Wuthering Waves And Zenless Zone Zero Combat Comparison

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it's been a while it's been a while I hope you all are staying safe and taking care of yourselves out there I got access to s in zone Zero's Clos Beta And I also played withering waves close beta since I played both games I'm going to do a comparison on combat and only combat because I am lazy I mean uh basically both games are RPGs wless you fights waves and waves of monsters explore the reasons your hearts content to possibly die while the other game faces you in and out in and out of an interactive h to do missions side quests and so on you can't escape your prison no matter how hard you try basically one game is open world one is closed there's too many discrepancies that I can't fit for a proper comparison also someone out there is probably going to try to end me anyway for making this video so I should try and make this combat comparison fair enough so I can beg for mercy afterwards okay let's get to it these two games combat systems have a lot of similarities on paper three member Max teams a Parry system a Dodge mechanic character swap attacks skills in ultimates that can be mixed between normal attack strengths for higher instances of damage or for stylish combos but both games have different ways of showcasing these systems take the Dodge and Par mechanic for example in zzz there are two ways to avoid an attack a light will pop up in enemy's head when it's red dodging is the only way to avoid damage when it's yellow the attack can either be dodged or pared and let me tell you bro the pares in this game are crazy it's one of the flashiest things I ever seen in the gotta game not only do every single character have their own Parry animation but bosses will dish out multiple Parry attacks the way the screen distorts worse and worse after you parry each attack really showcase how it feels to deal with these bosses man each time an attack is parried this meter decreases when all out dodging attacks are the only way to avoid damage attacks that were Parable before will now be lit red due to the meter being empty so you can't just keep pairing attacks like the enemy is a filthy casual treat this like a resource in withering waves there's going to be a lot more dodging than parrying as only bosses in a very few selected enemies and I mean very few selected enemies have Parry Windows the Dodge simply Dash into an incoming attack be sure to time it right to avoid taking damage since dashing is needed in order to dodge it consumes the stamina meter this meter is a shared resource charge attacks attacks done in the air and dash cancellations to cut out character attack strings will also consume stamina if stamina management is handled poorly it won't be possible to evade incoming attacks while in zzz Dash usage isn't as tedious due to the fact it has a really short cool down and I'll explain why that's really important later on back to withering waves as I said before bosses and a few enemies open up Parry windows at first I thought oh they have to have their guard meter then they will be able to do their Parable attack but that doesn't seem to be always the case heck even a few bosses that always have a bigger guard meter don't even give me the chance to fill out the timing because there's nothing to Parry at for some of them I really hope kurl games add more chances to Parry enemy attacks on global release or later on unfortunately for now we're just going to have to wait and see anyway these Parry windows open as a visual Circle when their Circle closes that's the time to strike successfully pairing an attack will cause a chunk of the Guard bar to be taken off other methods of lowering this bar are just attacking the enemy or using character intro swap attacks which also break a good chunk of the bar as well attacking enough times will cause characters onto active team slots to Glow swapping to any member will cause them to do an intros swap attack breaking the enemy's guard bar will cause them to be briefly stunned this is the time to strike hard and fast in zzz is the opposite when hitting any enemy the enemy's Days bar will fill up when full the enemy will be stunned striking a down enemy with normal attacks e skills or ultimates will cause your team to enter at attack chain mode simply choose a character in your active team and they will do a swap attack this is also the way to regain your parameter afterwards the enemy will remain down for a brief period of time and will take more damage until it recovers and in like withering waves this is the time to strike fast and hard now that you guys have a gist of both games combat system it's time to test both games difficulty something I like to call the verge of perishing [Music] [Applause] [Music] picture this you're in a Discord Carl with your boys while fighting a boss your health decreases more and and more and more because of it you finally decide to pause the game mute your Bros that keep making bomb jokes about you because you work in the military and focus on the boss hey yo it got a second phase oh I'm about to die for free you beat the boss again yeah the problem with this game is it gives so much resources so you don't die I'm out of a parameter just dodge heck you can just dodge all the time and not even Parry if you want get hit by an enemy me press the support button and somebody from your team will come and bail you out character Dodge attacks all make the character Invincible while they're attacking In Waves I swear to god dude these attacks will get you killed if you do not cancel the move in time in most situations also in wering waves there's a knock on my door I'm dead bro is a computer a business expense I'm dead am I really that ugly I'm dead I have to focus on the enemy at all times because I I'm going to be honest with you somebody his enemies tripping literally man's moving so fast he's tripping over himself this man literally just slipped and fall over me and I'm dead now so I got to worry about your mess ups as well while I fight you bro all these crutches in zzz allow the player to bounce back when they're in trouble does it make the combat easy yes does it make it bad no honestly I'm happy I have a game that I could recommend for people that aren't good at withing waves but still want to partake in flashy combat instead of being like Oh my god dude dude genin's hyper Bloom and honai staro really messed up my reaction time I can't play withering waves uh Parish I'm going to find where you sleep I've been looking through what a lot of people say about the combat in this game and a lot of people say this game is pretty easy and spammy and bro zzz ain't helping because some of these characters literally have mash and their boo sets no no no mashing his Cannon guys dang guys this man is crushing us Billy I swear to God bro you hey Will William what you doing bro not again smashing never played with you keep doing this blame you I swear you're brain dead brother oh right sorry my bad guys uh I don't know um I don't know how far people get uh by just mashing you know cuz I only do it sometimes yeah sometimes well let's look at a few characters like Billy the Kid oh my God I just got a mind grain saying that name I don't know how that's physically possible moving on the other two characters are going to be Ambi and sukaku okay I'm better now really can move through the combat area while rapidly shooting his gun if you hold the attack button and hold the movement Keys when there's multiple enemies around using the dash attack and clear through them while Ambi has attack inputs that can lift lighter enemies into the air making comboing really stylish lastly my favorite sukaku her e cast is a cyclone that can pull enemies in she does this when she does her swap attack and her burst as well which makes it easier for for her to spin to win all the time when you do her Cyclone she charges Stacks when those Stacks are full she's ready to let it rip for your viewing pleasure since she's a support she can be swapped out while she's doing her spin to win Attack which makes her linger there for a long period of time while the swapper is free to attack all these characters I listed are four stars so you already know the event five stars are going to be even crazier there is skill Mastery in this game you just need to go to the move list oh my God bro why is this in the game bro why oh man dude I'm locking my windows tonight this wouldn't be a comparison video without some contrast in zzz there is an elemental reaction system and here are a few reactions fire if fire is applied enough it causes the enemy to burn constant DPS ice if ice is applied enough it causes the enemy to freeze any heavy hit will cause the enemy to shatter dealing a burst of DPS electricity if electricity is applied enough it will cause the enemy to be stunned for a brief period of time if an enemy is already suffering from an element's effect applying a different one will cause a disorder which causes the enemy to take a high amount of burst damage while withering waves has nothing of the sort yeah the only thing withering waves has in that case is if you and the boss have have the same element type you're going to be doing less damage that's about it while on the other hand withering waves's ecosystem is simply incredible Echoes are basically Phantoms of monster enemies that you defeat these Echoes allow you to change the battlefield freeze enemies block attacks and so so much more compared to the bang buo that do help you in battle do have a unique swap attack and do buff your stats the only problem is is they're in a gotcha while in withering waves Eko can be hunted as a Time Pastor after you're out of res oh I mean uh I mean out of energy my job isn't to tell you which game is better for you that's your decision to make if you want something that makes you not lose your sleep over his difficulty zence Zone zero might be the game for you and if you're a masochist pick withering waves tackle attack bro how did that hit me please keep in mind that all of the that you used in this video is CPT so all of the things I just said are subject to change I just want to keep you guys updated you guys have been crazy with the love you guys have given me the fact that 100 people can pick a little Pebble like me and keep me in their pocket is incredible while the rest of you just throve me down a river to Let Me Drown but seriously I'm thankful for every second of your time viewer subscriber anybody who just gives me the chance to you know try my best in this thing cuz I have no idea what I'm doing honestly uh there should be more content on the way it's been fun guys as always thanks for watching and take it easy
Channel: Jetx
Views: 11,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wuthering Waves, Wuthering Waves Jetx, Jetx, Jet, ZZZ Jetx, ZZZ combat, Wuthering Waves Combat, Wuthering Waves guide, ZZZ Guide, ZZZ CBT, Zenless Zone Zero, Zenless zone zero combat, Zenless zone zero gameplay, zzz combat, wuthering waves and zzz, wuthering waves and zenless, anime, gaming
Id: cB8WTJ9Lfuc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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