] her it's going to rape her mouth this is deeply erotic even better what what what what what's the cat going to do what's the cat going to do it's going to do something uhoh Prett very intently uh oh it's going to do something it's it's pretty good where are they guess what going kiss her on the [ __ ] M kiss kiss kiss k k kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss yeah you guess right it's going to [ __ ] burp in her mouth oh no no oh Kitty ey I almost you know first time I watched this I thought hairball cuz that would make sense cuz it's a cat but I don't understand why like gassed her it gassed her it was like one the whole thing is a metaphor for the Holocaust it's like if the CIA made a fake animal and would gas somebody like in Splinter Cell or something like those like those attack like those attack Dolphins yeah literally put I suddenly really want to eat a bird right now I want to get those bird oh my God 3D this is how it feels to chew catnip this is your brain this is your brain on catnip oh good old famous distracted forever x-ray vision I don't congratulations having the worst add yeah yeah the the the super power of add yeah short-term memory loss Catwoman's one weakness a laser pointer [ __ ] Christ so uh I've never read the comics how does this compare is this Canon spoton spoton I honestly they took the groundwork and improved upon it yeah they took patience Phillips number one and uh and just did it like shot for shot where is this there's a fucking's a wildlife yeah I don't know where she is oh we're in Vancouver got him it's the alleyway that everyone uses yeah it is you know cats are know to be clean maybe take a goddamn bath even the walls don't want to be in this movie um I know you're a little biased but cats aren't [ __ ] clean Scott they wash yeah they lick themselves with their dirty [ __ ] mouth that they their but holes with least at least do that I don't ask a lot they cross-contaminate butthole to everywhere else on their body lick your hand rub your hand over your face get the mud off I'm black no this is a racial commentary no oh but it's your apartment what are you doing I'm a motto there goes my security deposit oh no don't worry about it let's not explain to me just leave it it's it's best this way please don't ignorance is bliss semi semi offensive racial terms from the 50s she's doing the like the the neon cat dancer but this is where she always sleeps so we don't actually know if she has powers yet that's her regular she was fairly acrobatic before she got bit by a cat so I hate you Alex for I don't understand why she was wearing such [ __ ] clothes if she lives in a decent apartment you know is it just like this is how artists are she doesn't know any she had trouble walking she can't dress herself someone should just bark near her in my right have I seen him in anything else a lot Law and Order oh I never watched it the furry episode that was CSI come on man I don't know listen I got find my get your procedurals together okay no wait it was Dick Wolf that's why I got confused it was Dick Wolf yes ah he got stood up looks like he's going to go somewhere else to find [ __ ] oh can we by the way congratulate ourselves for going this long until a py joke pretty good pretty good so far Jey got a big [ __ ] got a big py why did you say it twice I didn't Elm Street oh my God this is going to end Powers we needed this shot guys her name is ofilia Powers I don't see anything out of the ordinary with that name do you like a lot of Vancouver like the through the [ __ ] mirror Matrix shot that just happened e as well a this is Fisher and Sons my husband's dead one of my sons is going to die stop spoiling it Jesus Christ okay the husband dies in literally the first the first scene the first scene of the television show stop it you got mad at me for being a dick for this commentary I spoiled the first five minutes the firstes SPO stop it is this what has become people haven't seen it okay Catwoman Catwoman we're watching Catwoman I know I was you spoil it by saying Fisher and Sons spoiled their names I said that before you said anything can you shut the [ __ ] up and we're watching a [ __ ] movie I can't believe I have to [ __ ] tell you this in a commentary no you won't shut up either she's trying to feel her powers feel your powers Mark your unreasonable cats love tea they're all very nice names yeah don't give your cat C Jesus they're sleep they're lounging around just like cats there there's nothing special about this I just felt really drawn to you H I'm sort of a pseudo therapist as well on the side don't worry I could never catch anything before smells like Oscar this is second one oh my God she's going to come she's an Oscar woman she's an Oscar winner yes first this no Suicide Squad DC really pulling out DC the best killing it was that your first take I think your brain's G bad let me try it again help Phil up see my Hoffman well there's a lot of things wrong with him currently this very theatric this is the director's conversation with halberry the scenes it's you the cat I learned it from watching you the cat burp taught her how to draw we're not in Canada oh wait oh yeah girl get him remix to ignition oh well you're going to fire her anyway I mean really my cat Powers made me Lippy I like that it's a cat power being like essentially can I say adct to everybody and then be manipulative and try to be like hey sorry I didn't mean I really want my job now I realiz that I benefit from your existence oh yeah boy I'm feeling it this is the real remix Hastings Vancouver don't get mugged it's the first real street sign in the movie so far I don't know I think you're more likely to die of a fentanyl overdose than get mugged on his tastings really so oh Oscar winner this will be great for the trailer Oscar winner typical is that Dr Phil right behind the never mind I I'm pretty sure I saw Dr Phil quote Paul won that's so artistic best shot in the the movie beautiful shot snatch it oh down goes Lois Griffin she's just playing she wants out of the movie not a bad tactic actually all the best movies have weird steam transitions sore oh Jerry Seinfeld everybody and what's the deal with hospital food what's with waiting rooms they just put you in a smaller room to wait just as long I'm a bee the blackeyed P starts playing why the black eyed cuz they wrote a song called I'm a bee oh I'm a bee I'm a oh yeah they did yeah they were all bees that was the twist they were actually inter they actually the blackeyed bees yeah wow have I told you that I hate Alex Borstein just in this movie I don't know if I hate person uh why did she fall again go give him some brown sugar Mark you've memorized this movie we're kind of talking over it why did she fall uh the the the skin cream she's using is killing her okay so it's like their plan to make everybody uglier than them so that they'd be the people that everybody wants to [ __ ] uh no I think that they just need to get it to market for some reason even though it's dangerous oh so the lawsuits after the fact they're just pretending like that's that they won't happen okay it's a sound business plan we are the future cuz I think I think maybe what they're really doing is they're just trying to make everybody else uglier than them these that actually makes more sense than What's Happening Here I think I think that's a good plan but this be real 20% of us are going to be the bad guys yay they're playing basketb it's coming same with me it was some subtle foreshadowing sorry that's what I say Starbucks every time I ask my that's just what Starbucks cups in Canada say you don't have to write it on what's your name sorry oh Lone Wolf oh Dick Wolf he was his executive producer yeah Speed Weed oh speedweed my favorite person has anybody seen the uh [ __ ] stamp tattoo of Dick Wolf no okay look it up later oh [ __ ] yeah here it is okay oh boy the SC was so good it was YouTube worthy yeah pay pay attention to the this oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah get it get it oh oh wow PS This is legitimate if you can't see hi's face it is a man in a wig doing all of this that's my favorite song too well okay but I can actually throw the ball in the hoop so oh [ __ ] scandalous by Exquisite yeah I know this song Thank You mid 2000s R&B all day this is why you're here this is why I'm here oh [ __ ] for my 04 R&B references that oh man why is he fronting they're just groping each other not really playing this is so sensual oh my God what are you this that's not how you def you don't defend with your back to someone this is in front of you leave the lane wide open the game you're just groping the wide angle closeups yeah fish they designed a new lens called the cat eye lens oh shut up oh yeah that was a guy oh I would love it if that one was a guy that was 100% a guy they needed a stunt man the if you look close you see the between the cheek all a guy this is all a guy you see dribbling between the legs it is a guy I saw his hand for one second and you're absolutely right uh know known for their basketball skills cats absolutely um I've never referred to a basket to a one-on-one basketball game as disgusting before but that was that was smut I've never used the word brave I don't know to use the word the word brave oh except the one talking about Pixar is brave but then I use it a lot white white white perfect got him it's the same photo really jetley you don't need to keep saying it it's pretty obvious sorry Mark's the only one that doesn't get it so I don't care Wesley Snipes oh that's where he went for all those years just imagining like the room in oh that's a real shot [ __ ] it's I don't know if it actually I know it it's real Vancouver in some of the shots so they could have filmed something outside and then I'm not sure where they would be like building that might be that should have hurt more sugar glass delicious speaking of man disg got aning you get so sexy when you turn into a cat so is she literally eating cat food or tuna or like okay delicious Bumblebee tuna I I hope she gets mercury poisoning and dies I don't know if that can happen just from eating tuna I'm hoping either her or Alex porin dies I'll take either we play basketball uh does uh transformation involve going to furry conventions now like I think that's a big part of it cuz I think she would find some real uh you know identity and uh companionship with all the cat FES oh and also she'd be also she'd be the first woman at she can't even move normally anymore she's moving like a cat forever now forever look at that you are forever cat you are forever cat you're cat now she steps on like a hot stove right now yeah and that's what aat would do GH so is she going to like go outside and heat and start meowing at like all the cat dudes or what they can't get worse than Catwoman the cat dudes are there cat dudes also I mean or just cat I meant male cats yeah yeah it's like cat people the movie if you don't get her spay that's what she's going to do I hope there is A5 minutes spaying she has a litter of [ __ ] cat people oh my god oh she grows like four nipples got to feed him oh my God it turns into [ __ ] cat people with Malcolm McDow and he tries to rape his sister oh good movie it turns into the musical Cats jungle fever needs more cowb that would be an awesome joke if the doctor was black oh time for the remix you know cat what if she said it again she keeps saying it wait a minute you know you know cats they can never sleep through anything you know yeah have so much difficulty sleeping cats notoriously light sleep Yes she'll never get to sleep she's a cat now especially I mean what the cat that's following the window what's what's his deal oh the swed by the way I want some of that [ __ ] you want to go to sleep let's go to bed you're about to get flatter that's a nice song you're listening to this performance let's try the watching her try that shitty cat eyes [ __ ] eyes I'm strong also you have a really shitty door how about the remix oh I'm not I'm not going to do anything about it but there's definitely a shake withar t-shirt in there yeah cuz they're super cool you're just wasting our beer I don't think that's those speakers would have that reaction just from spraying a bit of foam on them for like 2 seconds I don't think that would happen what the [ __ ] they all love it slit his throat with your fingernails if these roles were reversed right now he would go to jail uh if someone was recording she might go to jail every time oh oh stop best soundtrack Choice since Indigo prophecy oh no stop hang it up I'm not wrong in calling this soundtrack racist right yeah no you're not wrong it is oh come on I don't I don't know if i' go that far cuz I mean like there were I think doing Edward Scissor Hands I think SC in each hand right films in this generation that just tried to be like hip and cool I guess I don't know if I would necessarily call races cuzz she's not she's not real black anybody let's be honest who hey Hoy ho H there's my bike um I would like everyone at home to give themselves a haircut with two pairs of scissors and see if it works out as well as hie yeah as quickly as those cuts and plied as well oh oh no this o oh it looks so good please more daddy oh God help is this PFF what are you doing to me sorry seizure warning seizure warning be fine you'd be able to see everything if you were cat man Catman do scat man Jesus scat woman scat woman for different very different movie I downloaded the wrong one [ __ ] meow she's going to say that at one point this is her she is definitely going to say it this is like what she wants as a character this this is like her hopes and desires wait did she go to rob a place and it's already being robbed robbed just happens it broke well before the glass and the thing oh what oh by the way oh Jewel that was more convincing um by the way best she CGI right now boys really yeah hold on oh so excited her butt is that a real butt amateur you never robbed a scent in your life I think that's a guy from Crank I think he's the villain in crank that's Jason STM well yeah he's definitely the bad guy in crank right oh oh she did the pur joke she did the pur joke cross off your bingo boxes if I could get a woman to purr like that in my ears while she's [ __ ] me except she's a dude then that would be great they know she's not there right like they can see yeah they disintegrated her they turned her to d h must be dead oh boy this Soundtrack This soundtrack [ __ ] nickel plated go oh oh oh no so $100 million $100 million oh [ __ ] one with eight zeros after it oh my God this is all an Asian man this is all an Asian man remember this I will they made him wear heels and tits it's an Asian man oh XOne give it to you oh nice leges or takedown props that nickel plated Desert Eagle too I wanted to mention there's not a lot of whoop on that backflip holy [ __ ] is that Method Man ah Jesus she's surfing a man just like cats do that was a good jump oh [ __ ] they needed the CGI for that that spin Method Man look get out of there get your nickel plated Desert Eagle Boy no it's wrong to steal girl power am I right boys oh no she did it she did it not much long after we said she was going to do it she's trying to construct the crime scene in a way where no one will ever believe them yes she said meow officer oh teleporting Powers oh what she left the mask I don't know why my calling card even though I've never done this before and no one knows who oh look at that match cut very intelligent cuz it cut to jewelry and it was a jewelry case the cut to jewelry shattered Memory shut up shattered Memory cat [ __ ] hate beds am I right yeah also jacquel and Hyde syndrome oh she doesn't know she did it yeah is she a wear cat yes o pretty ring oh lovely what is that an iron cross maybe it's Nazi paraphernalia oh she's keeping it [ __ ] you it's got to be all or [Music] nothing oh yeah oh you [ __ ] uh given the All or Nothing option I think we have chosen some it wouldn't be that I mean cat cat Brad this is exactly why she did this some kind of cat broad wait a second an asan wait wait wait I like that they're taking the robbers word for it unless there was security camera evidence I guess a sorry again hope that doesn't coming to play yeah sry I guys remember when cupcakes were huge I feel like I've seen that pink box in so many movies yeah I feel like that's just a standard box hold on did anyone just see her Google search cats period women women oh get it guys internet she's using a Mac the cat in history demon what what the [ __ ] this is like Twilight when she like Google searches vampire this is like me when I'm Google searching e621 oh no wiches Devils you search the you search the cat in history the cat in history the cat returns I still haven't seen that [ __ ] Su God oh what a special cat she's like what poor Photoshop pretty boy who's a pretty boy we saw these before Oh that boy hey did you love the opening sequence guess what we're going to get our money's worth is back a100 Million worth no two cats look the same definitely all of the Cats they used for that the one cat in hist cat owners are like my cat's unique my my my my d special my cat's unlike any other oh I like your hair but Chief what about this dog man he uses a hacksaw just like a regular dog you're making memes that nobody listening to this will understand mark But A Cat uses a whip just like a cat right so what about dog man he uses a hacksaw just like a regular dog I don't know how she's going to defeat dog man in this movie at one point I wondered why I don't see Francis Conroy and much else but this might be why what literature because of this yeah I think everybody that was in this movie kind of had their career tampered with in some way oh just women though well I mean it's a movie about cats so it's got to be women right yeah there's no male cats there's nothing there's nothing masculine cats all dogs are boys all cats are girls ERS and lions and Panthers house cats are the girls and that's how their species procreates it's not it's not just a Barb dick it's a really big dick all domestic cats are girls and they're lesbians and they just adopt yes no they get [ __ ] by the Lions but they have to travel across the world oh my God what is with this [Music] the burp is Francis conro coming on to me yes oh stick it it' be funny if she was just mistaken and she murdered she totally died short movie so she has does she literally have that that o gate opening at the top of of there just so she can do that so she can push women off it to test if they're cat what other reason would you have for having a a gate that opens in your Railing at the top right there why would you have that there for murder yeah so this is why it's only cats she killed everybody else in the family so so opilia Powers is telling her about Catwoman throughout history is opilia a Catwoman or ex- Catwoman or is she just a Catwoman Enthusiast holy [ __ ] Michelle are you kidding me right now they thought that was a good thing they thought they were so clever they're like guys is Cannon like petto jerked off that night yes here I have my fetish [Laughter] mask except the fetish it's not a phase it's not a phase Mom oh my God this is also in the same universe as eyes wide shut this a pretty cool Universe yeah I think Catwoman m eyes white shut syc New York all the connected we are all connected don't you see patience once you y you'll never GI yeah shut GI Jesus I didn't think it thr you never do tried well gambled and lost at least I have a kitty friend wait so he's just a stray she met right but he has a CER yeah oh a caller with no identification it's her style so he like he put it on himself he stole it okay like she stole her jewelry W no CGI more cool cartoons time for cartoons it's so like I mean oh hey how about I ruin these pants yeah how do you get those on successfully every time you don't you get them on once you ruin them and that's it she's never taking those off well we we've established she is not good at changing clothes just the pay for new P what are those zippers for nothing aesthetic oh it's just fetish gear this is straight fetish gear get it she's in fashion and now she's doing the catwalk oh so smart it's a smart movie it really was put together oh my cartoon God ah vagina shot yum oh got him I like that real Hal Berry showed up for literally two frames oh oh my God beautiful so why why is she doing this right now oh just to test herself out like Spider-Man oh it's aged so well it's like a fine wine my God this is no Peno guio this is a how do you say wine this is a age beautifully it's a real Phantom Menace that way I'll try spinning that's a good trick oh my God this is so good thanks fake Jean Cloud vanam yeah not quite Jean yeah not quite jcvd oh x-ray magic cat x-ray cuz cats remember things the best cats have excellent long-term memories very impressive long-term memory compared to Crow was very that was Absol garbage I know I it if you top top one favorite shots she was like poorly chroma over that [ __ ] moon and oh oh just hanging out in a dirty alley hey sex traffic are they I like near some shipping containers she's just like where are they going what was wrong with her first outfit why did she have to ruin it and like do complicated leather work yeah the settings in this film flow together in a way that like they would never in real life you know all these locations near each other that just do on each other got to remember this is the place where there was a marsh beside downtown yes oh get it it's milk and bartender without batting KN is like yep glass of cream you got it stter than you watch the reaction you know I don't know how much he charged for that but I'm sure you get a cheap yeah oh boy I'm wet did she pay no uh little fact you do not have to pay for cream at a bar is free it's like water ah this is uh I hope she starts fighting her reflection oh oh my God I hope you don't have prone to abs epilepsy oh oh no I really hope that I I warned you thank you for giving a warning to my epileptic that's a weapon you can't have a weapon in a club like that although I'm sure they would have to watch out for that anyway but there's many epileptic warnings in this movie just with the editing alone what are you doing to the floor and why do you hate it I didn't remember how [ __ ] up her pants were I thought they were just pants but they're crazy oh what who just murders him right now um my lasto makes you tell the truth DC right how did this happen where were you yeah she was right behind the back door where what the what the [ __ ] just happened that light cut every four frames oh my God you're right now I'm seeing this movie in a new light wait for it looks so confused he looks so like what where'd she get the whip whip store yeah fetish gear.com yeah probably where where she got the rest of her fetish gear that [ __ ] it spawned out of nowhere you know oh my God keep up with the editing woo his clothes are going to fall off aren't they with all the slashings he he's not figh back what are those made of so so she made her costume with diamonds she made the claws out of that would really hurt uh I think she took them from that necklace yeah she made them out of the diamond she stole did she Oh I thought she ripped his tongue out I thought like oh this got good they told me the FL the pipes SL the pipes it's like vanam and William defo had a kid that's what that that guy looks like I wish they would maybe they will they're still time oh did you just fart this is intense by the way this is not the music I signed up for where is my R&B yeah this is an R&B wow give me some Brandy give me some Monique oh give me some G at this party all right what's it going to be what's it going to [Music] be thank you Jamie I really miss this guy why did he have to Kanye don't remember Kanye had some really embarrassing lyrics as I'm in that too certainly did you did this it's you Catman Anthony Edwards get back to ER it doesn't look like beeping that little whip just that was just where does she keep her whip when she's in that that like mode where she's like scaling things where does she keep the whip hey hey hey I'm black let's talk about getting laate even though I'm dying no my God that wink oh stop there's no black people in this room really together you make like a muddled milk you make a good case for Alex Borstein being blacker than Halle Berry what they're calling her cat person um they don't know the gender yet wait a minute sorry she can't even look normal she can't even look at things normal she's permanently tweaked out on speed now permanently trust me I know I like how they have a biohazardous waist that's like literally just a foot can in the middle of the hospital room yeah seems safe dirty needles sorry you want I like how the by the way I like how the outside of the police building is clearly like a news station with the words police and neon put outside when o just like Spiderman Pizza Time Pizza time for 10 hours yo that guy Spider-Man sto that guys please was that Nate dog I don't know sorry sorry [Laughter] sorry why didn't she write different as a c is an exact science indicative of loneliness she's a sad girl really you're going that far yeah I know right you're just supposed to match the letters you're not supposed to tell us whether or not they ask for your commentary self-confident and angry what the [ __ ] you how can you interpret that much from the handwriting two women oh you get you get these two stories in there that oh you're going to have a a whole kid of fish did he just imply that they're two different signatures I don't get it yes he said they're similar but this one is lonely and this one's a [ __ ] bad s Gast Town Vancouver one of them downtown carnival okay you know how like James the Nintendo nerd and red letter media did a Ghostbusters tour of New York can we do a Catwoman tour of Vancouver you had me at Vancouver that the last you had me at the we cool we cool you had me at can we do a cat the only Reon the only reason that man didn't lash out and throttle her was because she was black it was kind of like this oh okay okay okay we're cool okay you're the man you're the man you're better man than me that was uh Will Smith's dad to Uncle Phil in Fresh Prince oh my God you're the man you're the man you're better man than me o oh wow crazy this looks like a really lame I don't like either of you but I think you would have attractive child it's just it's it's Vancouver I know that's a famous Vancouver Ferris wheel the most famous it's like it's like the r eye of Vancouver only small and shitty I can jump down I'm a cat I'm a cat you're screwed you're going to have to live here you're going to be the man in the ferris wheel for the rest of your life if you look closely in the background one of the extras is injecting fentanyl H well it is downtown Vancouver ahead of his time oh is this Final Destination three yeah it looks like it doesn't hey you piece of [ __ ] you can't show that Tower yeah those Towers came down in 2001 oh my God I'm a cop what are you C you're cop but I'm a cat I this resp what a response what a what the hell is happening um there's a little boy Frankie why' you go up there alone Frankie theoretically what what is happening there wait a minute uh cat Powers let the Kid die cat Powers let the Kid die what completely unrelated mechanical failures there I'm freaking out mom what the [ __ ] is she doing was she an insect she made herself real small for a minute yeah she made herself real small like a real Fantastic Voyage she pulled an Ant-Man I'm loving how these unrelated separate mechanical failures are happening at the same time on this yeah this Ferris wheel is a mess yeah like just because that weird shit's happening at the bottom doesn't mean that someone's seat should break you know like how did that happen there should theoretically be no danger it was real Perfect Storm of Ferris wheel fuckups oh we got him thanks cat broad I'm shoing you H Berry you hurt my nose you boot me too hard OG it'll never be ogre halberry it'll never be ogre it's a very layered film just like ogres CI have lers business you know my [ __ ] bleeding yeah okay could have just kept it a business Hollyberry patience you could have just kept it at saying business weird but it too far what did she do would you okay say your Catwoman oh okay uh and you're doing some burgling some CG burgling um do you need to put on lipstick no okay okay this uh this is how jewelry works oh how did she pluck it it doesn't it's it's like I've seen this I'm not even [ __ ] kidding I think I've seen this movie like close to 40 times wow um but there's like still things that I catch the layers that you miss there's so much dumb in the [ __ ] movie that something like that is something I've actually missed cuz my brain was too preoccupied with the like the mental weight trying to catch up to the other scenes oh oh you furry [ __ ] in hell oh also you're very bad at recognizing people so sherstone goes to the hairdresser uh hairdresser ask her um well he grabbed her by the T on a scale of one too harsh how would you like your haircut oh decided the ears on the mask are really stupid [Music] yeah should have spent a little time a little less time tearing the [ __ ] out of her pants and a little more working on the cowl aspect of things uh what is um Catwoman's goal right now uh to kiss Sharon Stone as as is all of our goals Mark dude what what's her goal right now like why is she here which what does she want she wants to find the the marenian uh the Frenchman oh go oh don't put in your [ __ ] pocket it's a metaphor that's what it's for if you got it use's all about [ __ ] oh we've been cired C yep cir to s a p no Mark like seriously what is she trying to do she wants to get to the maravian because she wants to get out of the train station I well I think she wants to she wants to stop him from releasing the poison face church this is a church by the way I was just thinking like oh she there like she knows where like a lot of the information and documents are she could just find them and report them to like oh this is the center you know she could just break in and steal some files or something oh certainly I I think she just likes to be the atrical about it so she just she wants revenge I think she actually wants the murder rape maybe this guy I like that they got this a silent Cirus show by the way like I only hear the film soundtrack I like how they got oh you're a new prostitute who the heck this looks like the most boring theater Cat Scratch Fever get your paws off me you damn dirty don't play into her fantasies that's what she wants it totally she's totally she's totally getting off on this right now uh it's funny to imagine somebody cartoon having written the get your paws off me line they bumped up the soundtrack just in case a Catwoman would come out they knew she's getting distracted she's getting distracted she needs to literally kill and eat them she's swatted at she's batting at them oh wow was just a wall I'm not sure cats could do that that well honestly like cats aren't just able to climb up walls like that really she's on the catwalk gross uh we're going to get you some psychiatric help Lady it's not a phase no Mom Benjamin she planned that out she knew where the lights were going why like why look at her face her eyes give him a kiss if she was a real cat she'd let him go she'd be like o sorry oh my God you [ __ ] freak yeah she's not very good at it too she's kind of bad at the whole cat per thing it's goddamn Catman um so is Benjamin Brad dog man is he her Nemesis this seems like a bit of a hazard here for for a theater set you know like why would they allow something to be super dangerous able to swing in that way like is that part of the show that's doing that I I don't know a loose light like they didn't hit it should cir this whole L knows what they're doing it's a good it's a good show they got their [ __ ] down packed if there's a bridge up there for people to be working on why would they have the lights do that right there oh [ __ ] you she's going to fix the Gap in his teeth either make regular puns or make cat puns you can't have both hie kiss why doesn't she burp in his M then he'll know oh you just put evidence she sort of did she's crazy she's a [ __ ] psycho just how did she just wait cats can get out of cups cat don't have thumbs yeah I think her bones got cats don't have thumbs they they don't have bones cats don't have bones everyone knows that cats don't have bones they don't have thumbs they have a d claw that's further down the wrist they can get out of handcuffs it's very it's very it's science me cat I was lying C oh oh oh that oh that's a oh amazing what is this a [ __ ] I can't believe I'm a catw woman I don't have any kind of makeup to cover this up despite being the CEO of a Makeup Company it's like I literally there was nothing I could do about this I don't even know what found the only take I'm not sure what George's accent is oh my God it's British by way of Eastern Europe he is the marenian so gotcha bman ah super face she had too many injections she's got patriarchy blocker I was thinking about downloading that app but I why would you download it cuz I I know that's why I didn't and I realized I am the cool heads prevail I was thinking about it but then I realized that's stupid I would block myself wait a minute I have the patriarchy is that what Lacy Green uses all she's she's let's stop yeah she's coming around she's actually like let's stop you [ __ ] started it you started the rape atam you don't go hey gu hey lady let's stop the rape let's put let's put cut off the rape at where it started is she shaving it is Sharon Stone oh oh hey now hey oh she's got it all over the [ __ ] you had a clean hand why just on your neck you had a clean hand to lift up that drink by why on your neck sh we have this is super gross Sharon oh no fishies oh by the way okay I'm not going to name the guy but there was a guy here in Vancouver that worked on the set that I manag to talk to and Sharon Stone huge [ __ ] I can totally see that hold on things are dis disgusting things are happening oh oh she didn't know the camera was on but yeah Sharon Stone these are unsubstantiated rumors but continue yes okay allegedly allegedly had a hissy fit at the [ __ ] crafts table was grabbing cupcakes squishing them and throwing them at the help throwing them at like [ __ ] stage hands and grips love it so Stone Cold basically what you do if you hadn't got to make a movie in eight years and then had to make this you'd be tossing some baked goods too wouldn't you be grateful Catwoman immortalized forever a DC classic good bad I'm the guy with the gunes that Catwoman Suicide Squad Batman versus Superman can't wait for that Justice League fingers crossed guys they they got it don't worry full faith in Zack Snider [Music] oh anymore I mean I was kind of a serious actor but then swordfish and then this and then that Swordfish the Bond movie I don't know the Bond movie was Xmen X-Men 3 whoa Marvel DC crossover hi Barry love it wow I want see X-Men versus Catwoman with Hal bear in a in a in her bravest role today Brave dual roll and she looks herself in the eyes and says you know what happens to a cat when it's electrocuted same thing as everything else [Laughter] oh can we we have to stop now and then she goes meow we we we just have to stop now we stop we're done goodbye uh I'm going home that we did a solid two-thirds of the movie I think that's all anyone that's more than anyone needs music oh this is my jam I'm not a good actress I'm a cat I'm GNA bite you I'm actually a cat I'm sorry don't touch my tummy I'm G to scratch you for bird I told you there was a bird I hate the rain don't get me wet if you want to keep my voice voice High you got to keep them [Music] dry I'm glad you enjoy my sing voice now what do you want to bet that this is actual rain and this wasn't like them because it is Vancouver that's how it works you're funny hey oh the cute piggy back home oh I love it when it's like if they had to go upstairs he would have got tired he's like I got a headache good night so this was just a really long intro to a porn oh [ __ ] no it's over damn it full penetration all right big night Benjamin Button he's going to be he's going to be a baby old man in the few scenes refreshing Dan I wonder if that's owned by the Coca-Cola Bottling Company like the other drinks in the movie uh R Ro reggy I think I found a Scooby clue I bet I better take this to the handwriting analyst you [ __ ] [ __ ] listen the woman who stole this diamond is definitely not the same woman that you [ __ ] last night total dis one of them was really angry together lonely introvert oh okay Catwoman L licked your [ __ ] face oh wait actually wait that makes sense now he has two pieces of DNA that can match he going to swab his face holy [ __ ] did Catwoman was Catwoman consistent on something no there's no way it's going to come back I don't know I think he just looked at it and was like this woman has lips also but there but there's no way you can match DNA with just one pair of DNA like you need what is this phone the best I can't believe it help so it's a video phone for just while she's ringing and then when you answer it's just audio and her phone is set up on a tripod and she was waiting for the call looking away from it and as soon as it picked up she turned around dramatically and said you were right about everything what is even happening there's no is he if he swabs if he swabs his face or his dick right now I'm going to be so impressed to match with cup he did oh he took pictures when it happened I actually forgot about this best movie ever give it the Oscar wow can we get a round of applause no no I'm will you can it's my favorite movie keep clapping you keep clapping forever that actually wasn't clapping I was masturbating I know really hard long hard Strokes violent even always with the catwalk yeah I know right someone vague no not vague Vogue for someone who's mad at this Cosmetics company you're sure wearing a lot of their lipstick is this the Birdman to Michael Keaton to Shar Sharon Stone I turned 40 and they threw me away this is really her Birdman it really is it's a cat only better but yes yeah no [ __ ] dumb drum solos he's got scratched to death she's like duh what are you doing I haven't got it yet waiting for the light bulb to turn you killed him you killed him milk please thank you she literally made your joke I thought the stupidest thing I could say but I forgot the movie was going to do it that's her genuinely acting acting it's Catwoman she killed George she had to read the lines help somebody it's Catwoman she killed George her her first gun murderer you you can't match it she was wearing a glove like what the [ __ ] I was going to say yeah you got your glove prints on the gun now we'll have to nail you the the the very slim chance that a piece of fabric came off in that toss is uh is Benjamin brt the only [ __ ] cop in this major Metropolitan City burglaries murders talking at schools to kids she's he's there in seconds to show up for uh cir he was just there is this her uh Enter the Dragon tribute right yeah the alarm did kind of just go up off right yeah it's like he he's a part of her personal security also Catwoman kills again at the box office yeah she's really uh she's really not that good of a person I think she's kind of a bad guy I know she's A Bad Kitty I think I mean she murders people so and please have your Catwoman spay or NE also dog man still on the loose more nine I sure I sure wouldn't want to be Catwoman right now dog man you CAU me I'm dog man I'm dog man here's my hacksaw to prove it I'm dog man Ru Ru Ru F out of what if just the last 20 minutes of this movie is just him chasing her uh maybe but cats are dumb so sorry what was the last thing you said sry blanked out have we met I'm distracted we met you're handsome Tears Don't Lie that's a good cry voice going on right now it's like CLA D's in every yeah how how do they know it was in her hand ever really no they don't it's like there was Zero PRS on it is that why their assumption like oh no Catwoman I'm the best detective in the world there's no fingerprints on this gun but there is a paw a paw print I like how he also does the interrogation like I know only cop in the city he goes to schools to teach kids to be okay he's there for robbery uh B homicide homicide [ __ ] Circ security guard [Laughter] Jesus Christ forgot about Sir he's a goddamn super cop he is a real super cop Benjamin brat jagie Chan super cops oh my God have you ever seen making a murderer feels like that right about now I feel like that halfwit boy how can she slap I don't know who I am anymore got every time you taste your own tears they're so salty there would be a conflict of interest the secondy says yeah I like I slept with this we totally banged last night but but too bad I'm the only cop in the city so I guess I got to handle it he's a double agent but lone you're the only cop in the entire city the rest of them it's just window dressing it's just fake everybody else is an intern and he's trying to teach them how to do every job at the same time it's got a really high turn one day we'll have more C that's a trainee I learned how to do this yesterday oh he said the she could probably fit through that if she could get out of cuffs really I mean if that if that was the point they're making that cats can just like that cats don't have bones earlier be able to stop her really also just like the squid uh or sorry the jellyfish brainless as well sorry it's Sherry Jerry wait is he still figuring it out even though he knows everything yeah also that can't be another cop because he's the super cop also this close-up is terribly framed holy [ __ ] me [ __ ] off half of the subtitles in this movie is just Meow in Brackets oh she is GNA do that see I don't have bones now you okay it's like oh call me now the cat anoints her with the Boneless power that do that kiss they going to [ __ ] now kiss I just want to eat some spaghetti all of it she going to make out with this cat freedom is power and power is responsibility Power Plus privilege opilia Powers the miracle begins I can't stop saying it it's the most fun thing to say I like how they have pre-sale ads for a beauty cream this is a very important it's like before it's out they have the ad time for the remix he It also says opening this week so that ad's going to last a week before they have to change the ad you know you know they wouldn't just put up an ad for the product like you know if you were a Jack Russell Terry you would have brought me the key oh a mask reference very nice sorry it's it's oh oh my ts so her Cranium is now a sponge well you could have said that about H Berry at any time yeah just walks out of prison [ __ ] Heavy Rain style well to be fair there is only one cop keeping track of things then he's how that was amusing she's teleported more than once yes that's a very teleportation in movies is always so stupid I hate it when that happens I I genuinely hate that now they're over here oh my God that Tain shot it's possibly one of the most annoying things to ever happen in a movie oh my God she got pounded she loved it she's in heat I've had bigger oh no what what the [ __ ] going to [ __ ] that Jaguar should have been crouched a little higher is what she was thinking what the what you're an [ __ ] you're an actual [ __ ] she's a cat what do you expect [ __ ] woman what do we know about cats no bones steel cars sassy attitude super sexy what's that boom guy doing he's like 12 feet away H he's helping I think that's the boom operator for like actually the movie and not this commercial just wered out look that one who's he booming for what are you talking about man a commercial commercial you clean it up [ __ ] you commercial commercial who got turn off all this water man dying oh dying how for boing very clever she's too happy for a murdered husband yeah how have we not talked about the fact this dude's name is Tom loone Wolf told you he's dog man oh boy oh boy movie oh boy over Berto I almost threw up it has that effect I know these [ __ ] Dutch angles and these sweeping crane shots and the green filter over this entire I find it reminiscent of Czech New Wave Cinema we got to make it by midnight it's always midnight I get I get a I get a black Peter or a Daisy's vibe off of this clearly they they don't even know she was gone cuz she managed to go back home and get her costume yes right like they didn't even know she was she left the cell they were probably be still sweeping her apartment for Clues she definitely did not have her costume with hey the Weston more Vancouver and to recap her solution her final solution as it were wow anyway poor poor choice of words is to just stop the trucks carrying the stuff and not like tell everyone that this cream will murder your face yeah um it seems likeing the symptoms not the disease I guess cuz there are no more cuz there are no TR Del it without those trucks they were the best trucks they were we got the best trucks are you trying to seduce me no cross your legs cross your legs it's all you're good for Sharon um okay invite way KN in and have him watch you cross your legs hey she's got the same laptop I can't see it anymore but whatever listen up listen up dog man I'm not of you because you just said it I just said that I just said that you said oh no I really think she does oh oh I do oh oh oh that Asian man that was Asian man to the rescue with what a mean look why don't wait why didn't she they could they could have like restrained you right her her plan of killing them both wait was like calling on the phone for somebody why didn't you stop her from nobody else was like aware of you the two of them could have taken her they you could have at least restrained her you have cuffs on you right oh I can't do this Catwoman [ __ ] no more BR did you not bring cuffs like you always have yeah Benjamin brat and Catwoman can't take on Sharon Stone they couldn't have like tied her arms with your whip or whatever you know like they just let her do that they're like yeah we'll see what happens these two I I uh I slash pair of these two I think on the side I think secretly they're both smashing goodies there's definitely some fiction about it bump and uglies there's this weird there's a weird like marital tension between these two jet Le and jeanclaude defo it's it um it's like The Expendables but just the two talented ones Jean Clyde van defo oh Christ jcvd yeah yeah um guel oh oh dead I don't yeah I was I don't understand that at all holy F that seemed like a later in the Friday the 13th series Death what were the physics of that I don't understand oh my God he cracked his head open he had the soul left his body you could see it it really did oh my God I don't believe in a soul but I just saw one leave that Man's eyes what if she just shot her you just went big phony what if she just shot her teleport think about it Hero Cats can teleport sorry what did you say I said cats can teleport they have been known teleport yes like that oh look uh well H's really got to let go of this you killed me [ __ ] cuz guess what Hy you ain't dead yeah you were knocked out by a [ __ ] storm literally and then a cat made out with you a cat burped in your mouth it was green gas and now you're magic at no point did you die and it the cat actually marked you before any of that happened remember it was like like the whole the whole scene with her trying to save it it was like it knew you were going to be the cat or something right yeah so I mean she literally had nothing to do with it other than transporting her closer to the cat I guess I guess she kind of died and got brought back to life by the cat oh this music yes [ __ ] brilliant I don't often use the word perfect that face H so you st stop using it and your face disintegrates you keep using it and your face turns into marble these are the these are the options of this product ow stop it oh my god get it's like a metaphor a Cat's Worst Enemy there's no one there there's nobody there Sharon I can't stress enough that there's no she was running forward as she was using it being trapped in a permanent cloud of fire extinguisher she she teleports more than Max Coffield should have it's like it's like running forwards with a can of cof is that the kid from catcher in the r d That's how you really get a cat from personal experience oh that shot is amazing it never gets old cat everyone knows cat cat's only weakness being stabbed in the Emeral artery being bashed having their brains bashed into a cat's only weakness oh my God go oh hey Chi can land on her feet don't do that he knows exactly how breakable this glass is she's like this is my plan stand up just stand up you can really or or or lean back oh cartoons I love cartoons don't dance and pull the pants and do the Rock game over Lean Back Lean Back Time for the remix over time it's over even better over time it doesn't matter that she got stabbed in the leg that's gone she's fine time for the remix her not being able to lean forward was just an act why is nobody reporting this black on white crime it's G to be another it's gonna be another Ferguson nice a it's not even real blood oh no her true form has been revealed it's Sharon Stone disgusting do a flip burp in her mouth yeah you can save her burp in her mouth oh [ __ ] I'm a lizard person anymore exist Alex Jones was right oh my God oh my God oh my God God what was that that was reminiscent of some 911 [ __ ] that wasn't cool oh the rag doll physics in this are perfect more like heg doll am I right oh my God Benjamin where the [ __ ] were you doll but certainly ain't no killer well he just killed her so I mean cuz they witnessed that when she killed him by herself get in your cage he funny I have great teeth [ __ ] your head would be mush really but okay yeah there'll be some blood no she's got marble face there be something somewhere so what so the fate of the Asian guy he's just dead that's just his soul left his body he looked he looked exactly like her like Stone by the end of it his soul got Unleashed oh my god oh I see that oh Sally moaning oh Miss Swan getting laid I don't like all that green the green Hu to the entire movie it's it's actually disgusting strange whereas like enemy was intentionally trying to like make you feel uncomfortable this is like doesn't know what it's trying to be it's trying to be the Matrix oh okay oh dang it you're a good kitty but I got cats to [ __ ] tough titty said the kitty but the milk's still good oh the catwalk again sexy bad oh Power Plus privilege [ __ ] [ __ ] you later this is my boyfriend now sorry Benjamin woo W oh perfect way to end the movie It's the remix oh my God it looks so pH the physics in that didn't I mean ignore her cap ities the physics didn't make sense cji butt waddle I know Yep this is very strange this Moon whip oh [ __ ] yeah boy catw good DC movie or the best DC movie the best DC movie can we final thoughts can we just go through this how did everybody feel until the end of the end credits to go through it oh yeah yeah let's actually talk through the credits why not talk yeah yeah what fin because I'm speechless please patience wa patience Phillips was Catwoman all along oh my God twist Tom loone Tom loone come on uh um all my powers or what the [ __ ] was it all the powers oia powers oh feel your powers um Ferris wheel Mom thanks uh whip coach I love that there was a whip coach zo B oh my God zo lovely I love her Zoe Bell she's fantastic oh wow lovely lady and a lot of Asian men who played Catwoman oh my God look at all them Asian men she had she had actually quite an extensive stunt woman career uh before Death Proof so I'm not surprised before Death Grips yeah that too I mean um so I I think for me why this is a beloved favorite bad movie what it's cuz it's amazing yes like what what sets AP part from me hold on Catwoman movement and choreography and Fletcher you are God's Gift God send thank you for everything um like uh you hear a lot of troll to um uh Samurai cop the room the room um Neil anything by Neil Breen although I I admit all those are incredible choices for me it's this because well I just found out the [ __ ] the the budget but it's just like it is such a tremendous failure and it's such a cluster [ __ ] on every single level there's there isn't a single thing about this movie that works it's not for anyone it's not for comic book fans for it's for it's not for women it's not for men it's not for anything in between is is hold on is this movie for cats are we not the demographic put it on for cats the code do cats love this movie only one way to find out it's like um I'm going to show this movie to my cat it's it's like one of those tapes you leave on for cats and dogs like I think it is yeah airbud for dogs Catwoman for cats right um and home word Bound for both oh if you have a cat and a dog if they want a tearjerker if they want and cats versus dogs for also both certainly and Milo and Otis for none because they killed a lot of Milos and Otis in that movie this was kind of a career killer for everyone involved yeah yeah it killed a lot ofar P off oh pet off Benjamin I don't think Benjamin Brad made a lot of movies after this I think he was mostly TV after this like H Berry was a [ __ ] Oscar winner she was like she could do anything at this point and she did Catwoman it's the notorious like do the shittiest movie ever after an OS well you could have been a franchise could have been a whole thing it depends on how it was sold to her cuz a lot of people just have agents right oh that's true you know that you could you could theoretically just be like I don't know to be an actor you don't really need to know about the economic side of the industry or the directing side of the industry you just kind of trust that your agent knows what the [ __ ] he's talking about when he signs you up for something and if you've had a successful career already then you might as well trust them my God you know when your agent signs you up with Catwoman you're like oh there have been s some successful superhero films like you know was Spider-Man out by this point or like yes 20 having sort of like a superhero Resurgence and you know why not who knows maybe Catwoman maybe everybody was having some really uh hopeful thoughts about it but you know what uh turned out to be a work of art this movie was right in The Sweet Spot of huge uh comic book movie misfires with female leads like you had Catwoman you had what Electra right around the same time as this was the uh blood rain was that a thing was that a video game that was a well I mean that was u b so it wasn't like a big sure but like they all came out within a year or two of each other and they were all nonsense yeah it was and then they stopped trying and now we have Wonder Woman coming out oh [ __ ] so we're coming back it's going to be great perfect per perfect F nobody female lead DC movie I am in can't miss um if I hate to say this but if there's anything I mean I love this we got one minute to end it up and I Want to Say Goodbye when if there's anything that the DC uh or the The Cinematic Universe of TI and all these movies together did is at least it brought some kind of consistency whereas these were just like like this just do anything let's throw [ __ ] at the wall see if it sticks keep throwing yeah okay all right thank you uh all for uh joining in your own free time I hope you very much enjoyed this commentary I am Adam I'm Mark I'm Scott here scoot really Adam mispronounced my own name scoot Merk and Adam thank you all for joining along with this masterpiece I hope that uh everything was all in sync and uh that you had a wonderful uh lovely lovely watching now zip your pants up and have some sweet dreamy dreams I love you next time I love you all right all right we're all going to die s key goodbye
Channel: YMS
Views: 420,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catwoman, commentary, yms, adum, adam, mark, merk, scott, scoot, hallie berry, pitof
Id: BUBZiJzcFko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 46sec (6346 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2017
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