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Man, Ola’s EBMM JPM is a lovely guitar.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/scarred2112 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
what's up everyone and welcome to ola testing today i'm trying out the new john petrucci plugin from neural dsp to be completely honest i was fairly surprised when i heard that john petrucci have been working with neural dsp for applying but it makes total sense i mean john petrucci is a tone god why wouldn't he have a plug-in it looks like this and immediately you can see there's no mesa to be found this is probably just you know based off his amplifiers whatever and then you know they couldn't really use the name mesa it comes with four different amplifiers you have this acoustic one that is perfect for piezo guitars this guitar right here my ernie ball music van has piezo in it so it's perfect then it has a clean channel amplifier a rhythm tone amplifier and a lead amplifier the cabinet section contains of john's personal cabinet so they modeled his own cabinet with six different microphones and never seen before at least i haven't seen it in a real dsp plug-in but they also added room microphones so you can add a little bit of room to the tone which i think is great because sometimes you know hearing an impulse response just straight in it's it's well basically it's like having your ear towards a cabinet and speaker which is not necessarily the the most enjoyable sound in the world having a room tone that helps a little bit at least if you're just sitting and playing by yourself maybe not in a mix but when you're sitting just to get a little bit extra excitement you have a wah pedal a compressor you have a bunch of different pre-pedals and overdrive face there chorus flanger flaja you have a post eq section you also have a volume pedal and last but not least you also have chorus delay and reverb in post and just going through the different sections here watching everything that's included you can feel that this is a very very complete package of that you get in this plugin so that's cool so we're gonna head straight into it right now i'm on the rhythm amplifier and this is a preset i made called pull me over [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so as you can hear right now there's something happening oh why isn't the guitar tone in the center well you have a doubler right here so check this out so this is the tone without this doubler happening just like any other plug-in and listen to a guitar track it's usually in the center nothing special it's not stereo but since you have a doubler you can basically pull it apart a little bit make it a little bit more exciting [Applause] not necessarily anything i would use in a mix but just for sitting and practicing guitar you know [Music] then you have the typical neural dsp gate right here [Music] and also something i haven't seen that's new to a neural dsp plugin is the transpose section here check this out [Music] basically that pitch shifter how cool is that [Music] [Applause] so this guitar is tuned to standard e and i can transpose it down to standard d if i want to [Music] i mean there's a ton of game in this thing check this out i have something called bite engaged so without it it's [Applause] a little floppier you press buy [Applause] gives more bite basically then you have something called tight so at zero tight not very tight [Music] [Applause] pretty tight and then we bite [Applause] all too much maybe we can back off on a tight end again a little bit [Music] reminds me a little bit of the tightness of a mark 2c plus amplifier [Music] there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah sounds great man but even though if you think that this is not enough game you still have an overdrive over here you can go balls out you definitely don't need that in the cabinet section you have six different microphones to choose from and just like the traditional neural dsp move around a little bit but they have added this room microphone right here so [Music] can i shut off the the uh so if i turn down the mic level the direct mic level we should only have room tone okay [Applause] okay so you can mix that in with your microphone saying also wow [Music] okay let's transpose that see if that works so works pretty good man i mean i can feel the latency from logic and all but i mean the transpose doesn't really affect that much all right let's check out the acoustic amplifier we have this [Music] there it is man sounds good then we have the clean channel right here which i've added a fair bit of delay and reverb to check this out [Music] baby this is a baby-making sound right here all right let's try out the pre-effects here we have a phaser so [Music] beautiful okay let's try the chorus [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] that's nice man i like that shimmer there's a couple of different things on the reverb and the delay where you can you know make it even space here so check out this crystal here [Music] space babies i made a lead tone [Music] that has a phaser engaged so the phaser works in front of the amplifier [Music] for the same lead preset here i managed to assign my midi pedal so i can control the wall so i'm using a midi pedal on the floor right here [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right i need to try uh something lower tune than this how does it fare on a seventh string that's what we wonder today okay let's check it out okay me and my okay that's that's good man [Applause] okay all right i'm gonna do one last thing i'm gonna load in my own impulse response let's go with the one right here okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] do you hear that [Music] there you go that's the neural dsp john petrucci plugin for you right there holy i think so far this is probably the most complete archetype plug-in from neural dsp it's just fully packed with everything you would need in a plug-in really and i mean if you're into jump attrition through inferior i think it sounds very very similar the amplifier sounds really nice but i think my favorite part about this plugin is the doubler action because it makes it a lot more exciting for just sitting and playing other than this you know if i make a demo of this it sounds great but this gives it a little bit more depth and i don't know it just doesn't sound as in your face and it's a lot more fun to just sit around and play with hope you enjoyed this video if you liked it maybe consider subscribing my channel and i'll see you guys next time thank you for watching you
Channel: Ola Englund
Views: 64,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ola Englund, Solar Guitars
Id: E9fN0IYR-jI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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