X-Plane 12 | AirfoilLabs King Air 350 | KBLI-KSEA

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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello there channel members friends and followers from around the world this is Kuwait pilot your host for tonight's show and today ladies and gentlemen we are going to be taking a look at the recently released airfoil Labs King Air 350 for X-Plane 12. there's a lot to cover for this aircraft and if you haven't watched my previous streams I highly recommend that you go and visit one of my videos my previous videos on the King Air where I show you all the features and all this there is to see in in this aircraft which is by the way a study level aircraft uh again one of the very best available general aviation for flight simulation today the King Air by airport Labs really really an excellent excellent aircraft there are a few things I'm going to point out in this stream today because there are a few things that are worth noting uh for anyone who is uh you know who's going to upgrade uh there is an upgrade fee obviously uh but the price point of the aircraft is is pretty good so but before we delve into it let me welcome all of you guys to this live stream I want to welcome Rand Cooley Stan Boeing Corps from Logan New Jersey craft from India welcome aboard my friend we have also Mass France and welcome aboard Ryan um Evington welcome aboard Daniel no not a free copy I paid for it um thank you very much I'm glad you liked music Alex hello how are you doing my friend good evening to you and thank you very much for your continued support and your massive massive help on Discord for the community Ezio Hayes how are you doing my friend welcome aboard oh nice Shrine if you are a flight shortly and explain 12. excellent uh we have also Daniel with us today uh James hello James welcome my friend German welcome my friends to Bonos hello guys welcome aboard Jeff how are you doing I'm doing very well sir thanks for asking all right so today we are going to be flying with orbex scenery and I have the entire HD uh scenery for Seattle orbex true Earth which is of course supported at your own risk in X-Plane 12 but I thought it would be a good idea to use it uh very quickly here let's take a look at our flight plan so I normally what I do guys is I for for flights like this I normally use VOR to VOR what I normally do is uh is I use Sky vector and then I just plot everything here as you can see the only thing I've used is it the transition the papa Alpha Echo VOR into Seattle which is the transition for uh Runway uh 1 6 left at Seattle so here's a quick brief of what we're going to be doing today we are going to be departing Bellingham in the United States kilo Bravo Lima India we are going to be tracking the Charlie Victor Victor VOR station which is this one here and then we are going to track the papa Alpha Echo and then we are going to use the uh the Seattle VOR to track the ILS so we have a couple of VOR stations and then we have the eyeless so the first one is this one then the pae and then we are going to go to the Sea so the um Sierra Echo Alpha which is the Seattle VOR then we're going to intercept the localizer for the ILS Runway 1 6 left onto uh onto Seattle the weather has been very very bad Dougal mctivish hello my friend welcome aboard Hector welcome aboard Scott Matthew Corey thank you very much guys for being here and thank you very much for the channel numbers for your continued support so this is uh this is what we're going to be doing and by the way guys just before I forget I have been studying the Airbus A320 lately and I will be making the professional series on the Airbus I'm amazed at how Phoenix has simulated just about everything in the real aircraft and this series is coming up on the channel very soon I'm just thinking of the format because there's so much to cover but let's stick to the subject today of our of our stream today which is this beautiful bird by airflow Labs now a couple of things right off the bat that I'd like to uh mention is that this aircraft is very resource hungry and while you can get very good frames while the aircraft is not powered as soon as you turn on the engines you would lose about 10 frames and I hope that the developers would fix this issue I'm really not sure what's driving it but I had to tone down my settings in order to be able to stream it for you guys so that's a caveat for anyone who is intending to purchase the aircraft the the regular settings I have did not work for this for the safer I had pretty much everything maxed out so I had to tone things down quite a bit let me show you what I had to do you in order to have this working so I had to turn down rendering distance I normally have this at Max World object density I had to turn I normally have it at Max so I had to bring this back to high and I had to actually also reduce my anti-aliasing to 2x msaa now because I have a 4K screen it doesn't really affect things too much from my perspective but I just want it to be kind of very open with you guys and let you know that this is going to be an aircraft that will require a lot of resources so that's out of the way again one thing that I've noticed maybe it's not the case with you guys with the zinc plugin you will get substantial increase in fps unfortunately though it is very unstable on my machine so the minute I use zinc uh you know the Sim starts crashing and freezing and things like that that's a you know on geeky notes for you guys if you are intending to buy the aircraft now the King Air just like the airflow lamp Cessna has the Next Generation control panel which gives you access to a toggle between the different aircraft States you've got all the two 2D panels and those actually proved to be very very useful especially when you're Airborne because the autopilot is located in a very awkward place in the in the king ear then you've got all your ground equipment you've got the GPU the fuel truck all of this I cover in my previous stream on the King gear so please do visit it if you're interested today we are going to be focusing really on flying the aircraft in the shortest possible uh possible way so I'm going to show you how to start the aircraft the quickest way we're going to assume that we've done the walk around and we've done the pre-flight inspection so that we can focus today on the on the radio navigation flying the aircraft and safely Landing it at Seattle in what should be very adverse weather conditions today and by the way this aircraft has full simulation of icing conditions and when icing conditions are present you will see the ice beginning to form on the aircraft wing on the propellers and various other places on the aircraft so you have to be very careful and you need to treat this aircraft as you would in real life in order to avoid icing condition we need engine fire we can do engine fire Unfortunately today with engine firing the adverse weather conditions at Seattle I think we will more than likely crash so so 10 FPS well yeah it's uh it's really really bad the really needs it really needs a it needs it needs to be optimized okay so let's hop into the cockpit and I do like a lot the cockpit of the King gear very very detailed again you have your uh everything that is in the checklist has been converted into uh an electronic interactive format uh so this actually is a very very detailed um checklist you've got normal operations of course this is for normal operations and you can go through this and you can actually start this automatically and have the uh you know have the Sim do it or have the aircraft do everything for you in an automated way so that you can watch it and learn from it we have the performance here today we're just going to set the markers just for uh completeness sake today and uh you know everything again every all the buttons all the switches everything is is simulated uh with the exception I think of the circuit breaker so the circuit breakers are not functional it also has a very nice cabin you can by the way open the engine cowling and you can look at the engines uh very very nice passenger cabin in terms of the texturing the overall Fidelity of the 3D model is is superb with anything by the way airflow Labs has developed two aircraft for X-Plane one aircraft for msfs which isn't very good but this and the airflow lamp Cessna are just amazing all right so here's what we're going to do let's start setting things up uh raspy raspy squares how are you doing my friend is window fog broken no it's not it works pretty well in fact in my previous flight I had fogging you know the window were fogging and they were getting really really bad and uh yeah I had to turn on the uh is if you go here you have the windshield anti ice you need to turn those on Ice protection all of this we're probably going to need in our flight today all right perfect we are ready so what we're going to do is I'm gonna hide the oak so you guys can follow along and we're gonna come down here we're gonna turn uh open the cover and turn the battery on and the sounds are very very nice and by the way um when you start the when you start the of course we're not going to be able to see this if we do it on external power but what I'm going to do today is I'm not going to use the external power because I want you to notice something when we start the first engine and we put it on the generator and then we start the second engine you'll notice how the you know how it actually sucks the power from the engine that is operating and you'll see the Gen uh we're really putting a lot of load in order to start the other engine that is simulated with the sounds with all the instrumentation everything is just really done very very well on this on this aircraft uh also do you recommend Active Sky um well I do recommend Active Sky I think it does the job it's uh it's it gets so far in every situation that I've tested it gave more accurate weather than X-Plane but that could be just because of the Metar uh is this Sim better than msfs 2020 or just different well I think it's just different all right all right so we have the battery running and let's go ahead and start our engine we have the props full forward the fuel is on caught up the uh throttles are idle uh we're going to turn on the Beacon Light and nav lights uh all the other lights can stay as they are we'll assume that we've done all the tests by the way everything can be tested here again Hydraulics everything you can test everything but today we're not going to be doing that uh let's see here the control we're not going to be using the FMS as well so we'll leave that alone and we're going to go ahead and start the right engine first now we have to wait for the RPM to reach about 12 percent and then we can put the fuel on low idle and if you don't do that if you don't wait you'll more than likely have a hot start as you can see now the ITT is rising and you don't want it to cross that red line and this is by the way the hot start is properly simulated right excellent and now we can put the fuel on high Auto idle and you can see now the torque going down and we have a good start so we're going to come here and turn off the ignition and turn on the generator all right now we have electrical power being supplied to the aircraft from the Rind generator now we're going to start the left engine and take notice of what happens here in the the sounds are going to change but also you're going to see what happens to the right engine as we start the left engine here we go look at that see the sounds all right let's go ahead and put this on low idle [Music] and again monitor the Itt [Music] right excellent and we can put it now on high idle listen to those engine sounds absolutely brilliant sounds all right and we can turn off the ignition and the left engine generator is now on so we have both Gins now and we can let's see inverters let me put this here and turn it back on there we go okay inverters are on and we need the arm the auto feather Auto feather is armed still warning on pitos are on on both sides left and right pitos and let's see here we need the bleed air valves to be open uh oxygen for the passengers right oxygen set we are today going to be flying at a final Cruise altitude of 15 000 feet so we're going to set the cabin altitude here and we're going to turn on the rest of our radio equipment as we are going to be all right let's first turn on the Avionics and that will bring the avionics and then we're going to turn on the com radio nav Radio 1 transponder and on the left side com2 nav2 and our ADF a all right everything is looking good here and we're just gonna wait for the alignment now if we bring up our flight plan and we take a look at the first VOR station which is Charlie Victor Victor it's the Penn Cove uh and the frequency is 117 decimal two all right so we're gonna key in one one seven decimal two right and we're going to set this to the active frequency then we're gonna go to the next one which is Papa Alpha Echo and one 10 decimal six so 110 [Music] decimal six and we'll leave that as the standby frequency all right now another free another VOR station is the Seattle VOR and the Seattle VOR is at 116 decimal eight right or come here and put one one six decimal eight amazing [Music] all right perfect and finally we're going to take the eyeless frequency for uh Runway 1 6 left so we're gonna go here to the charts we're going to select the approach one sixth left is this one here we're gonna note the approach altitude 1900 feet and the frequency is 1 10 decimal three with a Final Approach course of 164 degrees so 110 decimal three we're going to set this as the active and we're going to set this as 110 decimal three all right and we'll switch them so now I know this is the first second third and the fourth frequencies that we're gonna need and I do this just kind of for um you know to reduce my workload and to stop you know going back to the charts every now and then so we have all the information there we're going to set our altitude here to 15 000 feet press to changes to hundreds so now we have it set to 15 000 and we have alignment so everything is good here we're going to reduce the props for taxi so let me put this down to let's see here all right bring this down and we're going to bring the fuel leverage down as well and we are now pretty much ready to taxi to the runway and we're going to turn on our taxi lights taxi lights are on and uh let's see what is going on a Rudder boost is right here so pitch trim is on and the rudder boost is on and now the only thing we have here those uh L prop pitch those will go away as soon as we release the parking brake all right all is ready to go by the way you will notice here one thing that the VOR station is still not registering and this is actually because the signal the VOR signal isn't that strong at this point and as soon as we are airborne you'll see that it will start you know giving us the reading one thing we do need is the altimeter so we're going to go to uh the flight and we're going to select to Bellingham International and we're going to select the information and go to the weather and the altimeter currently the uh you can see that the weather is is pretty bad we have gusting winds visibility is still good scattered clouds at 1900 broken at 6 500 current temperature is seven so pretty cold two nine or seven Niner all right so two nine or seven Niner we're gonna set that [Music] and I'm going to go ahead and start the windshield ntis for pilot co-pilot and I'm going to put the Eyes protection on auto and let's see here we can also the environment that we can put that to normal uh cabin altitude everything here is good everything is good okay perfect all right we can now release the parking brake and we're gonna head over to the runway excellent parking brake is released and off we go and again you'll notice that this aircraft just really wants to take off it really does just what wants to go the engines are so powerful on the King Air it does sound really really nice here's uh [Music] [Music] look at that ladies and gentlemen the aerofore labs King Air 350. absolutely gorgeous aircraft I love the king ear and uh uh you know we have actually something to compare to although they are not the same variant so we have the King Air for Microsoft flight simulator and which is based on the default uh King Air by in Sobo and there is a lot in this aircraft that you will not find in the Microsoft Flight similar by black Square so this one in my view is a it provides a much more realistic experience the Fidelity of this aircraft I mean forget about the visuals I mean the visuals obviously in Microsoft line simulator are second to none but in terms of how this aircraft lies how it operates the feel of it is uh is really Second To None I really can't wait to bring to you guys the Airbus Professional Series because what I have learned during the past week or so is just mind-blowing and I'm just uh amazed at how Phoenix simulation has modeled and simulated the the everything as per the real aircraft so yeah exciting times definitely for flight simulation JB how are you doing my friend it's absolutely essential the sounds are it's a make or break for me without a doubt can you show the GPS option so uh I'll show you the GPS option once we land uh I I prefer this variant for the radio navigation because the in the in the other version where you have the uh laminar default devices you have to change the radios there I like those you know I like this one a little better so uh yeah we don't actually need the full length of the runway but uh yeah why not it is starting to rain here but that makes things a little more interesting I think very nice aircraft and I don't think we need flaps today but let's go ahead and set the flaps for take off it's a very long runway for for the aircraft so we should be able to uh all right that's Runway 16 and let's just bring it to a short stop here we're going to turn on our Landing lights strobe lights are on We're Gonna Fly and maintain Runway heading on departure until we have the reading from the uh from the radio navigation here from the VOR station and once we pick up the signal for the VOR then we will begin our turn all right everything is looking good we're gonna set the props full forward and the fuel levers to the condition levers to full forward and we are good let's release the brakes and let's take off to those Sands you can by the way hear the sounds are not completely synced because we don't have prop sync yet so that's again something I really like in the in the king here all right let's line up her Runway one six [Music] all right and we'll just give it a little power here [Music] let's release the parking brakes [Music] and we'll slowly Advance the throttle there's been a lot 60 knots very windy Auto feather lights on if you want rotate rotate me too you're up [Applause] it's up [Music] flaps up [Music] and fly box oh yeah listen to those engine sounds all right as you can see now we have the the VOR signal we are receiving the VR signal now we are about 32 nautical miles and uh we are going to reduce props here and we're going to aim for about uh 16 1600 RPM [Music] and 500 RPM that's reasonable just trim the aircraft a little bit all right we're looking good I'm going to reduce the or 90 I think 88 is fine for our initial climb all right so now what you can do now this is where those 2D panels come in really handy I'm going to set the course for the VOR as you can see here right now we're getting you know some really heavy rain all right so we're going to come here and engage the yaw damper autopilot climb and now all right and now the aircraft should do his thing and should follow the VOR station we're gonna have to be very careful with all this uh know the weather condition here are really really bad let me just give it some power here the rate of climb is too much right now I think that's a bit excessive in terms of the rate of climb so what we can do is we can come here to our TD panels we can go to the autopilot panel and we can go to vs and we can reduce the rate of climb a little bit there we go yeah that will help us gain a little bit more speed still have outs-liked armed I don't need taxi lights and if we come here uh let's see here uh over speed Windows defog is on all right at least we you know we're we're good all right we're approaching 10 000 feet now we're gonna go ahead and turn off our Landing lights we are 24 nautical miles from Charlie Victor Victor and we're looking good excellent and we can hide the autopilot now panel right we're doing great pH hello my friend Mr Martini welcome aboard and planes welcome aboard my friend glad to have you here [Music] and we have also Gaber hello Gaber thank you very much my friend thanks for being here Android 94 welcome aboard Wally Aviation welcome aboard [Music] all right we Are Climbing now nicely to 15 000 feet and we're looking good here's a look at the outside [Music] [Music] absolutely lovely sounds on the uh on this King here okay we're gonna bring the props a little here I think that's good excellent [Music] give it a little more throttle here [Music] looks like [Music] the frames are still suffering uh and I'm not sure why but really I've had a lot of issues with this with this aircraft specifically with the performance so just uh a word of caution for anyone wanting to purchase the aircraft take tapral hello my friend welcome aboard do you have to set cabin altitude or is it automatic you have to set it so you have to turn it on yeah Ollie Olson hello my friend how did you keep it so steady on takeoff roll mine usually goes crazy nearing V1 ah only so I've had the same issue let me tell you what the trick is so we are at fifteen thousand and let me just uh adjust our throttle here all right here we go all right so with the King gear especially if you give it Full Throttle immediately that's what you're gonna get you're gonna get the wobble left right and center and the aircraft is going to get very very difficult to control um and and that has to do with the way those engines actually provide the thrust to the aircraft and so especially when Auto feather is engaged that was XP realistic let me go and change that XP realistic control panel and we're just going to remove that sneezing no need for that so what you do when you are about to take off Advance this the throttle gradually don't just give it full power immediately gradually increase the power and once you pass about 60 knots you can then give it a little more power so you can it you can increase the throttle a little faster than when you start up to 60 knots just give it very very um be very gentle with the throttles up to 60 knots then you can once the auto feather is engaged and then you can give it you know it can go a little bit faster in in all cases make sure that you look at your torque here and if you give it Full Throttle you're going over 100 for sure and those engines are very powerful engines so you have to be very careful with how much power you give it you're going to either end up you know burning your engines so the engines will set on fire and or you're going to get that wobbly you know wobbly behavior on the ground and so we can actually go to prop sync and once you turn it you'll actually now notice that the sounds of the engines are pretty much in sync so you don't see what we you don't hear the out of sync sound that we've heard back on the ground all right we're about eight nautical miles from the next VOR so the next VR is the papa Alpha Echo and we are doing well at 15 000. oh is right so we're about to 200 knots or so applied for fun Channel how are you my friend I completely forgot battery stream but I'm here no worries at all my friend I'll try that love this airplane I love the airplane as well I think it's really an excellent excellent aircraft uh is the sneeze random or is it related to the temperature it's completely random all right so Noob never how are you doing my friend glad to have you here Frank White welcome aboard do you prefer throttle beta toggle or reverse um either way it doesn't really matter uh Kuwait could you elaborate a bit on the black Square analog King gear and the airflow laughing gear where your thoughts of interest in your opinion well um let me switch the VR stations and then we'll talk about that all right let me switch this here and now you can see that we're turning towards the station and I'm going to go ahead and set the course so let's go ahead and set that here let me set this there we go all there we go all right now the aircraft will take care of it there we go excellent all right now we're heading to the station by the way I'm not sure if this is on here uh uh maybe not yeah yeah there we are we're heading to the Papa Alpha Echo station now as you can see here all right brilliant all right so first of all let me say this about uh the King Air by black swear it is absolutely an incredible add-on and I think it'd bring levels of immersion and simulation to the uh to the Sim like never before but in terms of the depth of system simulation and the flight model so for example one of the things you'll notice that's very different no worries William welcome aboard my friend Niels hello my friend welcome aboard um one thing you'll notice is that there is no distinction in the sinking of the engines in the black Square version versus the Air Force lamps so the out the the engines normally the props are not synced unless you actually do a prop sync and that is while the button is there so you can press it but there's nothing actually changes um then uh the the VOR works exactly the radios work exactly the same way the way this aircraft Handles in my view is far more uh how should I I mean I'm not a real world King Air pilot so I cannot tell you that one flight model is more accurate but I can tell you this that the airflow lamps when you fly it when you hand fly it it feels far more realistic the response to wind of course that is X-Plane but also the aircraft itself is very well built to adapt to the flight model of X-Wing and that makes it I think uh more enjoyable to fly to hand fly than the King Air in Microsoft mind simulator Josh Bella how are you doing my friend welcome aboard and then of course uh you know the airflow Labs has a lot of details as far as your fueling you know um so from the ground perspective it gives you a lot more immersion and it gives you a far more realistic experience because you can actually open the fuel caps on the airflow lab Cessna you can bring up the GPU truck connect it you can check your oil things that you can you can only do from within the uh you know from the control panel or the Garmin device page one of the pages there you can set up quotes with this aircraft you have everything so this the the control panel here is just uh brilliant absolutely brilliant and you know you have all your failures you know you can click here and you can fail just about everything again on this aircraft which is you can load scenarios and do all of that I think it's done very well by the way it's not as complex as the airflow lab Cessna by uh the Cessna 172 but still is I think it offers in terms of the immersion and Fidelity I think it offers more than the uh uh more than the uh the black Square version all right at 10 nautical miles we're going to begin let me put in the frequency here 116 decimal eight as the standby frequency one one six decimal eight and we're going to begin The Descent uh towards uh towards Seattle in just about uh you know a few nautical miles the weather is still pretty bad here as you can see clouds and we are going to reset our altitude to 1900. right 1900 press and go to 1900. all right we're doing good nine nautical miles all right so now we're going to be getting The Descent so I'm gonna go ahead and come here and say descent and everything is good here as you can see now we've begun The Descent and we're gonna switch the frequency here to 116 decimal eight which is now the Seattle VOR and let's bring up the set of the course for our next VOR station there we go [Music] here let's see all right all right perfect all right sending we're going to ease off on the throttles here [Music] like we are following the VOR I'm gonna bring the throttle back and allow the aircraft to decelerate a little bit and then maybe we'll maintain about 180 that's too much 240 is a lot that's very very fast on the king here so we'll bring the speed down [Music] and let's note the altimeter at Seattle so if we go to our flights and go to Seattle we're going to select information and then go to the weather the matar at Seattle is to look at that gusting winds 19 not gusting winds scattered at 20 100 broken 3 000 overcast at five current temperatures seven and the altimeters two niner eight seven two niner eight seven all right let's set that we're already below the transition altitude so two nine or eight seven is set and uh I'm gonna reduce throttle here a little bit more [Music] and we're continuing The Descent lovely aircraft very very nice and by the way one thing also for those of you who are intending to buy the aircraft one thing I've also noticed that will significantly reduce the frames is the lights so if you go here and turn the master panel lights on that will also cause you some you know will cause some loss and Frames so just be aware of that all right we're approaching ten thousand again I can see the frames are suffering here again for some reason and Landing lights are on [Music] and we're going to allow the aircraft to uh descend towards by the way the Seattle VOR is located on the airport so we are actually pretty close to uh pretty close to the airport now and the only frequency we need now is the ILS frequency so I'm going to set the standby frequency to the iOS frequency the Final Approach course is 164 so we're going to set uh 110 decimal three here 110 decimal three uh we'll make this the 110 decimal three that's the standby frequency we still have it you know uh about 22 nautical miles so we are still good and we're going to continue The Descent looks like it's uh there's some heavy rain in uh the frames are really acting up but uh hopefully we'll it will subside all right 180 is a good speed to maintain uh for now so we're just going to give it a little bit of throttle and keep it there visibility is pretty bad [Music] and you can see that there is a turbulence as well they're still looking good [Music] I'm gonna ease off again on the throttle we don't want to be too fast at this point uh we are still at about 7 000 feet [Music] and so we have about 5 000 to clear we should be fine we can now see the ground here and here is beautiful Seattle [Music] we definitely uh looking good there for the uh in terms of our altitude we're about 17 uh 17 nautical miles from uh from Seattle from the airport Blackjack 62 morning from the middle of Washington state hello my friend welcome aboard you make it look so easy thanks Jeff all right here we go we are at six thousand fifteen nautical miles from Seattle and we can see the beautiful buildings and the Beautiful green here in Seattle all right so here's what I'm gonna do guys we are at 5 000 and now we are 14 nautical miles from the airport so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna switch this to the eyeless frequency and you can see that we're a bit too high but that's okay we can fix that we're going to set the approach course for the runway approach course and that is one six four one six four is now set and we're gonna Engage The approach mode right so approach is set right five thousand and we are now we are gonna align with the runway momentarily and this is really a very nice looking scene here as we approach Seattle very very nice [Music] right we have now captured the localizer for Runway one six look at this beautiful scene here of uh beautiful Seattle uh we still can't see the runway which is ahead of us the reason being the visibility I can barely see the runway now all right let's watch our speed all right we are on the Glide slope and the localizer for Runway one six left at Seattle [Music] and now we have uh we have the rain here I'm Gonna Leave the uh wipers I think they distract me more than anything so I'll just leave them for 10 nautical miles now from the runway so we are going to start reducing our speed I believe that's Boeing Airfield in front of us so let's say he's off on the throttle all right we're gonna go props full forward uh let's see here and the fuel addition levers as well [Music] right we're gonna start reducing the speed and we are at about six nautical miles from the runway we will lower the landing here [Music] yeah right we can go to First Notch of flaps [Music] that of course will bring the speed down so we just need to watch this we have the runway in sight absolutely gorgeous approach into Seattle Washington [Music] all right let's watch over speed and here's a flyby [Music] oh yeah all right and we will disconnect the autopilot momentarily and hand fly the aircraft [Music] that is very very immersive absolutely gorgeous approach into Seattle and by the way all default scenery [Music] right 1900 feet [Music] reducing the speed we are six nautical miles so let's go ahead and lower the landing gear oh yeah all right and that of course is gonna decrease our speed so let's maintain the speed here we are looking good clear to land Runway one six left one thousand feet to minimums all right and at this point ladies and gentlemen we're gonna go ahead and disconnect the autopilot so we're going to come here and just click on the autopilot and the damper both are off my aircraft flaps full 500 feet and we'll turn the aircrafts for a bit too high but we can correct that um they're 100 feet to minimum Minimax I don't know original tonight ladies and gentlemen welcome to Seattle Tacoma International Airport we did float there a little bit but here's the reverse it was a bit of a flow there but overall very nice considering the gusting winds very very difficult to steer the aircraft in such crazy weather conditions and but we've made it safely that was a lot of fun I have to tell you it was a lot of fun thank you very much there Matt Franson appreciate it my friend all right we're going to track the flaps again very nice sounds on it for the flower everything is just the Sands are so so nice on this aircraft let's go ahead and turn off the landing lights taxi on Strokes off by the way if you just you must see this we can turn this on here and I love it you can see that actually wipes off the water off the windshield so it actually works like it should all right let's go somewhere over there and just park the aircraft and and we'll take a look at our Landing overall guys my assessment of this aircraft it's definitely a very very immersive area and uh it's definitely worth buying but the caveat is that your machine needs to be able to handle it because even with my specs uh you know I had to tone down uh you know my settings to be able to fly to be able to stream it by the way if I wasn't streaming I'd probably keep the settings the same but with streaming uh streamlabs OBS requires a lot of the resources in terms of CPU so uh so I had to tone down the settings quite a bit to be able to stream for you guys so just be uh be aware that it is resource hungry unlike the for example the Cessna 1972 it does require a little bit of you know of tweaking settings just there to get the sweet spot but uh yeah overall uh definitely an aircraft that I recommend a lot of joy to fly a lot to learn about the aircraft so it's got some uh excellent documentation that ships with it as well I'm just trying to find a spot here we'll just uh you know what I'm just gonna bring the aircraft here uh yeah so definitely the documentation is is excellent on this aircraft the visuals are excellent the sounds are extremely immersive very very nice aircraft overall and uh definitely I do recommend it only if you have a powerful machine now this could be something to do with the aircraft so maybe it requires more optimization maybe it's something to do with this beta version of X-Plane uh I don't know but I just want it to be completely honest completely clear with you guys that yes it is going to require a lot of friends by the way just for you to know we are getting 33 frames 35 frames here at the gate uh now if I turn this off maybe spark this yeah we're getting about 34 35 frames uh and by the way once we turn off the engines so let me turn off the avionics avionics switch is off and we can now cut the fuel bring the props back to idle and now you can see that the frames are going up 37 38 frames so the minute you start the engines for some reason uh you know you get uh you know okay gens can go off battery can go off and everything is now off and yeah we can see that there there are more frames uh so yeah so just to be be aware of that guys if you are going to purchase and by the way you can go to less involved scenery so if a scenery that you you pick is going to again is going to affect the FPS in Seattle the Seattle areas because there to be an area that is very involved from from the scenery perspective and hence the frames all right so before we do anything else let's go ahead and do a replay of our flight hopefully explain won't crash all right here we go [Music] those engine sounds are absolutely gorgeous 500 feet to minimum [Music] [Music] that's the tower view 200 feet to minimums there we go that's my favorite view 100 feet to minimums look at that minimums very nice the smoke uh effect that they have from the engines makes it just uh extra extra immersive those sounds are beautiful 100 feet [Applause] that crosswind was just beautiful uh let's do it one more time [Music] 100 feet [Music] [Music] [Applause] well what happened here all right let's uh remove that all right here we go we're back at the gate I hope you guys enjoyed those uh replays hey Mark how are you doing my friend um all right so uh what I'm gonna do folks uh there's a couple of things just I'd like to uh show you again uh let me uh let me set this again very easily you can just click here and set everything to cold and dark and the aircraft is now in completely cold and dark State we've got some passengers here so let me go to the back and open the door for those of you who haven't seen and don't want to go and look at my other stream we can come here and lock the door again the sounds are absolutely gorgeous and we can come here and you can actually open everything you see with the green here you can actually click and open so there is a small cargo there you know you have the chalks there the tie downs and you can actually click here and now we have the fuel truck and it's not just uh you can actually you know hold the handle and fill the aircraft with fuel so it's not just there for visuals but you can actually interact with it and we can go up here and again you can do the same thing so these are for the time again you can put the fuel nozzle here now another thing you can do is uh you can check the engine oil there you go and you can open the engine cowling and you can actually look at the engine like so and you can open the other side as well so you can open both sides you can go let me go ahead and do that and by the way this looks really nice look at that very very nice oops all right so let's see here I think if we come here there we go now you can open this side and we can do the same thing here by the way and you can open the engine cowling on this side as well there we go all right so now you have you have all the ground elements and the aircraft uh we can also come here and now you can see by the way how this switches so again very nicely done in terms of the modeling I mean they they made it so when you switch the fuel nozzle here it takes it and it puts the wire down uh puts the hose underneath the aircraft brings it back here this is this is some really impressive work really buying airflow laps again the aircraft to the price point of the aircraft really I think is justifiable I don't think that this is an expensive add-on and for what it does and for all the Fidelity that it provides I honestly think it's definitely worth the asking price I just really hope that the guys at airflow lapse would optimize the aircraft for performance and that's uh that's about it well this is pretty much what I wanted to share with you guys in this live stream I hope that you've enjoyed this live stream as much as I enjoyed streaming it for you and that you found this flight from uh to Seattle that you found it useful I hope that you've learned something new uh during the stream if you have any questions as usual please do post them in the video description after the stream is processed I want to thank you all for being here this evening until next time please take care of yourselves and each other and I will see you all very soon thanks for tuning in this evening stay safe and bye bye for now thank you
Channel: Q8Pilot
Views: 15,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: q8pilot, airfoillabs king air 350, airfoillabs king air 350 x plane 12, airfoillabs king air 350 tutorial, airfoillabs king air 350 review, q8pilot x plane 12, airfoillabs king air, airfoillabs super king air 350, x plane king air 350 startup, king air 350, x plane 12, airfoillabs beechcraft king air, airfoil king air, airfoillabs, x plane 12 king air 350 startup
Id: oE8olhfJagk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 48sec (4008 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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