Children of Darkwood House | British Gothic Horror | Full Movie

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[Rainstorm] {Soft Music} Humming [Lightning strike] Yes Good evening mam. I've locked up all the doors downstairs. Will there be anything else? No thank you Charlotte, That should be all for tonight. Thank you mam. [Baby crying] Children, stay here. Hello? Hello? Where's your brother? Well speak up Amelia where is your brother? I'm scared. I told you both to stay here, did he go downstairs? Right stay here, i'll be straight back. Mama please don't leave me. What's the matter? He scares me. Who? The Nursery Man! Not this again Amelia stay here I'll be right back. Mama! Calm down Amelia you're distressing the baby. Mama please! [Cracking sound] Is everything all right mam? Absolutely Charlotte, go to bed. [Child's laugh] Mam? [Bell rings] It's all right Charlotte. Jonathan? Are you in the cellar? Come out it's filthy down there. [Heavy footsteps] Lord have mercy. What was that noise mam? Mam? Are you trying to? Children? It's too late for these games. [Child's laugh] Jonathan, is that you? Do not defy me Jonathan, i'm in no mood for these games. Jonathan? Amelia? Are you down here? Jonathan? Jonathan stop! [Thunder] Children! CHILDREN! Children please You're scaring me. Please. Oh dear god. CHILDREN! Children. Find my children! [Creepy music] Spirits of the other side we call upon you. Mr Emery is here with us wanting to contact his son Bartholomew. Can you help us contact him? Can you ask him to speak with us? Bartholomew it's father please speak with us. Mr Emery I need you to be quiet. - I need to speak with my boy. My boy needs to hear my voice. A boy needs to hear his father. I understand your pain Mr Emery, but please. Please! Some darkness has entered the room. Let us tighten our grip and pray. Our father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. On earth... Please sit. Sit down. I have heard enough you are a charlatan. Preying on grieving people for your own benefit. You should be ashamed. I am no such thing, who are you? I am Jacob Barker, I work for tanner news and I am exposing charlatans such as you. Well Jacob, if you'd like to kindly leave. Gladly. Well um, i'm sorry but but that will be all for today. If you'd like to leave. What about my boy? I'm sorry Mr Emery, I could not sense him today. Perhaps another time. My boy. My Bartholomew. I need to speak to my boy. I'm sorry. Excuse me, excuse me. Mrs Holloway? I was told to come up and.. I'm sorry my dear but I cannot help anyone today. Please could you return another time? Yes of course. Excuse me could you spare me a moment? I'd just like to ask a few questions for my work. I do not think so. Oh please, it would only take a moment. Please, it would only take a moment. I do not think I could be of any help Miss? Mrs, Mrs Kelly. I work for Dartmoor university. I'm trying to prove the existence of the paranormal. All right. Thank you. May I take your name? Florence Taylor. Mrs Taylor, why are you seeking the help of a person like Mrs Holloway? My children have been missing for three months. But why would Mrs Holloway's help be more beneficial than the local constabulary? Because they've stopped their search for my little darlings, they refuse to look any longer. And do you believe that they are more than just missing? I know they are. I hear them late at night, when the house is at its quietest. From the nursery. I hear the laughter of Jonathan and Emilia, gurgling chuckles from my baby harriet. I run into the nursery expecting to see them in there... if the last three months have been merely a nightmare. But every time nothing. - I open the door to an empty room - That must be so painful It truly is Mrs Kelly. Sometime the children have been scared of the house... ...scared of being left alone in there. At first i thought it was just childish machinations, or some scary story they'd overheard the servants telling. But no. No. The night that they disappeared, Amelia was so scared to be left alone. - Please don't leave me. Scared of him. The Nursery Man. At least that's what they called him. They spoke about him over and over again. They became obsessed with him. I was at the end of my tether. One night when they were particularly irksome, I.. ...I caned their hein. Oh god they must have been so terrified. You're not to know Mrs Taylor, you're not to blame. Listen to me, burdening you with my story. You must think me mad? Not at all. You're a grieving mother looking for answers, and I may be able to help you with that. You could? I do not have the talents of Mrs Holloway. But i have my own way of conducting investigations into matters such as these. I would be forever grateful. We'd need to do an initial investigation to see if I could be of any help. Absolutely, how soon could you come? Would tomorrow be too soon? Not soon enough. Well if you go home, please try and rest and i will be by tomorrow. Thank you. God bless you Mrs Kelly. Mrs Kelly! Oh Mrs Taylor, you gave me quite a turn. I was distracted by your groundsman. I beg your pardon? I must have been mistaken. Is now not a good time? Yes, please come in. Thank you. You have a beautiful home. It is a lonely place since the children's disappearance. What of Mr Taylor? Mrs Taylor? Bernard died a few months back. This was his family home. You'll forgive me Mrs Kelly But it still pains me too much to talk about it, you do understand? I'm so sorry for your loss, please accept my deepest condolences. Please be careful! I can't bear to look at the mirrors. Would you mind if I took a look? Please be quick. Mrs Taylor? The last time we met you mentioned hearing the baby and the older children laughing but Never actually seeing them. Where does that mostly take place? Most occurrences happen in the nursery. I hear most things up there but.. ...I hear things and see things all over this house at its grounds Would you mind if I took a look around? I brought some things with me to aid my investigation. Please feel free, I shall stay here, you do understand? Of course. These should show me which way i should go. If there's someone with me, please can you open the door? If there is anyone with me, please can you open the door? If there is someone here... Children, children was that you? Children if that was you, can you please make your presence known? Thank you, are you safe? Children are you safe? Children I'm not here to hurt you, I'm here to help. Can you talk to me? Come in. - Good evening mother. - Hello Richard. What have you done? Have you hurt yourself? Just a burn. How on earth did you manage that? I was conducting an investigation. Oh, paranormal investigation. - Yes. - Mother. Please do not start Richard. I'm not going to give up my work just because.. ...just because of those bastards. They took advantage of me, I was grieving. You spent all the funds in that department looking for something.. ...that you would never find. I think they took it rather well. A discreet dismissal so you weren't made a fool of. To say they were compassionate was an understatement. You are biased of course Richard as you still work there. Well if you're funding this out of your own pocket I can't stop you. I'm just relieved that you've stopped using Dartmoor... a way of getting your foot in the door. Mother you have not? Yes, yes I am. But she needs my help. I can help her. Mother, you are lying to this woman. You can't help her. You need to tell her the truth. There is something there Richard. Something I can finally publish. Then they will see that I have been working towards something truly truly remarkable. If Datmoor knew that you were using their name for your... ...own personal gain you could get in big trouble. Not to mention I could lose my job. Please Richard just a few days. This is important. Her children are missing. All right but you're wasting your time. You need to stop looking for them. I have said my goodbyes. It's time you did also. I do not know what you mean. There is no here after mother. When we die, that's it. The sooner you realize that, the easier the acceptance will be. [Door closes] My dear Mrs Kelly. I cannot stress enough how desperate I have become since your visit. More so even than at our first meeting. I must beg you to return to the house at your earliest convenience. You will find it unlocked and you may stay as long as you require. I however, must leave this place at once. It is curious, but i feel as though I do not have long left in this world. And I would like some answers before I depart. Sincerely, Mrs Florence Taylor. My name is Marion Kelly and i came here looking for answers. I was last here a week ago. I mean you no harm. I just wish to communicate with you. Is there anybody here who wishes to communicate with me? Jonathan? Amelia? [Sighs] My name is Marion Kelly and i came here looking for answers. Please do not be afraid. I just wish to communicate with you. Is there anyone here who wishes to communicate with me. All right. [Door creaks] All right. [Bell rings] Jonathan? Amelia? Is that you? [Bell rings] Jonathan are you here? Amelia are you here? [Bell rings] [Bell rings] Are you playing? [Multiple bells ring] Are you trying to communicate with me? Ring once for yes and twice for no. Do you not wish to communicate with me anymore? I'm here to help you, not to hurt you. Very well. [CHAIN SNAPPING] Children, would you like to play hide and seek? What if i start counting? Would you play? I could seek. I don't normally like being the seeker. But for you, I could make the exception. Shall i start counting? Will you play? All right. One, two, three, four... ...five, six, seven, eight... ...nine, ten. Ready or not here I come. [Footsteps] [Crash] [Child Crying] Amelia? Was that you? Did you hurt yourself? No! Wait! Must've been a trick of the light. Yes. Yes that must be it. [Thunder] [Baby crying] [Baby crying] [Baby fussing] Shhhh. It's all right. Everything's all right. [Gasp] Do you think that is funny? I do not believe you are the Taylor children. I do not believe florence raised them to be so unruly. So who are you? What is the matter? Cat got your tongue? All right, I shall go back to bed. So you are still here? Who are you? What is your name? Why are you still here? Would you like me to leave this house and never come back? What is your name? If you tell me your name, then I can help you. Are you threatening me? Tell me! You've spelt death, is that a threat? If you're not going to speak to me, I shall go back to bed. I do not respond to threats. You cannot hurt me. [Doorbell] Hello, can I help you? Good afternoon, I'm looking for Marion Kelly. My name is Marion Kelly. I have a letter for you from your son Richard. Thank you. Good Day Mother, I have arranged a meeting with yourself and a lady by the name of Emma Mcdonald. She used to live in that house and may have some news regarding the missing children. Address below. See her at your earliest convenience. Richard [Doorbell] Hello? Mrs Macdonald? Yes. My name is Marion Kelly. I was told you may have some information... ...for me with regards to the missing Taylor children. Oh, come in. [Clock ticking] Please do not be embarrassed by the silence it's just that. It's just a long while since i was asked to speak on this subject of that... ...that house. I need a little time to collect my thoughts. Right. The first time it happened, I was very young. Mother had left me alone in the nursery... ...while she went into the kitchen to prepare some food. Suddenly I heard this voice calling my name. It came from the darkest part of the room. It was a man. No, not a man it was... ...sort of twisted figure that I just didn't understand. I've never seen a man like that before but... ...then, then he called my name again and as he did so, he held out his hand towards me... ...and unfurled his fingers one by one, there was this cracking sound. Oh I was absolutely terrified. I was so scared, I screamed and ran out of the nursery. I've never set foot in there again. Despite the fact that he kept taunting me, trying to coax me to go back, but no. You know it must be, all of 70 years since this happened. But i still remember it as if it was yesterday and then when I... ...I close my eyes at night. I'm still this terrified child that I was years ago. But, we moved soon after that. Why did you leave? It was because of Arthur, my brother. What happened to him? I think you must know Mrs Kelly. I think that's why you are here... ...because you know what happened to Arthur. This time I was in my room and I heard him calling again and that... ...but no. He wasn't calling me. He was calling Arthur. Oh I hurried to find him, but. I saw him just as he was going into the nursery and... I could have stopped him, I know I could have stopped him. But i wasn't brave enough. I didn't want to go that close. He went in and he never came out again. We've never seen him since. I feel it's all my fault. But i presume... ...because you're here. He has taken some more children. So you must get out... ...of that house just as quickly as you can. I cannot leave, there must be a way to stop this. My dear. Several years ago. A man called to see me on this same quest. He was here. What, seven or eight years ago. To tell me he had lost a child perhaps just a year earlier. Do you remember his name? Perhaps we could compare findings. Yes. His name was Bernard. He said he was employed by the Dartmoor University. Thank you, I shall ask a member of staff to look him up. What is this? He marked me when I was a child. I beg your pardon? I think you heard me all right Mrs Kelly. He has marked you too! You have seen him. You must have seen him! I am unsure as to exactly what i've seen in that house. I have taken up too much of your time already. So you will get out? I did not draw that, I found it at the house. Arthur drew this. You must have seen him. Oh you must get out of that house. Otherwise he will take you. I have taken up enough of your time, I really must get back. You must get out of this house dear. Otherwise he will take you, you must! It could be too late. Thank you. Do you have further information? As a matter of fact I do Mrs Taylor. A lady came forward by the name of Emma Macdonald. She used to live in your house. She told me that her brother Arthur disappeared... ...80 years ago in the same manner that your children vanished. She also had some other interesting information. A man came to visit her seven years ago. Bernard Taylor Works at the university. His child had gone missing the year before. Bernard? My Bernard? Apparently so. Mrs Taylor why did you not tell me that your husband worked at the university? Why should that matter? Bernard died before the children disappeared. She said his child had gone missing? Yes a year prior to meeting her. She must be mistaken. Bernard had no other children. That is what she told me. Seven years ago Bernard and I were married. We had jonathan shortly afterwards. She must be mistaken. Perhaps... I found a drawing at the house. It was in the nursery wall. Picture? Bernard showed me pictures like this. He drew them when he was a child. He was obsessed. The children heard us talking. They found the pictures. I hid them but... They carried on talking about it. I told them their father had a vivid imagination. That he was writing a scary story. But they didn't believe me. They said a scary man would visit them in the nursery. They were terrified. They wouldn't stay in the nursery on their own, not without Charlotte or I there. I'd forgotten about the pictures. How did Bernard die? It was sudden. No one knows for certain, they think his heart just stopped. He wasn't much older than me. He certainly not old enough to die in that way. I'm scared Mrs Kelly You've seen him. I see him every day since the children disappeared. You've seen him? Yes. You're not safe. He's always watching, always listening. You see? Mrs Taylor, I made you a promise. I cannot leave until I have found the children. I am nearly gone, what will it matter soon? I can not leave. What will happen to the children that come next? Or the people after them? Or the people after them? I have to find a way to stop it. I can't decide whether you're very brave or very foolish Mrs Kelly. I have been close to death before, it does not scare me. I need to go. We do not have much time. But i will be back. Goodbye Mrs Taylor. Oh sir, did you enjoy your walk sir? Oh yes thank you Beatrix. It's a lovely day for it sir. Ah certainly, oh thank you. My old mum always used to say... ...If the sun shines get out and make hay sir. - Oh let me take your hat, thank you sir. - Thank you Mum asked to see you sir on your return, she's just in the drawing room. Oh, right you are. Mother? Richard. Beatrix said you are asking after me? Yes i was hoping to ask you a favour if possible? Of course, how can I help? There turns out to be more to this than I first thought. I went to see Emma Macdonald and she told me a man came to see her eight years ago. Looking into the history of the house. That man turned out to be Bernard Taylor. Florence Taylor's husband. Bernard worked at Dartmouth University. I spoke with Florence, she told me that he was obsessed with the entity in the house. That he had lived there since he was a boy. He passed away quite recently, so there may still be some of his research lying around. Please could you see if you could find anything? Well of course uh... I suppose if anyone can find anything it'll be Chester. So i'll ask him to take a look around the university. If anything does pop up, i'll bring it straight to you. Thank you so much, I truly appreciate it. Mother? You will be careful won't you? Of course I will Richard. You do not need to worry about me. [Door knock] Hello Richard. Good evening mother. These are all I could find of Bernard's diaries. That's marvelous, come on through to the parlor. Allow me. Oh thank you Richard. So where do we start? We're looking for anything about this house or the strange man. Strange man? That's right, that's right. Doesn't seem to be anything here. They're just old lecture notes. Is that what you're looking for? I'd say so. Names and Dates? I wonder what these are for? 1864, it is back. The thing I thought i'd left in my childhood has come back. In the worst possible way. It has taken my Alice my daughter. I shut it out of my life and refuse to let the entity take control. The last time I remember thinking of it I must have been seven or eight years old. To be honest I completely forgot it existed when Alice and Joseph mentioned its name. Nursery Man. It all came flooding back, but i had hoped i could save them. The way I saved myself. The dates and names in the back his children? It could be. Listen, mother. I'm feeling really tired, is it all right if I just leave you to it? Yes, yes of course. Goodbye Richard, see yourself out. All right, i'll come back tomorrow. Very well, good night darling. I have noticed a pattern in its behavior. Firstly, it shows it shows itself to you. I think this is to make you believe. Secondly... marks you. My guess is this is to show you belong to it. Lastly... ...the children disappear. It has taken David like all my children before. Please Lord, forgive me for what I have done. My intentions were good. But I cannot fathom its intentions. I have failed again. I said Bessie would be the last child i gave away. But after wedding Martha she bore me two more children. I thought this time I would be ready. But i was weak. It took poor Mabel and David. Perhaps I shall take one more wife... ...and she can bare me another child. And then... ...I would be able to defeat this thing for good. Dear God. [Distant noise] [Floor creak] [Child & deep laugh] Jonathan? [Child's laugh] Amelia? [Child's laugh] [Sinister Voice] Marion? [Laughter] [Blocks falling] [Evil scream] Mrs Taylor? Mrs Kelly you gave me a fright, I expected you to be indoors. I apologise. I just preferred the comfort of my own home. I fully understand, shall we? I asked a friend of mine to see if they could find any of Bernard's... ...old diaries at the university. I thought it wise after I visited Emma Macdonald. I quite understand. I actually found something quite concerning. 1885, it has taken David like all my children before. Please Lord forgive me for what i have done. My intentions were good but i cannot fathom its intentions. I have failed again. I said Bessie would be the last child I gave away. But after wedding Martha, she bore me two more children. I thought this time i would be ready. But I was weak and it took poor mabel and David. Perhaps I will take one more wife, she can bear me another child. Then I will be able to defeat this thing for good. Looks like Bernard has had several children before he met you. He was trying to find a way to defeat this. But he just gave it what it wanted. I can not believe this, his own flesh and blood. He obviously died before he had the chance to add Jonathan, Amelia and Harriet's names. I can not bear to hear any more of this. That is not the Bernard I knew. I have no interest in hearing anymore of that side of him. I am not fit for this anymore, please I.. Can I get you any water? I'm all right. I'm quite all right thank you Mrs... FLORENCE! SOMEONE HELP ME! What happened to her? In all the years i've been working in this hospital i've never seen anything like it. Quite unnerving. We were just talking together her and I... ...and then. She had this attack. She just started screaming. It went on and on and then... ...and then snap. She closed her mouth and just stopped. Stared into oblivion. Will she be alright doctor? It's too early to say, we'll just have to wait and see. Could you keep your eye on her please. [Doorbell] Hello Richard, you'd better come inside. Florence Taylor. We were just talking and she had some kind of attack. She just started screaming. They've taken her to the hospital. Mother I truly am sorry to hear that. She said that she didn't have long. She knew, she knew that something was going to happen. Mother I... ...I think it's time to put this one to bed. It's time to go home. I cannot Richard, I have to help Florence find some answers. I am the biggest skeptic there is. But there is... ...there's something wrong with this house and it's getting worse. - I cannot just abandon my work Richard. - And I cannot lose my mother. I cannot lose you! Not after losing father and Minnie. It is touching that you feel that way. But nothing bad is going to happen to me. Richard please. Let's go. I can not. - Can not or will not? - Both. Mother, I think your judgment is being... ...clouded by the loss of father and Minnie. For Gods sake Richard. I'm trying to make you see. I'll admit to there being a conflict of interest because of what happened. But i am not a fool. It has been three years. Three years and i have not seen nor heard anything. They were lucky, they got to move on. So if this helps me Richard. If this helps me cope... ...then damn you for trying to take it off me. We... We, have to cope with them being gone. [Distant rumble] [Baby crying] Mother! What is it Richard? You need to come up here. What is it? You stay there. [Baby crying] Richard, did you move a coin? Richard! RICHARD! Richard? What is... What is happening? Richard? Richard? [Door creaking] [Wheels creaking] [Demonic cry] - Richard? - Ahhhh! Richard, what's happening? Richard? Richard? Richard? Richard? [Strong Wind] - [Ghostly Voice] Mrs Kelly? - Florence? FLORENCE! Ruth could you just check on Mrs Brooks and make sure that the leeches are... ...sticking properly and make sure she's comfortable, thanks. Dr Everson has brought it to my attention Sarah Clay... suffering from hysteria and will need invasive treatment as a matter of urgency. Go and get some help, now! Nnow there's been an incident with Mrs Taylor. Please ensure that nobody else comes into the garden. Absolutely doctor. - What has happened to Mrs Taylor? - Not now Mrs Kelly, not Now! - No you need to come with me. - I need to see Mrs Taylor. DOCTOR! [Whistle] Back to your stations. NOW! What do you want? [Distant crying] I am not afraid of you. I am not a child and I will not hide from you. Whatever you want from him you can take from me. Do you hear me? Whatever you want from him you can take from me! GET OUT! Richard? Richard is that you? Break the mirrors. Break the mirrors. Richard, where did you go? So cold. What happened? Did you see the children? Richard, are the children still alive? We need to get out of this house. We need to get out of here. We need to get out of this house. In recent history, hauntings have been discovered to begin with dabblings in... ...satanic rituals. Symbols to look for. If a haunting seems to be contained primarily to a room in a house or location. A first point of action should be to look for one of the above symbols. This could lead you to the root of the haunting... ...sacrifices, blood lettings, bone remains. Very important if remains are found. The bones should be removed from the location and reburied... consecrated grounds to let the spirit free. Richard? Mother? Richard, I know what I need to do. I have to go back to the house. Mother it's late. Richard, I will be back soon do not worry. [Bell rings] Hello? Is there someone there? [Distant bell] [Distant bell] [Distant bell] [Distant bell] Mother? Richard, you gave me such a fright. What are you doing? I had to come back. I had to make sure it was all over. You should not be here. Go home Richard, go home. Turn the boards over. Is that? Let's see what it's protecting. This needs to be buried in consecrated grounds. Go to my coat, there's some holy water in a vial in the pocket. Mother, what are you doing? Richard? Richard that was not me. Mother! Richard open this door! It's not opening. Richard? MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER! Get away from her! GET AWAY! MOTHER! [Demonic scream] Mother! Mother where are you going? Mother where are you going? MOTHER! Mother? No, No, No. Oh no! No! MOTHER! Don't leave me. You're all I have left.
Channel: Stash - Thrills and Chills
Views: 266,334
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Keywords: Darkwood, supernatural, horror, Anthony M. Winson, Sarah Wynne Kordas, classic British horror, gothic, England, paranormal, seance, Tubi, Tubi Movies, Free Tubi Movies, Top Movies, Top Free Movies, Top Movies 2024, Movies Free, Full Movies, Free Full Movies, Free Movies, Movie Free, YouTube Movies, Watch Movies, Movies to Watch, HD Movies, 4K Movies, Top Horror Movie, Top Horror Movies, Horror Movie 2024, Horror Movies 2024, Free Horror Movie, Free Horror Movies
Id: Zh0Kw2u9Yd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 25sec (5785 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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