Yamaha Raptor 700 becomes a Nightmare project. Will it ever run?

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this is my 2007 yamaha raptor 700. i paid 1800 bucks for this thing but it's got some sort of electrical issue where it runs temporarily shuts down and then it won't even turn over i have no idea what's wrong with it i'm particularly excited about this because this is the big bad raptor 700 it's the fastest squad of all time raptor 700s are way faster than banshees it doesn't even matter how you build a banshee the raptor 700 is always going to be faster 450 just don't even try and quadzillas you have to be kidding me temperamental electrical ghost issues can be a major pain in the ass so can i get this thing running probably will there be suffering throwing tools and swearing at the top of my lungs definitely let's get into it all right there it is guys 07 raptor 700. can see it's got these sand paddle tires they're worn down a little bit so i'm not really sure if i'd be able to sell them on these rims i'll most likely just take them off and replace them with some nice like regular dirt tires it's got some really chintzy grips on it those are definitely going i don't even know what the hell those things are and these original bars they look like they're a little bit bent i'm probably going to replace those put some fat bars on there it's got an asv lever over here that's pretty cool we'll delete this parking brake oh he already did it's got an hmf exhaust you can see the grab bar is a little scratch and bent up plastics a little bit here nothing too bad though and something i like on this it's got the gytr heel guards i really like those and it's also got the gytr bumper [Music] so [Music] well it sounds like it wants to get running the battery sounds like it's pretty worn out we'll see if it just needs a charge or whatever this doesn't even look like it's in here right it's probably not even the right battery i can already see this thing has wiring issues you can see the guys using mix-matched bolts our air filter definitely needs to be replaced see back here some stuff zip tied together this is the hmf little tuner optimizer that comes with the pipe i guess and uh that could be the problem hopefully not but i'll be going over all these connections and grounds and everything this battery here is just not even the battery for this quad it's not sitting in the battery tray so that actually really relieves me because chances are it's some kind of stupid connection background something like that [Music] [Music] so now we can get a better look at what's going on under here you can see this tray here that comes down it's like an underside of the plastics and what's kind of cool i found this under there it's the breather for the gas cap i can probably strip that black paint and polish that up and put a new hose on there it was just kind of sitting under there you can also see this grab bar is pretty twisted up bottom's all scratched up too i'm doing wheelies and stuff but really the problem is with how twisted and bent this is so i was thinking about bending this back straight i'm probably going to try to do that and if i can't it's missing a bolt over here too i'm just gonna order a new grab bar because uh anything that's even if it's functional when things are twisted up and stuff it just looks like crap and especially because of the way this says it was making the plastic sit kind of weird in the back so i want everything to be flush and tucked in right so i will see maybe if i heat this up or i don't know that's been pretty bad and aluminum sometimes tough to bend so without cracking it or you know making it look weird so at this point i'm just going to go over everything check all the bearings and everything see if anything is loose and wiggling and that way i can make a parts list and get them the parts ordered and in the meantime once i've done that i'm going to go over the wiring harness and see if i can get this thing running correctly and also while i have the plastics off i'm going to take the um the gas tank off and adjust the valves because it's fairly simple to do and with everything off i might as well do it anyway even if they're in spec it's always good to check otherwise let me take you to the computer and i'll show you what parts i'm going to be ordering so i'm here in my ebay store this is where i buy a lot of my parts i'm just going to run down the list and show you the parts i bought so far for the raptor first thing here is a set of fat bars the 28 millimeters this is a cheapy part you can see here the price is 24 bucks with the shipping it comes to about 28 bucks roll the quad with these bars and they do hold up this is a steering stem bushing you know in a lot of yamahas the blasters banshees raptors they all use the same setup it's just the plastic bushing here and a lot of times you get a little bit of play in your steering it's very easy to replace you can see right here it's 23 bucks and these here are the risers that convert steering stem to go from the stock 7 8 inch bars to the one into 1 8 inch bars it was 9 and 21 cents i also decided that i am going to get a new grab bar for 48 bucks i think it's worth getting the new bar and then the last thing i bought from ebay is this battery the battery that's in there currently doesn't even fit in the battery tray there's a lot of electrical issues you can have just from simple things like putting the wrong battery in there for 27 bucks definitely worth it i'll hop over to moto sport tires i bought right here there are tracks this wasn't too bad it came out to about 191 bucks shift to my house and then here is the graphics kit that i bought i think the uh the color scheme is going to be cool with the white plastics and you can see here there is some white incorporated into these graphics so it'll go with the plastics and then when i have the titanium bars and those little blue risers and the black wheels i can kind of see it in my head i think it'll look pretty cool be a nice color scheme you can see we're at 366.48 i paid 1800 for the quad hopefully if it's just a simple fix with the electric system or something with the valves something that's not going to cost me any money it'll just be some time we're looking at under 200 bucks for an 07 raptor with a title that's still a good deal and i'll be able to make a good amount of money off of this if i can keep the price as low as it is right now you know it's going to be good when the box is this big man they really squish them down holy that's two tires wow they are compressed i've never seen anything like this before i mean seriously i didn't even know that you could compress the tire that much [Laughter] that's amazing i'm sure they'll blow up you know can you believe that's an 11 inch wide tire wow i'm gonna take these wheels to my buddy shop and he's gonna break the bead for me so i can change those tires out i'm also i got the quad up on jack stands right now so i'm just gonna pop the wheels off and get them ready so as i'm setting up here i just noticed you see this boot for the intake it's hanging off of the uh the filter box just little stuff like that makes me wonder you know how well the previous owner took care of this quad something like that can make a quad run weird and bring in dirt particles and stuff which may be why the throttle position sensor is broken in the first place so let's set up here and we'll test our throttle position sensor alright so our throttle position sensor is right here and you can see the holes are slotted i don't know if you guys can see that they're elongated holes and it's so that you can take that whole thing and twist it left and right that's actually how you adjust it now i'm hoping that maybe it's just out of spec and that's why it's not working and it doesn't need to be replaced and to test it i'll take this sheath off and there's three wires coming out of there so what i'm going to do is take a multimeter stick the prong in the yellow cable and then stick the other prong on the negative of the battery and then when i twist the thumb throttle the voltage should slowly increase and slowly decrease nice and smoothly if it's bad there's going to be some erratic voltage output on this thing so let's check it out all right so i'm here with the quad i have the ignition on i have the negative terminal hooked up to the battery and now i'm going to stick this probe in the yellow wire and specifications are supposed to be between 0.63 and 0.73 so you can see it's in spec 0.68 and now i'm just going to slowly open up the throttle and it looks pretty smooth i think it's safe to say that the throttle position sensor is okay but that's why we're checking this because we would have gone and you know blasted like 200 bucks on one of these things it would have been a waste of time but the bad news is i still don't know what the heck is wrong with this thing so i think i'm just gonna start going through this wire harness pull all this stuff apart make sure that all these grounds are good just kind of go over everything check my connections to start with the simplest stuff first and until my new battery comes i'm just gonna use this and we'll see if we can get it fired up [Music] plug looks wet so it looks like it's getting some gas so you can see it's sparking pretty good now unfortunately i don't have the right size adapter for my compression tester so i'm not going to be able to test the compression but i really don't think that's the issue here i think there's some kind of issue either with the timing or maybe the coil because i noticed that this thing sparks sometimes when i'm not even pressing the ignition something's definitely not right but i don't think it's the compression so for now i'm just gonna move on to testing a couple other things and i might shoot just a little bit of starting fluid in the cylinder before i put the plug back in just to see if this thing will fire over [Music] [Music] so this quad's not even firing with a shot of starting fluid so that tells me that there's something wrong with the timing on this quad or the ignition because it's definitely getting fuel and i'm 99 sure it's got good compression so it's time to start digging into this electrical system a little further and check the timing just got back from autozone and they had the right plug plug i'm running is a cr8e by ngk it's the stock plug so let's throw this thing in there and see if it fires up 12 percent so unfortunately it wasn't the spark plug so at this point i'm going to strip the gas tank off and i'm also going to adjust the valves before i do that though i'm actually going to take this battery out and i'm just going to run over the wires and everything look at our connections whoever took this battery and tried stuffing it in there did a real chop shop job you can see they just must have taken some kind of grinder and you know tried to cut the battery tray out so that the other battery would fit a couple bolts are missing here so it's all stuff i'm gonna replace just out of curiosity i'm gonna try running this bike without the optimizer and see if it starts so i'll just unplug this from the harness and put the stock connector back on the fuel pump well it was worth a shot looks like i'm gonna take this tank and battery back out all right guys so i've been out here tinkering with this thing for a little bit now today i think i've just about had it for the day at least and i did find one thing that was a little concerning and could be the problem i found a relay that has like a crack in it i have it right here in the vice and i was testing it and i'll show you it does open and close pop that on there and you'll hear it click so that works but that doesn't mean it's a good relay i already found the relay online for 14 bucks so i'm going to order that unfortunately i'm not really going to be able to take any further steps in uh diagnosing the wiring harness i mean i can take stuff apart but i won't be able to test anything without this relay since we have to wait for this relay to come in the mail i figured we might as well get things rolling so i went ahead took the handlebars off and upgraded to fat bars put some new grips on there replaced the upper steering stem bushing made sure everything was nice and tight and i also went up to my buddy matt shop where we put on the new tires however i did have some issues with the back tires seating on the rims because these things were so squished and flattened out these things just did not want to seat on the bead i tried using the ratchet method and that just did not work and what i ended up having to do was the ether method which is where you take ether spray it around the bead and then ignite it and it actually causes a rapid reaction which will seat the bead in almost any case you guys will see it right here i also discovered that a number of the studs on the hubs were jimmied up it looked like the guy had used the incorrect bolt pattern and just forced them on and totally trashed the threads luckily i was able to save them by taking a die and running over the threads you guys are probably starting to notice that there's a number of parts that were not on my parts list and yes this is turning into a more expensive project such as life with anything you do in the garage i do like the tread pattern on these i think it looks pretty sharp they look pretty aggressive i like that so these uh tires were kind of a pain in the ass tough to seat the bead then it was tough just putting them on because all those studs but everything's good now that's what i do you take quad got all these little issues and stuff the kind of things that are you don't know when you're buying it a lot of that stuff's overlooked and that's why i can usually make some money after i sell them because the quads are in real good shape by the time i'm done with them and all the stuff that most people either neglect or try to hide from you you're just not going to get like that with me okay so let's move on here and knock out a couple easy things i'm going to put this parking brake block off on and you can see here the parking brake mechanism is actually still on here that's what i want to take off i mean you could leave it the way it is but sometimes these things get jammed up so it's just going to look cleaner to take that stuff off of there it's never going to be used again anyway and the little blue anodized piece i think looks sharp also i also put on the brand new xfr grab bar and i installed a reverse switch fix kit if you own a raptor 700 or a 660 you know about this issue where the twist style lockouts would snap off it was just a flimsy design from yamaha and it almost was a matter of when not if these things were going to break so these plates that you bolt on the bottom make it so that they're indestructible and i also replaced the rear brakes because they were in such bad condition they're they were literally probably some of the worst breaks i've ever seen in my entire life holy crap these things are wasted i don't think i've ever seen brakes in such bad shape this is just metal and the metal is actually worn down holy worst breaks i've ever seen [Music] now let's get this battery out of here that's the wrong size and get the correct one in you can see the difference in size here battery is way too big [Music] way way too big and i got this for 11 bucks so i figured you know for 11 bucks i could i could use the old one but you know why not just get the new one just to clean this bike up and stuff and then my battery won't fly out when i'm riding just creating more problems down the road you can see i have the old one here this is all hacked out the rubber grommets are missing and i do have a special spot for this piece that right there just makes it all worth it [Music] so you can see this battery fits in there much better it's tucked away nicely and the starter relay actually fits in this little pocket where it was supposed to originally go that other battery was too tall and the wires weren't long enough to reach down here so it's just kind of hovering and then i also replaced i didn't replace but you know these two bolts were missing so i took a couple bolts from my scrap box filled those in so now everything's nice and tight and you can see how much room that opened up in here this um hose right here was pinched before now it's got plenty of room to move around and that's probably why this air box wasn't even lined up correctly before there was just too much stuff packed in there she's coming along pretty nicely we got the new rubber on there new bars like i was saying before put the proper size battery in there and just clean it up some odds and ends tighten in stuff i've noticed a lot of bolts missing put a new grab bar on there back here i noticed another bolt missing stuff like that you know i have a new air filter that's coming that thing's just taking forever because it's coming from china and really the last things to do are to adjust these valves and put the graphics on the uh plastics then change the oil and oil filter and other than that i think that's it oh and i got to put the new relay in back here which i just haven't touched because i want to do the valves before i even tinker with you know any of the electronic stuff at this point so this isn't going to be too tough these are a little bit more simple than the 450s you can actually adjust the valves it has a tapit system and you don't have to put new shims or anything like that you can see the inspection windows here up top here and then in the front here and then we pop out this big uh bolt here and this one here and that way we can line up our timing make sure that everything is in spec got my trusty laptop right here so i'll be bringing up my pdf manual always a good idea to have a manual on hand if you're going to be doing work like this even if you're well-rounded with motors just good to know what specs you're supposed to be getting everything to and just double checking everything [Music] [Music] oh jesus all right guys let's get these valves adjusted basically you're going to throw a 22 millimeter socket onto the crankshaft right here you spin it counterclockwise and what we're going to do there will be a mark in here and when it lines up with this little mark on the case i don't know if you can see that mark once they're lined up that should be at top dead center the uh piston and then up here this mark should line up with this little mark here we'll see if our timing chain's on there correctly all right so i have this thing lined up perfectly and up here you can see these two marks line up also so i'm not gonna mess with our timing chain or anything so now we'll come up here take a thickness gauge and we'll check what the clearances are on both sides i can tell already the intake's a lot tighter than the exhaust so let's check them and see if they're in spec so the .003 fits but there's quite a bit of drag on it so i think these valves are tight i'm going to back them up so that the .004 will fit in there all right so our intake valves were out of spec so let's check our exhaust valves and see how they are okay so all of our valves are out of spec they were all tight and i'm actually happy about that because when you find a problem like that it makes me think that adjusting the valves may actually fix this raptor so we're gonna go ahead throw all our covers back on so let's throw these things on and throw the gas tank on and everything and see if this thing starts one last thing guys i'm just gonna put this new relay in to replace the busted one from before this thing refuses to start i cannot believe this thing will not start starting to run out of ideas here i will get this thing fixed though i just got to keep on knocking down more things that it could be and it's kind of a good thing because you know now all these things are going to be in spec everything's going to be checked i'm not really leaving any stone unturned with this thing well as i was struggling to find an answer here a couple new parts came in i got a fresh air filter and threw that in the air box which at my point of hopelessness i thought maybe even a new air filter would fix it just kidding i also got a compression tester that i had ordered that should fit this quad and went ahead to test the compression so 70 pounds of compression is basically the maximum amount of compression that is allotted at least in the service manual but it's still within spec so this quad should be starting especially with starting fluid so i'm going to have to go with something is wrong with the cdi or ecu so that's what i'm going to do i'm going to go ahead and replace that ecu and i'll show you right here which one i'm gonna get all right guys so this here is the ecu that i'll be going with the reason i decided to go with this and not the factory one is because the cheapest oem one i could find was about 150 bucks used for another 60 bucks this is brand new with a warranty and what i like about this is that it comes with presets for you know if you have an exhaust filter or something like that i'm afraid that that little hmf optimizer box is actually what fried the other ecu so i'd rather just take that out entirely hopefully that will fix the issue so there it is 210 bucks hopefully this will be it this is a freaking sweet box it's like magnetized it came with a sheath over top of this too i mean this is like nicer than this is nicer than the case that my galaxy s8 came in right here if you can see those are the 10 presets that come with this i have it set to six this thing just has a slip on so i went with that so i am extremely excited and actually pretty nervous to plug this bad boy in and see if this is actually what the problem is keeping this raptor from running so let's try it [Music] out actually really nervous for this i just want this to be over oh my god there is still a chance i forgot to put the spark plug boot on plus the battery is super low so i'm gonna charge it up for a little bit put the boot on and try it again ah so i do not know what the hell is wrong with this thing i find it interesting that when i just peck at the starter button it'll turn over a few times like as if i'm holding the starter button but i'm not holding the starter button so i'm thinking that maybe something in the starter switch isn't right but even if that was sticking because i think it's a simple switch i don't think that would prevent it from running i don't know i'm gonna pull the switch apart and see what the hell is inside there maybe it's something as stupid as that as a last-ditch effort i cleaned up the terminals inside the starter switch and i removed the tank and completely purged the system of any old fuel unfortunately the result was the same the last two things i could think of were that something was possibly wrong in the stator or maybe in the rectifier so i pulled the stator cover off and took a look i did continuity and resistance tests on the pickup and on the stator itself i'm not going to bore you with all the tests but i'll jump right to the resistance test for the stator now right here you can see what the manual calls for goes for 0.248 to 0.372 ohms so and it says white to white for wires now all these wires are white in here so let's see what we get 1.2 1.1 let's check this one 1.2 1.1 let's check these 1.3 switch these around all right so this is putting out waves looks like it has way too much resistance so this statter i think this statter is bad which is awesome because that would explain why we're not getting any ignition so i'm going to replace this stator and it comes with a brand new crank position sensor too but before i go ordering it i'm going to check the rectifier also because i noticed that these kits on ebay they have kits that come with the rectifiers so that tells me that that might be something that commonly goes bad on these raptors so i'm going to real quick check the rectifier right now all right so what we're going to do is take our meter and we're going to set it to this mode right here and what we're going to do is go from the positive and the negative we're going to go to the positive first the red wire we're gonna take our red this is the input side and then we're gonna check our output side and what we're basically looking for is to see if the readings jump around between these prongs so we got nothing nothing nothing now let's switch these prongs around we'll put the negative up here and now let's try this we have 0.497 0.504 0.51 all pretty close i don't see anything weird there now let's try the negative zero zero zero switch these prongs 0.495 0.506 so they're all close i'm not getting like erratic readings or you know readings all over the place between those so this is a good rectifier it's pretty clear evidence to me that that statter is bad which is awesome to me i'm really excited about that because i'm going to order the status sider and i bet you this bike's going to start i really have a good feeling about this the statter just came in yesterday got it sitting right here came in late last night and i didn't have time to do any work on it so today i'm going to throw it in this is the oem here's the aftermarket i'm just going to put it in there and we'll cut to the chase and see if this thing starts so i found something really cool guys when i put this thing back in our side cover i noticed this grommet is way too big for this if you look at him here side by side this grommet is way too big it's too deep and it's it's too thick and i really don't feel like sending this thing back and i'm really irritated right now so i'm going to take this little dremel tool and i'm just going to shave this area out until it fits because i really just don't have time to be sending this thing back and i swear to god this better be it i don't even know man i'm throwing it back in there see if i can make it fit and we'll see what happens seriously just so irritated with this quad [Music] all right so i got our grommet in here but now this crankshaft position sensor doesn't fit it has like these little shelves on the bottom so you can't adjust it it has to fit in there just right well you can see it'll fit in one side it doesn't fit in the other side put the other one in so that one's locked in now this one won't fit it's too wide i do not recommend even if this even if this thing works i do not recommend buying this i'm gonna shave the edges off of this just slightly the two outer edges and just a little bit on the inside so the bolts fit so it'll be just right even in the middle and we'll bolt it in you know i'll be able to put this thing on here but ninety percent of people that are putting this in aren't gonna be able to you know modify these parts so they'll fit and not to mention nobody feels like doing this anyway because it takes forever you don't know if it's gonna fit right you don't know if it's adjusted right just a pain in the ass i love project raptor okay so it's all on there it's nice and tight i managed to make it fit and you know hopefully that'll work i think it will our grommet fit in there nicely after i shaved it down i already put some rtb in there now we'll throw this cover on put some oil in it and we'll see what happens [Music] i literally forgot to put the drain plug back in and i spilled oil all over the floor [Music] all right guys so it is the next day i had to leave this thing on charge overnight because the battery was just that dead so let's give it a spin [Music] [Music] [Music] this is unbelievable i seriously cannot believe this is happening right now this thing started and i am just so goddamn happy right now i can't even express how i'll be i am right now i'm gonna throw the original cdi on there and uh plug that hmf optimizer in and see if that cdi is okay because then i can take back the uh the aftermarket computer that i bought or sell the oem one whatever the amount of work that i put into this thing and time and effort it's like more than the banshee i mean seriously so i am stoked for this let's throw those computers on the original computer on there and see if it fires up too [Music] man i sure was happy when that thing got running unfortunately this would be a short-lived victory only to be quickly destroyed by the harsh realities of power sports mechanics there were two major problems on this raptor when i bought it we figured the first one out with the stator but the second one could not be discovered until actually running the quad those sudden shutdowns even at rpm are caused by a flat spot in one or both of the crank bearings or the lower rod bearing it results in the engine spinning completely free and then suddenly becoming difficult to turn over and sometimes even seizing to the point where it won't turn over at all the random hard chugging and then running perfectly fine intermittently is a telltale sign of bad crank bearings so unfortunately after all of the diagnosis and work that i did on this thing it was time to pull the engine apart and do a complete bottom end top end rebuild it's not all that bad though because we'll be able to upgrade the piston and take care of a couple other things while we're inside the engine plus we can just check out what's going on in there to make sure that we got a top-notch engine once it goes back in all right so here it is i got it sitting on this stand here what we're going to do today is just take the head off i want to take the head and the cylinder off and i want to see what's going on inside there i don't even really need to take the cylinder off today but i'm going to anyway to check the rod and everything i'm really curious what's going on with that but really what i want to do is measure this cylinder and just make sure that it's a stock piston and that way i'll order the right parts i wanted to stop the thank you for making it this far in the video some of you have been with the channel for a long time and i wanted to thank you for getting me to where i am these are some of my super cringy thumbnails from back in the day if you enjoyed these videos please consider giving it a thumbs up and also consider subscribing i've noticed that a large number of my views are coming from people that are not subscribed to the channel if you're looking to help the channel out and help me reach my goals please consider hitting that subscribe button that helps me out a ton and i'm currently trying to break the 100 000 subscriber mark this is a huge goal of mine that i've been working at for years and i would greatly appreciate you subscribing all right let's get back to the raptor 700 before i move on here guys i just wanted to point something out this oil line here the coat that i just pulled off you want to make sure you don't lose these little copper washers there should be one on the top and the bottom of both of both i noticed this one only had one on the top so i wasn't really sure you know sometimes the way things are built is weird there might not be maybe there wasn't supposed to be one but down here so being the street fighter of mechanics i have my trusty motorsport schematic and you can see the oil line right here and there's a washer on the top and bottom of both so that is in fact missing so i will either order up one or see if i have one here at the house but we'll definitely be throwing one of these copper washers on on the bottom oil line so that means this is probably this was taken off somebody's probably been in this motor before [Music] it doesn't look too bad in here seems like the cylinder is okay this looks like the oem piston i have a feeling this has been replaced at one point in time it says one s3 on there b so actually this might be an oversized piston because i know they make these things in sizes a b and c sometimes d and they're all slightly larger than the oem piston and it's just to make up for wear in the cylinder so this thing may actually be an oversized piston so we might have to order something a little bit bigger just to compensate for that and here's the head it really doesn't look too bad just a lot of carbon buildup on there [Music] [Music] that's really bad these bolts should not be that tight [Music] oh man so here it is it's an oem crank you can see it's blued from heat and check this out it's not it's not the uh the main bearing as you can see they move but the rod will not go back and forth it's the rod bearing at the bottom [Music] so this thing was definitely taken apart before and kind of chop shop this is like the original gasket probably and instead of even peeling the off you can see they just more than likely put a gasket sealer or rtv or something all over it and i don't it looks like they tried to peel portions off because it wasn't even these portions that are missing they weren't even stuck to the uh the clutch cover so i think somebody just pulled this cover off and they didn't feel like doing the work to peel away any of this stuff and instead they just threw a bunch of rtv on which is really not cool that's probably why all the bolts are really tight on this thing like way too tight just bad signs so it's probably a better idea that i'm rebuilding this motor anyway so guess i better get back to it [Music] here's the old crank here this rod doesn't want to move at all this bearing was just fine though here's our hot rod's crank this is what we're going to be putting in today but what i want to do is throw this thing in the freezer because when things freeze that metal will actually contract and then i'll heat up the case and that should make it a lot easier to put this in so what i'm going to do is throw that in the freezer and while that's getting cold we'll take out one of this main bearing in the other side of the case by the time we do that we should be ready this thing should be nice and cold heat up the other case and get the crank in and it's just in time for our freshly baked cases to be done [Music] now we're gonna throw our frozen bearing in there holy wow it's always nice to put things together and then realize you forgot to put something inside like both of the counterweights and so before we get to oiling these fibers i just want to explain we're going to be doing a slight modification here and it's what a lot of guys call a full fiber mod so basically how this works you have your pressure plate here pull this off and then in here you would have all your clutch discs and your fibers stacked on top of each other and you would pull them all out and then when you get to the end there's actually a wire i have it right here that wraps around your clutch boss and fits into a hole and this retains the last clutch fiber and two washers there's a spring washer and then another washer and i actually have them on here i'm gonna pull our boss out and pull these washers off you have one this one is a spring washer and if you can see that and then one more right here that's flat and on top of those two washers will be a plate that looks like this as you can see here it looks like a normal clutch fiber but if you compare it to one of the other seven discs you can see that it has half of the surface area this is supposed to allow for smoother clutch engagement so there's a little bit less of a harshness when you engage the clutch which can be good for other components in the engine help them last longer and i guess it's just a little bit more of a smoother engagement which is you know feels nice but you do sacrifice some performance and some clutching power from the clutch what typically happens is this plate gets burned out first and then the rest of your clutch pack is wasted so what a lot of guys do is they scrap this half plate you get rid of those two washers you don't need this spring anymore and then what you do is you get an extra full fiber and which i've already done and you put eight full fibers in like a normal clutch would and you just forget all that stuff over there so that's what we're going to be doing [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right we are getting close here the whole bottom end is together went together pretty smoothly got everything tightened up torqued down over here i have all my cylinder and head parts and my new cp piston i have to say this is packaged very nicely damn that's a pretty looking piston there it is 102 millimeter really nice see i just think that's cool man i like pistons i think it's a cool intricate piece i don't know why i always thought pistons were cool as a kid so i have all my rings set all the gaps are in the correct places if you're doing this just make sure you check the manual make sure you get them in all the right spots [Music] [Music] [Music] motor is 100 complete all i got to do is throw it in the frame now and get this thing back together shouldn't be too hard to do i cannot wait to get this thing fired up [Music] all right guys i got this thing all hooked up i don't have the wires rooted yet and you know i still have some finishing touches to do but i have everything together i have the oil in there i put the antifreeze in um i don't have the chain on there yet i just want to see if the thing runs so i have the battery hooked up i'm pretty sure i have all my t's crossed and my eyes dotted i think it will start so let's give it a shot [Music] i knew this thing would start so that's an awesome sign right there i'm going to call it there for tonight guys and i didn't want to leave it running because i'm going to put an hour meter on it i want to see exactly how much time i get out of this motor so basically everything's done i just have to tidy up all those wires and everything and put the plastics on and put the shifter on little odds and ends like that and then i can ride this thing man so after that i'm gonna put a graphics kit on it and that's gonna be it and i'm probably gonna get skid plates for it too because where i ride it's up in the coal mines and uh the last thing i want to do is bust a hole in my case that would really suck after all this work and there's not even a plastic factory skid on this thing so definitely going to get either a nice thick aluminum skid or one of those poly skids i'm not really sure what i'm going to get yet [Applause] [Applause] now before i go any further i'm going to drill a hole right here at about our ignition so it'll match the reverse switch on the other side will be a switch on both sides [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] there she sits so i'm just going to kind of go over this thing real quick and show you some of the things i did that i didn't include in the videos probably right off the bat you guys can see i did change some of the colors here so this here hood was silver so i went ahead and painted that white to match the plastics used bonding primer and special plastic paints and put clear coat on top of it just like i did with the banshee cover and this i decided to do after the fact i decided to paint the housings of the front headlights white the same color that i did the radiator to match and at first i kind of had mixed opinions i wasn't really sure if i liked the look but now i've been looking at it for about two days and i do like the way it looks it sets it apart from the crowd i'm sure that there's somebody else who's painted their housings to match the plastics something i haven't seen before so i wanted to try see what it looks like kind of set it apart i installed an hour meter it's not close enough to the exhaust or portions of the engine that gets super hot i think this thing can handle the heat it's not really in the direct line of fire of mud and water i mean unless you're going through super deep stuff that you're gonna submerge this thing but this is also a unit that's sealed and i think it's gonna be okay you know another product that's under 10 bucks if the hour meter goes the hour meter goes it's not the end of the world this little hmf optimizer box it was kind of just flopping around back here which i really didn't like and you can see i tidied up all of our wires they're all in the stock locations and what i decided to do with this i was originally gonna put a sticky pad on there so it'd be permanent but to take these plastics off you actually would have to remove this and then you'd have to take off the sticky pad which would be a pain in the ass so i put velcro on the back i'm not gonna take it off because it's really tight velcro and i have it lined up perfect but if that needs to come off that can easily be pulled off and it's 10 pound velcro so it's nice and solid i can't i'm not gonna be going over jumps and that thing will be falling off or anything like that i really only took this thing around the block one time but i'll tell you what when you punch it in first gear or second whatever it's got mad torque the tires are either spinning or the front end is going straight up my dad took this thing for a spin and he came back and he said he'd have to change his pants really has a lot of torque i love the squad [Music] [Music] the throttle response is seriously so snappy i love the fuel injection [Music] so [Music] [Music] so only after about a million attempts the raptor was finally ready to hit the trails there were a couple more finishing touches i added such as a belly and a skid plate skid a tm design works case saver and chain slider and i had some issues with the chain that i had on there so i upgraded to a renthal chain and last but not least i put some nerf bars on this thing now i actually forgot that i even ordered these nerf bars i had them out in the shed and i went out there and i was like what the heck is in this box i totally forgot to put these nerf bars on i had ordered them with a bunch of other parts and i had just never installed it now i know you guys are wondering what went into this quad price-wise in the beginning of this project i had a spreadsheet that was only a few hundred dollars which is totally unrealistic for the amount of work we did so luckily i did make an expense breakdown for this project all right so here we are this is my expense spreadsheet i believe i have everything included in here it's possible that i missed one or two small items got the fat bars fat bar risers steering bushing grab bar battery graphics tires air filter parking brake block off reverse reverse switch fix spark plug oil filter wire relay ecu now this says balance after sold it was too late to return so i had to resell it on ebay and it took a loss of 74 bucks then we have the statter our new crank main bearing gasket kit the cp piston battery tray timing chain new chain and sprockets sprocket bolt it was missing one in the back hour meter chain slide and the cnc engine plugs our clutch kit and i included paint also so the total for parts is 1398.64 now the cost of the quad was 1800 bucks so if you include the cost of the quad and the cost of the parts it's just under 3200 at 3198.64 really not bad for a really nice 07 raptor with a clean title the only thing is i have like a thousand hours into this thing but that's beside the point so that's the story of my raptor 700 if you guys have been with me for a long time you probably remember following this series this was a huge learning experience for me nowadays i would have figured this problem out much sooner but this just goes to show that skill with mechanics and really anything that you do come with time so the next time you're working on your bike and you can't figure it out just remember what i went through here and what's in this video is really just an abbreviation there were so many long nights and just massively confusing moments where i had totally given up in my ability but in the end if you don't give up there's really no problem on a machine that you can't figure out this raptor 700 would be my personal quad for probably about two years and then i would end up selling it to a subscriber who i believe still has it to this day but i'm not 100 sure in its entirety i would say this was a solid bike there's definitely a couple things i would have done differently if i could do it now but if you're looking for a solid machine raptor 700s really are great for the trails and you can make them super fast if you do the right mods so thank you for watching the video i appreciate all of you guys we're almost at a hundred thousand subscribers so i just want to thank each and every one of you especially the ones that have been with me since the beginning who remember this series way back in the day and also thank you to all the new subscribers all of the likes comments and subscriptions helped me out a ton 2022 is going to be a great year if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up and leave a comment below and also consider subscribing there's also the option to join if you're looking to support the channel even further until the next one guys peace [Music] you
Channel: Michael Sabo
Views: 806,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yamaha, raptor, yamaha raptor, dirt bike, motorcycle, 4 stroke, four stroke, raptor project, raptor 700, raptor rebuild, atv repair, four stroke build, raptor build, four stroke rebuild, atv rebuild, atv project, yamaha four stroke, fix raptor 700, 2021 raptor, 2022 raptor, raptor 4 stroke, yfm700, raptor transformation, yamaha raptor 700, will it run
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 6sec (3606 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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