Yah'ki Awakened 3 bitters day 3

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hey everybody welcome back to my channel loving your life with Mama D I'm Glenda Davis aka Mama D today is number three of the three Bitters and I'm doing just fine as long as I'm not drinking them but it's time you know I guess some people do the bitters and you know I bit my one cup and it's it's still playing right here it's still at least another two to three cups so if you probably want to go a month or so you probably could off this package but I'm gonna stop after today I'm gonna stop I'm gonna I gotta take a break I I need to take a break um I'm going to start back into my plant-based eating I'm gonna be more consistent with it okay that's the uh that was the alarm letting me know that my bitters had um and simmering for 25 minutes so this is the third day um they all look fine I think I get eight ounces out of each they are all nasty I'm not I'm not gonna play I have seen some YouTubers because I had to go in and look and see how this was going to work with other YouTubers and uh I'll be seeing people with big old jugs of this stuff like this and it's all clear and looking and they sipping it and everything talking about they sampling uh no uh uh if you make this stuff right and go buy the directions that are plainly on the package 16 ounces of water which is generally a regular bottled water or two cups and then you boil it down it's got eight ounces it's gonna boil away so you're gonna have at least eight ounces to work with and that's all you need to be drinking is eight ounces and doing boom boom boom just like that although last night I couldn't get that third one in and I got boom boom because I could I just couldn't I'm hoping that tonight they're a little weaker and this should be my best night to get these things down but I just want to give you an update on how I'm feeling I feel fantastic I really do I um the bathroom situation wasn't as bad today as it was yesterday um I think I think maybe the worst of it is over and I think your cleanse is gonna be based on what's in your system because all of us have different things going on in our lymphatic system all of us have different things going on in our colon Everybody Eats a little different we weigh different um our environment our stresses are different so for me I was I'm always regular I never had a problem with my bowel movement unless I got on some kind of medication or something but um for me I think the whole month of January I did um uh Daniel's fast so I had pretty much kind of detox to a degree and I only went maybe about a week of eating some food but I never went back to eat no hamburgers and bacon and sausage and all that I never did do that so since the beginning of the year I've been pretty consistent with a decent menu okay um and my weight has not changed even with this I am still at 219. and usually I go I range from to 24 maybe 225 to 19. I just I swing like that now I have got to break that barrier I think if I can get down to 218 and start moving um I'll be okay I'm hoping that after today or whatever the bidders are going to do for me today uh prayerfully um I'll I'll make that that scale move if not I'm just I'ma stay consistent with a decent menu eating my fruits not eating you know late at night the snacking and all that and my husband suggested a vegan restaurant today yes we went to the Loving Hut in Cincinnati and I was on my way and while I'm almost because you know great minds thinking like and we've been married for almost 50 years come July so he was thinking I wonder is that restaurant still open we used to go to I said honey we're on our way so he got the uh the chili the Cincinnati chili and I got the um the spring rolls with the rice and salad and it was really good and we both we were full and I really didn't want anything else until later this evening I had a salad now also I see people taking the bitters uh in the morning before before they eat and all that if that's not what you're supposed to do you're supposed to have the bitters after a meal after four o'clock after a meal and then take the bitters toward the evening so um I don't know it's your money and it's your body it's your life do what you want to do and like I always say it's your life love it make the best of it that's what I do okay so we're gonna get onto these business because they over here simmering and I don't want them to get more uh thick and and uh and you know bitter than they have to get so let me go ahead and get them for it and we'll get right to it so this won't be a long video okay I wanted to show you what I do I poured the bitters over to the measuring cup I measured out eight ounces of water because it could be more if it doesn't boil all the way down because I don't want to drink more than I have to so I've measured into the measuring cup and then with the strainer and then I pour it again into the cup like this so and I keep a towel down so I won't make a mess oh look at the stuff that's coming out here okay now let's see I pour that almost exactly eight eight ounces see that okay and then what I do I take the strainer again because I'm going to drink from this is my cup number two I try to keep them in order here and then I strain it into this just in case there's any other floaters I catch them and see there's a it was a lot still left in there see that and I don't want I don't want to be drinking that you want to drink this stuff as clean as possible okay okay so there's the three bitters one two and three I'm gonna let them cool off and I'll be back and we're gonna go ahead and down them tonight hopefully I'll do better okay and they still they look a little thinner but um you know they now you can tell this is the dark one that's the number three that's the bad one well the rough one the strongest one this one then isn't too bad and that one's pretty bitter yeah okay okay so they are all ready and I'm ready too I'm ready to get this over with laughs I'm just ready to get this done I feel like more of a pro now I feel like I should be a president third day one two three boom all right so that's my body that's my body Jesus name foreign still strong they got no better it's no better today foreign so get it over with foreign foreign oh I just oh I just I just don't know I don't know how to do it I just the things that you kind of just just get all in just go all in just get it over with this is the worst one this is the worst right and because of this might give you a minute before I do uh these again I was thinking maybe a week but I don't know I don't know I don't know Yaki man I wish it was a way y'all have to make this taste so bad if this why can't you put some other like herbal teas in there so some orange peels or some stuff you know give me some tissue this is what the colon and the nervous system foreign I think the second one I that one went down like number two I think that was number two y'all because I didn't think that honey oh yeah I don't know I think I gotta mixed up that must have been number two because that that couldn't have been number three the other one must have been number two yeah the one I thought number was number two was number three because that had to be number two because that could not have been number three ain't no way there's no way yeah I gotta mixed up that anyway thank God hallelujah thank God maybe switching them around is better oh but that was so thank God I was thinking I was gonna puke but it's so evidently the third day must be a little better I think they get a little weaker or something uh and yeah a a full totally full right now with this stuff I'm gonna go to bed I'm going to bed it's your life love it make the best of it and I'll see y'all tomorrow glory be um see you tomorrow
Channel: Loving Your Life with Momma D
Views: 5,083
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Keywords: #InShot
Id: hM2nloXh1qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 16 2023
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