Years of clutter removed from their home... what will they think?!? Part 6.

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[Music] i was worried that i would get here and they'd already be here but today's the day today's the day for the big reveal i'm gonna go inside and get things all looking good and getting ready i thought today would be a great day to drive my car it's beautiful outside i can't wait to show them what the new house looks like i really hope they like it okay just making sure all the doors are unlocked and ready getting all the lights turned on so it feels nice and bright when they come in lights are on curtains are open the house is so much more open and so much more bright now oh boy the big moment coming up well i'm nervous as all heck right now i've got their key ready to give back to them they should be pulling up on this driveway pretty much any minute and uh see if they'll let me do a walkthrough with them on camera but again if not i'll give you guys a play-by-play after the fact and tell you how it went boy i sure hope it goes okay okay guys you can come in here it is the big reveal oh boy oh boy welcome home [Music] so i've left room for your couch this is from the garage no this was actually in their basement that was wrapped up in the basement i remember it from here it's a beautiful rug like did you get that overseas no no this was a garage sale well it's a beautiful this is a high quality rug that that little guy became sort of our mascot i was hoping he would take this thing this is beautiful what do you think look at this it's so nice this place looks like it looks like a show home almost oh it's going to think compared to what it was it is a palette well the only thing missing here is the couch obviously because we we left us big space for your couch to go so you could sit here i rerouted some of your cables a little bit behind so that they weren't coming out the front we got rid of anything that was a potential tripping hazard so if there was extension cords running along i just made sure to get rid of them and clean everything up um we moved your cupboard over you're shelving over in this area um and i was thinking and we gave you this nice clean open area for the breakfast nook look [Music] and we uh we took one of the pictures out of the spare room that you said that you liked and we hung it here for you well and you put all my my and tiki your antique jars are there full of hope you don't want to kept no of course morris you look happy oh this is a stuff of fantasy i mean this is what i dream about you still look like this how beautiful it does again oh i want you to try out the sink we did a little something extra for what you fixed it look at this oh thank you hans put him so rotten hans put a brand new sink in and not only that he fixed all of your piping underneath oh thank you there's no more bucket so let's open it up here all of the pvc piping was rotted yeah so we replaced everything um from the dishwasher down it was clogged um all of that's been repaired hans did that yesterday for you so you have a brand new sink morris just bought all the plumbing stuff for it what year or so ago and nope it never got done yep and you know so go check out the spare room go check out the guest bedroom of asking hans if he had some time we had some time yesterday and i wanted to make sure that it was uh we'll go go have a look thank you and then there was more space and we opened up the blinds and curtains to let some light in oh um melissa and xenova did all the bedding so they washed it all for you because the cat had been on it um the pillow sadly was not too salvageable but we found a brand new set that you had we knew that this was he was he was 22 years old [Music] well i know and it's not i never mentioned that you just lost your cat a couple weeks ago too but [Music] but now there's a uh a happy little home here again that if you decide to reintroduce another little pet or something that uh we do have room now you have lots of room we could well of course why not we really appreciate the extra effort that's unexpected oh of course okay now you got to see the downstairs we'll do the garage last because that's the least exciting i think i might find it the most exciting i don't know that's okay you're good you're good we're doing okay so i moved your shoes uh just to that area temporarily you can figure out where to put it later i just was really trying to clean up the main area there but the um uh there's still going to be a bit of sorting to do like there's going to be some things in the closets there's going to be some things that will need to be sorted through kind of in the end oh yeah um but uh you don't have to worry about any leaks from your sink anymore at least oh that's companion oh i see yeah that was the one thing i was like that's pretty cool the little hula girl is neat but that's your mom there that's the moment the hula girl is the one that kept me company while i was working on a computer oh yeah your mom's a pretty lady oh yeah yeah so what do you think about having all this extra space now oh my god hey does it do you need any uh shelves i know you know i love that you're asking me to take more stuff though um i didn't know if you would need the shelves for well you actually you could probably advertise them on kijiji and sell them and somebody could just come pick them up because now anybody could come to the you know if you're up to it they could come by what'd you think of all the records well they're all in boxes so we're gonna auction them and um and boy that was quite the collection so everything will go uh june 12th and then we'll we'll see how we do but i want to show you the garage too because that that was almost the most full of everything that was very cool well so far so good we're gonna go around to the front door and have a look at the uh at the garage so you had mentioned to me that every time there's a hail storm you're worried that the car had to sit outside yes so i have done a little tidying in the garage so why don't you go open the door i'll let you go through and see how big that garage is supposed to be oh look at that look go on in and look your tires are off to the side um the folding tables are here as promised um we've got those are the family photos and things that were brought up that we separated for you um we've got uh well your tools are accessible there's some gardening things but you have a workshop in here now yeah is she coming are you gonna come have a look she's not as excited about the garage but look your car can fit in here actually what you can pull it on in now morris is excited to park in the garage again i think we we swept and everything so there shouldn't be any sort of screws or nails and the car is back home but look there's plenty of room for you get in and out of the car in the garage and like i was saying that your cabinet you wanted to keep with all the mitts and stuff is right there so you can just get a winter hat or yeah there's a lot of and if it's raining or something you can take your time actually with the back door being the way it is you'll never have to get wet or snowed on now you were saying it at one point the dishwasher does the dishwasher working now or is it it doesn't work okay a couple years yeah so um because of the challenge with the dishwasher and the dishwasher probably part of it was the dishwasher line was completely clogged um so it may have been backing up or who knows what but either ways a flood had caused a bit of damage in here um you probably can't get this tile anymore i'm guessing but it's not i don't it's not lightened oh it's not going to matter it was supposed to be gray when it hit the sun right but it always stayed green so the the easiest solution would be just to take your uh the corner for the wall is here right here yeah and do a uh do a strip and then do uh maybe a different sort of tile like a nice um ceramic tile or something in the kitchen area yeah because then it goes to hardwood so you could you could do this whole area in tile and take it right to that little stairway there yeah and then you don't have to do the living room area because the floor is fine out here i would take it right to there yeah right where your cane is right there right there oh no i would go all the way down yeah because then your sight line continues and it's nice and clean but this is maple oh it's beautiful it's never been um redone well the maple floors are in you know you have a beautiful home the house is very nice your decorations you have are beautiful like you have a very good eye and you have very good taste you just had enough stuff to fill a few houses that's all but now um you know we've got a little spot for you to sit um yeah we took the tablecloth off it had a couple rips and stuff in it and we thought it would just be easier to clean and that's nice morris has said it for about four or five hours a day and then it tears because he's but the nice thing about this is that um with the tablecloth off it just it it kept the colors it was brighter we just felt it was much brighter to have um the wood showing it off but he sits here so you know you got to protect well there you got your way and i didn't even know it i like that you're packing clifford well he named paul named him cliff in fact there's another one somewhere well he just had such a goofy little look we thought we'd leave him as a little mascot yeah but uh so overall are you guys happy with how things look it's so wonderful what you've done first oh it's my pleasure it really is really good it put a strain on you i know that i put a strain on you and your family no it didn't put a strain [Music] melissa was here helping her [Music] my kids needed a break from mom and dad for a bit anyway we're all happy to help and i think that everybody's gonna be so glad to see that you guys enjoyed it because we were all nervous that you'd come in and go where's my stuff or put it all back those are all memories this stuff goes back to the 80s yeah you know but does this look more like the house that you bought better the better well the house that we bought didn't look like this so you like this better than one we put in a lot we wish we changed quite a few things when we first moved here yeah oh so you did some renovations at first this looks like it's it looks when we got it the way we wanted it right and about a year so after we got in maybe we finished it and so we've got it we kept i kept your asian screens but i moved them to either side of the window to to have the red kind of balance the colors of the wall i didn't know if i wanted to keep those or not well that's you know they look nice where they are you know the funny thing is here morris is that i'm having trouble with donna want to keep stuff now because she's now saying well we could get rid of that yeah why didn't you take that so you must you're in a good frame of mind you're in a let's clean house there are a couple of closets guys there's the memories and where did they go and then there's the future you've got what you've given us it's the future that you have to focus on because a thing is just a thing the memory is within you all right well thank you guys thank you alex thank you for everything okay oh it's my pleasure okay and thank you for the other squad and then this in particular i will pass it all along to them you guys enjoy your new home take care have a good evening well that's it i'd say that went better than expected um the opposite happened i was worried that she would uh want to bring some of her stuff back instead she was trying to give me stuff to take to the auction uh so we'll do an update when the auction happens and i'll be able to deliver a check to these lovely folks i was so glad that we were able to deliver them a beautiful home and that they enjoyed it their plan is they've got a new couch coming on tuesday which will be fantastic lovely little places sit but tonight i think they've got movie and popcorn planned for the new living room and i hope that they have a lovely evening so thanks for watching along with this journey so far guys we'll see y'all soon and bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Curiosity Incorporated
Views: 186,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hoarders, Hoarding, House clean up, Collectors house
Id: nyLqz9hxJ0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 49sec (949 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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