WSL 2 GUI Setup and Config for Ubuntu on Windows 10

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[Music] what you guys got another video here for you on Ubuntu on Windows 10 with W sl2 and we're gonna be showing you how to set all this up and get the GUI interface working on localhost as well so let's go ahead and get this set up now the first thing you're gonna need to do is make sure you're running the very latest version of Windows and that will be Microsoft Windows version 2004 this is their very latest version and if you're not running this version then it's not gonna work on your system okay so next off we're gonna go down to the bottom here and we're going to type Windows Features now when you do that you'll see up the top turn Windows Features on or off click on here and you can see this is the Windows Features box we need to enable a couple of features here for this to work properly so the first one we can able is the WIPP virtual machine platform and in a windows subsystem for linux now you can install these via the command line if you want to the two commands are on the screen I'll leave the links all in the video description for you for all this sort of stuff so you can just copy and paste and follow her along so you can see here that's now going ahead and installing those windows features on our system so just let that do its thing it does take a bit of time so be patient and once that applies those changes it will ask you to reboot your system and once you reboot your system it's gonna start doing some configurations and windows updates you'll see a window screen looking something like this and it will reboot a couple of times once that is done you will be back at the desktop you can then open up the Windows Store and then go in here and type in Ubuntu I'm gonna be installing a bun too on this one but you can do pretty much whatever version of Linux inside here that you want to do so I'm going to do a bun to here and we're gonna be doing the latest version which is 20.0 for LTS that's the one we're going to go for so click on this one here and you will see free and click on the get sign click on that one and it will start to get this and download it and install it on your system so this will then go off and get that file and download it it does take a bit of time as you can see here we've got a 400 megabytes of size so depending on the size your drive will determine how much space this is gonna use up so we're gonna download this and get this installed so let that come down and once we've got this we can do a couple of more commands to get this all set up and I'll show you how to do those 1 sets down you should see launch click on launch and this will open up this box here so this is how a bun to here so next what we need to do is let it configure it for us it will take a bit of time it's just installing it takes a few minutes and once we've got this done we will be able to create our username and password so that is the next thing that we're gonna do so let's create our username now you don't have to use the same username as Windows so you can give it whatever unique username that you want so it says enter new UNIX username so gonna put right ik in here push enter give it a password now you can create whatever password you like so I'm gonna put this one in here now you won't see no text coming up on the screen or any dots like that it just gives you a blank space there and it allows you to retype that password what you've just done and once we've done this it will move on to the next set so you go it's coming down here now so there we are so now we're all configured and ready to go we've got our username and password next up what we need to do here is move on to the next step which is go down and open up our show so just type PowerShell and then run as administrator and this will open up the powershell for us so let me just do this so what I'm going to do here is going to try to set the default 4 WS l2 and see whether we can move on next step so let me just type this in here and you can see here W SL 2 requires an update to its kernel component so what I need to do here is go to that link you could see the link up the top and it's saying please visit this link so I'm gonna copy this link and then open up a browser and then go here and you can see here download a Linux kernel update package so just download there it's not a big download something about 14 make also and all that and just download this and you should see this box popping up now and we're gonna do this install here so let me go ahead and quickly install this now it may want to close down ubuntu in the background but it will let me know whether it needs to do that so let me just go ahead and install this okay click finish okay so that's now done so what we're gonna do next is move on to the next stage which is going to type a couple of commands inside here so it's going to the PowerShell box here again go WSL - LLL and then space - V and it tells us what version were running will run in version 1 and we want to be running version 2 so we need to change that option so what we can do here is type in this command here and this will change it to a version 2 so type in this WS l and in space - - set and then - version and in space and in type the version of Linux that you're using in my case it was a bun 2 - 2004 and in space and in - that is the version that we want to run it's gonna take a few minutes to come to do the conversion so let that run and this will then take its time to convert it will tell you when it's completed so I'm just gonna let that finish there we go conversion completed so now we should be running the to Siletz to see by typing wsl space - el space - v and it's now telling us that we are running version 2 of WSL - so that's good so let's go ahead and set this as default here so just want to set this by doing WS el space - - set - default - version space - and this will let us know that we're running that as a default okay so that's good so we've got that all going so let's go ahead and move on to the next stage so I've got the a bun - back home fit again and what we're gonna do is do an update and upgrade of it here so just type that command in that you see there I'll leave the information in the video description for you and then you need to put in your password and I've done that wrong so let me just type that again and then put that in and you should see a load of text coming up on the screen don't worry about that that's just updating everything here so just let that run through and there's quite a bit of it you can see the progress down the bottom there so just let that update now Microsoft haven't released a GUI interface for this just yet but they will be in a near future probably around the end of the year you should see a GUI interface available for this but at the moment there isn't one but there is a workaround that I found online and they've got all the commands there which I'll leave a link to in the video description which you can run and of course this will help you get the GUI interface running on it via RDP so we're gonna get this all set up here and to do that we need to type the commands that you're seeing on here I'll leave all these in the video description so just copy and paste them so let's go ahead and type sudo space apt space install and in space - white and then xrdp and that will start to download that and install it okay it does take a bit of time so let that come down and install and this is the only way we can get this working at the moment and again once you get this up and running it will blow your mind how useful this can be is pretty pretty cool to think this is all happening inside of Windows 10 and you know it wasn't so long ago Microsoft had a real hate relationship with Linux and now all of a sudden it's implementing a lot of its technology there so let's let that install and that shouldn't take too long and I don't want to skip any parts here because I want you to be able to see the full process so once this is completed we'll be able to install a lightweight graphic user interface on here so that's what we're going to be doing next and that's what we're going to be doing by typing in this next command here and this will give us a lightweight graphic user interface I'm going to choose the top option and push enter and once that's done that will select that version there it does take a bit of time to get this installed so let it all come down and install and though you can see the speed of it is pretty fast and it's just amazing how this is all running inside here so now we got that all done now we're going to be installing some extra software so let's just do this next command here and we'll let that go and install some extra software on there again that's coming down and once that's done we can move on to the next bit which is the next one so we are now pretty much here we're just going to do some configuration changes here for the actual RDP so let's just go ahead and do that so we'll make a backup of that RDP next we're gonna change the default port from three three eight nine two three three nine zero so we're going to let that go ahead and do that by typing in that command there and push enter next what we're gonna do is change the resolution so we get a bit of a resolution and we need to put in this big command here and it will change in that so we're gonna push enter and put that in there and then that should change the resolution so we get a better quality so we just let that change there I'm gonna put this next command in and this is all to do with your resolution so we're just going to paste this next one in here and push enter and that will then say there so now what we can do is save this all to accession so let's go ahead and put that command in there and paste it in and push enter and that will save it to accession so next we need to download nano text editor so we can make changes to the startup script for the RDP startup script so let's just go down we need to go all the way down to the bottom that's what it's telling me to do and go down here and put a little hash here and a space and the next one down needs to put a hash and a space and then we need to paste in this next part here so let me just go ahead and do that as well and we're just gonna paste that in so there we go so that's in there and what we need to do now is exit out here control X and this will save it so we need to save this and then say do you want to save this say Y for yes and we can then close this out by pressing enter and once that's done we should be back here and all we need to do now is start xrdp so we're going to start the RDP up so just type this command in here and push enter and that will start the remote desktop protocol server so that's now done so all we need to do now is go down to the search box and do a search for remote desktop software which is built into Windows so you can see remote desktop connection click on that there and now we have our remote desktop connection now if you've disabled this you would have to re-enable it and that's now done so we can now do localhost colon three three and nine zero that's what we set that port to it will then give you this here which you will need to agree to which means it's a connection from an unknown source so just say yes and again what we need to do now is put in our username and our password which we set up for Ubuntu so put that inside there and once you put that inside there and click OK it will connect and you should now see a connection and that is it there that may look a little bit different there because we did use that lightweight GUI so you can see we've got a GUI interface here you've got all your stuff here working so we want to do once you've got this working now you can do whatever you like from here you will need to fix the browser let me just show down here because apparently that doesn't work and you need to install a browser so let's go ahead and put Firefox on so when clicking on the little world thing here you will get an error message and what we need to do here is open up a terminal and we need to paste in this command here or type it in whatever you want to do so just type this in sudo space at space install space Firefox and push enter and then enter your password and it push enter again and that will download and install Firefox is 211 megabytes so that will come down and then start to install does take a bit of time but once that's done we should then have internet access inside here and it should be working so let's go ahead and test that again by clicking on this and there you go it's now working so you're up and running so you should be able to have a play with this and let me know what you think of it I think is pretty cool now a really good useful YouTube channel to follow for this sort of stuff is a David bon pal I've got a lot of useful information from him on how to set this up so a big thank you to him for leaving all of the information in the comment section that it all out which made it an absolute breeze to set this up in fact I'll leave a link for Dave each channel in the video description soaking check his channel out pretty decent channel a really cool guy anyway I'll think I'm gonna end this one here my name is Ben Brian from beretta Computers dodo ok have a great weekend guys and I shall see you again for another video real soon thanks again Dave bye for now now if you haven't subscribed yet hit the red subscribe button and hit the bell notification button and click all to be notified when we upload new videos [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Britec09
Views: 133,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WSL 2 GUI Setup and Config for Ubuntu on Windows 10, Ubuntu on Windows 10 with WSL2 and GUI Setup Via Remote Desktop, Ubuntu on Windows 10 with WSL2, WSL2 and GUI, GUI on WSL2, Windows Subsystem for Linux, WSL 2, WSL2, GUI, Graphic User Interface, WSL2 on Win10 with GUI Apps under Ubuntu, Windows Subsystem for Linux WSL 2 The Ultimate Guide, windows subsystem for linux 2, WSL 2 Setup and Config, wsl2 ubuntu gui, wsl2 ubuntu desktop, wsl2 gui apps, wsl2 gui setup, Gui on WSL2
Id: J4Giu5iWigQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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