Wraith (1080p) FULL MOVIE - Thriller, Haunted House, Paranormal

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the wind blows wherever it wants you can hear it but cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going just as you cannot explain how people are born of the spirit [Music] just because you wouldn't let me drive doesn't mean you can't open the doors congratulations you passed the key let me see are you kidding me gross [Music] [Music] hey did you hear that what i heard something like what how's she here like lucy but not lucy maybe i didn't hear anything that's a dream yeah yeah maybe no i don't think so [Music] [Music] i don't want to die it's not time for me to die you gotta be kidding me [Music] hey mom dad [Music] i told you i was going through some hard times in business the rough patch mom has a job we don't have to move i love the thought sweetie but being a writer doesn't mean i have a job unless somebody buys my writing it's kind of like putting the for sale sign out front i mean it doesn't mean anything sold until somebody wants to buy it we're just keeping our options open this is where we live you can't sell for that reason alone well someone would have to make a really good offer before we'd even consider saying yes now the people who built this house back in 1800 something they built it for themselves they never planned on anybody else living here what's that supposed to mean well this house it's it's not meant for anyone in particular and we'll be here for a short while just like the people before us and we certainly won't be the last ones to live here not the way this place is made you don't get it this is my home i live here uh you know when we first moved here i thought of living in an old house with an historical vibe it was great but the maintenance is never ending the taxes are killing us i mean people are always outside like it's some sort of tourist attraction what maintenance the plumbing i mean the pipes are ancient the roof the yard grass just keeps growing and growing whether somebody cuts it or not dad doesn't have a job he can cut it plus winter's coming stuff stops growing problem solved the house is a bit big for a family of three i think it's time to let somebody else live here you already made up your minds i hate you guys we've talked about this time and time again i know just give her some time um [Music] [Music] [Music] oh really great now [Music] happy birthday to you happy birthday lucy happy birthday to you all right happy birthday sweetie make a wish all right well wow what oh my goodness i forgot the gifts oh no yeah mom maybe next year hon dad so not cool [Laughter] you know i think i might have seen a few things in the living room did you see oh maybe some sparkles and bows come on all right let's go come on squirt give us some credit you know how special birthdays are around here all right okay yeah grab a few ah how about this one first so what'd you wish for i can't tell you ah what can't tell us or won't tell us yeah it's kind of weird okay well happy birthday anyway [Music] hello somebody there oh man no kidding oh i mean how'd that happen the usual way or the party night yeah i think our little after party oh you sure i mean as much as i can trust the little p-sticks i'm gonna go see dr green for a follow-up next week hey all right well let's assume it's for real what then then [Music] it would be ridiculous i mean right [Music] [Music] i'll be home a little early tonight jack simmons is coming over for a quick drink jack really what's that about i was thinking about teaming up talking about a new startup isn't he sort of the boy who cried wolf at this point oh can't argue that he made the right call in that pharmaceutical startup yeah but that was then wasn't it hey sweetie you want to go out to dinner tonight do you see me you know jack still has some of his family money along with my reputation i think we can get even more investment what's the concern i don't mean to put the kibosh on anything but i just um i don't always feel comfortable around jack and my dad partnered up with a guy one time who was not to say the least his style but uh you know sometimes it takes all types to get it done right i suppose this house is haunted how so last night in my room i just felt i wasn't alone well are you sure your ipad was turned off knew i could count on you mom you know the house is over 100 years old squeaks and giraffes kind of comes with the territory sure there's nothing to worry about and you know spirits and ghosts you know all that's bs right don't tell me a house like this doesn't have at least one ghost well when we bought the house the ghost box wasn't checked what if this is a new ghost how can a ghost be new like you're an expert at anything lucy okay dennis what is going on here adam and he's like well this isn't a beginner workout you're essentially a beginner right now other documents it's time to clean house and smart woman what to keep what to toss someone in our community will win a new furniture [Applause] oh [Music] sorry buddy there you go buddy boy i'm so sorry hmm honey where you get that yeah who was that probably jack wow look at you you are growing up what grade are you in now eighth eighth grade well that is a great grade to be mm-hmm ah hey dennis will you take a look at little missy here huh yeah that's my daughter mm-hmm let's go to my study all right i was just telling you little girl how she's all grown up right before our very eyes you must be a very proud papa scotch uh no no i'm uh on the wagon for the moment [Music] can i have a glass of milk please and i'll have a savage blanc oh wait i'm sorry um can i get a can i get a sparkling water with lime instead thank you don't tell me not another diet no just being careful no way you're not gonna tell me what woman don't drink one there gross you did it with dad lucy come on how else do you think that would work seriously how we'll talk about it later no i took biology you get pregnant which means you're gonna have a baby well not necessarily i mean for the time being at least women can still kind of make up their mind about that kind of thing oh did you have to make the same decision before you had me no honey no of course not oh thank you thank you thanks a lot anyway this is just a hypothetical discussion so just for fun how would you feel about having a a baby brother or sister strange not sure it could be kind of cool actually yeah you wouldn't wouldn't feel weird about being 14 and having a baby sister is it a girl hey not so fast i never said i was pregnant it's just a just a hypothetical discussion i know you're here you ever felt alone so alone that no one even knows you're alive [Music] [Music] there's something in my room at night like what not sure something didn't make any noise no it's just there you know when i was your age i was doing drugs are you doing drugs dentist like i can afford drugs on my allowance then how do you explain this hmm that's a picture of your arm yeah but i didn't take it i'm sure there's an explanation you've heard of a butt dial that's a butt photo funny daddy mama oh uh uh [Music] [Music] [Music] can i help you with something hi hi i'm mary squire i'm one of the librarians here are you looking for something specific or just browsing around i was actually trying to find a little history on some of the houses around here i live just up the street here on wisconsin avenue uh no i'm on forest oh which house the address no which house the babcock house the hawks house kimberly gilbert shattuck buchanan right i'm in the clarkson house okay around here it's better than an address it's how we keep track of things so what would you like to know i don't know i was just wondering about who lived there before us you know what were they like well i think you're gonna love this room this is where we keep all the files on the historic homes [Music] [Music] look at this ah yeah alexander clarkson he patented a paper making process and then used it to mint money that's a joke the u.s mint used his paper to make dollar bills paper currency and you know by the look of this picture maybe they were heading to easter services [Music] i want to know more about them well you're welcome to look at anything it's as much your history as anyone's maybe more [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody hold still please the flowers look beautiful mr stein thank you for all your hard work danka may you have very joyous easter we hope you have a good passover [Music] [Music] so he was literally making money by by making money maybe we should start prying up the floorboards to see if we left anything anyway there's more and i don't know the cause for it yet but there is some sort of some sort of sadness here like a melancholy a spirit bam told ya maybe he'd like to split the mortgage with us stein their last name was stein who uh they're servants they're clarkson's and where did you see this uh i can't say i've been all through this i couldn't find any record of the clark since domestic help i mean the servant family would have lived with them but not necessarily put down the same roots they were kind of more in the shadows and those records if there even are any would be really hard to come by if not impossible i mean there's got to be something what about citizenship voting registration uh school enrollment these people lived over a hundred years ago i mean long before google and and even if they had any children there's the possibility that they're uh they were homeschooled in their native tongue while the sheets were out drying on the line it has to be something there's a there's a father a mother and a girl about 12. and you're basing your conclusions on hey there has to be a record of them coming into the country what about a ship's manifest from i don't know somewhere in the 1800s okay i have to admit i'm a little surprised i mean most people are concerned with the the prominent families the captains of industry and their money and your fascination is with the help she might still be there [Music] in my house she the girl [Music] it sounds like maybe you've met rebecca you know is that her name just as every house has its storied past many of them allegedly have their resident ghosts in fact it was once said that lady smith was in such competition with mrs kimberly that she boasted of having a second ghost yours is rebecca do you know anything else about her well you're not gonna find it here i'll tell you that oh so what's next how far do you want to take this [Music] i don't know i just somehow this feels important to me to my family she just seems familiar [Music] why does any ghost remain [Music] an emotional attachment to the place unfinished business a yearning a longing why don't you ask her [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello are you there are you trapped or something hey lucy what's up honey there's a scratching in my bedroom dad you're on sort of in that area yeah i think it's in the wall maybe downstairs come on squirt let's check it out seen the flashlight alright i don't know it's got to be around here somewhere well it's probably a road of some sort maybe a rat i'll call an exterminator tomorrow [Applause] lady [Music] sound asleep what was that this is getting weirder by the second hmm you didn't invite any of your friends over did you dad it's a school night i think it's coming from the attic ah why don't we check this out tomorrow really all right let's see what it is i haven't been up here in ages remember dad you said ghosts for bs yeah i did didn't i oh my i get this hello where are you wow you really think someone's in here i'll be stairway did you know about the stairway i thought i explored every inch of this house oh i guess it's a servant's stairway probably goes down to the kitchen or somewhere else on the first floor you feel a light switch you know this house may have been built before electricity okay you stay here i'm gonna go to the first floor and see where this comes out when i knock on the walls when i get close let me know uh okay dad i'm low on power i'm going to run out of power dad dad where are you dad dad where are you dad please get me out of here damn dad there's someone here okay i got you baby you okay no you keep asking that oh sweetie i'm sorry i left you you know what why don't we just go back to sleep we can explore more in the morning all right we've checked every part of the house mystery solved ah there's something stuck here in the downspout well like i said i'll call the exterminator tomorrow and they'll come out and get it out end of problem will they kill it well whatever it is is trapped so if it gets out it'll probably just come back and get trapped again so yes to answer your question we'll probably put it to sleep all right come on all right you took out your phone call your mom tell her to come open the door my battery's dead remember oh boy now what the heck if i'm gonna take out the ladder to wake up your mom might as well rescue a rat all right you got it yeah hold that all right you're in there come on go higher all right you got the ladder i don't know about this thing you hold it come on get out of there higher come on man come on you rat get out watch out dad watch out oh dad you're my hero if you are done for the evening can we get back inside please come on lucy oh what now lucy what what is it [Music] you haven't seen this before [Music] it'll only be a few days back before you know it can't you just do a skype meeting with these guys you know how that goes i go in person it puts me ahead of everyone else who doesn't it's just not a good time there's never a good time when are you gonna be back well we have no idea why well there are just some decisions that need to be made dennis well i need to get something going either this offer something with jack i mean the consulting business just isn't what it used to be at least not in the paper industry [Music] hello [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] hey lucy it's uncle jack come on it's nasty weather out there jump in i'm heading your direction don't talk to that man come on that's okay i'm almost home come on get in do not get in that car come on get in i'll give you a lift right to your front door there you go you want a little help with your seatbelt no thank you look at you you are absolutely soaked it's raining i bet you can't wait to get out of those wet clothes and into a nice hot shower huh mr simmons i'm not really comfortable with the conversation we're having oh i'm sorry little girl i was just making nice nice hey mr simmons i think you missed the turn to my house mr simmons please call me jack you missed the turn of my house it was back there i know i did i thought you'd like to take a little bit more of a ride dry off now you shut up and listen to me and do exactly as i tell you to do and you'll be home in time for dinner with your mummy when my dad hears about this your dad is not in let me town of here right now shut up [Music] so set you loose yeah i'm sorry i didn't come and get you i got a little busy with this sounded like it was really pouring for a while guess i'm a bad mom i'm gonna go take a shower sounds like a good idea i'll get dinner going when is dad gonna be home uh tomorrow uh he mentioned that he's got another meeting with jack uh you know mr simmons there's a chance we might get to keep the house i don't think that's gonna happen what big nothing yeah i'm gonna take her to dr ellen tomorrow just as a precaution i just can't believe he would try something like that unbelievable i'm going to the police no no no don't i they don't need to know anything more right now i wish i was there okay i'm sorry you're dealing with this i love you i love you too okay bye goodbye come here sweetheart i would die if anything ever happened to you i love you you sleep well okay so it's you how did you know he was a bad man didn't you then why did you get in the car i was cold and i thought because he knew my dad it was okay did you kill that man no but he would have killed you who are you then i want to be your sister um who are you i want to live leave me alone [Music] i think you need to see this guy i'm not one to say that nina library has met its match but in your case i think maybe it has he's the real deal retired now if a person in his profession can ever actually retire how do you know him he tried to help me recently i hope he can help you thank you excuse me excuse me hello hello hi um i'm sorry the there wasn't a receptionist out front so i just let myself in oh she's probably out getting coffee i can cut you oh no i'm fine cream sugar that'd be great elsa add a cappuccino to that order please thank you robert ehrlich father hillard uh katie lukins katie lukens i haven't heard that name before there's a list continually updated of every name in our parish i pray for them all daily you pray for hundreds of people every day thousands those that have not yet taken the first breath and those are about to take their last what parish do you belong to oh we don't another faith community no not at the moment well please oh have a seat thank you what can i do for you mrs lukens how did you know i was married well when i asked you what parish you belonged to you said we don't which means a family unit am i right um my husband's name is dennis and we we weren't really raised in any kind of religious tradition uh we have a daughter lucy she's 14. other children no so why are you here katie i'm not sure we were doing research on our house it's about 125 years old and we were just wondering about the former occupants because see someone got through our elaborate security elsa this is katie lukens pleased to meet you mrs lukens likewise thank you thank you so much squire the librarian uh she said that you might be a good source to talk to about this lovely lady i only met her once i have no idea what you meant it's embarrassing but we think that there could be something in our house like a spirit a spirit do you feel any danger in your house any for you and your family yes mrs lucan please understand i'm here to serve you what is it you're not telling me i'm sorry father i i if there is something in your house to put it frankly there has to be a void for it to be there avoid a vacuum an emptiness what do you think might be lacking father something that can give you protection for you and your family uh okay so when something is hungry or or trapped you become alarmed why are you trapped are you [Music] are you threatened in some way how's it going i'm pregnant remember how was your trip same old routine times are tight we'll get back to you the everyone wants to hire a consultant but no one wants to pay for one so where are you with this where are you you left me here to deal with this by myself i wanted to respect whatever decision you make i don't even know if there's a decision to make what's that mean i just feel so alone in this in this house there is something here dennis or someone here in this house lucy was right katie you're gonna let some cloud your judgment just like part of being pregnant or something this is not my hormones talking this is real okay can we even do this now financially money you know what i'll take care of it i'll take care of it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how are you what's going on here daddy [Music] [Music] so i'd say you're about nine weeks along first trimester um do you think there'll be any complications not this early it's a perfectly safe procedure no harm or risk whatsoever may a schedule for next week [Music] yes [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hello i found them who the steins the clarkson's servants you were right their name is stein and what about their daughter they had no daughter they were childless are you sure back then families were always buried together especially if a child died prematurely then then who is rebecca she may not exist she may never have existed how does it feel feel being alive it can be a pain sometimes but not all the time maybe not all the time but lately most of the time if i can touch you someday and you can feel it will you know it's me are you here then i want to be here i need to be here this is my home okay but why i want to live lucy yes something bad is going to happen [Music] [Music] [Music] how are you kitty you were visited again yes and contact was mad yes it spoke to me it said a word was um molech i think or malak do you know what that means i can't say that word or no this is too sacred a place and that name too profan although you may find an image it'll only be a mere representation of mullet also known as molok in a host of other blasphemous variations molly is the name of an ancient ammonite god he appears in the book of deuteronomy and then once again in the book of leviticus there is a valley gehenna by jerusalem or apostate israelites and followers of various false gods including wallet sacrifice their children by i fire them they threw their newborn children into fire while it demanded how could they do that why would they do that the pagan woe was cool they wanted success security prosperity but if their fortune was at risk on the seas and their ship came in a child was a gift of gratitude if they had a great misfortune the child was the price was there weeping i'm sure there was but why children who what does this demigod want with children molok mocks god by desiring what is god's not his i'm not saying that god hates one thing more than another but the innocent blood of a child is a de facto sacrifice to malik out of our arrogance it seems that we have control but god is the author of all life he owns life itself the question is katie what do you think it means i think your daughter is in danger mortal danger [Music] i must go now where are you going away why moloch what's that destroyer of life and it's coming here right here hey wait a minute why is mohawk coming he was invited [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] what's this is the priest i was telling you about i see come in please and you too katie you welcome me here yes yes you are thank you this house has never been blessed michael in the archangel defend us in battle beyond protection are you going to bless the house now father it's too late for that can we do something no just stay here a smoke has driven away so they'd be driven away as wax melts before fire the wicked will perish in the presence of god ah lucy may you be protected from all unclean spirits satanic powers and wicked legions and assemblies and the strength and power of our lord jesus christ amen by the holy authority of our ministry we confidently undertake to reject the attacks under the seat of satan dennis and katie lukens in nominee patrifini spiritual site ah there you are beast [Music] there are some ripples about three dominance uh oh meet again you who are called desolation blasphemy ugh the owner of our life and the author of our faith has dominion here [Music] [Music] cast into hell satan know the evil spirit it is he who claims the child of katie and dennis lukens [Music] [Music] he was me is greater than he was in the world [Music] [Music] uh and who might you be my little one how are you alive that will be my prayer [Music] what happened it's gone that's it it's it's gone yes at least for now well is there anything i mean it's simple just don't give it what it wants please protect the life in there as long as you do you won't hear from any evil spirits any longer i don't think you know what i mean i do protect lucy we both know what i'm talking about protect all the life in this house by the way it's bad form to lie to a priest should you ever have the good sense to become a catholic i will see you in confession i'll take you home no i can find my way home [Music] [Music] i was watching a spider make its web and it was simply glorious it let out the silk from its body and wove it in such an intricate pattern i was truly amazed at its artistry then a man came along to paint the post and he painted all over everything destroying the spider's web and a spider as well i do not know if he did this by accident or on purpose i watched the poor spider writhing in pain as it suffocated his many legs reaching for something to grasp longing searching for air searching for light it was in its natural habitat and the world came in and destroyed it as this spider died part of me died too tell me why are you here you don't know we were a happy family we weren't perfect but things weren't that bad either but then you showed up i almost remember the day [Music] i'm sure you do so why are you here i'm here to protect your daughters daughters [Music] that's impossible is it you're not the girl in the pinafore dress she never was [Music] may hi hmm how you doing oh i'm good i feel okay i'm at peace with my decision well i don't think there's a whole lot more for me to offer you you should feel free to go in the next few hours and the old days didn't tend to women get to stay for a few days like you said the old days [Music] hi moose she's wrinkly mm-hmm that'll go away and then come back in about 40 years can i hold her of course thank you funny i feel like i know her already like she belongs this is cool can you take a picture sure honey have you chosen a name yet i was thinking about rebecca that is the most lovely name [Music] [Music] okay my turn we'll go to daddy well miracles never cease you know if you believe the old italian proverb then every baby comes with a loaf of bread under its arm fred do you have a loaf of bread should i wait a few weeks before throwing her in the air i think that's a good idea babe all right let's go to mama [Music] great she's officially not more popular than me well you're gonna have to get used to that with a little baby sister around [Music] oh my gosh it's her [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ready you
Channel: Gravitas ADRENALINE | Free Movies
Views: 397,599
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wraith, wraith thriller, wraith movie, wraith film, wraith horror movie, horror thriller, free horror movie, free thriller movie, full thriller movie, Gravitas, Gravitas ADRENALINE, wraith 2017 movie, wraith netflix, wraith full movie, wraith hd horror, full thriller movies, full horror movies, hd thriller movies, hd thriller, 1080p thriller, haunted house movie, haunted house, ghosts, ghost thriller, paranormal thriller, wraith thriller movie hd, super natural
Id: ri3qiSHy574
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 48sec (5988 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 19 2022
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