Among Us (1080p) FULL MOVIE - Horror, Suspense, Paranormal

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foreign [Music] [Music] we have to go now [Music] listen look at me laughs I'm gonna lose you too okay foreign [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign ah can I help you are you Mallory yeah we're the Coopers you rent from us sorry hi hi I'm Sam this is Beth hi and this is our famous Cooper Welcome basket wow thank you we just wanted to stop by and make sure everything's okay yeah no everything is great I love the the furniture and the decorations thank you I did it myself I can tell here's our address and our number we're just up the road so if you need anything just give a holler okay well I should yeah you're totally gonna catch a cold please Nathan let's go buddy sorry he's a Roamer he does this all the time it's more annoying than anything Nathan I need them don't worry he's shy around girls yeah Danny was too was he um he passed away about a year ago oh I'm so sorry okay I'm fine now well we should probably get going yeah yeah if you need any other supplies you know TP or batteries they're they're in the other cabin there's lots of random stuff in there got it bye bye you need a glass of water are you gonna ring me a fresh glass from your shirt sure foreign I see trees I see the lake see leaves I'd say I'm outside Frank this is not outside it was the Coopers they were just coming to check on us huh this is their place we rent from them they're kicking us out already no two days someplace would have been a new record we're not moving again I have a good feeling let me in [Music] [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign again we just got here I mean right now what is wrong with you today you got my permission if you want to leave and never come back find a new life and demand Gracie am I yes if you were in that chair and how are you I couldn't do it I'd leave it hurts hurts it hurts to look at you so you're just you're just giving up on us you've got a lot of balls Frank you're just gonna lie in here and make decisions about my future without asking me I can't take it back but I can make it right because you feel guilty not because you want to yeah I'm doing what's right because I love you foreign keep telling yourself that maybe one day you'll believe it another month here another month there you can't let these Deadbeats remember day or less you don't know them I'm sorry Lucy I'm I'm gonna have to let you uh it's not you it's me break is that you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign thirsty [Music] [Music] prank dance with me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] excuse me hi sorry we hate to bug you but we were wondering if maybe you've seen Nathan no I haven't I'm sorry sometimes he plays by the water when no one's around but you guys are here so it was a long shot have you checked the small cabin yeah he's there well we're just gonna check around and then get out of your hair great it's your place thanks [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] they're looking a little bit pale so so we're gonna go for a walk I'm not go back now no we can't go back now [Music] [Music] how far are we going until my arms get tired besides I thought you liked the view I did from the cabin yeah I think it's time to go back now oh my God the Cooper boy sweetheart he's not breathing come on Nathan wake up come on oh God come on come on baby come on come on well come on it's too late hahaha we have to pack then do what how many times do we keep doing this Frank so long as we have to we need to tell someone no once was enough no more cops I'll say that I found him by myself that you weren't with me they'll look into what happened with us with Danny how is it you're full afraid I don't care about the truth they just want someone to blame if somebody finds this kid you know they're gonna pin it on me No One's Gonna find him now what are you doing guess how many places we've been to Frank five this is five I'm not gonna let it become ten Twenty One Hundred it's done we're not moving again at least one person in life anymore okay nobody knows about this until we figure it out all right how I will think of something let's go stop we don't even know what we're dealing with help me Frank help me find out what this is the answer's right there we don't even know the question foreign foreign foreign McDowell yeah officer Blodgett hi I wish I was here under better circumstances I'm actually looking for a missing boy his name is Nathan have you seen him he's the Cooper's boy he read from them oh right yeah um yeah he he was here a few days ago um but he was with them but not since then truth be told they need to keep a shorter leash on this kid anyway I'm sure he'll turn up and if you do see Nathan please uh give me a call okay thank you what do you want from me haven't you done enough you took my husband you took my son you took my entire life off leave us alone I am making it work here and there's nothing that you can do about that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] put it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] well [ __ ] are you okay [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] what I should be in that chair not you foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] Drive foreign [Music] nope it's a surprise we're almost there [Music] foreign why she's my favorite okay he was asking about you okay I just thought you should I'm gonna have the veggie omelette foreign Eleanor I'll come back when you're away no no can I get some more water you're on that ghost hunting show is that a fact or a question were you on that ghost hunting show sorry wrong girl I've seen the show I know you're hurt are you gonna order something or what no actually we're here because we have a few questions your surprise she was on a show it was called haunt me no more have you seen it yeah a few Clips last night Jesus she's Frank those shows aren't real how do you know I just do everyone knows he wanted my help I know but Frank she's an actor give her a chance okay you ready we're here because we have a problem I hate to break it to you but we all have problems you're an expert in the Paranormal do I have your attention now we have the case of a lifetime footsteps I mean there's no one there lights flickering on and off by themselves things moving on their own a door slammed into her we deal with it every day no matter where we go no matter what we do no matter what house we live in it follows us freeway if you still had your show we'd be on it I was on that show okay but reality TV game real it's all editing sound effects see she's a fake I didn't say I was fake said the show was free will you help us we'll pay you well you're here to make fun of me you are wasting your time or not we lost our son from whatever's happening oh the sympathy play too that's good but that cherry for shows well it's pretty pathetic look we're telling the truth okay so if you are who he says you are and you can do what he says you can do then maybe you can really help us you folks seem nice okay I'd love to help but actually I don't believe in that stuff anymore nice yeah yeah I mean I don't want to believe it anymore either right I don't want to believe that my son is gone I don't want to believe that something evil took over his soul and left nothing that an empty shell all of these things happening to us over and over following us from home to home it all started just before my son died I will never forget how black his eyes were so Eleanor if that's your name it's real because I saw it in my own son and hey it's okay if you don't want to believe it because I don't want to believe it either and I swore I was never going back okay if I decide to help you how do I know that you're telling me the truth hi come on in sure we're kidding about that drive thanks for coming don't say anything I need to do readings without any influence hello 1970. it shows what you know digital stuff good and cheap you lose a lot things are either yes you got it or no you didn't this stuff lets me catch the Maybe you sound like a vinyl record freak are you sure you can help us well like that show I don't make promises and I need to see what we're dealing with first just don't waste our time Eleanor that's all that I ask there was something here won't be here for long anything happen today no what was it footsteps out back is there something you're not telling me um so how long have you been doing this oh I've been eating my whole life you know what I mean ghost hunting you know paranormal investigation privately quite a while and professionally I left near the end of season one because they were more interested in ratings and not truth I thought we were gonna do some good you know did you ever really get to help anybody rarely The Producers exploited me and made money doing it I could care less if I was real or not if I could really help didn't matter us different I come I can see things that are hidden objects events people sometimes I hear words loud and clear tipping me off something's happening a few years ago my mother was on a cruise and I woke up in the middle of the night hearing her voice say the word fled and I called her to make sure she was okay you know because she was on a ship in the middle of the ocean and everything was fine but then a few days later I went to her house to feed her cats and a water pipe at burst there's no explanation to how or why that's a taste of what I can do [Music] you hear that so what does your story have to do with us keep hearing one word one word over and over ever since I met you what word how long has he been like that since the car accident about a year ago no I meant I sense like a different energy with him different from you or me good or bad it's never that simple has he changed since then wouldn't yeah sorry do you feel guilty what that you're alive and your son's dead you can walk in front count well yeah when you put it that way yeah I guess I do I feel pretty shitty and barely holding on to anything that's normal should be me but I'm gonna help you know you're the first house guest we've had since this all started well I'm honored The Guild will always be there you know never goes away you've just learned to live with it I've never told anyone this but there was one episode that was never allowed to air that was the reason I left foreign what's inside here I don't know we haven't looked yet what the hell Mallory sorry it happened again at the storage cabin are you okay oh yeah grammar school stuff right let the show begin our cameras are in for red I had to wait till dark to test them Hit The Lights see what's been following us that's the plan so right now bedtime foreign so it's usually run-of-the-mill stuff weird noises flickering lights moving furniture creepy but not dangerous right I mean Define dangerous well except for the activity following you when you move from house to house I don't think I've ever seen that before I'd say all that takes us out of one of the mill status yeah maybe how bad does it have to be you don't want to know okay it just happened so fast here he started bleeding out of his eyes and then none of his nose and I called for an ambulance but they took forever and then he stopped breathing he just collapsed fell over he made noises I have never heard come from a person before and then he died they blamed Frank and they said that he shook him too hard and that dany's little heart gave out but Frank would never ever you said before that Danny's eyes went black when was that when he stood back up and attacked me [Music] foreign [Music] hahaha let's close your mouth sure sorry okay foreign [Music] oh my God foreign last night was bad you have no idea what's coming and I am not going to stick around and wait for it I like Hillary doesn't know she went into his room to check on him and he attacked her she ran out of the room for my help and I looked her out and I strangled until it's not breathing I did it so that whatever was turning his eyes black never do it again these things need something to help them manipulate our world sometimes it's heat so you can sit in pockets of cold and sometimes it's electricity so you get manifestations of thunder and lightning and strong ones the coward what happened to me last night was because of you both fear it feels guilty did you find Mallory up so tight she's about to pop powerful stuff from the both of you record the video I need you to stay for Mallory hey where are you going there's something out there do you ever come out here no I mean sometimes I guess which way do you usually go that way [ __ ] off something wrong no there's some high level activity here I'm with Mallory McDowell at the clearing about a mile away from the main cabin down the left side of the fork say something um hello is there something you're not telling me no I think you forget who you're talking to someone was here there was a little boy here the other day I didn't know what to do I tried to save him but he was already dead and we couldn't tell anybody I have to protect Frank you find yourself somebody else to help you do you feel that we have to go we have to go laughs [Music] this way oh my God I'm so so sorry I don't know what to do anymore I don't I can't figure it out I've tried everything I need your help please please what was that I don't know usually they're just uh residual haunts like a strong memory played back over and over it's usually totally harmless stuff yeah I take one of those any day of the week I mean in my experience they just need closure or like an extra push to move on to where to wear I've never had anything physically manifest or harm people okay all right so maybe we can just push them on ourselves right okay we could just send them away you don't know so now what we need to go find my recorder and then we need to look for that boy I was afraid you were gonna say that look I really think that we need to just take a minute to dry off here okay what about it running towards the lake triggering sword water you mean like one of your feelings the lake disrupted whatever was following as if I could figure it out I'm with now I'm Adele at the clearing about a mile away from the main cabin down the left side of the fork say something um hello Mallory is that your son's yeah do you have any of those other things here no just this okay hold it up his Spirit might be attracted to the thing you say briefly no that's not necessarily a good thing it's possible Cadet needs help moving on and his spirit is reaching out but I mean Danny would never hurt us no no it's not intentional he's he's lost he's confused sometimes they lash out just like people I mean he did have some Tantrums exactly so we're gonna have a small ceremony to help your son cross over we're going to burn this in a cleansing fire and then we scatter the lashes once there's a connection to the other world it's easier to open that door again and other things can come through too what do you mean other things burning it Mallory is the only way to help him through and close that door sorry I'm sorry we need to do this no I'm sorry to me you don't understand what I've been through okay what about the missing boy huh did you come into contact with him before he died um yeah I mean he he was here a few days ago why didn't you tell me that this is his parents house we rent from them well I didn't know that do you have anything of his hair did it maybe he he left something behind I I don't know I don't think so but we need to get in touch with his parents right now I have their phone number foreign hello hello Mr Cooper Mrs Cooper [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] Mr Cooper Mrs Cooper foreign foreign [Music] was that the missing boy okay it's okay um hello and this is the footage that I captured last night not hard to make up but there's something great so here and then there's this [Music] what is something big I reviewed my entries noting the times of all the incidents I got here the intervals are getting shorter it's getting closer and now with the Coopers whatever it is it's spreading out at this point I think we only have a question of hours before one I'd rather not find out [Music] Guardians I call upon you now we ask that you keep watch over us tonight let all who enter under your guidance do so in perfect love and perfect Trust Danny McDowell we seek you your mother and father are here for you [Music] please honor us with your presence foreign he's here where no not physically but he's around can you hear me say something to him sweetheart it's Mommy I love you so much and I think about you every day every minute every second he hears you he's happy I can feel his love for you you both hey buddy I say yeah I don't know what to say just talk to me I hope you're in a better place now more fear and pain and all you remember are the happy times that's all I try to remember I miss you Danny sorry Danny McDowell we release you from the bonds that keep you from the light go with love Danny it's okay it's okay go [Music] sweetheart don't be afraid no he's not afraid for himself he's afraid for you he's gone he's gone [Music] foreign thank you for what I've pretty much given up as much as I didn't want to and helping you has made me realize that I'm ready to jump back in and help others people need me I can't hide from there thank you thank you you got room for one more I think we're gonna need a bigger bed thank you [Music] foreign sending Jenny away was a mistake he was pretty protect it is dangerous to stay I'm done This Ends Tonight I know it's a lot to ask and I understand if you want to go I'm a safety for any of us YouTube YouTube tell us what to do if it's still here because it must be on one of you some one of us it likes one of you if you was gonna figure out which one [Music] [Music] I summoned forth the Inner Light to rid myself the soul of Fate I summoned forth the Inner Light to rid myself the soul of fate say it with I summoned forth the Inner Light to rid myself the soul of fight I summoned forth the Inner Light to rid night [Music] thank you to see results [Music] ah a help me please help me please help me please help me oh my God are you okay laughs we called him it's quick Frank okay foreign oh my God are you okay are you okay Frank Frank right laughs foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God [Music] oh three three I need you to do something what ah get rid of it oh we have it how no we need to get you to the water okay because whatever it is it doesn't like the water I don't know why hold on all right no no no no no no no wait wait I need you to hold the [ __ ] on foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] don't worry sweetheart they're not gonna feel a thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] you can go no no come on yeah right no no no no no no wait please please yes [Applause] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Gravitas ADRENALINE | Free Movies
Views: 37,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Among Us, among us movie, among us film, among us game, among us full movie, among us reaction, among us free movie, among us 1080p, among us full hd movie, among us 1080p hd movie, among us horror, among us horror movie, among us thriller, among us thriller movie, among us 2017, horror movie, full hd horror movie, full hd thriller movie, Drama Horror movie, Drama, Horror, Thriller, Suspense, Grief, Paranormal, Spirit, Ghost, Ghosts, Gravitas, Gravitas ADRENALINE, ADRENALINE
Id: XzJp98u2qNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 1sec (5401 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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