THE BOYS Full Story Recap | The Boys Season 1-2 & 3 Recap | The Boys Season 4

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so the story of the boys as we know it starts with two kids discussing who would win in a fight between the deep and translucent just then a large van transporting money which has been hijacked speeds towards the kids just before the van hits the kids it is stopped by Queen mave who fights off the as salance with homelander assistance news agencies report that homelander and queen ma never miss a chance at publicity while homelander is taking photographs with nearby pedestrians meanwhile at briman audio huy Campbell tries to talk to his manager however he is shut down immediately soon he meets with his girlfriend Robin after leaving the shop Robin asks if he has asked his manager for a raise huy jokes that he couldn't just kick his door down like homelander as Robin and huie are discussing living together Robin suddenly explodes having been in a train's direct path while he was running huie is left on the roadside covered in Robin's blood and holding her severed hand after stopping for a moment covered in blood at train with a red duffel bag slung across his chest and muttering something about how he can't stop zooms away meanwhile Starlight auditions for The Seven where she partakes in an interview and shows her ability to project blinding white light from her body meanwhile huy watches the news in which at train states that he regrets the death of Robin telling the whole world that she stepped out into into the middle of the street while he was chasing Bank Robin a representative of vort international arrives at his door revealing that vort would like to offer him $45,000 if he signs a non-disclosure agreement he asks for time to think about it and has visions of himself attacking the representative meanwhile Starlight receives a call from Vault announcing that she has been accepted to join the seven huy attempts to pull a lawsuit case together against atrin but is shot down by his father who tries to convince him to take the deal as they could use the money but huie refuses in New York V International hosts its 2019 shareholder event in which the Deep announces the retirement of Lamplighter and introduces Starlight V also premieres its plans for the future in which a superhero will guard every city at the Seven's headquarters the Deep shows Starlight around she says that she's standing where she always wanted to be and even reveals that she once had a crush on the deep as a kid prompted by this the Deep deep removes his pants which horrifies Starlight the Deep however reveals that oral sex with him is the price she must pay to remain a member of the seven in order to persuade her he blackmails her saying that he is second in command of the seven and will tell homelander that she attacked him if she does not agree at work huie is watching translucent interview on the Jimmy Fallon show when Billy butcher enters he introduces himself as FBI saying that he has heard hu's story and they should talk Billy says that the soups kill hundreds of people a year but the public love the soups which is why nobody cares what they get up to Billy brings huy to an undercover superar saying that this is the only place soups can be themselves Billy shows huy CCTV footage of a train at the bar laughing about Robin's death which encourages him to join Billy then Billy hands huy the police log from the night of Robin's death which shows no Bank alarms hinting that a train is hiding something Billy tells huy to call V and tell them he will sign the NDA but only if a train is there in person as Billy plans for huy to plant a bug in seven Tower but he refuses at V Industries meline Stillwell offers the mayor of Baltimore one of vort soup's Nubian Prince she tries to barter a $300 million Pere deal but the mayor laughs offering $200 million the mayor claims that he knows about the existence of something called compound V and is willing to expose the truth if meline doesn't agree over the phone Starlight attempts to tell her mother about what happened with the deep but just cries instead sitting on the same park bench this gets hur's attention and they both say they're having bad days Starlight admits that her life isn't what she thought it would be while huy reminisces about his time with Robin then huie meets again with Billy declaring that he's in on the deal huie calls vort agreeing to take the deal but only if a train apologizes in person meanwhile at 7even Tower homelander holds a meeting the Deep mocks Starlight but she is able to stand her ground insisting that she is in the seven to stay Billy takes huy to seven Tower instructing him on how to plant the bug huy is hesitant and scared but he is able to get past the security in seven Tower and meets with at train huy follows Billy's instructions but unbeknownst to him he is witnessed by translucent dropping the bug on the floor in the toilet then he signs the NDA and is able to AR the bug Billy drops huie back off at work saying that he has done everything he needs him for at the moment meline calls Steve saying that she's willing to take $230 million for Nubian Prince and asks if he'll be discreet about the compound V rumors then translucent confronts huy at briman audio about the bug planted in s tower by assaulting and threatening him however huy is saved by Billy who smashes through the storefront running translucent over with a car Billy and translucent fight eventually leading to huy electrocuting translucent meanwhile on his flight Steve and his son notice homelander flying alongside their jet his son questions whether they are friends and just then homelander uses his heat vision to destroy the plane killing everyone on board following their fight with translucent Billy and huy evade the police taking translucent body with them stuffed in the trunk of the car Billy and huy are shocked to find that translucent is is not dead but banging around in the trunk of their car huy wants to let translucent go but Billy is able to convince him otherwise stating that huie will never get revenge for Robin Billy takes huie to see Frenchie who questions why Billy has come to see him given that he owes him $40,000 Billy shows translucent to Frenchie who worries that homelander could be on his way meanwhile at train visits a cancer stricken teen boy in hospital which is fed onto Facebook via live stream the boy is on happy because he asked to meet translucent not a train at 7 Tower Madeline Stillwell and Ashley Barrett discussed translucent location Ashley says that she does not know his location and he hasn't triggered any of the motion sensors in the building Starlight introduces herself to black noir but he walks on without interacting Ashley asks how she is settling in and tells her that she is being sent on her first Patrol Starlight says that she prefers to do her own investigations and is shocked to find that the deep is also on the patrol with her after covering the walls and ceiling with foil Frenchie Billy and huie trapped translucent in an electrified cage in the basement of a boarded up restaurant Frenchie is annoyed that Billy has burdened him with this problem and says that translucent skin is impenetrable making him hard to kill huy is shocked to hear that they're thinking of killing translucent meanwhile homelander questions meline as to whether she has located translucent offering to search for him himself Stillwell says that that is not necessary she asks whether homelander heard about the mayor of Baltimore questioning whether he had anything to do with the incident homelander says that he heard the mayor blackmailing her huy receives numerous missed calls from his father when he returns the calls his father expresses concerns about what happened at the AV store hu's father asks him to come home and be sensible homelander and the Deep meet at seven Tower during the meeting home homelander questions why the Deep ran to Stillwell and revealed what he saw on the mayor's plane homelander uses the meeting as a pseudo threat telling the deep that the conversation should never happen again to which the Deep fearfully agrees Frenchie works on creating a bullet coated in the same material as translucent skin in hopes that it will be enough to penetrate a skin and kill him Billy fires the shot however it bounces off his skin and translucent laughs cheerfully claiming that he's invinc ible and it is only a matter of time until the seven come for him unnoticed the bullet damaged the foil shielding on the ceiling at 7even Tower due to the damaged foil the team are able to find translucent locator within a 10 block area meline sends a security team telling them to search door Todo if necessary at the Docks the deep and starlight investigate the case handed to them by Ashley the deep is angry that he has been handed low-level cases believing that he could be so much more Starlight lashes out over what happened the previous night Starlight reveals that she found out that he is not number two in the seven but is laughed at by everyone and is just The Fish Guy the two apprehend a series of fugs smuggling pills through the docks ironically hidden in homelander toys and vort uses the bust as a publicity opportunity which shocks and annoys Starlight meanwhile Billy waits for Susan Raina deputy director of the CIA congrat congratulating her on the promotion and asking to see some of her files including translucent Raina questions why he wants to see the file and Billy admits that he's looking to kill him and perhaps could find something in the files Raina however says that the files are buried and even she will not dig them up huie questions translucent on Robin's death he asks where a train was going in such a rush saying that he knows they were tight Frenchie notices a truck pull up and grabs his gun transluc says that he can read huie who is scared and in over his head despite the truck driving off vault security forces poke around the building but leave before noticing Frenchie and the others meanwhile at a vort fundraiser meline meets with the senator who says that nobody will put superheroes into National Defense he says that nobody wants to Outsource as America runs on weapons he does however say that he'd be scared to have homelander on the front line and expresses concern that the heroes belong to meline walking home late at night Starlight saves a woman from being raped by two men beating them up unbeknownst to her the scene is being video recorded Frenchie tries unsuccessfully to kill translucent he tries to offer huy MDMA and LSD to calm him which huie refuses Frenchie reveals that he works in quite a few Fields but is a Gunrunner by trade he says that for the most part he tries to figure out ways to kill soups meanwhile the senator is tricked into having sex with of the shape shifter doppelganger who takes advantage of him taking incriminating photographs after shifting into a male Ashley questions Starlight over the footage of her beating up the men revealing that she has blown her secret identity Ashley says that there is no woman in the video and all the video shows is Starlight beating up two innocent men Ashley says that Starlight must have meetings with legal and crisis management following the Outburst Stillwell meets with the senator revealing two photographs from the previous night Stillwell says that she knows he had sex with doppelganger and she plans to use the photographs to Blackmail the senator about National Defense homelander goes to Crime analytics asking if they have found translucent he is concerned because translucent has been missing for over 24 hours homelander expresses his wish to find translucent himself but anaka is concerned that he needs still Well's approval however with a push from homelander she reveals translucent last known position meanwhile Frenchie realizes that translucent has a tough shell like a turtle but his insides are like those of a normal human after rendering him unconscious Frenchie reveals that he has stuck a bomb in his rectum that can be triggered by a remote Detonator translucent begs for his life saying that he knows information about where a train was going the night of Robin's death he reveals information about pop claw a train's girlfriend Frenchie then notices is that homelander is nearby which frightens huie Frenchie warns that pulling the Detonator will alert homelander to their location so Frenchie goes to distract homelander while translucent escapes from his cage but is threatened by huie Billy remotely triggers an explosion at Frenchie's place nearby drawing homelander to investigate in the basement fearing translucent would wreck everything huie presses the Detonator blowing translucent to Pieces so huy is shocked after killing trans loosen and washes himself off meanwhile Billy cleans up his remains with the help of Frenchie who burns hu's clothes and both promise to take care of the situation caused by the death of translucent Frenchie also agrees to go home with huie to get more clothes at 7 Tower Starlight meets with meline Stillwell and her team to discuss the date rape video Stillwell reveals that the victim saw the video on YouTube and came forward gaining her popularity and publicity the team then unveiled SS a new uniform that's highly revealing designed specifically for Starlight but she refuses believing it is not a reflection of her Stillwell says that she cannot be a member of the seven if she does not wear the outfit at home huie is disgusted at the amount of soup merchandise he owns in a rage he tears the posters off the wall and throws the merchandise around the room before being brought back to reality by a photograph of Robin hu's father confronts him questioning where he is going with packed bag huie and his father argue and huy leaves with Frenchie apologizing to his father at the Juvenile Detention Center Billy visits mother's milk an old friend of his much to mm's surprise mm questions his motives as Billy invites him back to join the boys mm says that he is happy and making a difference with the jdc Billy reveals that they killed translucent and their plans to bring down the seven and perhaps even vote International which is enough to convince mm meanwhile homelander expresses the fear that translucent could be dead given the failure of the tracking ship but still well sarcastically rorts that his Diamond skin will keep him safe still well hands homelander talking points for the military contract but he laughs retorting that he can sell himself to the military without help in the back of a box van mm Billy Frenchie and huie stalk pop claw's apartment they plan to sneak into pop claw's apartment to hack into her electronic devices and SP Buy on her they pose as briman audio workers who are upgrading the internet routers in the building huie is able to relay her webcam and other cameras in the apartment back to Frenchie in the surveillance van on the way out huy literally runs into at train who does not recognize him much to hu's surprise meanwhile homelander says he is worried about translucent while he and mave deal with a sniper in a high-rise building homelander kills the sniper without hesitation as he expresses his hate hatred for Stillwell and Mr Edgar the owner of vault in order to make the killing appear to be self-defense ma agrees to let homelander shoot the assault rifle into her chest several times Queen mave is also able to convince homelander to make an appearance at a train's fastest man in the world race while being concerned about homelanders ruthless killing Butcher and the boys watch popclaw and a train through the Hacked Computer Connection at train Frets about losing the race tomorrow revealing that still well told him he is out of the seven if he loses a train considers using compound V when Pop claw says that the last time he used the substance he ran through Robin popclaw is furious with at train after he says that she cannot go to the race with him tomorrow she wants their relationship to be publicly known but that requires still Well's permission which a train refuses to request butcher decides that they must steal some of the substance for Frenchie to analyze the boys then arrive at a train race Mothers Milk and huie talk about translucent death with huie admitting that killing translucent felt good mm compares the rush huie felt to the rush a train feels when he takes compound V which unsettles huie at the race Queen ma interviews with a reporter saying that if the people want the seven in the military they should order Congress to put them there meanwhile Frenchie with huie distracting Starlight is able to sneak into a train's changing room looking for the compound V however he is unable to find it when Shockwave arrives at the race a train Darts Away to take the compound V and is back in a blink mm watching pop Claw on the CCTV notices something and leaves the race before it begins and with help from the v a train wins the race so in the surveillance van outside of Pop claw's apartment mm watches as Pop claw eyes a vial of the compound V annoyed by a train's remarks after the race pop claw injects the V and Billy's gang watches as she works out squat pressing huge barbells pop cla's landlord knocks at the door asking for her rent inviting him in pop claw and he partake in sexual role playay which eventually leads to her crushing his head while sitting on it Billy and Frenchie rush in to use this to Blackmail popclaw into telling them everything she knows about compound V meanwhile homelander and the Deep show still well a box containing trans translucent Remains The Deep reveals a spray painted message inside the lid of the box which reads coming for you Billy butcher dreams of memories spent with his late wife Becca in the flashback Billy remembers a time in which his wife tried to convince him to see a concert with her they were happy and had a dog Billy awakes from The Dream warming breakfast and watching a CCTV recording from January 24th 2012 butcher meets with Susan Raina telling her that that he can stop the soups from getting into the military Raina says that she doesn't care and Billy shows Susan images of pop claw and at train injecting compound V however she dismisses him given the lack of a sample Susan tells Billy that she'll reward him if he can get proof Raina says that she hasn't seen translucent for a while hinting that she knows what he did Billy calls pop claw revealing that they haven't found anything but have been watching the noodle shop for weeks popclaw admits that the comp p v comes from somewhere in the vicinity as a train comes back with the noodles after every V run outside the noodle shop Mother's Milk Huey and Frenchie catch a worker of the noodle shop pick up a package dropped on the floor following the guy into the backs of a supermarket the trio find a warehouse full of boxes at the back of the warehouse in a b room they find a girl watching TV they freed the girl despite warnings from the men not to and she handily kills most of her her captors before the L put a gun in his mouth to commit suicide meanwhile the deep in a session with his therapist worries that he is a nobody and one of the weakest members of the seven his therapist however is able to convince him otherwise and embrace his membership with the seven as meaningful butcher arrives while the boys are searching the warehouse for Clues mother's milk finds a small syringe of compound V they discover that a train is running the V to the warehouse and the asants are dosing Kimiko miiro with it Billy questions huie's involvement with Starlight encouraging him to go on a date with her and hack her phone meanwhile Stillwell discusses translucent death and the idea that the world should not find out about the death her team discusses the idea of telling the world that he is on a classified Mission which Stillwell agrees with Stillwell receives a call that a flight has been hijacked over the midatlantic she scrambles homelander and queen mave to say save the plane admitting that Congress will not deny a deal if they bring the passengers back alive Frenchie meets with Sheree to stock up on weapons to use against Kimiko she tells Frenchie that she misses him but hands him Hall of fan a chemical that will be able to knock Kimo out a train arrives at the warehouse behind the supermarket however is surprised to find his associates being loaded into the back of ambulances in body bags at 7even Tower the Deep reveals to Stillwell that he he has found a mission he feels is important shine a light on the mistreatment of dolphins at Ocean Land Theme Park still well counters that they can't reneg on the ocean land promotion deal but is ultimately persuaded to accept at train asks pop claw who she told about compound Vive as she was the only one who knew popclaw insists that she didn't tell anyone and expresses her anger about at train speech post race where he indicated that he was single and available despite continued asking pop claw maintains that she didn't tell anyone at train tells her to pack a bag so that they can leave for a while meanwhile Starlight and huie go bowling on their date as they talk huie is unsettled with visions of killing translucent huie then asks what a translucent is like which surprises Starlight and she says that he's a creep but also mentions that he has a son which on settles Huey homelander and queen mave are able to kill all of the hijackers in the airplane and are applauded by the passengers however when they enter the cockpit they find an additional hijacker has already killed a co-pilot in the scuffle confusion and tight confines the terrorist kills the pilot homelander kills the terrorist with his laser eyes and inadvertently destroys the plane controls knowing that neither of them knows how to fly a plane ma suggests homelander use his flying ability to control the plane however homelander rejects her suggestion as unfe feasible ma suggests homelander flies each passenger down individually but he says that will take too long he's ready to abandon the rescue effort but Ma begs that they take the children but homelander refuses to leave Witnesses finally he convinces mave to leave the plane with him allowing all of the passengers to die meanwhile the boys arrive at a crime scene where Kimiko has killed the Maman matron at the nail salon a train is also at the scene and the boys leave mother's milk worries that at train could have recognized him given that they met the previous week they worry that at train will find Kimiko first considering his speed Frenchie however realizes that Kimiko is trying to get home having found evidence of a subway schedule Mother's Milk reveals that he has a friend that is a postman and has tracked where the compound V came from they arrive at the subway splitting up in an attempt to find Kimiko eventually Frenchie finds Kimiko watching t TV hidden in the back of an electronic store Kimiko is initially wary of Frenchie but he is trying to convince her to trust him but a scare from the TV causes her to bolt on their date Starlight reveals her dating history the two reminisce on their High School relationships and starlight jokingly asks huie if he is bothered with starlight's abilities huie begins having visions of Robin his dead girlfriend then while Starlight is in the restroom huy takes the opportunity to hack her phone at the subway mm Frenchie and Billy search for Kimo mother's milk questions what happened with Lamplighter and mallerie angrily retorting that Frenchie didn't follow orders and now people are dead butcher tells a story of the music group The Spice Girls as an analogy to illustrate that the boys are more successful as a team than individually meanwhile the Deep rescues a dolphin from oceanland and has a man dolphin conversation with it while he's driving which turns sexual he is soon roadblocked by the police causing the dolphin to be ejected through the windshield Landing in the road and be run over by a truck just as Butcher and the boys find Kimo she is caught by a train and the two fight until a train gets the upper hand butcher is ready to walk away but Frenchie alerts the crowd to the previously unseen a train causing a fan mob to prevent a media disaster a train stops the beating and Kimo is able to escape Billy then gases Kimiko knocking her and Frenchie out on the beach where the plane wreckage is washing ashore Queen ma Grieves over the lives they could not save and homelander gives a speech to the news crews about how the passengers didn't have to die the seven arrived after the plane went down because they are not in the military chain of command and still well watches as homelander demands that they be allowed into the military pop claw hides under the radar while smoking marijuana a train Zips in to reveal that Stillwell has allowed them to go public about their relationship the only condition is that pop claw admits whom she told about compound V pop claw reveals that she didn't know their names but describes them to at train after telling her he loves her at train injects her with multiple doses of heroin killing her at train reveals to homelander at 7even Tower that pop claw has died following a heroin overdose homelander questions at Train's use of compound V with at train trying to convince homelander that he isn't using it anymore and Promises to find Kimo on a prompt from homelander Frenchie Cooks a meal for Kimiko trying to engage in conversation with her Kimo however is unwilling to talk and lunges at Frenchie who's only saved by the chains that bind her at the believe Expo Starlight and huy get to know each other Starlight introduces huy to her mother who disdainfully questions if huy works at vort International then Ezekiel makes an appearance on stage mother's milk and Billy butcher survey the area for CCTV and security Billy shows huy a video from the club where Ezekiel was engaging in sexual acts with males and tells huy that he must blackmail Ezekiel into revealing information about compound V while homelander gives a remembrance speech about those they couldn't save aboard Flight 37 Queen mave is angered and leaves the speech early homelander tries to convince her that they do what they have to however ma is hesitant to agree huie mm and Billy engage in the conversation about beliefs while talking to her mom Starlight questions why she had to lie about sex in the teen round T session Starlight expresses concern that she's uncomfortable either the festival has changed or she's changed huy asks Starlight if she can get him a special pass to see Ezekiel and she agrees homelander arrives at the festival asking to see meline however Ashley reveals that she isn't at the festival instantly homelander flies away confronting meline questioning the speech he has been given Stillwell however admits that the speech is geared towards getting the seven into the military which annoys homelander who is conscious of the fact that her son Teddy Stillwell is getting in his way meanwhile Billy is visibly angry as he goes to visit Rachel his wife's sister he is angry that they have purchased a headstone for Becca despite never having found her body however Rachel admits that her mother wants somewhere to talk to her daughter Billy becomes visibly angry however Rachel retorts that they all miss her distraught of the pop claw's death at train watches a movie of hers and then switches to their sex tape however he is shocked to find that it has been overwritten by footage of Pop claw accidentally killing her landlord at train is able to see Butcher and Frenchie blackmailing her and takes a still of Frenchie's face to crime analytics they reveal to at train and black noir that Frenchie is a man with a dozen aliases and 34 addresses at train tells Trevor The Tech Guy not to get involved at ezekiel's meet homelander questions how huy know Starlight they hold a baptizing in which homelander uses this opportunity to hold huie underwater for an extended period of time presumably as a threet once homelander leaves huy tries to show Ezekiel the video however he finds his phone has suffered water damage and no longer works huie improvises pretending to be one of the men Ezekiel had sex with that night initially Ezekiel denies and tries to choke huie he only stops when huie tells him that there is a video ready to be posted online huie blackmails Ezekiel into revealing everything he knows about compound V huie reveals what he has found to mother's milk including the location of the latest shipment and mm reveals the information to but homelander gives a speech at the end of the festival however much to still Well's dismay who watches from 7 hour homelander Strays from the script admitting that he answers to a higher power and will not walk the wait for congress's approval to protect America distraught and experiencing guilt over the deaths of those aboard Flight 37 ma visits her ex-girlfriend she breaks down admitting that she can no longer deal with the guilt and has returned to drinking Elena asks her to explain however ma tries to kiss her after Elena refuses ma realizes it was a bad idea and leaves suddenly meanwhile Sheree calls Frenchie revealing that black noir was just outside of her apartment Frenchie asks which location they have to which she responds that they more than likely have them all at the hospital mother's milk and butcher tried to intercept the shipment of compound V they receive a call from Frenchie who admits that he has been made and needs to take off butcher tells him to leave Kimiko however he is wary worrying about what black noir and at train will do if they find her Frenchie talks with Kimiko who seems scared at the prospect of being left behind Frenchie unchains Kimiko who leaves quickly on stage Starlight reads from a teleprompt a script the script talks about her acceptance of God however she becomes visibly annoyed and asks for the music to be stopped She reveals to the audience that she doesn't believe the script she's been given still well and a deep watch from Seven Tower surprised by starlight's actions she reveals to the audience the sexual assault that occurred between her and the deep but does not reveal his name at the hospital Butcher and mm find the hospital injecting newborns with compound v through an intravenous line the eyes of the baby in the incubator emit energy and they are shocked to find that soups are engineered in a lab not born the way they are meanwhile staright and huy enter into a heated debate with Starlight admitting that she didn't appreciate him using her to get to Ezekiel huy apologizes admitting that his girlfriend died recently and he is just looking for a way out butcher extracts some of the compound V but they are interrupted by men shooting at them with assault rifles but Billy grabs the baby and uses his laser eyes to kill all of the men on CCTV Stillwell notices homelander watching her through the wall she invites him in mockingly asking if he is lonely she warns about the speech he gave and has him lie on the couch suckling her breast meanwhile On The Run Frenchie encounters black noir however he is saved by Kimiko the two fight and black noir is able to get the upper hand leaving Kimo lying in the road in a near death State Frenchie returns to find Kimiko apparently dead suddenly she breathes and her body starts healing itself a v industry's promotional video titled super in America is shown to C the video introduces the seven showing kind acts they have done with underprivileged people courtne however is very critical of the video saying that it's supposed to be for support of their presence in the military while Starlight and huy participate at the local pub quiz hu's friend Anthony joins them Anthony reveals certain stories from huie's past to Starlight much to his embarrassment Anthony admits he has been worried about huie since Robin's death however huie deflects saying that he wanted a fresh start mother's milk reveals to the boys information he has found about shipments of compound V he reveals that Samaritan's Embrace is a company bankrolled by vult industries that ships the compound to hospitals around the US he reveals that no soup is born simply injected with compound v as a baby butcher admits that they have many charges to take to Raina at 7 Towers Starlight approaches Stillwell's office just as she hears the last words of Ashley Barrett being fired due to starlight's believe Expo breakdown Ashley tells Starlight that it was her idea to book Starlight for the believe Expo because it would play to her base staright meets with Stillwell who expresses her anger that staright isn't following the rules perhaps that she has been influenced by Queen Ma's Reckless history Starlight refuses to obey Stillwell demanding that she be allowed to save people and follow her own rules still well contemplates firing Starlight however Starlight threatens that firing her will tank V industry's stock price considering that she just proclaimed she was the victim of a sexual assault she also threatens to reveal that it was the Deep who harassed her and points out how she's aware she's not the first victim precisely because Stillwell keeps covering for him should still well fire Starlight she will sink as well angry but with no other options she dismisses Starlight without further threat meanwhile the deep and a train filmed their respective parts of the promotional video a train is questioned about knowing popclaw however he replies that he hasn't seen her in years Queen mave runs into Starlight at 7 Tower and starlight admits that she was a fan of mave as a child wanting to be exactly like her having memorized much of her autobiography now she assumes that it was more likely written for marketing somewhere else Frenchie questions what mother's milk really thinks about Kimo and reveals that they could use the help of mesma to get information from Kimiko mition refuses but Frenchie is able to get him to agree to the idea Butcher and huie attend an acds meeting a meeting between people who have experienced collateral damage incidents with soups and butcher uses this to convince huie to think differently of Starlight at seven Tower Stillwell tells the Deep he is going to take a break from the seven and make a public apology before people begin speaking out about the Deep he expresses his dismay but films the apology video nevertheless admitting to the public that he thought that the incident with Starlight was consensual mother's milk meets with mesma he reveals that he is aware that mesma uses his telepathic skills to profit from insider trading he allows mesma to look inside his head revealing who he is emm takes mesma to see Cleo his estranged daughter and he promises to be in her life more he is saddened when she reveals she doesn't really know him Mesmer agrees to the deal of being allowed to see Cleo 1 hour per month supervised in exchange for him reading Kimiko miash Shiro's mind meanwhile Billy reveals information about his late wife to huie including the fact that homelander raped her Billy reveals that nobody has seen her in 8 years butcha theorizes that either homelander killed her or she killed herself Billy uses the talk to remind huie who his friends are and who his enemies are homelander meets with still well to explain his dismay about the promotional video in which he pretended that he was visiting the house he grew up in Stillwell uses homelander sexual attraction to her to convince him to finish the promotional video Mesmer attempts to read kimiko's mind however it brings up such raw emotional memories and she inadvertently breaks his wrist Mesmer insists that the session is off however mm is able to convince him to stay Billy calls mm questioning his whereabouts he initially lies but Billy calls him on it revealing that his phone is being tracked Elena shows up at the filming of Ma's promotional video ma tries to have a moment alone with Elena but the film crew secretly keeps recording Elena questions why she hasn't replied to her messages ma insists that she was just looking for a hookup however Elena can tell that she is lying butcher arrives at mesmer's house declaring that they have to kill mesma now but mm refuses trying again to read Kimiko mesma reveals that Kimiko was a terrorist before being captured this saddens Frenchie who refuses to believe it huy questions why V would give compound five to terrorists with butcher deducing that vort is crafting super villains to justify getting the seven into the military after pleading by Frenchie Kimiko shows mesma memories from her past when she was young her parents were killed she and her brother were kidnapped forced to be soldiers and now she wants to save her brother butcher reveals what he has found to Raina teasing her with a sample of compound V Billy issues a list of Demands including that his team receive a salary an office and her words that homelander be prosecuted Raina admits that she can meet all of his demands with the exception of Prosecuting homelander Raina fears that pushing homelander too hard will result in thousands of deaths Frenchie reveals that he is there for Kimiko but is willing to take her to the airport if it is what she wants however Kimiko holds Frenchie's hand admitting that she wants to stay with him butcher arrives revealing that Raina has refused to authorize his demands he believes that they don't need Raina but can take down Vault themselves later mesma meets with homelander revealing spy cam photos of huie and the boys he says that all he wants is a good word at vort however homelander leaves without promising him anything huie and starlight sit at a bar talking about the possibility of leaving New York together the two kiss but are interrupt Ed by butcher who introduces himself to Starlight butcher questions what translucent is up to with the aim of making hury uncomfortable and wary of Starlight in a flashback 8 years ago Butcher and his wife Becca attend vort International's Christmas party homelander thanks Becka for handling his Twitter takeover much to Billy shagon back in the present butcher watches as huy and starlight meet at a hotel at the hotel Starlight and huy have sex afterward Starlight questions why they are at a hotel not at his place huy confesses that it would perhaps be humiliating for her to meet his father huy admits to quitting his job after Robin's death meanwhile the Deep checks himself into an apartment in sanduski following orders from Stillwell the Deep questions if he'll be fighting crime however is dismayed to find the lack of crime in the town the Deep begins trying to write his Memoir titled deeper a memoir on the track a train is told to quit taking compound V with his coach revealing that his bone density is suffering along with many other vital measurements a train receives a message from homelander to meet at seven Tower when he arrives homelander criticizes the seven for having been unreliable and sloppy recently homelander shows the seven a picture of huie declaring that huie is responsible for the death of translucent blackmailing mesma Ezekiel and popclaw he throws it over to to at train who doesn't recognize huie until the photo is zoomed out to show that it was from when they shook hands in that very room homelander also says that huie is targeting the seven following Robin's death homelander begins to suspect Starlight for any possible involvement in aiding the boys but mave is able to calm an angry homelander promising to take responsibility for Starlight and her future actions huy says that what the boys are doing with Vault needs to stop however butcher forces him to admit that his change of heart is due to Starlight Billy becomes angry after huie mentions Becca huy receives a phone call from at train who threatens his father which leads to the rest of the boys figuring out they've been caught out thanks to mesma at his house at train discovers that huy was once a fan of the seven and mocks huy that it was stupid to come alone huy is able to negotiate his father's release from at train in exchange for a dose of compound V the two begin to debate over who was worse with at train expressing his anger at Pop claw's death retorting that Robin's death was accidental whereas huy blackmailing pop claw was on purpose in a Flash Kimiko arrives breaking a train's leg with a crowbar with huy sarcastically remarking that it would have been stupid to come alone the two then leave a train on the floor with a shattered leg at their home Monique and mother's milk argue about mm's involvement with butcher with Monique eventually agreeing to evacuate to a safe location after Stillwell finishes a call with the senator she reveals to homelander that they only need fre votes to get the seven into the military homelander questions if still well remembers Becca butcher revealing that she is missing presumed dead homelander asks what happened to her however still well says that she presumed Becca just quit at the subway station butcher confront a scared mesma who pleads he did what he did out of fear of homelander butcher physically attacks Mesmer which allows him to read his thoughts Mesmer attempts to convince butcher that he can help him find his wife but butcher repeatedly smashes his head into a sink killing him in a flashback a CIA official Grace mallerie shows butcher footage of Becca entering homelander office then leaving disheveled after being alone for 3 hours mallerie then recruits Butcher and later the two would go on to found the boys Starlight receives a call from huie but declines after mave asks who it is ma reveals about her history with Elena revealing that caring about people is a weakness me admits that the only way to truly be bulletproof is to cut people loose Frenchie attempts to find a secure location for the boys for the night while huy attempts to contact Starlight butcher introduces himself to hu's father and mm's daughter but is met with distaste from Monique who slaps him across the face mm confronts butcher about the deal with Raina remarking that the only reason butcher didn't take the deal was due to homelander M men begs Billy to call and take raina's deal for his family's sake meanwhile homelander questions Jonah Vogal a former scientist at vort about Rebecca butcher Jonah reveals that 8 years ago Becca came to still well after conceiving homelander child which baffles homelander who is under the impression he was infertile he reveals that both Becca and the child died on the delivery table due to the amount of blood loss Jonah apologizes for how homelander turned out admitting that he was his greatest failure Raina and the CIA arrive at Frenchie's Hideout wherein she promises to keep mm's family and the rest of the boys safe Monique tells mm that she never wants to see him again while he says goodbye to his child despite homelander being out of the deal Billy takes the deal with Raina handing over a vial of compound V Raina tells Stillwell that vult has been caught out lying to the public about soups and how they're created Stillwell refuses to acknowledge kimiko's existence but is surprised when Raina tells her to pull the military deal Raina remarks that they go back to being superheroes or the CIA goes public and tanks vort shares Raina is pulled from the meeting early to be shown footage of a Seal Team assault ending with a super terrorist n blowing up their operatives and walking away unscathed huy meets with Starlight in the park with Starlight questioning if huy killed translucent staright is upset that huie has been using her to get back at atain grabbing huie and attempting to turn him into the police huie is scared that he will be killed however Starlight admits vort will want to drag out the trial then Starlight is surprised and confused when huy reveals the existence of compound V just then Billy arrives and shoot Starlight in the chest twice with a sniper rifle allowing huie to run away in Syria US troops approach a Drug Warehouse under cover of darkness when homelander arrives homelander tells the troops to go for a break as he will handle the search inside the building homelander uses his laser eyes to kill the asants he exits the building with a vial of compound V in the meeting with Stillwell US Secretary of Defense Robert Singer questions how a Syrian Gang has gotten hold of V's compound which she stonewalls however still well admits that given the power of the soups compound V is the only way to beat them on a call with Raina she reveals to butcher that the CIA has decided to keep the existence of compound V classified to keep vort happy mother's milk tries to sell the story to a newspaper but gets turned down Raina reveals that the boys are wanted fugitives now Mothers Milk and Frenchie decide they need to split up and go to separate ways but Billy has other ideas Starlight returns home reminiscing about her father she questions her mother about her knowledge of compound V and what it does initially her mother denies knowing about its existence but eventually reveals that V promised that Starlight would have an extraordinary Life as a result of the experiment this angers Starlight who is upset that she never got to choose who she was much to starlight's dismay her mother reveals that her father left because he no longer agreed with what they had done the deep and Jeff drink and the Deep questions when he ships out however Jeff can genially reveals that vort doesn't want the Deep to leave sanduski and that the marketing department has created new promotional material based on him staying there meanwhile Billy introduces huie to Grace mallerie the founder of the boys Billy reveals that the boys are back together however Grace refuses to help them but Billy says that she owes him Frenchie Kimiko and mother's milk are ambushed in their motel room by Commandos Kimiko initially fights back and tries to escape but is tranquilized by one of the as salant Grace refuses to help the boys revealing that the promise between them ended when The Lamplighter incinerated her grandchildren Grace admits that she regrets training Butcher and aiming him at homelander Grace agrees to reveal that homelander and Stillwell have a complicated relationship and perhaps she may know his weakness with with this Billy agrees not to return in the future leaving the hospital at train goes shopping but is upset looking at Shockwave promotional material at train gets into a heated discussion with the security guard who racially profiles him the security guard does not at first believe he is at train but is quickly corrected by public onlookers recording the interaction on their phones Billy and huie drive past the motel room with Billy revealing that the boys are gone taken by some black Ops unit most likely working on behalf of vort huie begs to go back and save the boys but Billy remarks that Frenchie and mm would want them to finish the job huie realizes that all Billy cares about is homelander agreeing that Grace was right about Billy with this Billy leaves huie behind upset about V's decision to leave him behind the Deep shaves his head and his body berating himself for being an idiot huy finds Starlight listening to the choir at an otherwise empty Church asking for her help much to her shock Starlight believes he wants to lie to her but huy admits that he wants to tell Starlight the truth using the tale of Nakib to convince her huy wants Starlight to use her security clearance to find Nakib Starlight refuses questioning why she would ever help him huy remarks that V is doing evil things and it's starlight's job as a superhero to stop them huy admits that he was spiraling out of control until Starlight took him him bowling a train is exerting himself pulling a locomotive like a sled dog Nathan arrives and tells him that he should be resting but a train says that he is healed Nathan surmises that a train is using compound V again to heal quicker a train denies it but Nathan refuses to believe him and abandons him black noir plays the piano at a vult fundraiser Mr Edgar V CEO arrives at the fundraiser giving still well a bonus and moving her down to his floor he reveals that someone needs to run V when he moves to bise which excites still well Starlight vomits in the toilets followed by Ma who reveals that her arm never healed correctly when she broke all of the bones in her arm providing evidence that V's marketing didn't fabricate that story mave reveals that she was like Starlight once and really did want to make a difference until vult corrupted her into the woman she is today she tells Starlight to stay as the annoying goody two shoes after to that she is Starlight takes her advice and decides to help huy and the Gang takes down V homelander confronts still well over his findings from vogle bom homelander admits that he planned for n to show up just as they needed to sway the Congress into letting them in the military homelander admits that he and a train used compound V to supercharge terrorists much to steal well shock homelander says that there are soups that only the seven can fight all over the globe now still well takes homelander to her office where the two have sex but homelander climaxes very quickly and apologizes for it frenchi and mother's milk are seen locked in a cage with Frenchie questioning why mm didn't reveal he had a daughter M admits that he wanted her to be clean but now he'll probably never see her again Frenchie worries that Kimiko is in trouble and me tries to console him still well reveals to homelander that Edgar offered her his job in the future but homelander worries when meline will still be there for him on the day today they both promise to not keep any more secrets from one another still well apologizes for not telling homelander about his child as she wanted to spare him the pain huy goes back to the motel and is immediately subdued by the Commandos they throw huie into the cage with Frenchie and mm who question him about butcher's whereabouts huie relays that butcher has gone after homelander while he has come to rescue them Frenchie is grateful but astounded by the futility of the idea huie then reveals that he got himself captured on purpose and there is a wire lodged in his orthodontic retainer that Frenchie can use to pick the lock as a result they are able to escape and overpower the guards later Stillwell arrives at home looking for her son and the nanny but finds Billy waiting for her in the dark meline asks what butcher wants with him questioning homelander weakness she denies any but Billy tells her that Stillwell is homelander weakness which surprises her Frenchie and the boys look for Kimo finding her strapped to a hospital bed when the guards arrive and shoot at them Frenchie is shot in the shoulder passing huy the gun while mm saves Kimiko mm is able to save Kimiko however she is severely weakened huy runs out of bullets and the boys are trapped behind the barricade as they prepare to be taken a blinding light takes out their asants as staright escorts them away they are confronted by a train huy SS emm Frenchie and Kimo on while he and starlight confront atain Starlight attempts to use her abilities on a train however he is barely able to outrun them at train admits that he is the one who killed popclaw but it was hu's fault just as a train moves to attack huie he suffers a heart attack and collapses huie tries to resuscitate a train but Starlight takes over saying that homelander will never stop coming after him and tells huie to run as V is on the way butcher has an array of C4 explosives strapped to Ste well when homelander arrives however homelander brings Teddy believing that butcher would not put the child in danger homelander pushes butcher boasting about the sex he had with Becca homelander questions Billy's endgame to which he reveals he just wants to hurt homelander questioning if butcher has any proof that homelander killed his wife Billy goes quiet with homelander questioning Stillwell about Becca and his baby homelander says that vogle bom and still Well's stories had some discrepancies so he went back to vogle bom getting the real truth out of him that vult put Becca and her child into witness protection for the past 8 years still well admits that she is scared of homelander which he appreciates kissing her one last time before shooting his laser vision through her eyes and head just then butcher decides to release the trigger detonating the explosives however Butcher awakes on a lawn to see homelander standing over him butcher is shocked to see Becker alive with a child homelander asks if the child knows who he is he says he doesn't and homelander tells him that he is his father in a meeting Stan Edgar discusses the incorporation of the soups into the military meanwhile homelander holds the funeral for translucent along with translucent family and his son Maverick homelander lies to the nation that translucent was killed by a soup terrorist named El Diablo and that he will kill them to avenge his death the boys have gone into hiding with Associates of Frenchies Frenchie and Sheree deal with the gang business mm works as a medic to treat wounds and huie as a supply man huie leaves lying that he's going on a supply run and instead secretly goes to meet Starlight huy hands Annie a paper with a photo of a soup named gecko on it hinting that he is the target for a secret mission and Annie needs to track him down the boys watch the news and see their faces still splashed across the media as wanted they brainstorm what to do run find compound fire and tell the media or stay and hide butcher is missing and is being blamed for meline Stillwell's murder leaving mother's milk as their leader for the time being homelander walks around Madeline's empty office and chugs a bottle of her breast milk Ashley walks in on him awkwardly and thanks him for helping her get Madeline's old job she say says that they found him a new hero to replace translucent she introduces him to blind spot a blind superhero and explains that he fits a specific demographic that will really serve the Seven's image homelander greets him and tells him he's a hero moments before bashing his ears in and asking Ashley why on Earth he would allow a [ __ ] to be a part of the seven he threatens Ashley to tell him every single thing that happens in her job and explains that he is the boss not her Starlight tracks down gecko she records him in a hotel room letting someone hack his arm off in exchange for money his arm regenerates instantly demonstrating his superpower one of Frenchie's friends comes into their Hideout bloody and in pain Frenchie finds out that he and a few others were not only smuggling drugs but also humans including a sup terrorist who ended up attacking him before running away Frenchie Huey and mother's milk debate over who to tell about the sup terrorist but it's difficult since they're wanted huy suggests Annie and admits he's been seeing her secretly the Deep wakes up at Eagle the Archer's home where he tells the Deep we've all been there Rock Bottom a friend AKA therapist named Carol is there but she says she's more like this teacher than a therapist they Corner him into a therapy session and give him a religious book from the church of the collective Annie finds gecko at a diner and chats him up as if it's a casual running she asks him for a favor to go into the labs on 67th to steal her a sample of compound V he pretends not to know what that is at first he tells her it's impossible to get but she threatens him and says he has to or if not she'll reveal that he is an S and M hooker Queen mave and homelander shoot a commercial for their save America campaign about defeating the soup villains Stormfront comes to the set and introduces herself as the newest member of the seven shocking Ashley homelander and Ma Stormfront explains that the guys on AA 82 AKA Stan Edgar made it happen Stormfront live streams the whole meeting to her fans and homelander fakes excitement but walks away in a huff the boys meet with Susan Raina who asks them if they know where butcher is and they say no she updates them on their families they give her a description of the super terrorist Raina thinks that V International is behind every everything that it's a [ __ ] coup from the inside all of a sudden her head explodes and the boys covered in blood scream and run into their van they theorize that V actually killed her because she knew too much homelander pays a visit to Stan Edgar where he asks to be consulted on the new additions to the seven homelander threat and Stan that he might move on when his contract is up Stan asks him what he knows about Frederick vort the founder of vort Stan explains that homelander is under the impression that they are a superhero company when in fact they are a pharmaceutical company and homelander is not their most valuable asset but compound V is he accuses him of Distributing compound V around the world to terrorists and says that homelander is not as significant as he thinks he is frustrated homelander flies to Becca's house to see his son Starlight calls huie excited to burn those [ __ ] down and says that gecko is getting the compound thief and that they should decide which news Outlet to reach out to soon butcher enters the boy's Hideout surprising huie and everyone else in present day the boys are in their Hideout Kimiko is desperately writing the word boy but Frenchie doesn't understand what she's trying to say homelander plays ball with his son Ryan Becca calls for him to go inside and do his homework he leaves and homelander argues with Becca because he thinks he should learn how to use his powers better but Becka just wants him to be normal Carol works with the deep in therapy helping him but is having difficulty reaching him Eagle gives the Deep a special drink made from shrooms telling him this is his journey to take Grace mallerie attends Susan raina's funeral after leaving she goes to her car and sees butcher sitting in the back seat she tells him that she's going to turn him into the feds but he stops her by telling her he knows how to find out who killed Raina he says if they find the superp terrorist there'll be one step closer to finding out on shrooms the Deep has a heart to heart with his gills he admits his embarrassment about his own body the gills tell him he violates and humiliates women as a defense mechanism for his own insecurity the Deep screams and tries to escape the room but eagle and Carol don't open the door Starlight and Stormfront give a series of interviews getting a repeat of questions about whether female Heroes make better Heroes than men Stormfront says that the job shouldn't matter if a guy or a girl does it Starlight gets asked about a train's secret mission and she says she prays for him every night then she gets a surprise when a train pops out and says that he's back Starlight is nervous and shocked knowing that he could blow her cover at any moment in private Starlight reminds at train that she saved him with CPR hoping that he won't tell anyone about her helping Huey Escape she asks if he's told anyone and he just walks away butcher comes back and says that mallerie told them that if they get the super terrorist she'll tell the FBI to wipe their records clean on drugs the deep talks more with his gills who tell him that he deserves to be loved they ask him to take a real look he does and then he apologizes to them claiming that he is the ugly one later gecko tracks down Starlight and gives her a sample of compound V she shoves it into a backpack pocket and at train runs over questioning what she is hiding the boys go to a costume shop in an attempt to track down the super terrorist Kimiko sees one of the members of The Shining Light Liberation Army the terrorist group who kidnapped her she rips his head off then she goes and sees a man and hugs and Embraces him Frenchie realizes that boy meant her brother her brother is the super terrorist butcher ignores Frenchie's realization and attempts to shoot kimiko's brother however huy intervenes and tackles butcher kimiko's brother Kenji notices the boy and uses his powers to neutralize them Kimiko then joins him as the two run away from the store the boys except for butcher agree to let Kimiko be with her brother even though he is a terrorist butcher reveals that Becka is alive and was with a little boy who is a spitting image of homelander he tells them that he needs their help to find her and to get her out of there he admits that the deal with mallerie is that if he finds the super terrorist for her she'll find Becca for him Kimiko has a heart-to- heart with her brother she explains what happened to her and that they made her into a monster her brother explains that they did the same to him that they did to her Starlight texts huie that she got the compound Vive and at train shows up and finds her with it atran threatens to tell homelander everything and she tells him that he's not going to do anything because he killed pop claw she has proof to show that it wasn't suicide they have a standoff and a train leaves Kiko's brother tells her that The Shining Light Liberation Army stands up for Injustice that the Americans killed their entire Village and they're the bad ones Kimiko begs him to stay and run with her but he refuses and they get into a fight Kenji attempts to run but Kimiko puts him in a choke hold and he passes out the boys arrive in a van and put Kenji into the back of the van butcher punches huie and tells him if he comes between him and his mes again he will kill him the boys are on a yacht sailing in the ocean butcher calls Grace and assures her that the target is 3 Mi offshore on the boat and reminds her of their deal Billy says that if Kimiko changes allegiances he'll neutralize her Kimiko sits with her brother and tells him that she will protect him if needed he asks her to free him and she tears up and says sorry Becca makes breakfast for her son and homelander imposes on the meal to her discontent a writer pictures the plot of the new Adorn of the seven movie and Stormfront verbally rips him apart for his sexist portrayals of women Ashley runs away after reading a worrying message on her phone she talks to Stan Edgar and insists that they must tell homelander but Edgar tells her that homelander isn't as important as this crisis so the news about compound V hits the news stations Starlight watches the news happily and a train comes to confront her knowing that she is up to something the Deep opens up to Eagle and Carol about his life of hearing the fish lobsters and other sea animals beg for their lives in restaurants and pet stores he's devastated when he hears the news that he wasn't born that way black noir also cries in a corner after hearing the news huie is elated after seeing that they actually did something mother's milk jumps in Joy when seeing what huie did along with the rest of the group butcher reminds them to stop celebrating and keep their eyes on the ball because they still have a lot at stake meanwhile homelander takes Ryan to jump off of a house assuring him that he can fly Ryan tells him he doesn't want to so homelander pushes him off and he falls to the ground Becca rushes out to help him and homelander insists that he's fine because he's his son he tells Becca she isn't raising him the right way and he grabs her wrist Ryan intervenes and pushes him to the ground telling him to get his hands off of her his eyes glow red as he screams at homelander to go away and to leave them alone Frenchie talks to kimiko's brother and asks him to help him understand her he explains that her sign language is their own special language Frenchie asks to learn but he refuses so Frenchie walks out and leaves a bag of chips and a soda a police helicopter approaches that boat and yells out that they are all under arrest kimiko's brother has used A Shard of metal from the can to get his hand free and sends the helicopter down to crash with his powers the group runs but huy is distraught seeing that the people people in the helicopter might have died Stan Edgar tells the seven that they are a team and that they will focus on the priority the super terrorist and taking him down homelander tells the team that he doesn't mind if what burns to the ground the seven however are like his real family and they must stick together the boys are being chased in the yacht by sharks directed by the Deep who races alongside the boat on a sperm whale they approach the shore where the Deep has position IED the whale to block their Escape Route butcher drives his boat directly into the whale penetrating its side and throwing the Deep to the ground and knocking him out the boys Retreat into a sewer Outlet making their way through the tunnels to find the FBI Hideout meanwhile the seven walk up to the beach to find the Deep crying over the dead whale Lucy a train runs ahead to find the boys but he gets dizzy as his heart starts pounding to hard and needs to stop Starlight goes down a different tunnel and runs into huie she knocks him down with her light as homelander comes up behind her and commands her to kill him to prove her Allegiance but butcher calls out to homelander to distract him just then Kenji steps forward and causes the tunnel to collapse bringing cement and cars down onto homelander he turns to his sister and then jumps through the hole to escape Kimo runs after him and begs him to stop the two siblings make it to the rooftops where Kenji tries to escape however Kimiko is caught by Stormfront about to kill her Kenji intervenes saving kimiko's life Stormfront then incapacitates Kimiko and viciously breaks kenji's wrists Stormfront then kills kimiko's brother calling him a [ __ ] Yellow Bastard and heartlessly tells him to open his eyes because she likes to see the light go out of her victims a horrified and distraught Kimo sees her brother die but has to run because homelander has returned Stan Edgar holds a press conference denying knowledge of compound V and claims to do a full investigation on it he blames it on meline Stillwell and vows to get to the bottom of it he introduces Stormfront as the savior of the day and the Crowd Goes Wild in admiration while a disgruntled homelander glares hatefully at Stormfront at the same time the boys stare at the TV screen in their Hideout all bloody and enraged Frenchie Comforts Kimo and tells her it wasn't her fault he kisses her and she pushes him off homelander flies to a house where meline Stillwell is there to greet him she sticks her fingers in his mouth and calls him a good boy meanwhile butcher tells Grace mallerie that they hit a dead end on the hunt for Susan raina's murderer mallerie tells him that she found Becca in a vault facility and she gives him the location even though he didn't hold up his end of the deal a homelander complains to meline about Stormfront saving the day and claims that she is the new face of the seven she Comforts him then all of a sudden turns into doppelganger homelander demands him to change back and he obliges at their Hideout butcher plans to break into the Vault compound where Becker is living mother's milk tells him it's a suicide mission but butcher does not agree mother's milk is put in charge and to ease his mind butcher advises that mallerie will be able to help find his family provided he finds Liberty for her in the elevator homelander seizes Starlight by the throe telling that he only spared her life when she didn't kill huie because mave convinced him not to as he holds her by the neck and threatens to pierce her abdomen she declares that she hates huie for breaking her heart but will not murder people when asked if he thinks she's lying homelander lets her go and exits the elevator mumbling she isn't lying Starlight meets up with huie to talk about what to do next but huie gets a phone call and has to run off Starlight breaks down crying and says she can't can't do this anymore huy brings her to mother's milk and asks if she can come along on their mission to track down Liberty a train sees Shockwave in the hallway and freaks out and runs to Ashley's office she tells him he's there for an event but homelander walks in and tells him that he's out and that they're going in another Direction homelander tells him that he can't run anymore and that it was really hard for him to decide this but that is happening huie mother's milk and starlight go on a road trip to crack down Liberty they witness a car accident but they won't let Starlight go to help because they have to keep a low profile meanwhile butcher scales across a wall in the pursuit of his wife butcher tracks down Becca she apologizes that she couldn't tell him anything and he tells her that she didn't do anything wrong Becca explains that homelander only spared butcher one time because she said that if he hurt you she would kill herself in front of Ryan Billy said that he would get her out of there the same way that he came in but Becca said that Ryan can't climb that fence she said that he has some Powers but that she isn't raising him like a soup she tells him that a garbage truck comes every day and that maybe she can sneak out that way homelander and Ma give a TV interview homelander outs ma as a strong proud lesbian much to Ma's shock and horror after the interview she demands to know where Elena is mave tells him the truth that she loves Elena and homelander wishes them luck storm stor front leads an antia protest Kimiko goes to the protest and walks towards Stormfront but Frenchie stops her and tells her that she won't survive mm huie and Annie go to Liberty's door but it's an African-American woman who answers the door she warns them not to say anything because if Liberty finds out she'll kill her huy explains that nobody's seen Liberty since 1979 the woman disagrees and shows a newspaper article and points to a photo of Stormfront saying that she is Liberty meanwhile Becca tells Billy she's not leaving because she doesn't think Billy really wants Ryan to come with her Billy says that he is a billion dooll piece of va property and that they won't be able to disappear unless it's just the two of them Billy calls Ryan a soup freak and Becka is horrified she admits that she went to vort when she found out she was pregnant and not Billy because she knew he'd go on a rampage to get revenge meanwhile the deep and Carol interview a series of women about love and relationships the Deep tells Carol to choose one of the girls Giana because she is a clear winner Carol tells him that Cassandra is the real winner and that she's his wife the Deep seems upset because he liked Giana a lot more but Carol explains that Cassandra will help his image more to get back into the seven homelander visits meline AKA doppelganger again homelander seems upset and tells her that he doesn't need anyone but himself doppelgang morphs into homelander he tells homelander that he's the best and that he's going to suck him off but homelander tells doppelganger he's pathetic and kills him by snapping his neck later mave shoots a dawn of the seven scene where she comes out as gay she angrily walks away after the scene Cuts she confronts homelander about Elena and asks him to let it go if she agrees to stop seeing her Ashley shows Homeland a footage of him accidentally killing someone in a distant village where he went to kill soup she shows him televised protests against him declaring him a war criminal and homelander storms off angrily meanwhile Billy shows up at his Aunt Judy's house she tells him that his father is ill and that his parents are flying to see him but Billy demands to see his boy AKA his dog Terror the deep and Cassandra give an interview about their new relationship and how he's a changed man now a part of the Church of the collective huy and mm also show up at Aunt Judy's house much to Billy's surprise they confront him about Becca and disappearing Billy leaves and then notices black noir on a neighboring rooftop he comes back in and closes up the house mm calls the firefighters for a gas leak to slow down black noir knowing he won't want to kill them in front of other people meanwhile the marketing team meets with mave and Elena to review their new looks and how they will come out as a proud couple to the world they try to give Ellena a more masculine look but Ellen emphasizes that she has no interest in being in a public relationship and leaves mave runs after Elena after she storms off and tells her that she needs to play along otherwise homelander will track her down she promises Elena that she will bring homelander down but that she needs to play along for the time being on the other hand butcher tries to save the rest by leaving to face black noir by himself but Hui and mm won't let him do that Kimiko meets up with Sheree in a church and Frenchie finds out that Sheree was giving her hits to take out Frenchie tries to tell her that this is not the way to get over her brother's death but she pushes him away and tells him that his death is her fault he doesn't understand what she's saying and walks away frustrated the deep is now the face of the Church of the collective and is in a commercial about being your best self at train is watching the commercial on a tablet on the set of dawn of the seven in with obvious disgust congresswoman Newman leads a rally against Homeland and he surprises them all by showing up unexpectedly he addresses the crowd and tells them that Innocents getting killed in war happens from time to time the crowd gets upset and goes wild homelander gets upset and imagines massacring the protest crowd with his laser eyes but he resists and flies away homelander loses it and goes to Stormfront for help and she makes some memes to help him gain some popularity back Judy takes mm Huey Billy down to a locked protected room in her house to hide from black noir when Noir throws gas into the basement they escape out a side door but butcher stays behind to face black noir himself mm runs back in to help butcher but gets stabbed huy runs in as well but gets knocked to the ground while Noir is strangling butcher he threatens to release photos of Becca and homelander son black noir's phone rings and it is Stan Edgar black noir passes the phone to Butcher and Edgar says he'll call off Noir if the photos are never released and butcher agrees mave goes to the deep and offers to be the person who assures the public that he isn't a piece of [ __ ] because she wants him back in the seven to help her meanwhile Starlight goes through Stormfront things trying to find clues about Liberty Stormfront catches her but Annie pretends like she was in a trailer to confront her about her mother Stormfront threat and starlight about her releasing the news about compound V Starlight threatens to tell the world that Stormfront used to be Liberty but just then homelander walks in and interrupts their conversation homelander thanks Stormfront for helping him get better ratings he tells her he owes her one then Stormfront and homelander kiss and start to playfully fight she tells him to laser her breasts and he obliges she doesn't get hurt from it to his surprise they push each other around and have sex floating midair in a flashback from 8 years ago Frenchie Sheree and Jay smoke and plan to rob a bank in present day Starlight talks to Frenchie and huie about taking her chip out fearing repercussions from Stormfront the process is a success with Frenchie successfully removing the chip from her neck meanwhile Stormfront and homelander catch a robber running away they flirt while debating what to do the criminal while Stormfront Strokes homelander dick through his pants homelander crushes the man's head staright goes to the boy's Hideout and tells them about how she broke into Stormfront laptop and saw dozens of emails between her and Stan Edgar specifically about how they're close to a breakthrough at the sage Grove Center in another flashback Grace mallerie interrogates an arrested Frenchie at a police station she confronts him about his armed robbery charges which will land him 25 years in prison impressed with his engineering ability to counter usp's power she offers an alternative to work for her in instead Frenchie denies the offer so Grace makes him a new one she threatens to lock up his friends Sheree and Jay at a super Maximum Security Prison unless he works for her so he resists But ultimately agrees at the sage Grove Center the boys meet out front and put on Nurf scrubs to sneak in Starlight makes a hole in the fence for them to get in while butcher Starlight and huie agree to stake out the place Billy then aims his rifle at starlight's head but ultimately refuses to pull the trigger again Starlight then incites an argument with butcher by asking why he hates soup so much she then incites him further by comparing him to homelander but before the two can continue they are interrupted by the arrival of Stormfront who flies into the center mm Frenchie and Kimo kill a guard and break into the surveillance room there they see video screens monitoring residents AKA soups in the making the moment Stormfront leaves huy radios for them to escape now they attempt to walk out but Frenchie and Lamplighter make eye contact Frenchie jumps up and pushes him away and he accidentally lights the wall on fire letting one prisoner Cindy out of her cell Lamplighter tries to plead with Cindy to let him live while the boys try to convince her they're on her side but before Cindy can choose who to believe a guard arrives and shoots Cindy in the back infuriated she crushes him with her mind she then opens all the cell doors letting all the super prisoners out the boys and Lamplighter run and lock themselves back in the control room lamp lighter threatens to burn them but mm tells him that Kimo is a super and that that will just piss her off the acid vomit patient arrives and knocks lamp lighter down almost melting his face however Kimiko saves lamp lighter from the patient and so he agrees to let them come to the front to get the access code to leave the facility an escaped patient attacks Starlight Butcher and huy with a shock wave like EMP blast generated from his chest butcher kills the man as the two check on huie who is hurt badly so they leave the other members behind in the facility and rush to get huie medical help homelander feeling abandoned by Stormfront burns down his trailer in Anger finally Stormfront shows up and homelander accuses her of lying in a flashback from 5 years ago mm shows Frenchie an engagement ring and tells him and Grace that he plans to propose Lamplighter shows up and Grace tells Lamplighter that he will tell them everything that happens at the tower seemingly threatening him with some photos suspicious of him mallerie orders Frenchie to follow Lamplighter Frenchie agrees to track Lamplighter and races after him at the sage Grove Center lamp lighter tells Frenchie that he didn't know that children were in the bed when he set it on fire he meant to burn Grace mallerie not them Lamplighter asks Frenchie why he did didn't stop him since he was following him that night in another flashback Sheree calls Frenchie and tells him that Jay is dying from an overdose Frenchie who is supposed to be following Lamplighter runs to bee with his friends in the present day Lamplighter explains what they're really doing at Sage Grove Center love sausages dick breaks through the window and chokes mm Kimo pushes through the door and knocks out love sausage with her brass knuckles Cindy approaches them but storm stor front enters the facility and electrocutes her Lamplighter Saves The Boys by lying to Stormfront about the cause of the chaos Stormfront comes clean to homelander about her past she shows him a wedding photo of her and Frederick vult in front of a Nazi flag she had her daughter with vort and he gave her the first successful V injection Stormfront then tells homelander that he will be the man to lead the new superhero Army and she tells him that she loves him with all of her heart later Lamplight meets with Victoria Newman and Grace mallerie Victoria wants the full picture of what was happening at Sage Grove Center Lamplighter makes a good witness but Victoria wants more information before taking a shot at the king Grace assures Victoria that she and mother's milk will come back with more information in the meantime Frenchie and Kimiko guard Newman huie gets patched up at Victoria's house but still can't go due to his injury so he must stay behind and watch lamp lighter butcher gets a call from his mother saying his father Sam butcher finally passed away Starlight meets with her mom donor admits that she's been in town this whole time desperate to reconnect with her daughter and waiting for the right moment Annie realizes too late that vort tricked her mother before she can react a smoke bomb gets thrown through the window and knocks everyone out except Starlight black noir arrives and knocks staright out and she later wakes up in a locked room Lamplighter watches a bunch of superhero inspired porn while opening up to huie about how he was a prodigy as a child the two continued to open up about how worthless they feel huie then changes the channel and sees a news conference in which homelander announces that Starlight was a mole in the seven but that she has been apprehended for being a traitor butcher goes to his mom's apartment and his mom reveals that his dad is actually alive they talk but billy gets angry and nearly chokes out his dad homelander tells Stormfront he has something he wants to show her and brings her to meet Ryan he apologizes for screwing up and introduces Ryan to Stormfront who tells him he's so special because he is the first Natural Born soup Grace and mm show up to see Jonah vogle Bal to ask him about the sage Grove Center mallerie asks him to testify to Congress but he refuses Ashley walks into Ma's room where she and two men are in her bed Ashley is horrified because mave and Ellena are America's second favorite lesbian couple and and ma needs to get back together with her for publicity reasons mave asks Ashley to be a [ __ ] human for once and Ashley apologizes after hearing that vogle Bal refused butcher goes to see vogle Bal himself butcher uses that and vogle bom's involvement in hiding Becca to Blackmail Jonah to help Jonah refuses so butcher threatens that his whole [ __ ] family dies today unless he helps him Lamplighter and huy sneak into the tower because Lamplighter still has access they go to sell 42d but walk past it huy realizes that they're in the seven conference room and sees Lamplighter staring at the seven mural a confused huie watches as Lamplighter sets himself on fire huie freaks out but can do nothing as the Flames have already engulfed Lamplighter just then staright escapes and black noir ambushes her he throws her through the wall into the seven conference room and with her standun on the floor he kneels over her and begins strangling her with both hands just as Starlight is blacking out ma comes to her rescue subduing the W with the choke hold and stuffing an Almond Joy in his mouth because as she explains to Starlight he has a tree not allergy Starlight urges her to come with her but mave silently refuses by shaking her head then walks off in the other direction Starlight continues on to the cells and is surprised to find huy and Donna meanwhile Ryan accuses his mom of being fake after homelander and Stormfront show him that the compound is fake homelander says that he just needs some space and flies away with Ryan Becca is devastated eagle goes on the news saying that the only thing he wanted was not to cut out his mom the Church of the collective revealed an embarrassing video of him and said that he was trying to spread slander about their church at a congress hearing Jonah comes to testify against vort heads start to explode around the room including Jonas and shock waves Victoria and Grace mallerie look on in horror and run out of the room along with everyone else the news cuts it out and butcher starts fuming Grace mallerie and Victoria Newman meet with the Secretary of Defense who informs them that the US government has authorized the use of compound V among military and law enforcement personnel huy and starlight attempt to convince the members of the boys to not go ahead with their plan to kill both Stormfront and the other members of the seven huy and starlight have a conversation on the way to their possible witness where staright asks why huie likes Billy Joel so much after he refuses to say she asks him why he saved her life while she was imprisoned in the tower and huy confesses that he couldn't let her get hurt the two then arrive at Queen Ma's house they ask her if she will testify she angrily replies that she does not care about fighting anymore because she's tired and it's suicide Stan and alist Adonna have a meeting to discuss the return of the deep and a train to the seven Stan is agreeable with the deep but considers a train too risky because of storm front's racist beliefs and a train is revealed to be listening to the conversation a distraught Becka finds butcher at the porn shop Kimiko mother's milk and Frenchie console Becka before butcher goes out to dig for information Ryan is having trouble bonding with homelander and is clearly uncomfortable around him and Stormfront to cheer him up they both take him to a crowded restaurant where the two heroes are mobbed by fans as the fans cluster around Ryan becomes overwhelmed with the sensory overload and homelander flies away with a Crying Ryan meanwhile Starlight and huie have a touching moment that is interrupted by at train springing into their back seat at train hands them files stolen from the church of the collective detailing storm front's former Nazi past he says he is doing it because he wants back into the seven and knows he can't go back unless Stormfront is out he tells them they're even for saving his life after his heart attacks and demands they tell no one where they got the files from meanwhile Butcher and Stan negotiate a deal that butcher will get Ryan out and then give him to stand on the condition that Becca stays with him back at The Hideout huy shows the boys the stolen files butcher Reveals His plan to rescue Ryan trying to convince the other members to stay un involved which they all refuse meanwhile while preparing Sonic devices Frenchie and Kimiko share a moment where Kimo asks Frenchie if he enjoys dancing to which he responds that he does Stormfront returns to the tower where she finds that photos of her with Hitler and other high-ranking Nazis are all over the news and public opinion has turned entirely against her the Sonic device is then activated causing both homelander and Ryan to suffer in pain as homelander leaves to find find the source of the sound Becka and butcher burst into the cabin and rescue Ryan butcher takes Becka and Ryan back to the group and tells everyone that the plan has changed and he can't separate Ryan and Becca anymore instructing mm to take them to mallerie back at the cabin vort pmc's breach and clear the cabin only to be interrupted by homelander arrival who kills everyone Starlight and Kimo try to fight Stormfront but are struggling the boys try to get their weapons from from their car but stormr blows it up her Victory is cut short when mave shows up and knocks her to the ground Starlight and Kimo then join in beating on Stormfront until Stormfront escapes but lands next to Becca Butcher and Ryan Becca stabs her in the eye but she grabs and pins her by the neck she then chokes out Becka while butcher hopelessly tries to stop her Ryan then uses his laser eyes for the first time amputating all of storm front's Limbs and burning her face off sadly he also makes a deep cut on Becca's neck Becca uses her last moments to make butcher promise he will protect Ryan and makes sure he ends up as a good person after Becca dies butcher struggles with his immediate desire to kill Ryan however his thoughts are cut short by the arrival of homelander homelander briefly attends to the still dying Stormfront then calls out for Ryan to come near him instead Ryan moves behind butcher homelander taunts Butcher and moves to kill kill him but he is stopped by Ma's arrival she shows him the recovered footage of the plane crash that homelander and mave abandoned homelander replies that if she makes it public he will Massacre the public mave tells him that's fine with her because it will mean no one will ever love him again shaken by this homelander freezes in place and butcher leaves with Ryan at a press conference Stan Edgar informs a crowd that Stormfront was acting alone and was responsible for the attack on the Senate here he also announces that the release of compound V will be on indefinite pause homelander reintroduces Starlight as a member of the seven saying she was falsely accused as he is speaking a long zoom into a super closeup and discordant music is used to imply his fragile mental state meanwhile Alistair Adonna has a meeting with the deep and at train about at TR stealing the files and leaking them but rather than admonishing him he Praises a TR before telling him he's back in the seven they will only take one of them because to take two would show weakness the deep is angry about this as he no longer has a spot and walks out saying he is leaving the church of the collective huy and starlight have a moment at the park bench where they met and huy discloses that he's looking to stand on his own and try to be his own man Starlight starts saying she understands why he's breaking up with her but huie responds that he's not doing that butcher and Ryan sit together on a riverbank Ryan says he's scared butcher gives him a pendant that Becca gave him to keep him safe mallerie then arrives to take Ryan away and as she is leaving she stops to mention that a new Bureau has opened up called the office of soup Affairs that is headed up by Victoria Newman mm goes back to his family and is welcomed by his daughter homelander masturbates pantless on top of the krysler tower Eagles while exclaiming I can do whatever the [ __ ] I want later alist Adana and Victoria Newman have a phone call about how it was his files that led to storm front's pass being revealed and he mentions that he has dir on a dozen more soups after their call concludes Alistair cracks open a can of Fresco just as his head suddenly explodes Victoria is seen outside of his window and it appears that she is the one responsible for the head explosions she then walks into her campaign headquarters where she is met by huy huy offers to work for her saying he wants to fight V in the right way and she asks him when can you start in the fictional action movie homelander asks Stormfront how she could do this to the world she tells him that the fourth Reich is in her soul and offers homelander a chance to reign with her he tells her no and the Seven arrive to back him up homelander calls Stormfront a Nazi [ __ ] and they fight homelander and the other soups watched this scene in the theater at the world premiere of dawn of the 7 Starlight kisses huie at the premere and they walk out together to have their photos taken Victoria Newman is also at the premiere someone in the crowd screams nardia in Victoria's Direction huy sees and looks confused as to why someone would be calling Victoria nardia homelander does several interviews about how he fell for the wrong woman and didn't foresee that Stormfront was a Nazi in the bathroom Adam and Ashley Barrett have aggressive sex huy walks in into the bathroom right as they finish he washes his hands and Billy butcher shows up he needs huie to give him and the boys the green light on a mission they've been working on huby gives the okay as long as there is no torture or things getting set on fire butcher watches from a hidden camera as Kimiko mosiru and frenchi enter a party meanwhile a super termite shrinks and jumps inside a man's penis to stimulate it he unintentionally sneezes returning him to full size and causing the man's lower half to explode Frenchie runs in and the termite attacks him because Frenchie saw what happened but butcher catches the still miniature termite in a bag of cocaine which subdues him reluctantly butcher lets him live and tells Frenchie to call the bureau huy and starlight wake up and stay in bed to have sex huy works out and makes a smoothie before FaceTiming with his dad huie goes into work at the bureau where he sees the same one from the movie Premiere in the lobby who tells him that he's waiting to see Nadia and that he and Nadia are best friends huy tells him she's called Victoria Newman not Nadia security escorts the man out and huy looks confused again butcher visits Ryan who is staying in a protected home with Grace mallerie they play Connect for and talk about Ryan's mom Becca butcher Ryan admits he's still having nightmares about his dad killing him at the studio homelander runs into the deep who gives him a big hug homelander seems confused that the Deep had an interview slot on the Cameron Coleman hour before him but the Deep explains it's for his new book deeper homelander asks again tensely how he got a slot before him the Deep cows to homelander telling him that he's a nobody and that should have never been scheduled earlier meanwhile mother's milk attends his daughter Janine's birthday party where his ex-wife Monique is there with another man Todd he seems to miss Monique and asks her to dinner on Friday night for co-parenting chat she says it's not a good idea at the same time Stan Edgar introduces v24 at Vault Tower to Secretary of Defense Robert Singer explaining that it gives any person 24 temporary hours of superpowers Stan explains his plans for turning VOR into a defense and pharmaceutical company less focused on famous superheroes who need looking after Stan invites both Starlight and homelander to a meeting at vult Tower Stan commends Starlight on bringing a wholesome energy to vult and the seven and he wants to make her co- captain of the team a commercial for American hero airs where Starlight has to choose the next soup to join the seven the feature focuses on a soup called the drama boy now known as superon Sonic it's revealed that he dated Starlight earlier in his career and even had a top song with his band that hit number one on the chart huy watches the commercial and size he sees supersonic laughing with Starlight and walks up to introduce himself he tells huie a story about Annie getting drunk and puking in front of a crowd of fans back when she was 19 huie seems nervous about the two of them reconnecting especially since they each lost their virginity together Annie asks huie his opinion about the co- Captain proposition she wants to be a role model for millions of girls out there who might look up to her huy seems hesitant about her accepting the position thinking homelander might murder her but Annie ends up accepting the job and takes promotional photos with homelander then homelander confronts at train about getting fatter claiming he's just eating his feelings and making the seven look bad homelander seems to be taking out his bad mood from the co- Captain thing on others while walking away at train mutters an insult under his breath causing homelander to grab him by the throat threatening him with his laser eyes Queen mave sees it it go down and text butcher that they need to meet homelander visits Stormfront in a vault hospital room she's in bad condition horribly burned on her face and has a partially amputated right arm she consoles homelander about the co- Captain Affair first verbally then by stimulating him sexually ma gives butcher a file about soldja boy when he asks why he reads that soldier boy was killed by a secret weapon one that might even be able to kill homelander she tells him that payback the super team that soldja boy used to be a part of might know what really happened to him she gives him three capsules of v24 mave tells butcher that this is their best chance to kill homelander and admonishes him to not to mess it up later butcher sees homelander land on his balcony homelander asks to come in and butcher pours him a cup of tea homelander asks where Ryan is and threatens to tear him apart if he doesn't tell him but eventually relents homelander vents his frustration about vort and suggests a one-on-one fight to the death to which butcher accepts before homelander leaves after mm tucks his daughter into bed he opens a closet that has its walls filled with newspaper clippings about soups including soldja boy outside the fbsa huie sees the same man scream Nadia and follow Victoria huie follows them to an Aly and sees Victoria turn and say that she's not Nadia anymore the man Tony tells Nadia that that they used to be best friends and that now that she has a platform she should tell everyone about Red River after she spurns him he pleads and she ultimately says that she will and gives him a hug his nose starts to bleed and he attacks her she uses her superpowers to attack back eventually exploding his head she tears up and asks Tony why he had to come looking for her after exploding the remainder of his body into a red rain she calls a cleanup team on her cell phone huie hidden behind the dumpster Witnesses everything and is horrified especially when Tony's blood Rains Down on him on the next day it's homelander birthday and he goes to visit Stormfront who can seemingly barely breathe or talk he asks her to wish him a happy birthday but she doesn't huie and starlight start to research Victoria Newman and her past as nardia then Annie and homelander go in to shoot a few Clips For an upcoming live V TV special homelander Shake supers Sonic's hand telling him they might be teammates soon especially since he used to sleep with Starlight butcher visits mm at his home to talk about soldja boy he tells him about the secret weapon that might be able to actually kill homelander butcher offers mm the chance to close the chapter with soldja boy once and for all for his father mm tells him that he's not going to ignore his child to go hunt Soldier Boy and sends butcher away he does give him a file that might be able to help him later on alone at home mm pulls out several newspaper clippings of Soldier Boys violence Frenchie and Kimo go to a vault theme park and Kimiko asks to go on a ride Frenchie agrees but tells her work first then pleasure they go see a film about soldja boy life and death there Crimson counter sings a tribute to soldja boy before going backstage and doing a line of coke Frenchie and Kimo go to speak to her in her dressing room Kimo pins her against the wall to ask about the truth about what happened to soldja boy she tells them he died a hero and pushes her way outside where she accidentally kills a bystander sending the park visitors screaming Starlight and homelander continue practicing for the vort special airing in honor of homelander birthday Starlight is told that she has to sing Happy Birthday to homelander with backup dancers and all Starlight tells homelander it's demeaning to have her sing like a sex doll and it's aoy by homelander to make her look weaker Stan tells homelander that if she doesn't want to sing she doesn't have to huy goes to visit Red River a home for the super abled the woman recognizes huie as starlight's boyfriend and tells him it's inappropriate he's there because he works at the bureau he lies and says that Starlight sent him because he's sterile and they want to adopt she eagerly shows him the database of children they have at the center that they could adopt huy secretly plugs in a USB port to the computer to download desent his file database when he leaves he plugs in the USB into his computer to look up Nadia's file which has a lot of photos of people's heads blown up but then he finds a video of Stan Edgar talking to Nadia as a child offering to take care of her later Victoria is at home and sees Stan read to her daughter they talk about Tony and how the scene was cleaned up entirely Stan assures Victoria that he's always taken care of her and will continue to do so butcher goes to a gun show he speaks to gunpowder who is one of the speakers at the show butcher compliments his gun line and then asks him about his payback days as soldier boy side kick butcher confronts him about being abused by soldja boy but gunpowder assures him he was a great man and those were only rumors butcher pulls out an official Complaint made by gunpowder that would prove the abuse rumors butcher tells him he'll keep the complaint a secret unless gunpowder tells him how soldja boy really died gunpowder tells butcher that he was never sexually abused by soldier boy and he walks away in the parking lot gunpowder shoots at butcher Butcher ducks and shoots back butcher gets hit in the leg and grazed on his cheek but he manages to get away alive a girl stands on a rooftop planning to kill herself by jumping homelander flies up to talk her out of killing herself on a nearby building a news clip airs announcing that Stormfront died by Suicide homelander sees and is shocked that she do that on his birthday he rants to Chelsea about how he doesn't have a real birthday because he was made from a test tube he tells Chelsea that maybe she should jump after all but Chelsea tells him she doesn't want to anymore he tells her to jump she backs towards the ledge she falls off the building and dies huy goes into the office and Victoria asks him where he's been She also asked him who Nadia was because she heard some guy at the office was asking for her huy explains it was probably some guy off his meds and Victoria seemed to sense that huy was getting jumpy but Annie walked up to imply that the jumpiness was because they've been having some relationship issues later in the car huby shows Annie the files on Nadia AKA Victoria he explains that he went to Red River by himself huy breaks down because he thought Victoria was his friend and he thought things were finally going his way Annie consoles him and huy admits that he might have accidentally signed him up to adopt a child meanwhile mm drops Janine off at Monique's house and he asks to talk to her he admits he's tried to stay away from Butcher and the soups but now that the soldier boy thing came up he's having ticks compulsions and bad thoughts again Monique tells him to go back to butcher because she hates that he's making himself sick over it butcher calls huie and apologizes huie admits that Victoria is a soup and the past year of his life was a waste and it's all rigged huy tells butcher they have to do it his way later butcher goes goes to confront gunpowder about why he's protecting soldja boy gunpowder shoots butcher to the ground but butcher gets back up seemingly unharmed as he took the v24 butcher breaks gunpowder's gun and knocks him to the ground gunpowder admits that soldja boy used to Haze him and that he didn't die in an accident gunpowder tells him he doesn't know what actually killed him but they were in Nicaragua in 1984 and that he didn't see [ __ ] he was just a kid he tells butcher that were working with the CIA and that Grace mallerie was his case officer butcher beats gunpowder and by mistake uses laser eyes to kill him on American Hero at train shows up in his rebranded costume he introduces homelander and starlight who wish him a happy birthday Starlight also talks about the Starlight house a project to help homeless youth a man in the audience screams homelander your Nazi died and gets escorted out Starlight tells the audience that everyone deserves a second chance including homelander she tells the audience that homelander is going to donate $10 million to the Starlight house but he emphatically says that he is not homelander tells the audience that he doesn't make mistakes and that he is better than everyone in the audience he goes on a long rant about how the audience needs him needs him to save them at the end he States you're not the real heroes I'm the real hero Starlight watches the real of homelanders ran homelander watches it too naked and on the edge of losing it until Ashley runs in and tells him his points are up particularly with the white male population she explains that his fans think he's confident and Unapologetic meanwhile butcher throws up from a post v24 hangover mm and huie visit the boys headquarters and consider rejoining since Victoria and thereby Stan know where Ryan is huy suggests they move him to a new safe house and they all decide to visit Ryan huy wants to go but knows Victoria will be suspicious if he says he's sick so he asks Kimiko to break his arm so he has a good excuse later Frenchie goes to meet Sheree to give her a fake passport she admits she messed up at work and has to flee she tells him to go with her but he tells her he can't so she kisses him and leaves the boys go see Ryan and Grace mallerie mm admits to huie that he rejoined the boys because soldja boy killed his family meanwhile Annie pulls supersonic aside and turns on music loudly so she can tell him without homelander listening in to turn down the spot on the seven in the American hero finale she warns him that something is wrong with homelander and that he will be putting his life at risk if he gets into closer contact with homelander at Train's brother tracks him down outside of a medical facility where at train admits that he may never be able to run again because his heart might explode and his brother tells him to go back home with him to see the family Kimo and Ryan play games he asks her if she likes her powers and if she ever gets scared of them she said she doesn't like them and yes she gets scared and Ryan shares her feelings butcher confronts Grace about working with soldja boy in Nicaragua she tells him Nicaragua is ancient history but butcher keeps pressing she tells him about operation Charlie Reagan's pet project that was off the books Reagan needed money for it and they did did it by trafficking cocaine into the US to raise funds for weapons she admits the goal was to traffic it solely into minority communities and to keep it away from rich white ones payback made a visit to the camp in Nicaragua where they put on a show along with Stan Edgar payback is there for a trial run to fight for the military Grace is not happy about this soups do not belong in the war zone according to her mallerie Witnesses black noir arguing with Stan Edgar because he doesn't want to wear his mask Stan tells him that his ratings are much higher if the public doesn't know he's black back at Vault homelander asks Starlight to reconsider her choices for the seven his vote is to bring back in the Deep the Deep gives Starlight a necklace to ask for forgiveness and his wife Cassandra hugs her Starlight tells homelander absolutely no she doesn't want the guy who mouth raped her back in the seven Starlight threatens to release the video of homelander on the the flight and he tells her to release it because then after that he will have nothing left to lose he threatens to destroy the world bit by bit if so later Cassandra and a deep hookup and she gives him a playby playay on what they're going to do next while they hook up the Deep focuses on an octopus and starts talking dirty to it huy asks Annie to buy them some time with homelander so that he and the boys can try to find a weapon that could kill him huy admits that butcher has been right all along and that he's tired of losing at train talks to his brother and his family about his new suit and new cause but they tease him because they think this new look is ridiculous his brother tells him if he really wants to join the cause he should speak up about something that just happened in the neighborhood a soup called Blue Hawk killed a black man who supposedly mugged a white woman at Tran's brother thinks that he needs to speak up about this meanwhile butcher struggles with the after effects of the v24 some of which is still in his system Ryan asks him if he's sick and offers him a Triscuit cracker Ryan notices that his heart is racing and his blood smells funny Grace continues her story about what happened in Nicaragua the camp got attacked and the soup started fighting and accidentally killing Grace's men an explosion hit near Grace and she fell down later she woke up and found black noir with his face partially burned off Grimson Countess tells Grace that the Russians killed soldja boy and took his body Grace tells her that it's impossible that he died but she sees a helicopter taking his body away then butcher tells Ryan he can't see him again because it's not safe Ryan grabs him and won't let him go butcher tells him he hasn't forgotten about what Ryan did to his Becca Ryan tears up and runs off saying I hate you to butcher Frenchie gets cornered by a group of thugs and has to get in the car they bring him to Nina who asks Frenchie where Sheree is Nina tells Frenchie that Sheree stole from her he tells her to back off because he works for the CIA meanwhile the Deep rejoins the seven and they celebrate with a feast homelander orders for everyone a seafood Feast which makes the Deep upset and he just asks for some bread homelander tells him that no one can stop him now that he knows that people love him for being him he brings the Deep alive octopus called Timothy the deep tells him that Timothy is his friend and he can't eat him Cassandra texts deep to eat the octopus homelander also forcefully tells him to eat Timothy and very painfully he does Kimiko suggests she and Frenchie just leave and go to Marsailles then Frenchie tells butcher about Nina and butcher requests a meeting with her he tells Frenchie they're going to Russia supersonic tells Annie he's joining the seven because someone has to have her back and he's not going to leave her to deal with homelander alone on American hero Starlight and homelander announced that the deep and supersonic have been chosen homelander announces that he and starlight are also an item and in love Ashley and the team are thrilled about the announcement knowing that the people are going to love the jro considering it a chance to keep a closer eye on him Starlight agrees to the new Ploy and even kisses him on camera though scrunches her fist in Anger behind her back Stan Edgar drops by V Victoria Newman's house on a whim to tell her that he wants to give homelander a gentle reminder of who's in charge he tells her to give homelander some FCC fines as a reminder that he can't get away with anything Victoria seems hesitant but Stan assures her that she and Zoe will be safe the boys pay a visit to Little Nina to ask about a weapon that the Kremlin might know about he covers Sheree's debt plus 100 grand for her troubles but she still asks for Sheree back later Starlight told huie that Starlight and homelander announcement will air on TV that evening she tells huie that this plan has to work homelander interjects and asks what has to work she asks how he got in and he explains that he has a key to her surprise he assures huie that their love affair is strictly for the cameras although he admits that that's how he and queen ma started out and that thing got quite spicy huy tenses up and starlight threatens homelander to back off at train talks to Ashley about blue talk and how V has a responsibility to get Justice for the incident that happened Ashley assures a train she cares about black lives matter insincerely they shoot a commercial for at Train's new turbo Rush energy drink promoting peace between the public and the police force huy calls Victoria to tell him he can't go into the office because of his broken arm and she tells him to get better huy and the boys then get on a jet to go to Russia Starlight goes to talk to Ma and asks her if she's ever heard of a weapon called BCL red ma asks Starlight who she thinks sent them down the rabbit hole ma tells Starlight her plan to try and take down homelander and starlight tells her they need to team up and find more people in Russia the boys have to do a little job before nah gives them the information they want he tells Kimiko she has to do the job but she tells butcher she's not his gun but he tells her otherwise Starlight tells supersonic that they might have to fight homelander and there might actually be a way to take him down she tells him they need four or five more superheroes to get it done and he tells her he's in at a meeting for the seven at train brings up blue hawk he explains he's been over patrolling black neighborhoods Cassandra texts the Deep to stick up for homelander and tell him he needs more superheroes not less and to bench Blue Hawk would be a mistake and homelander agrees to it a train is furious that deep spoke up and kissed homelander ass they they fight and homelander finds them on the ground he helps up deep and talks down to at train supersonic helps at train up and tells him to calm down supersonic asks at train what if they could do something about homelander and at train asks him what he has in mind Ashley informs homelander that Victoria Newman is doing a press conference about him and he tells her to find out what's going on as part of butcher's plan Kimiko dresses up to go to a party under the name Arena several women are on a bed and a man tells one of them to undress he opens a display case of numerous dildos each sex toy is decorated to have the appearance of each member of the seven Kimiko sees her opportunity and pushes a dildo through the back of the man's head and through his mouth killing him instantly she proceeds to fight off the rest of his men with the other dildos as the women scream and run away Kimiko takes a photo of the deceased man while doing so one of the scared women shoots her in the head she falls down but slowly Rises back again the scared women kneel down and beg for their lives but Kimiko tries to tell them she won't hurt them Stan reassures Victoria at the press conference before she goes live to talk about homelander she seems nervous but then proceeds to say that homelander has come forward as a whistleblower of crimes committed by CEO of vort Stan Edgar Stan is shocked and takes off his glass glasses mave turns to homelander and asks him what he did and he explains that he set things straight that V is a superhero company and should be led by them Stan asks Victoria why she tells him she had to look out for Zoe and that all these years he was looking out for himself instead of her Kimiko is frustrated by what butcher made her do she tells Frenchie she can't do this anymore she tells him that butcher doesn't treat any of them like people that he is the same as little Nina Frenchie tells her maybe it's time they leave after this job and they dream about going to Marseilles later homelander visits Victoria at her house unannounced homelander asks her if she wants to pop his head he tells her she was smart to turn on Stan because he was going to do the same to her that she isn't his daughter but his weapon butcher takes another dose of v as a contingency plan huy walks in on him and tells him he wants some too but butcher says no by saying this isn't a privilege it's a punishment St meets with homelander as he had to take a temporary leave of absence from V International Stan tells homelander that Victoria is more like him than he realized she plays all sides Stan warns homelander that he might not like his new leadership position because there is no one left to cover for him he tells homelander he's simply a bad product meanwhile Victoria talks to her daughter Zoe about becoming a soup so that she can be strong and safe forever she explains that she was scared too when she took it she she injects her with compound V and zoee screams in pain and starts sobbing with Victoria comforting her while tearing up mother's milk and butcher cut out the electricity at a military plant the boys enter and have to fight off security guards and a soup hamster they run out of ammunition so butcher uses his temporary superpowers to fight back huie fights with his superpowers too revealing that he stole the temporary V butcher wouldn't let him have they open up a sealed container and find soldja boy he unplugs himself from the chamber and walks out confused soldja boy sends out a fiery explosion from his chest knocking down a wall and hurting Kimiko however she doesn't heal this time he runs away and the boys rush to help Kimo meanwhile Starlight and homelander smile for the press and homelander insists that they go fly somewhere together he promises to show her the view of a lifetime he brings her to a rooftop where he shows her a bloody dead supers Sonic homelander admits that at train told him about her and supers Sonic's plot he tells her there will be no more plotting he wants her to be a dutiful girlfriend unless she wants that to happen to huie she tells him that she understands later Ashley accepts the board's nomination as CEO of vort international homelander leads the board meeting and asks for everyone to introduce themselves Morin asks homelander a question and turns it on her asking him if she thinks she knows better than him she immediately apologizes and tells him how stupid she is and Ashley tells her to leave a news announcement claims that supersonic was killed from a drug overdose Annie tells huie what really happened and says it's her fault huy tells Annie that Moscow was a dead end and they didn't find a super weapon he tells her to drink a white claw before explaining what really happened in Russia huie admits he enjoyed being on v24 to a horrified Annie Queen mave brings butcher more v24 doses and asks what he's going to do with them butcher offers mave a drink and she tells him she's been sober for 4 months butcher answers that he had been sober for a year she ends up drinking with him butcher tells ma that every single last one of them has got to go referring to soups she agrees and they have rough sex at the hospital little nah brings Kimiko chocolate limes for when she wakes up Nina asks them how they made so much Mayhem in Russia making her lose several of her trusted contacts she tells Frenchie he owes her a debt now they give him a new mission to kill pooto seov and his daughter Katarina by the end of the day Kimiko wakes up but she's still very weak and in pain she looks at her wounds and smiles that she didn't heal she tries to pick up something heavy but she can't she thinks soldja boy took away her powers meanwhile Annie confronts at train about getting suers Sonic killed at train tells her he has no idea what she's talking about Ashley commends at train for being a team player she tells him she got him a meeting with bluehawk to make up for it at train tells Blue Hawk his patrolling is excessive and potentially racist at train suggests Blue Hawk makes an apology publicly and blue hawk agrees soldja boy arrives to New York City he sees several posters of the seven and seems confused just then he hears a Russian raid and gets mad he explodes killing surrounding bystanders the number adds up to 19 or more in total at train brings Blue Hawk to a local community center to apologize he apologizes and claims not to be racist because he doesn't see color he only sees crime he donated $10,000 to the community center they confront him about killing an unarmed black man the community gets angry and starts screaming at Blue Hawk who insists that super lives matter Blue Hawk loses it and starts throwing people around atran grabs him and tells him to stop and then sees his brother Nathan lying on the ground with a bloody head mm Butcher and huy go to visit the legend to talk mm asks Legend if soldja boy came to visit him Legend pretends he didn't come but mm convinces him to admit that he did come by to pick up his super suit and for his girlfriend Crimson countess's address meanwhile homelander confronts ma about betraying him because he can smell butcher all over her she tells him he's crazy and doesn't know what he's talking about he asks her if their love was real and she tells him that from the start she hated him and beyond that pied him just then she turns around and black noir attacks her Ashley informs Starlight that mave is at the global Wellness retreat in Malibu Starlight confronts Ashley about homelander being out of control and her needing help Ashley Whispers that she doesn't have powers but then looks scared and tells her to make an appointment next time and to get out at the hospital at train hears the doctor say that Nathan will never walk again Kimo in her hospital bed says I got rhythm she is able to speak she kisses Frenchie and soon dreams about them dancing he tells her he will be right back to go get a coffee he is surprised but happy however little Nina confronts him outside meanwhile Crimson Countess video chats with a man on a super porn website she is about to undress for him when she gets attacked by Butcher and the camera Cuts Butcher and mm tells her that soldja boy is on his way to see her and that he is really alive she asks how he escaped from Russia admitting that she knew he was alive all this time she tells them he's going to kill her and all of them they tell her she's the bait and leave her while they go outside to prepare Starlight walks up as back up but huy is up upet saying that he doesn't want her to get hurt trying to save him butcher rof feed mm with something to knock him out without telling him butcher talks to soldja boy who walks up and tells him the Crimson CEST is inside tied up as a gesture of Faith butcher asks soldja boy if they could come to an arrangement inside soldier boy talks to Crimson Countess and asks how much the Russians paid her she tells him they didn't he tells her that he loved her and that he waited for her to come save him from Russia she tells him that she hated him that they all did enraged soldier boy killed the Crimson Countess and exploded her trailer huy explains to Annie that they need a weapon and that soldja boy is that person Annie is upset that huy held his secret from her but he tells her this is the only way he can save her from homelander homelander is in the crime analytics room reviewing camera footage which shows soldja boy walking away after killing Crimson Countess he snaps at Ashley after she suggests giving a press conference to reassure the public that everything is under control homelander says that announcing that the ex-f face of V is now a super villain would bring him down alongside the company he storms off with Noir after ordering deep to bury everything homelander opens up to Noir about his stress about soldja boy's recent actions receiving no reply he Pats Noir on the shoulder praising him as his only friend then leaves immediately after the elevator door be behind the wall opens and he rushes in once the door closes to the horror of a woman present in the elevator he takes out one of his knives and begins carving his left forearm to extract his tracking Chip he passes it to the terrified bystander before leaving the elevator huy Butcher and soldja boy are hiding out in the motel huy and butcher give soja boy food alcohol and benzidine butcher makes a pact with soldja boy if he can provide him with the location of the remaining payback team members as well as help him settle in this new era soldja boy will agree to help him take down homelander Kimiko Paces around her hospital room debating what to message Frenchie after their kiss as she looks out the window she gets ambushed by a Russian gangster mm is loading a clip on a table full of various guns grenade and bullets while Starlight wonders where soldier boy will go next mm mentions the TNT twins who live in Vermont Annie asks if butcher is also aware of their locations to which he replies no she then states that soldja boy is bulletproof and mm declares that the bullets aren't meant for him Starlight empathizes with his hatred for butcher and huie but convinces him not to lower himself to their level as they only have themselves as support she then leaves after receiving a call from Ashley Ashley watches the trailer for a train's upcoming movie a train to Africa as the trailer ends at train enters the room demanding Ashley give blue hawk a harsher punishment than 12 weeks of sensibility training as he vents about wanting Justice for his paralyzed brother Ashley snaps back at him for his hypocrisy of only caring about the soup's misconduct when he has to suffer the consequences while she had to overwork herself to cover his crimes time and time again defeated a train leaves the room the deep and Cassandra find homelander in a hallway to let him know about noir's disappearance to try and stop his panic attack over Noir Vanishing deep tells him about soldja boy's potential next victims the TNT Twins and their location homelander sends the Deep to their place ordering him to contact him if soldja boy shows up homelander is alone in his private quarters and in his mirror his reflection starts talking to him he expresses his fears about being defeated by soldja Boy and asks himself if taking over the company was the right call his mirror self reassures him that he will get them out of trouble just like he always did when they were young homelander confesses to the real reason for rebelling against Edgar wanting to be loved and admired he also blames homelander failed relationships and his need for affection on his human side which the reflection sees as a cancer that must be removed in order for homelander to be free and pure huie tries to convince soldja boy to sleep but he refuses stating that he has slept enough he instead proceeds to rant about the state of the Modern Man and the Betrayal at the hands of the country and the team that he fought so hard to protect as they discuss what happened in Midtown butcher returns with his knuckles covered in blood and the address of the twins the deep is welcomed in the home of the twins by the male brother who expresses his sympathy for what starlight did to him noticing the loud music coming from inside the house deep asks to be let in thus gaining access to the 70th edition of herogasm hosted by the twins homelander is sitting nervously in a studio as the makeup artist finishes preparing the interviewer Starlight joins them and he grabs her hand looking for Comfort Newman also joins the interview much to Annie's surprise as the interviewer asks questions about the 19 dead in Midtown homelander cuts her off accusing her of lying and fear monong he storms off Victoria asks Annie for a quick chat she asks Annie about hu's whereabouts Annie said that he's camping with his dad but Victoria knows she is lying she reveals that she knows that he and starlight know about her power she tries to team up with Annie offering to share her influence in exchange for Annie's Annie refuses her offer proclaiming that she is done playing dirty meanwhile Frenchie is brought to an abandoned warehouse and bound up to a pillar while Kimo and Sheree sit in in front of him tied to chairs little Nina enters the room and after explaining a bit of his past whilst showing his scars and how he got them orders him to choose who to kill between the two girls threatening to shoot them both if he refuses Kimiko manages to free herself of her cuffs and slits the throat of her executioner as she falls down with his body on top of her a second gangster empties his Magazine on his comrade's corpse as Frenchie pleads with Nina still alive Kimiko bites his ankle for forcing him to drop his gun so he starts choking her she manages to break free by breaking one of his hands as Nina reaches for a gun Sheree also manages to free herself and tackles Nina to the ground meanwhile Kimiko is thrown around by the gangster who finally manages to pin her down choking her with one hand and punching the wound on her stomach open with the other she manages to find a screwdriver which she impales in his thigh as he falls down screaming she begins shanking him repeatedly well after is death stopping only when Frenchie tells her that nah has escaped meanwhile Starlight and mm go to the T and T twins house on the way Annie notices that mm has a tick reluctantly he tells her that he was indirectly responsible for his grandfather's death one night while he was young he noticed soldja boy stopping some kids and went to wake up his granddad to come see the soup as his grandfather stood up soldja boy threw a car directly at his house squashing mm's grandfather father from then on he developed the habit of checking the burners three times every night lest soldja boy return to kill the rest of his family they reach the twins house and are greeted by love sausages love sausage love sausage asks for invitations but he recognizes Starlight he also sees that mm is not a soup but he grants them entrance thanks to Starlight vouching for him once inside they witness an orgy of normal people and soups who are engaging in all all manners of sexual activities as mm laments the abuse that nons superx workers go through Annie searches for a way to reduce casualties once soldja boy arrives meanwhile Butcher huie and soldja boy scout the house from the outside while doing so huie asks for three minutes to find the Twins and make sure that there won't be bystanders caught in the crossfire huie teleports into the middle of the party while Starlight tries to convince bluehawk that soldja boy is coming she notices is the Deep moaning behind the door as she enters and comes in full view of him having intercourse with an octopus she proceeds to take photos of him and threatens to send them to homelander if he doesn't tell her why he's here meanwhile the twins are fighting in a corner their fight attracts the attention of huie who bumps into at train they recognize each other and huie demands an apology for what at train did to Robin a train apologizes but huby punches him anyway a train recoils a astonished by hu's Newfound strength Starlight Cuts in warning them both that homelander is coming huy notices that soldja boy has entered the party and teleports himself and Annie away from the house they start arguing back in the house mm comes face to face with his Soldier Boy and tries to knock him out with a Halo Fane gas grenade however the soup has built a resistance to the anesthetic and casually tosses the grenade away after inhaling the fumes as mm prepares for a fist fight butcher comes in and directs soldja boy towards the twins mm and butcher fight soldja boy finds the twins who are still arguing promising to spare their lives if they tell him who was The Mastermind behind his betrayal they both confess that it was Noir but he doesn't believe them as he is too faithful to V to do such a thing as the twins beg for their lives a familiar Russian song begins playing and soon after Soldier Boy incinerates the twins the blast shoots through the house causing injur IES and deaths noticing the explosion Annie tries to go back to the house huy tries to stop her but she knocks him down meanwhile in the middle of the Carnage a train finally confronts Blue Hawk scared by the explosions and while extremely angered he knocks him to the floor before dragging away at super speed blue Hawk's body scrapes against the road so hard that his skull and rib cage become visible a train finally stops after yet another heart attack passing out in the middle of the the road homelander lands in what remains of the house stepping on a shrunken termite inside butcher wakes up and checks on MM who is knocked out he reunites with soldja boy who once again has forgotten what happened homelander finds them and calls off his deal with butcher as he considers soldja boy's presence cheating he knocks out butcher with his laser sight and starts fighting with soldja boy after exchanging a few blows homelander pins him to the wall as he's about to choke soldja boy butcher gets his attention before blasting with his own laser sight a bit taken aback by butcher's Powers homelander starts fighting buter at a stalemate they both fire off their lasers which gives time for soldja boy to get back up and drag down homelander by his cape he and butcher start beating homelander with the help of huie who teleports in to punch homelander soldja boy prepares to use his blast on homelander as Butcher and huy hold him down but homelander who is insanely infu fated at this point shakes them off and flies away so butcher soldja boy and huy walk out of the house as mm and starlight are giving medical attention to the victims they lock eyes with one another before going their separate ways as homelander looks in the mirror he notices a bruise on his face Frenchie and Kimiko disgust their violent nature and make plans to run away while Starlight with the help of mm sets up a live broadcast during which she confesses the truth behind the attacks and admits that soldier boy is still alive and a threat to America she also admits homelander abuse towards her and queen mave she then finishes her live stream by renouncing her superhero name and quitting the seven for good homelander visits mave in an empty cell he asks her where the boys are hiding she asks him if he is wearing concealer to cover up a bruise homelander explains how soldja boy is burning the V out of some the soup's bodies and that it could happen to anyone of them she tells him he's the only one of them who cares about being a superhero he tells her he always dreamed of having kids with Ma and that he plans to harvest her eggs Billy butcher Huey and soja boy go to track Mindstorm soldja boy advises them to close their eyes if Mindstorm makes eye contact butcher admits he keeps feeding soldja boy weed to keep him chilled out from his PTSD so he stops blowing up people black noir hides out in an abandoned room of rundown Buster beavers Pizza the restaurant and pours himself a bowl of beans some imaginary cartoon characters start to talk to him to tell him that he can't hide from soldja boy they assure him they'll get him through it soldja boy hits a trap that triggers an explosion Mind Storm makes eye contact with buter but he quickly closes his eyes butcher passes out trapped in an eternal nightmare according to soldja boy huy tries to wake him up but can't Mindstorm is the only one who can snap him out of it so they leave him in his his nightmare Billy's dad beatss him up after his dad leaves Billy tells Lenny it's okay to come out at mm's house Frenchie gets high and plots with mmm who tells him he's a mess Starlight tries to clean up kimiko's wounds they drink whiskey together it's Kiko's first alcoholic drink ever she asks Starlight what she'll do about huie and she admits that she tried and that he doesn't want to be saved she asked Starlight for help about getting the permanent compound V because she wants her powers back Starlight tells her she can't but Kimiko asks her to read a note she wrote begging for help the Deep surprises Cassandra in bed and tells her that he's going to be on hanity tonight Cassandra tells him they need to prep because it's a big deal but he assures her that he got them this far and it will be fine he tells her their sex life is vanilla and it's time they Branch out like introducing a new partner to spice things up he introduces her to Ambrosius but she tells him she doesn't want to he tells her he needs this so they have sex all together but Cassandra tells him she's done and can't do this she confronts him about having sex with Ambrosius behind her back she tells him to see how he does without her and leaves black noir watches the imaginary cartoon animals act out a scene from his past in the scene in question soldja boy brutalizes gunpowder during a sparring session black noir comes in upset because he's been turned down for the role of Axel Foley in Beverly Hills cops due to soldja boy saying untrue things about him to producer Don Simpson Crimson Countess disapproves and when black noir tries to speak up Soldier Boy subjects him to a vicious beating as Noir lies on the mat cowering in fear solder boy outright threatens to kill him if he tries to Eclipse him in Fame in another one of butcher's memories he gets caught selling Marana at school he beats up his Headmaster in response he accidentally hits his brother but apologies soldja boy and huie encounter a priest and a nun who were brainwashed so soldja boy killed them both homelander finds a cow in The Farmhouse and milks it as he drinks the milk Victoria Newman finds and confronts him she tells him to take control of the situation he grabs her by the neck but she tells him she wants a strictly transactional relationship with him to help each other at TR wakes up in the hospital Ashley talks to him and tells him the new narrative that soldja boy killed blue hawk in front of him she tells him Blue Hawk will live on in a train his heart was implanted inside of him so he can run again meanwhile Frenchie realizes that the thing that took our soldier boy wasn't gas it was Vapor he tells mm they have to go back to Russia to get some mm sees a photo of his daughter and Todd at the homelander rally and he furiously storms off meanwhile Annie sneaks into Vault to get more compound V she sees a green liquid and realizes is its 10th fee reading the lab notes she's horrified to note that the scientists observe it to be lethal after three five doses black noir watches Another cartoon scene it's 1984 in Nicaragua and he and the rest of payback are tired of soldja boy's abuse Stan Edgar presents them with an offer to get rid of soldja boy black noir is surprised that V is signing off on losing their most valuable superhero but nonetheless commits to the plan once Edgar reveals that they have plans to replace soldja boy with homelander the battle begins and once soldja boy is alone the payback team attacks him the TNT twins Mind Storm and black noir Dogpile him and begin beating him up but soldja boy overpowers them then black noir tries to attack again but soldja boy throws him aside then proceeds to shove the left side of his face down on the hood of a burning car melting it as black noir screams in pain soldja boy proceeds to bash him several times in the top of his head with his shield leaving Noir with severe brain damage Mindstorm then engages Soldier Boy using his telepathy to scramble soldja boy's brain long enough for Crimson CEST to jump on him from behind and slip the novichok bag over his mouth as soldja boy passes out she spits on him in disgust in the present the cartoon animals tell black noir that the brave thing to do right now is go back to Vault Tower and confront soldja boy himself meanwhile mm confronts Todd about taking Janine to see homelander Monique is upset too because Todd didn't ask her mm tells Todd that homelander is lying Todd tells mm that Starlight is trafficking kids and homelander is the only one protecting the public M gets angry and he punches Todd which Janine Witnesses homelander finds Starlight at vort and tells her to recant everything she said on TV he tells her that Fame is the only thing protecting her he warns her what will happen to huie now that she betrayed him she tells him he's been saying things live to her 190 million viewers and he tells her she's not supposed to be recording while they're running lines soldja boy and huy find Mindstorm huy teleports Mindstorm to butcher's body to help save him he offers to teleport him far away if he just helps butcher in butcher's mind Lenny begs him not to leave him alone with their father Lenny tells butcher he can't take it anymore and he kills himself after this butcher wakes up from The Nightmare Mindstorm reminds huie of their deal but before huie can act on it soldja boy froze his combat knife into mind Storm's right eye leaving him unable to react as soldja boy attacks pinning Mind Storm to the ground and wrapping his head in a cloth to neutralize his power huy attempts to intervene but soldja boy simply punches him aside as butcher goes to check on huie Soldier Boy interrogates Mindstorm the latter admits that vort gave Noir The Green like to get rid of him and also reveals who his replacement was enraged and in disbelief soldja boy brutally beats his former teammate to death when butcher asks him what he heard soldja boy ignores him and continues walking as if in shock then Starlight calls Butcher and tells him that temp V is going to kill the two of them she tells him three to five doses will kill you and that he needs to tell huy butcher hangs up on her and tells huy that the two of them have to swing by the office to get some more Starlight decides to save huy even if he doesn't want her to she hands Kimiko a dose of compound V and Frenchie injects it into her and she wriggles in pain but all of her wounds instantly heal as she regains her powers meanwhile homelander argues with Ashley on the phone about starlight's secret taping when he gets a second call brushing Ashley off he answers to find soldja boy on the other end the older super reveals that in the fall of 1980 he supplied Jonah vogle bom with his sperm for a genetic experiment and the child produced from it was a boy born in Spring of 1981 homelander is shocked and horrified to realize that the soldier boy is his father meanwhile Ryan throws a fast ball and homelander shows up to compliment him Grace runs outside and tells him to stay away homelander admits that a certain congresswoman tipped Ryan's location off to him Ryan asks homelander if he's mad at him for what he did and homelander assures him that it wasn't his fault accidents happen and Ryan hugs him Ashley and the Deep go to the basement where Ma is Ashley argues with the Deep telling him someone is coming with a search warrant to look for mave gas floods in through the vent and mave cell and Ashley mouthes I'm sorry as mave starts coughing and collapses to the ground mave gets taken in a truck to get move to another location but she wakes up and fights her way out Frenchie brings mm a present a dose of novichok a weapon against Soldier Boy hidden in a bottle of starlight's wish perfume Frenchie gives mm some life advice to let Janine see all of him instead of trying to hide parts from her in present day V stock crashes after starlight's live social media post revealed homelander True Temper Ashley admits what happened with mave meanwhile Noir enters vort headquarters to talk to homelander on a piece of paper he wrote soldier boy will come they hug and homelander tells Noir he knew he'd come back butcher punches huy in a gas station restroom and locks him inside leaving him behind intentionally and drives with soldja boy to New York at train tells his brother about his new heart he tells his brother he needs him and to come back to coaching Nate asks at train if he killed Blue Hawk and at train denies it but Nate knows the truth he is furious because he wanted Blue Hawk to be held accountable and yells at him to get out Starlight picks up huie from the gas station she tells him that temp V is fatal and is furious with butcher but huie realizes butcher saved his life he and Annie talk and make up and Annie gets a call from ma who is at mm's house ma tells Annie where she was this whole time huy tells mave mm and Annie that soldja boy is homeland's father and that they're headed to New York Grace mallerie calls butcher but he rejects the call soldja boy open opens up to butcher about his past and his father how he became a superhero but that his father wasn't even impressed because he took a shortcut he tells butcher he always wanted kids butcher emphasizes that homelander isn't really his son because he didn't raise him meanwhile black noir sharpens his knives to prepare for soldja boy's visit homelander asks what he was like and Noir writes bad homelander admits that he's his father Noir writes must kill him but homelander says he's not sure he wants to he asked Noir if he knew that he had a father this whole time Noir admits he did and homelander asks why he didn't tell him and then kills Noir by punching him in the stomach and letting him bleed out mave and the rest of the boys show up at butcher demanding to know where soldja boy is ma throws away the dose of novichok and tells them that homelander needs to die no matter what Ashley at train and the Deep listen to starlight's warning and talk about evacu uating but homelander tells them not to homelander Whispers an order to the deep in his ear and the Deep questions if it's treason but agrees he tells Ashley next to take off her wig he tells them he doesn't need any of them and that they are not his family later Lamar Bishop the PO potential nominee for vice president takes a swim and the Deep kills him and he seems to feel guilty about it Frenchie has an idea to get more neurotoxin at a lab in New York he agrees to go while the rest go to Vault Tower they pack up and huie sees one dose of temp V and takes it with him butcher Soldier Boy and mave go find homelander homelander tells them that he killed Noir he tells the soldier boy he just wants to talk homelander tells soldja boy he is his son his blood he brings out Ryan and introduces soldja boy to his grandson soldja boy tells him he wish he raised him so that he could be better homelander is moved by Soldier Boy's work until he declares him to be a disappointment and grabs him by the throat Ryan lasers down soldja boy with his eyes but gets knocked over homelander tries to help him and soldja boy looks like he's going to hurt Ryan so butcher fights him so he backs off explaining that Ryan is his wife's son ma fights homelander and he tells her now isn't the time soldja boy beats up Butcher and almost kills him until Starlight shows up and fights back Frenchie and Kimiko break into the lab and and Kimiko fights off a few security guards Frenchie gets shot in the leg he gets the dose of the neurotoxin and tells Kimiko to go and bring it huby SE soldier boy face off against Annie and he grabs the temp V but instead decides to increase the lighting in the room to give Annie more power Annie floats up off the ground fueled by the light and she knocks down soja boy the boys grab him and let him inhal the neurotoxin it doesn't knock him out soldja boy refusing to be imprisoned again begins charging up a potentially destructive blast mave who was fighting homelander sees that soldja boy is about to explode and makes eye contact with Annie she grabs soldja boy and jumps out the window with him while he explodes saving everyone else and sacrificing herself Ryan tells homelander he wants to leave butcher pleads with Ryan and passes out presumably from the temp V remembering Queen mave airs on TV at the hospital where butcher is being treated the doctor tells he has 12 to 18 months to live he tells the doctor to [ __ ] off mm opens up to Janine about his past and the truth about superheroes he tells her about her grandfather who spent his life fighting for justice and after hearing everything Janine tells mm he's her hero Annie walks into an apartment and sees mave who is alive and healing but she doesn't have powers anymore thanks to soldja boy she asks Annie if she should get a pirate patch Elena walks out and Annie asks where they'll go she tells Annie somewhere far away from homelander on security footage Ashley sees mm and the boys helping mave up after the fight with soldja boy she and Ana look at each other and delete the security file protecting Ma's secret Grace mallerie sees soldja boy return to the sealed neurotoxin security tube the Deep watches Cassandra talk about him on TV and how no one would like him if they knew the real him and he tears up Annie throws away her Starlight costume mm tells Annie the office rules if she's going to be working here now as one of the boys meanwhile on TV Victoria Newman is announced as Dakota Bob's vice presidential candidate homelander shows up to the rally and introduces the crowd to Ryan the crowd cheers except one guy who calls homelander a fascist he throws something and it hits Ryan and homelander kills him on the spot Todd is at the rally and looks shocked as does the rest of the crowd but Todd screams in support and then the Crowd Goes Wild homelander initially looked scared but then looks very pleased and Ryan Smiles as well later a super killing virus was made at the gookin University and Victoria Newman got her hands on it then at the end when all the soups from the woods are killing people in God Keen University homelander shows up and instead of supporting the good guys he supports Sam and Kate who caused the entire incident so yeah that's all for this video and if you guys enjoyed this video then make sure to get subscribed for more
Channel: Allen The Guy
Views: 469,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Homelander vs billy butcher, Homelander vs soldier boy, The boys season 4, The boys Gen V season 1, The boys Gen V season 2, Soldier boy vs Homelander, Homelander death, The boys comics, Homelander vs black noir, The boys season 5, The boys theme, Life of Homelander, Homelander anatomy, Soldier boy anatomy, Soldier boy death, The boys season 4 episode 1, The boys season 4 ending, the boys season 4 episode 1, the boys season 4 ending
Id: q4Y_G3Ck1NQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 26sec (9266 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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