Yesterday My Boss Literally Ran Away After Quitting...

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yesterday my boss literally ran away from work after quitting what is the strangest way you've seen someone quit not my story it's my bosses she worked at a very busy downtown restaurant brunch spot in the line would be flooded with tickets for hours on end one day one of the line cooks just stopped amidst all the commotion stood up straight paused and grabbed all of the tickets off of the line scrunched them into a ball and put them in his pants he then put his middle fingers up and rotated facing everyone who was watching in horror and walked out this has since become one of my favorite stories Jesus working as a chef in a cafe that can get busy just the thought of all the tickets being gone horrifies me I used to work at a fast food place in a small town we had the run of the mill so-and-so was arrested guess he's not working here anymore happened more times than I could count but the best was when someone didn't show up for his shift the manager calls his phone and he doesn't answer it goes to voicemail he changed his greeting to the following trick you I quit I always picture these in my head of some bigwig corporate CEO imagine some head of a bank quitting this way it would be awesome like Michael Scott level strangest where has to be when a co-worker odd man walked into the head of eyeties office grabbed him by the tie and kissed him they hated each other and now I have an idea for a heart hat a freak filled gay porno my high school summer job was at Burger King one year they put me on the schedule when I was supposed to be at a sports camp six hours away and I said no I told you like three months ago I need those two weeks off and they replied with well you have to come back to work then go back to camp and I was like okay so I drove back home and quit when I got home there was a manager on the phone for me saying that they have a no quitting policy I was like okay well I quit so followed by awkward silence but then she hung up on me well since I just quit policy doesn't apply to me anymore I quit we had one of our genetics analysts get arrested for dragging up underage Runaways and forcing them into prostitution from his basement but he called in from jail to quit after the fact we found out that he had been pulled over like two years ago with a teenage runaway in his car and a strap-on around his waist I think he got some minor possession charge but the story had made the news because of how bizarre it was strangely nobody in our entire company had heard about it or connected that it was him at the time he was a very unassuming and quiet man the prostitution thing made me wonder who his clients were since he was at the office so much I was once giving a course at a company HQ in a room overlooking the front door I was just explaining company law for engineers when the entire IT department left the building with their belongings in black plastic bin bags had a guy who worked for me who was awesome at his job but believed in just about every conspiracy imaginable but he would go on vacation and people would ask where he was going and he'd say nowhere I just need more time to work with my magnets he'd forward all kinds of stuff about big business suppressing technology crappy Internet videos of people who claimed they had built perpetual motion machines etc sometimes we'd try to point out the flaws in these theories but mostly we just laughed it off one morning I came into work started unpacking my laptop to get started and he burst into my office with a huge smile and said I'm giving you my two-week notice I started to speak and he cut me off I double-checked everything last night and I've achieved over unity I just needed a different kind of magnet that was the key I'm out of here in two weeks I wanted to resign right away but my girlfriend said that the polite thing to do was give two weeks notice I guess the world can wait another two weeks I tried to talk him down but he was insistent over the next two weeks he continued to work diligently on his remaining tasks but he had a perpetual smile on his face and declared loudly to anyone who asked that I have solved the world's energy problems and that this is a revolutionary game-changer someone joked that something this radical might put his life in danger and responded I have taken steps to ensure that if anything happens to me my invention will still get out to the general public his last day was almost identical to anyone elses last day at a company they resigned from only they acted like the happiest person in existence three months later I got an email from him that was entirely in lowercase letters and looked like it was written by a completely different person it said something like hi agenda clue I was wondering if my position had been filled if not I was wondering if I could have it back there is something wrong with my device I think it's the magnets and I don't have enough money right now to fix it neither job thanks whether he got his job his position had been filled I tried going through finance to get another position opened because all crazy aside he was good at his job but the VP of development shot it down when it came to him in the approval chain because he didn't want employees to think they could leave and still have a job to come back to whenever they wanted but he had a perpetual smile on his face sounds like the real perpetual motion machine was right here in his heart this was at a restaurant the general manager of the place was fired for being a scumbag pervert [ __ ] after he was escorted to his car he drove to the front of the restaurant got out ran to the grassy area and started pulling up handfuls of grass and throwing them at the windows while screaming like a burn child well then I hope they reconsidered and gave him a second chance I used to manage the tech support site of a call center for a nice I had one tech come in and put a 6-pack of the air on my desk and said that sat in walk out crying my supervisor used to tell everyone at my last job they were easily replaceable he was a former military guy and he tried to run the place military-style he would threaten people break stuff and make unreasonable demands so one day I found a new job and just quit without notice he got hold of my number and the next day he called me and yelled at me for being unprofessional he said I owed him two weeks I told him I'm easily replaceable and he should have no problem finding a replacement then hung up I should also mention that job did the bare minimum amount of employees to run the place if someone called out we would all have to work at least two hours overtime to make up for it if anyone took a week vacation it was a nightmare my quitting like that set the place back a few months until they hired and trained a new guy to replace me management 101 everyone can be replaced management 482 not everyone can be replaced at the same cost it's a long story 'but our manager wrote me my friend and literally everyone else who had worked that day up because she thought someone stole $20 from her my friend and I decided to quit because I'm not going to sign a write up when I did nothing wrong and she's too stupid to lock her stuff up I took the paper simply wrote I quit and handed it back to her I look at my friend and he looks right at her just staring at her then he slowly crumples up the write up puts it in his mouth and starts chewing just staring at her he then turns around walks to his car and drives away still the whole time with the paper in his mouth it was glorious I had a friend who worked as a knight Baker one night they wrote him up for being disorderly they were sitting down at one of the tables in the dining area and they slid him the paper he threw the paper in the air and shouted nope he then just went back to baking they didn't fire him and he didn't quit I don't know how he got away with it I ran away after quitting I was hired by a competing company put in my two-weeks and the boss got suspicious he came by my desk and told me to follow him into his office to sign a non-competing form basically saying that after I left there I couldn't work for the competition for six months I was crapping my pants as I got up to follow him at that exact moment the phone rang I picked it up and told him I would be there in five minutes finished up the phone call grabbed my crap and hauled butt out the back door they eventually did find out that I went to work for the competition and he sent me an email saying congrats on the new job I'll have to stop by for a visit one of these days my old supervisor at Office Max got removed from the store by four police officers he was arrested on chilli P charges I got his job after that this happened at the casino my friend worked at she's standing there dealing blackjack normal day all of a sudden the dealer on the next table over screams blackjack I win while dancing and pumping both of his fists into the air his players are dumbfounded after his victory dance he reaches out with both hands and scoops up everything on the table everything yes that too if it was on the table it got scooped into his bank cards chips lighters all of the money the players had sitting on the table in front of them even the money that wasn't being wagered after he scoops it all up he rips off his it badge throws it down on top of the pile and walks off the table out of the bait and now the front doors to where his friend was in the car waiting it took surveillance hours and hours to sort out whose money belonged to whom after the fact she found out that the guy's friend had been out there waiting since the beginning of his shift it had taken him hours to deal himself a blackjack TL DR casino employees like to go down in flames that's dedication worked a very fancy French restaurant the chef was a master chef and the ski had the biggest ego of anyone I had ever met chef was in the piano bar talking and having a drink with cymbals racing bigwigs Rancho Santa Fe during track season hard-working mild mannered busser as changing tablecloths chef just starts belittling him in front of everyone for Allah what the heck man I just saw a bit off the table when you switched cloths you're not supposed to see the actual table if you grabbed the wrong size tablecloth fold it back up man you're so dang lazy there are many different sizes say you grab a variety and use it on the next table if it was wrong chef said something else and laughs with a jockey some hot women and some guys with back pockets thicker than George Costanza I forget what he said that made everybody laugh but this 20 years old behemoth of a busser takes his apron off and throws it at chef chef stands up from the booth like his P and is yelling about how he will lose his job butter goes Frick this job and Frick you you German T Index chef right and the chops in the middle of the busy piano bar then walks to the back exit grabs a tray full of buff treadle stemware and Chuck's it into the wall and leaves it was pretty rad I had planned to quit a job once and it just didn't take I picked up a third job at a cafe during undergrad that required me to be in a 630 am I thought I could do it gave it a try for a few weeks but it was quickly becoming apparent that I liked drinking and sleeping and on Saturday a whole lot more than the extra cash anyway I woke up hungover in a beautiful girl's bed and decided freak hit I'm not going in and went back to bed I know I should have called but I was 20 and working two other jobs in addition to taking courses full time when I wake up again at around 9:00 I have a couple of voicemails I expect the don't bother coming and again will make your last check message [ __ ] instead it's the owners apologizing because my coworker had been attacked mugged on her way to work and they figured I must have shown up already seen the closed cafe and just gone home I didn't have the heart to tell them so I went in the next day worked and gave notice to clarify she was attacked by her home not work ETA during the investigation police discovered that work had been conspiring with home but both these predators are off the streets and behind bars I hope she was able to press charges against her home and send it away for a long a few years back a guy got dragged out of one of my old employers in cuffs after being read his rights he looks right if the horrified owner and said well I guess I quit didn't expect it because he was shirt and tie boring in his sixties but apparently shirt and tie boring guy was also a wife beater the boring ones are always the craziest to managers one who looked like Ross Perot and one who looked like John Candy were leaving a beating when police came in and arrested them turns out they took a trip together to the next town over and B'Etor H nearly to death something something something planes trains and automobiles worked in a supermarket as a cashier when I was in high school a few of my good chums also worked there as well cue up the crazy lady who goes to my friend who is having a rough day to begin with at the register behind me puts all her crap up and he rings her up she notices a lobster she had gotten was somehow missing and accuses my friend of stealing it he then says lady are you killing me why would take he'll lobster she then proceeds to yell at him and demands compensation in some form he's had enough and yells Frick this crap I'm out and Lady flick you and your lobster proceeds to walk out of store and punches a wall putting a hole in it and knocking a display shelf over as he exits with her wide-eyed and the store is silent turns out her lobster was left at the seafood counter I wish stuff like this would happen more often people need to realize that employees are real people too and usually can't do anything about your particular problem I feel like if the employee just quit every time someone started acting like an unreasonable but then everyone would mellow out I had to fire an employee after I caught her sleeping in her cubicle multiple times and then telling me that asking her to assist in other areas when we were slow was not her job her mom came in afterwards and came storming into my office up and a half picture this a 40 year old black woman in pretty good shape in skin type leopard leggings with gigantic gold high heels on oversized sunglasses and cornrows in her hair screaming at me you just a freakin sectarian i'ma send my lawyer at you will he gonna sue you but we got a racial discrimination suit on our hands I just looked at her the whole time and never said a word after which she stormed out of the building screaming y'all a bunch of frickin xenophobic N and here , y'all a bunch of frickin xenophobic N and here I once had some guys who tried to start to fight with me and my friends P out on the fight by saying Frick it let's go these n is callin the cops we all dissolved into fits of laughter my first job out of college was at a medium-sized company with a small IT staff there were just six office programmers until we hired the new guy we were using this obscure language which you couldn't really hire for without paying through the nose so they decided to do otj training for this so the new guy was a little elder than me but had no experience outside of teaching he was nice sort of quiet and a little quirky the only thing personal he kept on his desk was this plastic goat I didn't have anything personal on my desk either so I didn't think anything of it sometimes he would play with it a little but Ignasi just sat in one spot on his desk everyone needs some sort of stress relief I suppose a few weeks go by and the new guy seems to be picking up the language fair enough he had coded a couple of screams albeit with a little help one Monday comes up and he doesn't show at the office our boss calls him and says you can't just not show up without calling not a big deal to me I mean things come up it was just a little unprofessional the next morning I get into the office super early which is unlike me since I was such a late riser he rolls in around his normal time and is surprised to see me but I figure it's because he likes the quiet morning we're there working for a couple hours and the whole time he's fiddling with the goats in his hand mid morning he gets up out of his chair and leaves our little room an hour goes by and I realize he isn't around to go to lunch which we all used to do as a group but figure he must have had something to do well he doesn't show up after lunch the next day no call no show a weekend passes and still doesn't show and he hadn't returned any calls so my boss had to call the police to do a health check him he finally sends an email to say he wouldn't be back we all look at each other thinking who in the world quits like that was this spur of the moment or premeditated we look at his desk and realize his little plastic guilt is gone he must have come in that morning to grab it but was surprised by me into staying for a bit to cover it up or something he hadn't done anything malicious to the code he just wanted his goat a guy I knew got an email for a beating in the boss's office figuring he was Frick's he starts just destroying computer equipment just freaking crap up like crazy so he goes into the office sits down and the boss tells him he needs him to go to a conference someplace and it had be all paid for by the company he didn't get to go to the conference and this is why companies escort laid off fired employees out the door : my previous company was so awful that we would get new employees sometimes that would get the vibe very quickly and quit within a few days but the classic was the guy who never came back from his lunch break on the first day within his group in our company his name became a verb meaning to quit at lunch and never come back so occasionally you'd hear on frustrated employees say that's it I'm doing her this guy's name I have two stories one normal and the other not so normal the first was a bust by at Red Lobster that had had enough on a Friday night he was in the middle of cleaning a table nobody was talking to him nobody was yelling and nobody had had any confrontation with him all night suddenly he stood up yelled Frick this place took off his apron threw it across the room and walked out the door never saw him again the weird one was a guy at a place I worked where we had unlimited internet access a lot of people would Facebook or whatever turns out this guy was trolling chat rooms for underage girls he left for lunch to meet one at the mall and it wasn't a young girl but a bunch of cops they took him and then came and took the computer he worked on my ex Jerell friend used to be a pizza delivery driver for a chain pizzeria one day her boss was giving her guff and she said she quit the manager said she needed to bring her uniform in she promptly took off her shirt threw it at him she was wearing a bra then walked out through a restaurant full of families customers my friend quit his job at a corner store by just walking out and never coming back before he left he stashed an open gallon of milk on top of the radiator that hung from the ceiling what a sour way to leave after 25 years as an executive with a fairly large corporation I threw the keys to my company car and my company credit card on the CEOs desk and walked home started my own business four months later and just retired after 19 successful and blissful years a friend of mine had some co-workers in their warehouse that didn't get along one went home for lunch claiming to get tylenol for a headache she came back with the gun short of an emesis kill worker in the hipa she walked past then walked up to her and shot her in the head point-blank this woman then headed to the front office gave the gun to her boss and said she had shot a kill worker and quit she waited around for the police to come get her there has to be a link for an article on that mess when I quit my job I left not angrily but curtly sullenly walked out of the office said goodbyes to my co-workers and made the two steps out the door congratulating myself on my dignity until I realized that I left all my groceries in the office fridge went back and with as much dignity as I could collected half a loaf of bread two jars of peanut butter and four elder apples I've got one I was working construction with a small company it was the old man his son a foreman me and occasionally add a lab it was the old man's drinking buddy being a drinking buddy he wasn't a great worker well one day the boss had to run for material so he sent me in the day helped to strip a really old roof which is a horrible job but whatever while he sent his kid in the foreman to do a little tiny framing job that should have in about an hour well two hours later I'm stripping this roof and I see the our van go by with the framers in it I see it pull into a coffee shop about a quarter mile away I keep working well an hour and a half later they come back with iced coffees for themselves in nothing for us and proceeded to stand and watch us work I yelled down to them where's mine the reply was oh we didn't think who'd want one well that'd be me right off but I kept working getting dirtier and sweaty as time went by they watched his for about ten minutes until the boss showed up by this time the roof was like 90% done I was visibly pee off the boss says something to the effect of meatloaf they called me meatloaf because I kinda look like him is just fat dumb and happy I replied oh yes Steve Frick you I quit that's not funny meatloaf I said it wasn't meant to be Frick you I quit I proceeded to climb down and dump about 10 pounds of roof nails in front of his truck grabbed my crap and left this was like 9:00 a.m. on a Monday morning I had a week's worth of vacation coming to buy Tuesday afternoon a friend of mine had offered me a week's worth of work scraping a house to prep for painting for more than I was making roofing so I did that for five days then started putting in applications three days later I had a job in an air-conditioned office so I quit made better than double what I would have that weekend got a much better job a Frick yet good for you dude the first department I worked for had an officer who was lazy at best but was mainly just there for a paycheck his wife had multiple degrees and he often said that he would quit once she found a well-paying job apparently she did one afternoon I was talking to my sergeant when he got a call from this officer the conversation only lasted about a minute but in that time he managed to pee the sergeant off immensely he hung up the phone and looked at me and said you are not gonna ref believe this turns out the officer got her a call from his wife saying she got hired with some university overseas so he parked his patrol car at a 711 took off his gun belt and badge and threw them in the trunk then locked the car keys in the trunk with him and called the sergeant and told him where the car was parked I waited tables at this upscale trendy restaurant one of the waitresses was a pretty serious feminist active volunteer for Planned Parenthood equal pay etc she was really cool and feminism was her thing anyways our Executive Chef was a total butthole really the meaning xenophobic prick with a bit of a coke habit he would throw plates off food around break glasses fire people on the spot etc one day as he was walking us through the specials he informed us that a good friend of his was coming in for dinner and he was to be considered a VIP the dude came in that night with a bunch of people like six more than the reservation had indicated all of Jersey had outs as it gets he got seated in the waitresses section within five minutes she put it together that he runs a chain of strip clubs and adult bookstores in the area and angrily relayed this information to me after appetizers and a few drinks this guy started saying demeaning stuff to the waitress about how her uniform hides her rack and how she should take a 15-minute smoke break with him in his car etc in between ups and entrees the chef had the waifus bring out two comped bottles of wine which she dutifully dated and upon uncorking them she poured them both on this guy spat in his face and walked out of the restaurant the entire place was dead silent she texted me later that night we celebrated and ended up dating for three years broke up on positive terms and remained friends to this day good times awesome if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] by four knife
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 87,284
Rating: 4.8647027 out of 5
Keywords: i quit, job quiting, quitting job, quitting job in style, quitting job to start business, quitting job on the spot, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: z0O0cKT9NgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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