Wuthering Waves Succeeds Where Zenless Fails

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all right little Jimmy I need you to pull up a chair and get in close cuz I'm going to do what your father never did and have a nice one-on-one conversation with you and don't worry I'm not going to talk to you about last week's report card instead I want to discuss something that I am unbelievably hyped for and that is weathering waves now anybody who's familiar with me is probably familiar with how I often operate in regards to a new gacha release quite frankly I usually don't care because the fact of the matter is once this new gacha comes out it's going to be overhyped everybody's going to be talking about it for approximately 15 seconds and then it's is going to die it happened with reverse 1999 it happened with power of fantasy and I assure you there are going to be 14 or 15 more Goa games in the next 2 years where the exact same thing happens history has a habit of repeating itself and doom is often the only thing in the future of many of these games because the fact of the matter is if there's not a player base then there's not a market for it to exist in but for the first time in quite a while I am actually looking at a gacha game that I am not only genuinely excited for but fully willing to look past the entire gacha system before the game even comes out for those who don't know I had interest in honai Star rail before the game came out because I thought the game looked relatively interesting however when I saw the gotcha mechanics I decided I wasn't going to play it and the only reason I ever did was because somebody talked about it but with weather and waves what I'm looking at in this game is so unimaginably promising that not only am I excited for it but I'm actually doing a solo first and coming out to discuss a game that's not even available I don't think think hype is an accurate way to describe just how excited I am to play this game and I am praying that they actually lit me in the second beta now for those who are unaware why I'm looking forward to this game so much it's really quite simple you guys remember zenler Zone zero for those who aren't entirely aware when I saw the trailer for that game I was so unimaginably excited because what I thought I was looking at was a game that heavily focused on combat paries timing and actually had a skill ceiling what's missing in a lot of gacha games is something that people joke about it's skill you know you get into the mlc you make it to the end and people go like oh you can't beat it it's a skill issue but in actuality it's not the fact of the matter is honkai star ginin and most other gacha games are unimaginably casual experiences and the only thing stopping you from clearing in-game content is how lucky and or how much time you have invested there is absolutely zero skill sailing Beyond putting the right people on the right team and getting lucky with getting those people it is really [ __ ] annoying to know that your only course of action when you hit a wall is to go back to the drawing board some materials and come back once you can actually win the war of attrition that is an issue that plagues a lot of games including star Rail and well yes you could argue it is to a lesser extent the problem is still there but what zinet zone zero looked like at least to me somebody who wasn't able to play it was it looked like a game that would be hyper fixated on combat and sure while the boss fight may have taken you the better part of your late 40s to finish you would have technically been able to get out on the other side so long as you were good enough at dodging perion in the works however when when the second closed beta actually came out and we finally got to see what the game looked like it was nothing but TVs for 70% of the core gameplay experience yay to say that that was disappointing would be a Monumental understatement that Rivals the grandio structure of Mount Rushmore the very moment that that Clos beta was out for the week-long mark and review started rolling in the zzz Channel and my server went from people being excited about the game to just literally pages of the sleeping emote there wasn't a damn soul Who's actually hyped for this game and unfortunately it doesn't seem like hoyo verse is actually going to go back to the drawing board and get rid of this dog [ __ ] when this game was advertised I thought it was going to be combat I really really really wanted it to be combat because I want to have a game that I don't have to play casually for all of the [ __ ] that I give fortnite at the end of the day the reason I can appreciate that game to the level which I do is because of the skill ceiling with the building and while yes the community is more toxic sign CH Noble that only makes it all the more satisfying when I eradicate some 5-year-old's progress for the last 20 minutes in one shot the gratification you get from playing a game long enough to actually be considered good is unparalleled being praised by your fellow gamer not because you rolled the best stats but because guess what you're actually skilled enough is something that people often take for granted and it is something that is severely lacking in the gotcha scene until now so from the looks of it weather and waves is basically going to be hardcore ginin impact we are talking a opened world where it's basically just a soulslike SL Monster Hunter it's heavily emphasized on combat and if you don't get good your ass is going to get smeared across the floor like a [ __ ] mop and buddy I'm waiting for it I I really am because as a masochist there is nothing that brings me more joy than having people beat me up it's such an exciting time to be a gacha player because when I say that I can actually wholeheartedly recommend this game to friends I'm not joking if this game ends up playing like how I expected to it would actually be entirely possible and plausible for you to have a level one character and just obliterate lat game bosses assuming you're good enough at dodging and additionally if it ends up working how we think it's going to work that would mean it does not matter how bad your character is if you like them enough you can use them so long as they're a designated DPS you can in theory take out an entire boss with only the character that you like no matter what the meta says if you as a player are actually skilled enough think about that that entirely eradicates one of the biggest problems with ginin you have these characters you get attached to they come out and then they're hot garbage looking at you de and I know that I'm harping on like that skill stealing fact a lot but just like look at this game playay these people are like dodging left right they're parrying they're avoiding these attacks it just looks cool by far one of my favorite moments in the trailer is when we see this guy this guy will end up being my main and no it's not because he's a twink just look at this guy's fighting style he is zipping around the entire Battlefield punching a thousand times a second probably hitting like a wet napkin but it doesn't matter because he's hitting so fast then he activates this ultimate he throws down a pylon probably is getting some sort of stat buff based on this image and then it's just dragging the enemy up in the air with a combo string and ending it with a kick flip this looks really really really fun to play and the best part about it it is a open world and not only is it an open open world but it's also a open world set in the apocalypse setting starting to sound familiar for those of you who don't remember Tower of fantasy was like the first big gotcha game I played before that it was AFK Arena then was skull girls mobile and mega manx diive but Tower of fantasy was the very first like really big one I played and the reason I went out of my way to play Tower fantasy was because I heard it was set in a sort of apocalyptic setting and I am a massive sucker for those settings but one of my biggest gripes with the game was despite being in an apocalypse it does not feel like it the colors for example were way too oversaturated there was absolutely nothing about the game that told me Yep this is an apocalypse besides the occasional demonic entity this game doesn't have that problem because not only is it set in the apocalypse but the colors and aesthetic actually matches it when you look at this gameplay footage you're not thinking oh my God what's over that Hill it's so Whimsical you're thinking damn what the [ __ ] happened here is everybody dead what's going on what's the grander story here and while we're talking about grander story let's talk about these de's commitments to telling a good one after the backlash on the story in the old update these guys went back to the drawing board and just revamped everything they actually said you know what this is dog [ __ ] let's fix it and what that tells me alone is that this game is worth playing because the devs are actually listening to the players for once they're not busy counting all the money they made on I don't know [ __ ] Amber's five-star banner I don't care they are sitting there listening to what people are saying taking it into account and instead of being butt hurt because people don't like what they're doing they're going yeah you know what maybe this does suck they're going back to the drawing board and they are fixing it it is wild to me that this is something I actually have to praise somebody for but it genuinely does feel like you're screaming into a void more often than not when it comes to these gaming companies and yet here is somebody who's actually having the first closed beta taking what they hear from it making a second cloes beter that addresses those issues and chances are the issues that we have with the second Clos beter are also going to be addressed the game already is really [ __ ] goodlooking and while a lot of us don't have access to the Clos beta 2 I have no doubt that whatever we complain about will actually be talked about listened to and fixed this game is not going to be a genin killer allow me to go ahead and say that now in fact I don't think that this game is going to have as many views as Tower fantasy did on launch either but what I do think is that this game is worth your time and if you want a ginin adjacent experience that actually has some sort of advanced combat that's going to deliver on something zenis Z zero didn't this my friend is your savior if I get access to this closed beta I will be dedicating myself entirely to answering any question you guys may have I will also be thoroughly dissecting its gameplay I will be airing out my criticisms my compliments and all of it without any sort of discrimination I want this game to succeed more than anybody more than the executive probably does this game is going to be worth your time you should play it you should support it and hopefully through this game success other companies will take note and finally start listening to their players
Channel: XgoSolo
Views: 37,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WutheringWaves, ProjectWAVE, Honkai Star Rail, Tectone, honkai star rail leaks, XgoSolo, Drama, HSR 2.0 livestream, wuthering waves, wuthering waves cb2, wuthering waves beta, wuthering waves release date, wuthering waves trailer, wuthering waves gameplay, wuthering waves boss fights
Id: lp4bwp_nKMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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