X-MEN 97 Season 1 Ending Explained! KANG THE CONQUEROR, APOCALYPSE, and Season 2 Theories

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so Much Death the X-Men 97 season finale was insane and we have lots of questions like who sent the X-Men back in time as well as into the future where a Morphin Wolverine and how will this next season tie into the greater Multiverse Saga here's a hint King the Conqueror is behind it all and we've got the evidence to prove it evidence that ties this finale to Loki Ant-Man of the was Quant Mania and Avengers 5 and Avengers Secret Wars welcome back to screen Crush I'm Colton Ogburn and the X-Men have found themselves displaced in time and those in the past have come face to face with the very first mutant in sabanur AKA apocalypse but what's even cooler is the mysterious Temple lurking in the background the Temple of Ramat aka the first king the Conqueror as you can see by the rings on this dome-shaped Temple it looks identical to Kang's rings on his time traveling Kingdom in quantam Mania and like Victor timy's prototype in Loki it's a prototype and in the comics King City of chronopoulos was also under a dome yet another connection between this series and the mcu's Multiverse Saga and of course we have got to talk about how present day apocalypse is about to lead a mutant rebellion and resurrect Gambit as his Horsemen of death combining the story of Age of Apocalypse with Blood Ties the comic that I said would be adapted for for season 2 congratulations you're a prophet yeah I throw enough stuff at the wall and something's going to stick what was that nothing nothing come on okay so in the final moments of the finale when the meteorite blips from the sky we see Rogue Nightcrawler Magneto beast and Professor X transported to Egypt 3000 BC here they encounter the young mutant in sabanur my name is n sabanur now in the comic the rise of Apocalypse we meet a young in saor during this time Egypt is being ruled by the pharaoh ramut ramut who is actually a time-traveling king the Conqueror who is there to claim the young apocalypse as his Heir in that comic we see ramut destroy inban or's tribe and then years later ins saor seeks revenge on ramut and goes to war with his kingdom and we think that's exactly what we're seeing here in the final moments of this X-Men finale when we saw ins saor being attacked by the pharaoh's guard in the comics in Sabor rejects ramit's offer to become his air and he is enraged with him for killing his people this rage unlocks in sabon or's unmatched mutant powers and ratat fleas the scene actually fleas the timeline and goes back to his original point in time and it was in this comic that they even tied it with the original introduction of ramut his first appearance in the 1963 Fantastic 4 issue 19 it was in this issue where the Fantastic for travel to ancient Egypt and encounter Ramat and ramut escapes back to his timeline and even even has a runin with Dr Doom now in the origins of Apocalypse comic we get to see the Fantastic Four on the same Mission from that comic that had been released 30 years prior but it looks like that in this adaptation of the story in X-Men 97 it won't be the Fantastic Four who encounter Ramat but instead it will be the X-Men and I think we're going to see something very similar happen here where Ramat fleases the timeline when apocalypse Rises to power and I think we'll see the X-Men try to help apocalypse never become the evil mutant that they fought in the future but inadvertently he will still be set down his villainous path and you know one thing that has been especially great about this show is that the X-Men are pinned in so many fronts they fight evil humans evil mutants but they also have to fight a public relations War this Series has always been told through the lens of news broadcasts heck the first image in the very first episode of this series is a news story like for example when Xavier was discovered to be alive that should have been a cause for celebration but instead the media Twisted the story to make it seem like the X-Men were the bad guys the news media often distorts events because of a political or profit bias they want you to be afraid so you'll keep watching in fact these days everyone has an algorithm that filters your news to lean into your existing bias and that's why it's best for you to know exactly where you are getting your news from like ground news for instance ground news is an app and website that gathers related articles from across the world into one place but they give give you the context about the source's political leaning their reliability and their ownership this means that you can see through the bias and think critically about the news you consume that's why I'm proud to have them as the sponsor of this video so let me show you an example here's a story about Elon musk's neurolink chip what's the neurolink chip yeah it's like this computer chip that goes in your brain here I can see who reported the story which way they lean politically the factuality of the story and whether or not the news came from independent ownership this story was covered by 65 sources 17 left six right and 17 Center I also thought it was interesting that the left leaning sites call it a malfunction while Fox News called it a temporary problem now especially with the election coming up I want to be informed and know that the news isn't trying to sway me one way or the other they even have a blind spot section that shows you the news stories that each side is ignoring and by the way this is all backed by ratings by three Independent News monitoring organizations this is is an incredible resource and I have been looking for a service like ground news for years I highly encourage you to check them out so if you go to ground. news/ screencrush or click this QR code you will get 40% off their Vantage plan which includes unlimited access to every feature or you can try their Pro Plan for less than $1 a month totally worth it your subscription will not only help this channel but you'll also be supporting an independent platform working to make the media landscape more transparent now back to the X-Men so I think that we're going to see the X-Men attempt to save ins saor from becoming apocalypse and help him take on ramut and in the future that Scott and Jean have landed in I think we'll see the X-Men teaming up with a variant of King the conquer to try and defeat apocalypse because the future they've landed in is an apocalyptic future where apocalypse is in control but more on that in a bit and by the way this isn't King's first appearance in X-Men the Animated Series in another apocalypse Centric story from the original series we learned that the king variant IMM Morse wasn't hiding all along let me explain so in the X-Men animated series apocalypse served as one of the X-Men's key antagonist and he showed up a few times throughout the series now similar to Thanos apocalypse was seeking to destroy the world and recreate it to his liking so apocalypse was secretly behind the creation of a device that was marketed as a mutant cure but in reality the device was used to turn these mutants into Servants of Apocalypse into his Horsemen now Rogue almost takes this but she decides against it in the last minute whereas angel on the other hand does take the Cure and is turned into Archangel Worthington is no more now there is only Archangel apocalypse is ultimately defeated by the X-Men multiple times throughout the series and he eventually realizes that these battles are pointless so instead he travels back in time on a mission to wipe all psychics from existence because psychics like Charles Xavier and Jean Gray are the only beings that are able to defeat him now it it was during this Arc that we are introduced to the axis of time managed by a guy called Bender Who is actually IMM mortise now like I said imem mortise is a variant of Kang and he is a character that we've met briefly in the MCU here in this post credit scene from Quantum Mania they're beginning to touch the multivers and if we let them they will K everything so in the comics ramut or Kang is approached by the time ERS keep in mind that unlike we saw in the MCU with Loki the timekeepers actually exist and hey they probably used to exist in the MCU as well before being wiped out by he who remains anyway in the comics the timekeepers offer Ramat a job as the preserver of timelines in a realm known as limbo also called the axis of time this is a realm without time and it could also be used as a place to travel through time Ramat then takes on the moniker of a mortise and he resides in a castle similar to that of the Citadel at the end of time that we saw in Loki now in Xmen the Animated Series we saw apocalypse travel to limbo or the axis of time using Cable's time travel device apocalypse then took over and used this place to kidnap the psychics from throughout all of time apocalypse then used the powers of these psychics to erase all of time and rewrite time according to his will by harnessing the power of psychic energy the lines of time have begun to recede apocalypse is ultimately defeated by the X-Men and the psychics band together to wipe apocalypse from existence and from time after the X-Men return home we see Bender revert to his true form of IM [Laughter] Morse and of course it's am Morse and ramut who we saw here in that quantam Mania post credit scene that has yet to be followed up on perhaps until now with X-Men 97's season finale so we've talked a lot about what Marvel is going to do with the character of Kang now that Jonathan Majors is out casting the character would be my preference instead of just abandoning the character but that Quantum Mania post credit scene showing every Kang variant as Jonathan major doesn't exactly make recasting all that easy but perhaps we're seeing a workaround here with X-Men 97 perhaps Kang's future lies in the animated Realm of the Marvel Cinematic Universe I mean they did introduce the character in a Disney plus series with Loki why not continue his story in another Disney plus series like X-Men or hey they could just recast the character with Denzel Washington as an older future variant of King but hey I digress so I got to say to all my doubters saying that this series had nothing to do with the Multiverse Saga in the MCU my friends never doubt Me Wait So if apocalypse was wiped from existence then how did he come back now well buddy he actually returned again in the original series in season 5 while his physical form was wiped from time his astral form remained and hey speaking of the return of Apocalypse be sure to check out our the apocalypse is coming shared up on our merch store right now screen Crush merch.com you can also find lots of other X-Men and Deadpool inspired designs up on the store shopping our merch store is the best way to support our Channel and we thank you so much for your support So Doug to answer your question in season 5 of the original series apocalypse sends a mutant named Fabian Cortez to find him a new body when Fabian fails apocalypse ends up taking fabian's body instead as his new vessel in the comic Blood Ties which we talked about in this video here it was Fabian Cortez who leads the mutants of josha in a war with the United Nations and heroes like the Avengers and the X-Men are caught in the middle well in this finale it was apocalypse who we see in the ashes of josha so Much Death this is an apocalypse who was brought back to life using the body of Fabian Cortez and I think it's going to be apocalypse who takes the place of Fabian in this Blood TI adaptation in a war against humanity but with Apocalypse in full form we'll also see the classic story of Age of Apocalypse adapted and we believe that one of his Horsemen will be the resurrected corpse of Gambit taking on the role of death which of course was teased here in Xavier's Vision a few episodes prior Gambit no okay so that's the past in the present in the past the X-Men will try to redeem apocalypse and fight ramut and in the present we'll see the remaining X Men band together to take on apocalypse as he uses the tragedy of josha to start a human mutant War but what about the future what's going on with Scott and Jean and how will these various time periods be tied together well Scott and Jean have found themselves in a future ruled by apocalypse and they even encounter a Young Nathan Summers AKA cable AKA their son this is inspired by the comic the aventures of Cyclops and Phoenix now in that four-part story we saw Scott and Jean pulled into the future by their daughter Rachel son which is this lady in the hood you'll learn more about that in season 2 so in those Comics we saw Scott and Jean's Minds placed into a different body and they got to raise cable or Nathan but in this adaptation it looks like they'll be staying in their own bodies so perhaps we are going to see time get Rewritten so now the question becomes how are all these stories going to tie together well I think that when ramud flees the timeline in ancient Egypt we'll see him go to the present day and the X-Men will follow him from ancient Egypt thus leaving the young apocalypse to go down his villainous path becoming The Apocalypse of the future and it's in the future that we'll see a version of Kang perhaps this guy from quamania convince the X-Men that they need to help him travel back in time to their present day so that they can stop apocalypse and so that this apocalyptic future doesn't happen and when these two teams of X-Men and their respective Kang variants arrive in the present that's when we could see IM mortis come in still running the show as we saw the last time apocalypse tried to take over the world in X-Men the Animated Series season 4 now these Kings could help the X-Men defeat apocalypse but in doing so these kings are now able to rise to power because apocalypse is no longer an obstacle this could be giving us the origins of the multiversal Council of kings that we saw in Quantum Mania and laying the groundwork for the X-Men of X-Men 97 to join the fight in Avengers Secret Wars or what about Wolverine and morph oh we cannot forget about the love birds so Wolverine and morph were also displaced in time but we didn't see where and you know what I'm going to say it this Wolverine don't say it and this Wolverine please don't say it are the same Wolverine and you said it okay in all seriousness I do think it would be awesome if these Wolverines were the same and there has been a lot of evidence to suggest that they are or that they are at least very similar variants who perhaps once existed as the same being and then splintered into different timelines lots of videos up on the channel by Yours Truly talking about this but I will acknowledge that this Wolverine is missing metal claws which the Deadpool of Deadpool and Wolverine definitely has and we have to remember that storm is also missing and I think we may know where these three X-Men went you see all of the X-Men landed in an apocalypse adjacent time period And I think Wolverine Morphin storm landed in a period where apocalypse and Mr Sinister were working together a period shortly after apocalypse bestowed Mr Sinister with his powers and it could be this period where we see Mr Sinister help apocalypse take over the minds of these three X-Men and turn them into his other three Horsemen storm and Wolverine both having been Horseman of Apocalypse in the comics and this would once again Place morph in a situation where he is being manipulated by Mr Sinister so guys those are just my theories let me know do you think that King the Conqueror is coming in this next season of X-Men 97 and will this story tie in to the greater Multiverse Saga let me know down in the comments below or you can add me on Twitter and if you're new here be sure to subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Colton Ogburn [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 218,975
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Keywords: x-men 97 ending explained, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, x-men 97 endig explained, x men 97 episode 2 ending explained, x-men 97 episode 5 ending explained, x men 97 episode 4 ending explained, x men 97 epsiode 2 ending explained, x-men 97 sentinel, x men 97 episode 2 endig explained, x men 97 epsiode 2 endig explained, x-men 97 epsiode 5 ending explained, x-men 97 episode 5 endig explained, x-men 97 epsiode 5 endig explained
Id: tNv0EZ7Dk8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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