Write, Illustrate & Publish a Children's Book in ONE DAY using AI: ChatGPT, Midjourney, DALL-E 2

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up everybody Robert Solano here and today I'm going to show you how I'm going to write illustrate and publish a children's book all within eight hours I'm going to walk you through the whole process record most of it in detail so that you can do the same so right now it's about 8 20 in the morning my goal is to finish by 4 20 this afternoon that wasn't planned to finish a 420 I'm not you know just forget about that eight hours that's the goal finish this joint in eight hours so let's Jump Right In so first off you may notice that I'm using a Macbook um I I like mac it's what I use so some of the shortcut keys and stuff that I talk about will be specific to the Mac you may have to look up what the equivalent is if you're using a PC but let's get started here so here's the timeline um and some notes so first off here some of the tools required you're going to need some type of word processor I'm using Microsoft Word you need a chat GPT we'll go into that you're going to need mid Journey which is used to create the illustrations you'll need a subscription for that if you plan on publishing because the subscriptions have commercial licenses and those run between 10 and 60 dollars per month you're gonna need Discord username and password or you could either do that through the web browser or download that app uh you we may end up using Dolly too which is a program to edit images um that comes with a bunch of free credits so if you can use the free version great but if you need more credits they they run about 15 per 100 or so credits and we'll talk about that later today you're gonna need Adobe Photoshop and InDesign the Adobe Creative common or Creative Cloud license is about 55 bucks per month if you're a student or teacher I think you get a discount and then we're going to publish on Amazon KDP which is Kindle Direct publishing that they're going to sell and host our our site uh printing on demand and then optional if you want your own ISBN you can go to balker and get your own ispn which is what I do but if not I think Amazon can create one for you the schedule here's how I think eight hours is going to break out we're gonna spend about hour right in the story so should finish that about nine o'clock probably take a little bit of a break and then jump into creating the images that's going to be the most tedious part of the day taking about 50 or about five hours which I think is going to be about 15 minutes per image um we're gonna create the cover I think that's going to be about an hour and then upload to Amazon kvp and publish so that's the goal eight hours knock this joint out um so let's let's jump right into it then okay so first things first let's open up our Chrome let me minimize this so you can see my lovely face over in the corner how do I keep how do I keep this on top let's see I'm still a little new to this uh Supreme recording joint here so um let's just keep it like that for right now all right I'm not sure what I was looking at last night but let's close all this all this join out get a new one and uh I was cleaning up let's see I don't want to show I don't want to show the bookmark bar either all right start if you haven't been to chat GPT just Google Chat GPT go this website openai.com from here you can hit try chat GPT if you haven't logged in it may ask you to log in or create an account I already have an account was already logged in so I'm good to go and then from there I'm just going to ask chat gbt to write the book I want this book to be a rhyming book and I want to be about robots in space and I'll talk about why I picked that topic later um I know I'm big into Tech I think robots are cool I think having a book written by AI about AI is also like a cool play so we're gonna write a children's book about robots and space and children and families and kind of how robots help people in the future and it's going to be dope okay so let's get started in the prompt here I'm going to tell chat GPT to write a rhyming let's see write a children's rhyme about a group of people in a spaceship exploring galaxies so almost almost like uh Star Trek if you haven't you know if you watch that remember that back from the day they were you know Society out there exploring the the wild of space and I just hit chat GPT and then bam it starts it starts spitting Rhymes so you can you can see you know I'll let you read it uh maybe I can I don't know if I can zoom in but you know a group of Brave explorers set out on a trip in a shiny spaceship on a journey to dip into the vastness of space so far and so wide to explore galaxies on a journey untried I mean that's awesome I mean I I couldn't even create rhymes like that I mean you could drop a beat right now and this would be like a dope uh you know a dope rap so you know what what I do is um I'll probably prompt it a few times if there are areas where I want it to uh elaborate for example so you know this this one's all good there it flew they flew past Stars they traveled so far they had explored and discovered so much in their journey through space they had a hunch so I really like this but there's no elements about robots and so I'm gonna hit hit up chat chat GPT again I'll just copy that copy that so write a children's rhyme about robots helping people in space and let's see so robots in space so strong and so bright helping the people day and night on the space station they work with great care making sure everything's running with repair they fix machines and keep them clean and help the experiments so they can be seen they assist the astronauts with their every need making sure their journey is safe and successful indeed all right so I like that um let's you know this is a children's book so I wanna like let's talk a little bit about the children like what are the children doing in space so write a nursery rhyme about children having fun aboard a space let's see what it spits out children on a spaceship what funny can be exploring the Galaxy as wild as can be with their space suits on and helmets tight they're ready for adventure day and night they play in zero gravity float in the air spinning and laughing without a care they look out the windows that the Stars so bright and make up stories of what's out of sight so that's that's pretty cool too all right and now finally let's add some like educational parts so um write a children's story about um about science and physics I might be pushing this one a little bit about science physics uh although Ash astrophysics science and astrophysics so much to explore the solar system and so much more from planets and moons to stars on the sky there's so much to learn and so much to try so I think that's a pretty good start um you know if I do Amazon the least amount Pages you can publish is 25 so I know I need 25 Pages if you add the title page you know a dedication page copyright page you know really it's about minimum 20 to 22 pages that I'm going to need at a minimum if I you know we can go over that and I think I plan doing two lines per page so two lines per page you know that's about 50 lines that I need so from here you know I like all this so I'm going to copy all this over to Microsoft Word [Applause] damn I wish I could I wish I knew how to keep my video on top during my break I think I need to Google that and figure that one out but let me just I got some notes Here let me add a page break and and get started Okay so we'll do copy paste um you know I don't want the I just want the text only so there we go so that's the first one let's go back over to chat GPT and get that next section about the robots we'll right click and copy come back over to word right click we'll just go paste special and paste on format text to keep it clean let's go back over to chat sheet BT I want to see children having fun let's copy this section two copy back over to word paste special okay set unformatted text and last one about science and technology right click copy back over paste that unformatted text but there we go pretty pretty good poem um now the key is I need to you know move it around edit it um and make sure like basically take pieces of this and put it into a flowing story so let's scroll to the top here we go so a group of Brave explorers sat out on a trip in a shiny spaceship on a journey to dip so that will be page one into the vastness of space so far into wine to explore galaxies on a journey untried page two they flew past stars and plants so bright and through nebulas and colors so light three they met aliens and learned new things as they journeyed through the Galaxy's rings so I don't know you know aliens I mean I'm trying to make like a book about science and robots I don't think really aliens are fit so you know what can I put there instead of aliens um I would think I'm gonna think about that and come back to that I'm going to zoom in a little bit because I know sometimes it can be hard to see if you're watching on YouTube or whatever so so maybe they had how about they had robot they had robots for friends and learned of new things as they are Journey Through the galaxies rings they traveled so far and saw so much than they ever imagined before they set out to explore and when their Journey came to an end they returned home with memories to blend so that that's just that's garbage um I'll just delete that before they had journey through space they had a hunch that there's so much more out there to see and they couldn't wait to set out just to be explores once again on a journey in new discover to discover what lies beyond the Galaxy's blue so I'm just not I don't know I'm just not feeling this last section here so I think I'm gonna I might delete that so that so we left off with the page four they they had robot friends learn um so robots in space are strong and so bright helping the people day and night on the space station they worked with great care making sure everything's running with repair I think that might work they fix the machines and keep them all clean and help with experiments so they can be seen they assist the astronauts with their every need making sure their journey is safe and successful indeed with their sensors and cameras they help to explore the vastness of space and so much more when double click to remove that page break they're always there to lend a helping hand making sure the mission goes as planned robots in space they're out there are trusty friends helping us to Journey to the very end their hard work and dedication never ceases to amaze we're grateful for their help in all our space ways all right now this is about children having fun let's see if it will fit in well children on a spaceship what funny can be exploring the Galaxy as wild can as can be I don't know is there another word for like this just doesn't rhyme like can be and can be I don't know I don't know if I like having both sentences and what can be we'll come back to this one with their spacesuits on and helmets tight they're ready for adventure day and night I think I said this but these numbers are pages right so we're up to page 14 right now they play in zero gravity float in the air spinning and laughing without a care I like that one they look out the windows at the stars so bright and make up stories of what's out of sight they make robot friends so that to show them around and teach them new things they have found they learn about science and space travel too and have so much fun as they explore what's new with each new day they can't wait to see what the Galaxy holds just for them and me so I mean this isn't really I don't want like this to be in the first person so you know I'm not really feeling that is saying about me um maybe we can find another rhyme there but we'll just keep a placeholder for right now for children on a spaceship the world is so wide and the possibilities are truly endless inside now this is about a science let's see how well it did here delete this section that's just the title science let's um astrophy let's just do science and physics so much fun to explore the solar system and so much more from plants and moons to stars in the sky there's so much to learn and so much to try I think that was similar to a line earlier we study the Sun and how it gives light and how planets orbit just right we learn about comets and asteroids to you and how they travel through the solar system blue so this again blue like I mean the solar system isn't really blue beside I know I know chat GPT is trying to make a rhyme here but um I'm not sure all right we used and also you know this we I really want to be in the third person so they study the Sun and how it gives light and how the plants orbit just right and they learn about comets and asteroids too and how they travel through the solar system blue they use telescopes to see far away and learn about about the galaxies at play they study the black holes and nebulous bright and the mysteries of space that give so much insight science and physics is so much fun exploring the universe one by one we're constantly learning and that's the best part for Science and physics is an endless work of art all right so now you know we're at like 20 pages so now I'm like I'm not putting page numbers on because I'm just trying to think through you know how this is going to fit I know I'm going to take some of these pieces and move them up um so let me let's just finish finish reading what Chachi PT spit out here children on a spaceship what fun it can be exploring the galaxies as wild it can be with their spacesuits on and helmets tight they're ready for adventure day and night I think that was similar to a line earlier too you know but I like this line so let me let me go ahead and highlight this one well I like the ones I like they play in zero gravity floating in the air spinning and laughing with it oh this is all oh yeah we definitely read all this okay we were this is this is a I must have copied and pasted this from earlier I think we can get rid of all this stuff okay I think that's all you know highlight that red because I think I could go ahead and delete all that foreign so now it's just a matter of you know taking these sections and and kind of weaving them together into a story you know making making a few edits here and there making sure that the story flows you know but I have well over 25 um two-line poems so you know this is more than enough for the book now I just now I just need to make sure that it flows right um so I know this has been a little tedious so far I'm not gonna I'm gonna stop recording and kind of work on this a little bit and then jump back in once I you know have it in a a good place that kind of flows together all right so I'm gonna hit stop and I'll see you guys back in a little bit it's 8 40 right now um so this took all of uh 20 minutes to you know do this as I was explaining it to you and hopefully I'll be back in about 15 minutes now all right peace all right so I'm back it's 907 so it took me about I think what's that 17 27 minutes something like that um still on track my goal was to finish writing the story within an hour which would be 9 20. so I think we're doing good um so one of the things I did to help with writing a story is in word I did split screen and so the way I do that is I just want to view and then um hit split screen here and so what this allowed me to do is in the same document I could scroll during all that through all that text that I copied from chatgpt and then paste it where I wanted it to go you know so for example if if I saw this line about telescopes here I could cut cut that out and then paste it up top in the section where I wanted right I don't actually want to go there so I'm going to undo that um but basically that just allowed me to to move all these different sections of poem around to a place where it kind of flowed pretty well and so you know I broke it down into pages I got page one page two to three page four to five and Etc all the way down to 27 pages so it doesn't have to be 27 pages long you know really my minimum was like 23 so if I'm short on time later today I may go ahead and cut out a few of those pages but I think this is a pretty good start all right so let's go ahead and remove the split and I'm gonna bring um bring word over so all this is just this is all like old stuff really the the story ends right here at the end that's where that's where it ends right so or from here now I'm going to take these pieces of story and start putting them into a storyboard um you know when you're erasing your thoughts you could use something like PowerPoint and just you know put them into a PowerPoint with one slide being each Different Page I've done that before just to kind of arrange my thoughts but since I'm crushed on time and really trying to get this done eight hours today I'm going to start putting them right into the final format that they're going to be in and so I use a program called Adobe InDesign if you're not familiar with Photoshop or InDesign I don't think you can publish a book in eight hours because these programs are beast if you're not familiar with them okay I'm just saying that right now like these are for me the most difficult part of publishing is working with Adobe products because I don't use them a lot um and it's just challenging to see the least all right so I this is my third children's book that I've published so so I've I've published children's book before I always do the same the same size I do I think it's seven and a half inches by by 9.25 inches and I have a pretty good template that I use and it's all open up that template which is right here so um so this is an InDesign template that I use okay um if you look over here in the pages here all the different pages so here's like your your title page so this is when you open the book the first kind of half page that you see that's where the title page goes then you have a copyright page a dedication page and then the story and so I just have placeholders here for the text and for the images and that just kind of saves me a bunch of time each of these images is created in Photoshop and so I'll show you that later once I get to you know actually creating the images but just know that the the text stays in InDesign and the images are in Photoshop and then we take that whole Photoshop file and plop it into InDesign and so let's go ahead and get started here so page one which I may foreign I think I'm going to drop the dedication page and I don't know if this is gonna work let's see if I drop the dedication page uh it everything all up all right let's undo that and so I'm just kind of thinking through how I want to do this right now all right um so I think what I like to do instead of having a dedication page I think I'm just going to make this my page one um and then I'm gonna put an image behind there which I'll do later but now all my page numbers are messed up so I'll need to go back in and kind of figure that out again these are just some of the challenges of InDesign but the bottom line is let's go ahead and start copying and pasting the text over okay so in a far away in outer space where this shot where the stars shine bright on every face that's going to be our intro copy double click on the text and paste there we go um next page two so now my pages are off I'm gonna have to update this right but I think you get the idea page two to three copy let's paste that there um copy the second part separately paste so I think I'm probably gonna have to reduce the font size on these because clearly most of these are going over to a second line so um if I click on a text box and go over to properties let's see if I reduce it to 17. I'm using this font chrome chrome theft now I thought that was kind of a cool futuristic looking font um you know so now I'm just thinking okay like is it better to reduce the font size or maybe make it larger maybe I can go up to you know stick with 18 size font so I think I could do 18 size font and uh and make the Box larger and I think that would be good to go so I'll make these boxes larger here you know I might I might adjust this later but for a start I'll go back to the first page make that larger all right so these guidelines are your um in the template these are the these are the margins where I can't um you know you can't have text or images outside of these margins you know this is the end of the bleed and so the way you can do that uh you know once you have your file set up you just go to view grids and guides and then through this menu you can I believe you can create create some guides right but again this is you know having a template save so much time and this is the only way I would be able to write this in eight hours is with this template all right so jumping back in all right let's keep let's keep at it here this is Page four through five copy and paste this over I think this page I'm just gonna have a big image so my plan is to not have any text on this page um go ahead and adjust that again let me move my beautiful face drop that down to 18 font all right so from here I mean it's pretty tedious basically all I'm doing is just copying and pasting um all the text over so you know copy and paste and then you know I'm resizing so that it fits um and then I'm just changing the font size to 18 points so I'm going to do that for the and there you know for the rest of the book here you know I'm only on page five through six right now I don't think you really need to see this part of the tedious process so I'm going to hit pause on the recording uh now I might go get a cup of coffee and then we'll be back in a few minutes and I'll show you the rest and then oh by the way I need to update these page numbers too I don't have them set to like auto update so I need to manually go in and change them all so that they're you know really I know this was page six since I got rid of that dedication page so I'm going to do that here as well all right I'm gonna stop the recording and come back in a few minutes as soon as I'm all done with it all right so 9 27 I'm a little bit behind schedule I wanted to be done with this by 9 20 which would have been an hour but it's okay um but I've copied and pasted the whole story into Adobe InDesign you can you can see it here um so this is all I think 27 pages and you know now I'm almost ready to start illustrating but uh one more thing I need is I need a title and a subtitle so I'm going to go back to chat GPT and um an ash chapter GPT to write a write a title for uh children's book about um uh group of Space Explorers [Music] let's see what let's see what it says all right so chat GPT seems to be taking a little long I'm not sure why I know they've had a lot of growth and their servers have had challenges growing up or you know catching up with all the demand like normally it starts spitting stuff out but it seems to be taking a little bit extra longer today so usually if it's taking this long usually it ends up failing on me so I'm just gonna go ahead and hit Refresh on this page my wife is in the background talking to our daughter so I don't know why my internet just kind of seems to be crashing on me right now come on let's go chat gbt what's going on here thank you [Music] all right so write a title for a children's book about a group of families children and robots exploring space [Music] foreign I'm getting the spinning wheel here so you know I I want to come back to this a little bit later um but for now we'll just we'll just call all the title robots in space but we're gonna come back with a with a better title later all right so now we're ready to start illustrating um so to illustrate the two tools that we're going to use the first is called mid-journey to go midjourney.com create an account you can check out the uh you know so I already created an account so you know when when I go in it logs me in and this is kind of what I see um you know I have a subscription so you can see how many hours are included uh you know basically that's how many computational hours I can use to create images I actually have unlimited but I only have 30 fast hours so I'm going to be using fast hours today because I'm really trying to get this done in eight hours if I wanted to save those fast hours I could use relaxed hours which are you know free and unlimited but it takes the system longer to process images so you're going to need uh to log into mid journey and then you're also going to need Discord so you go to discord.com you can either download the app or open it in your browser I'm going to use a browser today just to keep it simple and to show you that you know this doesn't take any special computer coding language or whatever it's it's all like in a browser so I have a few different servers which are basically almost like chat rooms that I belong to um this is the mid-journey chat room though so this is your all right I don't know why it uh cut out on me um but the recording stopped for some reason so you know I'll just I'll just keep try to pick pack up where I left off so this is your mid-journey chat chat room um the way mint Journey works is you you activate it by giving it a prompt um for example forward slash imagine that tells the mid-journing bot to start listening for the command you're going to give it and then you type in text of the image that you want and so in this example someone put that they want old school tattoo Ultra detail with detail ship incorporated into it and hit enter mid Journey bot takes that text feeds it to the server and then that server returns an image actually Four images so now that this person could choose which of those images they want and they can make variations off of it and stuff like that and you'll see how we do that I want my own private server so what I do is I hit hit add a new server uh create my own and then um it's just for me I I name it and then create and I already did that while my recording stopped and I created this server called robots in space which is like my own private chat room from here I went back to the mid-journey and made sure I hit this icon on the top right this little people Icon to view members and found the mid-journey bot click on the mid-journey bot and then add that bot to the server and so again I already did this but if I was doing this for the first time I would click down here add the mid-journey bot to robots in space hit continue give it permissions to do all these things authorize it it now mid-turning bot is also living in my private server for robots in space um and you can see where it says mid-journey bot hopped into the server that means that mid-journey is now in my server and listening for it uh for me to give it commands um so let's pick an image or scene that we want to illustrate I think a good way to start is illustrating this scene with their spacesuits on and helmets tight they're ready for adventure day and night so we want a scene of like astronauts with their helmets on maybe in like an airlock getting ready to go out into outer space and then maybe on the page next to it we'll have a scene of the astronauts actually like floating in space doing a space walk um and so let's go ahead and head back over to mid-journey um so I also created a few different channels here to kind of keep my thoughts organized we have scenery robots spaceship people so let's do people create this joint all right so now we got people Channel [Music] um I'll show you settings real quick so if you type forward slash settings and hit enter twice here are the settings that I'm using I'm using the latest which is mid-journey version four base quality medium style regular upscale and then let's switch to fast mode so that turns out images faster and then we got remix and so I think these settings are good we may play around with this ninji setting which is um to create anime style images um I'll talk about that in a minute so so those are the settings um now in thinking about how I want to write this book I wanted to imitate the style of this artist uh and I'm gonna butcher his name or her name but hi how you Miyazaki which is a very famous anime artist he's the one that did the the anime Spirited Away like one of the best you know anime films of all time and so I'd like to use his style and so all right let's jump in so I'm going to activate the prompt um activate the mid Journey bot by hitting forward slash as soon as I hit forward slash the image and prompt pop up I only have to type it I just hit forward slash enter and now I got forward slash image prompt and now I I want a scene of um let's say children in airlock wearing space suits and then let's see [Music] um let me make sure I copy copy the name right paste oh come on why aren't you paste and paste in that style all right so let's hit enter and see what happens so I hit enter foreign can take anywhere from 15 seconds to a minute sometimes even two or three minutes depending on how busy the servers are um but what I've asked material to do is to create an image of children in airlock wearing a spacesuit in the style of how you Miyazaki and so you can see it processing it's like 31 complete here you can see how these images are starting to come together and there we go and if I hit so they're decent they kind of look like and not smiling I think it'd be cool if they were floating um they're kind of like Asian looking children which makes sense since like most of his stuff is uh Asian um but I think I want something a little bit different so what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy this hit hit the prompt again type it in and let's do children in airlock um children it's loading in anti-gravity comma airlock comma wearing spacesuits comma futuristic comma uh let's go anime comma bright colors let's do uh award winning anime and let's see how that foreign too I want so right now the images are square I want a three by two aspect ratio so I'm going to dash dash AR for aspect ratio three two all right copy that just so I have it in my clipboard and hit enter all right well that's well that's doing that I want to prompt it again same exact prompt except I'm going to also add ninji mode niji and so ninji mode is mid-journey's like mode specific for animation um and illustrations and and it's like hit or miss sometimes it's good sometimes it's bad but I like to compare and so I just did the same exact prompt tacked on the parameter for ninji mode after it and let's see what what that spits out so you can see the first one is starting to come together so this is the first one um you know I think it's all right I think you know maybe I wish it would be like a little more zoomed out maybe uh versus being so zoomed in but I do like this one on the top right I think the ones on the left it kind of the bright colors probably confused it um and you can see like ninji mode is a lot more like cartoonish and so I definitely don't want this kind of like cartoon style um so I'm just I'm just going to go ahead and not use ninji mode anymore let's let's stick with this first one and see if we can tweak it a little bit so I'm going to add weights um so you know basically weights our way of saying if something is more heavily weighted you want more of it you know if it's lower weighted you want less of it um so children floating in anti-gravity um gravity you know wearing spacesuits I'm like I'm going to do a colon colon and give that a weight of three axis airlock futuristic colon colon and give those parameters weight of five I don't think I need commas after the weight so I'll delete those and then finally award-winning bright colors by how you 'll get that a weight of three and let's see let's see if that works so you know it is a challenge using mid-journey you know trying to adjust the parameters adjust the weights kind of getting uh you know getting an image that meets what you need it takes a lot of iterations you know this this scene will probably take me 15 20 or so maybe even 30 or 40 iterations before I get a image that I really like um you just have to keep keep trying right so here we let's see what we got here so the kind of these images are like you so you can see Fish which is interesting you know I think when you add the word floating you know mid-journey Associates the word floating with like ocean and water which is why you get lots of views like fish artifacts in your image I know I can go back and edit that out later but it would be best if I didn't have to so I'm still not really happy although you can see that since I changed the aspect or changed the weights the the air lock kind of like the airlock is smaller or bigger and the child the children are smaller because the children have a smaller weight so you know they're going to take less up of the uh of the scene but still not happy so let's kind of Let's uh try this one more time and see how we could how we could tweak this guy so children um what's another like I could do like weightlessness oh man so children weightlessness anti-gravity wearing spacesuits airlock um outer space ship futuristic award-winning anime let's get rid of colors let's just do bright and see if that makes a difference all right let's see how this one goes so while that's turning out in parallel I'm also going to start trying to make an image of children floating or people floating in outer space so let's do astronaut weightless in outer space anti-gravity wearing spacesuit um outer space let's say like Space Walk Maybe futuristic all right let's see let's give that one a try all right as that is developing that image let's look at this first one so these are all right not too not too bad foreign I wish I could ask you what you guys think um so here so here's another technique that you can use too all right we can find an image on the internet and ask me a journey to create an image like that so um so I search futuristic children in space suits floating let's see if there's anything remotely usable maybe let's add some like anime all right so maybe like this one that's kind of cool all right let's see so what I can do is I can take this image um let's open it up in a new tab actually we'll copy copy it and then go back over to our mid-journey room and I created this tab for Source images and so I will right click and then paste that image here so now this image is in my server and if I click it and right click and copy image address now what I can do if I go back to the people so now if I hit the image prompt I can start that prompt with the URL of that image so you know basically I'm telling my journey to create an image like that image that I just copied over there by putting that URL and then I'm going to put all the kind of the same parameters as before after that so no comma or nothing I just type it all in one long string so URL and then astronaut weightlessness outer space anti-gravity wearing spacesuit spaceship spacewalk futuristic award-winning anime and let's hit enter and see how well mid-journey takes that so if you look at the previous astronaut images that turned out so these are good um a little bit too like realistic though like I think I'd kind of want more anime-ish and so you know what I can do actually is this top one here I can ask for variations so the way it goes is top left is image one top right image two bottom left image three bottom right image four and hitting the ones below you can ask for variation so if I Want A variation of image two I hit V2 and then you know I want to see what that one looks like in ninji bone which is that anime mode and so hit submit and now it will create some variations in of that particular image in energy mode meanwhile let's look at these images here um so decent I mean not too bad you know I know I could probably copy one of these and kind of like put it [Music] um in a better background scene you know so I think these are okay um let's let's go back and see what else we're trying to use so I messed I messed up this one let's let's go back here and variations of two I gotta get rid of that version four instead replace it with ninji hit submit all right now I'll start turning that out all right so I think right now in terms of like just you know someone floating in space in a spacesuit I think this top left picture is probably my favorite um I don't like the the space scenery behind them so or her and so you know as this is working out what I'm going to do is go over to scenery and I want to ask for um spacing stars planets nebula um and then I also want this I really should just remember how to spell this guy's name bye all right all right all right let's go back all right so these you know way too realistic for me not not really what I'm going for so I think that's kind of a failed experiment there um I think really this one's probably the leading Contender right now so we'll go ahead and uh you know I liked it I like this one in the top left so I'll ask for a higher resolution of it so I'll do up upscale which is asking for a higher resolution of that image so upscale image one and then that will start creating a more detailed version of that image for me to use jump back over scenery um so I you know I think I think these plants are way too big and uh kind of too much color going on here so let's um let's try it let's try this again so you know basically I just want like you know plant Earth and maybe some stars in the background so space scene floating above uh again that word float we don't want that because that thing's water um spacing um Stars [Music] let's do anime style see what that pops back you know I think even while that's running I'm going to do another iteration of it or just you know space scene moon and stars all right so you can see foreign so I don't really want like people in the scene so you know I don't not a big fan of those um I think that was trying you know anime style was just trying to add too many people into it right so I think I need to go back to Google here and let's see if I can find a good image of kind of what I'm going for people that so this image right here I think is like you know very much what um going for um you know so if I can just add it and you know someone floating in this scene that would be great so I'll copy that image go back up to my source images paste it hit enter once that's up click it copy image address now let's go back over to scenery and now hit image imagine again paste that URL and now let's just keep it simple outer space um now let's see what mid Journey turns out so I hope you can see I got you know lots of different things going on because I'm trying to get this done eight hours I'm already behind schedule so I got you know I'm trying to run a whole bunch of images at the same time to save time at the same time to save time but here's a good image I like it um so what I will do open this guy in the browser and then I did that wrong hold on hold on oh that's what so if I like that image I hit the web button on the bottom right uh asked me if I'm sure I want to go to that website I am this takes me to mid-journey and from here I can save that image and so if I go to my folders [Music] robots in space I have a file for Discord photos and then from here um save it as astronaut PNG and hit save all right so that's good let's go back up to scenery thing like this thing is like not I don't know why I cannot get it to create an image that I like dude I mean how would you describe this image this is just like Stars right like these images are nothing like it it's a little frustrating all right let's try again so I'm gonna copy that previous one hit imagine all right so I need a better way to describe that so Stars let's add a weight of five Moon let's add a weight of two um let's just go with that foreign as that's running let me take you back to InDesign so we are trying to illustrate this page which is uh page 14 and 15. which is you know astronauts with their spacesuits on and helmets tie at the rate for adventure day and night and so the way this works is um this is a Photoshop file that has the images and if we look at our links so if you go View no sorry window links you can see all these different Photoshop files that are linked to this document and so I know that this page this image behind here is um this one this Photoshop image 13 and 14. and so if I go back to my finder bear with me as I navigate and go back to publishing robots in space Photoshop files and 13 and 14 is the the one that I want all right so now this is the image behind that page and um and now this Photoshop file now this is where it gets a little complicated all right this Photoshop file actually has two files within it um so it has these kind of frames your left frame and your right frame and the way I can impact that is if I go down to my layers in the right and I double click right frame now I now I'm in another Photoshop file which is specifically for that image and so uh just to show you how this works if you hear my daughter cry in the background I apologize hashtag don't apologize I love my family don't be mad if I go Discord files that astronaut floating if I drag it over and replace it and I hit if I X out of this and hit save bam now that astronaut is on the page and now if I hit save again and now go back to in design and let's look at the links you'll see that there's a error message because this link is out of date and so you can double click it to update it and now I have that image on the the page um and that you know that's kind of that's it in a nutshell how you uh you know how I'm gonna update all these images right so you know this is a kind of unique one because you know what I like to do is I like to make this actually like a whole entire page and so um if I go back over to here what I'm gonna do I hope this works we'll see um let's see what's the best way to do this let's go let's go back man these images are just like not I'm not getting what I want here I mean this is close but I don't want like I don't want a scene from the planet's surface all right my daughter is having a meltdown out there all right let's try this one more time I'm just gonna do stars um let's see if that kind of gets any better if I go back here you know so what I'd like to do is I'd like to [Music] um let's see here like why do you keep adding people's faces that's not what I want dude I mean this bottom left one is close right I would like it just a little more like anime style though so I let's see if we can ask for variations um Plus foreign I really hope this works out you know basically what I want I want this whole right page to be an image of like the star with an astronaut floating uh you know floating above this image of the stars in outer space so I know in Photoshop I can you know remove the background from this astronaut um all right so I think this is I can I can live with this one I can live with these images I think this bottom this bottom one here um I can do with okay so I'll upscale that bottom left one let it develop a higher resolution image for me let's go back to photoshop um what's going on already I'm trying to do is change this so I hit command T to transform and this is going to work I don't know let's see get rid of get rid of my blow going on here all right so I made it larger that probably wasn't the best way to go about this [Music] now foreign now what I need to do is remove the background for this joint all right I like that one let's go let's go download it sometimes you get this error message that's basically because like it just needs time to process the image so I'll just I'll come back to this one in uh in a minute um in the meantime though over in Photoshop what I want to do is get rid of the background so let's try using the magic wand tool here and let's go select a mask uh I think I may have done this wrong here there we go all right that's what I want I think that's what I want now how do I think [Music] all right let's download this image there it is say this image as space dot PNG or photoshop let's go ahead and drag it over set a new layer now let's drag it over to a new layer come on dude I'm like not a no luck in this joint seriously [Music] foreign okay dude I just want to drag this junk over to the new layer why will you not let me do that why is this so hard I'm telling you like Photoshop it's horrible I hate this like I don't know why I can't just add this channel all right I'm gonna keep working this I got like it's been an hour I've only done one image I can't be wasting time on this so you know I'm just gonna close this out hit don't save um I'm just going to revert revert back and you know what worst case I'll just go with this image but I still need an image of people in airlocks so let's go back to [Music] um to my Discord and like let's find the people in airlocks so I mean this one I mean this one kind of works in this let's see this one if I can click over to InDesign kind of worse but kind of doesn't you know what I'm just going to use it as a placeholder and I can come back and get a better image later so I'll just go ahead and upscale it to get a higher resolution version of it let that job run all right it's 10 20. I'm one hour into my five hour block of image creating I've only done one image I should have done at least four by now um so I definitely need to speed up this process if I'm going to finish this in eight hours or less but after this image pops up I'll go ahead and paste that in and kind of uh probably take a break so all right just waiting on this image in the meantime you know let's look through InDesign and see which image are we going to narrate next so I think next we're going to start working on the robots um so the parents and robots work with great care making sure everything running with repair so I think you know having like either the robots or parents repairing something um maybe the parents repairing something on the left side of this page and then like a robot holding a wrench or something on the right side of this page that's that's what I think I'm going to go for it so I'll start illustrating this one next um as soon as this image pops up here all right so as that is working on it let's do imagine um let's do astronauts um astronaut with screw with drill now with wrench pairing machine all right by here by how you all right let's hit enter on that oh now we need AR three two all right so let's okay so here's an image oh man her hands are all jangled up what's that happen sometimes but you can potentially go back and fix that later let's go ahead and get this from the web we'll save this one as children astronaut save it let's go back over to photoshop so now we want to replace this left frame so I'll double click on the left frame in my layers panel and now I'll just drag and drop this over to replace it hit save all right so now we have our two images of people in space um I'll save this file go back over to InDesign and let's oh let's go look at our links and we want to update this link and Bam so there we go so if nothing else I got one page done it may not be the best but you know what you know it's it's decent um I'll take it for right now but we can make this better I know we can make this better all right I'm gonna stop recording I'm gonna take a break I'm gonna go see why my daughter was crying and I'm gonna keep working on those other images so we are at 11 45 about two and a half hours in I should be halfway done with the illustrations and I'm not this is gonna be quite a challenge uh at this point I think I only have maybe like five or six illustrations so uh I've been turning away over here in in mid-journey um you know I got an image of a giraffe going um just trying to work on images of children playing uh I do I do think I got a pretty good image of a spaceship so I'm gonna show you kind of a few different tools real quick so so first off I'm working on this scene um this is a page about the gardens and the animals that drool and you'll notice that the images have a little different style and so a tool that I use in Photoshop is the the filter called the neural neural filter so if you go filters neural filters um you can try to have Photoshop match two different images so I want the draft to kind of match better with the left frame and so what it does is it tries to adjust the color a little bit and then you know I can select the strength of that adjustment so there you can see that it it dim the brightness to match kind of the tone of the image on the left so that they're kind of more aligned I do like that however I would like it just to be a little bit brighter so you you know I'm playing with the brightness here foreign so there we go I think that's that's decent so we'll hit OK on that uh let's save this and now let's go over to InDesign and if I update the links all right so there we go so you can see so this page I think it came out pretty well so they have Gardens parks and swimming pools even a zoo with animals that drool and so I think this one so far is probably I'd say my best page um so I want to show you another tool so I'm working on this intro page and a ship far away in outer space where the stars shine bright on every face and so I want an image of a ship with a scene that takes up this whole entire page um this is actually going to be page one so let me just renumber this page page one and so the way I'm gonna do this is I have this um if I go over here so I have this image of a spaceship I didn't mean to open you up have this image of a spaceship let's let's get pull pull it down from the web and save it so let's go ahead and Save uh this would be space chip all right and now I'm gonna go over to another website called dolly so you can just search Dolly to go to openaid.i.com and then I'm going to log in all right so this has a few different features one of the features I like to use if you hit the three dots on the top right you can go to try out painting and now from here I'm going to upload that image of the spaceship spaceship about um and now I you know I need more I need more space right I need um so except to place it and now I'm going to go to add generation frame and so what I'm going to ask it to do is to fill in the blank space based upon the rest of the image and so if I click here I'll place that generation frame and now I'll type in outer space generate so the limitation is it could only generate a size of 10 24 by 1024 pixels at a time um and so it's it's running you can see the you know the Little Wheel icon running and in a few seconds I should have a few options of filling in this empty space here so you just got to be patient well that's churning I want to show you also that I was able to go back into chat GPT and I asked chat gbt for some titles of children's books about a group of families and the robots exploring our space and here are some of the titles that it gave me so you can read some of them robot Adventures family and robots exploring the universe beyond the stars um so some ideas I think I need to like think through this one a little bit more um explorers of the unknown maybe like explorers of space you know so part part of chat CPT and using it is I like to use it as a starting point but then you know riff off of what it gives me to come up with new ideas so you know explorers of the unknown I like it but maybe instead of explore some unknown maybe like Space Explorers or explorers of space and then for the subtitle um you know I like a journey through the cosmos you know I like the idea of an adventure Intergalactic Adventure um I don't know I need I need to think about this one a little bit more A Space Odyssey robot assisted Adventure yeah I need to think about this one a little bit more but you know I think I'm liking Space Explorers an Intergalactic Adventure I think that maybe that one works all right let's jump back over to Dolly all right so you can see Dolly started to fill in here and it gives me a few different options so if I hit these arrows to the right and left there's one two three all right so that's it so one two three four options um you know I think I think I like this one so I'll go ahead and accept this one and then I'll create a new generation frame maybe a little bit for a little higher a little further um like up here so hit again hit outer space um let's just generate here we go all right so that that's turning out um and so this this feature is kind of cool too because if you have artifacts like sometimes mid-journey will create images of people with like six fingers or seven fingers well you could come into this and crop out that person's hand and just ask Dolly to generate a hand and and Dolly is much better at generating like you know a normal looking hand versus mid-journey is and so this is another AI tool to help edit the original AI tool which was mid-journey all right so yeah I think I think I'm just gonna keep keep on chugging along here and see if I can make up time you know I'm halfway through halfway through my schedule but I got a lot lot more to do so I really need to just like kind of start knocking these images out so all right I'll check back in with you guys in a little bit but uh so far it's gonna be tight to get this done in eight hours but um I'm turning along about halfway through the day still behind schedule but I'm trying to make up time I want to show you another technique in mid-journey so I created this image here which I really like I like the colors there are some artifacts that would need correcting but um I like the fact that she's floating and and the artwork here and so what I can do is create what's called a seed and so if I hit add reaction and then find this envelope Emoji for me I've used it so it's frequently used if not you would have to type an envelope to find it but with that reaction does is tells the majority maturity bot to send me a direct message um and so it sends me a direct message with the seed number for this image here and I can use this seed so that in the future I can ask mid-journey to create images in that similar style and so for example the way I would do that is I want an image um let's say I want a African American child staring out the window looking at the stars hold on just correct the spelling here and then once again bye Miyazaki and then I go dash dash seed and put that number and hopefully I did that right let's hit enter and see if it works so um yeah so so let's see if that works the other the other way I could do it is um I could also use the URL so for example if I if I take that that image I don't see direct message if I take this image copy the image address um you know I could also feed that URL however you know the way the girl is positioned may not work out so so that didn't work out like at all um theoretically it's supposed to work but um I don't know why that didn't work but you know you should be able to you know give a seed and it should kind of play off that style but this app is takes a lot a lot of trial and error to say the least so um yeah anyway back to the drawing board but that's another technique is to use a seed all right I'm gonna get back to work I'll check in with you guys in a little bit so it's 1 30 I got three hours left um the book let me show you uh if you look over here on the right hand side you can see the images I've done I'm about halfway done with the images but they're still you know there's at least that's nine images there I still need to make 10 11 12. so I still only make 12 images I got you know less than three hours and I know I need at least an hour to get the Amazon KDP files ready so really that leaves like two hours and I need to do the cover um but let me show you how dollies worked so so if you remember Dolly we started with this it was a little image of just the spaceship and then using Dolly I was able to create a much larger image and you know this image I could use it for the cover um for a few different things what I did is the very first page over here in InDesign um I went and put it there we go so this is page one you know in a ship far away another galaxy um obviously the text I need to change this text to White so that's readable and normally I would do this in Photoshop and then drag and drop it in because but because I'm so crunched for time I just went ahead and and did it here so let's drop this down so we can see it good there we go and then also this text to the left I'll go ahead and make this text white too so so there you go so that's page one I think it looks pretty dope and we're just gonna keep uh chugging along here plugging along and I want to show you a little tip so I started using the same series of text and arguments um so I continue to use bright color anime by Miyazaki and ninji mode and I like the way that that has turned out and so one of the things that I can do is if I hit forward slash and then option and forward slash prefer option set I just click on this one right here what I can do is instead of typing that out each time I can create a new argument so I'll call it anime and then I'll click over here to the right and select value and then we're going to try that again so hit prefer option set the option is anime and click over here to the right select value why is this not working let me try this again for option set there we go so the animated value um I'll type in that what I keep using so bright color anime by Miyazaki ninji and I also keep doing AR three two all right so hit enter and now if I want let's say a robot repairing a machine I'll just do image robot repairing uh machine futuristic server it will do futuristic room and then dash dash anime hit enter and now all I had to do is just hit type in the anime and it expanded it to the uh the the text and the arguments that I set for it earlier and so if we give this a few seconds to run through it should create an image closer and more consistent with what I've been using up to up till now you can see it coming through here so it's almost two o'clock I got just over or just under two and a half hours to finish I still got a lot of work to do it's going to be tight to finish this in eight hours uh so here we go so you know brighter colors kind of more in line with the the way I've been going recently all right back to work um I'll check in with you guys in a few minutes all right all right it is 2 50 I got an hour and a half left if I'm gonna complete this task of writing illustrating and Publishing a children's book in eight hours or less pretty good so far I only have six images left so I'll I'll scroll through this and kind of show you where we're at so I got the page one page two you know so the style that I did is every now and then I throw in a whole page image of an image that I really like so I thought this indoor garden Community was kind of cool uh here we introduced the robots and giraffe you know everyone loves giraffes and so as I scroll through this I want to point out that mid-journey one of the challenges is getting images to be consistent so if you if you have a character like let's say this this redhead girl right here if I wanted the the whole book to be about this redhead girl it would have been really hard for me to get mid-journey to create consistent images of this girl in different scenes so one of the reasons why I kind of picked this story about space and and different people and communities is because I knew that there didn't have to be any continuity between the images um you know the characters could change from one scene to the next because really the the meat of the story is you know space and Imagination and and not necessarily tied to one character which would have been really hard to do in mid-journey um but here you can see I got all the way up to about page 17 complete and then I just got three or so Pages I'm still working on I think I should be able to knock this out in a half hour and then I got a whole hour to do the cover um I'm still not sure what the cover image is going to be that that's gonna you know normally that takes a while so I may be rushed with the cover um but and then I need to print it and and upload it to Amazon so a little bit of a challenge I think it can be done you know but I think I'm for the most part I should be able to get this done in time it's going to be tight but I think I can do it all right so I'll just I'll show you again how let's see uh I got these images that I'm working on um so let's see they fly past stars and plants so bright and through nebulas and colors so light so I think I actually created an image for planets I haven't used yet yeah I think I think I did oh here it is I just haven't saved it yet so um yeah so here's an image of planets so bright um and then I have another image of kids looking out the window there it is right there so let me go to web I'll download that I don't think I've downloaded this one yet hit save come on computer oh why ain't you saving all right something fishy is going on I wonder if I have like a dialog box open or something it's not letting me save all right so I think we have to shut down Chrome and then uh reload it for some reason so let's go ahead and quick Chrome see it's got it got held up downloading something I don't know what was going on there pop pop this back open head back over to Discord open a browser all right web let's see there we go some children [Music] looking window say that guy head over to photoshop hit up my left frame and the layers panel now I can drag and drop this photo right into that frame boom adjust it a little bit exit out of that save it and there we go kids looking at the stars looking amazed let's go ahead and save this and then back over in design I'll go to the links update the link and buy a boom by the bank pay that page is done they fly past stars and plants so bright and through nebulas and colors so light outside period all right next they study science and physics on a quest to explore the solar system and so much more from Plants to moons to stars in the sky there's so much learning so much to try so for this page what I was thinking about was doing like a uh a map of like the solar system so I started you know kind of like you know kind of I don't know maybe maybe start and introduce the concept that you know there's the planets go around around in a ring [Music] um I think I like this top right one I mean they're all pretty good but let's go with this top right one just because I think it looks the closest to like actual R solar system so that's image two so I'll upscale image two to get a kind of higher res better version of that and that that job has started frequently upscaling jobs take longer than the original job so while that's going on I'll kind of keep working along so that image is going to go here and then we need something about them studying science and physics so all right like what like what would be a good physics type study you know I think basically like kids in the classroom Maybe um doesn't keep blocking me all right so we need like kids in the classroom foreign to the people Channel let's go image children in futuristic classroom um learning about Rockets and then foreign argument um yeah all right and again that anime argument you know I created that right so you you can't you can't type in dash dash anime and expect to get results you have to create your own kind of shortcut and again the way you do that is you go backslash prefer option set you type in the name you know so name um or let's let's say uh we'll say Picasso if I was trying to do a Picasso Style then here's a tricky part you click just to the right so your cursor is over here to the right and then hit value and then you can do Buy Pablo Picasso um I like to add a comma beforehand and then hit enter and now you've got your custom Picasso set so if I wanted to do um you know image children playing in the park space Dash Dash the Picasso now it automatically you know it's a shortcut for for that that I created so now it should create an image in the style of Pablo Picasso that was just an experiment you know that was just a little tutorial all right so here back to this image um I think it's all right but you know what I just realized it's the wrong aspect ratio so I you know I need I need an aspect ratio that is um uh three two and not the other way around so I'm gonna have to redo this one let's just copy it go image prompt paste diagram of solar system rings and planets uh and then aspect ratio three two which means more longer than is taller and we'll hit enter let that run all right so you know here's here's the interesting uh Picasso style children and park you know you can write a whole children's book in this style but but obviously we're not doing that today we're doing a more anime style um so here let's see so here's the children learning I mean this is all right I could I could live with this I mean this one here to the left you know they're learning about planets I think you know I think we could get a little bit better so I'm just gonna rerun this little circular button to re-run this one one more time and see if we can get maybe just a few other options another thing I can do is um you know I think this bottom left one is pretty cool um I could just ask for variations of that one too so I can do variations of three because that's image three and um you know how would I do variations I'm not gonna I'm just gonna hit submit and see what pops up all right back to Scenery again I'm hopping around because I'm trying to get get this done I got less than an hour and a half um but I think these are like I don't know what do you think about these let's see I mean this plant looks kind of jacked up for some reason these ones look okay you know we got we gotta get this done so I'm just gonna pick the bomb bomb left one here so we'll pick the bottom left One upscale it like give us a better version of it well that's going let's look back at our classrooms here so we got one two so here you know all pretty similar which you expect because these are all variations of the same image from earlier [Music] um already got this one I don't know which one to go for hmm you know I think I think we'll go for the first one that uh or is it I think this one just because you know that kind of looks like planet Earth um yeah I think we'll just go with this one just because you know we got time crunch so let's go ahead and upscale image three this bottom left one and uh all right so we got two jobs running that job should be done in a minute let's hop back over see where we're at all right so we're gonna put the classroom here the image of the solar system here um so let's make sure we get the right file so this is if we look at layers for this page the file beginning in 1718 if we jump over to photoshop uh pull up 17 18. you know something's wrong I already did 17 18. which Pages this one this one is 1920. Okay so jump over to 1920. all right let's get ready to change the left frame so that's gonna be the classroom as soon as this is done we'll save it in the right frame all right this one's done so when you save the file so again we go to web go to web hit yep that's the page we want to go to uh again it's not moving too fast you know mid-journey needs a little bit extra time to update their apis so we'll need to give this about 30 seconds or so I think the solar system image came out good you probably need to give that some time too let's see if that's ready for us oh this one's ready so let's go ahead and save this one save that solar system but that one's good let's see if the children one is ready pust on the right thing all right let's let's knock out that solar system one which is your right or right frame so you won't put the solar system in this right frame here we open that up take the solar system drag it and drop it scaling looks good close out of that hit save and boom we got the solar system all right children come on there we go all right save this joint what is this this is a children in classroom hit save back over to photoshop open up the left frame drag and drop children in classroom boom bada bing looks good exactly that hit save all right bet we are rocking and rolling all right all right oh back to photoshop make sure I save this save it all right so we saved this page back over to InDesign let's go over to links see our little exclamation mark let's double click and boom looking good all right I don't like this floating word explore here so let's see if we can change this so they study science and physics on a quest to explore the solar system and so much more um they study you know what let's just it's a children's book they study science on a quest to explore the solar system and so much more from plants and moons to stars in the sky there's so much to learn and so much to try man if I had a beat this would be a sick wrap all right oh man I think we only got one more page left I think this is it oh thank goodness just over an hour left yeah yeah all right they study the Sun and how it gives light and how the planets orbit just right they learn about comets and asteroids too and how they travel through the space or through the solar system so blue I just don't I just don't like blue it's a word that rhymes with two I just don't like this one you know you know I think I might just replace this let's see let me go back to my original chat GPT and see if there's another rhyme I could put in that place each new day they can't wait to see what the Galaxy holds hmm maybe this one maybe for children on a spaceship the world is so wide and the possibilities are truly endless inside how about this one or they're constantly learning and that's the best part for Science and physics is an endless work of art let's use that let's change it to third person they are constantly learning and that's the best part because for Science and physics is an endless work of art hmm kind of shorten this they're constantly learning and that's the best part I really want to see if I can get that onto that line they're constantly they're always learning and that's the best part for Science and physics is an endless work of art I don't know does it make sense maybe I don't know but it sounds good all right so I need two more images can I knock it out in 10 minutes I don't know but I'm going to stop recording and get this done real quick just over an hour left let's do I do the cover I still need to upload the files it's going to be tight right so 345 we have 35 minutes left to finish this um the good thing is the interior is all done it looks great I need to do the cover now which normally takes a few hours I want to try to do it in like 10 minutes um so one of the things I did I took this image of an astronaut in in Photoshop I kind of took the background out and I think I'm going to use that for the cover so let's go ahead [Music] um let's go ahead and open up the cover in Photoshop I think that's where I save that thing let's see open [Music] no the covers in InDesign that's right and same design let's see open let me navigate to my folder all right cover so here's the template so here's a template that I used in the past um again you know since I have published books in the past I kind of I kind of know the size and format and stuff that I like um I'm going to take that if you remember that image of the spaceship that Dolly helped me build out I think I'm going to use that part of the cover so I need to resize this thing down where are we at where are we at uh let me look at my layers here okay there we go all right let me get it sized up good all the way out to the corners all right so I got the frame done and so I'm going to right click fit it fit to frame boom um you know I think I might prefer the astronaut like I think I'm going to put an image of the astronaut on the right hand side so let's let me see if I can uh let's see what it looks like when I do this if I do that and then take that image of an astronaut oh damn to replace all right again normally I like doing this in Photoshop but I'm crunch for time so seeing if I could do this in InDesign which I'm not that familiar with um let me look at my layers maybe I need to add a new layer while I'm here put that image in the back there we go um all right now how can I add this image of an astronaut there we go um let's tilt her over to the side all right what do you think I don't know it's uh not the best work I've done to be honest with you but gets the job done I guess so [Music] I think wire I'd like to have that text box all right let's move this down okay all right title uh what the hell did I say the title was of this thing Space Explorers Intergalactic Adventure Galactic I think I spelled Galactic wrong let's see okay let me let me double check my spelling here Bass explorers and intergalactic measure come on you're not gonna freaking answer galactic there we go back go live take and then enter go lock tick okay I got it right all right let's go back over to the cover subtitle done subtitle oh come on I don't want you to don't feel like come on give me something good all right Space Explorers let's fill this with all right what do you think I don't know what do you think white or should we keep it with the blue you know I think the blue eye kind of works you know so that means we need to stroke pick the stroke color blue what do you think yeah it's all right again not my best work but it's it'll have to do but then I think down here let's just go Blue no stroke foreign [Music] there we go you know what maybe I'll just do same up here no stroke let's fill it in blue keep it simple yeah I think that looks cleaner let's let's do that so no stroke filling in blue what do you think not too shabby huh let's go ahead and clean that up all right now I need a summary um you know what I'm gonna go over chat GPT or you got chat GPT come on chat half hour I got a half hour Kyle I'll work to do all right right uh children's book summary for a story about uh about children about group of Space Explorers who travel the Galaxy learning about um space or about science Stars and space there you go all right come on jappy chat GPT don't fail me come on give me something good here oh come on why are you taking so long I mean ever since this system became popular it's been taken so much longer than usual all right all right a little wordy I'm gonna cut out a whole bunch of that but let's just copy that over to Microsoft Word scroll down to the bottom here all right once upon a time let's see oh like once upon a time let's see children ages uh for two eight will love this story about a group of Space Explorers who embark on a journey to explore the Galaxy they travel in their spaceship visiting different plants and learning about the Sciences science of space along the way all right let's cut this down along the way they made make many discoveries and have many exciting Adventures this is a story of their journey and the amazing things they learned amazing things they see in the vast and Mysterious Universe as of the best maybe not but you know I can edit it later all right key is I got 25 minutes to publish this thing so I'm gonna hit my text box over here copy paste it looks good Bada Boom Bada Bing all righty that's it cover is done um covers done Interiors done so now all I need to do is hit file let's see up uh file save this joint file let's export this guy as a PDF so go over to my print files robot in space paperback cover version one PDF save and I want this to export as a a single spread I got my bleeds using document bleeds set up all right I think this looks good we'll see we'll see all right that so that's going that came out pretty quick back to InDesign back to the interior this looks good let's go ahead and do the same thing for this guy so I want to export as PDF make sure I'm in my right folder robots in space print files robots in space paperback interior version one save and I want individual pages I want all um marks and bleeds using document settings there's good I got PDF 2000 selected all right hit export thank you all right let's see let's see and this this little circle thing means that it's working I think it's going good all right bet let's let's view this uh two page view so here we go let's scroll through these things looking good looking good looking good all right all righty all right pretty good pretty good all right we got 22 minutes to finish this joint oh close all right next up I'm gonna go over to my identifiers.com login all right so here these are all my isbns I you know I pay for a pack of 10 a few years ago when I started publishing um here are some of my other books but I have um I have a few of those isbns still open so I'm going to assign a title 20 minutes all right and then start putting in the information so book title is space what's the name of the book I'm telling you I've never done anything this fast before um Space Explorers an Intergalactic Adventure all right Space Explorers you know what I should make sure that no one actually has a book title in that name so you know what I'm going to do let's go in into Google and just double check Space Explorers and [Music] intergalactic Adventure all right no results found I think that is a pretty good indication that yeah you know space Rotten Tomatoes I think we're good I don't think anyone else has this book title so I think we're good I think we're good there Space Explorers and enter galactic Adventure describe your book let's go back and uh come on no open recent come on you just I just had you open or where oh it's in the word here we go there there's a description right there that chat GPT wrote for us describe your book all right children blah blah will love this all right medium this is a print book it is a paperback um genre um this is children's fiction second genre um let's do um comics and graphic novels all right contributors all right individual me of course Robert Solano the one and only let me uh pull my bio from a book I'm gonna scroll to the end here or I keep my bio in the book and just copy and paste this joint come on you make a copy paste 20 minutes actually 19 minutes I can do it why the did you I don't mind that I'm cursing as I as I write a children's book I don't know why it uh it didn't copy with line breaks correctly but let's just go and fix that again I may I'll probably go back and clean this up but I really want to show how you can illustrate write and publish a book all within a manner of just you know a one day you know I got all this artificial intelligence as my uh illustrator you know author for that matter I'll give I'll give it I'll give it all right all right that's it price um publication date today January 18th 2023 title status it's going to be active here in 20 minutes target audience is uh juvenile a dollar amount um how much am I going to sell this junk for we'll say 15. it's probably going to be less than that but we'll just say 15 for right now all right record has been saved but here's my ISBN um I'm going to copy this and actually what I forgot is that has to go into my copyright page here so I need to paste this joint there change the publication date to today 15 2023 everything else looks good all right now I need to save and Export this again let's close out or robots in space interior place that file I got Pages export okay cutting it close all right I'm going to copy this book description because I'm going to paste that into Amazon here in a minute all right next I'm going over to Amazon KDP login foreign I can do this create a new title or series create this is a paperback it's English Space Explorers and Intergalactic and Adventure thank you there we go primary author that's myself the one the only Robert Solano contributors [Music] illustri let's do illustrator last name mid Journey at another author last name chat GPT let's add another [Music] um contributions by all right book description copy and paste that book description again I I know I need to add more but this is iteration one uh you know showing how it's done pasted that in I I do own the copyright and necessary publishing rights keywords all right children's book row space artificial intelligence robots latinx um and let's uh hash Astro not uh let's let's do uh um African American there we go #black lives matter all right choose categories um this is I think this is juvenile fiction I always like they always hide the children's category in like some place that you can't find it like why can't you just like give me a category for a children's book oh come on dude I'm trying to always do that I'll just do so you can there's a way you can email um you can email Amazon to change these categories later it only lets you pick three now but if you email them you can like update it later um you know I'm just gonna put I'm just gonna leave it for these two for right now because I I know I'm going to email them and update them more um I don't click any of that does this book contain language inappropriate for children no it's actually four children all right we got 12 minutes I'm gonna use my own ISBN that's I think I cop when I copy and pasted that ISBN here we go from Barker copy that ISBN over in print so imprint is my Publishing Company who owns the ISBN so on the publishing set publication date is today I think I could Ariel today um now so we want premium color interior on white paper we want seven and a half times nine point two five we want bleed we want glossy now let's upload the manuscript 10 minutes publishing a box in space print files interior open that so this sometimes takes a few minutes as long as there's no errors I think we'll be good if there's errors though we may just just miss just miss it all right launch uh no idea upload I'll upload our own cover upload our cover file is this PDF I'm so surprised I was able to do this let's launched a preview come on fingers crossed fingers crossed no errors no errors all right as this is uploading you know this process can take like five minutes which makes me a little nervous is only have 10 minutes to hit submit you know I just want to say that I think this technology is amazing the you know the book is is not the best honestly this is my third children's book I think my first one which is zandango the Taino Warrior was a much better quality product the story was more detailed the illustrations flowed with each other um but that that process took me almost six months it took me three thousand dollars to hire an illustrator it was a big movement to make that book happen and it's in its amazing book I you know I love it when I read that book to my daughter on the day she was born I cried being able to give her such an amazing gift about our Taino heritage this isn't that right but still it's pretty good I mean to do this in literally eight hours to to write illustrate and publish a book is a phenomenal accomplishment that our society has never been able to do before if you have ever thought about writing a book a real book a children's book you know a long novel short novel anything you have artificial intelligence tools at your fingertips to to help you do that and you know now is the time I think over this over this next few months and year we are going to see the self-publishing marketplace flooded with books written and illustrated by artificial intelligence and for me I want to be ahead of that curve right like I I want to publish 20 books in the next two months um before everyone else realizes how how easy this is all right check this out this is good good news because on the right hand side here no freaking errors if there were errors it'd be on the right hand side but quality check looks good I'm going to click through click through these pages kind of checking it out man this this looks legit dude eight hours eight hours and I published I'm about to publish a freaking children's book from start to freaking finish I mean this is amazing to think about that I was able to do this and so are you and I hope that this video inspired you images look good text looks good so this is my other book zandunga Italian award this is the one I was telling you about this is beautiful illustrated book available on Amazon I think it has like 55 star reviews illustrated by hand no artificial intelligence went into this story original story inspired by my wife if you were of Caribbean descent or origin if you have any amount of Taino you know Dominican Puerto Rican Haitian Cuban Trinidad and Tobago all all of you my West Indian people you need to cop this book to learn about your Taino Heritage pre-columbus so that's a shout out for that it this all looks great I'm gonna hit approve and takes me back to this page everything looks good you can see it costs 3.65 cents for Amazon to print hit save and continue I want this distributed in all territories the marketplace is amazon.com let me slide my photo over all right so now I need to pick the price um well let's what happens when I do nine dollars so nine bucks gives me a dollar 75 in royalty um be a little maybe I'll be a little greedy do 9.95 yeah that gives me two but I wonder if I do eight buck so you know what I'm just going to do 10. now we'll do nine we'll do nine we'll keep it under nine bucks sorry I'm just trying to figure out you know how much we'll do 9.95 which means I get two dollars royalty per book not a lot but hey it's something um you know what no one ever buys my book from overseas so I'm just going to keep that all at that this the prices it recommends so it may take 72 hours for the book to become available for purchase you know usually I usually get notified like the within 24 hours that it's approved and then uh usually 24 hours after that you can go on Amazon and buy it so with that is 416. I started this joint at 8 20 this morning it's been seven hours and 56 minutes and I am publishing my book written and Illustrated with the help of artificial intelligence all within less than eight hours how freaking amazing is that if you're watching this on YouTube you know head over to Amazon check it out buy a copy I love your feedback and of course leave a five-star review um as a self-published author five star reviews are huge they go a long way so you know please leave a five star review I really appreciate your support if you are illustrator you know please don't be butt hurt um I think there's still a huge market for illustrators and if if nothing else I think illustrators who are going to be able to use artificial intelligence to improve their illustration game are really going to be the ones that succeed in the in the coming years you know those illustrators that are like refuse to use artificial intelligence you know you're going to get left behind in the dust and that's just I'm sorry I mean that's that's like you know if you're still illustrating with with pen and pencil and you're not on Photoshop these days there's just not a lot of work for you right now yes that's still an art writing with pen and pencil and drawing images with paint and stuff like that but but to be like a competitive illustrator these days you really need to be using like Photoshop or tools like that and I think that in the future we're going to see the same thing to be competitive in this space you need to be able to incorporate artificial intelligence into your into your uh repertoire all right thank you everybody it's been real peace
Channel: Robert Solano
Views: 5,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: E5N_tra-xeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 157min 39sec (9459 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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