XR18: Our Live Rig And How Its Wired

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all right but you guys have been asking about how this whole setup thing works and how the band uses it and so on and so forth so i'm going to go through an explanation for you guys so basically we have power and everything it comes off this pile at the top so that would just you know or we can plug it into the into the back it doesn't make a difference so for now i'm just going to do this just to give you an idea so power obviously to your board i never remember which way this thing goes like that that'll power up and do all that prettiness next you come out the di box okay and this goes to my guitar input which is going to be guitar 2 in this case which is right here okay so now i'm plugged into the system i'm ready to go now to show you what goes on in the back of the system so you know how this all works so this is a snake okay it's a rack mounted snake and it's got two splits on it it's got 16 channels that go to my behringer mixer which is this it's just mounted backwards and then um there's 16 channels that go to front of house so front of house gets the clean signal coming out of our microphones coming out of our pods coming out of the bait the base rig there's no cabinets on stage there's no monitors on stage we use all in-ear monitoring these four headphone amps are for when we're in rehearsals and when i use the xr16 in my studio for basic tracks when i'm tracking stuff so i can have up to 16 headphone outputs with four separate mixes the way this is set up what i have here is just a rack drawer that houses all the stuff that we use so we have extra cables and ethernet and all that good fun stuff extra sets of cheesy in-ears in case something happens or we get a special guest and they they bring their own earbuds whatever my wireless systems my in-ears wireless packs for our in-ear systems um a tablet to control the xr if we're not uh using the split front of house guy can run just the stereo out and run it off the tablet we have a tp-link five gigahertz wi-fi router that sits in here in the drawer and then this gets set up on the back of the unit like so that gets set up there okay then the next thing we're going to do is pull this crap back huh i don't even need that so then we come over here to the back of the unit which i'll try to give you guys as much light as i can i have a little touch light in here that will usually turn on if i touch it okay so the way everything flows if you look down here is these are the 16 channels coming off the front of the snake that go into our mixer okay so that's what this bundle is right here that's 16 channels goes right into the behringers channel 1 through 16. okay we come out of the behringer for our headphone amps using these colored xlr cables you can see i have one two three and then five and six okay i take a stereo in your mix because um i need when i want to mix the band i'm basically hearing what's coming off the mains that way i can mix it from the stage um there's an ethernet cable that comes and plugs into a router top trying to do this one-handed the power for our router get that all turned on then this goes over to the laptop it goes in there this comes over here on the laptop get that out of the way get that out of the way okay so that's how all that stuff sets up out of the back then this is the 16 channels that goes to the front of house this goes to front of house taps right off the front of our snake it's got a 20 foot cable on it so there's a couple ways we can do this so we can either plug this directly into their snake if they don't have anything already preset on the stage most of the clubs we play already have microphone cables plugged into their snake and all their channels numbered and blah blah and all that so what we do is we just plug in we just put unplug their microphones from their their mic their microphone cables from their microphones and di boxes and plug them into our stuff here and when we're done we go back and reset that for them that way they don't have to do it it's just a nice gesture you know because everything is normally labeled the place doesn't have it labeled it's their problem they're stupid for not labeling it as you can see i have labels on every connection everything's labeled drums based that way we know what everything is it's like that on the snake too everything's labeled on the snake so we know so then from here where we go when we connect is up in this drawer once again i have the cable that goes to our laptop so this comes up here like this plugs into our laptop for the audio interface so we can get playback for our tracks put the password in okay connect to the system sing the signal from the mixer to the pc and boom we're ready to go so the way we have it split out is our vocalist ears are on bus one bus two is my bass players met uh in your mix three is the drummer and then five and six are mine we control them all from phones so we have four of these i only have one in the rack right now but we have four of these one for every member of the band so what we do is everybody gets their own while we're doing sound check it goes on a little stand that's on their microphone thing and they can they can adjust everything that's going on pretty simple and that's pretty much how this is set up so basically the main thing here is the behringer mixer it's the xr18 and then this here which allows us to do the splits everything else is just really for in-ear stuff if you look around the back here because i didn't buy a slide-out drill like an idiot you can see that these are where our though the wireless um transmitters for our in-ears are um basically the way we have it set up for for so that we don't have to disconnect anything this is my singer's this is mine we come into the system from the x8 xr18 and then both of our wireless units have outputs on them and then these outputs go to the headphone amps that way we know we don't have to disconnect anything and reconnect it between rehearsals and and regular stuff but other than that that's all it is it's like hooking up a regular mixer the split snake kind of confuses a lot of people um but other than that i mean that's really the only thing in here that's not that's not standard so if you guys have any other questions feel free to comment below or hit me up on facebook you know comment in the group whatever um it's all here yeah i know it looks it looks like a jumbled mess but i promise you it's not it's not i swear you know all my cables are like all tied up and out of the way everything that i need to get to i can get to handily and easily i know what colors everything is like i know this is my bass player's ears that's my vocalist years this is my drummer's ears i know these black ones are my ears just because i built the system i know and they're all labeled anyway i mean if you look at them every every one of them is labeled so we always know where everything is and we can get in and out of the system super fast so that'll do it i mean it used to be that i had the mixer flipped around in the front and didn't have the back facing forward but it was just really sloppy and ugly and i had i had all those loop cables coming out over here you couldn't see the bottom snake so i just spun the spun the mixer around and mounted the rack ears on the back that's all i did so if again if you guys have any questions let me know peace
Channel: Jason Constantine
Views: 21,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xr18, behringer, podgo, pod go, line6, line 6, seizmic audio, split snake, rack, IEM, in ear monitors, rig rundown
Id: RwbX6l00rrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 36sec (576 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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