XFCE 4 Linux Desktop on WSL (windows subsystem for linux) with Pulse Audio

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hey guys what's going on it's down here from Nova spirit tech and welcome back to my channel and today we are gonna be installing xfce for desktop for WSL so let's get started so you can now actually run Linux inside Windows 10 environment and it's not really a emulated system like you would with VirtualBox and running a full complete install and that takes up a lot more resources than what we're doing right now because you don't have to allocate say four cores or four gigs of ram just to Linux this will actually share the system resources with your main system and run just as well actually if I was to say I think it runs a little bit better so what we're doing today is actually gonna be installing a full desktop environment xfce so you can run GUI applications and actually have a full environment running without the need of a virtual machine so let's get to it alright guys so to get started we would have to download Ubuntu for Windows now to do that now you can actually go to the Microsoft Store and type in Ubuntu over here and you grab your version that you need I'm just gonna grab that Ubuntu right over here now I already pre-installed this so all you I have to do is just hit launch before you when you hit install you don't have to login you can just install it through here once you're done installing it you would actually get a little icon like this called Ubuntu and which is something we need now it's gonna set up for the first time but like I said since I already did it it's just gonna pop me right into my little prompt over here so from here you could actually just do sudo app install X Ubuntu desktop and it will install the full desktop for you but if you don't want to use the entire desktop and you just want minimal components you could do xfce for and Xfce for terminal and that will give you the components but like it's a stripped-down version it doesn't have like the settings and all that stuff for you so what I would recommend is actually just using Ubuntu desktop now here it's gonna take a while to install you see how many files you got to go through and operation will take about one when six gigs of space once it's done so I'm just gonna hit yes and let this go while we're waiting for this there are a couple of things you do need to install one is XCX server which is X server for Windows and I'll leave a link down in the description for this as well as post audio because yes we are gonna get audio working as well so to get this passed through so those are the two components we need to install and I already pre installed this and I've already downloaded this I recommend building a biddin directory which I did over here called in and that's where I post audio is and this is where I'm also gonna save all the scripts that I need to start up the xfce desktop so first I'm just gonna extract this so I'm gonna go over here and do 7-zip extract here and in there you see how there's a few files so we're gonna have to modify something in here first just so we could get the audio working in Windows we're gonna go ahead into etc' directory go into pulse and you should see daemon and default PA you see these two files so I'm gonna edit this file called default PA I'm gonna use my notepad now I'm gonna open with yeah it's gonna be notepad and scroll down to write around here where is this right here load module module wave out sync output source input and you have to do record equal 0 this is a new update from Windows 19 and up 1903 or 1909 you know it will stop post audio from working if you don't put this option in so we're gonna add this in and also we're gonna scroll down a little bit more and you see where it says load module native protocol TCP we're actually gonna uncomment that and add off - IP - ACL equals 1 to 7 that's 0 dot 0 dot 1 which is localhost once you're done with that you could save this file and we're gonna open the next file which is the daemon contrary my head over into notepad and scroll down to where it actually says exit time idle or line 39 uncomment that and turn this into negative 1 save that and that is it once you're done with this you should be able to start the pulseaudio and if it doesn't that means that the configurations are wrong but you should be able to start it I'm gonna hold shift right click here and help in PowerShell and I'm gonna type pulse whoops pulse audio something happened here and didn't it doesn't let me do it mm-hmm nope there we go I don't know why that the first time but I was able to just run it again and it worked so I'm gonna control C this to break it and that is it close this out and I know my post audio works alright so the next thing we need to do now is to get our X server working now after you installed it you would actually get a desktop icon called X launch and that's something we need to use which is right here now because we're using a desktop environment we're actually gonna be using one large window or you could do one large window with a title bar if you want it full screen you can so I'm just gonna do one large window hit next start no client I'll just leave this as default here is where I need to add some optional parameters and what I need to add here is actually software cursor - SW cursor this will actually force it to use the cursor that is provided by xfce instead of your windows cursor so that way we get a little bit more customization out of it hit next now I'm gonna save configuration I'm not gonna open this I'm gonna hit save configuration head over to my C Drive bin and I'm just gonna call this config - expunge whatever it saves save that over there and finish now I could actually test how big I want my windows and play around with this if I want but I'm not going to be using this yet I'm just gonna exit this because you can actually set the resolution size so for me I have like ultrawide monitor I don't want it to fill up the whole screen and I just want to use 1080 I could adjust that to what I want but that's a that will test that in a little bit so here in the bin directory now we have a config March so every time I double-click this I'll actually run that windowed I need next we are gonna create a little batch file here so I'm gonna do new text document and I'm just gonna call this start X dot dat now if you notice that I actually have extensions in the back you have to enable that if you can't see it you just go over to note you go to view options or actually it's right here file name extensions and uncheck it you won't see it if you check it you will see it so that's how you can change it into a bad file I'm gonna edit this file and the first prompt I'm gonna be putting in is start slash B this will make it so it doesn't start its own window and we're gonna run config dot launch X oh now it's X launch okay next because we just got post audio installed we would need to boot the server so we are gonna do start two quotes with B then put it into quotes C colon backslash din because that's where I installed everything and the folder is actually called pulse or do - one point one backslash pin backslash pulse audio DX e and that will start the post audio server now the next thing we need to do is actually get it to run xfce so i'm going to pre type this out so you want to dot exe run if - Z so what is that string not null yeah - Izzy dollar sign PID of xfce 4 - session close that if statement well it's not closed yet but then export display equals : 0.0 that means display zero export pulse server we need this just to get the oil working TCP : semicolon except C 4 this will start the session and then once that started it would actually pause the command you could say until we close out the session so after that we would do P kill just to make sure that everything closes cleanly GPG pipe SSH - agent close the single quote semicolon task kill X e / I am pulse all do XD that will kill pulseaudio - f task kill again the ex e / IM vc x sr v e fe e XP semicolon and then will end if statement and that's basically it so this come in will basically say ok if the session is not running then we could export the display if it is running that means that this place should be exported already so we have to and then export post server so we have audio start the session and when the session gets killed you know when we log out it will actually kill the GPG - agent and they'll also kill the post audio server and also kill the vcx server which is our X server and then it will close everything basically cleanly and then once you're done with that we have our little batch file now I wouldn't run this yet until this is finished and as well as we would test the installation before we do this just in case we need to set something up before we run this so I'm gonna let this go everything is all pretty much preset I just need to wait for this now all right we are done installing this so let's test out everything now one of the options that I was telling you earlier if you needed to change the resolution I'm gonna go back into this area and hit edit and you see how all my options are staying the same we would need to add the resolution here if you wanted to so I'm gonna do screen screen number is zero because that's the screen we're gonna start off with and the resolution 9 - 0 X 1080 will be the resolution I want and since I have multiple monitors I'm gonna have to place it on monitor 1 so you see that at symbol 1 hit next save the configurations to the same file replace it finish and you see how it starts it up in 1080 mode now since I have to start it up I can now run I might have to restart this so I'm gonna close this out restart it and I'm gonna do xfce for session there's a xfce session there you go hit enter this should pick it up I'm gonna use default come things and then we have in our xfce desktop this will always pop up for the first time but yeah here we have it our very own desktop and all the applications aren't installed here and you could start customizing to your own needs so you actually have all your settings now that you can want to change and best of all is that you have here let me show you if I have a CH top you can see that it actually shows 16 cores because my computer is 16 cores and it shows a matter of RAM that I actually have on my computer so instead of like a VM where you have to allocate 4 cores or 8 cores or whatever to your VM or however much RAM it's sharing the same resource pool as your serve as your computer itself so this is the huge benefit of running this way if you're really planning to run like a heavy code that requires a lot of RAM or CPU usage and Linux and it's a GUI interface I don't know whatever you want but as far as the browser goes they are a little broken and it's because of the recent versions I can't seem to get it working and there is a bug report out there for this so no matter what I do Firefox doesn't work neither does Chrome now what I did find oh did work is Epiphany so like Chrome doesn't even want to start off so if I was to go over to Internet and download Epiphany I'll actually be called web epiphany seems to be working so I could actually go over to google.com and now it's making me look bad because it's not working now now to check if you have audio all you have to do is look for post audio which I don't know where it is over here have control there you go oh it's not working right now because I didn't run my script so let's try this I'm gonna log out and there we have it everything is starting now I'm gonna hit applications this time if I go over to padu control it's establishing connection another thing I completely all right so now that I know it's not working I'm just reading the error log and there D bus system is error so what I need to do is actually go into my terminal again and do serve this start D plus or deepest start yeah there you go d plus start to do and I would probably have to restart this again or actually start this up again so let me log out and let's run this again and let's go to the terminal emulator system CTL because I should have been able dydt enable B bus so this way will start up with a system forgot to use sudo and let's check this out to see if it's working or I have to restart it again oh there we have it wave out sound mapper after we started that deep I started the D bus service and it worked so we should be able to get audio from our Linux install now alright cuz so now that it's working maybe it was the deepest thing I needed to get working let's head over to youtube and just play something really quick just to see if the audio is working alright I could see it's working it's got a little skipping but that's the browser I think but it is working the audio okay now that is it all you have to do now is do what you want customize it run your applications install whatever you want I tend to customize it myself and I would install my own theme which is the awadhi theme and let me just do a time lapse of how I will make it look at the end of this [Music] [Music] [Music] so here we have it guys this is my configurations I've had so far I'm using wallpaper flare to find this wallpaper and because we have access to the main system by going into filesystem mount and your drives like C Drive I could access you know whatever I download from my regular PC as well as all the other stuff that I added was adapter adapter here let me show you go into settings go into appearance and it adapt nukkie nope I can't even say it it's right here and for the icons I'm using papyrus dark and the wallpaper is just to match the color scheme that I kinda have going on I do like using Tillich's as the terminal browser because I get tabbed browsing also transparency and you can see it's actually moving very smooth and over here on each time I showed you earlier you do get all the cores of your main CPU and as far as the memory usage as well so yeah it's working very well over here and if I was to close this session out it would actually close out all my windows and gracefully close everything out that I need to but yeah so far everything is working I tested all the applications this is something this called the whisker menu so you could just add this through the panel going through panel preferences and going to item you could just add the whisker menu plug-in and you get a menu like this which with all the search features that you want office is working as well I just tested that while I was going through the installation so LibreOffice works pretty good yeah that's about it now in conclusion you can actually run multiple different types of desktops you don't have to stick with xfce you can actually run gnome or Pantheon like elementary OS and KDE which I don't think I ever got KDE to work but yeah you could actually run different environments not just 6fc but except see it does run the smoothest out of all as far as the Firefox and the chrome issue there are bug reports about it so I'm pretty sure they're probably gonna fix it but for now I'm sticking with Epiphany just so I could get the browser going but if I am really to browse the web I would just use my windows instead of having to into my Linux it is more for GUI applications so I could test something or try something to see if it would work in Linux environment so yeah it does run a lot smoother than if I was to run a VM and I like that it is shared resources so that's it for me guys if you guys enjoyed this video please hit that like button and help me share this video so I could get more exposure if you guys are new to this channel consider subscribing also hitting that Bell notification icon so you know when the next videos gonna be out and as the same miner cave hack till it hurts
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 193,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, xfce4 desktop on wsl, desktop wsl, xfce4 wsl, wsl, windows subsystem for linux, windows 10 linux, ubuntu windows 10, windows 10, ubuntu, linux subsystem, linux, subsystem, windows, xfce4 desktop, xfce, xfce4, desktop, installing desktop wsl, install, installing, how to xfce, xfce 4, vcxsrv, pulse audio, x windows
Id: nKCe9UE-quA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 28 2020
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