Xbox One Buying Guide - Hardware + Great Games

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hey guys metal Jesus here and I'm back again with Kelsey I'm back yay today we're going to be doing an Xbox One buying guide we're going to cover the hardware the Xbox One the Xbox One S the Xbox One X we're not going to make a single mistake in all of these Xbox names will whatsoever um and we're going to talk about some accessories we're going to uh recommend you some games and talk about some stuff to look out for let's take a look [Music] all right so we're going to start with the console we have three of them here yeah and we're going to do our best to demystify all of these for you cuz they made so many different models and I'm not very good at naming them so um the first one here this is just the Xbox one this is the one that came out in 2013 um it's what people call the VCR it uh requires a big power brick the you know power unit exists like outside of the console and then the other way to tell that it's this one is uh this button doesn't press so to turn it on as like a a touch sensitive for about that button and you can also tell that it's it's interesting in it's design on the top it has that two-tone kind of it's got that big vent essentially right there so yeah these big like diagonal lines as opposed to these holes here on this one and I have an old school vcr and my VCR I think is actually smaller than this it's crazy how big this thing is is huge and it's pretty heavy too yeah totally so then next we have the Xbox One S um and this is mostly it's just a smaller version of the Xbox One there is a couple little upgrades with it um it does 4K upscaling which uh is mostly just for like movies or something watch Netflix watching Blu-rays that sort of thing and it's important to know that there are two versions of the Xbox One S you see that I have the one that takes physical media here which is really cool but they also have an all digital version of that as well as if things weren't confusing enough there's yeah there's two Xbox One s's as well to look out for yeah but it's a lot smaller and more compact it fits a little bit easier and uh and the power supply is built into this so you just need a cable which is really nice yeah just a normal power cable polarized or non-polarized I can never remember which one is the figure eight but it's the figure eight one yeah and then this one right here this is when I jumped in into this this generation this is the Xbox One X and to make sure I didn't say series X yeah which is a totally different thing and not what we're talking about this is that's the series X and that's not the same console not this video it's yeah it's so confusing um yeah the Xbox One X is like the true upgrade right like it is yeah this is where they they put a lot of power into the GPU in here it's basically it is a true 4K gaming console which which is the reason why I jumped in because I started watching a bunch of videos where people were comparing it to the PlayStation 4 Pro and this one often came out ahead like in frame rates and stuff like that so that's like oh okay I'll get an Xbox you know so that's this is actually a really good console yeah and I think technically it is a little bit more powerful than the PS4 Pro right I think technically it is yeah um so this first one here was originally bundled with a connect um those I mean Microsoft really just wanted to kind of make this your allinone everything I mean we're kind of back to the the '90s with your multimedia system kind of hence the name cuz I remember at the time I I was like Xbox one no this is not this is your third third one yeah yeah but it's weird though because on the back of the this it has a HDMI in which is something you don't typically see on a console yeah so if you're having trouble connecting this to your TV uh make sure you've looked to see that you put your HDMI cord into HDMI app out to TV and not HDMI in right cable and to your point about connecting to the the connect essentially that there is a special port on the back of the original to use its own version of The Connect yep which we'll get to I guess in accessories probably yeah this is the only one that has the port for the connect the other ones you need an adapter for we'll cover all that later y so you own a game store and I'm I'm very curious about several things one do you sell these often actually pretty often just cuz they're so cheap now um so we sell Xbox On's just the base model for like 80 bucks right now um at the time of recording this with a controller and the cord so I think a lot of people pick that up just cuz it's you know it's only one generation back and it's you know for 80 bucks that's a pretty good especially if you want like a second one so let's say you have a newer console Xbox or whatever and you want like you know a game room or a kids room or something like that 880 bucks often with a controller that's deal and the controllers are good for other things too I mean they're a very good controller for PC as well so let me ask you you you guys repair consoles I mean do you often have to repair these or what what sort of things do people look out for yeah there's a couple things that can go wrong with these and unfortunately most of the fixes are they're right at the point right now where it's like more expensive to fix than oh it makes sense to do so we kind of have a lot of them just sitting around right now that are that are broken um but some of the things that go wrong with this um the I feel like the one that I run into the most is the hard drives failing okay I could see that I mean hard drives do fail and these are the mechanical old school hard drives yeah and so what what that will typically look like is when you boot it up um you'll just kind of have like the Xbox logo that just doesn't go away and sometimes they'll be a little error code or something that's what it usually manifests as sometimes you'll hear like a clicking noise as well but um that's probably the most common thing if you're buying one of these and especially if you're planning to play it you know play some games that uh may need you to go online or something like that you do probably want to check to make sure your console hasn't been banned from the internet so sometimes if someone's like hacking or U you know just some other it's stolen or something they ban the hardware they can ban the hardware yeah um so you want to make sure that your Xbox can still connect to the internet too um and then finally at least this original model uh the power supplies go bad sometimes too and it's misleading because a lot of times they'll still light up like you'll still see there's a little indicator light on the power cord and you'll still see the the indicator light light up but it's not actually bringing I guess enough power to the system I'm not exactly sure what's happening you know that reminds me of my commer 64 had really bad power supplies back in the80s and and it would look like it would work and so that's a very common thing okay Microsoft's bringing back the 80s yeah so you know if it's not turning on um or doesn't seem like it's turning on might be worth just trying another power supply make sure that's not the issue there sometimes there's issues with the HDMI port as well but yeah I mean at the end of the day most of these unfortunately are um if it's your own personal one and you know you already own it fixing it might not be you know a terrible idea but when it comes to like purchasing one and then having to fix it you're going to be looking at a decent amount of money okay well that's cool all right well next up list let check out some accessories all right in front of us we've got some accessories here you brought lots and lots of controllers well they made so many freaking controller special edition controllers here so many cool pretty ones so many cool ones so I don't know I think it's cool to at least show off that there's there's a lot of cool controllers to collect all kinds of colors and styles and there's some differences between those because they did a many different revisions of this during the life of the Xbox one yeah so there's two B basic revisions of the controller I think technically there's a weird third one in the middle of there too but you've you've got two basic ones um this is the original one right here uh the model number on these is usually 1537 that's printed on the back you can always take this battery thing off and take a look at those the difference between this and the newer model ones there's a couple differences um but uh this one does not have a headphone jack at the bottom this the original one so there was like a headphone jack adapter or microphone headset adapter that you could plug in here and it would add a headphone jack um this one just came with it automatically that that second revision the uh newer revisions also have built-in Bluetooth so they connect to your PC and stuff a lot easier and these all take micro USB so you know it's an Xbox one as opposed to an Xbox series controller if it takes a micro USB um at the top here again you can always like if you open up the battery well here you can read some information about it too which is very nice I actually like personally that these take real batteries yeah so these just take two doublea batteries which there there's pros and cons too obviously the cons are that you do have to replace the batteries or you leave them in too long and you know cuz it I I do have many different controllers and I'll forget and two years will go by and I'll be like um that one leaked yep do you know about how to clean battery acid easily though I don't little bit of white vinegar it'll dissolve all of that you to be a little careful with it um as long as it hasn't you know sunk down deep into the controller you can usually just kind of you guys probably deal with that a lot we do yeah um but the nice thing about this is as long as you do remember to take those batteries out you're not going to have uh the problems that things that have built-in batteries have which is the swelling and the you know you can end up with some of the Sony controllers or Nintendo I haven't seen it as much in Nintendo controllers but like with some of those ones with built-in batteries you know they can actually end up swelling and cracking the case lithium and batteries will all eventually fail right I mean oh they just will and so everything that has that will will eventually fail and not take a charge so and they do make replacements for those but right but it's but it's not as easy as this it's a pro and pros and con for sure yeah now there are a bunch of thirdparty controllers I have a couple here one of my all-time favorites I think so many people were surprised to see this is the hyperin Duke controller this is so funny to me I as someone with small hands I don't really understand why we've gone back to this no no I completely understand cuz I love look at this thing it's it I know it it's it's like a spaceship it's hilarious but this is a really cool controller because you can use it with Windows you can use it with the Xbox One it has this little screen where it lights up when you when you turn it on but I think most people are probably going to go for something like the 8bit dough which is a a company that a lot of people really love their controllers they do them for the switch and uh you know Xbox and windows and stuff like that so they're cool because like this one right here is kind of in the style of the switch Pro Controller and that one's kind of like a retro styled one yeah these are cool um the one thing you want to make sure you're looking out for when it comes to third party controllers cuz there's a lot of really awesome ones um but Microsoft has been cracking down on uh unlicensed third party on so if you're not like officially licensed you see all of these boxes have that like design for Xbox thing on it that's totally fine um but some of the like kind of random cheap ones you might get off Amazon or something they might not necessarily be licensed um people are having currently having mixed results with whether or not they work and Microsoft has come out and said that they're planning to make sure that those ones don't work so you want to make sure you have a licensed one it was also during this time that Microsoft did something kind of surprising and that they released the Xbox adaptive controller so this is a special controller designed for people who have limited Mobility or probably need more fle flexibility in how they play their games and as you see from the screenshots here this has a really wild look to it but what's even cooler is that it functions like a controller Hub so you can use your own third party buttons and controllers to truly make it your own so that was a really cool option that Microsoft made here and then we have to talk about is this the elephant in the room the connect it's as big as an elephant look at this thing it's hilarious so the connect is a really interesting technology they originally debuted it during the Xbox 360 and it sold fairly well the controversy with this though is that they originally made it mandatory when you bought the original Xbox one oh they did so much weird mandatory stuff with the original Xbox one like it being always online and constantly checking to make sure you're online it it costs $100 more than the PlayStation 4 because this had to be included in there I mean of this thing that most people really didn't want again the idea for this system was that it was your allinone entertainment thing and you you know tell your connect turn on the sports game or whatever but um you know it was it's weird to have a camera staring at you the whole time and and that was a concept I was not cool with I was just like it seemed kind of weird I wasn't willing to pay more for this even no matter how cool this actually is but yeah it's just sort of a weird accessory but there are some things to know about it for instance this mess of cables here yeah so the original model of the Xbox has a port to take the connect here which is a very silly like L-shaped looking cord right here um the other Xboxes don't have that input anymore so you have to get this funky adapter and boy do I mean funky it is two boxes and several cords and it is just this giant mess of a cable that you will need to plug the Connect into and then plug into your system and make sure you have all of these all of these things straight here so I mean you know there are some games that use the connect it's not like a useless accessory and they're really cheap now so I mean it's certainly worth like playing around with but yeah it was a it was dark times for the Xbox one I think but the good news is is that Microsoft kind of read the room a little bit and they eventually patched it out so essentially when you put an Xbox One you know onto the internet it downloads an update and it makes it so that you don't have to use this at all now I'm kind of curious when you sell Xbox Ones do people ask for this do you include no no I wish more people would ask for them cuz I have a small mountain of them but um yeah you know if it's a I think it's a accessory worth checking out but it's probably you know you're probably not going to get a ton of use out of it one of the cool things about the the trivia with this is that we continue to use it even to this day because I was really surprised to read uh Apple bought the company that made this technology and integrated it into the iPhone FaceTime ID camera that's so cool and uh I've also like I think it's happening less now probably because Apple owns it or whatever but for a while there were people purchasing these for like medical uh camera things and I went to the zoo once and they had a connect setup for like a you know you'd spread your arms and you'd like have wings yeah uh well if you think about it I mean there there is a lot of Technology packed into this and for I mean I don't know how much these go for probably $5 $10 now you know that's you can get a lot for for almost no money so it's definitely an interesting part of Xbox history that you don't have to put up with anymore which is really nice all right we're going to talk about some games and like everything else with the Xbox one this is all so complicated um so I'm going to start by showing you the multiple different types of boxes you may encounter when looking for Xbox One games so the first is our is our true Xbox One case it literally just says Xbox One on it this is your most obvious one that's how it should be that's how it should be it should not be complicated but ever since the series X and Series S came out they've made some kind of complicated changes so you sometimes have these ones that just say Xbox on the top and underneath it it says Xbox series X and Xbox One this will work on both it'll be optimized for series X but it will work on both um and then you have uh a step backwards which is really weird yeah this is weird so the this one says Xbox One and Xbox 360 and inside are Xbox 360 discs now the Xbox One is partially backwards compatible um it's a buy game thing I believe it's something like it's 60 something original Xbox games and then uh into the 200s of Xbox 360 games that are backwards compatible some of those are digital only which is you have to go to a website to figure all this out it's like yeah it's like arrows and direct yeah it's there's a great list just on Wikipedia that will also give you uh you know any weird quirks like there are some original Xbox games that work but may have like some graphical glitches and that or maybe like a download that that you know or something like that pop it in the disc or something yeah so this one's really weird but this will work on you know if it's coming in a box that says Xbox One and Xbox 360 then that is one of the backwards compatible games that'll work on your Xbox One finally you have something that will not work on your Xbox one yet it looks so similar to the other it looks exactly the same the ones that say Xbox series X and do not also say Xbox One those won't work on Xbox One those are only how much of a pain in the butt is this for you as someone who sells games like this it's the worst yeah I mean I barely understand it myself it must be where people come up to the counter and be like do you double check them and go hey do you are you actually buying this for Xbox One or Xbox series you know I mean yeah I try to only do it with series X Games cuz that's the only one that actually is going to be you non-compatible there but yeah um I do often have to make sure like hey are you buying this do you have a series X or do you just have an Xbox One X because those aren't the same thing Microsoft anyway let's talk about some games better yes yes definitely so here's the thing about the Xbox one is that a lot of these are available on other systems and we know that and even a lot of the exclusives like they're still you can still play them on steam or through windows in other means so however often you know especially if you get the Xbox One X this might be a really good ver version to play because that's the version that I played back in the day it was slightly better than the PlayStation 4 Pro maybe you know and the other thing is that they're often really cheap yes yeah all this stuff is very very cheap right now so it's a it's a good time to get in on it starting with Sunset Overdrive this is a launch game when this came out actually by Insomniac a lot of people are like what you know XBox One exclusive at the time it was and essentially this is such a crazy game it's kind of like Infamous mixed with Saints Row it's and maybe a little bit of Tony Hawk thrown in there it's crazy so yeah it's a super fun action game and you get weird weapons like uh a gun that throws CDs at people and yeah or you launch bears that explode or teddy bears that EXP and stuff like that yeah yeah it's a fun one it's really fun Quantum break this is made by remedy which also made control and uh max pain and what was what was the other one I'm trying to remember now uh Alan Wake thank you but Quantum break is a really trippy kind of uh third person shooting game that deals with time travel beautiful Graphics actually really cool game not a lot of people talk about it anymore so it's kind of cool I love racing games and when I bought my Xbox One X I played forza games and forza games are amazing on that system especially Forza Horizon 4 and five highly recommended these are open world uh arcades kind of racing games and then you just have for some Motorsports which is also a little bit more like Grand Turismo so and more excellent games here yeah your your Motorsports are your like racing Sims and your horizons are you're like racing arcade and and I prefer more arcadey for sure yeah but both are good y um we've got some Halos on the Xbox One what Halo on believe or not yeah um this is the master for Chief Collection so this is it is Halo one two three and four h that's a heck of a deal yeah um Halo Wars 2 have you played the Halo Wars games not yet I I bought that intending to do that cuz I do like strategy games it's just that I there's such a time commitment yeah and these play surprisingly well for a console real time strategy which is a hard uh you know that that's maybe not the most exciting thing to say in the world but like they actually play play pretty well no it's true because usually strategy games on the PC are mouse and keyboard because you're having to to deal with a large amount of characters and so those games are known for for mapping all that to the the controller really well and making them very like accessible that way this is a game I have the the one that has both of them on there but the rare replay when that came out people were very excited for that I mean it's great it's what other in what other way can you play all of these rare games Al together again and it's um I believe it's 30 games and once again I think as of recording this video I think this collection of both rare and Gears of War Ultimate Edition is like $9 $10 something like that that's a ton of games for yeah it's again you know this is a it's a weird console to collect for but if you start collecting for it you'll be able to stack up the games like I mean this is a type of console yeah when you go into a pawn shop and if they've got those there and it's for a couple bucks you're like yeah I'll take them I mean and there were of course lots of Gears of Wars is yes and and again it's just one of those machines that does that very well uh my buddy Paul also loves these games I usually watch him play cuz he's just he's into the characters and the stories and stuff so yeah okay so recently I went back very recently and replayed all three of these Tomb Raider games I love these games and they're such cool reboots of the franchise um epic and every way gorgeous Graphics they remind me of the Uncharted Series yeah a little more cinematic than than they were in the past yeah definitely adding some RPG elements in there love the characters and the story so many people are talking about Fallout with the the show and all that sort of stuff but I think people forget that uh the outer worlds came out also made by obsidian which made uh Fallout New Vegas I still need to play this this is so good this is actually I think this is better than Starfield like I I don't know that that's a super high bar well I'm just saying you know I I agree with you but you know I mean so many people are so hyped for for Starfield and I feel like dude just go just go play this game like this game is so good and the sequel's coming I can't wait to play it and again all the ones that you're showing here all of this stuff is so cheap right now um it's such a good time to just if you really want to catch up on some of the best games of the last generation it's a great time to be doing it yeah or maybe some games that you didn't pick up and play like Mad Max so this is an open world Mad Max game uh gorgeous Graphics runs really great on the Xbox One X I love to see a license game actually be yeah super good again oh dude this is such a good game too and it kind of flew under the radar a little bit and again you can usually find it really cheap uh when Mass Effect legendary edition came out I I replayed this as well I was so excited for this because it's the it's Mass Effect 1 2 and 3 they added a bunch of you know they updated the graphics and they also integrated in uh a lot of the DLC so like when people complained about the third game and the eding well this has that that DLC that they released afterwards to make it better so I actually I enjoyed playing that Red Dead Redemption 2 a classic absolutely I mean this there's so much game in this game oh yeah this is the type of game where I don't know about you but sometimes you know how you can fast travel in games I purposely don't in this game because I'm just going to be on the horse and I'm just going to cruise around like I'm living you know 150 years ago it's awesome you know I'm I I'm not someone who loves driving or gets the appeal of driving long distances but I think I do get the appeal of riding a horse long distance yeah absolutely I know it's most you just kind of want to chill out you know I mean and just take and take in it cuz it's such a beautiful game and stuff like that and because it's Rockstar you know like you might be on a very long journey to somewhere you're going to see 10 interesting things on the way oh yeah yeah you're get attacked by some random people this game I feel like people are starting to pick up on Titanfall 2 at the time it was a complete failure but it has one of the best single player firstperson shooter experiences I've ever played I've heard nothing but good things about this game it is so good and it's such a bummer that people didn't play it um I think it's because the first game was multiplayer only and it didn't do as well as they so they confusing cuz I definitely thought it was multiplayer only when it first came out so yeah this is an amazing game I've played and beat it several times now and again if you can get it cheap on the Xbox one you're going to have a great time and then I guess the last thing we should probably mention is Game Pass oh yeah so you you can't it's not very collector friendly and I know that we're doing a buying guide uh which is more you know geared towards collectors but there is also Game Pass uh which is a cool service that Microsoft offers where you can pay a monthly and get a ton of games um you don't own them they could take them from you but if you just want to catch up on some games I mean it's it's a really good value to be honest so I I have Game Pass and I and I use it almost like a uh demo or something you know I mean I try before you buy thing because I'll try and I'll try playing games that I wouldn't necessarily be interested in and and if the physical version comes out later I'll be like oh cool I want own that yeah I've I've bought a bunch of things that way where I've tried the game for a little bit then maybe there was like a limited run version or just a physical version later and then I'm like yeah well to your point they'll take games away every once in a while and that's when I'm like man I really need to own that exactly that's when I Tred to find the physical version of it so so at the end here we have to decide which one of these consoles do we recommend you pick up I think for me it's going to be the Xbox One X just because it's more powerful and I think it's a little bit more future proof If you get a 4K television or you maybe want you know the most like frames per second or all that sort of stuff for the best performance from your games yeah and I will say that now these have gone down quite a bit in price when they first came out it was a hard sale for me because to get the Xbox one it's so much more expensive um for you know some pretty substantial upgrades but it's still like the same console Generation Um so that was kind of tough for me but now they've really come down in price and I think used you know it's totally worth it but I think honestly if you're just not sold on the Xbox One ecosystem at all but you want to give it a try I mean you can't go wrong just picking up one of the original models um or even the s's don't tend to be that much more expensive and just giving it a try because they really are so cheap right now and even if you never end up using it I almost guarantee you'll end up using the controller because the controller is very good it is very good I was just thinking too I mean it's it's a cheap Blu-ray player that also plays games right so that that could also work for other thing too I'm thinking is that you know now if you don't have a large 4K television then yeah you probably won't see the benefit of the 1X so if you have a smaller you know 42 in television if that's considered small you know it's so funny that that's considered small I yeah but yeah there may be no reason to do this cuz you might be doing all your gaming in 1080P and that's totally fine so yeah that's cool well I'm glad that we are finally able to do this buying guide yeah I know it's it was the time was right and you know I think it's almost good that we waited a little bit because now it really is so cheap I me it's it's tough to recommend this when it was like $400 a lot easier now that it's gone down quite a bit that's true so where can people find you on the internet oh uh not many places right now I'm pretty I'm pretty off the internet at the moment but I am on uh Blue Sky if anyone's on blue sky I'm on Blue Sky yeah Kel Leen Blu sky. social and then um I am on Instagram at tentacl and I have a book coming out soon so that's yeah keep a keep your eyes peeled for that I wrote a book for boss fight books that's oh that's awesome all right guys thank you very much for watching thank you for subscribing and take care
Channel: MetalJesusRocks
Views: 101,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal jesus rocks, metaljesusrocks, metal, jesus, console, system, review, gameplay, video, game, reviews, retrospective, gaming, collection, collector, Xbox One, XboxOne, Microsoft, Buying Guide, Kelsey Lewin, xbox one s, xbox one x, xbox one vs ps4, microsoft xbox, backwards compatibility, xbox games, xbox one x review, xbox one x 2024
Id: 7n4SpCzknb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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