WSL 2 Setup and Config | Windows Subsystem for Linux 2

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alright let's go over windows subsystem for Linux version 2 it's the thing I'm most excited about with the recent update from Windows I absolutely think this right here it's kind of cool especially if I'm using a Windows box as a Linux user that uses it all the time and I love its workflow I love a lot of the things in Linux especially when it comes to like terminal and just editing and just getting around it's just far easier for me in Linux now than it is in Windows even though I've used Windows for 20 years but needless to say you need to do some things to get this enabled and Microsoft didn't exactly make it easy for you so I wanted to break down some of the misinformation out there and then also just kind of teach you all the prerequisites you need to understand about it how to convert from like WSL one to two and just general installation tips so with that let's get into it all right before we get started the balloons it's my daughter's birthday don't worry by the time this video comes out yeah these balloons should be gone but if not it's not like my daughter watches these videos so I think I'm safe and number two I do live stream over on Twitch I did cut back for the summer I'm only doing one day a week on Monday mornings so if you'd like to catch me live please head over to the twitch stream check me out over there and if not you can always head over to chris titus tech streams on youtube and check it out afterwards but with all that said let's dive into WSL 2 I'm gonna go ahead and pop over onto my desktop real fast alright so on the desktop here there's some cool stuff we have going I went ahead and created a cheat sheet for everyone and this cheat sheet is actually a pretty much a one-to-one copy from Microsoft I left the source article where I pulled all this from the reason why I made this is one to add to it in number two I don't trust microsoft they'd like to change their URLs and I've been burned so many times in the past when I said hey here's the link to this article and then people are like hey the links broken and it's because Microsoft changed their site for the 10,000th time so I went ahead and left the source article so if you don't want to use my website you can use theirs but I went ahead and made a copy paste feature so you can easily get in here copy all the commands you need paste them in and enable these things now I'm not gonna go exactly over my guide here because I want to teach you the way through the GUI in case you don't want to use PowerShell but I use PowerShell for my guide as it's just a little faster so with that let's pop over to Windows and I'm just gonna go ahead and pull my Windows machine right up here and we're gonna just look at this now this is a easy to do I'm gonna go start run and then go app WisDOT CPL there's two things you need to do when using wsl in Windows and then we're gonna type turn on Windows Features scroll all the way down and there's gonna be two things you need first one is windows subsystem for Linux and then the second thing is virtual machine platform and you might be wondering wait a second windows subsystem for Linux well that's WS l1 it's required for WSL too but for WS l - you need virtual machine platform to really get the benefits of this so with that done I'm gonna go ahead and cancel out of this because both of those already installed and then the next thing we need to do is go into our PowerShell from our PowerShell we can type WS l this is the command that basically shows you everything you need to do for windows subsystem for linux just typing the command itself launches directly into windows subsystem for linux and as you see I've got some shenanigans going on as far as launching xfce and other things that's for a future video as I'm integrating Linux desktop and Windows desktop and kind of making it to where I can do some really crazy things and like but I get sidetracked too easily back back to work here let's exit w SL will just exit and now that we're back here we can actually type WS l - - help and this will actually kind of give you a help guide to how to do it so let's go fullscreen here and the big things here is just kind of one to get a list of your actual things we can just do WSL - list but this only just says hey what's installed right now the default is Ubuntu 20 but if you add multiples in here it would show those as well and it would also show the default with a little - default but to actually see what's going on and see what version your distributions are on you'll go WS L - L - V for verbose so - L for list - V for verbose it shows you what versions you're on so if you've already used windows subsystem for linux there's a good chance it's already on version one and not version two because it will not auto upgrade so if you need to do that there's a couple things on WS l after you get it installed you've launched it you've you've got everything going well coming back into the website here first thing you want to do is set the default version WSL set default version two and then install your system now if you installed it after doing the defaults it goes ahead and of course defaults to version two however if not down here at the bottom you can actually go into setting the version so you would just go WSL set version the distribution name and then the version number so let me go ahead and practice that for you so in this instance it would be WS l - - set version and then this is where you go just like the bun - - 2004 so you go a bun - - 20 - oh 4 and then you'd put the version so if I wanted to downgrade this and use version 1 I could put 1 here but obviously we want to do number 2 number 2 gives you literally 20 X performance and it's way more stable so wsl version 2 is lightyears ahead of version 1 so you type this it'll say hey the conversion is process please wait a few minutes it does take a couple minutes for this conversion to take place but obviously since it's already on the requested version it says it's on that version but wait for it to be finished and then you can always do that listing command to see what's going on I like to always do list verbose or that - L - V because it'll tell me is it running what version it is and how many Linux distributions I have on this system so really important to know this is kind of how to set up WSL obviously I've set up a couple extra things with it in probably the next video I'll go over how to actually utilize WSL in a service environment to where you can launch full-blown desktop environments you can launch pretty much anything you want from terminal so I can interface directly with it from I think PowerShell I think it can actually take commands from it let's see so if you type Bash from PowerShell then you can do like gvm it'll actually launch into certain things I've set it up in a certain way to where I can always have my Linux going and I can access any Linux tool I want directly from here which is kind of neat a very cool tool to have I'll go into accesses in this I'm trying to make it more cohesive with like a terminal emulator and all kinds of just cool ways to do it have I said cool enough I think I think I have so we're gonna move on from here so that's getting started with WSL - I think this is really key for a lot of reasons for one accessing ext4 drives it's been kind of an Achilles heels of Windows trying to access that dual boot I dual boot all the time into Linux obviously as I'm using Linux mainly as my domain daily driver I have Windows around for some gaming and just miscellaneous compatibility things but for the most part I'm always in Linux and having wsl to there when I'm in Linux kind of is a nice feature to have I'll go more into integration and actually launching into the services and and integrating it further into Windows 2 where Linux is kind of like its core you can actually utilize almost everything you possibly want in Linux on Windows without having to really lose things although I you know I still won't make it as a daily driver because it's windows come on so with all that said let me know your thoughts down in the comments as I'm always interested to see what everybody is coming up with a lot of the things I'm doing I did during a live stream and I gotta say I'm really excited about kind of like this Franken system I'm making I'm gonna call it I think who bun dough's that's a horrible name still working shop workshop in the title but be looking for and with that a big shout out to all my patrons without you I couldn't make videos like this one and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Chris Titus Tech
Views: 68,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris titus tech, wsl, linux, windows, windows subsystem for linux, wsl2, ubuntu, windows 10, microsoft, tutorial, wsl 2, wsl1, subsystem, tech, windows update, gary explains, explanation, docker, craig loewen, technology, google, kernel, programming, microsoft windows, command line, ubuntu on windows, linux subsystem, windows bash, linux on windows, look, at, for, or, of, vegas, pro, a look at windows subsystem for linux 2 (wsl1 or wsl2) - 1 of 2, vegas pro, #wsl1, #wsl2, #microsoft, #ubuntu
Id: VUW2pIjDpEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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