I Spent 10 Hours Learning Wrecking Ball To See If He's The Hardest Tank in Overwatch 2

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so I decided I wanted to learn a hero I've never played and I made the mistake of letting my community decide who that should be well like any streamers Community they wanted to watch me experience pain and misery and so they picked a wrecking ball a hero had literally never ever played before and this was back in season 2 before he was buffed and when everyone considered him the worst tank in OverWatch 2. and on top of that the most difficult so I decided to take up the challenge and see for myself if wrecking ball really was the hardest tank in OverWatch 2. first hurdled overcome was my inner demons see the thing about wrecking ball is that he has very unique mechanics compared to the other tanks the grapple angles and the way he rolls around means that you really have to learn his movement through trial and error and there sure were a lot of Errors oh God okay no there's no way that's how I went Bonker ah why so hard why why am I missing right from the go I realized that getting value from this hero pick was not going to be easy and I would need some time no why is it so tough foreign things wait let's let's practice come on no yes almost okay fish he took a handful of games but I was finally starting to get the hang of wrecking ball I was actually consistently getting the grapples right and I was even pulling off that pal driver attack where you roll off an edge and then you quickly 180 to pile drive on the spot where you were just at I was actually starting to be a real menace to opponents let's go is it gonna pop up oh my God we're balling rolling through disrupting and annoying them like every wrecking ball that I had ever hated playing up against but that's when I faced my first real challenge Sombra players yo look at that I sourced the Sombra switch yo chat my first ever counter pick force on ball if that isn't we need to kill the ball I don't know what is see Sombra is one of the easiest ways to count a wrecking ball who is a hero who is entirely based around momentum and movement if I'm rolling through the enemy team and I get hacked and I lose my speed I'm gonna struggle to make it out alive and all the Sombra player has to do is wait for me and just hack me over and over and over I got loads of HP I can tank this actually bro bro wait wait wait maybe I'm okay no I'm hacked again [Music] but where my mechanics were weak my game knowledge and adaptability would make up for it I decided to turn the hunter Into The Hunted I gotta look for that Sombra for that Sombra die Sombra gamer how I'm gonna get that Lucio like this Go away You're so lame you're so unbelievably lame I hope you die in these mines yes vengeance oh no point not three what a God what a God oh I dodged that Spin to Win spin the win that summer could die maybe got her oh my God 0.03 God no point not three God get down I get the honor get the honor oh my God what a game die Reinhardt what a game after successfully defeating the threat of the Sombra gamer I was finally starting to feel pretty good about myself I thought I could overcome anything but there was one thing that I didn't account for internal sabotage as I started to win and climb up the ranks a little bit my teammates started getting a lot more loud and a lot more toxic and you know what they really didn't like wrecking ball players on defense can we not have ball gonna be hard or like not ball at all even at just a hero selection screen the minute I picked wrecking ball people would tell me to switch some of them immediately would call Gigi and others said that they would throw the game if I continued to play Wrecking Ball guys I just picked ball and the guy says GG I troll I'm gonna show you I'm gonna show you I pick ball the guy just goes GGI troll in chat and that was just the hero select God forbid we lose a fight or two people would ask for me to be reported or just yell at me for not playing whatever hero they thought I should be playing they'd be making a million mistakes but somehow the loss would always entirely be my fault fake reset my grapple is so annoying please bro this guy's literally AFK typical pickleball matched class bro and it started to weigh on me I was even being told to kill myself just for playing wrecking ball why were people so mad over a video game I kind of want to stop the payload so they don't get the forward spawn oh my goodness got him I actually I actually rolled chat I actually balled I'm actually Bowling there you go Chad the tank PLS bro why I got told to hang myself IRL I just popped off what the I sympathize with the Ballers now all the Ballers out there like they just if you're just balls they just they just like GG can't be one I was playing worse under the pressure and not having a good time so I decided it was time to call in the big guns my friend Gil is one of the world's best tank players in a wrecking ball specialist he's written the best guide content on wrecking ball out there and I highly recommend you go check it out but I was in the fortunate position of being able to go one step further I asked edel himself to come coach me live and the following day he did so for about an hour you'll watch me play and coach me through games live and it was an eye-opener the tips he gave me completely changed the way I saw Wrecking Ball the way I like to simplify it I don't know if you've ever ever heard of this but I like to simplify it with the three s's which is your scout then you set up and then you strike that's like literally what you do on ball all the time every time no matter what the problem most players have is they Scout or they might not Scout they just go for the strike so you really want to make sure you go for the setup phase and the setup phase is usually going from the sides getting behind really seeing where they're at and then go in you never want to be running it down mid having spent a lot of time on Reinhard and Winston I was trying to play Wrecking Ball like a traditional tank getting right up in the face of opponents and trying to block stuff from my team but yito showed me that was all wrong essentially I needed to play like a big Tracer not a round tank you'll want to really make sure that you're going the path that the enemy team's not gonna go off the rip you always want to be behind them is the is the gist of it just right so yeah engage like a flanker almost where you're just always coming from like an angle that designs in their Vision exactly you're you're a big Tracer but you're faster so you don't have to like feel bad about oh I'm a tank and I'm taking this long rotation you're the fastest hero in the game don't worry about it essentially I needed to be more patient with ball and make sure I was watching exactly where the enemy is before I make my move and like a cheetah hunting in the savannah I needed to look for the weak and the lame stragglers left behind yep wipe the mega here he comes you got him you got him go for the other healer now he taught me that as wrecking ball I needed to play like a flanking hero always approaching from the side rather than an angle where my opponents could see me coming and he also taught me about the all-important scoop and poop I don't know if you uh know about but whenever you're taking like a 1v1 or going for an engagement the most optimal way to go about doing it is uh the scoop and poop where you where you grapple vertically so you can grapple like up and then you you hit him with a roll and then you hit him with a pile drive you know what I mean I'm gonna try give it a try right here so like you'd be running her over and then you hit her with a pile Drive so I just need to get air yeah yeah you want to get air that way you get the pile drive but it's in a straight line at him yeah yeah like that there you go okay Shield let's be good yeah you got Shields oh you can go yeah yeah that was good that was perfect textbook scooping poop right there with edel guiding me I felt way more in control my engagements were getting good and I was literally rolling through teams so whenever the downtime happens um don't count on your healers to heal you especially in Gold they're just not going to heal you for some reason so grab the megas as often as possible do I go here um yeah yeah go for it you almost got mines you can pop them too it's gonna be huge I don't think I don't know yeah I'm glad you did it I I couldn't uh I couldn't say it but yeah you got it you got it you got it all right all right so real quick I'm gonna quiz you where are you going on this map how you passing I think I might go top right actually and go from all the way around back from the docks knock them off and go from there so you can go the close right to The High Ground but usually a tracer will Mark you there so my thing is I always go through the doorway to the mega you know what I'm talking about okay yeah across from that door yeah yeah you get me and then you can swipe the mega from here and then boom now you're behind them like when you grapple and you find grapple like really far and high like mid mid you know it depends what I'm trying to do like if I'm going for a Minefield I'm always going really high but if I'm just going for a really quick like roll through to finish someone it's gonna be a low grapple what about like a poop scoop you're looking like mid-range I look high I'll look high yeah and then it came time to say goodbye to my Sensei and brave the world of the baller on my own now armed with my newfound knowledge yeah I don't I don't think you need me anymore I think yeah I think you're getting it together Sensei have I do have I passed the training you passed but little did I know that soon after you leaving and the training wheels coming off I was about to face my greatest challenge yet a challenge I had to fight on my own my journey was about to come to an end and it all happened here this game on circuit Royale this was a map I'd never played wrecking ball on so I had no idea how I should engage or where to approach from the first defense was an unmitigated disaster my teammates lost one fight and immediately began to blame me with my DPS saying he was gonna sit AFK and spawn because apparently me playing wrecking ball was essentially doing the same thing Diamond scope they were texting their way trash ball what do you mean I was dominating what do you mean trash ball let's go AFK bro the enemy pushed us all the way and as we switched over to attack I expected to get flamed even more but then like an angel from above a beam of light emerged my Mercy player surprising 24 is not bad optimism wow optimism from the team I mean my shitty toxic DPS was still flaming me saying he didn't care if he lost the game or not and frankly I kind of wanted him to lose as well but I didn't want this hopeful Mercy player to lose faith I didn't want to create another victim to the horrific comp mindset so I told them I was gonna win this game for our Mercy inspired I entered the Matrix everything clicked and I played the best wrecking ball of my life taking in Needles teachings and finding my own way to be a baller I dominated and we pushed all the way so much so so I started making people on the other team mad while you're sleeping air they're they're honestly I mean we why is everyone so toxic to just one damn little hamster I'm just a hamster I go on a wheel I spin I eat why that was so mad I was just trying to play the game the enemyana player all of a sudden started trying to trash talk me in Mad chat I made everyone mad in this Lobby which is I guess successful ball gaming despite the haters despite the Sombra Gamers I've been coached by yield like under 3s is ready to go Scout set up strike he's still mad he's still flaming me and you know what happened they were so busy typing that when the next round started they were late coming out of Spawn and guess who I found all on their own for a free pick blaming himself wait what what the hell yo I got the freest pick yo that's the guy who's flaming me that's so bad the guy was blaming me got him he was so busy flaming me he didn't come out of Spawn quickly enough and he died I have never seen a more clear demonstration of karma from there we were Unstoppable we pushed all the way again oh my God [Music] the mines are still going hard [Music] matter of holding on one more time I'm trying to get the fashion here no you got Nano Mariana whip sleep it's gonna be absolutely I gotta go kill Diana might just lose yes Mercy yes yes Mercy yes yes we're doing it [Music] this was truly the most satisfying win I learned played well and most importantly shut up all the trash Talkers in the game and having defeated the trash talkers I knew now my iron Mendel had been secured I was ready to Dawn the metal sphere of the baller is he the hardest tank in Awards too well mechanically certainly and he's so different to the tanks that he takes a lot of learning but he sure is a lot of fun and really rewarding so I'm glad I played him out and I knew at that point I had truly learned what it meant to be a wrecking baller and that's all I got for today guys I hope you enjoyed this really different style of video for me and if you do like more story based narrated gameplay then make sure to like and leave a comment to tell me what kind of stuff you want to see in the future as always I want to give a big shout out to my patrons who do the awesome job of supporting me and if you'd like to support me directly as well then there's a link to that in the video description along with a bunch of other things I'd love for you to check out like my live stream where you can come join me for Adventures like these live or you can check out my second channel the svb side on YouTube where the highlights go but that's it for today I'll be back before you know it with another video see you guys soon
Channel: SVB
Views: 438,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overwatch, SVB, OW, Top 500, GM, Guide
Id: ddIs2Vk42bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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