This USB Toolkit is All You Will Ever Need

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foreign [Music] guys got another video here for you this USB toolkit is all you're going to ever need to fix computers backup data data recovery anything like that it's an awesome bit of Kit and I'm going to show you how to build it for yourself it's very easy to do and it's not going to take a very high skill set to do so I'm just going to quickly format this USB flash drive now what is the size of USB flash drive that you're going to need for this particular project well I suppose it's going to come down to how many isos that you're going to want to drop onto this USB flash drive Weber that'll be uh you know 32 gigabytes or 64 gigabytes all depends on what you want to do so let's take a look it's called ventoy and it's a very new project out there and to be honest I'm pretty impressed it's a really decent bit of Kit this 200 plus isos already tested and working 100 open source simple to use and basically it works with at Legacy and UEFI support here as well so you can check the compatibility list for all the isos that have been tested I'll show you that a little bit later on but what we're going to do here is basically drop on a bunch of iso images on here now they can be Linux distros they can be windows distros and they can also be a backup software like acronis or any other type of iso that you want you can see here we're going to be downloading the windows version here but they do have a Linux version if you are a Linux user this will take you to this website here where you can download the actual files so I'm going to come down here gives you some information so we've got the download links here for the windows zip and also we've got the Linux sip there as well if you want to do Linux by all means download this version here so I'm going to get this onto the system here so we've got the folder let me drag this onto the desktop we can close that outer box down now so here we have two folders on our desktop we've got our isos and we've also got the software so I've got the USB flash drive plugged in and I'm now going to click on the executable file here which is going to open up a window you might get this Windows protected your PC click on more information it's because it's an unknown publisher so I'm going to click run anyway now if you're one of the paranoid type of people out there by all means don't click on it but it is safe to run so I'm going to click on this one so now we've got this little box popping up here that says our device is a 64 gigabyte SanDisk Ultra that's the USB flash drive that I've plugged into my computer I can now click on install and it will warn me that this drive will be formatted and all the data will be lost so if you've got data on there that you don't want to lose then back out it will give you another check just to make sure and then when you click yes it will start to install and wipe all the data off that USB flash drive and prepare it with the ventoy program and that is it it's that quick and easy to do now all you need to do now is update if there's an update available in my case it's fully updated and I can close this off now and then start dropping on the iso images but let me just quickly take a look at the languages here that it supports so if your language is here you can select that and it will give you the language for your country very simple and easy to do we can now close this box off and then get our ISO images and drop them onto our USB flash drive and that is it it is done and we are ready to go that means you don't have to have multiple USB flash drives for all your windows installations or your isos for your Linux distros you can just drop them straight onto this USB flash drive now and you'll be able to select from the list which one you want to install so let's have a look at the compatibility list here for all the tested isos so as you can see there's quite an impressive list here over 200 plus isos have already been tested and I'm pretty sure there's going to be more added daily loads of Windows versions here and also loads of Linux as you can see so if you need to install Linux on a regular basis or Windows you can just drop them onto your USB flash drive and start to install them choose which one you want and Away you go as if it supports Legacy or UEFI it'll be listed here and again it will do windows PE which means all your favorite winpe disks you can put the isos on there and use those and boot to them and basically fix PCS and stuff like that you can also back up stuff with a Cronus True Image or macrame reflect or party magic or g-parted or whatever it is that you want to use you've got Kaspersky you've got ESET live CDs here data recovery software mem test all of these will work on this USB flash drive once you've got it prepared now that means that you can have all of your utilities on One USB flash drive and it's very quick and simple and easy to set up so I'm gonna quickly drag these ISO images onto my USB flash drive and then I'll show you on the computer what it looks like so you get a real idea of what it's all about so let's go ahead and grab these ISO images here and drag them onto a USB flash drive because I have already created and prepared that drive so you can either copy and place these or you can just drag and drop them it's entirely up to you which way you want to do it so either way drag and drop or you can copy and paste it's up to you so now they're copying across now of course you will have way more isos than what I'm doing here I'm just doing a few just to show you to give you an idea of what it works like and how it works now the beauty of this it just means that if you want to do like a different variety of isos like for instance some Linux and some windows and also Windows PE and also backup software data cover you can have all those on One USB flash drive by dragging and dropping them and that is it you just put that into your computer that you want to boot to and Away you go you can then go and install straight from that location as I'll show you in a second when this is completed now I do think this software is the way forward because some people have found it very difficult to create multiple USB flash drives with Windows and Linux and other types of isos on there and some people have found it quite difficult to do this is very simple it's just basically install the software to the USB flash drive and then drag and drop all your isos on there very easy to do and you can see here all I need to do here is basically a boot up to this USB flash drive now you can get into the BIOS and of course it does support Legacy and also UEFI so what you need to do here is change the boot order you can either do this on the fly or you can go into the BIOS itself and drag up the SanDisk or the UEFI SanDisk type of USB flash drive here yours might be a different USB flash drive but just basically drag that up to the first boot order or you can change the boot order on the Fly Like I said it's entirely up to you which way you go about it I'll just show you this way it'll be quick and easy and I'm just going to push F10 to save that setting and it will automatically boot to that USB flash drive every time so let's just quickly do this I'm going to say yes and it will start to boot up and load that USB flash drive so let it do its thing shouldn't be too long now so we'll just let that go and there we go I want to show you in real time so you can actually see and there we are we've got the inventory menu here I could just select one of these and it will automatically boot to it it's that simple so let's go ahead and go to a Cronus True Image I'm going to select the acronis True Image ISO and we'll go from there and you'll see in real time so I'm going to select one to go to a Cronus True Image at 64-bit and it will load up and it will start to load my backup software so if I needed to back up the computer that wasn't working properly and I just wanted to quickly get the data off I could easily boot up to a Cronus here and back up the data or recover it or whatever you want to do pretty much you can use this as that sort of backup method very simple and easy to do and it does it also with some other ones like iomi backup and also macrame reflect as well and also Clonezilla if that's what you want to use another one here we've got ESET system rescue which allows you to scan for malware and viruses and other types of stuff it also does Kaspersky so if that is what you want to use you can drop that on there as well and you can also do parted magic as well if that's what you want to use to cleanse your drives or do whatever you want to do with that you can do you can run mem test from there as well the world's your oyster you can drag on what isos are compatible with it and basically use those to install Windows operate systems or Linux or whatever it is that you're trying to do with that computer it's a pretty nice bit of Kit and it's probably one of the best ones that I've used for a while and I think this could be my go-to tool for the foreseeable future until I find something else but other than that that's going to be about it for this video so if you do enjoy these types of videos then let me know by hitting that like button and also I should see you again for some more videos real soon my name has been Brian from if you've got any video requests or anything like that you can always leave them in the comments section below and I'll try and get to those videos a better place to do it is head over to my Discord server and basically join up over there it's free to join and you'll see me on there having a chat any problems for your computers I can try to help you out over there we've got some other guys helping out with some tech support stuff over there as well so I hope to see you on the Discord server real soon thanks again for watching stay safe guys bye for now now if you haven't subscribed yet hit the red subscribe button and 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Channel: Britec09
Views: 1,357,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: This USB Toolkit is All You Will Ever Need, How to Create the Ultimate USB, multiboot usb flash drive, Best USB Flash Drives in 2020, pc rescue usb stick, The Only USB Toolkit You'll Ever Need, Flash Drive Repair Tool, ventoy Bootable USB drive, Ventoy, USB, Multiboot, Flash Drive, How to make a MultiBoot USB, How to Create a Multiboot USB Toolkit, How to Create a MultiBoot USB with Ventoy, MultiBoot USB, PC Repair, Computer Repair, multiboot windows, Multiboot Linux, Rescue USB
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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