The BEST FCE Writing Part 2 STRATEGY - B2 First (FCE) Writing

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Some decisions can be difficult... Oh  my god I just can't decide! Which one   would Johnny like the most? This this one or  this one? I don't know! Others can be easy... But deciding which question to answer in Part two   of the B2 First writing exam? Phwoar! That  is impossible! Well it is without this video!   My name is Toby, this is SMASH English and here  is everything you need to know about choosing   the best question for you in part two of the  writing paper for the B2 First Cambridge exam! For part one of the writing paper you must write  an essay. Oh my god but I don't want to write an   essay! You do not have a choice. You must write  an essay! But don't worry about that because SMASH   English has an entire playlist about essay  writing. Essay writing is easy! We can prepare for   essay writing and we will write the perfect essay.  Done! Thank you so much, Toby. Uh thanks to you   I passed my B2 First exam. But part two of the  B2 First writing paper is different! Monica!   Yeah? Be surprised! Okay you mean like this:  AAAH! Sure! Okay yeah... AAAAH! Oh my god! No!   Part two is different!? That's awful! In part two  of the B2 First writing paper you will be given   four different tasks but you can only answer  one of them so it's very important that you   choose the best one for you. Yes! These four  tasks could consist of any of the following:   a formal letter or email of application, a formal  letter or email of complaint, an informal letter   or email, a report, an article, a review or  if you are doing FCE for Schools: a story. So how do I know which one to choose? Here is a  strategy I do NOT recommend and some teachers tell   their students to do this! And that's a terrible  thing. Seriously do not do this! Please! Some   students will only learn the structures of three  different writing tasks. For example they will   learn how to write an essay this is because  part one is definitely going to be an essay   so they know they need to prepare for an essay  however for part two they will only prepare for   two different tasks. For example: a student may  prepare for a review and an article but not for   a report or a formal and informal email or letter.  These students usually think that it is better to   prepare for three writing tasks very very well  than it is to prepare for all of the writing   tasks moderately well. And I understand this! Why  should students spend time learning the structures   of all of these writing tasks when they're  only going to need two of them in the exam:   the essay and whatever they choose in part two?  No! No! This is a big mistake! Do not do this!   Oh no! I am so happy that I did not make that  mistake when I took my B2 First writing exam.   Thank you so much SMASH English because you  saved my life! There are two reasons for this   so let's start with the most obvious. The first  reason is that all students need to know about   each writing task is the structure and the format  and this does not take a long time to learn.   This is really simple! In fact, SMASH English has  a video about every single part 2 writing task and   each video is under 20 minutes long! You only need  20 minutes! Is that difficult? I don't think so!   That's right you can learn every structure  for every question in 20 minutes!   It says so here! Yes oh yes. SMASH English!  My life would be so empty without you huh... So if you are a student and you are preparing for  the exam it really does not take much effort to   understand the requirements of each writing task.  It's easy and it will really help you. I promise!   But Toby how will it help me!? I'm  far too busy scrolling on my phone   and watching videos that I don't enjoy to  learn how to do every single exam task! It will help you because and remember this  a writing task is more than just a format   and a structure it also consists of  grammar and vocabulary! Obviously...   And learning the structure and format of a writing  task is much easier than learning the grammar   to serve a function and the vocabulary related  to a topic! Let me repeat! That that is very   very important! The most important sentence in  the video! Learning the structure and format of   a writing task is much easier than learning the  grammar to serve a function or the vocabulary   related to a topic! Yes! Okay but what do I mean  by this? Well let's look at an example part two   writing paper: So we have a review, an  article, a letter of application and a report. Here we have four questions. Now let's imagine  that you have only prepared for an informal letter   or email and an article. Well we cannot use your  fantastic knowledge about informal letters and   emails because that is not a question so  this leaves us with articles. Great! You   know the structure of articles! You know the  format! You know how to write great articles!   Probably because you saw the SMASH English video  all about it! Right? Right, guys? Yeah? We've   seen that one, haven't we? But you must write an  article you don't have a choice! It doesn't matter   what the topic of the article is because that's  the only one you've prepared for! You cannot   write a review, you cannot write a report and  you cannot write a formal letter of application!   If you don't know the format and the structure  and if you try to write one of these without   knowing the format and the structure you will  score terribly in organization and communicative   achievement and if you do not know what they are  then watch this video about the marking scheme!   So because the only structure you know is article  you are restricted. And that's a terrible thing.   To make matters worse, what if you cannot  think of a terrible experience? What if you   can think of a terrible experience but you don't  have the vocabulary to describe it properly?   Yeah so I had this terrible experience bungee  jumping because there was a problem with the   equipment, this piece of equipment called the  um I don't know, the thing! And then this thing   happened to that thing and then this other thing  caused a problem with the first thing and oh my   god! I don't have any of the vocabulary to  describe this! This is terrible! Furthermore   in this article you need to describe an experience  and that means you need to use narrative tenses.   But what if you are terrible at using the past  simple, the past continuous and the past perfect?   Well you're in the middle of an exam and you've  only prepared for an article so you have to! You   don't have a choice! And if you use these three  tenses and you know you are terrible at using them   you will probably fail and if you fail you will  fail your writing exam and your B2 exam and you   will cry and then I will cry and then our tears  will mix together and we will drink them... And I   hate the taste of tears so don't do that to me!  Thank you! So imagine, you're really stressed   out! You're thinking "I must write an article!  This is the only one I have prepared for but I   cannot think of an experience and I'm useless at  using narrative tenses but... Oh my gosh! Look!   On this same paper there is a report all about  canteens and food and I have so much vocabulary   related to foods and canteens but I cannot use it  because I don't know how to write to report! And   and that's an absolutely terrible thing! So what  should you do instead? Well the answer is obvious!   Make sure you prepare for every single type  of question that could come up in part two   of the B2 First Cambridge exam! This will  massively widen your list of options when the time   comes for you to open part two of the B2 First  Cambridge exam and this will allow you to think   about two things that are much more important  than "have I prepared for this writing?".   In order to decide which question to complete you  should ask yourself two questions! Number one:   what vocabulary do I need and do I have  the vocabulary to complete the task well?   And number two: what grammar do I need and  am I able to use the grammar appropriately?   Let's look at our example. For the review  I need vocabulary related to books,   history and education. I need a mix of neutral  and informal vocabulary related to these topics   to write a review in the correct tone.  I need the appropriate grammar to make   a recommendation at the end of the review. If I  can do this then this is a good choice for me.   For the article I need vocabulary related to  my specific experience whatever that is. I need   informal to neutral vocabulary related to this in  order to write the article in the correct tone.   I need the appropriate grammar to recount  a personal experience so the past simple,   past continuous and past perfect. If I can do this  then this is a good choice for me. For the letter   of application I need vocabulary related to video  production and learning english. I need formal   expressions to express my ideas related to this to  write a letter of application in the correct tone.   I need the appropriate grammar including modal  verbs to talk about what I could hypothetically   bring to SMASH English. If I can do this then this  is a good choice for me. And for the report I need   vocabulary related to conducting interviews,  to food and the facilities of a canteen.   I need formal vocabulary related to this  in order to write a report in the correct   tone. I need the appropriate grammar such as the  passive in order to write the text impersonally   and I need the appropriate grammar to make formal  recommendations. If I can do this then this is a   good choice for me. This should be your approach!  Remember it is much easier to learn the structure   of every writing task than it is to learn the  grammar and vocabulary of every function and every   possible topic that could come up! That's really  obvious so make your life easier and learn each   structure! It's obvious! God! And then you can  choose the task that you know you have the best   vocabulary for and you understand which grammar is  required and how to use it! That's really obvious,   isn't it? Yes? Yes! And remember on this channel  you can learn how to do every single one of these   writing tasks and the videos are really good so  watch them and you will learn in a fun way! I   love fun! Isn't this fun? And with that we are  finished! Now you know every single thing you   need to know about choosing the best question for  you in part two of the writing paper for the B2   First Cambridge exam! If you like the video don't  forget to SMASH that like button, subscribe if you   haven't already, leave a comment down below!  My name is Toby and this was SMASH English!
Channel: SMASH English - Cambridge English Exam Preparation
Views: 9,405
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Keywords: fce writing part 2, b2 writing part 2, b2 first writing part 2, b2 first writing, fce writing, b2 writing, cambridge fce writing, fce writing part 2 samples, fce writing part 2 questions, fce writing part 2 examples, fce writing part 2 tips, b2 first writing part 2 tips, b2 writing part 2 examples, b2 writing part 2 questions, b2 first exam, fce exam, b2 exam, fce wirting part 2, b2 review, b2 article, b2 report, b2 letter, b2 email, sMASH English
Id: ge65AhBUHEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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