Green Detox Juice

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hello everybody and welcome back to my channel Ling your life with Mama D and of course I'm Glenda Davis aka Mama D and you know what you're in Mama D's kitchen and today I'm going to be juicing um a detox juice I was going to do a 40-day um detox but the timing is not quite right you have to kind of hit it right so that you feel like you know you won't cheat and I got some holidays coming up and some celebrations and stuff and no I'm this is not the time so you kind of have to set yourself up for success and not for failure when you're about to do a long extended fast but anyway I do want to do the juice today um because I'm going to be using it quite often this is the first juice I'm going to use today it's going to be the green and I got this idea and this juice recipe uh from Dr Ellen and I think her name is pronounced uh stard or stard yeah and uh she's a wonderful young lady she has a wonderful testimony she is a doctor medical doctor not sure what city she's in but I've been watching her for the past few days and when I saw this juice I said mhm I need to make that it help cleanse my body okay so if you're interested in that content oh I hear my alarm hold on if you're interested in that content juicing with me today come on and let's get started so here are the ingredients I'm going to use one cucumber and uhoh get a slice so what'll fit down in there okay and we're going to use um one half of a lemon and I have um um two very ripe well one's a little riper than the other but we use two pairs and they're pretty rip oh this one has a spot on it yeah that's what happens when you get them pretty ripe okay and the other one o this one is really soft I don't want to squish it okay and then our carrots two carrots celery a big Fistful of um or a handful of spinach organic and a piece of Ginger okay and that's all we'll need so I have my glass it's a little bit tall but it should be okay and I have my catch Bowl I used to have a part to this this is Old School Mr juicer but I don't I just use a bowl okay so let's get this turned on uh high speed and we'll go ahead and get everything Juiced s [Music] [Music] ha Ginger [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this glass this glass is getting pretty full okay let's keep going [Music] [Music] sounds like I need to check this it's probably getting a little clogged that's not hard I think it's here let's get that out we're going to get this all poured into one mason jar that beautiful look at the color I had that whole Leaf get in there I think I put end up putting a whole lemon in there instead of half it's got green to it but it needs to be cold this is delicious I think it made um oh I drink probably made about 24 o and um this will be enough for me for a while today so I'm going to finish this up today and see how I feel and I may uh go with the red tomorrow okay well that's it for today don't forget to like And subscribe share it with somebody ring the notification Bell so you'll get the upcoming videos give me a thumbs up yeah YouTube loves those thumbs up they want to know that you're watching okay heyy it's your life love it you make the best of it and until next time you have a great day love you guys byebye
Channel: Loving Your Life with Momma D
Views: 132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #InShot
Id: 2cIB-ef8N4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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