Do ECHO SUBSTATS Matter? | Wuthering Waves

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[Music] what's up Rovers today we're going to be looking at a question I keep getting asked lately do Echo substats matter well yes and no see I'm sure many of you are a bit further in the game now after an entire week perhaps you've 100% at everything perhaps you've only just finished this story and started considering the road light Tower or holograms for the first first time what is probably clear to you is that no matter how far you got there is not enough free Echo exp to build up your teams up in the game there's only enough to get three characters with all five max level 25 gold Echoes once and only if you complete everything so what is free Echo exp it's Echo exp coming from onetime sources like exploration questing and the non- refreshable shops like souvenir which do not require wave plates the Luci round and coral currency pity shop are also limited by patch there's also only enough union exp in the game right now to realistically reach around level 37 naturally if you don't use your Crystal solvin yet or daily refresh with asterite this means that we have not yet reached Union 40 for most players and thus domains can still give better rewards in the future why am I mentioning Union level during cbt2 the simulation training NPC in jinzu City used to have an echo exp sealed tubes Farm as many of us know the Echo Farm itself was much worse in cbt2 if you played then or watched with only about one quar of the elites existing and the current Echo pity system we learned to recently did not exist back then either in exchange Kuro actually removed the dedicated seal tubes farming mode from SIM training when they did the Echo Farm rebalance now the only way to get sealed tubes repeatedly is from tosset Fields it also cost 60 wave plates instead of the 40 it cost for Sim training before you also don't get as much sealed tubes as before what I'm trying to say is that while substats matter it is a lot more important to get your team's skills ascensions and weapon Ascension sorted out that takes a lot of wave plates as well but the results are clear permanent upgrades instead of rolling the echo substat RNG it takes over one full day worth of wave plates to get a single gold Echo from 0 to 25 a full day plus just like several of the other gacha games many of us have played in the past the equipment gearing system system be it relics artifacts Echoes Etc is All or Nothing it's the last thing you want to chase the substats on Echo for example look at Verina her level 6 Forte circuit skill node grants you more damage to your entire team this is guaranteed and it's very noticeable versus incremental small upgrades on your substats you should grab this it only costs about 1/3 to half a day worth of resin I mean wave plates and your DPSS get those minor notes that give 2% attack or element buff it all adds up and in the end it's also guaranteed it will make you stronger immediately now to make your farming easier and remember you will want three teams for the final layer of tower adversity focus on your skills and ascensions of your three main teams and make sure your three DPS are fully built out before even considering rrolling for substats on echos it's not even 100% exp transfer when you feed one Echo into another you lose 20% only 80 carries over please trust me there are much much better things you can do with your time after you farmed up good Echo base stats between union 30 and 39 don't replace your current Echo yet unless you're still running purples work on everything else wait until Union 40 burn your wave plates then for better return on sealed tubes when you start grinding your substat roll RNG for reference players have been able to clear basically everything that is reasonably available without caring about substats you can full clear Layer Two of Tower with trash substats on Echo I did this as soon as I hit Union 30 if I go back now I can probably full clear both halves at Union 30 you get level 60 for weapons and units and that is enough you can clear every single hologram up to level 70 without needing good sub stats I literally nerfed my spectral over to not use spectral damage percent and was running zero gear on my supports except just to activate five piece Echo set Buffs and we still clear Tempest meis the biggest bullet sponge of all of the Holograms level 70 within the time frame please focus on the more important stuff first and only consider gambling your time on substats after Union 40 it's literally just a waiting game to get there if you just do your dailies we'll all be at Union 40 plus in about 2 weeks time or less Union 50 plus is when substats might actually start mattering mandatory because that's when you're deep into endgame and don't have much left to minmax or in the case of what we had back in pgr there's a good chance that Kuro will start adding content that will push your face in where you will want every last bit of DPS you can get which is where substats will become super important anyways hopefully that clears up my thoughts on the substats debate also once you run out a substat tuners from exploration and quests good luck I've had many people worried to coming to me asking about guides quoting certain substat break points and things to aim for for crits and whatever remember that these are optimal splits to replicate proper rotations and performance it is okay to take your time not everyone is lucky not everyone is a gigachad running perfect rotations not everybody has the time to clean out the entire map it's also perfectly okay and worth it to level up attack percent gold Echoes instead of Elemental percent in the meantime it's usually a less than 5% total DPS difference always to check guide upload dates as some were made preemptively and use old break points from cbt2 references for example you only ever need somewhere around 1 to two energy regen roles on Main DPS now as corob buffed energy gain on 1.0 launch sub DPS might need a bit more depending on rotations but remember to have fun see the guides as well a guide to work towards rather than something you need to immediately have now besides your gear is only as good as the rotations you learn to do in woa because that's what the game is based around cheers if this is your first time watching feel free to leave like or better yet subscribe let me know your thoughts down in the comments stick around if you want to see interesting videos on a nearly daily basis don't miss out on any of that do you that'll be it for this video thank you all for watching and see you all next time [Music] in silence we drowning he the of beneath the stred heaven our face through the tears it sh
Channel: Aznvasions II
Views: 7,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wuthering Waves Showcase, Wuthering Waves Guide, Wuthering Waves, Yinlin, Jiyan, Yinlin Build, Jiyan Build, Rover Wuthering Waves, Lingyang Wuthering Waves, Calcharo Wuthering Waves, Jianxin Wuthering Waves, Encore Wuthering Waves, Wuthering Waves Echo Farm, Should You Pull Jiyan, Should You Pull Yinlin, Jiyan vs Yinlin, Yinlin vs Jiyan, Lampylumen, Havoc Rover, Echo farming Wuthering Waves, Red Mist Echo, Tempest Mephis, Wuthering Waves Hologram, Echo Substats, Echo Farm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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