Connecting A Behringer XR18 To OBS For Live Streaming - Live Stream Mixing Tutorial -X-Air Streaming

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hello again and welcome back to the channel. on  this episode i thought we would take a look at   connecting the behringer xr18 to obs for live  streaming you'll need to download some software   and drivers and i'll leave the links for those  in the text below from the behringer website   you'll need the usb audio drivers for the xr18  unless you're using a mac macs don't need drivers   for the xr18 you should also check the firmware  version that you're using in your behringer xr18   and if it's not up to date you can download the  latest firmware here and go ahead and update it   while you're at it i'm using the x air edit  pc software to control the xr18 and you can   also download that here or the mac version or  you can use your ipad or tablet no matter what   pc users will need the xr18 usb audio drivers and  you'll want to install those on the computer that   you'll be streaming from you'll be connecting the  x air to the computer using usb your cat5 or wi-fi   connection is only for mixer control and not the  audio connection next you'll want to go to the obs   site and download the obs streaming software  and install that with your xr18 connected to the   streaming computer via usb and powered on we're  ready to open the obs software and configure it   obs will look like this you'll want to  click file and then settings then mouse   down and click the audio icon on the left side  of the window make sure your sample rate is 48k   it should default to your proper desktop  audio settings so we can leave that alone   at the mic slash auxiliary audio drop down  there should be an option for behringer x air   choose that if that is not there then you'll  need to check your usb connection check that   the xr is powered up and try reinstalling the  behringer usb audio drivers and rebooting your   computer i'm going to suggest leaving the  rest of these settings at their defaults   you can configure your video settings  after the audio is connected and working   if you're new to obs their website has a lot of  information to guide you through adjusting video   connecting your camera adding text overlays  etc and that link will be below as for audio   monitoring you'll be listening to your mix with  headphones or speakers connected to the xr18 this   is a configured version of obs as we might see for  a stream the mic slash aux meter and fader is the   one we're concerned about that will be your audio  feed coming into obs as you can see you have an   online fader to adjust volume and an online meter  to guide you the other audio devices that you'll   likely see here you'll want to turn down and mute  where you see video capture device that is the   mic on my camera i have it muted and turned down  since we don't want that mic audio in our stream   we only want the audio from the xr18 i also have  the desktop audio turned down and muted there are   a couple of situations where you might want that  unmuted if you have a video to play during the   stream then this is where you'd adjust the volume  for that you also might have a pre-roll video to   play prior to the band taking the stage or the  service or conference to start something like this   other than that likely the only audio source  you'll want to engage is the behringer xr18 at   this point obs is ready now we have some  options to consider with the behringer   to know what routing we'll want to use you'll  have to answer a few questions do you plan to   be streaming only or will there be an audience in  the room with you that will be listening to the pa   if there is an audience in the room with you do  you plan for the stream to get the same mix as the   venue audience is hearing or will you want to send  a secondary mix to the stream in the case of the   first two options the routing is fairly simple  with just a couple of things to consider let's   cover these first two bases first and the third  option will take a little more configuration time   let's set up our xr18 the first step is to go into  setup and then into the audio midi tab we want to   make sure we have the xr18 set up for 48k we set  obs at 48k and the xr needs that same clock rate   and we can close this window now earlier i  asked the question about what mix you'd be   feeding to the stream for the first two answers  whether you're mixing only to the stream and no   audience in the venue or there is an audience in  the venue but you're sending the same mix they   hear to the stream then these are the steps for  that click in out at the top right of the screen   to open the routing window tab over to the usb  sends obs is looking for audio from usb1 and usb2   so we need to send our mix to usb1 and usb2 so obs  can hear it left click in the graph and move usb1   and usb2 to left and right like this technically  the default red ring which you can see the key   for the color codes at the bottom will work for  either of these two methods if you're mixing to a   live audience in the room with you as well as the  same mix going to the stream then we definitely   want the red ring option that way your house  eq house compression and master fader changes   will not have any impact on your stream mix if  you're only mixing to the stream then that setting   can still work but you might want the option to  use the master fader to control the stream level   to add a low cut filter to the stream mix or a bit  of your own compression or if you do this at least   you can keep the door open to those changes  if you want and by that i mean to get those   options right click on the red ring and choose  the light blue post fader ring at this point with   either of those methods you can begin to set up  your mix run a rehearsal and record it with obs   you can then listen back on the computer to  hear what your mix is going to sound like   and how it will translate you can even  upload it as a private or unlisted video   and see what any downstream compression that  the host has will do to your mix compared to   what you heard before you uploaded it make any  necessary changes to your mix to compensate   for that and try again once you're happy save the  show and you're ready to go live with that method   those were the two simple options now let's  look at that third option in this scenario   you're performing to a room with a live audience  but you don't want the house mix to be what you   send to the stream so let's talk about how to  send a completely separate mix to the stream we're going to have to dedicate one or two of  the xr 18 buses for this mix you'll have to   decide if you want mono or stereo for the stream  mix you'll have to have two available buses open   on the xr18 4 stereo in either case we need  to get back to our routing screen choose in   out at the top right to open the routing screen  and then tab over to the usb sends tab for this   demonstration i will have buses 5 and 6 br  stream mix but you can apply this technique   to whatever buses you want and whatever buses  you have available remember though to link buses   in stereo on the behringer it has to be odd  even channels you can't link even odd channels   if you only have one bus available or you just  want to send a mono feed to the stream then just   assign usb 1 and usb 2 to the same bus like this  if you want it to be stereo then assign them like   this once again technically the red ring works  but we have no ability to add bus compression or   eq nor will the master ox faders have any impact  if you know you won't be needing those things then   you can leave this just as it is otherwise  make a choice based on the key at the bottom   i'm going to choose the light blue ring for  post fader by right clicking in the graph   and choosing that option that will give us a  master bus fader for the stream and that will also   give us the option to add compression or eq or a  high pass filter should we want to now we need to   choose any channel on our mixer by selecting it it  doesn't matter which channel now tab over to sins   and click there highlight the globe in the top  right it will turn blue when it's highlighted that   tells the xr we want to apply our send assignments  globally so we don't have to do this setup for   each channel by itself now on our stream bus or  buses and for this example i'm using five and six   choose post fader by clicking here and here since  we highlighted the global icon before we did this   all channels now have buses five and six as post  fader okay mouse over to the master section and   choose one of the stream buses i'll choose six  go over to the fader tray and highlight it by   clicking on the bus six tab above the fader you  should see it highlight we have two very important   steps here first tab all the way over to the  top to channel and click it if you're setting up   stereo busses in the channel input section at the  left click the stereo link button like this that   gives us our stereo busses and it automatically  pan them for us and now a really important step whether you're doing stereo busses or not  tab on over to the right to the section   that says main out and deselect the orange  lr left right button you want it grayed out   if you link the buses for stereo  in the prior step then this   changes both buses for us we don't want  our stream buses also feeding the house mix   now we can start to put together our stream  mix you can entirely set the mix from scratch   if you want just by choosing your bus mix button  and then setting the faders for your stream mix   if you chose the option to do your stream mix  and stereo if you look between bus five and six   on the sins tab of any channel you can see a pan  control you can pan the channel left or right for   your stream just like this for a mixing shortcut  choose your stream bus like this then just bring   every channel you're using up to unity and that  includes your effects sends on this bus layer what   this does is create a carbon copy of your house  mix since the buses are post-fader now you can run   a quick sound check and record it into obs listen  back and now tweak your bus 5 and 6 channels where   you hear it needs to be different than your house  mix if you have channels that you aren't using in   the house at all then just bring those channel  faders up so the post fader bus will get signal   but unassign those house channels from the mains  by deselecting left and right on those channels   this setup assumed you don't have someone  dedicated to mixing only the stream while   your house engineer mixes the house for example  someone with their own ipad dedicated to mixing   only the stream in that case the main difference  would be you'd want to use pre-fader buses   instead of post-fader buses when we made our  global bus assignments the video link above has   more information about pre and post fader setups  as well as monitors so you might want to click   that for some further background information it's  really important that you get your game structure   right so here's a video about game structure and  here's a video to help with vocal mixes leave me   any questions in the comments section below and  let's hear some live stream nightmare stories   too please like and subscribe to the channel click  the affiliate links to support the channel click   the bell icon for notifications thank you  for watching and i will see you next time
Channel: Alan Hamilton Audio
Views: 17,987
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Keywords: how to set up xr18 to obs, xr18 to obs, setting up behringer xr18 to livestream on obs, midas mr18 live stream, behringer xr18 live stream, stream with behringer xr18, Behringer to OBS, x Air streaming, Connecting Behringer to OBS, behringer live stream, xr18 tips and tricks, obs live stream tutorial, OBS tutorial, church live stream, church live streaming setup, mixing a live stream, XR18 tutorial, livestream, X32 streaming, live stream tips and tricks, live stream basics
Id: aNlBOOhWbZw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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