$17.49 - Krazy Buffet - 2022 Update

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Hey everybody, back again. This time I'm going  to Krazy Buffet. I actually did a video on them last year, but I'm going back to see how things  have changed, and how the prices have changed.   This place is off the strip west on Sahara near  Durango. For details check the description below.   Their prices are like this. The cheapest is lunch  at $12.99, and dinner is $17.49. And on Sunday it's   all day dinner price $17.49. But I like coming on  Sundays because it means you pay the dinner price,   AND you get all the items. There are a couple other  buffets similar to this one around town. This is a   Chinese buffet. But the reason that I like to come  here is because it feels cleaner... it feels clean.   The food moves. And what I mean by that, is people  gobble it up. And they gobble it up so fast because   it's good. And so they keep replenishing the food.  The food is always hot. The food is always fresh.   It's not stagnant... it doesn't sit for hours. And  that's why I like this place. At Krazy Buffet, as   you can see, they have a pretty large selection.  And somebody in the kitchen has some skills. They   have some talent, because they put out some pretty  good tasting food... the seasoning, the recipes they   use... everything comes out good. You can tell  when food is old, because the bread is hard,   everything is not as fresh... you get the feeling  that it's been sitting there. You can tell what old   food is like. And you can also tell when something  is freshly made. These meatballs are incredible. I   know personal friends have ordered trays of that.  But anyway, the prices have gone up. The dinner   price used to be around $13, $14...  but now it's $17.49. And I didn't see any crab legs...   the snow crab legs. But they had other versions of  crab, and plenty of shrimp and mussels and clams.   These days prices have gone up so much that  you could spend $20 at a fast food place   easily. So if you're gonna spend $20,   you have another option... an all-you-can-eat   option. This is a buffet. It has salads, it has  desserts... has seafood... has all kinds of stuff.   This place can get pretty busy because people know  where the good food is. Even things like this pork   and jalapeno. This is a really good seasoned pork...  has a really good taste... a little bit spicy... not   too much. They have things like french fries and  pizza, your classic stuff like beef and broccoli.   And I don't know if you have seen my buffet videos,  but if you noticed, I hardly ever get Chinese food   at the buffets... even the mega buffets. Because, quite  simply, it's not very good. In fact, all of the items   here, I would say, is about 5 times better than  what I would find at a mega strip hotel buffet.   You'll have to excuse me, I had to get the pizza...  had crispy pepperonis on it. Not everything here   is good, but the quality is pretty impressive.  Some of the things are just okay, but I guess   that depends on you, and what you like. And some of  the things are so good, that I think about going   back just for that one or two items. The chicken  wings have a really good tasting batter too.   They even have a pretty decent sized sushi  selection... although I don't really choose to   eat sushi at places like this. I don't know... it's  just me. I'm pretty spoiled when it comes to sushi   and steak. So I can be pretty selective. But if  you're in the mood, they do have a pretty large,   or decent-sized, sushi selection. And they prepare  it where it's plain to see what they're making.   And they do move these items also. And they have  your fruits and vegetables... and they have a dessert   section... although, not extremely large like  the mega hotels, they have some good stuff. I   love mandarin oranges. It doesn't matter if it's  from a can... still one of my favorites. And jello.   They also have ice cream, where you can make  your own cones, or just get the ice cream in a   bowl. I forgot to get ice cream this time around.  I guess because I was too full. It was customary   that I'd always walk out with an ice cream cone.  But anyway, let's take a closer look at the food.   On my first plate, I got some chicken wings.  I got that chicken on a stick. This is really   good. I love this thing... has really good flavor.  If you have never tried this, try it out. This is   really good chicken. The pizza was okay. It wasn't  that good. I just liked the pepperonis on top.   But the pizza wasn't too bad. The dough was similar  to um the Pillsbury pizza dough. And although my   favorite kind of wings are the ones that doesn't  have breading, this one was pretty good. They have a   pretty good seasoning in the batter. I can always  see them replenishing the food. They brought out   so much of this crab, they built this huge mountain.  But I know it's going to be gone in 15 minutes. Now   this type of crab... because it came out like this,  and it looked so fresh... I had to try it. But first   I got some fresh shrimp (shrimp cocktail)... a little  bit of vegetables to balance out my cholesterol...   and I wanted to try some of this shrimp. I knew  it was going to be a little bit of work. But   going on to the shrimp cocktail. The shrimp... they  were pretty small. But even though they were small,   they looked pretty fresh, so I got some. And if  you can see the size... these are kind of small. So   it was easier for me to pull all the tails off  first. And then I just got my fork, and just kind   of got a bunch of them at the same time. This was  still good. It was a refreshing shrimp cocktail.   It kind of reminded me of the Las Vegas style shrimp  cocktail, where they used a small bay shrimp with   a lot of lettuce and the cocktail sauce. I also  like this steamed fish. It has a subtle soy sauce   taste with a little bit of cilantro... sometimes  ginger. This is really pleasant. This was a really   good dish. As far as the crab goes, I can eat this.  It's a little bit of work. There's not much meat   in the legs. There's more meat near the body. Some  people just chew up the shells and spit them out,   and some people just eat it, I think. I don't know.  They also had this crawfish boil, or seafood boil.   They had some crawfish in there... some shrimp.  But on this second plate I went for the   beef, because it looked like they brought out a  big mountain of beef again Again, really fresh. And   I can't believe I took another look at the  pizza after that first slice.... but pepperoni.   So this is my second plate. I tried not to overload  the plates. I try to keep the portions small. That   way, you get to taste more things. This mayo shrimp  is really really good. Some of the nicer Chinese   restaurants have giant prawns in this sweet mayo.  They weren't as big here, but it was still really   good. The beef was soft, but it had some grizzle  in it, so there were pieces that had some "tough   to chew" parts. But overall, the taste was really  good... especially with the mushrooms. If you're a   really small eater, it might not be a good idea to  go to a buffet. But $20 doesn't really hurt.   And, also, now going on to the soup. If you've  never tried hot and sour soup, it's like an   egg drop soup, but it has a little more stuff. And  it's got a little kick to it. A little bit of spice...   not too crazy spicy. I'm pretty sure you can handle  it. It's got a good flavor. Moving on to round 3 for me. When I got up there, I noticed that they  were filling the food items again. Because they   empty out pretty fast. A lot of people come in here.  So like I said, the food doesn't have a chance to   sit there for a long time, because people eat it  up. It's funny how I usually think about this place   when I'm super hungry. Because I know I can pay  less than $20 and get all-I-can-eat... All   I want to eat. Sometimes I'll only eat maybe four  or five items, just a lot more of it. But sometimes   I want to try all kinds of stuff. At those times,  I get less of everything so that I can try   more items. I can't eat as much as I used to. Now,  after about 3 or 4 plates, I'm pretty full.   So I got to kind of keep that in mind when I want  try everything. Usually, I would say buffets aren't   good, because the food gets old and it stays  there for a long time. But this place, that's not   the case. And even if you can't eat a lot... for $17  or $18, I don't think it's too bad. You can just   eat what you normally eat... the quantity that you  normally eat. The desserts here are okay. I wasn't   overly impressed with the desserts. But it's pretty  fair. You can get items that you like. And I think   this is a really decent buffet... especially for  the price. Hopefully the price won't go up anymore.   Now if you come for the lunch, keep in mind  they might not have all the items that they   normally have on the dinner menu. With a drink  and tax... comes to $20.46, (Free refills on the   soft drinks). So I'm pretty much done here. Thanks  for watching, and we'll see you on the next video.
Channel: Las Vegas Eats 702
Views: 179,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #lasvegas, #lasvegaseats, #lasvegaseats702, #lasvegas2022, #lasvegasbuffet, #lasvegasbuffets2022, #buffet, #krazybuffet, #krazybuffetlasvegas, #crab, #sushi, #steak, #chinesefood, #chinesebuffet, #chinatown, #chinatownlasvegas
Id: vcJOswyGeZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon May 23 2022
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