Wuthering Waves Echo Substat Manipulation?!!

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welcome guys to the second week of weathering waves Tequila Sunrise how's it going um this is the first video on Echo manipulation manipulation I want you guys to take this video with a grain of salt uh everything we are doing is still being tested and we are still recording data it's very hard to get data in general for this game cuz the materials in general are so hard to come by uh it's very hard to upgrade but from what the genius Society has discovered it's very interesting how we can manipulate Echo the echo substats in this case uh to what we want in some weird way this is a disclaimer this is not a guaranteed way of upgrading okay guys but it is better than RNG because you're more aware of what your possible outcomes are for this video I'm going to try and be very vague on purpose because we don't want to release too much the only thing that you guys need to keep in mind is that pseudo RNG is in every video game and it's predictable for gotcha games all the pseudo RNG is on the server their server so it's impossible to basically hack unless you go to their servers or wherever it's located and like actually look at it right all the genius Society members do is record data and apply it to Future upgrades that's basically it which once again uh weathering waves makes it very hard to do because there's barely any materials to even test on in any case enjoy the short upgrade session that I did and I'll see you guys in a bit okay all right today I'm going to upgrade U more Tey right here uh I need better stuff hopefully I get the right crit that I need um yeah let's see what happens guys so the whole goal is to at least get crit on these three uh will I get it we'll find out today all right guys all got my first crit rate all right that's good energy regain too H that too all right come on what the heck okay next one ah crit damage H still good ah go back go back okay all right ah I failed not perfect it's whatever all right I failed to get the crit rate I wanted it's okay though all right got the crit damage all right so this is it so far got the crit damage here crit rate 7.5 it could be a higher roll um 40 uh I think it can fix it I might have to go for a different Inferno rider that's pretty much it you like how fast that was all right I love the for upgraded today I was aiming mainly for crit I'm not going to explain much about what I did but I I will show that I do have crit rate and crit damage on this piece I have crit damage here crit damage here and crit rate here interesting right guys did you guys like that one so what I essentially did I'm not going to say okay we have to be vague M for multiple reasons it's mainly because I'm letting my Discord eat well um but also we're all testing it still so we know it's not perfect it's not guaranteed like we said all I could say is stay tuned for future updates we probably won't release like a full tutorial video on what exactly I just did until like further down the line of like newer patches that's pretty much it until next time guys see you on the next one
Channel: Bernard Pangan
Views: 6,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BigBoiPinoy, Wuthering Waves Echo Manipulation, WuWa Echo Substat Manipulation, Wuthering Waves Substat Manipulation, Wuthering Waves Echo Cheat, Wuthering Waves Echo Substat Hack, Tectone, Mrpokke, Wuthering Waves Yinlin, Wuthering Waves Jiyan, Wuthering Waves Echo Guide, Wuthering Waves Sweetily Echo, WuWa Echo Guide, Wuthering Waves Echo Upgrade Guide, Sweetily, Mtashed, WuWa Havoc Rover, Wuthing Waves Jianxin, WuWa Changli, Gacha Smack
Id: 9aB8bd22xrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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