Should I buy one of these?

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[Music] ever since I was a little kid I thought these airplanes look so cool are so unique and I've always wanted to fly in one today I'm going to fly in one definitely feel we just lost a little performance but there's no yaw there's nothing no you know you know looking out this window right here this is such an amazing platform for filming right it makes me want one man I'm Josh a pilot and flight instructor with a passion for the sky sharing it with those around me and using it to see the world from A New Perspective flying can seem super complex but I've made up my mission to Showcase safe practices while enjoying the beauty this world has to offer subscribe to climb into the cockpit on future Adventures this is Aviation 1011 Yanke India airport depart heading radar depart so when we were at Oshkosh I was approached at one of our events by a guy named Kevin he was super nice I got to talk to him for like 20 minutes while while Chelsea was on stage giving one of her women in aviation seminars he was super nice we exchanged contact information and he said hey if you're ever out in the Southern California area let me know I would love to take you for a flight or let's link up and do lunch or something I held on to his contact we found ourselves in California and actually serendipitously before I even reached out to him he sent me an email back when I put out the video of Chelsea and I flying to Sedona Arizona when we were living in Kingman we parted out of Kingman heading toward Sedona I briefly showed a shot of her cessa 150 for one reason or another we haven't really filmed in her cessa 150 for YouTube like doing a travel series or anything yet we plan to but it is actually sitting behind me right over here with the control surfaces removed stripped down to Bare Metal she is getting her airplane repainted stripped repaint with an entirely new interior back to its Classic paint Scheme and everything right here at Artcraft painting we're actually staying here for a bit while Chelsea does some maintenance work work with them helping them make some changes as well as do all this refurbishing to her airplane I have been kind of like halfway looking at an airplane to not to replace the Skyhawk my dad and I love that Skyhawk we are not getting rid of that airplane period I'm looking for an airplane to kind of add to the fleet something that's going to fulfill a different Mission I've been bouncing back and forth between a lot of airframes I'm curious to hear your thoughts down in the comments my mission involves going at least close to 1,000 nautical miles without having to refuel two people with baggage would really like to be in the like 150 knot plus range I've looked at experimentals like sling aircraft amazing airplanes plus they have parachutes which I don't care what you say about Cirrus or real Pilots could land anywhere blah blah blah airframe parachutes statistically save lives airus would be a great airplane a little bit out of my price range but they're fantastic safe airplanes some of the safest airplanes on the market I love them Vans RVs all of them are great but for a little more baggage area maybe the rv10 they just came out with the rv15 which is basically like a cesal 180 I've looked at like the old school Piper Aztec not really the Apache so much I've looked at Twin commanches you're not really going to perform all that well on one engine so if I'm going to make the jump to a twin I should really get a twin that's going to really be able to save you with that second engine I've also heard that finding parts for twin commanches can be kind of difficult and it's not very friendly in that regards I'm a huge fan of Mooney it's kind of hard to go wrong with a bonanza I don't know I've been all over the place the Skyhawk is an amazing cross country platform great high-wing for videography photography I'm just looking for something that's going to fulfill a little bit of a different Mission not to replace the Skyhawk by any means or stretch at all curious to hear your thoughts on what kind of air frames are your favorite out there that being said one of the airplanes that I have really looked into and I'm actually really fascinated with it is a high-wing it is a twin and it has phenomenal visibility from the front seats both up and down all the way around outside the cockpit very roomy inside great useful load it is a cesna 337 skym I love the look of these things with the twin tail booms with the horizontal stabilizer and the elevator across them it's just such a unique [Music] plane transation roia 1951 Zulu wind 2905 visibility one Z sky clear temperature 26 2.3 Alat 308 they expect a visil approach I parting Runway 30 so we did a walk around hopped in the airplane I can immediately tell that Kevin is a super safe pilot because he has owned this airplane since 1993 flies it constantly flies regularly he still pulled out a checklist for starting the engine for pre- taxi for pre- takeoff that was awesome to see I love seeing checklist usage nobody is ever above checklist usage it is not a student pilot crutch that was awesome to see we did a run up on both engines he explained to me that taxiing in this airplane is usually just done with the rear engine if you think about it you don't have that differential thrust so you can really just taxi with one engine they are in line Cent Mar Tower Sky Master 321 kilo Bravo holding short of 30 at Alpha 6 ready to go k bra Roger hold shortway 3 321 Kila holding short of 3 71 julk Valley for J 71 J right I just love the visibility out the side windows up here too so that's one thing about the sky Master the wings bra 6 clear for take off and Direction uh clear for takeoff and we're going to go to the Northeast 321 Kil Bravo One Kil bra your right turn out approved one Kil Bravo right turn out approved so we are always lead with the rear engine in terms of power yeah you just the the issues people have had with this is that rear engine cuts out and they don't know okay and so you always just lead with the rear and then you put them both up like that air suite's alive everything's in the green [Music] rotate here 80 tap the brakes gear coming up gear is up verified in the mirrors flaps coming up I got to say a little bizarre for me but this is the first time time I've left the ground in about 6 weeks that's that's got to be interesting that's yeah I'm going to pull the throttles back just I mean the propellers back just a little bit here now that we're kind of out of the area and we'll just take them back to 26 it is so pretty out here I find that these Hills are I mean getting into the vegetation up here not so much but these Hills that just have no trees it's just grasslands right especially when the Sun is setting it just looks like velvet yes on the Hills it's the first thing I noticed when I was driving out [Music] here we climbed out and just went to the Northeast and and sort of loitered around this Reservoir we went up to 5,500 ft it's been a little over a month since I have been in the air and I had not been up here yet so seeing this beautiful scenery from the window seat of assassin Sky master was awesome 3 Z clear low approach traffic departing prior being the tower is a f is right down you ready sure all right I got flight controls you got it I'll just do a couple turns here we look clear left in terms of what's on the we are there's iPad here there's a guy above us at 1,400 but he's he's far away we throttled back one engine at a time so he could show me the difference between the front engine being failed and the rear engine being failed and we used the the zero thrust settings that are in his checklist so basically simulating the engine being feathered so he pulled the engines back and I mean gosh it it goes from like performing like aess a 210 to 182 I mean it's just there was no yaw it's inline thrust and that's something that I think is so so nice and safe about this airplane wow it is pretty so anyway it's just you know people hate like them or they hate them right it's that's interesting what would be some reasons that people would hate these airplanes that you've as an owner that you have noticed oh they're they don't they don't look like a real twin um or they don't provide the same dangers as a real twin so th you're not a real twin pilot or something like that you want to do a little single engine action absolutely yeah okay um you said the rear performs a little bit better okay so let's fail the front one yeah so this says simulated inter uh inoperative engine propeller control at full throttle to give you a propeller RPM of 2200 start pull the front throttle back thank you so much for your help today and pull this back even yeah this handles so nicely I mean I'm I'm not touching the controls anywhere so you're at 100 knots blue lines you're a little over 100 blue lines at 90 okay about inline thrust which is unique about this airplane I will add that if you get your multi-engine training and check ride done in a Cessna skymaster you will have a limit on your multi-engine rating it's a limitation that goes on your certificate that says limited to Center Line thrust which means you can basically only fly an airplane that has its multiple engines in one line they are Center Line thrust I got my multi-engine rating in a pipera it's got engines out on the with that conventional multi-engine rating I can go fly assess Sky Master but if I got my rating in assess Sky master I would not be able to Hype hop in something like a piper cica so there is that Centerline thrust Nuance but if you have a multi-engine rating that does not have that Centerline thrust limitation on it then you are legal to fly a Cessna Sky master of course after getting some transition training from an instructor and whatnot on the subject of training I want to briefly touch on the topic of annunciators and warning devices like the gear horn you hear blaring in the background the beeping you're hearing is an alarm that sounds in most airplanes with retractable landing gear to warn the pilot that the gear is still retracted in this airplane it happens when the throttle on either engine is reduced below a certain setting basically to keep you from Forgetting the landing gear if you're throttling back for landing it's a last resort warning if you're so sloppy as to not run your checklist sometimes extending the flaps while the gear is still up will do the same thing it just depends on the airplane where of course throttling back an engine on purpose to simulate an engine failure and we only flew in this condition for a couple of minutes on each engine Kevin and I talked about this topic in the plane but I'll spare you the beeping and sum it up you really shouldn't casually fly with any enunciators perpetually blinking or beeping annunciators are designed to get the Pilot's attention in the instance of training sometimes it's unavoidable and you have to fly around for a few minutes with some sort of annunciator going off after all that is the point of training right to practice abnormal scenarios to the instructors out there I recommend limiting the amount of time if at all possible that you're chronically exposing your student to enunciators you don't want their eyes and ears to become numb to those abnormalities set an example to acknowledge annunciators when they come up see what it's all about address the issue and clear it to Pilots out there flying in your own aircraft don't accept a blinking light or quote MSG on your avionics which means message as normal find out why that enunciator is trying to get your attention resolve the issue and fly with a clean panel just like driving in your car with the tire light blinking and the check engine light blinking you may not have noticed that your low oil pressure light just came on or your low fuel light is now blinking if your eyes have gotten used to dismissing those enunciators on your dash you'll be numb to noticing an abnormality when it really matters it's like a boy who cried wolf scenario the moral of this tangent is don't pass it off as acceptable to fly your bird with any enunciators perpetually blinking or beeping if a message pops up on your avionics your engine monitor flight display or whatever open it as soon as practical read it address it if needed and clear it if an alarm goes off address it and clear it professional airline pilots don't fly around with enunciators blinking and beeping in their face the whole flight and there's good reasoning for [Music] that let's uh let's drop to 4500 since we're uh headed to the to the uh West now good power set where you think is good for that yeah I'm just dropping to 20 point the nose down it'll be fine information 251 Zulu wind 311 1 clear temp 27 2.1 36 visual approach 3 Z use no tax Alpha 7 alpha 8 whiskey uniform close on contact okay we got C oh yeah I'm going to call Santa Maria Tower tell them where I'm about we're about East I don't know 15 miles yeah I think we're about uh let's see got 10 miles okay Cent Mar Tower skym 321 Kil Bravo 10 miles to the east for landing with Sierra Sky Master 321 Kil Bravo andent a right base from my 30 report 3 miles right base 3 0 report 3 miles 32 kill Bravo yeah and I'm just going to pull this back like I said I baby these engines oh yeah since I pay for them right elevation is 261 ft right if we turn fine at 500 ft above that we should be about 750 gear speed on this is 140 it's hard on the gear if you do it that fast you like to be a little slower like 120 yeah yeah and this gear is it electric so it's a I'm going to put the first Notch of Flaps in here okay it's a electrically powered hydraulic motor Master 1 kilo Bravo 3 Z clear land 30 3 Jo Kil Bravo all right I'll take it from here you have fls hey I'm going to increase I'm going to drop the gear [Music] here all right and we are clear to land we are indeed gears down with a green a little high whatever not really I can see two Reds yeah I see two Reds Two Reds two wides hey gases on the main undercarriages down and locked confirmed mixture and the props to go I'm ready to go around anytime I think we can officially declare that Runway made I would say so A beautiful Master 1 Kil Bravo turn right Alpha 5 Texas parking be Alpha ground Alpha 5 Alpha B ground one kill Bravo okay I am now clear this up open these now I'm taxing on the rear engine and I love how you come to a full stop past the line before you start doing all that stuff oh I don't play with any of that especially cuz your cow flap switches are quite literally right next to the Gear yeah no I don't play well hey I really I really appreciate you coming down here to oh yeah to get my butt in the air and just experience a different airplane too and a new and a different pilot I really appreciate that thing if you know you're so used to the 150 and and then the Skyhawk if you don't get a chance to grab the Yol on a different plane it's it's a whole different experience oh yeah and this is certainly a new one for sure it was an absolutely beautiful day to fly Clear Blue Skies out here little bit of turbulence over the mountains but my goodness the views were super gorgeous I actually have my Nissan extera here with us with the rooftop tent and I scoped out a few potential overlanding spots back there in the mountains that I think Chelsea and I should try out but awesome day to fly thank you Kevin for coming out here to just take me for a flight I really appreciate his support of the content and I appreciate all of yall's support of the content again my mission here is to Showcase safe practices share little teaching moments and tidbits of knowledge while enjoying the beauty this world has to offer through the lens of a camera from the window seat of a general aviation aircraft awesome day to fly I got to check a very unique airplane off my list of airframes to fly at some point Kevin has an absolutely beautiful Cessna Sky master not going to lie I will probably be hopping on trade a plane Barn stormers controller Etc tonight to take another look at the ones that are out there for sale and probably some other airplanes and continue my hunt for some sort of a CrossCountry platform some sort of cross country airplane that will be able to open the door to New Missions for me as well as new challenges and of course new content general aviation I love [Music] it again I'm curious to hear your feedback on your preferred CrossCountry airframes down in the comments be sure to give this video a like if you did subscribe if you haven't and ring that notification Bell so you don't miss out on future episodes and until next time everyone you know the drill I want you to stay happy healthy current but most importantly stay proficient get out there and fly with your fellow aviators be the safest pilot you can be and let's all get back home to our families at the end of the day we'll see you in the next episode right here on AV 101 fly safe
Channel: Aviation101
Views: 48,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: general, aviation, flying, aviation101, josh, flowers, mr aviation, flying eyes, coflyt, garmin, vlog, flight, pilot, flight instructor, cfi, cfii, vfr, ifr, atc, air traffic control, radio, chatter, audio, recording, cross country, instrument, commercial, travel, ambassador, siriusxm, plane english, arsim, cessna, skymaster, 337, twin, engine, multi, MEI, AMEL, training, rare, airplane, aircraft, socal, california, ksmx, santa, maria, gdl 52, engine failure, simulator, demo, instructional, flight vlog, clouds, buying an airplane
Id: PAaLgx1dH7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 3sec (1143 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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