Glory of Neverwinter 30k Character Boost - Is it worth it?

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well hello recently mod 21 was released and with it came a new package in the zen store alongside a bunch of other things but the main focus today is going to be on the new package that was released in the zen store the 30k level 20 character boost and the purpose of today's video is to discuss what all exactly you get in that because it's not appropriately described and then also to discuss whether or not i think it's a good value i did purchase this for my first bard that i'm gonna have on the live server i used the 50 off coupon with it and it was a great decision but we'll talk more about that at the end i will be doing a second bard and i'll be doing that one more naturally but i wanted to have this one reach and game as fast as possible so that i could start showing some healer gameplay and dungeon runs and stuff on this channel which i do have and i do plan to post in the coming days but my bard right now on the live server is 48k so not as high as i can go a lot of my enchantments are rank 9 but i'm good enough to do pretty much anything which is what i wanted now let's discuss what all comes in the character boost package actually before we do that something that's important to note is that whenever you go to the pack in the zen store you can purchase it on any character on your account and transfer it to the character you want to use it on but you don't want to open it unless it's on the character that you want the level boost to be applied to i don't know if it will stop you from using it if you're already max level and you try to open it but just to be safe don't open this until it's on the character you want the boost to be on but the main thing i wanted to point out is that at the bottom here it says that it is tradable with players that is not the case uh if you hover over this here it says binds on pickup to account which is how it actually is so it will bind to accounts whenever you get it and then you can put it in your account bank and transfer it to your new bard or your new character that you want to level boost only thing is if you put it in the shared bank you'll have to complete the tutorial in order to access the bank to take the item out same thing with the mailbox luckily the tutorial is very easy and you can ignore the majority of it and still and get through very quickly back on track what all comes in this package because it's not really described very well the beginning is okay it will immediately make you level 20. that's correct and it'll give you a 42 slot bag an improved bag of holding beautiful love that extra inventory space you'll also get a greater stone of health those are now the mythic ones they still have 150 charges just like before they're just mythic quality because there was a legendary version added to the zen store that has 100 charges so it is a mythic one and then you'll get a bunch of mounts you will get a legendary tensors floating disc mount is the new design the one that has like the red fiery things that go around it's not the old one so you'll get that at the legendary mount you will get a painted albert mount choice pack it has the five different albert mounts in it at epic quality and you can pick which one you want everything in the pack is also bound to either account or character whenever you open the glory of neverwinter pack also so you're not able to sell any of this stuff other mounts you get are the blue glazed giant beetle mount which i've never seen before it's really cool looking but it is only uncommon quality so it's just for appearances basically sorry somebody in game just messaged me happy birthday i don't know why because my birthday was like six months ago but you know whatever another mount you get a stick pony mount choice pack also uncommon made mostly for vanity for looks you can pick any of the three stick ponies that exist you get a shadow wolf mount that uncommon quality as well and then you will get two rare mount collar choice packs so you get to pick two blue collars whichever ones you want and then you will get six epic insignia choice packs and nine rare insignia choice packs for a total of 15 insignias uh only thing is with the insignia packs is not every single insignia is in those there's a variety each time like one barbed insignia one enlightened one illuminated like one of each category but they're different in they come in sets of two uh the best way i can describe it is you get two epic insignia packs with this these certain insignia options two with different options and then two others with even more options so not all of them are available they're just really basic ones but it will help you if you're starting out same thing with the rare insignia packs too it's not all of them in each of the package it's just a few specific ones that you can choose from that is all the mount related stuff so now we can move on to companions because that's also pretty important so as far as companions go you will get a legendary warbor companion so you have one legendary companion in there and then you will get an epic myconid companion and a rare dread warrior companion a kenku archer companion and green slime companion and both of those are uncommon so you get a total of five companions at different rarities and then also 1200 item level companion equipment three pieces of that a neck a ring and a talisman not that it really matters what type of equipment those are um the stats on them are okay there's only one runestone slot in each of these so the the talisman has crit and accuracy with an offense slot the ring has accuracy and deflection with the defense slot and then the necklace has crit and awareness with an offense slot but 1200 item level is pretty decent for companion gear you will also get 12 rank 9 enchantment or runestone choice pack so you can pick runestones to put in there or just enchantments to put on your gear which brings me to the next category the gear that you get with this i've actually had a lot of people asking me what gear you get in there and what weapons and stuff so most importantly and i think one of the best things is you get the watcher weapon set already at legendary so you don't have to refine it or anything personally i really like the set bonus for the watcher set and i wish it could be i wish that set bonus could be on weapons that have higher item level just because i like the bonus a lot but i did end up going to avernus and replacing them with the legion guard just for the increased item level so you do get that legendary weapon set and then you get a new gear set called the glory of neverwinter gear set it's not any gear that exists in the game somewhere else just put into a package it is a new gear set and it looks pretty cool i hope i have a picture of it all equipped on me if not i will make one so you get of course the head armor arms feet two rings shirt and pants in that glory of neverwinter category they are all 12 25 item level and then as far as the artifact set goes you'll actually be getting an epic zarya artifact set so you'll get an epic quality artifact sort of zarya and then you'll also get epic quality uh chains of glory and belt of victory to use as your artifact set until you replace it with something else and you will also get a uh it's called a seasoned adventurers artifact pack and in that pack in that pack is a choice between legendary quality quagmire artifacts so you can pick either legendary lantern legendary waters or a legendary catalog you only get one of those i of course picked the lantern because it's the best one of the three and since the item level of the quagmire artifacts was increased when mod 21 you might not know that but it was brought on par with all of the other more recent artifacts so mythic so a mythic version of any of the qragmire artifacts is now going to be 450 item level and it has increased stats as well oh i mentioned that you get two rings in the glory of neverwinter gear set one of them has two offensive enchantment slots and one of them has two defensive enchantment slots i guess that's kind of just to just so that it's a general gear set that will work for everyone and not seemingly catered towards one role or anything like that let's see is there anything else i haven't discussed uh we talked about all that stuff so that is everything that you're gonna get with the glory of neverwinter pack obviously you'll of course be raised to level 20 and once you equip everything that is given to you you'll be at 30k item level which is as the pack advertises so now that we've discussed everything that you get in it we should talk about the value i have not added up the value of all the individual items that would be a lot of effort but it is in the zen store for five thousand zen which i believe is the same price that the um nox's recruitment token thing used to be that's what this replaced uh you would get a level 70 character before and i used the 50 off coupon that everyone got for free by the way if you have not claimed that check the reward claims agent there is a 50 off any item coupon in there that you can use on anything in the zen store and then also if you are using existing characters there is a adventurer's gear cash thing to claim in there also that stuff's not going to be particularly useful to most existing characters unless you were level boosted with mod 21 from wherever you were in your leveling process to level 20. so honestly at the 50 off price that i got this for it is an amazing deal it saved me about 10 hours roughly of leveling the character which is perfect exactly what i needed i needed it to be maxed quick so that i could it's basically a youtube character like this is what i'm going to be playing for the next a while one of it's going to be a main on par with cleric level playtime but that's exactly what i needed i only thing is i would not recommend this pack if you are new to the game or new to bard and you're going to use it on a bard because the leveling process although it is a lot shorter it does still introduce you to the core mechanics of the game and your character your class and it gets you used to playing that class which is something that's really important because if you're brand new to the game or brand new to the class and know nothing about it and then you're just like bam all of a sudden you're max level and you can start joining queues and stuff people in your q groups are going to be really frustrated with you when you don't don't know how to play your class or you don't know anything about the content that you're running that one not so much because that can be taught but having practiced with the class that you're playing before you start joining group content is very important but if you're like me for example i already know a whole lot about the bard because i've played it for a long time before it was released so i don't need to go through that process because i've already had that experience under my belt i will eventually go through and do all the adventures because this pack does not auto complete the leveling adventures for you i should have mentioned that earlier so you will have to go back and do those leveling adventures if you do want to claim those free items like the other bag and the epic mount epic companion and stuff you will have to do those adventures to get those items and i like i said i will be having a second bard at some point whenever i get some time uh i'm crazy time crunching for the next like month so i'm gonna try to have all my videos out on time i have like four videos that i want to do for tomorrow i would like to do for tomorrow obviously i'm not gonna do them all for tomorrow i have to prioritize and this one seems pretty important but overall i honestly i think this pack is a pretty good deal uh it's not often that i can say that packs like this are good deals usually like expedition packs and stuff i always say it's not really worth it i don't really like it i don't really think it's worth the value for me but in this case i genuinely think it's a good deal especially if you've played the bard on preview or whatever and already or played any class really i'm always assuming that people are going to use this on bards because that's the new class but really you can use it for any class but if you know or you have a general idea of how you want to play your character and how it is played then yeah absolutely this is fine to do like i said the only time i really wouldn't recommend it is if you're completely new to the class or the game because there's a bunch of stuff you have to learn before you can be competent with endgame stuff actually i think that's all i wanted to talk about today mainly i just wanted to give an overview of everything that was in here because it's not properly described like i feel like it should be in this tool tip how lock boxes list everything you can get i think this should also list everything that you can get specifically because people are confused and want to know understandably that way you can all make informed purchase decisions so yeah thank you for watching or listening or whatever hopefully you enjoyed whatever bard gameplay i decided to put in the background probably a dungeon run of some sort i hope you all are enjoying the bard and mod 21 so far there's a few hiccups and bugs and stuff that need to be fixed but that always happens with launches and overall i would consider this to be a pretty smooth launch for a mod hope you all have a fantastic day night evening or morning or whatever time of the day you are in live i'm gonna leave now okay bye [Music] you
Channel: Silv3ry
Views: 4,593
Rating: 4.709497 out of 5
Keywords: neverwinter, neverwinter gameplay, neverwinter online, neverwinter pc, neverwinter build, neverwinter classes, neverwinter pc gameplay, neverwinter mod 20, neverwinter mod 21, neverwinter bard, neverwinter 2021, glory of neverwinter, 30k character boost, neverwinter level boost
Id: BC7TEZQqc3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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