Yandere Dev Stans Cancel Me

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oh oh he finished osana whose fault was that i think it was mine i know he did the work and he finished it uh but right now i want to take all the credit for all the work he did um i want everybody to congratulate me on yandev finishing osana he would have not done it had i not talked about his time with his girlfriend and if you haven't seen that video you can click the card to go watch it but in right now i've been cancelled by the yandev stands so uh according to the experts on twitter yandev definitely knows what the hell happened and that i did this video right um and this is because his mods ended up having to block people from his chat um from typing the hashtag you know and then following it up with like yeah he put my dog danny in an oven but it turns out he does have fans um and there's a couple of them and they did show up in my comments section and because i'm a masochist and i hate myself i go on places like twitter in my comment section to see people mocking me in a very dumb way but don't worry these guys were not successful in canceling me because you can't stop the diesel train i'll come up with a good one eventually i swear now to be honest i don't really know if these people are fans or really people defending him but i guess we could go and find that um but you know newsflash uh commenters uh believe it or not you're not gonna change my mind by calling me names and then telling me oh well uh you're wrong because he's gonna finish the game eventually i swear to god he's gonna he's gonna finish the game i i saw it literally every time i clown on somebody who's a clown and i take it in a comedic way people go absolutely bananas and these clown detractors say that they're not a clown when i have objectively proved in all ways physically like i'm isaac newton discovering gravity that yes he is indeed a clown and i don't think anybody could prove me wrong but don't worry some people didn't anyway let's just get into the comments of the people canceling me and we'll start with somebody not actually canceling me but i wanted to put this in here because i've made fun of this person before too uh but one of the writers of rick and morty has a sex doll and his girlfriend made an entire show about it i forget its name but it's on quibby and now i know that the show that's on quippy about the sex doll is also related to a real show that exists in reality real show that exists in reality is life just a reality show quite honestly i think we're all living in a truman show anyway i just want alex to know that i've contacted my friends in hollywood they might be a little busy right now but that's right alex we're gonna make a documentary about you just you wait you're gonna look like phil fish in the indie game movie absolutely insane and then you're gonna leave the industry and become a dj did you know that phil fish became a dj it's not a joke last time i heard about him he became a dj alright i already got a name for the documentary written down it's going to be called incel a star wars story you know at the end of the day this is really going to be a movie about family and the family we keep in our closet oh here's a here's another interesting one right um now i'm i'm gonna be able to debunk this big brain take but uh um yandere simulator was never about profit or being made on time for a scheduled release it's an ambitious labor of love that was made from scratch and in spite of everything that has happened i am still a supporter of yandere dev man how does it feel to be this picture oh it's made from scratch ben it's made from scratch guys who's gonna who's gonna break the news to him about that also guys i don't wanna sound like uh scrooge mcduck over here but uh you guys know what business is right you know you know you know you need money to get food and live um turns out turns out money plays a factor in creative decisions because artists and people who do art for a living can't can't pay the bills with things like um exposure or passion right it's it's a business at the end of the day and i assure you that yandev may or may not pay his taxes but boy would be funny if he doesn't look the whole thing about it being a work of art is really funny like alex ain't no andy warhol what is he saying with his game like he's not really breaking conventions or bucking the mold it's an anime hitman game not like a lichtenstein piece like jesus like okay uh some people don't know who liechtenstein is so allow me to explain the joke for whoever doesn't know what liechtenstein is you ever see this picture on a t-shirt yeah i bet you have because of all the e-boys and e-girls that wear shirts like this thinking they're hashtag deep uh anyway that's by a pop artist named roy lichtenstein and i'm probably butchering his name um ironically um while pop art was supposed to you know criticize capitalism and consumerism his art is now um literally a parody of what it was periating so anyway yandev's not that that's the point of this he actually responded to the doll thing in an email someone posted long and short he claims a hacker is impersonating him yes really oh interesting i'd love to debunk that debunk with this expose yandev says and i quote no i don't own a sex doll the accusation is too stupid to even include on the debunk page because there is not even any evidence some guy used a popular internet phrase my waifu several years ago is not evidence oh wow yeah i like how you ignore all the other evidence aside from the my waifu thing i mean she's only in the game has a crush on an overseas person there's a picture of her with pink hair and yeah yeah i guess she's named that or she's like dressed as a character that's the mascot of a hentai site but uh allow me to play exhibit one in very hard evidence um let's see here's a picture of samus my waifu and and here is uh yandev simping for an imaginary woman beautiful just beautiful down come down and give your lover a kiss sorry i had to play that again guys but honestly the clip is just too funny not to play i i honestly think it is actually funny um but also aside from that let's also address the point in that in order for this hacker to be impersonating him they've had to have bought a sex doll taken pictures of it and also dressed it up as samus you know the girl that yandev simps for so already we're going like this guy must like hate him you know to drop over a grand plus on a sex doll to play the long game no no also the zip codes are concurrent with where you live okay because you posted your zip code in an online forum publicly so look yandev i'm gonna take a leap of logic here and say that you're probably a man of culture and you enjoy the fine doujins in life so i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that yes it's you on the doll forum i don't i don't think anybody's gonna disagree with this and you're not even disproving it you're just saying it's wrong because other weeaboos have used the term my waifu before i'm sorry you're saying i don't have evidence that's you who don't have evidence my guy by the way some people checked and yes it was linked to your email and yes you did change it after people were able to find out that it was linked to your email so you know there's that luckily the guy's over on reddit and kiwi farms are busy hunting every single piece of information down on you oh here's a comment i love these these are some of my favorites honestly we get these every single video where i cancel somebody or end their career or do an exposed video on them literally the same exact comment i've actually gotten videos done on me based around this argument and it's such a [ __ ] argument i'm sorry it's just bad like don't get me wrong i'm willing to accept other opinions or accept that i was wrong but this is not one of those kind of like arguments and we all know that can we stop giving yandev alex the attention he so desperately craves all of the youtubers talking about this guy are just playing into his hand he doesn't want to finish a game we knew that four years ago heck maybe five years ago he only exists now for guys like you to give him attention the only video i've ever wanted to see on yandev or yan sim is when someone goes into 100 year long development cycle for this [ __ ] game that should be complete by then now this guy might not even be defending him and i get that and it sounds like that but i get arguments like this all the time right and there's a difference depending on who i'm doing a video on now for example i've stopped doing videos on a certain onion boy despite his recent return uh to uh the internet and continuously making cringe content but i don't do any more videos on him mainly because he actually does succeed when he gets the attention right but there are certain people you do a video on and it does hurt them right and and with good reason right yandev would be getting away with everything if it wasn't for the immense amount of people talking [ __ ] about him online all right if we all just shut up and let him do what he want he'd be going along right now making boohoo bucks on people that are too stupid to realize the game's not going to be finished look i get it most of the people watching my video probably already have a hate boner for the guy but if i do convince one or two people to stop spending their hard-earned bucks on a guy who's not gonna finish a game even though he constantly keep promising it like fine all right that's what's important yandev would much prefer it if people like me win away why because he has a huge debunk page he has all these things trying to deflect blame and could deflect criticism i don't understand why i shouldn't give him criticism because he looks for attention people like onision look for attention but when i expose somebody who's not really being criticized for anything at the time maybe just maybe it's that they actually have it coming in that sense of the word like they have it coming then look he's not trying to capitalize off of all the information that's coming out about him he's trying to deflect from it if he was trying to capitalize it like social repose then i would stop making videos on him which social repose tried to capitalize on it and so i stopped making videos about him and then he tried to slander my name so i defended myself and left it at that because he went to slander my name again but you know what who gives a [ __ ] about his opinion because i'm more important than him i swear comments like this happen every single video and they're just like two iq bs arguments seriously and the best part of it is these are the kind of people who will go on twitter and just instantly publicly shame someone else because they think they're self-righteous about it jesus christ commenter man you're so central and understanding of your opinions god damn why don't you just [ __ ] get on camera and do it now i asked the ladies of the channel if it was okay if uh your man's ended up having a sex doll right and uh you know if he just broke the news to you one day that uh surprise i got a human body size thing in my closet um and you know uh all of you who said yeah that's weird i don't i don't think i'd want it uh congrats you passed the test those of you that are like 100 okay with it ladies there's this word that starts with s and ends with p s-i-m-p squirrel in my pants that's what you are i'm sorry simps the whole lot of you like don't get me wrong i have guy friends that have had and do have you know sex toys there's like a weird taboo around a guy having like a fleshlight and you know what i'm fine with that you know it not for me okay but like if a dude wants that i think it's totally okay but there's a certain point we gotta draw the line here when a man has a uh large-sized action figure in his closet that he sticks his penis in and then puts it in there after okay i i don't know if that's just me but i think we do actually let's at least draw the line a little like it would be just as weird if you had a giant like man with the p p in your closet and he was made of rubber and you're like this is my pp man and you're gonna be okay with him i don't think any guy would be okay with that really so imagine you're a guy and you find out your girls has like a like a nice nice big big wiener man in the closet you know his fake rippling muscles the whole nine yards don't know why but i think a lot of dudes would just feel a little emasculated at that it's like i can't even compete with the fake one what happens if it's a real one which is a real conversation i had in college um you know you were talking about like uh what happens if your girls has a toy and what if it's too big like or should you feel you know upset about it or you know at what point is too big this is the question i think if a man has a has a doll in the closet that's too big okay i think we can i'm gonna i'm gonna lay that out there as a hot tank now i also made the audacious claim of calling yondev ugly and look i ain't chad worthington mc mix chiseled face but like look if there's an objective scale i'm sorry i i'm gonna be pretty confident in myself and saying that i'm a bit higher up there than yondev look i also like to believe that i have redeeming qualities aside from my dashing good looks uh but you know yandev is not only ugly but he also lacks social skills and lacks hard skills and um you know only maintains his existence to comb also people mocking me on my looks that's really rich coming from the comments section like what are you like literally your profile picture is the letter j because you didn't want to finish making your account i don't know what you look like you could be a 12 year old fat kid with doritos on his fingers or you could be some boogie four numbers large hentai holden weeaboo and what you're telling me that you're beautiful so you're able to judge whether or not i'm beautiful or not come on look go ahead put yourself out on the internet every day for the scrutiny of the internet to talk about how you look jesus look i ain't really gonna be able to take anybody seriously who's like oh the diesel you're ugly because i say so who are you who are you look i will say though that if i look like anybody it's corey from the trailer park boys i get it all the time people also say i sound like the character from anastasia i think it's the bat i hear it i get it i believe both of these things i think i was both of them in a past life la mao watch literally 50 seconds of the video and already ain't gonna watch cause i did some actual research and know everything like the comet sounds like bait i know i know bait when i see it uh by the way i checked the channel it's most likely a kid so maybe not bait but i included this comment because the amount of hubris coming from this child is just absolutely astounding um thank you random games minecraft awesome which sounds like it was auto generated uh who really just encapsulates what it's like to uh scroll through the comments section with his biggest brain honestly guys uh i think we should all aspire to be the key researcher that random games minecraft awesome is i feel like he will complete the game maybe not this year but what he has done should probably be in the past because i can bet that if you met him irl he wouldn't be what you think i think he would be exactly what i think i think he would give me a clammy handshake limp wristed weak introduction when he met me he'd be very clammy shy and not very forthcoming with conversation or forward or confident he would have a slouch maybe like the virgin walk yeah okay i've went to game design school for two years i know exactly what his type are like i've lived with that my old roommate would be up until three four o'clock in the morning around three o'clock every day he would uh order dominoes um and he would also write about uh hurting people so that's nice always playing dark souls great guy i really appreciate his company um also you know i knew from the second i shook his hand and it felt like you know like pasta like when it sticks to the wall his hand was kind of like that i'm sorry but that's definitely what yandev is like okay maybe not the whole murderous intent thing but definitely definitely the the pushover nerdy i can't actually programmer code or be a real game developer but i really like the idea of playing games for a living that's what he is he's the kind of game developer who's like i want to do it i'll do it eventually and then never gets around to it he's the kind of guy who would be like too lazy on a project to just steal some code from github to finish the health ui in a game like he could easily just get the code somewhere else and then move on to something else but instead he spends an entire 14 weeks working on this code saying it'll be done eventually literally things that have happened i have countless stories about game design school like yandev is literally the kind that does not work like at all oh by the way let's talk about the oh just let the past die comments like jesus yeah okay whatever the sex license thing was in the past i get it but let's be real here the game has been in development for so long you can't ask people to not start asking questions and it's very clear he hasn't improved since then since he has an entire debunk page instead of like saying okay i made a mistake in the past that's not who i am now i wouldn't make i wouldn't say anything if he's like i've improved okay you know because that's like four years from then like what kind of person is he now right i get it but here's the thing is that he hasn't proven it he hasn't taken responsibility for it all he's had to say was yeah it was a dumb decision i made it was really stupid i shouldn't have said it instead he's like people are misinterpreting my words they don't understand what i'm actually getting at people like to you know turn me into a victim like oh god please oh no i'm so sorry that people turn you into a victim all the time oh here's here's one of the ones about looks that i actually had to include because the spelling was great um looks play an immortant role in your field that's why he has eight times your sub since you look like the primate version of a 30 year old yandev jesus this watch scared me so this one has a couple of things that we see all the time in a youtuber like takedown comments you know those kind of comments that are like i gotcha figured it out um so it's like you know he says i'm ugly great argument really appreciate that guy who i i can't even tell what you look like that's why he has eight times your sub since you look like the primate version of him okay first of all i'd much rather have my audience than jandev's audience okay that's it people seem to think that more subscribers equals more successful and yeah in some cases that's true but you know honestly if i got it by just lying and spinning my wheels for four years i don't think i'd really feel good about myself i want success that's lasting not infamy that follows me for the rest of my life i don't know maybe it's just me but i can't make a million subscribers scamming people okay you know maybe i just have two high immorals all right excuse me also not the first person to say i look like a monkey in the comments and i just want to say if you go around calling minorities monkeys at least respect the role i play in my ecosystem okay i expect you to refer to me as the king of the jungle and nothing else [ __ ] monkey my ass god you know when all else fails just just call a brown person a monkey why not great argument my guy really appreciate it thank you always keep keep keep it coming i really do now i'll strike the iron while it's hot and considering i'm gonna have been in a bit of a spicy mood today uh let me just end this by saying uh not a joke yandev condone columbine so uh if you like this video of me roasting losers on the internet you can go and follow me on the socials at fps diesel over on twitter at fps diesel and follow me on instagram fps diesel because i post behind the scenes stuff uh videos and other other things on on my fps diesel account go follow it please um also if you'd like to find out why the fire nation attacked i actually just put out a video about the remake of avatar the last airbender explaining why the fire nation attacked and what i think the remake will get wrong it's just a hunch of what i think will happen but for the price of a cup of coffee a month you can support me on patreon where i actually put out content and don't promise things that aren't coming speaking of things that are coming out soon and definitely coming out soon is a new podcast now i've been pretty quiet about everything for a while but i think most people in the audience know that loud mouse has ended um this doesn't mean like anything crazy happened i've seen lots of people conspiring or conspiring about like what happened it's nothing all too interesting um you know like i still appreciate the boys and i love them very much um but i'm gonna be doing my own thing and it's something that i've been wanting to do for a while even while we were doing the podcast um so it's gonna be a podcast more based around creating stuff uh the people in the industry and people who are professionals in their field a little creative inspiration a little bit education uh and a whole lot of fun so hopefully um you'll enjoy that so if you subscribe to the patreon you also get access to that earlier than everybody else anyway make sure to subscribe and hit the bell gamers because otherwise nobody will see my videos uh thank you for all the love on that last yonder video it was a lot of fun and i enjoyed it very much and i hope you enjoyed me making the the taking the piss out of all these wieners on the internet um speaking of weiners i don't want to talk about wieners again good luck jandev with your game i don't think you'll finish it but if you do i will congratulate you personally i i will buy your game on retail price if it ever comes out but try your luck test me in again we let it rain please don't start us up got that black and white please don't search us we don't got a thing [Music] [Music] and i'm if a [ __ ] try to
Views: 150,802
Rating: 4.932611 out of 5
Keywords: FPS DIESEL, Loud Mouths, Online, Odyssey, yandere, yandere simulator, yandere sim, yandere dev, yandere chan, yandere dev drama, yandere dev twitch, yandere dev reddit, yandere dev opinion, thafnine yandere dev, yandere simulator dev, yandere simulator development, yandere dev controversy, yandere simulator drama, love letter, indie games, expose video, alex mahan, yanderedev meme, yandere dev face reveal, shane dawson, love letter my true feelings
Id: Qqod11XeBZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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