X-Plane 12 | Reality Expansion Pack (REP) | Beech Baron 58

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[Music] hello there guys and welcome to another X-Plane 12 video today we're going to be taking a look at the reality expansion pack by simcoders for the default Beach Baron 5A the reality expansion pack does to the default aircraft what a to a did to the aircraft in FSX and p3d essentially it enhances the flat and ground Dynamics the default piston engine the electrical system the landing gear and many other aspects of the airplane adding things such as real world physics new stereo sounds and extra 3D elements the reality expansion pack AKA r e p also provides a damage system a maintenance hanger and an interactive ground checks to really enhance your experience and increase the level of immersion and realism in the SIM in this video we are going to be taking a look at the features that the reality expansion pack brings to this default Beach Baron 5A for X-Plane 12. once you have successfully installed the reality expansion pack you are able to access the control panel by hovering the mouse on the left side of the screen you have access to the kneeboard mass and balance the walk around feature the toe the maintenance report as well as the automatic engine start wizard the kneeboard contains the aircraft checklist for normal operations emergency procedures as well as the reference card for the speeds the normal operations checklist provides you with everything you need to operate the aircraft from the before start all the way to shutdown procedures the emergency procedures are also included in case you encounter an emergency from the mass and balance you are able to load the aircraft with passengers cargo fuel and visually inspect the center of gravity envelope to ensure your maximum takeoff and Landing weights are safe for the operation of the aircraft the walk around feature gives you the ability to do a full walk around in accordance with the pilot operating handbook you are actually able to interact with the ground elements removing the static elements removing the chalks as well as the tie-downs for increased realism as you can see here it shows you the entire sequence of the walk around and lets you interact with the ground elements the tone feature turns your pitch roll axis of the joysticks to a tow truck that allows you to move the aircraft as you can see here with the reality expansion pack installed your aircraft will tear and wear not following proper procedures for startup takeoff landing and shutdown will affect your aircraft you may have to replace some of the components with continued abuse as you can see there are a host of options here that are monitored to bind with the reality expansion pack the cylinders the compression oil fluid the quantity the available oil types the filters propellers and so on and so forth everything you do actually affects the aircraft and you'll be very pleased to know that even the oil type used will affect the operation of the aircraft for example the SAE 10W30 oil type is used only for winter operations the viscosity of the oil is actually simulated and using different oil type for the wrong season will affect the performance of the aircraft cycling through the pages here you can see there are a number of upgrades available for your engine would the reality expansion pack your Beach Baron 58 is equipped with a pre-heater to warm up your aircraft on a cold winter day before departure further on the winterization kit you are also able to mount a cowl fairings for your aircraft the electrical system is fully simulated aboard your Beach Baron 5 8 and you will have to recharge your battery in case it gets discharged as you can see the avionic system is fully simulated and abused of your avionics systems will cause them to fail which you will then have to repair additionally all the major aircraft instruments are a fully simulated and monitored by the reality expansion pack moreover the landing gear and braking system is fully modeled and monitored by the reality expansion pack as you can see here you'll be also very pleased to know that the reality expansion pack comes with a standalone economy system where replacing parts of your aircraft will cost you money you will have to earn some money to be able to replace those parts it is also fully compatible with FS economy system as well as xcpl pilot the time has come for us now to put the reality expansion pack to the test we are going to start the aircraft from its cold and dark State taxi to the runway takeoff and we're going to fly around the area and bring it back and land in the interest of time I have performed the aircraft walk around I have also checked the fuel and oil levels and ensure that everything is in Tip-Top shape for our flight I have removed the fly yoke for better visibility we're going to ensure first that all the switches are in the off position next we're going to make sure that the mixture crop and the throttle are all in the idle position next we're going to turn the fuel selectors to the on position for the right wing and the left wing take notice of the beautiful 3D stereo sounds aboard the aircraft with the reality expansion pack next we're going to make sure that the coal flaps are open next we're going to turn the battery and the left and right alternators next we're going to turn on our Beacon lights we are now ready to start the aircraft engines we're going to begin with the right engine first we're going to set the mixture to full rich prop to full forward and we're gonna crack the throttle about a quarter of an inch like so and now we are going to turn on the fuel boost pump and we're going to watch the fuel flow as soon as it reaches the maximum we are going to turn it off let's go ahead and do that that's good and now we can start the right engine and as you can see we have a good start I'm Gonna Leave the mixture on full rich and we're gonna see what happens when we start the left engine so let's repeat the same steps for the left engine we're going to put the mixture on fullridge Prop full forward and we're going to turn on the fuel boost pump you can see the fuel flow it's good and now we'll start the left engine now the aircraft is in prop full forward and the mixture is full rich and I'm going to increase the throttle a little bit here nice sounds and now I'm gonna idle the power completely now let's see what happens as we have the mixture on fullridge and the propellers full forward with the engine idling at about a thousand RPM the next thing we're going to do here is we're going to turn on our Avionics nice sounds again when you turn the avionics and we're going to turn on the panel switch here so we have all our radios taxi lights are on and we are now ready to taxi to the runway as you can see now we have the first tip from the reality expansion pack informing us that our spark plugs are probably failing due to the power and mixture setting says set 800 RPM or more or lean the mixture to avoid plug fouling during ground operations alright let's go ahead and lean the mixture and as you can see now the message is gone and we are good to go and so reality expansion pack really provides you with a lot of tips to operate the aircraft properly and with time you will develop the habit of following the correct procedures all right let's go ahead and uh taxi to the runway parking brake is released and we'll give it some power here and let's tax you to the runway [Music] I believe laminar has done a very good job with the textures and the 3D modeling of this beach Baron it actually does look very good for a default aircraft the textures are done nicely both inside and now maybe the exterior there can use some some work but overall I'm very happy with how this aircraft looks and definitely with the reality expansion pack it it really takes it to the next level we are now ready for departure and what we're going to do is turn on our strobe our Landing lights taxi lights can go off and we are good to go we are now ready for takeoff let's give it full power advancing the power slowly and we will rotate at about 90 knots very nice engine sounds [Music] here is going on [Music] start trimming the aircraft the aircraft definitely has a lot of power all right so now we are at about a thousand feet or so I'm gonna go ahead and idle the power let's see what happens there my power to idle [Music] and that's the gearhorn warming sounding now [Music] this is and that's the stall s and eventually the aircraft strolls so we're gonna pitch down give it full power and recover from the stall what we're going to do now is I'm going to show you if we look at our RPM the RPM is quite High we're still in the green but we're quite high so I'm going to ease off on the power here [Music] and we are going to reduce RPM but before we do so I'm going to turn on the prompt sync and the message that we get from Mario beats is you should manually reduce the RPM difference below 25 before enabling the automatic prop synchronizer so let's go ahead and turn off the synchronizer there we go and let's bring back the RPM all right so now with the props back and the RPM going below 2500 let's go ahead and turn on the prompt sync and now as you can see we have the props uh synced as long as this circle doesn't move it means the props are synced and which they are now the airport is now to our right as you can see here preparation for landing we're going to put the props full forward the mixture on full Bridge we're going to turn off the prop sink and we have the runway inside let's go and made let's go ahead now and make a return [Music] [Music] [Music] we have the runway in sight and the year is coming down [Music] a little bit of a turbulence here as we come into land keep it at about 100 knots or so all right and first degree of flaps [Music] and flapsful hotels [Music] and touchdown [Music] as we taxi we need to Lane the mixture again so let's go ahead and do that and by the way this aircraft looks very very nice during night time we changed the time here real quick and very nice uh lighting inside the cockpit during night time we are back at the terminal here where we started let's bring the aircraft to a complete stop set the parking brake let's go ahead and shut down the aircraft first we're going to turn off the taxi light we are going to turn off the panel lights and we can now turn off the engines by putting the mixture on cut off crops on cut off and now we can turn off now as you can see here it says never turn on or or off the alternator when the avionics master switch is in the on position or you may damage the radios so that's another tip from the reality expansion pack we're going to go ahead and turn off the Avionics and we're going to turn off the alternators and the battery and now the aircraft is in a completely dark cold and dark state the reality expansion pack by simcoders definitely delivers on what it promises to do it will definitely enhance the realism and immersion and the overall flying experience with the default Beach Baron 5A in my view it is well worth its price and it receives the Q8 pilot approval and recommendations this brings us to the conclusion of our review of the reality expansion pack by simcorders for the laminar research default Beach Baron 5A if you have any questions as usual please do post them in the comments section below until next time please take care of yourselves and each other but I will see you all very soon thanks for watching and bye bye for now
Channel: Q8Pilot
Views: 15,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: q8pilot, simcoders rep b58, x plane 12 beech baron 58 rep, rep beech baron 58 xp12, reality expansion pack, simcoders, simcoders reality expansion pack, simcoders rep, simcoders rep beech baron, simcoders reality expansion, reality expansion pack for carenado, reality expansion pack x-plane 12, rep
Id: KbwUfDzqihs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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