WYNN BUFFET July 2021 - "The Buffet" at Wynn Las Vegas

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[Me] Can I get a thick cut of your  Prime Rib? Can I get thick one? [Me] Like... off of that one? Is that cool? yeah, Hey everyone! I'm at "The Buffet" at WYNN Las Vegas.  Currently they're doing everything only online  as far as reservations go. But even if you have a  reservation, expect to wait a little while. Because   everyone in line had a reservation. We waited about  a total of 15 to 20 minutes flr a Thursday evening reservation. And here are the prices and hours if  you want to take a closer look. Feel free to pause   the screen. The prices are different on weekdays  and weekends. and for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.   I'm a Las vegas native so I have my favorite  buffets. All of the station casino buffets, which   are not open any longer, are some of the locals'  favorites. As well as the "M" Hotel off to the   side in South Las Vegas.... and the Sterling Brunch,  which was a one-day event at the Bally's steakhouse.   But my favorite buffet has always been  the WYNN Hotel. I love the WYNN for their   consistency. Coming back to the WYNN, it's been  quite a long time... they were open a couple times,   and closed again, during this pandemic. They had a  different format... like servers bringing the food to   your tables. But people didn't like that very much.  So when a lot of the restrictions were lifted in   Vegas, they went back to a full self-serve mode. So  I love the WYNN Buffet. They have some new things,   but the quality isn't quite what I remember it to  be. Because the WYNN was always superb. But anyone   who's been in Vegas regularly will remember how  good the quality was. Nothing is the same anymore.   And it's the same everywhere. Everywhere I go, the  prices are higher than what it was, and it's hard   to find the kind of quality that we were used to.  At the seafood section on this Thursday evening   they were missing the crab claws (Jonah claws or Dungeness crab claws) normally they  have these crab claws here, but it wasn't here.   I felt a little bit gypped (jipped). Oh well, moving on.  So the shrimp at the WYNN are pretty decent   sized. they're pretty big. They're a little larger  than the ones I had at the Bellagio last week. But   bellagio is only operating 7am to 3pm for brunch only, currently. The WYNN is serving crab legs   both chilled and hot. This is the chilled section.  Here's what I need to tell you about these. These   are going to be much larger than the hot ones... and they are split in half. So they're easier to   eat. The hot ones are going to be a lot smaller... as  you'll see a little bit later. Here's their carving   station. And they also have their prime rib. And  I don't know about other people, but I just can't   get a thin slice of prime rib, because those are  more for sandwiches. I need to get the thick cuts.   Last week at the Bellagio, I did have a pretty  disappointing experience with their prime rib.   It wasn't quite that good. This place, my cut was  a little bit more rare than I would like it to be.   But at least they have au jus. They didn't have au jus  at Bellagio last week. They had some weird fancy   sauces... didn't quite do it for me. I need to  have the au jus with my prime rib. I'm not doing   a full walk around in the beginning. I'm gonna  do bits and pieces. But here's the first round. So they did have salads and some appetizers,  but I went straight for the things that I   wanted. Because this is going to be about $80,  with tax and tip, per person. This is some kind   of a seafood boil, or bouillabaisse... had crab and  couple of clams and shrimp. It was pretty good. I got some tri-tip steak, a little piece of beef  brisket... but mainly it was about the prime rib.   Because the prime rib... WYNN Hotel is one of the  few buffets that can pull off a decent prime rib...   as a buffet. And if you've tried buffets in  Vegas, the prime rib... it really isn't very good   at buffets. You got to go to a steakhouse. But the  WYNN Hotel... the prime rib is really good. It's just   that mine was slightly too rare in the middle.  But that's okay. I think I can handle it. Just   cover it with the au jus, and keep on moving. Have  you ever had too much food? Or there were so   many good things that you couldn't really enjoy  one thing? Well anyway the tri-tip and the beef   brisket kinda got lost because of the prime  rib. The prime rib was good. And they had the   creamy horseradish... unlike Bellagio last week. they  didn't have the creamy horseradish. I like creamy   horseradish with my prime rib... and the au jus. I had  to go and get a separate little bowl of the au jus. To be honest, I've had better prime rib   at steak houses. But for being a buffet,  this was really close to steakhouse quality. The prime rib was tender, and that's the main  thing. Sometimes, if you get a really bad cut of   prime rib, it can be tough. And that's not prime  rib to me. But this prime rib was tender. And it had   a good crust on it... had good seasoning, and it was  succulent and juicy with the au jus... and then if you   like horseradish, you can add horseradish... this was  really worth it to me. So for this cut of prime rib...   (and i can get another one if I want), with the all-  you-can-eat factor... and the variety, this buffet   was already worth the price for me. But it is a  lot more expensive than what it used to be at   $50. So you have to determine if this  is worth it for you, because it is pretty pricey. But this is the Las Vegas buffet experience...  only it costs more now. But you have to   take all things into consideration. The  oysters were so so. It wasn't my favorite.   The shrimp was really good. They were plump, and  they were chilled... they had a decent cocktail sauce. The lasagna looked pretty good... especially  that lasagna Florentine... looked really good.   But I only have one stomach and that prime  rib was a pretty hefty piece of prime rib. So I decided to get a little bit of the steamed  cod on my second round. And here's the warm   or hot version of the crab legs.   The crab legs have been sitting out for a  while. And I told you they were smaller at   the beginning of the video. And the video does make  them look a little larger. But they're pretty small. It's also worth mentioning that the pizza looked  really good. And I know you don't pay $80 to go eat pizza. But it's okay. You should  eat what you're in the mood for. Because that's why   they have phrases like, "It hit the spot." Because  when you eat something that you're in the mood   for, that's when it tastes the best. Plus this is  mushroom pizza with truffle oil. So it sounds fancy.   It qualifies as something you could try at a $80  buffet. And $80, I'm meaning with tax   and tip all included. So the steamed cod wasn't  very moist at all. In fact it was sitting under   the heat lamp for a while and it had dried  out quite a bit. So you can see for yourself.   At buffets it's important that you get the items  right when it comes out, because it does make a   difference. Here are their beef ribs. A lot of beef  ribs aren't that good compared to some of the   places that can do a really good job of producing  Bbq beef ribs. Their mac and cheese looked   interesting. And they had some other items as usual.  And thing about WYNN Hotel, usually the quality is   not that bad. It's pretty good. WYNN is known  to be one of the better quality hotel buffets.   The only section of the buffet that I really did  not find appealing to me was the Asian section...   because the the noodles that you just saw were the  drunken noodles. And they called that the pineapple   fried rice. And I have had numerous versions of  drunken noodles and pineapple fried rice, but I   have never seen them look like this. It was to  the point where I didn't even want to try it.   And I'm not afraid to try things, But these  did not look appealing at all. Even the shumai... very   unappealing. They had a taco station with three  choices: carne asada, chicken machaca. and impossible   beef. I knew this was going to be good, because it's  "made to order." So you're gonna get a fresh taco.   I ordered the carne asada and the chicken  machaca... and they look so appealing I had to   film them while i was walking to my table. But before I started on the tacos I decided  to stop by one more section. This is their southern   skillet section. This is where they have your basic  foods. And by that I mean it's not really exotic.   You have your mac & cheese, your fingerling  potatoes that are loaded, and your sweet potatoes.   I guess charred sweet potatoes. The thing is  I can probably find better versions of these   elsewhere... like Fridays... or any other place  that I eat at. Usually these are very common   items. So it's up to you if you want to try  it. I decided to just have a taste of the mac   & cheese and just a couple potatoes  to go with my beef ribs and my tacos. The mac and cheese and the potatoes were pretty  standard... unless you're really in the mood. They are   what you would expect them to be... buffet  potatoes... buffet mac and cheese. The beef ribs   were just average. For the best beef ribs in Vegas,  check out my playlist for "Rolling Smoke Bbq."   The tacos were good. And I love the  fact that they were made to order...   because the experience of the freshly  made tacos is really really good. And if you're a big eater,  you can repeat everything you   just had... or go back for the items you really like.   By the time I finished the tacos, I was pretty full.  I can't quite do five to eight plates anymore. I'm   just more like a three or four plate guy now. But  the desserts at the WYNN are really really good.   They have this ice cream carousel which is kind  of a new addition that I haven't seen before. And   their usual assortment of delightful cakes. They're  usually pretty small... just about a bite or two.   And then there was this thing. This tower...  at the base that had like gummy bears and M & Ms.   I guess you really got to be in the mood for  those, because there are so many better desserts.   The desserts come in small portions so you can  try a variety. The chocolate mousse is probably   one of my most favorite desserts here. But they  have just about everything for your liking. They   do have a crepe station. And I can't remember if  they had one before, but I decided to get a crepe. The crepes are "made to order" as well.  They have the batter here, and they make   the crepe right in front of you. I went  with the strawberry and whipped cream. No   matter how full you are, you always have  room for dessert. That means, even if you   think you can't eat, try a bite or two of the  dessert. The crepe is actually really good.   These are one of the items that are really hard to  mess up. But here is my round of desserts. I'm only   gonna do one round but I didn't finish everything...  I'll be honest... but I did try a bite of everything. If you go to an average buffet in Las Vegas, the  desserts can be pretty bad. However, the premium   hotels... the big 4... by the big 4 I mean  the Cosmopolitan, Caesars Palace, Bellagio, and   the WYNN. Usually the desserts are pretty good.  The WYNN is probably my most favorite place for desserts. One of the byproducts of going to a lot of buffets  can mean that you can gain weight because you tend   to overeat. Unless you're a regular buffet eater, or  you eat a lot regularly. I'm a little bit of both...   a regular at buffets, and I regularly eat a lot.  And going to a buffet doesn't mean you have to   overeat. You can be selective and you can control  your portions. It just means that you have a   variety... a wide variety of selections. The WYNN  Hotel has many fine restaurants and incredible   places. This is the "Up Parasol Down Parasol." This is  a lounge-type atmosphere where you have indoor and   outdoor dining. And at night, they do have some kind  of a show. And I think it's at the top of the hour,   for each hour. But I'm not quite  sure, so you might want to ask.   And that's going to wrap it up at the WYNN Hotel.  Thanks for watching, and we'll see you next time!
Channel: Las Vegas Eats 702
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Keywords: #lasvegaseats702, #lasvegaseats, #buffetlasvegas, #lasvegasbuffet, #lasvegasbuffet2021, #buffetlasvegas2021, #wynnbuffet, #wynnbuffetlasvegas, #thebuffet, #thebuffetatwynnlasvegas, #lasvegas2021, #allyoucaneatlasvegas, #wynnlasvegas, #wynnhotellasvegas, #primeriblasvegas, #bbqlasvegas, #crablasvegas, #seafoodlasvegas, #internationalbuffetlasvegas, #buffetsopeninlasvegas
Id: w0m4ruJGJ1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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