Behringer XAir XR18 Real Life Review | Why did I wait until now to get this?!

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okay so what's great about this is you can use this for instruments as well of course and just plug straight into this multi-input i'm gonna use 15. [Music] do [Music] and this little white box is something that i've been waiting so long for to purchase and now's the time all right stop stop no fuzzy warm b-roll sequence because we have no time literally i've been asked to lead worship for a women's conference this friday and i am sick and tired of my portable system that we've been taking different places and that's why i got this little gym so what i want to do with you is bring you along and show you kind of what this is this is the x air x r18 it's not new tech by any means it's been around for uh quite a while now i am used to kind of the midas and the behringer x32 and the m32 setup so i thought well might as well get something like this i can run it with an ipad if you want to come on keep watching [Music] that smells good now this thing is much better than well i hope it's much better than what we've been using this has been what we've been using for our portable system for like seven years and you know although these systems i mean they're they're still bought and used today you remember this it's the yamaha emx 512 sc i'm done with this and we've been using the m32 uh in our main auditorium and the x32 in our youth auditorium for a long time now and i thought you know what i'm not going to throw this out i'm still going to be able to use this but when we are doing worship actually wanting to get quality sound the same kind of sound that we get out of our our m32 or you know something close to it with the same type of functionality yeah i knew we had to have something like this so this is what i went with and i went ahead and downloaded the x air app so let's open that and see if we can get this thing set up i kind of wish it looked just like either the m32 or the x32 app that would be really nice when people are probably looking at me like ah he didn't know what he's doing and then you know what you'd be absolutely right so i'm going to take some time with this so now i got my channel set up i mean i can kind of start guessing what each channel would need but it really won't make sense until i like actually get out there [Music] [Applause] what's up all right so we're here at the campground where we're having this women's conference it looks amazing i can't take credit for any of that but i do want to show you around what we're using i got everything set up as far as sound the little xr18 made it so much easier and so much more fun to make something like this happen so yeah come on follow me just like you saw earlier this is the behringer xr18 i'm telling you it's made it so much fun doing an outdoor like worship set because i literally can dial in every aspect of sound we do have a sub we are running the qsc uh k sub it's just a great sound for the tops we're using the yamaha dxr12s they sound incredible they are powered for vocal mics we're using the beta 87as these are probably my favorite corded mic like ever [Music] nothing nothing is better [Music] i'll search the world the kick mic is a beta 53a 2a2 beta 52a something like that anyway classic just a great sound uh we have that basically run it because because it's kind of a small area um we're getting enough slap just without being miked uh from this kick drum and then that gives us that low end that we need that's coming through the sub so i don't actually have any of the kick running through the tops whatsoever because we hear enough of that slap so anyway it just sounds really good love this stand that's one of my favorite stands um it's a gator frameworks stand in this box this is the back of it because i wanted to be able to get all the cables and stuff out the back but this is our inner system systems so let's go around the front i'll show you those in-ears we're using the the psm 300 transmitter to the p3 ra receiver very simple and this kit come on though go ahead man what's up guys so today i'm playing my tie kit this is a four piece kit i bought maybe two years ago and it's just absolutely amazing beautiful color for the tom's been using evans gt g2 heads pretty popular heads i like the way they sound same thing with the kick drum head and using evans um that's what i use for most of my toms but the battery side using heaven yeah but for snares here lately i've been doing the remo controlled sound um like the way it just gives off because controlled sound and for the symbols i'm using all zillion symbols these are kind of older symbols but they still sound good and i got a dw 5000 series kick pedal but it's it's going good so i don't know why i said it's going good that's it that's where it's my setup tonight i am using the cp88 i'm so blessed to be able to use this board it's our keyboardist one of our keyboard is board he's like yeah man go ahead and use it no problem this is actually what david uses so if you know the channel pretty well dave and the keyboardist on the channel he uses a the 70 something 77 key version of this this is a cp 88 it's incredible for like live stuff like this it's just a great stage keyboard check it out if you have of course we're using um what it's called music stand good thing about planning center is it does have this like music stand app that you can get for like 10 bucks extra a month you just slide through all your music pretty cool all right you pastor pastor dylan he's going to be listening in front of house he's going to have this in his hands and this is your board this is your sound board now it makes it so much easier in this portable setting especially for him to be able to be anywhere in this little tent and mix [Music] [Music] using the xr18 was a way better experience than i actually kind of thought it would be because you know i thought same technology just in a smaller package but this thing was awesome but there are also some things that i just didn't quite like and they're probably just more or less nitpicks because there are so many good things about this and one of those things is the ui of the app that goes with this obviously you can't see here and mix on this because this is literally just a stage box that you can connect your app to the app is like the most one of the most important elements of this the app user interfaces and not at all like the user interface for the m32 and the x32 app so if you've used those apps don't get this expecting to that being basically the same app now i didn't expect it to be exactly the same i just kind of expected it to be somewhat similar which would have made the time the time that it took me to set all the channels up and things like that it would have taken that time way down and so that way i didn't have to get on there and figure out like you saw in the beginning of video i started looking at like oh i don't really have a clue how to go about setting this stuff up it's not hard to learn i'm just saying it does take that a little bit extra time to learn the app learn how to properly set up your channels once you get that going then the familiarity starts to come in with the effects and the compression and eqs and all the other little things about the behringer and mida stuff that you recognize or that's more familiar and now connecting that ipad you got to use wi-fi and the wi-fi router internally on this board is good it's not great now this is my own experience it has a roughly 50 foot range once i started getting a and it was direct shot now once i started getting off beyond 50 feet it started getting a little rough but you can connect your own router to it you just plug it in right there via ethernet and then switch it over to ethernet and then you can control this using your own router and whatever type of router you'd like to use or decide to use it will probably be way better than using the onboard router in this device itself all right so enough about stuff i don't like let's talk about what i do like i love the fit and finish it is perfect it is beautiful it is elegant it is i'm just saying all these no it is it is a great fit and finish you can tell that it's designed well and built well um i just really like using this as well as i like the mic and quarter inch input so the xlr and quarter inch inputs dual inputs which is great and i know this has been out for a little while but it still amazes me that you can get all of this all of this technology and this functionality within this little bitty box right here just with a little add-on of an ipad of course that does take your cost up but if you just are talking about the price of this thing right there i highly recommend this i got mine for uh just a little over five hundred dollars on amazon let me actually hold on hold on so to run you about 550. anyway as you can tell i highly recommend this i had so much fun using it for the last couple weeks and we got a lot more that we need to use it for in the future check it out i'll put a link below so you can check it out where i got it from but of course you know i'm sure it's available or will be available at some of the other major retailers as well if you have any questions feel free to ask and thank you so much for watching this video remember great worship leaders are always learning have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Worship Leader Hangout
Views: 103,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlog, chad buckland cwickvb, church, how to stage design iPhone, Jesus, music, pastor, piano, tutorial, worship leader hangout, worship leader, worship pastor, worship vlog, worship team, worship training, behringer, xair, XR18, portable sound, sound system, sound boards, sound board, portable, midas, m32, x32, iPad, behind the scenes, consul
Id: -N25l9dz7tk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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